Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

I want to like this chapter because a lot of cool shit happened but the ending was so cliche, everything gets worse type of bullshit that it takes away from everything else good.
Well I suppose that can be problematic…but I don't see this so much as taking away everything good. I'm not planning to go full apocalypse for at least a good while. Now if I don't know if say…Vaatu showed up it would be bad, but Shamans have jobs for a reason. Spirits aren't all going to be inherently good, it would be a little uncharacteristic if they were.

A lack of conflict(physical or otherwise) doesn't really fit for the kind of story I want to write. I have no trouble with your opinion of it however.

Edit: Apparently I got ninjaed. That's a first.
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I'll need to find a way to coordinate better. Maybe that BattleNet should me intergrated a little better?
be integrated
Having a cloud computing network would be a little more useful if it did a little more than just telling us where stuff is.
be more useful if it did a little more (edited for repetition)
It had taken me only a few seconds to use omni-two shapers to form barricades
She pouted, and I nervously chuckled when I realized I had accidentally set her on fire.
almost accidentally? Bit of a difference there...
"Most aren't inherently dangerous but there's also no way to eliminate them without an expenditure of resources so large it breaks the cohesion of human civilization." The tinker coughed at my statement, and I fidgeted when all the heroes started staring at me.

"You'll have to come with us then." Armsmaster's expression was stiff, and his halberd drifted in my direction. I tilted my head at the action.

"You don't need to point your weapon at me, I already had a dossier just in case of a situation like this." I pointed to my omni-tool, and Taylor tilted her head. Suppose she was curious because I never mentioned it before, and to be fair I didn't remember it because it had been made weeks ago.
It might be wise to say that you weren't the one who made/released those, as I am sure they are thinking...
be integrated
be more useful if it did a little more (edited for repetition)
almost accidentally? Bit of a difference there...

It might be wise to say that you weren't the one who made/released those, as I am sure they are thinking...
Yeah, that's something that'll be addressed in the next chapter which follows up immediately after this one. Basilia probably wouldn't realize realize how her words would sound then.
Taylor's description also brought up a few problems…why didn't they have Othala's help? If Stormtiger had invincibility it would have screwed us over for at least a while. So why?
Well othalas best buffs only have around 30 seconds duration, with up to 10 minutes for the weaker stuff.
Having othala that close to someone with drones + bugs might be bad, for such an important cape. Possibly the 10 minute stuff but not the invulnerability.
Also possible that kaiser wanted to wait longer or something so this small group was off on their own.
But I don't blame him for not being able to think of a reason.
The chapter was great until the end. It wasn't even the everything gets worse cliche, that was pretty okay in my books. What kinda killed it for me was the protag flying off the handlebars and spouting some utterly ridiculous nonsense like it was a well known face.

Even if those claims happened to be true you don't just randomly make a claim like that, there's a reason people low ball things and leave out information. It's because when you start saying things that people don't have a frame of reference for then it tends to be defaulted towards being a lie in peoples minds. If anything she should have claimed it'd take something strong enough to kill an Endbringer to take care of the spirit, at least then it would be a completely and utterly alien statement. "-no way to eliminate them without an expenditure of resources so large it breaks the cohesion of human civilization." is a pretty bold statement, and even harder to believe if you just drop it on someone.

Basically, poor word choice and the fact that the story is moving even further into the murky depths of ridiculous.
The chapter was great until the end. It wasn't even the everything gets worse cliche, that was pretty okay in my books. What kinda killed it for me was the protag flying off the handlebars and spouting some utterly ridiculous nonsense like it was a well known face.

Even if those claims happened to be true you don't just randomly make a claim like that, there's a reason people low ball things and leave out information. It's because when you start saying things that people don't have a frame of reference for then it tends to be defaulted towards being a lie in peoples minds. If anything she should have claimed it'd take something strong enough to kill an Endbringer to take care of the spirit, at least then it would be a completely and utterly alien statement. "-no way to eliminate them without an expenditure of resources so large it breaks the cohesion of human civilization." is a pretty bold statement, and even harder to believe if you just drop it on someone.

Basically, poor word choice and the fact that the story is moving even further into the murky depths of ridiculous.
I suppose I can understand the last part quite easily, but she she was talking specifically about killing thousands upon thousands of Spirits. Earth Bet doesen't seem to much deal with most S-class threats. Nilbog is still running around because of his monsters and virus bombs. The Nine kind of count but their attrition rate is a little too high for that. The Machine Army is still around, as is Sleeper and the Blasphemies.

It's more an issue of resources with only the very rare and high class spirits posing Endbringer level threats to humanity. Also killing a spirit world tends to have nasty repercussions if you don't know what you're doing.

But…upon a second read...I'll have to make a change on that particular sentence. It…does seem a little much.
Immersion 3.4
Immersion 3.4

March 18th, 2011. 5:45 PM

Basilia Rubio

I ruffled my hair, having removed my helmet for the meeting that had been rapidly set up between a certain Director and my partner in business and hero work. A domino mask protected my identity, absolutely filled with a wide range of stealth technology to obscure my face. My eye color was not possible to discern without powers, and the shape of my face was changed by the mask itself and high fidelity photonic projection technology.

A good amount of the time had been spent waiting for slow bureaucracy to turn and M/S protocols to finish to make sure a literal demon monster wasn't possessing us. Once we had gone through all of that nonsense we had eventually been allowed to be in the same room with one Emily Piggot of the PRT. Taylor had not removed anything, clearly preferring her stuffy mask to fresh air. Then again she didn't have a mask using future tech. That made Taylor's reluctance a lot more understandable. Even then the feeling of being able to touch my soft silky hair was worth the practically nonexistent risk.

"Erudition, stop being weird you don't even brush your hair half the time. So I have to do it for you." I giggled at Taylor's deadpan reply, finding it a little funny.

She wasn't entirely wrong however, being of the male sex and being a bit of a slob made things like self care a little difficult. I had been getting better though, but long hair was a little out of my field of expertise. Taylor had been teaching me, and the experience had become quite common. I actually found it kind of nice, so even if I knew how now I let Taylor brush my hair anyway. Was that weird? No…I think it's just because I like spending time with Taylor.

Which is not much of a revelation, we were friends.

The door to the 'secure' conference room opened with two heroes I already knew well stepping nearly in sync with each other. Miss Militia strutted with a kind of confidence that I rarely saw in most people. She was weaponless but for her that meant little. Armsmaster's stride was more brusque but every bit her equal in confidence. He held his halberd but it hung tightly to a utility belt, much like my own as well as my many pockets.

Piggot was the last and I was taken aback by how…ordinary her overweight body was. She was exactly as you would have expected from the way she was described in Worm. But to be frank both my uncle and my aunt had more fat on their bones. And I had been around enough patients at my job to see some people with real weight. The fact she was still working and even walking was a testament to her stubbornness and willpower.

I tried to put on a smile but I doubt they found it genuine in any way. This had grown beyond my ability to control, I was only a single Shaman and the world was so much larger.

The director looked at me with a surprising lack of distaste, but she still had a bit of a scowl. "You seem quite worried." Both the capes looked at her and I wondered if they expected the PRT leader to play hardball.

My fingers rubbed against the table with an unusual amount of pressure. "It's not every day when a dark spirit manages to take a host. We have an incredibly dangerous entity that can only be killed if we take out the person it's possessing or we placate or damage it's true form."

"True form?" Piggot leaned back a bit as she sat down on a large and comfy chair. I pursed my lips, and purposely darted my eyes back and forth across the private room. They managed to take the hint, and the room shuddered as a number of mechanisms functioned to leave the place as isolated as can be.

"May I?" I tapped my omni-tool, and she frowned but allowed it with the caveat of Armsmaster doing his own sweeping. In the process Armsmaster found six hidden bugs, and I found a dozen more. The twitching eyebrows of the director made me nervous…because she was pissed.

Piggot let out a haggard breath. "Now I would like you to explain what is going on or I'll have to believe that you are the cause of this."

I threw my hands up. "Alright just to clear the air here, I am not responsible for creating or provoking the dark spirit currently using Krieg like a meat puppet." Armsmaster nodded very slowly.

"What do you mean by spirits? Are you referencing some form of animism?" That actually surprised me, and I wondered if Collin Wallis had some outside research on that sort of thing.

"That is not…entirely unfitting for what's occurring, that creature likely managed to pass through due to a rift into its native reality. It took a hold of Krieg at some point, and is likely using him as a vessel to express its natural instincts."

"Which are?" Piggot wasn't amused.

"It's a spirit of hatred, fear, ignorance and violence, it's going to lash out exactly as you would expect an insane parahuman would." Taylor stayed silent, and the director asked more necessary questions.

"What exactly is this creature? Are there more like them? Where do they come from and can they be killed?" I stared at her for a moment before giving the answer.

"That creature is as I mentioned a spirit, a native of the Spirit World. Think of it as a plane of existence aligned to our world, where the spirits reside in their home reality. Admittedly a little wishy-washy but you may label them however you see fit." Her expression was disbelieving but it quickly hardened after a solid 30 seconds of watching my face.

"So these 'spirits' are not a result of your power?" Armsmaster sounded a little relieved…maybe he wanted some extra tinker buddies?

"They are not, these entities have been around for far longer, even if not as they are now. I can interact and even communicate with them…but I'm not exactly skilled enough to talk to something made out of pure hatred and violence." I couldn't keep the sassiness from my voice if I tried.

All three members of the government organization joined together in mutual curiosity(and paranoia)

"I see," Piggot spoke carefully. "How many of these…spirits live within this dimensional plane?" It was a good thing that Toybox had their own pocket dimension to make my revelations convincing. Which was how I hoped she maintained her current level headedness.

