Water slide
"Hey Ranma."
He looked a little disturbed.
"Hey Ru, sorry I'm kind of going through a rough time."
I smiled.
"How rough?"
"Nab's is dead...car accident. Her funeral's going to happen in a couple days."
My eyes opened in shock and I barely took in the rest, Kasumi...the girl I talked to, she was in the car. Was this my fault? I trudged in the direction of her home, I knocked, she had a baby in her arms, she stared at me.
"I'm Ranma's friend."
"The wizard, right please sit down, I will fix a cup of tea for you. It's the least I can do for the man who saved Akane."
I sat down in the offered chair.
"I...um...I'm sorry for your loss, Nabiki and I were not friends."
"Yet you saved her anyways. I was her sister, I was all too aware of her faults, but in her own words... it had to be this way."
I blinked... I gathered the meaning.
"It wasn't an accident?"
Kasumi frowned, handing me a cup.
"Your sensei once told you something, didn't he? Don't ask how the sausage is made just enjoy the sausage."
My eyes opened in shock.
"But Sensei, I'm so sorry, I didn't think he would do that go that."
"He didn't Hikaru-san, I did."
She looked tired, and I just sat there in silence.
"She was your sister."
"And thus my responsibility. Never forget one thing Hikaru-san, I will do anything for my family."
I shivered and stared into my cup.
Kasumi sipped her tea.
"I got a knock on the door."
"You killed your sister because you got a knock on the door?"
My heart pounded with fear, Kasumi placed the cup on the table.
"You're new at this, the paranomal community, I mean. Your Sensei is a good man, he tries to shield you from the truths of this world, but that has left you ignorant, this mistake will be corrected now, and drink your tea before it gets cold."
I tapped the tea glass, my heart broke as I analyzed the tea for poison. It was clean of any chemicals and curses so I took a small sip.
"This is the truth for all of us, the knock in the middle of the night. Every now and then, but not very often, there would be a knock on the door and some government official would talk to father. Like your Sensei, he too tried to shield us from the hidden world, but I was a clever, and perhaps not the best behaved little girl so I listened in."
She sipped her tea.
"You see every now and then... well the government will come to someone like us and say we need a favor, and it's not a request. If you don't do it, well there are concequences, if you do then things might get a little easier for you. Some paperwork goes through faster, maybe some money goes in your direction, maybe your children get that tutor they need, or some medical advance or doctor gets to you."
She paused.
"They have lots of carrots, lots of sticks, Japan has had a very long time to study us, to know how we tick, so they come to you with a offer you can't refuse. In father's case he would have to vanish for awhile and someone would look after us for a couple days, and dad would return just a little more ragged."
We sipped our tea, and she looked sad.
"Mother had a heart condition, had it for awhile, and she just wanted dad to stay home. Told him to say no, so when a knock on the door came he said no, and then her medicine just became unavailable and she got sicker and sicker until she died."
"Never mentioned it? Eavesdropping was always one of my worst vices. So anyway, one day I get a knock on the door. I had just had my son and a nice woman in a suit tells me what Nabiki was up to. You see, they're willing to let a corrupt politition go down in flames, willing to let scandals take down ruling coalitions. Politicians can be replaced, new coalitions created, it's all a part of the game."
She stared at her cup.
"MacGuffin... he's quite an impressive man, he became quite the asset. He understood the game and wanted to protect you. He's nice, if a little strange, always willing to lend a hand. He's useful, and when he created that oil field, well he became a vital resource."
She sounded bitter.
"That oil field....for a small crowded country with few natural resources it was a godsend. We're in for some very rough times, it was our piggy bank, something to take care of us in our old age, in our decline....when Nabiki broke that bit of news, she crossed the line. She endangered the nation as a whole."
She closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of her tea.
"I'm not an ambitious woman, all I wanted was a good man, a small home, and a child of my own. I'm content, this is everything I have ever wanted. So this small woman in a business suit gives me a choice. Take care of Nabiki or someone else gets a knock on the door in the middle of the night."
I saw the tea cup form slight cracks in her hands.
"Like I said Hikaru-san, I'm willing to do anything for my family, I take no pride in what I did. If it will keep my baby boy safe, keep my husband safe, my family safe, then there is no sin I will not committ."
She put down the cup.
"Mind fixing that for me?"
I slowly fixed her tea cup as she watched.
"What happens next time?"
I asked.
"Then I will do another favor."
She took back her tea cup and took another sip.
"One day you too will have a knock on the door Hikaru, this is just a fact of our shadow world."
I drained my cup.
"Thank you for the tea, and I'm... sorry about your loss."
She smiled weakly.
"Thank you for your kindness, Hikaru-san."
I walked out of the door and back into the cold and the arriving darkness.