Learning to read
Sailing from Visby the tribes merchants sail across the Baltic and to Oslo allowing goods that are rare in one place but common in another to be traded between settlements and news and messages to spread from port to port. They also spotted a galley in the Baltic it turned out to be one of the galley of the new elvish navy being build at Copenhagen that was being used to move fighters and supplies from Danzig to Hamburg. The fighting at the Weser was going well with the new ships moving supplies and fighters from all over the Baltic more fighters can be supported at the river and the eastern bank of the river only has a few small groups of goblins hiding in the forests.
The Tribe send a rider to the warband to order it to start the long march from Stockholm to Bergen. The first stop of this was at the former goblin camp that got named Golden fields after the large fields of grain that surround it. The second stop was at the main camp of the hunters of the north who have started farming at their camp as the growing population could no longer be fed by hunting alone. They visited Hamar and Oslo in the following weeks where they spend several days resupplying before heading out to camp ericson where they talked to the garrison before advancing to the white river, Here having encountered nothing but wolves and bears they camped for the winter and they hope to reach Bergen next year.
The construction of most of new estates is going well with the large fields being worked by teams of oxen producing enough food that the tribe is growing once more. The only problem was when the organization of the workers at one of the estates at Hamar broke down but this was fixed when the local nobles reorganized the workforce.
The tribe was growing stronger and part of this was that they had time for projects not needed for survival but instead where for improving the tribes future. The new stone library was the first of these projects and in it the tribe collected all the scrolls and books that survived. This was a small collection but would grow over the years to come. The main problem was that few could read, only the tribes nobles and a handful of scribes working in the town hall at Oslo can. There is a proposal that all of the tribe priest should be able to read but this is opposed by those who think this is not needed.
[Priest] Do not need to learn to read.
No changes.
[Priest] Are taught to read.
Training priest takes 2 actions.
Priest provide +0.1 Tech
[Priest] Are chosen from those who can read already, the sons of the nobles
The nobles grow in power and get control over one of the tribes actions.
Priest provide +0.1 Tech
Nobles and warriors
Strenght: High
Mood: high
Wants:healers for the warband.
Strenght: low
Mood: low
Wants: A temple complex
Strenght: below average
Mood: high
Wants: more grain.
The Tribe send a rider to the warband to order it to start the long march from Stockholm to Bergen. The first stop of this was at the former goblin camp that got named Golden fields after the large fields of grain that surround it. The second stop was at the main camp of the hunters of the north who have started farming at their camp as the growing population could no longer be fed by hunting alone. They visited Hamar and Oslo in the following weeks where they spend several days resupplying before heading out to camp ericson where they talked to the garrison before advancing to the white river, Here having encountered nothing but wolves and bears they camped for the winter and they hope to reach Bergen next year.
The construction of most of new estates is going well with the large fields being worked by teams of oxen producing enough food that the tribe is growing once more. The only problem was when the organization of the workers at one of the estates at Hamar broke down but this was fixed when the local nobles reorganized the workforce.
The tribe was growing stronger and part of this was that they had time for projects not needed for survival but instead where for improving the tribes future. The new stone library was the first of these projects and in it the tribe collected all the scrolls and books that survived. This was a small collection but would grow over the years to come. The main problem was that few could read, only the tribes nobles and a handful of scribes working in the town hall at Oslo can. There is a proposal that all of the tribe priest should be able to read but this is opposed by those who think this is not needed.
[Priest] Do not need to learn to read.
No changes.
[Priest] Are taught to read.
Training priest takes 2 actions.
Priest provide +0.1 Tech
[Priest] Are chosen from those who can read already, the sons of the nobles
The nobles grow in power and get control over one of the tribes actions.
Priest provide +0.1 Tech
Nobles and warriors
Strenght: High
Mood: high
Wants:healers for the warband.
Strenght: low
Mood: low
Wants: A temple complex
Strenght: below average
Mood: high
Wants: more grain.
Elvish navy
The elves are planning to build 3 sawmills, a shipyard and 10 galleys.
two sawmills and the shipyard are done and the elves spend 5 actions per turn on the navy.
[] Build sawmill
Builds a sawmill at Copenhagen for the navy
Cost 2 actions, wood x2, iron.
[] Send resources.
