Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

Permutation 2.6
AN: Here's the final main chapter of Arc 2, there will be two Interludes before I start Arc 3 and Arc 4 should be done by then or within a few days of that period. Please enjoy.
Permutation 2.6

March 9th, 2011. 2:30 PM

Basilia Rubio

The paperwork and contracts had cut through the red tape at a much faster pace than I expected. Which was why I was now overseeing a few test runs of the basic exoskeletal platform I was selling to the Association. Fortunately the assistive robotics industry was underdeveloped enough and my machines simple enough that I didn't get into any trouble with making money off of it. But that didn't mean that everything ran smoothly.

Not at all in fact. Turns out training people is like herding cats.


I growled and slapped the thigh of a Dockworker, a big strong meathead who had been gifted with one of the larger and tougher suits. The guy was already about Taylor's height but had at least a good twenty five kilogram on her. And she certainly isn't the stick figure she thinks she is, which makes the guy big. With the suit, he stood about two meters in height, the exoskeleton wrapping around him in a protective bubble of metal, plastic, and ceramic rated for chemical and biological hazards.Due to its cheapness it lacked many of the amenities that a Eezo powered suit would have, for example it followed the movements of its users to reduce the strain on the simpler and less effective optronic computer. Which while it was at least a decade and a half more advanced than what the average joe would have, it was not outside the reach of certain research groups who were slowly picking apart the principles of Tinkertech.

Very slowly.

The second thunk got my full attention and I slapped the man's thigh for a second time. He looked at me with a sheepish expression behind his visor.

"Joe…I would very much like you to not try to play party tricks with the high powered industrial machinery I've let you borrow. Especially one capable of deadlifting three tons and requiring kilowatts of power." I watched in disbelief as Joe gently and slowly placed down the 500 kilogram mass of twisted metal. It still resounded with a metallic ring as it was dropped.

The Warden was a nasty piece of work, weighing about 150 kilograms and using a mix of hydraulics and silicone myomer muscles. However it's been specifically constructed to be slow and meticulous in its movements for general work safety. It could have either highly articulate mechanical fingers or various tools in a highly modular setup.
It came in different models, with just the exoskeleton itself being the cheapest model. For more hazardous environments it had plates and aramid fabric highly resistant to acid, biological destruction, heat, fire, plasma, water and pressure.

The armor was about three times as strong as modern super steel alloys, so around…6…7 gigapascals of tensile strength?

The armored behemoth chuckled nervously and I glared at him from behind my visor. While the armor was more than capable of lifting enormous weight, that was more due to my own overzealousness than an actual need. With the exoskeleton, the dock workers could operate for much longer as well as keeping themselves much healthier without the constant strain of repetitive high mass lifting movements.

The cost of the thing was low even if I used 'modern' tech at about ten thousand, but for my own manufacturing it went down to about six thousand. Which sounds expensive until you realize forklifts cost up to 30k and exoskeletons back home cost ten times that amount and are leased.

"Sorry boss, it's just this thing is amazing," he hopped from foot to foot, a quarter ton of mass lifted into the air with little issue. Then I registered his words…

"Don't call me boss, I'm your supplier and nothing more." I cocked a hip, hoping my voice would convey my dislike for the term. It felt…strange to be anyone's boss.

Joe lifted his visor, his chiseled face brimming with amusement. "You know out of context that sounds kind of bad." I stiffened and I slapped him for the third time. The armor sounded loudly with the amount of force I applied, and Joe winced.

"Joe?" I smiled and enjoyed the trepidation the employee exuded.


I poked him in the chest, standing on the tip of my toes to reach him. "Shut up would you? I still have a bit more testing before our little contract is finalized. I'll have a few dozen suits ready within a week."

"Okay." He stepped away, the machine whirring with the pump of high pressure oil, and the flexing of reinforced electroactive siloxane. I tried to brush my hair with my fingers until I remembered I had a helmet on.

Maybe I should make a more open design? Then again this suit was built for protection and defense not PR.

The past few days had passed rather comfortably, with most of the work involving getting Athena up and running and the occasional patrol around certain parts of the Docks. Crime had suffered a drop in activity though it was quite small, since my mass drone use was operating quite well. Though I had to take care to not break any laws by accident. I also tended to take control of the drones myself to make sure that everything was done to code.

I did patrol heavily though because while I had made my little toys as cute as possible, the public still needed a face to the hero and all of that PR garbage. Taylor or Monarch(such a cool name) had started her own patrols when she wasn't either training, studying or doing her own things. Anything that didn't involve that was hanging out with me, or with…Amy.

Though I'll honestly put it at the same level as where Taylor and I had been about two months ago. Sort of sitting next to each other and periodically conversing for a few minutes before becoming quiet. It felt oddly stereotypical but it wasn't like they were sudden best friends either, and at the rate they were going, I doubt they would be best friends within a year. But it didn't make me feel any less uneasy however.

I had no issue with Taylor making friends but I also didn't know how healthy a friendship could be had between them. I'm not even sure a friendship between her and I would be healthy with how much I knew about her. Taylor was slightly more stable since she lacked a conflict drive but still had at least a few independent neuroses. Hopefully they would not end up defining her life, that she would be able to overcome them. But I wasn't going to baby her anyhow…it's not my job and she can make her own decisions.

Besides best case scenario we get a new friend who'll be more stable because she talks with people who aren't family, patients or other Parahumans she doesn't like.

