Villainous Ideals

Silver sun 17 said:
how about we not use 9 days on heroes for the time being. it's not a viable tactic if we can't keep them prisoner for the 9 days.
Like I said a way may exist in making any out we make a double edged sword. As it is though for now the only hero that I think that it's particularly viable to try against is Shade since she isn't commonly enough seen that it would be immediately clear that something is wrong if she doesn't appear the next day from what I understand nor does she appear to be as closely working with another hero as Red is. As it stands I'm okay with not quite yet using the curse on heroes. Mudanes can be of use as well especially once Minush hits seduction level 2.

The act of capturing the hero shouldn't be too hard either provided Minush has seduction level 2 and the hero is actually attracted to her.
I like Beatrix.

You know, Minsuh's seduction plus us having Bureaucracy or Brilliance is a pretty good combination. We do something to damage the company, she uses the recent damage plus her seduction to get him to sell it to us at a low price, and the company would be either safe from suspicion of our involvement due to bureaucracy or guaranteed to make money due to business.
[x] contact Maestro's local forces and see if we can off load our diamonds for cash. also look into on what goods we could potential buy from them. (accept a 10-15% markdown from their normal buying price in the interest of better business relations) (Below)
[x] update all bots with the new AI upgrde (Done)
[x] continue selling the Flashbang RPGs (Sold 3 more)
[x] create a small device Brillance can hook up to an antenna to send out broadcasts while she flees (Done)
[x] install a shoulder mounted three shot RPG launcher that can be reloaded. use Flashbang RPGs as the default ammunition. (Cannot be done for Brilliance, frame interference. Gun and holster made instead.)
[x] Look into the catburgler and see if we can hire him to acquire the manifests of the high security warehouses. (Below)
[x] look into the costs of hiring the cities criminal element to aid in one of our heists. (Below)
[x] have the fabber build brusierbots ($1000 budget assuming the $26 a bot numbers are accepted) (Bruiserbots are $900 based on costs page 1. 50 lbs @ $2 =100 + 8 qt @ $100 = 800. 3 made from materials available.)
[x] establish a small base in the caves outside the city. 5 bruiserbots 15 dumbots for labor.


"I can give you 5 thou' for them." The man in front of you leans back against his chair casually as he looks at the diamonds.

Finding Maestro's men was surprisingly easy. While technically they are considered illegal, they are covert about it for the most part. It's very hard to pin down the leaders legally, and they don't qualify for a full villain treatment. Most certainly they could be considered minions, but they don't go around being obvious about it. This lets them operate slightly more openly. Enough that it's possible for you to find a contact.

"They are worth at least ten." You point out calmly.

The man nods slightly. "Yeah, but they are hot. Now if you had some trick to erase the databse for them?" He trails leadingly, and then sighs as you don't respond. "All right, you likely don't deal with the more expensive stuff. Tech man right?"

You nod warily. The helmet you are wearing is delicate enough for this motion to come through.

"Most things like art and diamonds have databases nowadays. Diamonds in particular are logged. Now if you hadn't made a ruckus about this, I coulda bought em quick for around eight to nine k. Art can get that big if it's rare, but it's still expensive for me to move it. Diamonds like this? I have to get outta the country." The man's name is Sly. You are pretty certain it's a moniker, but you aren't going to quibble. "That means I ain't paying lots for em."

You snarl a bit to yourself, but from what you can tell he's telling the truth. "Nine k, and I'll come back to you later."

"Man, I'm the only game in town, you offload stuff like this, you ain't got no one else less you wanna drive four hours. And wit' hot stuff you really don't want chance it. Police can get twitchy." Sly chuckles and puts back the diamonds. "Now I'll give you a deal instead. I'll give you five point five k for the lot, and I will throw in a nifty bit of tech someone swiped from the local labs. They couldn't use it, but it's nifty still. Looks like a bit of Hero tech from out of state. Useless to lots of people, but an up and coming villain like you...?"

Sly trails off at your indecision and then speaks again. "Think about it. Maestro want's to support up and coming artists, so we like to play nice if you do. I can even order some more exotic stuff if you like. Tech Villain like you would want all sorts of stuff. Explosives, circuits, alloys. Be expensive, but I can guarantee the quality."

You sigh, but nod at the man. "I will think about it." You pause some. "Would you be able to contact the other villain here as well?"