"How many animals exist on this planet again?" Piggot's expression turned cold, her lips twisting into a half snarl.

"This is not a joke Erudition." I looked her straight in the eye, with little room for fear. Which was difficult.

"It's not, there's probably dozens to hundreds of spirits of some variety in this room alone. Thankfully, most of the more intelligent ones would probably be loyal to this place anyway."

"Explain." I'm sure she was only a minute away from blowing her top, and I didn't want to see what she does with her anger.

"Spirits are spontaneously generated from aspects of the physical world. Wildfires beget aspects of flame, rain creates aspects of water, pain creates spirits of…well pain. They operate on a food chain, their interactions balance out including their manifestation in this world. The most basic spirits, Aspects are typically barely sentient and the most easy to fight, manipulate or move around. Their basic behaviors are to gather with more of their kind, or those similar to their kind. An aspect of hate can eat an aspect of pain but not an aspect of love for example. They also have basic survival instincts…" god that seemed like the biggest piece of crock didn't it?

"Can they be killed or contained?" Piggot's knuckles were bone white, and I nearly laughed nervously.

"You can usually kill one if you punch it hard enough," I shrugged, pulling a grimace. "But some of the tougher and smarter spirits don't die when they are killed." Taylor and Piggot gave me an odd look, and I hid my smirk. "The other issue would be that a successful decimation of the spirit world could possibly cause a mass extinction event. Though I can't be sure…so please don't take my word for it." The switch in tone snapped the capes back into a more serious mode.

"How does that work?" Piggot was still being quite reasonable, and I was starting to wonder if she knew I wasn't Parahuman. In a biological sense rather than a legal sense I mean.

"The interactions of the spirits also affects events in the physical world, too many water spirits you get unseasonable mass floods in deserts. Too many fire spirits and you burn up the rainforest. That's just with just aspects, many of the more intelligent spirits tend to form from the presence of animal life. I've got no clue what that would do to life and I don't want to know. Though it might just harm them mentally rather than physically."

I really hoped they weren't as closely linked as I imagined, because spirits born from animals tend to die once their physical partner becomes deceased. Accidentally genociding all sentient life on Earth sounds like a real pain…though I have my doubts that's the case.

Piggot looked ready to burst a gasket and I did not blame her whatsoever. "So you're saying that there is an entirely different world where strange entities can affect and harm us and we can't do anything to stop them? Why did this go unnoticed?"

"The Spirit World wasn't…complete you could say, a machine not yet given its final parts until recently. Now that it's up and running, Pandora's box has opened up." I clenched my fists at the idea. "I've…no idea what kind of insane bastard would think it was a good idea…"

"Why not mention this to us earlier? A threat of this scale…it's irresponsible to leave it unmentioned." The director's words stung but there were a number of problems as well.

"Because the PRT is completely and utterly compromised." I spoke the truth in one of the few places I could make safe. A plethora of spirits of code and of machinery scoured the room, preventing information leakage in its totality along with brute processing power and elegant programming. "I was also a lot less knowledgeable on the many aspects of my powers. I only started getting a better idea of the implications relatively recently. Which is when I started to mull over the idea of informing your PRT."

Piggot leaned back. "If this was something you lacked knowledge of…then I can not blame you for your lack of…forewarning." Her huff told me she didn't like accepting that I wasn't being uncooperative.

"Right…" I said plainly.

She tapped on her desk with another scowl. "We also know there are at least a few informants from the gang's, we do our best to keep the leakage to a minimum." The frown on her face pointed to just how effective the local security of the local government was.

"It's definitely not enough, your system's are utterly borked to hell and back. Most of the well known gangs are also the ones with the least inroads into your branch." Taylor was squirming, and I could tell her power was running very strongly. It could have been worse since I had already told her this a while back.

It had been a bitch of a time getting anything out of Coil's systems, and I had to spend hours placating the spirits within his computers to give me the data I needed. Even then at the current level of progress it would be another few weeks before I'd be at the readiness to really commit to doing anything to the bastard.

Most of my time has been spent trying to keep any assets he could gain out of his hands. So far the Travelers have vanished off the face of the planet, and Dinah has a few drones(and friendly spirits…) tailing her.

"How dangerous is the information about these spirits that you don't trust it to leak out?" The question from Miss Militia added to the growing tension.

"In the end, spirits are machines, tools to be used, placated to improve your chance of survival. Healthier crops, increased efficiency of your weapons and technology. If you find someone like me capable of talking to them…living warmachines with horrific potential. The chances of someone experimenting and then killing themselves and everyone within a one mile radius is…not comforting."

"But now that one of those things is here you don't have a choice anymore." Piggot made a statement rather than a question.

"No wonder you're so stressed all the time." Taylor shrank back, once she realized she had said that out loud.

"So it would be best to keep this information as airtight sealed as possible," Piggot said with a pained expression. "But I also need proof of your statements, I can't have my troops being misinformed. That would…displease me." I shuddered.

"While I could shift us into the spirit world, I'm not sure how safe that would be," all three looked alarmed and I lifted my hands up in surrender. "The spirit world's physics are quite inconsistent, and I can't guarantee anyone's safety with what I have on hand."

The Director scowled. "Then try a different less dangerous method." I nodded and gestured for Armsmaster to approach. He did so cautiously.

"Do you have anything that can pick up dimensional or spatial anomalies?" The tinker paused, and I could hear his lips move silently.

"Yes. They're effective enough and reliable enough for some basic testing."

I frowned, studying the room for any abnormalities. I tilted my head toward Piggot. "Are you certain about this…while it's not dangerous it can…be disconcerting."

"I need to do my job…" I sighed.

"Good…may I?" The former military woman nodded, and Collin quickly scrambled with his Tinkertech. Reality pulsated, and the many native spirits in the vicinity were illuminated. Piggot hid a choked sound, staring at an air aspect freely floating in the breeze. Armsmaster stared at his halberd, the burning folding being of pure energy within it waving happily at its creator. Miss Militia watched a metal hulk leaned comfortably against its perch, one of the many spirits manifesting from the hull of the Rig.

I shut off this part of my abilities and the glimpse of the spirit world vanished. Armsmaster was analyzing the newly acquired data, and I could feel the glare the two older women were giving me.

"I imagine you realize how concerning this is?" I nodded meekly. Piggot clasped her hands together. "Now is there a way to combat this dark spirit? I'm not leaving some uncontrollable monster roaming around in my city." The commanding growl in her voice left a feeling of…wait is that…?

"Yes, we either need to purify the entity or kill it. We'll probably have to settle for the latter since I lack experience in the former. That spirit obviously didn't know what it was doing and broke something inside of itself. It'll be semi-fragile but incredibly unpredictable."

"Would PRT troopers be able to fight this spirit?" I shook my head. "So we'll need capes then…" she didn't look happy about it.

"Do you have any information on if there's been any odd attacks or mysterious disappearances? That might narrow down the thing's location." My data on the Empire's territory was less complete since I had mostly stuck to what one could call my territory. I had unofficially kicked out the Merchants, their unpowered henchmen being among the first of the petty criminal population to fall. They had recruited extra capes, but many of them were either caught within days or got fucked over by the other gangs. Or Taylor destroyed them.

"There's been a rash of attacks that have left many people within Empire territory with injuries, many of them have marks resembling claw marks…" some would have thought a new cape instead of a vicious monster. I had thought so. "Many have spoken about a sudden lack of energy." Armmaster's answer left me cold.

"It's feeding off human beings…" there was a sharp intake of breath throughout the room. "This will need to be delicate, we'll have to act fast if we want to prevent this from spiraling out of control." At this point…I'll just roll with the sudden authority I had managed to develop. Taylor was still better at it though, even if the gap had narrowed.

I pulled out the data disc, zealously protected by controlled spirits as well as encryption beyond anything in the modern day.

"Does that contain the dossier you mentioned?" Miss Militia piped up from her position.

"It also elaborates on some of the holes in your security if you want it…keep it off your systems and prepare accordingly." I crossed my legs, anxiety churning my stomach.

The three shared a meaningful glance. Piggot smirked for a moment.

"Then if that's everything you're willing to say, we'll have to talk about what comes next." There was a glint in her eyes. "This meeting will take a lot of time, are you willing to commit?"

I've made a horrible mistake.


March 19th, 2011. 8:35 AM

Basilia Rubio

"This city has been cursed…it just has to be." I whined, placing my forehead down on the table. Taylor smiled but the bright sight did little to improve my shitty mood. Not that it was as bad as I was hamming it up to be, but it was leaving me on the back foot and I did not like that.

I waited at the dinner table, watching Taylor cook while humming a happy tune. This was another activity we had started together because Taylor was apparently fairly adept in comparison to my own paltry cooking skills. The skill was something the master cape had learned and then expanded her knowledge once she broke free from Winslow. She had been kind enough to teach me some of what she was learning and like the hair brushing it was fun…more so even.

There had been well over an hour of time spent on the meeting, and we also had to go through the general run around for the Empire fight. At the same time, I had been enlisted by Armsmaster to help plug some of the holes in their security. He hadn't told me what, but they had developed a plan for moving the Empire capes without losing them. Apparently taking down 4 Empire capes had given a huge kick to the rear of the PRT. But there's been uplifted activity from the ABB at the same time. So far they had kept the probing to a minimum, but eventually they would become cocky enough to try to muscle in on the area my company was operating in.

Taylor and I weren't liable for what would happen to them once that occurred.

There was also a growing interest in my Tinkertech, and the local police departments were clamoring for new armor plating. Some of them were also finding some amount of fascination with my drones. Not an uncommon sentiment, though whether I'd be allowed to bring a basic model to the market…was another story. Overall the business was going through what one would call a steady amount of growth.