Can't forget her incestious and slightly obsessive feelings for her sister.

Yeah…that's a huge can of worms I very much do not want to bring up for a number of reasons.


An alert knocked me out of my introspection, and I quickly answered the emergency call from Taylor.

"Hola que pasa?" I flinched at the use of Spanish, and I couldn't remember the last time I had actively spoken in it outside of the few dreams I remembered.

"We have a problem." I felt relief when Taylor ignored my slip up, but her concern made me lose it.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" I fingered the ion rifle, fire flaring in my left hand at the same time.

"I…sighted Rune and Krieg fighting Glory Girl, Panacea is close by…next to my dad." I shuddered at the lack of emotion that Taylor was emitting then, and a quick look illustrated her anger. Thousands of flying insects swarmed together, very subtly glowing with multidimensional energy.

"Fuck…where are you?" I asked, and sped up into a rapid wind enhanced sprint. I accelerated quickly, and my HUD instantly displayed her coordinates. I bounced, hitting more than 60 miles an hour with nothing but the force of the wind alone.

"On the roof, I'm already attacking with my swarm…but they aren't doing much. I don't think Glory Girl knows I'm here since she's dealing with Rune an—SHIT!" There was a rush of air as Taylor, the speakers pick up high frequency sounds.

"Cricket?" I swiftly activated a multitude of defenses that I had installed in the new warehouse I had for initial testing of my products for the DWU.

"Cricket…" Taylor huffed, and I launched myself more than fifty feet in the air with a blast of wind. I reached all the way to the top of a warehouse and finally sighted the fight itself.

Glory Girl and Rune circled around each other, Rune staying in the air with a makeshift piece of rubble. The little nazi girl snarled and insulted the taller and older blonde, all the while throwing rubble and projectiles at high speed, slamming into Vicky's shields at full force.

Krieg was having a hard time himself, and swatted stinging insects aside, negating the effectiveness but still taking a good amount of venom into his system. The bugs were slowing…until they coalesced into a solid mass of chitin. Once again snapping together into a roughly two meter cloud of arthropods.

The pseudo-projection shrieked and threw itself at Krieg with fervor.

Don't just watch get moving!

I hopped the distance between buildings, lifting my ion rifle and making use of the BattleNet system recently installed and calibrated for use. This was at the same time I launched myself with another airbending boost.



The beam crossed twenty meters in only a few milliseconds, and Rune collapsed like a puppet on strings. Normally this would have resulted in an untimely end…if I wasn't there to catch her.

Glory Girl looked at me in shock, her aura flaring up, bypassing my kinetic barrier but oddly enough having trouble with the sporadic biotic Barrier.

Still haven't figured anything out besides pull and push…

"Hello there Glory Girl!" I raced past her with Rune in tow, landing on the subsequent warehouse. I rather uncouthly dropped the teenage girl, the Nazi twitching after the blast of short lived electrons.

She blinked. "Uh hi?" I waved at her shyly, turning my attention to my partner in heroic and business endeavors.

Well…Taylor has certainly picked up the elegance and softness of airbending into her combat style.

Both Cricket and Taylor fought in a dance of death, weaving between each other's attacks with ease. The blonde Nazi's kamas sliced through the air at incredible speed, yet Taylor avoided them with spiraling movements, her feet lifting off the ground for moments at a time. Any time that Cricket got a hit in, Taylor parried with a short laser steel blade. The scythes chipped and sparked any time they made contact with the knife, and Cricket would immediately get blasted away by gusts of compressed air.

We hadn't had enough time to get Taylor up to the task of using a gun. Though she was surprisingly skilled with bladed weaponry.

It gave my mind a few ideas…scary ideas.


A high pitched shriek vibrated my armor and was muffled by it once it took hold. Nausea almost hit me, and it definitely hit Glory Girl for a second.

Taylor stumbled, and Cricket launched forward with her scythes in hand…only to take hundreds of insects to the face, riding a stream of air in a tornado of legs, eyes and antennae.

"Holy shit…" Glory Girl cursed when Cricket let out a cry of pain as hundreds of spiders covered her body, biting her but without using their venom if the lack of death convulsions wasn't obvious. "Did she just…?"

I snorted and the blonde looked affronted. "Cricket is fine, you know most spider bites don't have venom in them right?" Glory Girl shut her mouth, though she still looked a little queasy at the sight of Cricket as she collapsed. Another shriek tore the swarm away but the damage was done. Then the nazi Parahuman fighter smirked…

"PARAHUMAN PROXIMITY ALERT!" A man covered in blades emerged from the shadows and Monarch weaved past a spear like arm aiming for her skull.


"Hookwolf!" Glory Girl glanced at me and I nodded, air displacing as she flew, her skirt fluttering in the wind. I looked down to the fight below, my lips quirking as Queen held Krieg down, dispestrings of silk until the kinetic manipulator was cocooned in high strength extruded biomaterial.

Queen gave a thumbs up, and with a slight tilt of my gun another arc caught Krieg in the face. He twitched for a few seconds before passing out. Once that was done, I joined the fray leaving three drones including Squishy to protect Danny and Amy.

