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- Queensland, Australia
Okay, one error I can see @sunrise The first sentence of the update says that the Elves of Stockholm are building a navy. Considering Stockholm is held by the Goblins, I think that's concerning... 
This a valid plan sunrise?
[X] Plan Expanding and Purging Stockholm
-[X] [Additional Population] Second Pop is Elven at Hamar, Third is Half-Elven
-[X] [nobles] Always mounted
-[X] Send advisors [Trade Favour for Improved Hunters
-[X] Create a new settlement [Former Goblin Camp] [1 Elven Woodworkers, 1 Skilled Hunter, 1 Elven Skilled Hunter, 1 Skilled Farmer, 1 Tribesmen]
-[X] Negotiate [Elves at Copenhagen] [Southern Sweden Garrison assist with the attack on Stockholm this year]
-[X] Train warriors [Elven Tribesmen to Elven Warriors at Former Goblin Camp]
-[x] Move troops [2x Nobles, 1x Warriors, 1x Elven Warriors to Central Swedish Front THIS TURN ONLY]
-[X] Order front [Central Swedish Front to assault Stockholm with assistance of Warband Erikson and temporary reinforcements]
-[X] Study Woodworking [Faster Clearing of Fields, for example, by improving/creating a harness for oxen allowing them to assist in removing boulders, logs and stumps]
Make nobles our knight equivalents... which they were becoming already really... Send Advisors to boost the rate and quality at which they build their navy, found a settlement at the Goblin Camp because I want to also found at Stockholm, and it gives us an overland route to there from Oslo. Need to work at incorporating the Hunters of the North so we control the entire route sometime soon... Also, making this another mixed race settlement
The Study action is to see if we can reach 'Clear Fields action gives 2 cleared fields'... Or if not that, work towards it, seeing as famers with cattle now need 3 fields for optimal production. Which reminds me, once Stockholm's been cleared, we're going to need to do a LOT of 'improve production' actions...
Train Warriors to give our new settlement it's 'Minimum 1 Warriors per settlement'... Finally, negotiating with the elves to assist with the attack on Stockholm this turn, sending a bunch of troops to the Central Swedish Front for this turn only, and then ordering that Front to attack Stockholm with the Warband.
This a valid plan sunrise?
[X] Plan Expanding and Purging Stockholm
-[X] [Additional Population] Second Pop is Elven at Hamar, Third is Half-Elven
-[X] [nobles] Always mounted
-[X] Send advisors [Trade Favour for Improved Hunters
-[X] Create a new settlement [Former Goblin Camp] [1 Elven Woodworkers, 1 Skilled Hunter, 1 Elven Skilled Hunter, 1 Skilled Farmer, 1 Tribesmen]
-[X] Negotiate [Elves at Copenhagen] [Southern Sweden Garrison assist with the attack on Stockholm this year]
-[X] Train warriors [Elven Tribesmen to Elven Warriors at Former Goblin Camp]
-[x] Move troops [2x Nobles, 1x Warriors, 1x Elven Warriors to Central Swedish Front THIS TURN ONLY]
-[X] Order front [Central Swedish Front to assault Stockholm with assistance of Warband Erikson and temporary reinforcements]
-[X] Study Woodworking [Faster Clearing of Fields, for example, by improving/creating a harness for oxen allowing them to assist in removing boulders, logs and stumps]
Make nobles our knight equivalents... which they were becoming already really... Send Advisors to boost the rate and quality at which they build their navy, found a settlement at the Goblin Camp because I want to also found at Stockholm, and it gives us an overland route to there from Oslo. Need to work at incorporating the Hunters of the North so we control the entire route sometime soon... Also, making this another mixed race settlement
The Study action is to see if we can reach 'Clear Fields action gives 2 cleared fields'... Or if not that, work towards it, seeing as famers with cattle now need 3 fields for optimal production. Which reminds me, once Stockholm's been cleared, we're going to need to do a LOT of 'improve production' actions...
Train Warriors to give our new settlement it's 'Minimum 1 Warriors per settlement'... Finally, negotiating with the elves to assist with the attack on Stockholm this turn, sending a bunch of troops to the Central Swedish Front for this turn only, and then ordering that Front to attack Stockholm with the Warband.