Vows of vengeance: a fantasy civ quest

Visitors from the south
This year the tribe send out the Lion to scout the Baltic and the Bear to scout the coast of Norway and work started on digging a ditch and building earthen wall around Jernklippe. Around Hamar new fields where plowed planted with grain and the cattle herds of Oslo grew. The fishing fleet returned with boats loaded with fish and all seemed to be well and the blacksmiths crafted more pieces of chainmail.

Sadly other groups of the tribe had a bad year a hailstorm damaged the grain harvest and no matter where the hunters looked they had no luck while hunting. It was only the fact that the tribe had send out additional hunting parties and had more workers help bring in what is left of the harvest.

In the fall three ships arrive at Oslo, the first is the Lion that reports that no orcs and goblins live in the Baltic. Next to arrive is the Bear that also found no enemies on its patrol of the Norwegian coast. The last is an elvish ship carrying 20 warriors. they where send by the king of Copenhagen to invite our leaders to a meeting in Copenhagen next turn to talk about the war against the orcs.

Faction Current power Power gained per turn Action they will take
Warriors   +8 craft chainmail
Farmers 8 +8 raise cattle
hunters 9 +9 Hunting
Fishers 7 +7 Build fishing ship
Sailors 13 +1 sailing expedition(Baltic)
Crafters 19 +4 train ironworkers
Tribe 15 +8 clear fields
The tribe has 2 food stored and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will produce 0 more food then is eaten.

Based on the current number of the tribe you have at least 6 action available. All rolls are with a D100.

Resource Harvesting
[] Hunting
Provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)

[] Go Fishing
Provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)

[] Farming
Provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)

[] Log trees
Provides 15 wood.

[] Mine iron
Provides 3 barrels of iron

Production Improvements
[] Clear hunting trails
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.

[] Build fishing boats.
Costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.

[] Build a fishing ship
15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
Gives a group of fishers +2 food.

[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.

[] Raise sheep
Increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
Each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.

[] Raise cattle
Increases the amount of cattle the tribe has
Each group eats 3 grain and provides 5 food.
Can only be taken once per turn.

[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defences against attacks.

[] Build wooden walls.
Cost 20 wood 3 actions, provides bonuses for fights at Oslo.

[] Build noble housing
Costs 5 wood, houses a single group of nobles.

[] Build houses.
Costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.

[] Build a sawmill
Provides 5 wood per turn and 1 wood per group of woodworkers.
Cost 10 wood, 1 barrel of iron and 2 food per turn to feed its workers.

[] Send out the ships on a sailing expedition [Target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip
Targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elven city you can try to trade here.
[Coast of Norway] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[Baltic Coast] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[English coast], find raiding targets
[Scottish coast], find raiding targets
[Irish coast], find raiding targets

[] Build a new ship
15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
holds 4 groups

[] Build a new large ship
cost 2 actions ,40 wood and 3 barrel of iron.
You can not have more large ships then groups of sailors
holds 6 groups

[] Repair a damaged ship
Costs 5 wood.

[] Send out scouts - [Target]
Sends out a group of scouts. Targets are:

[] Conquer more land [Target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area. Targets are:
[West] Deeper into the woods.

[] Launch a Raid [Target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins. Targets are:
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[Scottish minor village] Home of around 40 to 60 goblins, these are easy target but might not provide a lot of loot.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[Orcish town] has between 30 and 50 orcs and about a 100 goblins has several herds of cattle and sheep.
[Write-In Target]

[] (Free Action) Send hunters on a Raid [Target]
Sends a ship with 4 groups of hunters on a raid. Targets are identical to 'Launch a Raid' Action.
Reduces passive hunting food production by 8 Food for the turn

[] Craft longbows
Costs 5 wood, crafts 10 longbows

[] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords will give the group +10 to combat.

[] Make Chainmail
Costs 5 barrels of iron, 2 actions and provides chainmail for a single group
Chainmail allows a group to ignore the first hit they take in battle.

[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
Requires noble housing or 10x longbows.
Each group that does not have both gives -1 happiness.

[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.

[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.

[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.

[] Train farmers
Trains a group of tribesmen into farmers.

[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.

[] Train ironworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into skilled miners and smiths.

[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.
[Write-In] target

[] Study Woodworking
Unlocks new buildings, the production of items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.
[Write-In] target


[] Create a new settlement [Target]
[Visby] Small island but far away from orcish lands
[Bergen] There is some grain that will help farmers.
[Trondheim] Has a ditch and earthen wall as well as multiple hunting trails.