Hookwolf had bulked up, resembling less a man and more a canine blender as he came at GG and Taylor relentlessly. His blades rebounded from Vicky's shield, but never succeeded in hitting Taylor in the first place. His claws were slow enough to go through her kinetic barrier, but wouldn't leave a scratch on the chitin. I felt vindicated in adding shock absorbers to keep her from being pulped by the amount of force that Hookwolf was throwing out.

Though to be fair his claws would only cut her skin at best due to her superhuman toughness. I mean Ty Lee could jump 70 feet in the air as a non bender soo—quit getting distracted!

My reflexes kicked in and I ducked under a scythe only to take a rapid kick to the head…which did nothing. Cricket hissed but still tried for another cut, which I promptly denied. I grabbed a kama and with little mercy started squeezing. The metal bent at the handle, and firebending promptly warped the metal with heat.

"You!" Her voice turned into a hacking cough as I slammed the ion rifle into her chest, the athletic woman being pushed back several feet.


Cricket slumped on the floor, and I smirked. Though that turned into a frown when I found that Rune had gone missing. I had used a lower setting on her because of her size but I must have miscalculated. So she had likely escaped, though fortunately she wasn't anywhere near Danny and Panacea. Though I had my doubts she would try anything for her own safety. Attacking the best healer in the city sounded like a horrible idea.

Oh…and Krieg is gone too…though now that I'm thinking about it, Rune probably took him. Though how the 12 year old picked him was a little difficult to imagine until I remembered she was telekinetic. So she probably just used her powers to…

There was a rotten smell in the air. Had I seen something move? A shadow…?

I shivered, and tried to look around for whatever had given me that feeling of dread. When I found nothing, I shook my head and returned to a far more pertinent situation. This was the literal worst time to her distracted…

Back to Hookwolf then…and let's send two more drones to keep an eye on Cricket. The fight hadn't slowed for even a moment, with Hookwolf acting like a whirlwind of knives and spears. Glory Girl and Monarch had different strategies, the flying brick taking hits head on while the airbender circled and twisted her body with every attack. Unfortunately his sheer mass made blowing him off the building rather difficult. Only the Dallon sister with actual brute powers could inflict any real damage to the steel covered wolf man.

Each of her punches dented and bent metal, enormous amounts of force being thrown wildly. Not that Glory Girl lacked skill, no she was lashing out with very effective attacks even if Taylor was better at dodging.

Yeah…I'm going to get Taylor a more potent weapon than a sharp knife.

I lowered into a stance, and flames were conjured up from my breath and inner energy. I swirled my arms, fire gathering and then intensified as I charged the attack. The fire grew in size and power, and with a straight punch it was shot out like a bullet.

Taylor and Vicky both moved out of the way, already warned by Taylor's wide range of senses. Which was what I was counting on.

Hookwolf howled as his steel skin was warped by intense heat, and then thrown back by the kinetic impact of the fire attack. He threw out metallic tendrils, lashing out with slashes from his blade shaped fingers.

I closed in, and with false bravado bent streams of fire and exploding balls of heat into the Changer's face. He hissed in pain, and became more distorted as he grabbed more mass from his core. He stepped up his game, and I quickly realized why he was so dangerous.

He morphed into a visceral mass of metallic death, and we were forced back as the blades whistled and cut through the air and the roof. He shoulder checked Glory Girl, and slammed her face into the floor with near sadistic glee.

"He's too…experienced. I'm not sure we can beat him." I growled at Taylor's doubt, hands twitching for a more substantial weapon. I didn't because I was unsure how much escalation was warranted here. Because apparently guns are a sign that I'm not playing the game. But…perhaps a pistol is an exception, Tattletale went for it with Glory Girl in canon.

"Fuck it…" I closed in with an explosion of fire and manipulated air currents. I twisted in the air, and the air cracked as a round tore a crater in Hookwolf's arm. The man stumbled but wasn't overly hurt since I had toned down the mass of the round. I wasn't going to kill him after all…

There was a gleam in his eyes. "Interesting…" his voice was warped, clinking like sparking steel. Spears of metal were sent in my direction and an omni-shield took the hit. Hookwolf hunched onto all fours, his face slowly replaced by a muzzle. "You fight with fire and willingness to harm…I like that."

I'm going to break his face as many times as needed to never hear that tone of voice again. Three more bullets caught on both his arms and a single leg and he bounded with far greater speed than I expected.

I snapped my arm up just in time for the several hundred kilograms of monstrous blade wolf to hit the newly formed energy barrier. He used the shield as a board, hopping over it and slammed down onto my chest.


An unholy buzzing roar followed, and Hookwolf was beset by Queen once more, her eyes blazing blue. I curled into a ball, and with my long tucked in legs…I kicked the Changer in the stomach, fire flowing across his iron skin. He was sent flying over three meters, and Glory Girl attacked in midair. His head snapped back from an open palm strike, and he crashed back into the building. An ominous groan followed but the roof held.

"Fall…" Queen whispered in Hookwolf's ears, Victoria not noticing the oddity. The man flinched and the shard promptly unleashed half a dozen tendrils made of insects. They met the shifting form of the former illegal fighter head on, shattering and reforming to smash their organic mass into the opponent.

Is…is she channeling Taylor's airbending into her attacks?

I sighed when I heard Cricket throw herself back on her feet, though the poor woman even with her echolocation was too slow to avoid the near invisible web of carbon-tube enhanced spider silk. The drones twisted around her until she was wrapped in an inescapable bundle, and the fighter let out an inaudible groan. A spark knocked her out again…barely.