Write in the amount of iron/wood send limited to 1 wood or iron per action.
[] Send advisors
Sends trained woodworkers to help with the sawmills and galleys.
[] Give sailing ship
The elvish navy constist of large galleys but they can use a fast sailing ship to serve as a scout.
[] Send gift
Sends a gift to a friendly group.
For targets see the The other know groups Informational post
Write in what you want to give them, this can include the result of other actions this turn.
[] Negotiate
Write-In who you want to talk to and what you want to talk about
[] Trade
Write in who you want to trade with and what you want to trade.
Resource collection
[] Log trees
Provides enough wood for one action
[] Mine iron
Provides enough iron for one action
[] Cut stone
Allows an additional action requiring stone.
[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.
provides wood 0.25
[] Train ironworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into skilled miners and smiths.
provides iron 0.25
[] Expand iron mines.
Cost 10wood, 1 iron and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action.
produces 0.5 iron per turn.
Animal husbandry
All actions blocked because a lack of grain.
[] Raise sheep
Increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
Each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.
[] Raise cattle
Increases the amount of cattle the tribe has
Each group eats 3 grain and provides 5 food.
[] Raise Horses
Used by warriors and nobles and gives them +10 to combat rolls.
Each group eats 2 grain.
Max one per turn
Food production Improvements
[] Clear hunting trails
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.
[] Build fishing boats.
Costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.
[] Build a fishing ship
15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
Gives a group of fishers +2 food.
[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 3 cleared fields.
[] Create farming estate
Creates a large estate with a single leader.
Each farming estate increases the amount of food from farming by 3
cost 2 actions.
[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.
[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.
[] Train farmers
Trains a group of tribesmen into farmers.
[] Build a new armory
Builds a armory reducing the amount of actions the factions take by one
Costs 2 actions, wood x2, iron x2 and stone
Allows an additional warband.
[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defences against attacks.
[] Build wooden walls.
3 actions, wood for all actions improves defenses.
[] Build stone walls
cost 4 actions, requires stone for all actions and improves defenses.
[] Build houses.
requires wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.
[] Build a sawmill
Provides 0.5 wood.
requires wood and iron and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action.
[] Build a quarry
requires wood and iron and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action.
You need a quarry for each action for a stone building you want to take.
[] Build ironworks
Cost woodx4, stonex2, ironx4, and 4 actions and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 2/3 action.
Produces one iron and improves the weapons of the tribe.
[] Expand the saltern
Reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action
Additional salt is available for preserving food.
[] Build tannery
Reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action
Produces leather goods.
[] Train merchants.
Each merchant buy sell and move goods.
[] Build a market.
Cost 10 wood, Allows trading with friendly groups.
These actions increase the strength of the priest faction.
[] Build shrine.
requires wood.
[] Build major shrine.
requires wood and can only be build in a town with 20 groups that does not have one.
[] Build Temple complex.
Unavailable until the tribe has more priests and shrines.
requires wood, stone, and 4+ actions.
Allows the training of clerics that can heal.
[] Train priests
Trains a group of priests, increases the happiness of the tribe.
[] Send out the ships on a sailing expedition [Target]
Send the Lion out on a sailing trip
Targets are:
[Coast of Norway] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[English coast], find raiding targets
[Scottish coast], find raiding targets
[Irish coast], find raiding targets
[] Build a new ship
wood and iron.
holds 4 groups
[] Build a new large ship
cost 2 actions, woodx2 and ironx2.
You can not have more large ships then groups of sailors
holds 6 groups
[] Repair a damaged ship
Costs wood.
[] Move troops
Moves up to 4 groups per action to a settlement/warband.
[] Order front
Gives orders to all fighters at a front.
[] Order warband
Gives a warband new orders, write in the orders
[] Form a warband.
Creates a warband consisting of fightere, sailors, ships and supporting groups that can be giving complex orders.
Max one per armory.
[] Launch a Raid [Target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins. Targets are:
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[Scottish minor village] Home of around 40 to 60 goblins, these are easy target but might not provide a lot of loot.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[Orcish town] has between 30 and 50 orcs and about a 100 goblins has several herds of cattle and sheep.
[northern weser river] Here the elves fight groups of orcs and goblins that number around 70 to a 100.
