2252 IC, Second Half
Stat Changes:
Population: 2196 to 2597.
+111 Children
+111 Farmers
+111 Labourers
+37 Craftspeople
+40 Sailors
+3 Herbalists
Food: 2588
Food Production: +1150
Food Consumption: 2196 to 2597
Gold: 990GC to 760GC
Random Events:
Good or Bad: 1d100, good previous event. 75+ Good: 42
Bad Event: 1d100 = 49
A substantial cargo of wine to Wurtmoot Island never arrived, taking the small boat carrying the expensive cargo with it. No Vineyard gold this turn, but food will still be consumed. Five sailors were lost.
Your growing number of merchant contracts are happy for the safe port and steady supply of food, but preserved foodstuffs and wine alone do not make for a diverse customer base. They request that you introduce a new trade good - horses, gunpowder, or something else, within a year. In return, they'll put 500GC toward the first source of new trade goods constructed.
Choose the listed number of actions from each category. Unless stated otherwise, you may choose the same option twice to add another 1d100 to the roll.
Choose 2 Martial Actions:
[x] Train some Labourers as militia: With some discipline, basic equipment, and time you could expand your force. While they would only be lightly armoured spearmen, your mercenaries could train decent troops out of the civilian population without preventing them from holding gainful employment. Converts 50 Labourers to Militia, who act as both Soldiers and Labourers. Will require 25gc/turn for wages and upkeep. Can be taken multiple times.
[x] Invest in better equipment for your militia: You now have the funds and stability to equip your subjects with munitions breastplates and more varied weapons. Raises the quality of the Militia, but also raises their cost to 35gc/turn for 50.
[x] Recruit woodsmen as skirmishers: some of your subjects have experience as hunters or woodsmen, and could be trained and equipped as skilled skirmishers. Converts 25 farmers or labourers to soldiers, max 25 skirmishers/1000 total population. Costs 25gc/turn.
[x] Send some scouts to look for any local ruins: There may be other ruins, Elvish or otherwise, if this lighthouse was built here so long ago.
[x] Begin a Campaign against the Vampire: Such a creature is an affront to life itself. It must be destroyed, but doing so will likely require a major campaign. Requires Two Actions.
Choose 2 Naval Actions:
[x] Hunt the Steamship: Orcs capturing and then managing to successfully use a Dwarfish steamship is very unusual, and very concerning. Your Hawkship, with you and Eydis aboard, might be the only vessel capable of catching and defeating the threat - at least until the idiots over at Barak Var realise some Orcs are running around with their ship. Dangerous.
[x] Trade with Tilea: Now that you have the proper facilities, you may trade with Tilea without an action. Sell 500 Food for 500 GC OR Sell 500 Gunpowder for 1000GC.
[x] Trade with Marienburg: Marienburg is a fair distance away, but it has access to all of Sigmar's shattered Empire. You have very few trade goods that they would be interested in, but thanks to the Elvish merchants stopping over at your settlement on their way to Cathay, you could purchase a small amount of their elf-crafts at enough of a discount to make the journey worth it. Costs 500 Food, Gains 1000GC + 1 Oddity Roll.
[x] Trade with Wurtmoot Island: After your successful diplomatic visit, you can now export food to the nearby island. Sell 500 Food for 500 GC and/or sell 500 Gunpowder for 2500GC.Does not take an action.
Choose 2 Diplomatic Actions
[x] Propose Something to Another Border Prince: Write-in your proposal, and who you want to propose it to.
[x] Visit Akendorf: Akendorf is the largest Imperial settlement in the Border Princes and one of the few true cities in the region. A visit there will likely open many doors for you. Requires a personal action in addition to a diplomatic one.
[x] Attempt to improve the attitude of another Border Prince: Write in who you wish to be nice to.
Choose 1 Stewardship Action. Building construction is voted on here, but does not cost an action.
[x] Order Buildings Constructed: Write in what you want built. Your only limit right now is gold cost, and having sufficient staff. Does not take an action.
[x] Keep Some Small Boat Output: Your boatbuilders will now sell their boats unless you specify otherwise, for a profit of 50GC/turn. Write in the amount you'd like to keep. Does not take an action.
[x] Import Elvish Smiths: You could convince some lesser commoner smiths to emigrate from Lothern for a time. Whilst expensive, their crafts would command enormous value to humans - and they would be able to make items suitable for minor enchantments, if Eydis can find the time. Costs 1000GC, 20 Favour. Unlocks a new building & new trade good.
[x] Plan out a sewage system: Though humans would not bother until your settlement was much larger, Elves would already begin construction of a sewage system for a town of this size. Unlocks a new building.
Choose 1 Intrigue Action:
[x] Investigate Another Border Prince: Write-in the faction you would like Eydis to investigate.
[x] Keep an eye out for scouts, spies, and others: With your dramatic arrival, other Border Princes might begin to investigate you. Always something to keep an eye on.
[x] Train Your Human Students: Eydis is giving her students instruction without this action, but she can devote extra time towards it, granting you two d100 rolls rather than one; substantially decreasing the risk involved.
[x] Investigate the Dwarfish Ruins: The strange, above-ground dwarfish ruins Vadac located may hold all sorts of wealth and other treasures but are likely protected by powerful runes. A mage with access to High Magic will be required to safely dispel them.
Choose 3 Personal Actions
[x] Study Magic: Your mastery of magic is but mastery of the beginning. There is always more to learn. Luckily, Eydis is always happy to help.
[x] Study the Blade: It is always wise to keep one's skills sharp.
[x] Use Magic to Aid Your Farmers: Both you and Eydis are capable of using Life magic to greatly enhance the yield of farms, though obviously, it would take you especially from other duties. Doubles Farm Output.
[x] Spend time with a notable NPC: Write-in an NPC to spend time with, and possibly gain a skill or trait bonus if a roll is met.
[x] Visit Akendorf: Akendorf is the largest Imperial settlement in the Border Princes and one of the few true cities in the region. A visit there will likely open many doors for you. Requires a diplomatic action in addition to a personal one.
[x] Investigate the Dwarfish Ruins: The strange, above-ground dwarfish ruins Vadac located may hold all sorts of wealth and other treasures but are likely protected by powerful runes. A mage with access to High Magic will be required to safely dispel them.