"It won't be that easy!" Hookwolf spun like a top, smashing both Taylor and Vicky back with a single rotation of his body. I shot at him but he replaced the lost metal quickly as he grew further until he was an eight foot monstrosity of blades.

He backhanded Glory Girl with a wide horrifying smile of sharpened iron and steel. With his longer legs he bounded and then crashed onto Taylor, and I instantly upped the power of the Sahara.

"GAH!" Taylor struggled under his weight, and with a snarl Hookwolf became pockmarked with craters.

"It's too bad…a girl like you would have made a fine addition to the Empire." I reached for my shotgun, deciding that this had gone on long enough.

The ground rumbled.

The battle changed when Hookwolf received a metric ton of concrete to the face. The projectile hit him like a battering ram, and the air shook as Hookwolf flew across the city in the direction of the Bay.

Wait…was that…?

I threw myself off the building, slowing my fall with airbending and blinking at the sudden lack of an undamaged alleyway. The ground had been scraped off, with chunks of mass taken out from the buildings themselves. Right in the middle of the destruction was Danny with his arms outstretched with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. Panacea was looking at him with a puzzled expression, resembling a confused fish.

"Oh shit." I already felt the presence of a third soul in the area, shining a forest green in all the glory of the ethereal. Danny looked down at his hands in surprise, opening and shutting them in repetition.

"Mr. Hebert?" Monarch glided down, hiding the hitch in her voice as she smoothly landed onto the ground.

Danny shook his head. "I-I'm fine, just a little out of it Monarch." His daughter's shoulders dropped, the worry leaving her for a second. It didn't last when she saw Panacea's expression.

"Hey you forgot someone!" GG came in like a bull in a china shop, holding Cricket by the scruff of her neck. Her smile slowly downturned at the moody atmosphere. "Hey what's wrong, we won't didn't we? Even if we didn't manage to catch anyone else." her whisper was too sharp for my helmet to not pick up the sound.

Taylor coughed. "Sorry you're not wrong, but that still could have ended up a lot better." The flying cape shrugged, and I decided that information was needed.

"Mr. Hebert could you clarify on what happened here? Monarch only told me that you were caught up in a cape fight." I already made a mental note to make more drones, I needed a more accurate perimeter with often capes got past my sensors. It was an unfortunate fact that while I could detect capes with my shardtech, Zion and Eden shards were different enough to confuse Veda's more distinct biology.

"Well…I had to stop on the road because my truck broke down," I could see the old beater sputtering away on the road. "From what I could see…I think Krieg and Rune were scouting the area. Then that was when Glory Girl showed up…"

"I thought they were going to attack you with how close they were getting," She sounded sheepish. "It helped that I was already dealing with some other gang members." Panacea's scowl told me there was more to the story.

"From what I could tell it was just a coincidence that Cricket was here, she might have been in her civilian garb before entering the fight." The might of been was definitely a yes if Taylor was saying it. Her perception was growing rapidly to the point of it being very nearly being combative precognition.

"And Hookwolf?" Panacea entered the conversation with the question.

"Cricket probably called him once things went south." I speculated as sirens began to ring, from what I was quite sure were PRT vehicles. Glory Girl went still, coming to some profound realization.
"Mom is going to kill me." The childish complaint broke the ice, and I laughed.

"Pfft…that's…definitely the most concerning part about this." Vicky's cheeks turned pink, and I laughed again. Glory Girl had some very strange priorities.

I pulled Cricket closer to me, evaluating her few injuries using my omni-tool's built in sensors. A bruise would form on her chest from where I hit her with the ion rifle, so I recommended a minor health check for later.
The sirens grew louder.

Well. It's time to face the music, let's see how I manage to deal with the PRT this time.
March 9th, 2011. 2:45 PM

Basilia Rubio

I casually sauntered out into the open with Cricket in tow, her arms firmly shackled with reinforced zip ties. While they could easily hold her, I wasn't sure for how long. Quite a few PRT vehicles lingered about, and I could see the dusky toned woman wearing her uniform, with a red, white and blue bandanna covering her lower face. I recognized her as Miss Militia, and I could see her cool and wispy summoned weapon in her hand. She was talking to a few local Dockworkers, the men and woman speaking enthusiastically to the hero.

Well hopefully they vouch for me. Because this sudden escalation does not bode well for the future.

Miss Militia was the first to notice us, and her eyes marginally widening as they took me in. Taylor caught up, gently gliding with just a tiny hint of enthusiasm.

She stepped forward with a slight swaying of her hips, brimming with the natural confidence of a veteran. Hmm…her eyes were a rather pretty color…it made her more approachable than you would expect.

I also didn't know she wore a cool cowboy hat, somehow her accentuating military uniform mixed well with it.

"Hello! You're Miss Militia?" The woman smiled at the sound of my voice, and a tiny whisper told me I was talking to a real life superhero.

"I am, and you would be Erudition and Monarch?" The twinkle of amusement in her eyes alluded to the obviousness of the question.

"Yes." Taylor sounded just a tad excited though she was definitely tempering her hero worship.

"I would have liked to have met you in better circumstances, but life isn't always fair." I genuinely meant that, as I couldn't help but find myself a little charmed by the older woman.