The income was actually quite sizable once the kinks got worked out. While the company probably wouldn't grow into a multi billion dollar giant overnight, it might get there within about a year. I was actually supposed to meet up with a few steel manufacturing companies, they had purchased licenses from Athena. The money would probably add up to at least tens of millions per year, but the corporations themselves would easily make billions with stronger, tougher, cheaper and longer lasting alloys.

I could see most of Athena's revenue being from licensing like certain smaller corporations back on Earth…Prime? There was a headphones company that made several hundred million dollars on their patents. Which made we wonder how much could I make with what I could license?

There was also some scouting out for using a specialized VI to focus on certain lines of research to advance. Most of them involved electronics, small little refinements that would take them up higher to the limits of modern silicon architecture. Unfortunately my optotronic computing would be limited to my own stuff and small production lines. The sheer disruption would destroy the electronics industry, though I could at least boost the rate of advancement by a wide margin.

I mean…I was funding optotronic research, but it would be at least half a year before they could become a mass market product. As in…several million units per year instead of hundreds…so they'd be for specialty niches.

My nose twitched at the smell of home cooked pasta, and my mouth watered. Taylor sauntered out from the kitchen with a smug look, and I propped myself up onto my elbows. My mom would probably say it's rude but this is my table so it's my rules.

Taylor had chosen a loose white tank top and blue gym shorts. My eyes wandered. for a moment, warmth settling in my chest. Her eyes gleamed with pride, and two plates were placed down on the table. She had also grabbed two forks, and I felt my hunger spike higher. I had spent a lot of energy and time tracking the general whereabouts of the dark spirit, as well as slowly reinforcing the areas I desired in with pacified spirits. Fortunately the spirits of the Docks were as stubborn and protective of their homes as the human residents. They didn't like the idea of a vicious mad spirit trying to muscle in on their turf.

"So…are you going to try it or not?" Taylor smiled, and I was still a little flustered since I wasn't used to it.

"U-Umm yeah…okay." I twirled the spaghetti into a ball with my fork, and very rapidly took the pasta into my mouth. Taylor looked expectantly, and the taste of the food was great. But…but…

Taylor's eyes dimmed. "Is it that bad?" I denied the question, the rare sting of sadness in my eyes leaving me feeling…

"I-It's fine…it just…reminds me of…of my mom." There was a deep pit in my stomach, and I took slow meticulous bites to savor the flavor. The taste wasn't the same but the reminder was enough to make it hurt. It always hurt…and the only time it didn't was when I was tinkering, and when I was dealing with problems that I shouldn't be with my age and experience. The only distraction from my own…

I think…I need to stop.

The despondency was getting exhausting and I really just wanted…something. What did I want? I barely cared about this place at all, beyond not wanting to die when the world ends. It all started here, and my own home could be in terrible danger because of it. If it even still exists…if it's even still in a range I could find.

"Basilia?" Taylor picked a chair next to mine, inclining her back and resting on her forearms for more even eye contact. I felt myself retracting back, my lungs suddenly lacking oxygen. "Just…breath okay? Just…breath."

I shut my eyes, letting my mind open up, letting it spread out to an infinite number of topics. I let the knowledge of past stellar empires flow past me, hints of their culture imprinted onto the spiritual matrix storing their technology.

The technological sophistication and experimental technology of the salarians. The elegant and insanely advanced understanding of biotics and of the mass effect of the Asari. The brute force of the Turians, their bulky vessels built for the maximum outloading of firepower. The near magical machinery and tools of the Hanar, their understanding of Prothean technology accelerating past even the Asari. For a brief instance I connected to even older civilizations, the shadow of the Protheans…the ashes of the Inusannon.


Veda had gone silent for a while now, and conversations between us were growing shorter. I knew she was working on a project involving the bans still placed on herself, small restrictions designed to loosen as time goes on. It was…obviously time consuming.

"Sorry Taylor…I'm just not feeling…at my best." I picked at the meal, feeling only mildly happy to have someone willing to cook for me. "I think this is the first time I've actually overworked myself." I had always been a pretty lazy guy…now I was working hard to the point of slowly killing myself. The exact opposite of what I used to be.


"There's nothing wrong with that but…do you want to talk about it?" Taylor's looked lost, and I opened and closed my mouth in a cyclical fashion.

"Yes." My words moved ahead of my thoughts.

Taylor nodded, and waited for me to collect my scattered thoughts. I began to inhale the pasta more readily, my taste buds registering the heaven that Taylor has created on this planet with mortal hands.

"He…Ahem." The brunette coughed behind a fist, and I let my natural pout form. Even now she was laughing at me…which would've been great since her laughter is nice.

I got serious. "I…miss them. I've never been someone to be super social…even with family but…" I swallowed saliva, my eyes burning for a moment. "That doesn't mean I can't miss them right?" The question was left out in the open, and I fidgeted under Taylor's gaze.

"I…get it." A quick check of my memory made me realize I was an idiot. Of course she would understand, her own mother is…gone. If in a more permanent fashion.

"I…" I wasn't sure why I wanted to apologize. There was nothing I had done wrong, besides maybe bringing up a topic she was uncomfortable about.

"I'm not really sure what to say…you say I'm good at talking with people but…" I smiled sadly.

"Well…there's a difference between commanding and comforting people." I shrugged, stuffing my mouth so I wouldn't say something stupid.

"It's not fair though…you helped me so I should be able to help you." There was a self conscious lilt to her voice.

"I didn't do much really…literally all I did was talk to you. Everything else only happened because you…invaded my privacy." Taylor winced and I knew I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Sorry…" she mumbled before steeling herself, turning slightly to face me a little better. Her arms moved as if to wrap around me, and I blinked at the gesture. I had never figured Taylor for being affectionate in any matter, but then Taylor had been a different person once. Even so I hadn't received anything beyond small gestures, nothing that one would call dramatic.

"Umm." I hummed, and after a minute of awkward shuffling I nodded in acceptance.

I squeaked when Taylor took me into a bone-crushing hug, and I gradually wrapped my arms around her. I leaned my head against her shoulder, a sigh escaping me. A part of me thought it was pathetic that I needed the comfort of someone who was younger than me but I crushed that idea. This wasn't bad…it was rather nice actually.

"We'll figure something out, I wanted to be a hero and you helped me with that dream. I can at least help you with this…" she shrugged her shoulders, and a smile formed on my face.

"Right…thank you." Taylor nodded, and my train of thought wandered.

I had told the PRT more than I should have really…but I couldn't leave them in the dark. The chances of misunderstanding were big, and I would rather not have to deal with Worm's brand of incompetence and general human maliciousness. This was just going to be the first of many incidents, I could feel it in my bones.

I just needed to narrow down that spirit's location…then I would remove it from my presence and from my current home.

A finger poked me in the forehead, and I smoothed out my expression. Taylor raised an amused eyebrow. I grinned and didn't elaborate on my mental machinations until later.

I had been avoiding a part of my abilities, only using them for myself…it was time to start acting like it.

To start acting like a Shaman.

March 20th, 2011. 2:00 PM

Collin Wallis

I sank into the seat of my chair, frowning as I evaluated my halberd. I knew full well how obsessive I could be with improving the efficiency and capability of my equipment. It was one of my faults but also one of my strengths, Dragon had told me as such. I wasn't ignorant to what I was like…but I knew enough to realize that my halberd was working at an impossible efficiency. A more than twenty percent improvement in every category I could imagine. I had tested everything I had built into it, and found that there was almost a pulse to the weapon.

Like it was alive.

"Collin?" I felt a smile when Dragon's avatar appeared, the holographic image smiling back. She was one of the reasons I had progressed so much over the past few years. Her knowledge, her patience and willingness to work with me had boosted how much work, and how well I worked at the same time. Despite her agoraphobia and thus her inability to meet with me personally I would consider her my closest companion.

"Dragon. How well has the testing of the range of this 'Spirit World' gone?" That had been one of the biggest topics on my mind for the past 24 hours. An entire plane of existence filled with life forms unlike any seen on this planet that weren't projections or Biotinker creations. Or at least…weren't anything like the conventional creations of Parahuman powers.

The dossier has been kept under seal, the director not trusting the information to not leak out. She has been seeking outside help to clean up the broken system.

Have we really become so complacent…? The trawl had found that the entire PRT and Protectorate was compromised from top to bottom, far beyond the expectations of anyone. The records stated that the clean up would be beyond enormous, villains and gang members coincidentally ferreting out the location of weapons shipments, interrupting raids or the numerous successful attempts to break out Parahuman convoys. With information leakage like this there was no chance no matter how many villains and criminals we captured to fix the city.

Dragon spoke. "It took some time to parse the data you received, it often damaged equipment even attempting it." I frowned as the experience was not my own, all of my equipment could easily perceive the presence of the parallel world.

"What did you find?" But I was eager for the response, the confirmation of denial of the document was well needed.

Dragon grimaced. "This dimensional plane likely spans the entirety of the planet," I gripped the handle of my weapon. "I've sent the new sensors on my machines to every corner of the Earth including the Antarctic. In every instance without fail they sensed the very subtle distortions of this Spirit World. It's actually…" I moved forward, Dragon's hesitation catching my attention.

"What is it?"

"I've launched a few new satellites…they found the same phenomena extending outwards into deep space." I released my halberd, my mouth suddenly feeling dry.

"How much…?" One of the monitors changed, and I saw an image of the planet. It was surrounded by a coat of light, a visual depiction of the alien realm. I could see lines, tunnels that extended out from the bubble in every which direction, leading off to the moon, leading off into farther beyond.

"These…roads appear to be extensions of the dimensional plane, and many of them seem pointed in the direction of the other planets in the solar system. The exact range is unknown…with my satellites limited to low earth orbit I can only gain so much data." She sounded apologetic.