[southern weser river] This part of the river is where the larger orcsish warbands are with groups numbering between 160 and 240.
[Write-In Target]
[] (Free Action) Send hunters on a Raid [Target]
Sends a ship with 4 groups of hunters on a raid. Targets are identical to 'Launch a Raid' Action.
Reduces passive hunting food production by 8 Food for the turn
[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors(spears).
[] Train Archers.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors(longbows).
Cost 2 actions, woodx1
[] Train swordsmen.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors(swords + chainmail).
Cost 3 actions, ironx1
[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
Cost 4 actions,ironx2 will start with horses, chainmail and noble housing
[] Make iron swords.
requires iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords will give the group +10 to combat.
[] Make Chainmail
requires ironx2, 2 actions and provides chainmail for a single group
Chainmail allows a group to ignore the first hit they take in battle.
[] Build library
Creates a library to store the tribes knowledge.
Cost 2 actions, requires stonex2.
[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.
[Write-In] target
[] Study Woodworking
Unlocks new buildings, the production of items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.
[Write-In] target
[] Create a new settlement [Target]
camp Erikson, this camp between Oslo and Bergen can be expanded into a settlement.
Stockholm, will create a harbor near the former goblin camp.
You need to conquer other settlement sites before you can use them.
[] Replace the tribes meetings with rule by the nobles.
Reorganizes the tribe to end the meetings and replace them by rule by nobles.
The tribe will spend less time on meetings but more nobles will be trained.
[] Train mounted messengers
2 actions, these messengers spread the orders from the tribes leaders.
[] village hall.
Reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action
Builds a village hall where scribes record the tribes orders and actions.
Increases government control.
[] Give greater power to the nobles.
Delegates powers to the nobles making the tribe easier to rule.
The nobles become their own faction and will get one faction action each turn.
[] Expand merchant navy.
Uses a ship and a group of sailors to create a merchant navy that will sell and buy goods.
+ 1 Economy
The elves are planning to build 3 sawmills, a shipyard and 10 galleys.
two sawmills and the shipyard are done and the elves spend 5 actions per turn on the navy.
[] Build sawmill
Builds a sawmill at Copenhagen for the navy
Cost 2 actions, wood x2, iron.
[] Send resources.
Write in the amount of iron/wood send limited to 1 wood or iron per action.
[] Send advisors
Sends trained woodworkers to help with the sawmills and galleys.
[] Give sailing ship
The elvish navy constist of large galleys but they can use a fast sailing ship to serve as a scout.
[] Send gift
Sends a gift to a friendly group.
For targets see the The other know groups Informational post
Write in what you want to give them, this can include the result of other actions this turn.
[] Negotiate
Write-In who you want to talk to and what you want to talk about
[] Trade
Write in who you want to trade with and what you want to trade.
Resource collection
[] Log trees
Provides enough wood for one action
[] Mine iron
Provides enough iron for one action
[] Cut stone
Allows an additional action requiring stone.
[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.
provides wood 0.25
[] Train ironworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into skilled miners and smiths.
provides iron 0.25
[] Expand iron mines.
Cost 10wood, 1 iron and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action.
produces 0.5 iron per turn.
Animal husbandry
All actions blocked because a lack of grain.
[] Raise sheep
Increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
Each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.
[] Raise cattle
Increases the amount of cattle the tribe has
Each group eats 3 grain and provides 5 food.
[] Raise Horses
Used by warriors and nobles and gives them +10 to combat rolls.
Each group eats 2 grain.
Max one per turn
Food production Improvements
[] Clear hunting trails
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.
[] Build fishing boats.
Costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.
[] Build a fishing ship
15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
Gives a group of fishers +2 food.
[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 3 cleared fields.
[] Create farming estate
Creates a large estate with a single leader.
Each farming estate increases the amount of food from farming by 3
cost 2 actions.
[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.
[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.
[] Train farmers
Trains a group of tribesmen into farmers.
[] Build a new armory
Builds a armory reducing the amount of actions the factions take by one
Costs 2 actions, wood x2, iron x2 and stone
Allows an additional warband.
[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defences against attacks.
[] Build wooden walls.
3 actions, wood for all actions improves defenses.