"You seemed to have adapted just fine if that's really Cricket," god her voice was nice, a husky quality that left the back of my neck red. "As well as dealing with four members of the Empire." The compliment was an ego boost but I wouldn't let it get to my head. Especially with how few of them we had actually managed to capture…

"It wasn't easy at all though…even with Glory Girl with us, it was a hard fight." Taylor nodded slowly, her bugs finding purchase on her suit, or floating along streams of air.

Oh god what have I done…she can literally shoot spiders at people like a machine gun.

"We're also registered with the PRT if that helps." I fished out an ID kept safe in an armored pocket. Taylor did the same, and the corner of Miss Militia's eyes crinkled likely as a result of a smile. What a weird way to put it…crinkled like the hero sheet of paper.

She took a quick picture of our ID's, nodding her head in response.

"So how exactly did the two of you end up being caught up in a fight like this?" Her tone was deeply questioning, her need for information clear. Clarity was perfectly reasonable for the situation. So we would answer.

"I was patrolling when my bugs picked up that there was a fight going on, when I got a closer look I saw the fight was close to the DWU. I wasn't going to let Mr. Hebert get hurt under my watch." Her protective undertone was audible even to a social idiot like myself.

"I followed up, after shoring up my defenses just in case it was a distraction." The Forklift had been changed into a war machine with enormous kinetic shielding that would usually be seen only in IFV's and tanks. The motor was overhauled into a monster capable of propelling the Killdozer over 180 miles per hour. The kinetic barriers could take dozens of hits from an Abrams without shattering. Once it did lose its shielding, you would have to penetrate through its composite armor which was a quarter of a meter thick.

Yeah…the only Cape who could hurt it physically would be Lung, maybe Miss Militia and Armsmaster and…Weld actually.

"It escalated faster than you expected?" There was a hint of well earned experience in Miss Militia's voice.

"We think they were scouting the area, probably because of us." Ta—Monarch had a fair bit of contempt at the thought of the heat from the Empire or other gangs getting interested. I was going to up all the defenses…sensors, kinetic barriers, stunning weaponry if need be.

A few troopers approached and the conversation broke off, Cricket getting handed off to the PRT. The next minute passed in a comfortable silence, and from the corner of my vision I could see Glory Girl getting scolded by her mother, though she was apparently giving a hard time on Panacea for whatever reason.

I'm pretty sure Miss Militia was smiling again. "You both did very well since this is likely your first large scale cape fight." I nodded having to agree, I had pretty much been messed with by Mush and Squealer of all people. This time I had made off a little better, and took an Empire cape down for at least a while. We also hadn't instantly been shredded by Hookwolf which spoke well of our speed and durability.

"We got lucky. I almost got blindsided by Cricket when she ambushed me. But I'm a lot faster, and most people can only take so much venom. Or electricity." I pointed to my ion rifle, Miss Militia's eyes lighting up at the sight of the weapon. Her weapon flickered a bit, and I wondered if the unusual weapon had caught her interest.

The Protectorate cape cleared her throat, authority seeping into her stance and body language. "Would either of you be willing to provide more information at the PRT building?" Hannah talked carefully, as if she was unsure how to handle us.

"I can go," Taylor told her. "I've got some spare time, and I wouldn't want Erudition to geek out." I let out a squeak, embarrassment rising at the teasing lilt.

"Monarch!" She cheekily tilted her head, and I angrily folded her arms unable to come up with a comeback.

Everything moved quickly after that, Miss Militia giving a firm handshake before leaving with Taylor in a PRT van.

"Ahem?" I whirled around, and bumped into the chest of Danny, his face stern and serious.

That elephant in the room.
March 9th, 2011. 3:20 PM

Basilia Rubio

I absently stirred the spoon as I made myself some chocolate milk with Bet brand syrup and milk. Danny was on the other end of the table in a break room that was clean and orderly in comparison to my primary workshop. He fiddled with crumpled stone, freely experimenting with his limited control over the element of substance.

"When were you going to mention that there was something happening to me?" Danny didn't sound as angry as before, but the bitter disappointment did hurt in a number of ways. One that while his parenting hadn't been the best it was obvious he was finally getting himself out of whatever rut had been left in after all this time.

"I wasn't sure what it was…and I got distracted with everything. I was really busy… and I should have realized that there would be consequences of some kind for my inattentiveness. I'm sorry." I stirred harder, venting some of my frustration with myself. I had never been a very good multitasker and it shaped how I worked in this world.

Danny sighed, letting the stone hit the ground once he released his metaphysical grip. "Have you thought about delegating more? It's obvious you're doing a little much for just one person."

I nodded. "I have…I thought Taylor might be a good fit, though some additional help besides her would be helpful." Two people were better, but I would still need more, if I didn't go the automated VI route.

"Taylor?" He didn't seem skeptical so much as curious. Honesty is the best policy here.

"I'll be truthful…I'm not really the type to boss people around but Taylor is," I thought back to a few incidents with the Dockworkers that she helped smooth over. "She is good at running and managing things in a way that I will never match. Taylor is a little shy but that's not natural for her. When she gets confident enough…she's quite good with people."

The only thing she needed was a minder so she wouldn't self delude herself into a coma.

"Guess she takes a lot after her old man huh?" He sounded happy to hear that, his smile nostalgic and…sad.

"Yeah she does." I sipped quietly, and Danny got the courage to speak once more.

"Am I the only person getting affected like this?" He bent the element of earth, his worry creasing his forehead.

