The woodworkers
With the shrinking food supply the tribe decided it they needed to deal with that first before they could continue exploring, there was a long debate about what to do but the council decided on clearing more land for the farmers. Worries about the tribes water supply lead to the digging of wells to ensure the tribe always has access to clean water. And a group of tribesmen decided that the way to solve the tribes food shortage was to become full time fishers.
The year started with a series of storms forcing the boats of the fishers to stay ashore followed by a long mild summer resulting a a large grain harvest. The hunters had a great year and ended up talking about the need of better bows to bring back the largest game.
Bjorn having recovered from breaking his leg the year before suggested forming a group focused on working with wood for all the tribes building and logging needs.
You have gained a bonus for doing a lot of woodworking(building/logging) actions in a short time.
[] [woodworkers] Train a group of woodworkers
Turns one group of tribesmen into woodworkers
[] [woodworkers] Focus on logging instead.
You do not get a woodworkers but they get there first bonus: they will provide 1 wood per turn
[] [woodworkers] Focus on better bows
Unlocks a action to make better bows.
The bonus from Focus on logging instead can also be gained on a 95+ logging or building roll. If this choice is combined with a train woodworkers in the normal actions you gain 10 wood.
The better bow action can also be unlocked by the study(woodworking) action. If this choice is combined with a train woodworkers in the normal actions you get 5 better bows.
Based on the current number of the tribe(5 groups of tribesmen, one of warriors) you have 2 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes one action.
The tribe has 1 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with -1 food.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the first can be used in the second.
The year started with a series of storms forcing the boats of the fishers to stay ashore followed by a long mild summer resulting a a large grain harvest. The hunters had a great year and ended up talking about the need of better bows to bring back the largest game.
Bjorn having recovered from breaking his leg the year before suggested forming a group focused on working with wood for all the tribes building and logging needs.
You have gained a bonus for doing a lot of woodworking(building/logging) actions in a short time.
[] [woodworkers] Train a group of woodworkers
Turns one group of tribesmen into woodworkers
[] [woodworkers] Focus on logging instead.
You do not get a woodworkers but they get there first bonus: they will provide 1 wood per turn
[] [woodworkers] Focus on better bows
Unlocks a action to make better bows.
The bonus from Focus on logging instead can also be gained on a 95+ logging or building roll. If this choice is combined with a train woodworkers in the normal actions you gain 10 wood.
The better bow action can also be unlocked by the study(woodworking) action. If this choice is combined with a train woodworkers in the normal actions you get 5 better bows.
Based on the current number of the tribe(5 groups of tribesmen, one of warriors) you have 2 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes one action.
The tribe has 1 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with -1 food.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the first can be used in the second.
[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)
[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)
[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)
[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.
[] Log trees
Provides 10 wood enough for 2 building actions.
[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.
[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action
[] Organize the tribe
Requires a meeting hall, gives a vote on how to run the growing tribe.
[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.
[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.
[] Build a root cellar.
costs 5 wood, Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.
[] Build a barn for the sheep
costs 5 wood, Unlocks options to expand the number of sheep.
[] Build a shrine
costs 10 wood, Increases happiness and allows the training of priests.
[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.
[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.
[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
south, the coastline
west, into the woods.
[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[The Baltic] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.
[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.
[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.
[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.
[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swap across the river.
west, the woods near the hill
The final decision for the tribe was what would the blacksmith focus on?
[] [blacksmith] Repair tools
Repairs tools and provides a +10 bonus to build actions this turn
[] [blacksmith] Repair weapons
Repairs weapons and provides a +10 bonus to combat action this turn
[] [blacksmith] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)
[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)
[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)
[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.
[] Log trees
Provides 10 wood enough for 2 building actions.
[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.
[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action
[] Organize the tribe
Requires a meeting hall, gives a vote on how to run the growing tribe.
[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.
[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.
[] Build a root cellar.
costs 5 wood, Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.
[] Build a barn for the sheep
costs 5 wood, Unlocks options to expand the number of sheep.
[] Build a shrine
costs 10 wood, Increases happiness and allows the training of priests.
[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.
[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.
[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
south, the coastline
west, into the woods.
[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[The Baltic] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.
[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.
[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.
[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.
[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swap across the river.
west, the woods near the hill
The final decision for the tribe was what would the blacksmith focus on?
[] [blacksmith] Repair tools
Repairs tools and provides a +10 bonus to build actions this turn
[] [blacksmith] Repair weapons
Repairs weapons and provides a +10 bonus to combat action this turn
[] [blacksmith] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
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