Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

Survey Closed.

Secure Darrowshire
Fortify Coast Line

Contact Hearthglen

Repair Roads
Expand Mine

Search for Enemies Again
Zul'Mashar - Disease

Expand the Church

Personal Actions
Translate the Notes
Horseback Combat Riding

Allocate bonuses
Military -all available
Diplomacy -all available
Stewardship -available
Intrigue -available
Piety -available


You can use RI on as many Value Needed options as you want and use it multiple times on the same one.

Ex. [] RI2 Plague Mask

Which meant that you get +40, but you pay double the previous cost.

Ex. Base: 3000 RI: 6000 RI2: 12000. End cost would be the 12000.

You will no longer be able to use RI on Chance of Success options.

Instead you will get Extra Funding (EF) where you pay half the original cost for +10 for use on a CoS option. Only once per turn.

Ex. [] EF Stratholme - Contact Paladin

Base: 2000 EF: 1000 Total: 3000

[X] RI1 Expand Mine - 4000
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease - 2000
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church

Nothing else seems particularly economical or necessary to RI in and bumping a known action to 85% feels better to me than the unknown enemies action.
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[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church

Did not expect Horseback Combat Riding to win. Not that I'm complaining.
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[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church
Like this 1
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[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] RI2 Expand the Church
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church

Total cost: +35.000

We have a lot of money and a fairly fast-growing income, we can afford to expedite the stewardship options(and we need a lot of stewardship options anyway, so we'll want to ensure they get completed fast).

Coast line DC 84 to DC 64 for single turn completion, average of DC 39 into DC 19 for two-turn completion.Which Alexandros+Saidan+Richard reduce by a further 24.
RI2 on mines vs RI1 increases the odds of a single-turn completion from a DC94 to DC74 and the odds of a two-turn completion from an average DC34 to DC14.
Coastline characters is overkill but given the Dead and Alive interlude we probably want to give them some time to talk(to Richard).
With the RI on the stewardship options, we can get Maxwell and Angelica ensure nothing goes wrong while contacting the Hearthglen.
Roads barely cost us anything and do significantly ward against bad rolls.

That being said, with the EF on Zul'Mashar I think we can afford to not send Invar into the den of Trolls and instead spend some time in the capital trying to root out assassins.

Isilien is a foregone conclusion, not sure if characters could work on actions they don't give a bonus to really...

Church is 0/200. RI is guaranteed to proc twice and it could take months to finish so I added a RI2. We currently only have a single piety option. This is a big one.
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[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] RI2 Expand the Church
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church
I can go with this. We can always earn more money, the earlier we succeed at our missions the better.
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[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church
Total cost: +23.000

We have a lot of money and a fairly fast-growing income, we can afford to expedite the stewardship options(and we need a lot of stewardship options anyway, so we'll want to ensure they get completed fast).
Blurgh, what? You just proposed to spend twice our normal turn income on bonuses only. Yeah, action economy is a thing, but we don't have nearly the kind of treasury and income you think we do if you want to blow 1/4 of our remaining treasury with that.
I made a change, adding a RI2 on the Church.

It's 0/200. Without an RI that thing is going to take a long time to complete. And any RI is going to proc at least twice.
Blurgh, what? You just proposed to spend twice our normal turn income on bonuses only. Yeah, action economy is a thing, but we don't have nearly the kind of treasury and income you think we do if you want to blow 1/4 of our remaining treasury with that.

It's not action economy.

Our income from refugees grows with 8.000 a month(2.000 people going from costing us 1g/person to earning us 3g/person). With the incoming refugees costing us 1500+8d100 a month to support.

Our current net income is currently 19.411(not sure if that counts the stewardship bonus of 18%).

It's not that insane. Insane is our growth.
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It's not action economy.

Our income from refugees grows with 8.000 a month(2.000 people going from costing us 1g/person to earning us 3g/person). With the incoming refugees costing us 1500+8d100 a month to support.

Our current net income is currently 19.411(not sure if that counts the stewardship bonus of 18%).

It's not that insane. Insane is our growth.
Income growing ~6000/month is not justification to spend 23000 35000 when our current remaining treasury is 64018 post current turn expenditures. I referenced the wrong turn on my quick look, yes it's 19411 not counting the stewardship bonus (which is a little weird to apply to net income and not gross but whatever). There was a huge expenditure last turn also which brought the treasury from 112k to 67k. Don't forget the possibility of a lot of bounties being cashed in as well when that kicks in.

Accelerating a bunch of things now means we're just going to take it in the teeth later when we have yet more actions to pay for and even less money to do it with.
Income growing ~6000/month is not justification to spend 23000 35000 when our current remaining treasury is 64018 post current turn expenditures. I referenced the wrong turn on my quick look, yes it's 19411 not counting the stewardship bonus (which is a little weird to apply to net income and not gross but whatever). There was a huge expenditure last turn also which brought the treasury from 112k to 67k. Don't forget the possibility of a lot of bounties being cashed in as well when that kicks in.

Accelerating a bunch of things now means we're just going to take it in the teeth later when we have yet more actions to pay for and even less money to do it with.
Bounty hunters will arrive in what? 3 months? More?