I purse my lips, pulling back my bangs rather than letting them sit. "I doubt that very much, I'm not even sure I'm completely the cause of it myself. I think it's just a consequence of whatever brought me here. I just seem to speed it up, the only guess is that I'm here to keep things under control."

"Under control?"

I rubbed my aching head. "Danny there are maybe a few hundred thousand Parahumans on this planet, and that was more than enough to destabilize human civilization." I was brutally grave in my assessment. "My memory states that 20% of humanity will gain superpowers, which is actually 100% since even non benders have inhuman abilities due to the presence of the soul." That was a general statistic, another remnant of the ancient species documented within Veda.

"That would…" he gasped as the implications sunk in. Armies of superhumans would be able to rise up, and the rapid change could easily weaken humanity just as much as it could strengthen us.

There was quiet between us, and a spark lit up in Danny's eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Could you teach me…teach me how to use this?"
Pebbles lifted with his arm.

"No." His expression dropped.

"It's time, isn't it? There's only so many hours in the day." His hands tightened into balls.

"But I could give you some information, as well as an idea of where to start from," he perked up visibly. "You'll have to learn this on your own for now."

"Could you start now?"

I gave a thumbs up, smiling behind my hand. "Alright then…Danny…earth is the element of substance, it's users are…"
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QA + Taylor really messed up this fight in not keeping any bugs on krieg / rune. Likely wouldn't have even needed many to stop them at that stage if they tried to get up, not to mention actually using string etc. to tie them up. So hopefully they'll do better next time.
2.a Interlude
2.a Interlude

March 11th, 2011. 11:30 AM

Emily Piggot

I rubbed my forehead as I watched the city from my office, pondering how I had gotten here. From a promising career as a PRT field agent to the Director of a failing town. Brockton Bay was a powder keg ready to burst, and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to do anything about it. Brockton was a place of contrast, a division between those who had prospered in the present and those who had been left behind.

Crime was rising and the Parahuman led gangs had long since entrenched themselves into the city. Their powers allowing them to take control where normal gangs would have been brought down years ago. Even the damn Merchants couldn't be put down because of the larger, more dangerous gangs like the ABB and the Empire. We were outnumbered two to one and still weren't given the level of funding and manpower needed to take care of the problem.

I stopped expecting any real help years ago…

It wouldn't be long now before something would give and we'd have a full on gang war in the city. Our foundations were rotting, and there was little I could do about it. The chances of me even seeing the end result of that dam breaking were also growing slimmer by the day.

Which was why Shadow Stalker galled me so much. Her fuck ups had gotten her into an amount of trouble that I could not and would not protect her from.

It had initially started as an inquiry from one of New Wave's members, one of the most powerful healers in the city. Panacea had mentioned hearing some disturbing rumors about the girl, and while I had at first thought it was nothing, checking in revealed a number of issues.

A fairly severe case of bullying that while it was nothing new at a school like Winslow, a short investigation found that the school had been incredibly negligent…and that Shadow Stalker had been involved in her civilian life with the case.

Shadow Stalker's parole officer had failed to mention her numerous offenses and breaking of the rules of her parole. I doubt there was much I could do to get that idiot out of trouble, especially since the police had taken a special interest in the case. I likely wouldn't see that menace for a good few years with how her defense is falling apart.

So we were going to lose a Ward within the next month or so…

The silver lining was that one request of additional manpower from New York had been accepted, the first out of more than a dozen previous attempts that had ended in failure. There was also the addition of two new capes, which while it would have been preferable if they had joined was better than either of them turning villain.

Erudition and Monarch…they likely alluded to their powers but I wasn't sure it wasn't a misdirection. Monarch's name seemed quite straightforward however.

Erudition was a Tinker who had decided to take the route of a rogue with heroic tendencies, founding a local company to sell her products. She had apparently partnered up with Monarch at some point between her initial debut and her registration.

If I could get a good contract with the two capes done we would have a fair amount of leverage over the other branches. Their carbon-weave was good enough to impress Armsmaster and god knew how rare it was to get any appreciation from him.

The two agents assigned to the duo had been carefully screened to make sure there wouldn't be any problems, and they would make inquiries into a contract for Athena Manufacturing's products. If they proved reliable and simple to prepare that meant an increase in the protection of PRT troop's without garbing them in half a foot of steel.

Apparently the public doesn't like the idea of faceless soldiers. Despite the fact it would be safer for both the PRT and themselves.

At least Shadow Stalker's actions had not been made public, though with the criminal investigation turning against her, I'm not sure how long that will last.

I turned slowly when I heard several footsteps gather outside of the conference room. Which meant it was time for the meeting to begin, we needed to get a more solid idea of what we were dealing with. Both capes had shown up out of nowhere, and had shown slightly more restraint than the average Parahuman.

Armsmaster was the first to enter the conference room, followed by Miss Militia, Dauntless and Battery. They had both had the most encounters with the pair of capes, so they would have the most information available.

The group took their respective seats on the table, with Armsmaster on the right, and Miss Militia to the left. Dauntless was on right next to Armsmaster while Battery took the remaining leftward seat.

I clasped my hands together, taking a shaky breath of air. "Since all of us are here, we can start." Armsmaster was the first to speak up, glancing at the projector screen that showed the most detailed images we had of the duo.