"It's more than acceptable, now we have a better idea of what we're dealing with." But even then there were further questions than answers. Erudition had reported that the Spirit World was limited to the planet, though she speculated that it may be more widespread than she knew.

If this was the effect of a Parahuman…it was far beyond any ability that had ever been seen. Most powers had trouble just beyond the Earth's atmosphere, yet this plane extended for hundreds of millions of miles into the emptiness of space.

"These spirits…Erudition mentioned they could be manipulated?" Dragon provided a query, and I nodded as I began a fifth inspection of my weapon.

"At first I thought she was like Myrddin, painting her abilities in a mystic light." The man was strange, but he was a good hero and a good man if nothing else. "But she spoke of these spirits in a more…scientific capacity. Like intelligent machines rather than entities beyond our understanding." Dragon's expression went blank, and I frowned.

Had I said something wrong?

"Yes…but she also said they were potentially dangerous, and that some would act with malicious intent if they have the opportunity." She was not wrong, if their abilities were accurate, it would be quite tempting to make deals with them. The new tinker said that without the appropriate type of person, and without the right experience attempting to make one would end poorly.

"Dragon? You've seen and read the dossier, yes?" I ventured with the question, glancing over at my prone weapon.

"I have…There was a passage on how spirits can reside within weapons, with many sharing a deep loyalty to their users."

A 20% increase in effectiveness without performing even a minor change or update of my halberd. Erudition likely did something similar for her own equipment, and she could certainly make offers on improving equipment through such a method.

"How likely do you think of the chances of my hypothesis on the potency of her tinker ability being found correct?" It was a rare feat for any tinker with her level of diversity. So far I have seen no indication of what her speciality was, and what that meant I could not be sure about.

"Truthfully, I believe you're right Colin. But I'll have to evaluate her for myself, so I'll likely have to come down to the Bay."

"Physically?" Dragon laughed.

"No…there's a new suit I've been wanting to make use of. I'm sure Erudition and Monarch will be surprised." I almost smiled, though an alert soon came from my computer. Some of my newly made code was being compiled into a new format, one of the first prototypes to clean up the security of the PRT ENE.

I was no investigator but Dragon and I could certainly work together to fix as many leaks as possible. The Director was the one taking care of the leaks that involved people rather than faulty code and backdoors.

Five capes had been captured and Erudition's information was sealing their fate. If we could move them out of the city, the Empire and the Merchants would be weakened. Even if the ABB would grow more active they only had so many men. My new increase in productivity also meant I could accelerate my project on countering Brutes. The Merchants were reduced in power without Squealer, this was a chance.

A chance to change the city. A chance to break the back of crime and violence that I had barely been able to staunch in all my time here.

"Are you alright Colin?" Dragon's worry was…noticeable even to me.

"I'm fine Dragon…I'm simply feeling…" What was the word? It was on the tip of my tongue…

"Feeling?" Dragon responded.

"Hopeful. I'm feeling…hopeful."

AN: Here is 3.4, I've been working on making some minor changes here and there to make it fit a little better with the previous chapter. As you should also be able to tell my chapters have progressively gotten longer with time, as it's gotten easier to write quickly, or at least to keep a constant pace of writing. I'm about one and a half Arcs ahead of this chapter for example.

Hopefully you've enjoyed this chapter.
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Half in, half out of the spirit world?

At least once her power awakens anyways.
Spirits tend to arise primarily from non-sapient processes and organisms, Shards straddle that line in between, and Dragon certainly surpasses them on certain important criteria. Going above that threshold means a lot of changes for Dragon, with a few not being obvious for a while yet.
"Erudition, stop being weird you don't even brush your hair half the time. So I have to do it for you." I giggled at Taylor's deadpan reply, finding it a little funny.

I love this bit of characterization. Throwback to the fact that Bas's former gender isn't just a sticky note to add to her character profile. It has real and present influences on her behavior. I also love to see that, beyond the initial "whoa, new plumbing" scare, she's mostly indifferent. That's gonna have some implications later on in her character development, if you decide to explore it --there are so many directions this sub-element could go that I'm practically bouncing in my chair!!

"So these 'spirits' are not a result of your power?" Armsmaster sounded a little relieved…maybe he wanted some extra tinker buddies?

Bas. Child. Come here. Pull up a seat. Armsie over there didn't want a fellow tinker-friend. He was worried that you were creating an entirely new dimension and a whole new category of beings that you couldn't control. But this is... arguably worse, I suppose. At least the full info isn't going to be leaked to the villains anytime soon. And speaking of, I love that the Undersiders have been left out of this story so far. I'm... not their biggest fan.

"No wonder you're so stressed all the time." Taylor shrank back, once she realized she had said that out loud.

One of the many, many reasons, yes.

Armsmaster stared at his halberd, the burning folding being of pure energy within it waving happily at its creator. Miss Militia watched a metal hulk leaned comfortably against its perch, one of the many spirits manifesting from the hull of the Rig.

This genuinely made my heart smile. And a 20% increase just from Daddy Armsie noticing his bright little child? Absolutely precious!

My eyes wandered. for a moment, warmth settling in my chest. Her eyes gleamed with pride, and two plates were placed down on the table. She had also grabbed two forks, and I felt my hunger spike higher. I had spent a lot of energy and time tracking the general whereabouts of the dark spirit, as well as slowly reinforcing the areas I desired in with pacified spirits. Fortunately the spirits of the Docks were as stubborn and protective of their homes as the human residents. They didn't like the idea of a vicious mad spirit trying to muscle in on their turf.

I don't know if this is gonna go in a romantic direction --I hope it does --but it has the potential to be a really interesting subplot. A romance between these two characters would be complex due to the baggage that they both have and how they might go about addressing it. But their dancing friendship brings a smile to my face and makes me think of when my own partner and I first began dancing around each other... Ah, memories.

I also love the casual mention of spirits and their role in the world!

"Basilia?" Taylor picked a chair next to mine, inclining her back and resting on her forearms for more even eye contact. I felt myself retracting back, my lungs suddenly lacking oxygen. "Just…breath okay? Just…breath."
I squeaked when Taylor took me into a bone-crushing hug, and I gradually wrapped my arms around her. I leaned my head against her shoulder, a sigh escaping me. A part of me thought it was pathetic that I needed the comfort of someone who was younger than me but I crushed that idea. This wasn't bad…it was rather nice actually.

Sometime there is no higher calling than to hug and be hugged.

Great chapter looking forward to more.
I hope the PRT don't jump the gun and attempt genocide on the spirit's.

Given how "ends justifies the means" that Cauldron and, too a lesser extent, the PRT/Protectorate are in Worm, I'd say that they're more likely to try and use the spirits rather than kill them off. Especially if there's an ontological feedback-loop binding the wellbeing of spirits and the wellbeing of us.
I love this bit of characterization. Throwback to the fact that Bas's former gender isn't just a sticky note to add to her character profile. It has real and present influences on her behavior. I also love to see that, beyond the initial "whoa, new plumbing" scare, she's mostly indifferent. That's gonna have some implications later on in her character development, if you decide to explore it --there are so many directions this sub-element could go that I'm practically bouncing in my chair!!

Bas. Child. Come here. Pull up a seat. Armsie over there didn't want a fellow tinker-friend. He was worried that you were creating an entirely new dimension and a whole new category of beings that you couldn't control. But this is... arguably worse, I suppose. At least the full info isn't going to be leaked to the villains anytime soon. And speaking of, I love that the Undersiders have been left out of this story so far. I'm... not their biggest fan.

One of the many, many reasons, yes.

This genuinely made my heart smile. And a 20% increase just from Daddy Armsie noticing his bright little child? Absolutely precious!

I don't know if this is gonna go in a romantic direction --I hope it does --but it has the potential to be a really interesting subplot. A romance between these two characters would be complex due to the baggage that they both have and how they might go about addressing it. But their dancing friendship brings a smile to my face and makes me think of when my own partner and I first began dancing around each other... Ah, memories.

I also love the casual mention of spirits and their role in the world!

Sometime there is no higher calling than to hug and be hugged.

Given how "ends justifies the means" that Cauldron and, too a lesser extent, the PRT/Protectorate are in Worm, I'd say that they're more likely to try and use the spirits rather than kill them off. Especially if there's an ontological feedback-loop binding the wellbeing of spirits and the wellbeing of us.
Indeed, this story has been rather enlightening for me, and I've enjoyed being able to worldbuild as well as keep people with their own separate voices. I've always had a bit of a hard time relating to other people, so being able to have my characters act like people is something that I generally like.

As for the Undersiders, while if I met them I probably wouldn't hate them on sight, I wouldn't want to ever intentionally meet them. Same with most villains too.

For the spirits themselves, while how I'm using them in this story isn't really something I uniquely invented at all. But like all living things there's going to be variation on which can be useful or helpful and which will be detrimental or dangerous. That's going to be the trouble for most organizations on Earth Bet and beyond.
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I want to like this chapter because a lot of cool shit happened but the ending was so cliche, everything gets worse type of bullshit that it takes away from everything else good.

This was kind of inevitable though.

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned or if you've seen comments to the effect, but all the Spirit World stuff here is from World Of Darkness, specifically Werewolf: The Forsaken.

Hosts (capitalized)are what happens when a (typically malicious, though not 100% always) Spirit has managed to escape out of the Spirit World, where they must seek out and consume Essence to stay alive. Humans are a prime source of Essence, and so typically the first thing that happens is an escape Spirit latches on to someone and hitches a ride. (I'm unclear if Veda is doing this ti Basilia or not atm; I get the feeing they are a special case.)

Less malicious Spirits know to hop from hosting human to hosting human, for a variety of reasons I won't get into. Lower Rank (especially animal spirits) and more malicious ones though don't know better, and will basically keep feeding off someone until they end up merging their corpus with the physical body of the victim, becoming a Host where the original human is effectively all but consumed.