[] Replace the tribes meetings with rule by the nobles.
Reorganizes the tribe to end the meetings and replace them by rule by nobles.
Will increase the power of the noble/warrior faction, it will gain power equal to (3x number of nobles) + number of warriors.
Will remove the food cost of the large meetings, has a DC of 65, reduced by 1/2 of the roll on a failed try.
[X] Building up Assets
-[X] Farming
-[X] Train farmers (Jernklippe)
-[X] Train farmers (Jernklippe)
-[X] Study Woodworking (Tanning or Weaving?/Trade Goods)
-[X] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village (Hamar)
-[X] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village (Hamar) x2

Okay, built this plan around a few things. First of all is ensuring we have 10 food at the end of the turn, second is training up more food producers, so soon we can split off a bunch of them to settle Visby and not run into problems either here or there. Also fills up Jernklippe with their maximum number of food producers The Woodworking is to basically get more or better trade goods. Preferably something like a Tannery or unlocking Weaving as a job, to either give us Leather trade goods, or improve Wool as a trade good. If either aren't possible, just aim for a general trade good improvement of some sort.

And then we finish the basic defences around our existing villages. Next turn, the big meeting...

Not absolutely sold by the plan this turn so I'll welcome others thoughts and discussion.
Sorry about the double post but... Does anyone else have a plan, if they don't like mine? Is there anything about my plan they'd like to see changed?
[X] Building up Assets
-[X] Farming
-[X] Train farmers (Jernklippe)
-[X] Train farmers (Jernklippe)
-[X] Study Woodworking (Tanning or Weaving?/Trade Goods)
-[X] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village (Hamar)
-[X] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village (Hamar) x2
Is the winning vote, i was thinking about the pacing, challenge and some other issues of this quest and the flow of the war in the south and the players ability to affect it.
The probably be some small changes in how this quest is run in the coming votes/week.
thinking about mechanics, pacing and other quest changes.
The tribe has come far from the handful that came on the boats to settling a city and multiple towns, and the mechanics that worked for the small scale the quest started with work less well on the current scale.

The things i am planning to change are:
The number of actions the factions take, the current number makes the choices the players make matter less then they should.
I am thinking of having all buildings that reduce food reduce the number of actions the factions take instead.

The tribes success in battles impacts the quest a lot but there is almost no player control over them, the players decided when to attack and with who but after that is me rolling 40 to 70 dice to decide the battle.
I am considering a sub vote for major battles where you make plans for a battle like choosing tactics, deployment of the tribes warriors and hero's.

The quest has issues with scale, the orcs control an area that results in them having far more warriors as the tribe and the players have to few warriors to risk them on anything besides fights where they outnumber the enemy, losing all fighters will result in having to spend 10+ turns to rebuild.
I am considering a vote covering a larger period and/or a change of the action list or change of time covered per vote.

The current action list if you ignore the various options that are there under more then one name can be summarized as:
actions providing food for one turn.
actions providing food each turn.
actions providing happiness.
actions training/arming troops.
actions unlocking minor improvements.
actions for scouting.
actions for attacking.
and actions you need to do before you can do other actions.
It is probably time for new actions/mechanics but how complex do you want the quest to be?

My leading plan is making the next vote after i write this year story post about the meeting at Copenhagen where not only the plans for the war will be talked about/voted on. but also the expansion plans for the coming 10-20 years.
What do the players of the quest think about this?
I keep this open for debate till at least Saturday maybe longer based on how goes.
I would say that the quest could probably do with getting a bit more complex... But it also seems to be working rather well as is.

If anything has to change, I'd say probably make turns a bit longer, say maybe 5 years a turn at most... Though that would require a re-working of all the actions. Not sure how to suggest going about that to be honest...
Military actions V2:
Instead of the current systems where warriors are at a town and launch raids from there i am going to switch to a system of fronts where fighters and support(things like ships to supply them) are deployed to.
It is based on how fronts work in the To boldly go, a starfleet quest.