"The respective agents assigned to Erudition and Monarch have mentioned that the negotiations are going well," as usual he sounded like he was reading from a script. "They've retained the services of the law office of Dallon & Hope, assigned to an associate by the name of Tali Merchant."

"How have they accepted the clauses?" Miss Militia was the one to answer, nodding to the tinker cape.

"There's mainly issues with the selling prices of their armor material, and the two capes have requested some assistance with testing for other products." I nodded, remembering the few problems that the new team did bring.

"It's her Medi-gel isn't it?" I already knew this would provide a headache later on.

Armsmaster changed the projector image with a remote, and shifted to what had to be a microscopic image. My lip curled unpleasantly at the image of what had to be a series of cells, though they seemed…off.

"It's one of the first products that Erudition provided for testing," his tone shifted. "It's a very simple genetically engineered organism that functions as a self applying and self sealing gel that acts as a local anesthetic, disinfectant, and clotting agent. It can also speed up healing, though only marginally."

"So Erudition can tinker biologically…?" Armsmaster frowned at my question, and I wondered if this was one of the few cases of a stable non villainous biotinker. The fact that her very first foray had been a medical product was at least a sign of her…character.

"It appears so yes, and a very cautious one as well," I quirked an eyebrow and Armsmaster elaborated. "From what we've examined the creation is designed to be as safe as possible in every way. It's biochemical agents have almost no chances of triggering any form of allergic reaction, and it's biology has been simplified to nearly the point of non-viability."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"It cannot reproduce outside a highly specific and artificial environment, similar to the genetically engineered organisms created by non-Tinker scientists."

Hmm…it's a lot more meticulous than what I would expect from some Tinkers I knew. The only question was…

"How effective is it?" The safety had already been established by Protectorate capes…and even normal people working in the field. Even if I didn't trust it.

"It would reduce the supply chain for certain types of drugs and products made for medical use. The projected improvement in combat efficiency for the military and the PRT itself is…substantial." The chart displayed the considerable improvement of medi-gel which was…interesting.

"If this product is approved for production, what would its effect on the market be?" Because the numbers meant there would be significant outcry from other companies, and I can not deal with the headache.

"There won't be much of an issue there since Erudition plans to license medi-gel to any corporation willing to meet her demands." His reply was so dry I almost missed the amusement in his voice.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, deciding to move on from that. "Alright then, do we have a preliminary rating on the two capes?"

"For Monarch I'd say at least a Master 6, a Thinker 2 or even 3." Dauntless added, absently falling an index finger on the table.

"Why is that?" Miss Militia's eyes widened, seeming to agree with her fellow cape.

"When I saw her while on patrol, she reacted to a mugging that was more than two blocks away. She crossed the distance in about 10 seconds. Mover 5 at least, and her…projection definitely nets her an even higher Master rating."

"How?" I asked.

"It manhandled Krieg despite his kinetic manipulation and was able to hold its own against Hookwolf due to its strength and ability to split up its form." Miss Militia added with a nod.

"And her Thinker rating?" I said, glancing out of the window again.

"Monarch seems to detect people and objects without needing to use her own vision," Miss Militia noted. "She likely co-opts the senses of her creatures to do so."


"Anything else to add?"

Armsmaster spoke. "Her armor layers provide a modest Brute rating, at least a 3 for the material itself." He hesitated for a moment. "Possibly higher, and it contains a generator for what Monarch labeled a 'kinetic barrier' that blocks bullets."

"Did she or Erudition describe how strong it was?" Some answers would put my mind at ease, especially if they're willing to produce them for the PRT.

"She mentioned that most handheld firearms are worthless, but didn't elaborate on the specifics. Likely Brute 4 in and out of her armor." I leaned back at his assessment.

"Explain." I stated plainly.

Armsmaster nodded. "Monarch was able to withstand hits from Hookwolf, and analysis of her armor don't find any usage of a strength augmenting exoskeleton like Erudition."

"Then…there would be some type of Shaker ability that Monarch demonstrated?"

"Aerokinesis, she used it to knock down a whole group of Merchant thugs yesterday," Battery chimed in for the first time. "She could also shoot blasts with enough force to send Mush flying. "Shaker and Blaster 4…5 at the highest."

"So Monarch is some type of grab-bag cape then." I spoke aloud and the…capes agreed. I shut my eyes, taking a moment before moving on. "Now…what can you tell me about Erudition?"

"Tinker 6 or higher with a fairly wide range of technology she's capable of constructing." The tinker explained. "Her current inventions dabble in material science, robotics, electronics, energy shielding, and biochemistry, and there is likely…" he hesitated again.

"Armsmaster." Was all I needed to say.

He sighed. "I have my suspicions that she is capable of mass producing her technology in a manner similar to Masamune and Dragon. Though it's likely through simplifying and removing key components to her more potent Tinkertech."

"Key components?" Now wasn't that interesting?

The cape tapped the remote, and a single scan that Armsmaster had taken with his sensors revealed…a blue-white glowing mass?

"All her technology contains an additional substance that is lacking in her less resilient but easier to maintain products. I am…unsure of its composition or nature."

"Maybe it's a power source?" Dauntless chimed in with the suggestion, and I knew this was going to be a headache in the future.

"It's not unlikely."

"Moving on. What other abilities does she have?" A short video played on the screen, and I saw a brief flash of heat and fire visible from the rooftop of a warehouse.

