Ryoga Hibiki
You know how in comic books, and movies, and all this stuff the heroes win and there's a happy ending.
Life isn't like that, now I'm not saying I hate my current life, far from it but life is a mixed bag with good things, bad things and boring moments in between. Right, so you wanted to know how it went, didn't you?
The phoenix king kidnapped Akane to make her his bride, why did he do this? He was young, impulsive and had been given everything he could ever want. He was a spoiled brat with the power of a god. Maybe that's why there was a token effort to stop us. Or maybe it was the Sino Russian war. The Phoenix people had bigger problems on their plate and were essentially fed up with their local spoiled brat making things worse.
So there was a fight to get there, but looking back on it, they put up a token fight and I remember people just walking out of the fight. We felt great, felt like champions and then we fought the phoenix king. Saffron might have been a spoiled idiot but the boy could fight. It took all of us working together to even hold a chance. The only reason we survived was because, like I said he was a spoiled idiot.
The man wasn't used to taking a hit so when one of us hit him and hit him hard he froze up, he wasn't used to using actual tactics either or having people fight back. All of us, however? We were used to people fighting back used to being hurt used to being pummeled so we just hit him working together as a team.
Then he blew the top off the roof, and he laughed at us as the rain hit us.
That's when I couldn't help but smile, it was raining hard that night maybe it was the war maybe it was luck but it was raining hard and Hikaru's eyes glowed a bright blue, his body glowed next and then the water rushed down. We used ki attacks to help power up the rushing roar of water. It helped make the effect stronger.
Saffron fought it, against the storm of water rushing toward him, Ranma and I? We rushed forward took a deep breath and punched him in the belly. That moment stunned him, the fact that we slammed his head against the floor helped even more, and the water flowed into his mouth. Saffron screamed, which was a big mistake. We held him down until he stopped moving, until he stopped breathing, until his lungs burst and his dead corpse stared at us with lifeless eyes. **
We stopped then and watched as his body burned away and turned into an egg.
"We will raise him right next time."
That shook us out of our shock.
Ranma broke the silence.
"We made a mistake, we spoiled him too much he was such a sweet boy such a lovable boy that we spoiled him."
The old monk picked up the egg and looked at it.
"You were a good boy too bad you were such a shit adult."
He bowed to us and we were allowed to go home. Hikaru used some kind of spell to teleport us home back to Nerma and I was thankful for it. We saw things in China that still haunt me to this day.
As for what happened next?
Ukyo asked Hikaru to marry her, and when senior year ended she did, they had three kids together. Good kids Hikaru says he thanks the gods that they got their looks from their mother but I see a lot of him in them, and that's a good thing.
Ranma and Kodachi tied the knot next she's still on medication though that's for life and she sees a therapist once a week just to make sure everything's on the up and up. Ranma joins her in the therapy sessions. They had one kid; he became a therapist does a damned good job of it. I asked Ranma why he didn't have more but he told me he was worried about screwing things up.
He shouldn't have been so worried Ranma was a damned fine father, gave his boy a better life than his dad ever gave him.
Takewaki Kuno...married the master of martial arts cheerleading. The family estate has never done better than under his management, I like him now consider him a friend even but he harbors a lot of guilt for the way he acted when he was well gone.
He fought hard to come back from that dark place; it took all of us working together to do it but he's back now but there's a tiredness to him a brokenness to him a humility to him as well ***. He's become a good man a good friend.
Professor Macguffin, well he vanished when his ten years were up, he communicates with his son by magic mirror when he can. I feel bad for him I think his curse the curse of being forced to travel the multiverse alone was far worse than any of ours.
Hikaru's girl married his sensei's son, they're about to have a kid, he was worried about them getting married so young but his wife just said that they made it work so why worry?
As for me? I married Akane Tendo, she well she doesn't leave her property anymore. Being kidnapped all those times, the boy bully routine's her sister's death, her father's death. These things broke her and after high school, he just stopped leaving the property. I worked odd jobs to support her, support us and one thing led to another.
We have two kids a boy and a girl, they grew up and had kids of their own, as for the world?
The Sino-Russian war shattered China like glass but for the Soviet Union the war ground them up into nothing. The Soviet Union collapsed in 92 and the Russian successor state is a pale shadow of what it once was.
North Korea collapsed next and the south conquered it, their pretty strong these days and have taken some former Chinese provinces with a high number of ethnic Koreans. The UN stopped them from grabbing more.
The world? The worlds pretty peaceful and has been for decades, and as for Japan? Well, the countries ruled by a kind of nostalgia for the past. Our economy our people simply couldn't keep up the same kind of pace we were at so the normal world kind of puttered out. The twilight world the world of magi, martial artists and other stuff?
We thought we were going to die out, thought we were going back into the dust bin of history, but national survival has a way of changing things. We were the only one having kids, so the government decided to make it mandatory for people to learn the way of ki. It started in the rural areas, and well it worked the birth rate stopped declining so more small towns opted into it.
We are 50% of the population now and it looks like we are going to be the majority soon.
We survived by empowering the people maybe just maybe there is a lesson in that.