He frowns some at you. "Now, that's sort of hard. Local players like you tend to be pretty standoffish. Now I can get a message out to him, but if you want him for a job it's easier just to let me know. I will be able to price it and pitch it to him. Better to keep me in the middle, since most of your type don't play nice."

[] Decision? (You can reverse engineer other people's tech if you meet the qualifications. I will roll 2d10 for each day, and add it to a total. You will need to hit a number based on the tech complexity from 20 - 1,000.)

Brusierbots don't have complex thought processes. Even with the various upgrades Revan has put into their thought processes, they are meant to be expendable fighters. As such, they can't be considered full intelligence. They are just smart enough to follow human processes and interpret them. They don't have what could be considered will of their own. Brilliance considers them lesser siblings, and that isn't far off from the truth. They learn, but don't store much. They work and think, but are interchangeable. Part of this is because they are networked together, so don't have to think for themselves. Part of it's just the way they are designed.

Despite this, they can be fairly intelligent. In this case, when they setup a base that their creator wants. Most of it's just wiring, and hollowing things out. The caves they are working in are far larger than what they need really.

Of course these plans didn't consider the cave was already occupied.

The mole was about the size of a dog. No eyes to speak of, but teeth sharp enough to rip through standard flesh, and claws good for diging through dirt. Hardly a threat to the bruiserbot. So it ignored it for the most part.

Then the thing tried to bite. The bot ignored that too.

Then it decided to try to attack the dumbots. The bruiserbot decided it was time to practice it's punting skills.

A few minutes later Revan had to be called.

"What do you mean they are at war with an underground mutant mole population?!"

OK, take the deal, we need the money, and the tech is tempting.

And Mole mutants? Really? Ah, fine, time to break out the cyanide gas...
Yeah, just poison the entire cave system. Nothing like genocide in the morning. Not like they are people anyway. And who knows? They may be planning to attack the surface sometime soon.
[X] Take the deal.

[X] Deploy all of our bruiserbots to the caves.
-- [X] Show them whose boss. Conquer then and make them know who they serve as the Mastermind here.
[X] Take the deal.

[X] Deploy all of our bruiserbots to the caves.
-- [X] Minsuh can kill as many of the mole things as she wants.
[X] Take the deal.

[X] Deploy all of our bruiserbots to the caves.
-- [X] Minsuh can do whatever she wants to the mole things.
What do you guys doing, killing the mutant moles?!

Nay! I say we domesticate them!

[X] Take the deal.

[X] Deploy all of our bruiserbots to the caves.
-- [X] Show them whose boss. Conquer then and make them know who they serve as the Mastermind here.
Almost forgot, Lost Star, was there any local villains in the past who operated in this city and used mutant animals?

Or is this just the kind of thing that's considered more-or-less normal nowadays?
JTibbs said:
not in the bruiserbots apparently... AI 4 is expressely stated as human. I don't see why we would be installing inferior AI in the bruiserbots here...
*sighs* -At 4 they are human level. [- From the first page. Human LEVEL, not like humans.

They can reason and think like a human. They however are not human. This is a design feature in them. Not a flaw. They are interchangeable soldiers who don't care about things like death, payment, or individuality.
Undead-Spaceman said:
Almost forgot, Lost Star, was there any local villains in the past who operated in this city and used mutant animals?

Or is this just the kind of thing that's considered more-or-less normal nowadays?
There might have been, but lingering experiments are not uncommon in deserted areas.
uju32 said:
This Quest is the equivalent of those old 70s comics, where the villain and hero play by rules, and there are no permanent personal consequences for shenanigans.

It's not meant to be too serious, and when people keep coming up with plans like trap and kill, or elaborate torture schemes, it breaks my immersion and makes me foam at the mouth.
Which is why I try to only read the updates.

Nice writing by the way LS.

Thank you! I try.

Also, there are parts where it can be serious, but it's not really meant to be a totally dark and serious nitty gritty setting. It's meant to be fun, and can have serious moments too.
Guys we should let Minsuh go to town on the mole people. She likes hurting and killing things, and gains power from doing it. If we aren't going to let her eat people yet we should at least let her eat mole creatures.
mc2rpg said:
Guys we should let Minsuh go to town on the mole people. She likes hurting and killing things, and gains power from doing it. If we aren't going to let her eat people yet we should at least let her eat mole creatures.

Wonder how good their fur is, Moleskin is still valuable.
[X] Take the deal.

[X] Deploy all of our bruiserbots to the caves.
-- [X] Show them whose boss. Conquer then and make them know who they serve as the Mastermind here.