It will look like this:

Oslo-Stockholm front

Oslo(1x warriors, 1x nobles, 15x civilian's)
Eastern woods(3x hunters)
Burned pines valley(2x warriors)

Black Hills(2x wolves) OR Black Arrow camp(3x goblins)

On this front there are warriors and nobles as a garrison at Oslo, hunters to the east of there and 2 more groups of warriors at the front lines.
There are 2 routes to get to Stockholm:
Oslo-Eastern woods-Burned pines valley-Black Hills-unknown -Stockholm
Oslo-Eastern woods-Burned pines valley-Black Arrow camp-unknown-Stockholm

There will be actions to move groups between settlements.
There will be actions where you can give orders to all fighters at a front, like ordering the warriors at burned pines valley to attack the black hills or black arrow camp.
Conquest of new places on the front gives bonuses to the closest settlement like the saltern that could be build after the conquest south of Oslo.

@OneirosTheWriter since the idea of having fronts is something i saw in your quest i would like to ask you would mind if i used them in my quest?
Okay, this makes sense. Probably will see a fair bit of adjustment over the next few turns as things happen, but that's expected.

Will need some adjustment from that format though, as this is different...

May I suggest that you use that system to replace the current 'conquer/scout' system, where Scouting actions instead push past the explored territory to find out what is further away/more precisely identify the dangers, and Conquer actions being to assault the next step or two or however many along the front...

And use a modified form of the Task Force system for Raids? I mean, once we've managed to seize a chunk of land elsewhere, we then convert it to the fronts system.

But in the mean time, we instead spend actions to temporarily divert warriors/people to a Raid 'task force' which attacks a location, with Sailing Missions still being the 'scout this region' actions, it's just they're effectively searching for locations that a Raid 'task force' can attack, or to reveal more about that area's 'Front'.

Also, add in another action to allow us to do a 'Great Raid' or Reconquest to seize a chunk of territory and found a settlement there... Admittedly, it's going to be locked for quite a while as we need to build up enough that we can actually feasibly then HOLD that settlement... But then, this action's probably already around, just waiting as I said for us to reach a point where it's a non-suicidal action... :p

To go with that, I'd suggest adding in another type of Hero. Something like the 'War Band Leader', which allows us to form permanent Raid 'task forces', which are given a location to home base in, thus adding their food cost to that location, and in exchange they carry out an automatic 'Raid this target' or 'Sail around this spot' mission each turn, depending on what we/the war band leader thinks is best...

So you'd end up with something like...

Oslo-Stockholm Front
Oslo(1x warriors, 1x nobles, 15x civilian's)
Eastern woods(3x hunters)
Burned pines valley(2x warriors)
Black Hills(2x wolves) OR Black Arrow camp(3x goblins)

Scottish Coast-Glasgow Front:
Target A (__ Goblins) or Target B (_ Goblins, _ Orcs, _ Slaves) or UNKNOWN
Glasgow(IMPOSSIBLE Difficulty)

War Band Wolf
Home Base: Oslo
Currently Raiding: Scottish Coast-Glasgow Front
War Band Leader Urist Wolfen Viking
4x Ships
1x Large Ship
9x Warriors
4x Nobles
5x Archers
3x Sailors
1x Priests

Only issue is if you do like this system, then you'd need to start allowing more than a single hero of each type. I'd suggest instead restricting it to say, 1 per major applicable town. Also, rename them/add another few...

So my thoughts would be you'd instead have the following for heroes (As a suggestion, and not just limited to these if you can think of additional, these are what I thought of whilst typing this up):
High Cleric (Limit of 1 per Major Town with Temple) (Does the current healing stuff)
Master Blacksmith (Limit of 1 per Major Town with Arsenal/Large Forge?) (Means we can construct major metalwork projects, like a 'Royal Arsenal' giving everyone on that front iron weapons as standard and the noble's steel weapons + at least iron chainmail or the like, though each one requires an 'unassigned' Master Blacksmith to direct and command the facility)
Champion (Limit of 1 per Major Town with... I don't know, Training Fields or something?) (I think it gives currently a boost to all the warriors they're fighting with?)
War Band Leader (Limit of 1 per Major Town with... Shipyard + Armoury? No real clue) (Allows an additional permanent War Band)
Master Trader/Merchant (?) (Limit of 1 per Major Town with... something trade related) (Allows the automation of 1 trade route per turn... Think something like 'Automatically trades 12 bales of wool from Oslo to Copenhagen for ___ per turn)
Then probably a third of some sort... No clue what it might be as we've not come across anything to really automate like that...

Basically, something to mean that having a Hero of a certain type is still a BIG THING, but not make it so we can only have a single hero of each type, and instead make having them require you to fulfil certain pre-requisites, then have something happen to earn you a hero...

