We aren't with the Ethereals we swear! (X-com)

[x] It may be a good idea to try and make contact with the natives.

Is that a typo, or can we contact (again) the natives for some reason? Anyway, I vote for:

[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.

[x] Your forces are going to need some extra fire power if they're going to be able to do anything if they want to work on land, better see if you can get a combat drone designed to fill the need.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
Over a hundred including the +20 you got from shooting down the UFO earlier.
Huh, for some reason all I can hear when I read that, is "It's Over 9000!" Wonder why?
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[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.

More resources is always good.
Zana. Did you know that the word "manzana" means apple in Spanish? It has the word "man", and your name in it. You are the apple of my eye...my monkey apple.

[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
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Wow, that went great! :D

[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.

More economy for more gear and more troops.
[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.
[x] Your forces are going to need some extra fire power if they're going to be able to do anything if they want to work on land, better see if you can get a combat drone designed to fill the need.
[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.
[x] Your forces are going to need some extra fire power if they're going to be able to do anything if they want to work on land, better see if you can get a combat drone designed to fill the need.
[x] You'll probably want to capture some of the Ethereal forces alive at some point you'd better get to work in it.
[x] Your forces are going to need some extra fire power if they're going to be able to do anything if they want to work on land, better see if you can get a combat drone designed to fill the need.

I have a feeling the Ethereals are going to start fielding something a little stronger than Sectoids soon so we need to be prepared. Also, despite being a huge naysayer against contacting the humans, that huge success made me happy to lose the vote.
[x] Your forces are going to need some extra fire power if they're going to be able to do anything if they want to work on land, better see if you can get a combat drone designed to fill the need.
[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
The way I see it, we need three things right now:

1) More and better troops
2) Stable economy - but we already have this
3) Trade with the humans that can later on be expanded on to military assistance and/or alliance

The reason we want to trade with the humans is because we then become a valuable trade partner. Even if the volume is small, well, if your back is to the wall and along comes someone and helps you a little - most people remember that. Even if the assistance is not much.

Normally this strategy would involve kicking up a Zorbite factory 'right here right now', but as we have a big pile I would vote to set up said factory next turn, and this turn do:

Plan Diplomacy:
[x] Send the humans some Meld, they might be able to find some use for it.
[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.

For diplomatic reasons - let's not go kill natives en masse for more DNA? If it really proves useful for something, hey, maybe they would be willing to trade more extensive samples of humans for either zorbite or meld.

Next turn, see if those 'X-Com' or 'funding nations' are interested in any trade. If yes, factory and drones, if not, drones and interventions.

As I see it, as long as we do not have either drones nor trade, and we have plenty of resources, extra factories are a waste of time as long as they are not used for anything.

Yes, the whole 'human DNA experimentation' is potentially risky for diplomatic reasons, the 'safe' version of this vote would be to swap it out with making drones. On the other hand, being able to tell the humans that the Ethereals is after them because of 'such and such' is potentially rather big. 'Drones' this turn is safe, 'Human DNA' is interesting.
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[X] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[X] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
Changing vote

[x] Send the humans some Meld, they might be able to find some use for it.
[x] You actually do have some samples of native DNA, you might as well see if it explains why the Ethereals are messing with a relatively primitive species like this.

Makes sense.
[x] Send the humans some Meld, they might be able to find some use for it.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Zorbit fabricator, you have plentybut building a bigger buffer is always helpful.
[x] Create a second Meld Growth Chamber, you have plenty but building a biggerbuffer is always helpful.
[x] Your forces are going to need some extra fire power if they're going to be able to do anything if they want to work on land, better see if you can get a combat drone designed to fill the need.
[X]Send the humans some meld

If we send meld are we also sending a basic dossier of what you can do with it?
Would be silly not to include a brochure at least. "Quality x nanomachines, rated for genetic and cybernetic modification of all known physical species. Uses 'Cthulhu fhtaghn' standard command interface. Careful handling recommended."
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