Last turn was just expensive. Not just because of the bonuses. We spent 28.500 on bonuses. True. But we also locked in some pretty expensive options in the Barracks(12.000) and Arcane Sanctum(10.000) in addition to raising our upkeep by 8.500(500 patrols, which also gave more refugees and 8.000 for the city guard).

Additionally, our current population is 63.793 people and we can feed 75.000 people. Expanding the Scarlet Enclave would add 30.000 to that.

The current influx of refugees and food production at 1500+8d100 means we could stop having a surplus in on turn 20 whereas if we start expanding the enclave next turn(turn 17) we'd see it finished on turn 19 at the earliest.

After that? We'd have to rely on cleansed land. And an attack by sea would destroy nearly our entire food income(and we only have half a month's worth of supplies).

As such, Coastline and Church need to be accelerated. The Mines? Are an attempt to skip the bronze refit(+1) and go straight to steel(+2) or something better. Which is going to be necessary if we plan to take out a scourge base without too many casualties but ultimately not too important.

The Roads are also technically not necessary but they barely cost us anything either. And I want that slot open to expand the Enclave(or to rebuild Darrowshire, as Corin's Crossing added 3.750 to our income).

Basically, we need to accelerate the stewardship options for more economy(which allows us to pay for the bounties without going into a recession) and to secure our food supply. We need the Piety options for a larger food supply and to ensure we won't lose too many troops to the Scourge. And we need to fortify the coast to secure our food supply.

The Mines, Roads and Zul'Mashar are the ones we could theoretically scrap. Though I'd rather not(especially the roads, need that option free for food soon).
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[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] RI2 Expand the Church
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church

edit: wouldn't iron be +2 and steel +3?
edit: wouldn't iron be +2 and steel +3?
I am going to assume you mean Steel as you are currently using Iron equipment, but yes you can skip an upgrade and get the one after, the upgrade cost will be the same if you go Iron-Steel or Bronze-Steel.
You already have Iron ore coming in, what you don´t have is the coal needed to make steel.

Basically, Bronze>Iron in this quest.

Edit: Or in general really. Bronze has a better Vicker's hardness until you reach Steel. Iron is easier to obtain(single source of a common ore vs having to find both Copper and Tin sources).
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[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] RI2 Expand the Church
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church
[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] RI2 Expand the Church
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church
Basically, we need to accelerate the stewardship options for more economy(which allows us to pay for the bounties without going into a recession) and to secure our food supply. We need the Piety options for a larger food supply and to ensure we won't lose too many troops to the Scourge. And we need to fortify the coast to secure our food supply.

The Mines, Roads and Zul'Mashar are the ones we could theoretically scrap. Though I'd rather not(especially the roads, need that option free for food soon).
This logic just doesn't hold. You're arguing in favor of accelerating various options, except most of these are not giving economy improvements when they finish. All they're going to do is force us to spend yet more money on starting up new projects (because I guarantee no one's going to vote for "no project" as an option), which is going to strain our reserves more when someone argues yet again that those options need to be accelerated as well. A supposed recession is only actually a risk (if it does happen) if our treasury can't support it while other growth options finish. Spending more money now only increases our risk because we can no longer absorb sudden shocks due to not having a treasury left if our income craters or our cost spikes for any reason.
This logic just doesn't hold. You're arguing in favor of accelerating various options, except most of these are not giving economy improvements when they finish. All they're going to do is force us to spend yet more money on starting up new projects (because I guarantee no one's going to vote for "no project" as an option), which is going to strain our reserves more when someone argues yet again that those options need to be accelerated as well. A supposed recession is only actually a risk (if it does happen) if our treasury can't support it while other growth options finish. Spending more money now only increases our risk because we can no longer absorb sudden shocks due to not having a treasury left if our income craters or our cost spikes for any reason.

Cost spikes have mostly been our own doing. Income cratering is something I am explicitly working to prevent with my RI's.

I am arguing in favour of accelerating the roads(which costs little and leads to future trade income) and the mines(which give income). Stewardship is the branch we used to rebuild Corin's Crossing in the past(which upgraded a lot of low-class citizens to middle-class and nobles, which upgraded their tax income) and the various industries(which also give income, albeit less than overall taxes).

Aside from that, I'm accelerating the church(which leads to unlocking the piety option, which we need to cleanse the land, which we need if we want food sources other than the Scarlet enclave, which prevents starvation and the subsequent loss of taxpayers or the inability to take in more refugees which will later turn into taxpayers) and fortifying the coastline(which is necessary to safeguard what is currently our only food source).

Aside from EF on Zul'Mashar each of these options either expand our economy, allow us to expand our economy or insulate our income from reductions.

Once those adventurers arrive? The growth of our tax income alone will be able to sustain maximum bounties(turn 16/17/18/19 results, ~24.000 gold).

Given the general cost of the plans so far, we're not going to face a situation where our treasury is unable to support taking certain options. At worst we will face a situation where we'll be temporarily unable to expedite certain projects. Which would slow down the rate of taking new options, which in turn would build up our surplus income.
[X] RI1 Fortify Coast Line
[X] RI2 Expand Mine
[X] RI1 Repair Roads
[X] EF Zul'Mashar - Disease
[X] RI2 Expand the Church
[X] Alexandros, Saidan and Richard to Fortify Coast Line
[X] Angelica and Maxwell to Contact Hearthglen
[X] Invar on Search for Enemies Again
[X] Isillien to Expand the Church