[] Build stone walls
cost 4 actions, requires stone for all actions and improves defenses.
[] Build houses.
requires wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.
[] Build a sawmill
Provides 0.5 wood.
requires wood and iron and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action.
[] Build a quarry
requires wood and iron and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action.
You need a quarry for each action for a stone building you want to take.
[] Build ironworks
Cost woodx4, stonex2, ironx4, and 4 actions and reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 2/3 action.
Produces one iron and improves the weapons of the tribe.
[] Expand the saltern
Reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action
Additional salt is available for preserving food.
[] Build tannery
Reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action
Produces leather goods.
[] Train merchants.
Each merchant buy sell and move goods.
[] Build a market.
Cost 10 wood, Allows trading with friendly groups.
These actions increase the strength of the priest faction.
[] Build shrine.
requires wood.
[] Build major shrine.
requires wood and can only be build in a town with 20 groups that does not have one.
[] Build Temple complex.
Unavailable until the tribe has more priests and shrines.
requires wood, stone, and 4+ actions.
Allows the training of clerics that can heal.
[] Train priests
Trains a group of priests, increases the happiness of the tribe.
[] Send out the ships on a sailing expedition [Target]
Send the Lion out on a sailing trip
Targets are:
[Coast of Norway] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[English coast], find raiding targets
[Scottish coast], find raiding targets
[Irish coast], find raiding targets
[] Build a new ship
wood and iron.
holds 4 groups
[] Build a new large ship
cost 2 actions, woodx2 and ironx2.
You can not have more large ships then groups of sailors
holds 6 groups
[] Repair a damaged ship
Costs wood.
[] Move troops
Moves up to 4 groups per action to a settlement/warband.
[] Order front
Gives orders to all fighters at a front.
[] Order warband
Gives a warband new orders, write in the orders
[] Form a warband.
Creates a warband consisting of fightere, sailors, ships and supporting groups that can be giving complex orders.
Max one per armory.
[] Launch a Raid [Target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins. Targets are:
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[Scottish minor village] Home of around 40 to 60 goblins, these are easy target but might not provide a lot of loot.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[Orcish town] has between 30 and 50 orcs and about a 100 goblins has several herds of cattle and sheep.
[northern weser river] Here the elves fight groups of orcs and goblins that number around 70 to a 100.
[southern weser river] This part of the river is where the larger orcsish warbands are with groups numbering between 160 and 240.
[Write-In Target]
[] (Free Action) Send hunters on a Raid [Target]
Sends a ship with 4 groups of hunters on a raid. Targets are identical to 'Launch a Raid' Action.
Reduces passive hunting food production by 8 Food for the turn
[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors(spears).
[] Train Archers.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors(longbows).
Cost 2 actions, woodx1
[] Train swordsmen.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors(swords + chainmail).
Cost 3 actions, ironx1
[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
Cost 4 actions,ironx2 will start with horses, chainmail and noble housing
[] Make iron swords.
requires iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords will give the group +10 to combat.
[] Make Chainmail
requires ironx2, 2 actions and provides chainmail for a single group
Chainmail allows a group to ignore the first hit they take in battle.
[] Build library
Creates a library to store the tribes knowledge.
Cost 2 actions, requires stonex2.
[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.
[Write-In] target
[] Study Woodworking
Unlocks new buildings, the production of items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.
[Write-In] target
[] Create a new settlement [Target]
camp Erikson, this camp between Oslo and Bergen can be expanded into a settlement.
Stockholm, will create a harbor near the former goblin camp.
You need to conquer other settlement sites before you can use them.
[] Replace the tribes meetings with rule by the nobles.
Reorganizes the tribe to end the meetings and replace them by rule by nobles.
The tribe will spend less time on meetings but more nobles will be trained.
[] Train mounted messengers
2 actions, these messengers spread the orders from the tribes leaders.
[] village hall.
Reduces the amount of actions the factions take by 1/3 action
Builds a village hall where scribes record the tribes orders and actions.
Increases government control.
[] Give greater power to the nobles.
Delegates powers to the nobles making the tribe easier to rule.
The nobles become their own faction and will get one faction action each turn.
[] Expand merchant navy.
Uses a ship and a group of sailors to create a merchant navy that will sell and buy goods.
+ 1 Economy
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