It's incredibly difficult to reverse, and it's actually a Werewolf's job to kill them on sight. As in like, that's a massive part of the game, Forsaken putting down down Hosts.

Ergo, not shocked to see this coming. New York is likely to turn into ground zero for a Host infection tbh, because of the whole 'Giant Rift' thing. Even if the spirits who bled through were benevolent (ie the healing), doesn't mean something else didn't escape through.

Also, Imm fairly certain that here, Eezo = Essence, which is Eezo comes from the soul. Which makes it real dangerous for any parahuman to be anywhere near a rift into the spirit world without some sort of shaman around, cause if their shard changes and gets out and doesn't care about their host, they'll become a Host right quick. (cough Leet)
This was kind of inevitable though.

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned or if you've seen comments to the effect, but all the Spirit World stuff here is from World Of Darkness, specifically Werewolf: The Forsaken.

Hosts (capitalized)are what happens when a (typically malicious, though not 100% always) Spirit has managed to escape out of the Spirit World, where they must seek out and consume Essence to stay alive. Humans are a prime source of Essence, and so typically the first thing that happens is an escape Spirit latches on to someone and hitches a ride. (I'm unclear if Veda is doing this ti Basilia or not atm; I get the feeing they are a special case.)

Less malicious Spirits know to hop from hosting human to hosting human, for a variety of reasons I won't get into. Lower Rank (especially animal spirits) and more malicious ones though don't know better, and will basically keep feeding off someone until they end up merging their corpus with the physical body of the victim, becoming a Host where the original human is effectively all but consumed.

It's incredibly difficult to reverse, and it's actually a Werewolf's job to kill them on sight. As in like, that's a massive part of the game, Forsaken putting down down Hosts.

Ergo, not shocked to see this coming. New York is likely to turn into ground zero for a Host infection tbh, because of the whole 'Giant Rift' thing. Even if the spirits who bled through were benevolent (ie the healing), doesn't mean something else didn't escape through.

Also, Imm fairly certain that here, Eezo = Essence, which is Eezo comes from the soul. Which makes it real dangerous for any parahuman to be anywhere near a rift into the spirit world without some sort of shaman around, cause if their shard changes and gets out and doesn't care about their host, they'll become a Host right quick. (cough Leet)
You know…I actually wasn't sure where Avatar of Victory had gotten those mechanics from, and it had been bugging me for a while since I knew the author had mentioned something to that effect. I just followed what I had gotten from reading nearly two million words of story. I'll probably look that up, because it seems like it would be helpful.

Also for some things you're not too far off, I have plans for the Spirits.


I was literally just writing up a criticism/suggestion regarding some of the Spirit World stuff, hahahaha. And this... kinda makes it superfluous, sorta.

So yeah, all the Spirit World stuff from that is 100% World of Darkness. If you decide to look into it, all you really need is the core Werewolf:The Forsaken book; no need for any of the others if you want just the Spirit World lore stuff. You could probably pick it uo cheap either as a pdf or from a used books store.

Anyway, I'll leave the other advice in a spoiler, since while it's still relevant in the base idea, the specifics may well be wrong since you weren't specifically pulling from WoD/W:tF

For the spirits themselves, while how I'm using them in this story isn't really something I uniquely invented at all

Separately, from my giant wall of text up there replying to someone else:

I've very much enjoyed this, but I do have one major criticism I'd like to share: Basilia drops game terms a lot with zero explanation of what they actually mean. This should only really ever be done with non POV characters.

The reason is that doing so vastly lessens the potential emotional impact upon the reader, because if they aren't at all familiar with Werewolf, then they lack the context to understand the gravity of the situation, or it may simply confuse them and pull them out of the zone because they don't know what was meant.

Example: Vicky and Amy's shard refusing to tithe to a High Spirit. In Werewolf, players will know that a human pissing off a High Spirit is effectively asking for a death sentence. Worse, because Amy and Vicky's shards were the ones at fault, they were in imminent danger of losing their powers entirely and didn't evem know it, so when Vicky starts to get uppity and make it worse... that's a massive 'Oh shit!' panic button for Basilia.

But... the readers don't know this information. Tithes and spirit diplomacy has never been brought up in the fic. The spirit ranking system has been barely touched upon, with no terminology really provided, despite the fsct that Basilia knows enough to toss around terms like Genius Loci and High Spirit and Tithe.

While the scene itself is probably sufficient to communicate 'your shards done fucked up', the real gravity of by how much, why Basilia was being so extremely polite and deferential, and just how much like ants everyone in the room are compared to the library spirit is lost. Similarly, the emotional impact of the implication that Basilia and Elle are both Shamans is lost as well.

(End of what I had been in the middle of writing. Gets the point across I think, even if those ideas for the scene weren't necessarily the goal.)
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I was literally just writing up a criticism/suggestion regarding some of the Spirit World stuff, hahahaha. And this... kinda makes it superfluous, sorta.

So yeah, all the Spirit World stuff from that is 100% World of Darkness. If you decide to look into it, all you really need is the core Werewolf:The Forsaken book; no need for any of the others if you want just the Spirit World lore stuff. You could probably pick it uo cheap either as a pdf or from a used books store.

Anyway, I'll leave the other advice in a spoiler, since while it's still relevant in the base idea, the specifics may well be wrong since you weren't specifically pulling from WoD/W:tF

Separately, from my giant wall of text up there replying to someone else:

I've very much enjoyed this, but I do have one major criticism I'd like to share: Basilia drops game terms a lot with zero explanation of what they actually mean. This should only really ever be done with non POV characters.

The reason is that doing so vastly lessens the potential emotional impact upon the reader, because if they aren't at all familiar with Werewolf, then they lack the context to understand the gravity of the situation, or it may simply confuse them and pull them out of the zone because they don't know what was meant.

Example: Vicky and Amy's shard refusing to tithe to a High Spirit. In Werewolf, players will know that a human pissing off a High Spirit is effectively asking for a death sentence. Worse, because Amy and Vicky's shards were the ones at fault, they were in imminent danger of losing their powers entirely and didn't evem know it, so when Vicky starts to get uppity and make it worse... that's a massive 'Oh shit!' panic button for Basilia.

But... the readers don't know this information. Tithes and spirit diplomacy has never been brought up in the fic. The spirit ranking system has been barely touched upon, with no terminology really provided, despite the fsct that Basilia knows enough to toss around terms like Genius Loci and High Spirit and Tithe.

While the scene itself is probably sufficient to communicate 'your shards done fucked up', the real gravity of by how much, why Basilia was being so extremely polite and deferential, and just how much like ants everyone in the room are compared to the library spirit is lost. Similarly, the emotional impact of the implication that Basilia and Elle are both Shamans is lost as well.

(End of what I had been in the middle of writing. Gets the point across I think, even if those ideas for the scene weren't necessarily the goal.)
Yep…while I wasn't pulling directly from World of Darkness, I do recall that the inspiration for this story did use elements of it for his world. Your advice is perfectly serviceable, and I do plan to go into greater detail with the Spirit World and the terrifying implications of what they're capable of.

There's also the fact that Elle needs to be taught how to use her new abilities, and she isn't the only one. I've already picked out at least three other Capes with the potential to be Shamans. Same for who will receive bending and biotics. So I do hope there will be improvement on the impact of the spirits. So thanks for the advice.
Immersion 3.5
Immersion 3.5

March 22nd, 2011. 8:15 PM

Basilia Rubio

"The BattleNet seems to be working at optimal capacity." I swiveled my head lifting my ion rifle, as the strategic focused cloud processing did its job. It marked both entrances and other approaches for entering buildings or other structures in the area. Along with a more optimal motion tracker and augmented sensory package, with Taylor's modified semi-organic light hardsuit acting as the leader of the widespread network. VI assisted targeting, as well as a general system for checking up on your equipment like omni-gel, medi-gel, etc, etc.

While I could work well with BattleNet, Taylor was literally the best multitasker I have met in my entire damn life. Her costume had been modified heavily, going from what was merely fairly tough organic composites, to a full on suit of light armor. There was now a thin underlying exoskeleton that held up the mass of Taylor's armor. A hybrid of organic muscle and myomer bundle, with the frame itself made out of a lightweight organometallic substance. It was closer to my own suit though it retained Taylor's design. The suit came in the form of a living plate of synthetic biological armor.

It started with an underlying weave of carbon-tube fiber derived from spider silk mixed with a non-Newtonian organic cellular matrix. The matrix is full of nervous cells and cellular fluid used to feed the living armor. A combination of the Queen Administrator's knowledge of drone technology, and my own understanding of alien biology. The following layer was what sealed the suit segments environmentally, a layer of softer more pliable rachni chitin which naturally incorporates both metal and graphene into its physiology. The final layer ended in full on segmented plates similar to what she already had but with the ability to self repair.

The scary thing is the fact that due to it being alive, Taylor is able to control it the same way she controls her swarm. While the armor will shift with Taylor's moves automatically, it can do so much faster with Taylor's bug control. Overall it's superior to the intermediary armor in every way, though it's not as protective as it could be since the plating doesn't cover every part of her body. Which is fair enough, it's heavy enough as it is. It's only about 25 kilograms however…but it's armor plating could deform an anti-material rifle round

It's basically her original idea for the costume but made with mad SCIENCE and even edgier than before. She has retractable claws, and a shitload of utility pockets. Honestly I could probably add fully functional wings to the thing…but I didn't want to give away the game too soon. Luckily the armor at least partially baffles sensors, and I was working on adding a stealth module.

Because why not have an invisible bug queen who can cut you in half, melt you with twisting fields of altered reality, as well as sending off legions of insects?