Alternatively, you could just discard all I've written here as not fitting in with how you see the game developing. You ARE the QM after all, not me... :p
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the next vote will be for a 10 year period with a list of one time major actions before we return to the current action list as i think the front system will work better with a more groups of fighters.
Currently i am thinking of having the following list of actions with the players choosing 5.

Create a new settlement with 5 groups in it.
Expand a settlement with 5 groups(farmers, hunters,warriors, or other groups.).
Shipbuilding project, builds 2 large ships and trains sailors to crew them
Help expand the dwarven camp in Sweden into a village, they will provide the tribe with iron weapons in return.

Help the elves, gives a favor for each action taken,
Provide troops to help the elves fight the orcs.
Help the elves build a navy.
improve elvish farms, provides them with cattle.

And the favors the elves offer:
A herd of horses.
Military support: the elves will place 2 groups of their warriors under your command.
Hunting lessons: One group of hunters become veterans(+2 food, +5 to combat rolls), 2 become skilled(+1 food).

Before i open up this vote what other actions would you like to do during this 10 year vote?
Okay, this makes sense. Probably will see a fair bit of adjustment over the next few turns as things happen, but that's expected.

Will need some adjustment from that format though, as this is different...

May I suggest that you use that system to replace the current 'conquer/scout' system, where Scouting actions instead push past the explored territory to find out what is further away/more precisely identify the dangers, and Conquer actions being to assault the next step or two or however many along the front...

And use a modified form of the Task Force system for Raids? I mean, once we've managed to seize a chunk of land elsewhere, we then convert it to the fronts system.

But in the mean time, we instead spend actions to temporarily divert warriors/people to a Raid 'task force' which attacks a location, with Sailing Missions still being the 'scout this region' actions, it's just they're effectively searching for locations that a Raid 'task force' can attack, or to reveal more about that area's 'Front'.

Also, add in another action to allow us to do a 'Great Raid' or Reconquest to seize a chunk of territory and found a settlement there... Admittedly, it's going to be locked for quite a while as we need to build up enough that we can actually feasibly then HOLD that settlement... But then, this action's probably already around, just waiting as I said for us to reach a point where it's a non-suicidal action... :p

To go with that, I'd suggest adding in another type of Hero. Something like the 'War Band Leader', which allows us to form permanent Raid 'task forces', which are given a location to home base in, thus adding their food cost to that location, and in exchange they carry out an automatic 'Raid this target' or 'Sail around this spot' mission each turn, depending on what we/the war band leader thinks is best...

So you'd end up with something like...

Oslo-Stockholm Front
Oslo(1x warriors, 1x nobles, 15x civilian's)
Eastern woods(3x hunters)
Burned pines valley(2x warriors)
Black Hills(2x wolves) OR Black Arrow camp(3x goblins)

Scottish Coast-Glasgow Front:
Target A (__ Goblins) or Target B (_ Goblins, _ Orcs, _ Slaves) or UNKNOWN
Glasgow(IMPOSSIBLE Difficulty)

War Band Wolf
Home Base: Oslo
Currently Raiding: Scottish Coast-Glasgow Front
War Band Leader Urist Wolfen Viking
4x Ships
1x Large Ship
9x Warriors
4x Nobles
5x Archers
3x Sailors
1x Priests

Only issue is if you do like this system, then you'd need to start allowing more than a single hero of each type. I'd suggest instead restricting it to say, 1 per major applicable town. Also, rename them/add another few...

So my thoughts would be you'd instead have the following for heroes (As a suggestion, and not just limited to these if you can think of additional, these are what I thought of whilst typing this up):
High Cleric (Limit of 1 per Major Town with Temple) (Does the current healing stuff)
Master Blacksmith (Limit of 1 per Major Town with Arsenal/Large Forge?) (Means we can construct major metalwork projects, like a 'Royal Arsenal' giving everyone on that front iron weapons as standard and the noble's steel weapons + at least iron chainmail or the like, though each one requires an 'unassigned' Master Blacksmith to direct and command the facility)
Champion (Limit of 1 per Major Town with... I don't know, Training Fields or something?) (I think it gives currently a boost to all the warriors they're fighting with?)
War Band Leader (Limit of 1 per Major Town with... Shipyard + Armoury? No real clue) (Allows an additional permanent War Band)
Master Trader/Merchant (?) (Limit of 1 per Major Town with... something trade related) (Allows the automation of 1 trade route per turn... Think something like 'Automatically trades 12 bales of wool from Oslo to Copenhagen for ___ per turn)
Then probably a third of some sort... No clue what it might be as we've not come across anything to really automate like that...

