Pre-planing: (it should be noted that I'm assuming my corrections were correct, if they turn out not to be, I'll redo this post)
I'm predicting 22 Child Dice, 10 Immigration Dice (though I'm oft off about how many Immigration Dice it's going to be), 1 Elf Child Die and 1 Elf Immigration Die.
That gives me 744,5 population growth on average for Tor Lacelomar.
We'll get ~2751 net food(counting new small boats but not counting trade action) so we don't need to build more farms.
But how much of a surplus, how much of a food stockpile should we try to build? I'd like some discussion on that.
If Langarheimr gets immigration, then I'm predicting 12 Child Dice and 5 Immigration Dice so 378,5 growth. 65 Decent Dwellings would cover that.
The 10 new Small Boats(if we can get the sailors for them) should keep the food production in the positives, if with a smaller surplus(from 190 to 62).(I'm assuming we can't get Magical Aid to Farmers here, if we can our numbers are way better) How much of a surplus should we try to build? How much of a stockpile?
This is my plan for getting infrastructure up to our standards.
Our standards being:
full coverage of Herbalists and Bathhouses,
no Shabby Dwellings,
Housing with minimal overcrowding for our population including the population growth that shows up after our vote,
Capacity of Walls above our population including growth,
Sewers above the population (maybe it should also include the growth but I'm skimping 1000gc this way).
Tor Lacelomar
50 Decent Dwellings (100gc)
1 Herbalist+Bathhouse (200gc)
1 Sewer [3500+1000 Capacity] (1000gc)
0.5 Wall [5000+500 Capacity] (250gc)
5 Small Boats (50gc)
250 Shabby Dwellings replaced with 125 Decent Dwellings (250gc)
65 Decent Dwellings(130gc)
2 Herbalists (200gc)
2 Bathhouses (200gc)
3 Sewers [3000 Capacity] (4500gc)
3 Walls [3000 Capacity] (1500gc)
10 Small Boats (100gc)
Total: 8480gc
Pricey, a big investment into Langarheimr. Still needs income increasing added.
Our budget, according to my spreadsheet, for next turn is 7845gc without accounting the trade actions.