I also fit a shitload of optotronics into her suit so she could better fit as the main hub of the cloud computing network. I had also forced her to practice with a pistol that would serve as a backup weapon in case her shock-sword can't pummel an opponent. While our Biotics were growing stronger with time and practice, without a biotic amp there was still a practical limit.

She ended up cheating by using clusters to aim her weapon, but then again our armor did have aim assist built in. I had also changed the color of my armor to a lighter shade of grey, because Taylor was terrifying enough for the both of us. Seriously she had shown up behind me and nearly made me piss myself with her damn costume. I ended up cursing her out in a lapse of my usually clean mouth.

Outside of my own head I mean.

It had taken several days to narrow down the location of the spirit with how slippery the bastard was even with Armsmaster's expertise. Some of his time was being spent with Dragon, plugging in as many holes as they could in the PRT ENE's system. They hadn't elaborated on what else was being done but that was government business anyhow. A good amount of time had been wasted on selecting which capes would be willing or able to help us out. Armsmaster was out of the picture, unfortunately, but I heard that Dragon might be wanting to pitch in.

"They're coming." Monarch announced with a solid and confident voice, gripping her blade while floating on pockets of air.

"Who…?" I could have checked myself but asking Taylor would be faster.

"Dauntless and Battery, they're about a block away and coming in fast." she informed me, her voice distorted by the modulator and the helmet. She was definitely going for intimidating rather than friendly…even my armor had a softer, less harsh look to its design.

"Interesting combination." I looked around warily, Downtown looking much more menacing at night. This was the heart of the Empire, their territory covering a good amount of this area as well as parts of the commercial district. Even if they had figured out we weren't responsible for the attacks on them. That didn't mean they would stand for us muscling in on them like this.

Taylor choked. "D…D…" I glanced over to Taylor, and my motion sensor picked up activity, while a quiet alarm warned of Parahuman activity. How…?

She appeared from above, a semi humanoid machine with draconic wings that sprouted from the mid back. It was a dark silver color, heavily mechanical in nature, it's skin organically smooth with some type of metal alloy. Two jets were slung under each wing, and a deep scan revealed some type of ionic wind propulsion drive that could ramp up into a plasma rocket at higher power levels. The entire suit was lifted up by shard based form of gravity manipulation, though it was apparently less efficient than using eezo.

I grinned. "Hello Dragon…looks like you're testing out a new suit on us? A pretty stealthy new model too…" Dragon definitely qualified for one of the best Tinkers in the world if she managed to even partially avoid the vast net. It hadn't lasted long, but it meant I needed to make some adjustments. While the dimensional breakage of powers are noticeable it is possible to obscure them well enough to hide from plain sight.

"Hello there Erudition, Monarch." The draconic head and neck bowed politely, the accent of Dragon obvious to my ears. I giggled, the speakers passing the poor Master cape's choked huff of air into my ears.

"Well, I wasn't too sure the best tinker in the world was going to show up," my tone turned soft. "But I'm glad you did…" because a single pulse of shard and firebending 'magic' revealed something I had expected from the secret AI.

The soul did not care for your body…only the mind was needed as a criteria.

"How can you be so calm?" Taylor whispered through the communication system, coming out as crisp and clear as could be.

"To be fair…I didn't grow up admiring real life superheroes." I whispered back, watching as Dauntless approached us, flying with his empowered boots. They pinged something fierce, all kinds of energy swirling together in an insane example of the capabilities of shard reality warping.

Dragon spoke. "Perhaps you would like to patch me in to your conversation? It would make communicating in this…spirit world easier. If there's a worse case scenario." A subtle way of telling me she had earned her title for a reason.

"Give me about five…seconds." A simple tap and a click later and I had patched Dragon in to the communication's line. She probed at the rest of the code for a moment before being rebuffed by both the spirits within the virtual cloud as well as my own security measures.

"Your work is quite impressive, I've been meaning to make contact for some time now." Dragon's tone was decidedly amused, and interested. "You must have some specialization in computing…or am I wrong?"

I snorted. "I haven't really found any real limit on what I can build, but I haven't been around long enough to really know either. It's hard to work out when you've got ten million libraries worth of ideas bouncing around in my head." I didn't mind giving a small hint of how my power worked, because it didn't really matter. If there was a weakness it would get figured out anyway as the narrative would cling to life.

"Ahh that is…" Dauntless suddenly made his appearance, closely flanked by Battery without the company of her husband. He looked as expected, a man in white and gold Greek armor and dress, holding a shield and a lance of sentient lightning. Battery stopped just behind him, her own costume sparking with electricity…

"So it seems everyone is here…" the Trump cape looked happy to see us, flashing a handsome smile. "Is this where this 'dark spirit' has been making its home?" He spun his lance, swiveling his head in a professional manner.

"Indeed," I projected a holographic map. "A place like this is the perfect feeding ground for a spirit like this one. A supply of hatred and energy that allows for its growth. That's probably why it's targeting the Empire first." Dauntless nodded sternly.

Dauntless had actually met Taylor a while back, helping her out when Trainwreck managed to get the drop on her. He had moved as fast as he could and together they had brought him down, though he managed to break out soon after. He was a nice guy and rather cute to boot…not that I was ever going to try out in the dating scene.

"What can you tell us about what we'll face?" Battery had her own questions, charging up in the meantime.

"This spirit will be incredibly agile and will not hesitate to harm or maim you unless it wants to feed off your energy," I explained. "Imagine it as a projection, capable of breaking the laws of physics to some extent. Excising it from Krieg will be a delicate process. But it is possible."

"What about the Spirit World itself, what is it truly like?" Dragon sounded curious, likely preferring a first hand account rather than dry text and data.

"It's going to vary on where you are…it can be everything from a verdant sanctuary where you can raise a family to a literal hell on earth full of Traps, unstable physics, and malicious spirits seeking to eat you, fight you, or trick you with promises of power." Battery gave me an odd look.

"How common is the latter?" Dragon questioned as her suit hovered silently.

"So far everything around the docks has been peaceful, but most of that is because I've been placating or manipulating the local spirits. Turns out they want the industry to come back as much as the city does. They were glad to help…"

"So the spirits can be used to enhance someone?" Dauntless asked.

"Yes…they can help with agriculture, with making your tools and machinery more efficient. You can even summon some of them if you've got the willpower, though it's not possible with all of them."

"Which ones can be…summoned?" Battery questioned, her smile was genuine but strained.

"Usually animal spirits, what one could call the soul of a creature. They can be pretty tough, one could imagine summoning I don't know…a spirit bear or elephant into battle." Their priceless expressions made my day, and while a part felt like I should worry I had already pissed off the largest gang in the city as well as the runner up in the Merchants. Not that they had any territory to begin with…

"So would any animal have a counterpart in the…spirit world?" Dauntless said hesitantly, some amount of discomfort in his voice.

"Of course…the spirits are weird like that," I shrugged at him. "And I imagine it's weird to even think about a place called the spirit world am I right?"

"You're not wrong, I'm not disparaging you but it does sound a little…"

"Crazy? I don't blame you…but it's not like I was the one who named it that."

Battery glanced over curiously. "Then who did?" Taylor jumped.

"Well to be honest I'm not entirely sure myse—" a blood curdling scream echoed through the night, and a dark cloud of insects buzzed out into the city. The trouble with spirits was how Taylor's swarm couldn't always perceive them if they purposely hid themselves.

I cursed, and beckoned for the heroes to follow us. Dauntless flew through the sky while Battery briefly blurred before I adjusted to her speed. I unleashed spurts of fire underneath my feet to accelerate my movement, as well as gradually lowered air resistance. I outsped Dauntless and Battery on the ground, and only Dragon's suit was able to keep up with her jets. Monarch's longer strides however easily outpaced me, and we soon caught up with the sounds and vibrations of reality breakage.

Three people ran as fast as they could…the distorted and disturbing shadow of the hungry spirit in the light making a timely arrival quite urgent. I blinked once I caught sight of the people fleeing with all their strength.

A mousy woman in her late 20s ran with a baby in tow, her body sparking with lights only barely visible to my sensors. The child was crying, and I felt a growl rise up in my throat. The next victim was a familiar person to me, a gruff auburn haired teenager with a scowl on her face. The third was in costume, his face covered by an intimidating skull helmet and wore motorcycle leather, his sides obscured in darkness. Which were visibly glitching out…

"Where are your dogs!?" Grue of the Undersiders huffed out, visibly tiring with his flat out run.

"I…don't know!" Rachel sounded pissed, her eyes filled with a sense of…concern. It was likely her dogs had been hurt, and if I knew one thing about her…Bitch cared about her dogs.

"Two civilians and two members of a lesser known cape gang…" Dragon responded but her aiming stuttered when reality distorted. A shadow emerged from the black, rising more than 12 feet in the air, Krieg screaming within its flesh. The entity still resembled a human, but its proportions hit right at the uncanny valley. Too long limbs, no eyes or mouth, and it's back arched at angles that weren't biologically possible. Faint markings and carvings glowed in a mauve light, and it bounded on all fours with a cat like grace. Swarms of insects cut into its skin, but did little damage even with their enhancements from projected wind and kinetic energy.

"It's gotten bigger…" Battery whispered.

I frowned, and decided enough was enough. "Excuse me…but before we intervene take this." I rapidly threw several devices, interdimensional communicators in case we were pulled into the spirit world.

The plan had been to take the spirit's host away, severing its connection to the physical plane. Once that was done, I would seal off any rifts and a team of capes would be sent to directly combat and then destroy the malicious spirit.

The heroes gave their thanks, and Dragon looked curiously at the device before connecting it to a barely visible port. I packed a few drones in my suit, because most of what I had wouldn't transition with us if it happened.