Basically, something to mean that having a Hero of a certain type is still a BIG THING, but not make it so we can only have a single hero of each type, and instead make having them require you to fulfil certain pre-requisites, then have something happen to earn you a hero...

Alternatively, you could just discard all I've written here as not fitting in with how you see the game developing. You ARE the QM after all, not me... :p
I like your idea's and going to use at least some of them and combined with the building reducing the amount of actions the factions take instead of costing food they will work.
Master Blacksmith one per 3 groups of ironworkers
In a town they would do normal actions and are required for some actions like make chainmail and building of armories
In a warband they will give all in the warband +5 to all combat rolls
War Band Leader (Limit of 1 per Major Town with Armoury, but for each armory you have the factions take one less action.
Hmm... I'd say I'd like to see at least an action where we focus on getting a bunch of research rolls done... Basically, a combined and super-charged version of Study Woodworking and Study Warfare.

Not sure if we'd take it though.

Also probably a super-charged Scouting action, except instead of just scouting, we also do a bunch of examining our current land... Things like trying to identify useful herbs, new ore deposits or gem veins or even just places to set up good quarries for stone, such as granite or marble. Probably more, but can't think of them off the top of my head.

Can anyone else think of anything? Also, most likely going to be my last post of the night, need sleep... :p
The meeting at Copenhagen
This year the tribe focused on improving both of the smaller settlements with a new earthen wall that was build at Hamar and the training of farmers at Jernklippe. this was done to ensure the food supply and security of these villages as the tribe planned to expand. Back in Oslo a new tannery was build to provide leather armor for the armory and trade. The towns workforce was also reorganized as the sawmill and saltern got a permanent staff instead of workers working there besides there regular jobs. To supply the greatly expanded armory more ironworkers where trained.

It is said that the meeting at Copenhagen was a turning point for the tribe with the plans made there the tribe went from a single city and a pair of towns that focused on the north to a power that took part in the great war against the orcs once more. The war on the German border was not going well the orcs where advancing once more and had taken Dortmund but there where plans for a counter attack once reinforcements from the east could arrive. Sadly the counter attack will be of a limited size as the more distant cities can only supply small forces as there is not enough food that can be moved to the front to send more.

Faced with this new the tribe made plans for the years to come and decided:

[] Found a new settlement to control more land.
Creates a new settlement with 5 groups
[] Expand a settlement so a larger army could be supported.
Expands a settlement by 5 groups.
[] Started a major shipbuilding project.
Builds two large ships and trains sailors to man them.
[] Expand inland.
Send our forces inland to secure the land near the our villages.
[] Made a alliance with the dwarfs in the Swedish Hills.
Turns the dwarfish trading post into a small village, they will supply us with weapons.

We can help the elves and if we do the own us favors.
[] Provide troops to help the elves fight the orcs.
Can loose troops.
[] Help the elves build a navy.
Creates a small navy at Copenhagen that will fight any orcs trying to sail into the Baltic.
[] Provided the elves with cattle.
Improves the amount of food grown

the favors the elves offer are:
A herd of horses and trainers for mounted fighting
Hunting lessons: One group of hunters become veterans(+2 food, +5 to combat rolls), 2 become skilled(+1 food).
A shared settlement: they will send hunters and warriors to a settlement of the tribe.

This a multi year vote and the next vote will be the normal action list.
Next vote the front/warband system will be added.
Options can be chosen more then once and you may choose six actions in total.
Votes are by plan.
Okay, not going to really hash out a plan right neo, but here's my thoughts.

Six actions, and I'd prefer to spend two of them helping the elves. Probably cattle and soldiers for horses and shared settlement.

Then probably found settlement (Visby) and expand inland.

As for the last two actions... Don't really care to be honest, so I'll leave it up to you guys if anyone makes a plan before I finally get back to this to work up a plan myself.

Probably don't want to found a second settlement or help the elves a third time but... Well, options are good, as even the ships one would probably ease the connection difficulties with the new settlement in Visby. The Dwarves are definitely something to seriously consider as well, though we've been able to manage ourselves...

Oh yeah, @sunrise. Can humans have children with elves? Or are the four/five races incapable of cross-breeding?
Okay then! Time to write up the plan...

