[x] Upgrade AI to 4
[x] Hatch a Villianous Scheme - Operation Welcome Home: We're back from jail, we've got a new minion who seems to be doing well, and we've got the beginnings of a new base of operations. What we want is control over this little berg, so we can move on to bigger and better things, and to cause some chaos in the life of the supers who caught us. Idea! Let's hijack the TV News again go back to our previous tricks - with a twist! We shall announce our intentions to rob EVERY BANK IN THE CITY! We will then write a computer virus (using our AI skills) which steals 1/2 a penny from every transaction made, break into the bank's computing centers, and plant our little gift. This kind of scheme gets noticed in the long term, but is relatively undetectable in the short term. Have Minsuh and Brilliant available to cover our presence while we work.
-[x] Continuing our theme of stealing small change, we'll get our dumbbots to go out and steal all the parking meters in the city! This should get us a LOT of scrap metal, which we're kind of low on.
-[x] In the meantime, we should build a dumbbot production facility in our secondary base!
It's typically difficult to hijack the news stations. You need an antenna of some sort, equipment setup, and usually it's a great way of broadcasting your presence. This is typically. Brilliance just needs an antenna, and there are plenty of them across the city. All she needs to do is go up to one, grab a proper wire with her hands, and basically just think. Then the message goes out.
Like the one she just broadcast of her creator in one of his rants. Minsuh calls them 'stroking his ego', but to the robot they were mostly just something her creator did. They were even mildly entertaining at times.
Taking a step back, Brilliance began the process of lifting off, and then immediately cut the command to dodge to the side.
Captain Red impacts into her former position with a crash and a small dent in the rooftop. He then turns to look at her. "Found you finally." He doesn't seem to expect a response.
Brilliance's head tilts. This is the first real time she's confronted a Hero. The only other time she's encountered one, they took creator and left. "You were looking for this unit?"
Captain Red pauses a moment, and then warily watches her. "Yeah, Beatrix said there was something mobile hitting the the news towers to broadcast. Been looking for you each time this happens."
"There are approximately twelve antennas around the city with enough power for me. Several of them across the city from each other. " Brilliance would frown if she could. "That seems notably inefficient since my broadcasts are at most ten minutes."
"Hey." Captain Red shrugs. "Got you anyway."
"No. You don't." Brilliance takes a step back and off the rooftop they were on.
With a spin she rights herself in the appropriate direction, and then extends her wings. A snap, and her fall is arrested. Then another one and she twists again into the air.
Captain Red is faster than her. Not by the largest margins, but enough to catch up should they be going in a straight line. Brilliance can 'see' him behind her almost immediately.
That's honestly expected. She was not designed for speed. There are always faster things, and it requires exponentially more power the faster you go. Creator is brilliant, but the batteries he uses are best for consistent, long power. So Brilliance was designed for something else. Pure mobility.
She twists again as Captain Red just barely gets in reach. He still clips a feather, but they aren't essential parts. That gives her a few seconds, enough to grab a wall and redirect her momentum again.
A human would find the Gs she's pulling off intolerable. She just feels her wings creek under the strain. Through the alleyways just barely big enough for her wings, and then down through an underpass. Captain Red losing distance quickly.
Then it's through another alleyway and into the sky as fast as possible.
If she's right, Captain Red will continue down another alleyway in chasing her. He's not really a flyer she thinks. He's decent at it, but compared to her he doesn't think right at all.
He could never catch her either. Though he could most certainly try.
Having lost the her Brilliance sets about heading home more leisurely. She needs a feather replaced, and likely her wings are going to need to be taken off and realigned. If she knew the term, she would tell you it sucked.
In retrospect, you probably should have expected that your banking scheme wouldn't go as well as you would like. Bank severs are setup in a secured datacenter on the outskirts of town. This is relatively easy to infiltrate, and to leave a device. What isn't easy is to keep the device hidden. The servers are inspected regularly as part of general maintence, and your device is discovered and removed within a week.
What it was doing isn't figured out until that time though, and you get some money off it. Considering the degree of transactions, and the amount you were skimming off it, you got a decent haul.
More satisfying in a way is the crime spree your dumbots manage. They might not be the smartest things in the world, but they are some of the hardest workers. It takes most of the night, but they manage to loot almost every parking meter in the city. This is no small task. They are emptied of cash routinely, but it's very entertaining the chaos this simple act causes. Especially since the city can't replace them immediately.
And you have a lot of metal to melt down too.
+20 Mania from rant
+10 from banking
+15 from theft
+23 Torment
Minsuh gains a level. She puts the gain into Illusions. They can now replicate scent and touch.
Note, with minion levels they will be directing the gains themselves. They will try to do it in an area they feel you need or that they have consistently been using.
+1,000 Pounds of steel.