"BUUUURN!" The spirit cackled, having lost the double tone since it had overtaken Krieg in its possession of his physical form. We caught up, and I got a shot off. A blast of ions sizzled it's flesh but did little more than superficial damage. Dauntless and Taylor fired at the same time, and the spirit took a blast of energy to the face, and an arm was cratered by a hypersonic bullet.

Dragon followed up with a blast of containment foam…it wasn't even slowed down. But it had to bend Krieg away from the rapidly expanding foam. Well…that's a very helpful tip…

"Do you think we're sharing the same idea?" Taylor spoke up, already hurling herself on wind as the spirit increased its unnatural bounds. I nodded and she began to speak aloud to the rest of our partners in this endeavor.

"Dauntless, Battery…can I trust the two of you keep that thing busy? It can pass through containment foam but Krieg can not. If we can hold it still for long enough, we might be able to deal with Krieg. Without its host it'll lose its connection to this world."

Dauntless replied. "It should be easy enough, just keep him busy you said?" He flew gracefully on his boots, twirling his lance.

"Yes…Taylor will grab the woman and move the Undersiders. They're a liability without their abilities." All three nodded, and a quick gesture was translated into a signal.


Monarch practically vanished, moving at more than 170 miles an hour. She threw out swarms of biting insects and arachnids, QA already clawing her way into the spirit's partially manifested corpus with great difficulty. The mousy woman yelped as Taylor lifted her into her arms, the woman and her child rocketed upward onto a safe building before Taylor dropped back down. She flipped in the air, her biotics blazing as he fell like a meteor. The shock-sword cracked against the spirit's head, midnight black flaking away at the display of sheer biotic force. She swung her arm, and sliced the things head off with a single slash of compressed wind.

It regenerated in an instant and Taylor backed off, grabbing the Undersiders by the waist and hauling them off to the side. The spirit leapt and Battery met the spirit head off, a straight punch knocking it back several feet. Dauntless bashed the monster with his shield, though it was notably slowed when it touched the outer layers of the spirit's body.

"I think it managed to commandeer some of Krieg's kinetic powers!" I jumped more than two dozen feet in the air, taking potshots at what my suit considered weak spots. Again they did little to damage its form, and I promptly switched weapons.

I landed on top of a street lamp, and I carefully balanced myself. The magnetic holster released its hold, and the gun I had chosen had unfolded into its monstrously powerful form.


The spirit screeched when I blew its chest apart, Krieg screaming as he struggled in the stomach area. Again it healed its wound but it was noticeably slower and left more permanent marks.

Battery had backed off, warned by both her communicator and the enormous shotgun itself. I fired three more times, and then stopped as the gun started to overheat. Dauntless dashed forward as the spiritual creature roared, bashing his shield onto a leg. The spirit tripped, reforming its damage as best as it could.

It hissed, but Queen responded by taking its face off with a single swipe of airbending enhanced wasp stingers. Which was a terrifying sentence.

The swarm projection gorged itself on battered insects, going from about eight feet to about fifteen. It became more unstable, likely straining the current limits of the power. But it did the job that needed to be done…holding a tight grip on the being of hate and prejudice made manifest. Whenever it tried to attack, Dauntless would zap it or Battery would kick or punch it half a dozen times in a second.

I dropped down, compressing flame into a rapid fire flurry of concussive blasts. Some of the swarm was burned away, but many escaped by burrowing into the spirit's weakening outer coating.

Dragon worked quickly, opening up a blast of containment foam. Much of it was slowed down, but it expanded just fast enough to cover Krieg completely.

It emitted a bone chilling cry, it's anger made known to the entire territory. It started to reach through the foam, and I needed something to pull Krieg free from his confinement. Dragon was the one with the answer, and a harpoon shot out from a hidden barrel. The ball of foam was slowly pulled away, and the spirit screamed even louder. Breaking glass with the vibrations…

My skin tingled, and my nose itches…oh shit.

"Pull back now! Get out of there!" An explosion of kinetic energy crushed half of Taylor's projection, and the others barely launched themselves away. Dragon managed to keep her footing, and continued to reel in Krieg inch by inch. But without us to distract the thing it was losing…

"We need to…" Taylor stopped, and leaned out of the way as two bastardized mixes of reptile and dog crashed into the spirit at full force. Bitch rode one of them, her face twisted into a snarl. Grue was on the other, looking implacable under his helmet and dark outfit.

The two transformed dogs lunged, their enormous jaws snapping limbs with sheer force and power. Claws shredded increasingly fragile flesh, and Krieg popped out of the spirit. He let out a single whimper before his eyes snapped shut, I promptly set him on fire…

"What are you doing!" Dauntless grabbed me by my shoulder and I pointed at Krieg. Remaining pieces of spirit writhed around him but the flames cooked away the material with ease.

Dragon reeled the nazi in, and the dark spirit stilled…and reality began to bend around it in waves of energy and matter. Taylor grabbed Krieg and several drones picked him up, flying as far away from the singularity as possible. The spirit blew apart, tentacles slicing through the air like bullets. I tried to grab Battery but she was dragged towards the maw of the raging entity.

There was another Parahuman…who was tha—

Space was compressed and then uncompressed in a snap, and Battery was popped over to me. I turned around and gaped at the small blonde figure holding her hands up, with a pursed lip. She wasn't in costume, simply wearing pajamas, and a hastily placed cloth over her face.

"Vista?" Both the Protectorate capes snapped their heads to glare at the Ward, and the space warper grimaced.

"What are you doing out here?! This is…" Battery moved as a tentacle sliced where she had been standing.

The thirteen year old twisted the world into a knot but the dark spirit easily counteracted her warping, bending and shapeshifting to launch its every attack.

"I…don't know! I was in bed…and then I wasn't!" My nose scrunched up at her scent, spirit energy clinging to her.

"Fuck…it's trying to make a damn rift! It's trying to punch its way fully through into reality!" Veda returned to awareness, reality shuddering as she fought the spirit's control. Vista's power helped, snapping space into place against the flow.

A burst of darkness spread outwards, and a rushing of wind followed. Despite my best hopes for the mission, we were sucked into the spirit world.

March 22nd, 2011. 8:22 PM

Basilia Rubio

The buildings around us changed, coming to life in the dark night of the spiritual cityscape. The woman from before was nowhere to be found, and the same applied to Krieg. Grue had been left behind, his ride having taken a bad hit from the spirit. While my drone had been mostly left behind they could still penetrate the fog of the boundary between worlds.

Dragon's suit sputtered, electricity arcing for a moment before stabilizing herself on a shivering car spirit. Taylor was shaking her head, and very carefully released several hundred insects from her costume. From the corners and shadows I could see thousands of sprites looking at her, resembling cartoonish impressions of her swarm. Vista was lagging, her power stuttering the fabric of space but unable to do any more than that.

Taylor was the first to overcome the shock. "Everyone has to stay close, we don't know what could be out here." Dauntless shook his head, gripping his Arclance but doing as Taylor said. Battery did the same, gently pulling on the confused minor.

"What did you say about rifts…?" Battery questioned, he grip on Vista as strong as iron.

"Rifts are essentially short lived cuts to the spirit world, they allow people and spirits to pass freely between worlds until they close again. Usually they only commonly form on worlds that are unbalanced." Left unsaid was the fact that Earth Bet was on the brink, full of an excessive number of super villains, monsters in human skin and actual monsters.

"Fuck…fuck…fuck." I turned around, quirking an eyebrow when Bitch unsteadily rose up from where she had collapsed on the ground. Her dog…I think this one was Brutus, and was still in its monstrous shell. The blunt shaped skull made it clear, even if the dog looked more like a demon than a real animal. But it was when I took a closer look that I realized an interesting fact.

I could feel Brutus's spirit, the dog rapidly healing from its injuries as it's other self mended it's corporeal form. Bitch's eyes crossed, and she sniffed deeply, taking in as much air as possible.

Taylor took a step in her direction but no more. "Tell us." Bitch grimaced and her friend growled in a protective response.

"That thing is close…and it's…much bigger." That took me for a loop, but not for an very big one.

"You're a shaman." I stated, offering no ambiguity in my tone.

"I don't know what that is…" she looked hesitant now, her nose twitching as new scents came to her. Spirits poured onto the street, curious at the new arrivals. Machine spirits looked in awe of Dragon, their feelers, gears, and wheels brushing against her legs. A few electrical spirits sniffed at Battery and Dauntless but they all hissed and fled back to their homes within the spirit city's wiring. The thousands of insectile sprites stared at Taylor with unblinking eyes. A few dozen spirits resembling dogs emerged to glance at Bitch. She stared back, her usually angry expression softening into a lighter emotion.

"Open your eyes. Take in the air, take in the form of what this place is." The other capes stared at me like I was madwoman, and perhaps I was.

Bitch scowled but surprisingly took my advice. Her eyes shut, and when they reopened they showed the void. Brutus shifted, muscles suddenly pumping with newfound might and power. The master cape reached out, pulling on a sprite of air. She whispered words to it, and the aspect shuddered.

"That thing is over there." She pointed to a spot close to the spiritual equivalent of the Medhall building. "If you're going to kill it I want in…no one hurts my dogs." Brutus let out a snarl, and I caught a glimpse of his spirit howling in agreement.

"Is that a good idea?" Dauntless was the one talking, his fellow capes a little too distracted by the sight of the world around them.

Taylor responded. "Better she's here with us than left in this place, the spirits will congregate to her in a heartbeat."

"There isn't any time to waste…the dark spirit has gathered an enormous quantity of like spirits into its corpus. We'll need to destroy it as swiftly as possible with how unstable it is." I formed a flame, and frowned at how dim it was…which was still better than having no bending at all. Taylor noticed the same issue and sighed.