[X] Plan Expansion and Helping
-[X] Found a new settlement to control more land [Visby]
--[X] 1 Warrior, 1 Woodworker, 3 Fishermen
-[X] Expand a settlement so a larger army could be supported [Visby]
--[X] 1 Sailor, 2 Farmers, 2 Hunters
---[X] If expanding Visby is impossible, expand [Hamar] with 2 Farmers, 2 Hunters and 1 Fishermen
-[X] Expand inland
-[X] Forge an alliance with the dwarfs in the Swedish Hills
-[X] Provide troops to help the elves fight the orcs
--[X] Trade Favour in for Joint Village [Hamar]
-[X] Provide the elves with cattle
--[X] Trade Favour in for Horse Herd and trainers [Hamar]

Okay, this plan's simple: Build up Visby as much as possible over the time skip. And then build up Hamar. I chose that for where we have the join village with the Elves because it seems like an appropriate place to put the horse herd, and if we also make that the joint village, then we may just get some mounted warriors as some of the people joining the settlement. Also put in an instruction on what to do if we can't expand Visby for whatever reason, which we should be able to do, but just in case...

Also, @sunrise You haven't threadmarked the update quoted below... Went looking for when we discovered the region Hamar is, and couldn't find it. Discovered why... :p
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Vote closed, working on the update.
the state of the tribe is updated with the new groups i still need to update the food produced/eaten.
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Deploying the fighters
Vote by plan on how you are deploying your troops

Each warband is lead by a leader, i am using mostly Scandinavian names for this quest
[] write in a name for this first leader.
Where is this warband deployed and who is assigned to it?
[] write in
There are 2 fronts the tribe is fighting on:
Central Sweden, a force of 30 dwarfs is fighting against wolves here.
Bergen the tribe has pushed 100km east of Oslo and is facing minor groups of goblins.

Warriors in the settlements help defend and can help with actions.
Warriors outside settlements control land
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The other know groups
The dwarfs:
Relation to the tribe: Allies
Have a city in the mountains.
Have a small settlement about 80 to 100 men in the hills of Sweden.

The elves of Copenhagen.
Relation to the tribe: Close Friends
Have about 1000 to 1200 men
Sends a large force of warriors to the east to fight the orcs.
Keeps about 60 warriors to guard there settlements in southern Sweden.

The hunters of the north
Relation to the tribe: Close Friends
Have about 100 to 120 men
Consist of multiple small groups of hunters numbering between 10 and 30 each.

The elves of Danzig
Relation to the tribe: Friendly
Have between 600 to 800 men.

The elves of Hamburg
Have between 2000 to 2500 men.
This group gets constant reinforcements from the east as they fight the orcs.
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'Doh!' Forgot to vote so far...

Uh... Name... I don't really have a name so...

[X] [Name] Leif Erikson
[X] [Location] Central Sweden
[X] [Units] 3x Warriors, 1 from each Norwegian settlement, and 1 Elvish Noble.

This work?
The central swedish front
The central Swedish front is isolated with Oslo to the west, Visby to the East and Elvish settlements to the south. Know enemies are wolves and small groups of Goblins. Allies include a dwarven town and there are some small bands of human hunters. The dwarven settlement is called mountain gate and can be reached via the eastern or western foothills.

Towards Hamar
Burned pines valley
Swedish border
four log bridge
five oak grove
(2 groups of hunters) or eastern foothills(a group of dwarven hunters)
Old stag hunting camp(2 groups of hunters, one of tribesmen)
fallen logs trail(a group of hunters)
western plains or western foothills(a group of dwarven warriors)
former goblin camp, minor settlement
eastern plains a group of hunters

lake Mälaren shore, and a group of hunters
Stockholm(a group of warriors(10 spears(iron))
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The norwegian front
The Norwegian front suffers from a long coastline that is easy to reach from the England and Scotland it mostly follows the coastline as no one wants to live in the interior. Camp Erikson is where the advance towards Bergen has halted for now

The first sawmill
Oslo's forest
camp Erikson(a group of warriors(10 spears(iron)))
the white river Warband Leif Erikson

Wild grain fields
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Warband Leif Erikson
Leader: Leif Erikson
Location: Central Sweden
Orders: Attack Stockholm

Elvish Nobles(10 horses, 10 spears(iron), 10 swords, chainmail, wooden shields)
Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)(heavy losses)
Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)(heavy losses)
Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)(losses)
Elvish Warriors(10 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)
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