Dragon nodded to herself, and I decided to ignore the ongoing conversation between her and Armsmaster. I had already been accepting of them attempting to take data since it would help them with a greater understanding of this reality.

We gathered as a group, with Taylor and I taking the front, Dauntless taking the left side and Battery and Vista taking the right side. Bitch and Brutus were at the rear, and we moved onward.

The spirits whispered to the group, leading us on but hiding whenever the darkness covering the pharmaceutical company lashed out with a blood curdling shriek. They had been in perpetual fear and pain, the broken spirit destroying many of them in its blind rage. The spirit had clearly been born from the resentment and hatred of the Empire, but it had changed…become more over time.

I needed a name to the face. I needed to look into the heart of what this spirit was. This beast of hatred, this living engine of the core dark emotions of humanity had to fall.

The cityscape sang, and I did the same, a nonsense language, a song from the heart of the miracle that had enlivened my flesh and mind. Bitch glared, becoming enraptured with the power that she shared with me. The power that she shared with Elle, and many more scattered across the infinite Earths.

Around the Medhall building, the dark spirit swirled in a tornado of sludge like biomaterial. I could feel Vista desperately trying to pull on her power, but the spirits of this place didn't trust her, even if I tried to vouch for her. My Biotics flared to life, the only metaphysical power that hadn't been weakened by this place.

The world moved for us, and we were in front of the building, the spirit let out a howl in a thousand voices. It began to take form, and I slowly began to identify its name, it's purpose…it's very existence and weight in this world.

"Move Vista to the back…now." The Ward followed orders with little protest, even if they rankled at her. Bitch whistled and her dog's standard form changed ever so slightly. Brutus had been tough because of her power, but in this new world he had a power all his own. Just like all the strange animals of that world were tougher than biologically possible, so were the animals that existed here.

Hmm…I wonder if poachers back home are having a hard time getting their quarries now?

I took to the front, and a barrier sprang to life at the maximum power I could exert. I clenched my fist, and I began to layer mass effect fields on top of each other. I raked them back and forth against each other, and I intuitively knew I was breaking molecular bonds with the Warp held tight with my mind.

Vista was looking at me now, the fascination in her eyes obvious. She let out a yelp when a few spirits orbited around her, covering the upper half of her face. The space warper could still see me though…

I tightened my grip, the rending of reality I was creating tightening and growing more intense.

"It's going to attack…I'm going to need your help."

Battery finally got her act together. "Of course…we're not going to let you fight this monster alone." Her voice was wavering but determined.

I tilted my head, grinning only slightly. "Hmm…thank you." The twister took its true form, once again taking the form of a mispainted man.

It rose over 25 feet in height, with half a dozen elongated arms on either side, and digitigrade legs. Six uneven eyes blazed with a burning light, a long goat like head extending out. It's skin was now obsidian, a demon of vengeance. I know what has changed.

It had fed off the Empire…but it had also fed off the resentment of their victims, their need for retribution and vengeance. It was a mad spirit.

It laughed. "Now you understand…now you realize what I am shaman." It's voice was disturbingly human, long fingers raking across its hair and horns.

"I do…which means I need to destroy you. I'll remove you from this world." Taylor's biotics rose up like my own, and the heroes lifted up their own weapons, whether it was fist, power, or tool.

The thing's smile exposed rows of needle teeth. "Oh is that really…truly what you believe? You think you can stop what I represent…can you cleanse this world of its hate, of its ignorance, I am vengeance incarnate child." It slapped its hands to its chest.

"Yes." It laughed again, and slammed each of its legs onto the street with a loud earth shaking thump.

"I am a spirit of man's desires…I am hate…fear…vengeance…I am…" I warned them quickly, as a near a hundred appendages speared where we had been standing.

"Fuck!" Bitch cursed, Brutus bounding two dozen feet in the air without any strain on his enormous muscles.

The spirit's body rattled as I threw a warp down its throat, rending apart it's strange pseudo-matter body with layered mass effect fields. The damage was quickly negated as black flesh replaced what was lost. It smiled with a maw of a thousand mashing teeth.


I conjured a throw, Taylor got her own warp in at the last second, while Dauntless blasted the beast with his lance with enough force to pulp a tank. Battery blurred in an electromagnetic burst, making the spirit scream as she smashed one of its knees apart.

In glee.

The battle had begun.

AN: Here is 3.5, and here you're getting a taste of what spirits are capable of, though not quite at the level of high spirits, because that would be way too much escalation. I'm a little under halfway with Arc 5, and I'm dabbling with plans for the Arcs beyond that. Because I'm planning to keep writing for quite a while.

Hopefully this chapter is well received, but that wouldn't stop me writing. It's not that easy to make me stop when I'm on a roll.

So please enjoy.
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Pretty great job, imo, Not sure if you did any WoD research or are still going off memory, but this is actually pretty spot-on for how this sort of stuff would go,

Edit: lmao, somehow I managed to miss a chapter. (ie second to last). Not sure how I missed that. But the meeting w/Piggot basically covers whats below in more detail, haha.

In Werewolf, spirits are divided into what are called 'Choirs'. Basically, all Spirits are concepts, and choirs are groupings of similar kinds of concepts.

Choirs are kind of ill-defined, and that's mostly on purpose. Largely this is because being conceptual, it's easy to see how spirits of similar form might belong to different concepts. An example would be to take two wolf spirits - the first could be a dark spirit of not only wolves but of also savagery and violence, while another might be mist-like and a spirit of swiftness and freedom as much as it is one of wolves.

The way the above happens is that spirits pretty regularly consume each other. This is just part of the natural order of things - spirits need Essence to survive, but consume one another to grow in power.

Normally, a spirit only consumes spirits similar to it in some ways (ie same choir) for various reasons. They occasionally branch out to related choirs, which forms composite spirits like the above.

Sometimes though.... spirits 'go bad', so to speak. They consume something they shouldn't, something that wildly conflicts with their core nature, which isn't compatible in any way somehow. Such spirits almost always become Magath.

Magath are basically spirits that are insane, that act unpredictably and violently as they try and act according to two conflicting natures simultaneously. They tend to be rather terrifying and powerful, because once they go off the deep end they usually just eat whatever, and very often they try and escape the spirit world and possess people.

Magath here aren't really relevant though, as it sounds like this one's been feeding on relevant choirs. Instead, with the presence of so damn many spirits of the same kinds, especially negative, violent kinds, one of them has quickly burgeoned into a major powerhouse, made worse by managing to Spirit-Ride someone. Although if the spirit has bitten off (or eaten) chunks of shard-spirits, that may well qualify as starting down the path to becoming Magath.

Which is terrifying to think about, for a vengeance spirit.

On a separate note, fun World of Darkness fact: Hospitals are dangerous as fuck locations for Forsaken (Werewolves), because they are absolutely chock-full of negative-emotion spirits, like sorrow, despair, disease, death, etc. That emotional miasma so to speak is why people hate being in hospitals :p It's pretty rare to find a hospital that's got a 'hopeful' or 'upbeat' feel to it, after all.

Medhall being the center of Empire territory and a hospital? Not shocked at all that something like this would happen :p
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Pretty great job, imo, Not sure if you did any WoD research or are still going off memory, but this is actually pretty spot-on for how this sort of stuff would go,

In Werewolf, spirits are divided into what are called 'Choirs'. Basically, all Spirits are concepts, and choirs are groupings of similar kinds of concepts.

Choirs are kind of ill-defined, and that's mostly on purpose. Largely this is because being conceptual, it's easy to see how spirits of similar form might belong to different concepts. An example would be to take two wolf spirits - the first could be a dark spirit of not only wolves but of also savagery and violence, while another might be mist-like and a spirit of swiftness and freedom as much as it is one of wolves.

The way the above happens is that spirits pretty regularly consume each other. This is just part of the natural order of things - spirits need Essence to survive, but consume one another to grow in power.

Normally, a spirit only consumes spirits similar to it in some ways (ie same choir) for various reasons. They occasionally branch out to related choirs, which forms composite spirits like the above.

Sometimes though.... spirits 'go bad', so to speak. They consume something they shouldn't, something that wildly conflicts with their core nature, which isn't compatible in any way somehow. Such spirits almost always become Magath.

Magath are basically spirits that are insane, that act unpredictably and violently as they try and act according to two conflicting natures simultaneously. They tend to be rather terrifying and powerful, because once they go off the deep end they usually just eat whatever, and very often they try and escape the spirit world and possess people.

Magath here aren't really relevant though, as it sounds like this one's been feeding on relevant choirs. Instead, with the presence of so damn many spirits of the same kinds, especially negative, violent kinds, one of them has quickly burgeoned into a major powerhouse, made worse by managing to Spirit-Ride someone. Although if the spirit has bitten off (or eaten) chunks of shard-spirits, that may well qualify as starting down the path to becoming Magath.

Which is terrifying to think about, for a vengeance spirit.

On a separate note, fun World of Darkness fact: Hospitals are dangerous as fuck locations for Forsaken (Werewolves), because they are absolutely chock-full of negative-emotion spirits, like sorrow, despair, disease, death, etc. That emotional miasma so to speak is why people hate being in hospitals :p It's pretty rare to find a hospital that's got a 'hopeful' or 'upbeat' feel to it, after all.

Medhall being the center of Empire territory and a hospital? Not shocked at all that something like this would happen :p
That first part is not too far off actually on how things work with Spirits in this story, though the source fanfic uses Extortus instead of Magath. But that's because it's a Turian term. As for the connection with hospitals and negative emotions, I didn't even realize that at the time of writing. Though it's obvious in hindsight.

Also any chapter up to Arc 5 was before I learned about Werewolf, though I did know about World of Darkness in a general sense. I had been planning to make a Mage:The Ascension SI into Worm…which morphed into this.