"Erudition in addition to her Tinker nature has a very strong pyrokinetic power," Miss Militia smiled for a split second. "She can both control and generate flames, and her attacks are both incredibly hot, as well as high in momentum. Erudition was able to throw off a transformed Hookwolf with the combined force of a kick and a fire blast. The range is in the many dozens of meters at the bare minimum, and she could easily engulf a large vehicle with a single blast. Blaster 5 or even a 6…"

"A Shaker rating is reasonable as well due to her own aerokinesis…" that errant comment brought me short.

"They both have aerokinesis and superhuman strength?" They nodded, and I wondered if the duo were actually a part of a cluster-trigger. I'm not sure it fit the timeframe however…

"Hmm…" I turned at Miss Militia's hum, her uncharacteristic uncertainty catching my attention.

I scowled "Is there anything else?" She blinked, and then replied with a low voice.

"Yes…it's difficult to notice, but both capes give off an…odd air." She tapped a finger on the table, lost in thought. "Not necessarily a sense of wrongness, but more like there was something different about them."

"I haven't felt any such thing in my brief encounters…perhaps a weak and highly specific Shaker effect?" Armsmaster provided a possible explanation, though it didn't alleviate my paranoia.

It could easily be a master effect that they're making use of…but that didn't sit right with me. I would have to discard that theory, and various Thinkers had revealed nothing of that sort of nature was likely.

"For now I would recommend we make closer ties with them to at least have them nominally on our side. Both have been pegged at around the same age to slightly older than the eldest Wards yes?" I questioned and they answered.

Miss Militia easily put together what I was implying, her eyes widening by the slimmest of margins. "That's what our thinkers have concluded. Monarch is believed to be between seventeen and nineteen years old, while Erudition is between eighteen and twenty years old."

So around the same ages as the older Wards and Triumph. The gap between them and Battery isn't much different either.

We quickly came together on an outline for how we would treat the two…capes. We chose to inform the older Wards and the younger Protectorate members on the general situation. With the loss of Shadow Stalker, a win even with an irritating alliance with independents was still a better result than what I could have previously hoped for in this city.

"How have the gangs reacted to their losses? Give me everything you have."

The rest of the allotted time was dedicated to the more usual issues plaguing my Bay. Yet throughout the time I still had the thought in the back of my head on why those two capes felt so…odd to my instincts. Normally Parahumans put me on edge, since I knew I couldn't put any real trust in them.

Why were they so different…?

I shook my head, grabbing a rippling cup of water. I took a sip, feeling that there was something that I had failed to take into account…

Hmm…maybe I've delayed my dialysis for too long?

It didn't matter…I was going to keep this city from completely falling apart as long as I took a single breath.

There was work to do.
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Always interesting to see a different point of view. The PRT seems to have a feeling that something weird is happening.... But so far it's just many small, unusual things stacking up.

Thanks a lot for the chapter! I'm really looking forward to how this continues.
I really like the story, Basilia is a fun character and im a fan of tinker stories that actually go somewhere.
But i also think the bending and tinker powers Basilia has seem like two weirdly stapled together power sets, is the whole thing from some kind of strange Avatar/Mass Effect crossover or did you just think it was neat to combine them?
I really like the story, Basilia is a fun character and im a fan of tinker stories that actually go somewhere.
But i also think the bending and tinker powers Basilia has seem like two weirdly stapled together power sets, is the whole thing from some kind of strange Avatar/Mass Effect crossover or did you just think it was neat to combine them?
The powers themselves actually are from a crossover known as Avatar of Victory though I'm taking my own spin on it. It was one of my favorite stories, which unfortunately stopped right at the finish line a few years ago. That eventually coalesced into this story once I got into the Worm fandom after a few different attempts to write a Worm story.

I went through a Fate/Worm SI, an Endbringer SI, and a magic Worm SI before finally settling on this story. I feel like I made the right choice here.
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Liked the chapter! Thanks! One thought, though:

"Oh…I understand, if we can get them to like us enough, we might be able to convince them to join." Miss Militia easily put together what I was implying.

That's a pretty "Captain Obvious" moment for someone as experienced and professional as Miss Militia. Assault might say it as a joke, but everyone else should just kind of get it, yeah?
Liked the chapter! Thanks! One thought, though:

That's a pretty "Captain Obvious" moment for someone as experienced and professional as Miss Militia. Assault might say it as a joke, but everyone else should just kind of get it, yeah?
Yeah…I wasn't too sure of that myself once I took a second look, I'll probably have to change it or just remove it from the Interlude.

Edit: So that was a quick fix, hopefully this fits better.
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2.b Interlude
2.b Interlude

March 16th, 2011. 9:45 PM

Grace Yamada

I threw aside the hunks of fucking junk I had gathered, pure and utter fury clouding my mind with the urge to blow those bastards to kingdom fucking come!

They denied me, Grace Yamada!

That final was perfect, and I wouldn't believe a damn word out of his slimy mouth. I had gotten into Cornell University when I was only 16 years old, and had gotten through every course I had taken for the last four years!

Four damn years wasted…four years of sweat, blood and tears and all it was wasted because of some idiotic old ass prick who wanted a fucking taste of me. Disgusting old fucker.

But I was going to show them wasn't I?

I could build so much now…anything and everything I set my mind to. All of it in the form of explosions. I could build a nuke with scrap and literal shit, I could do anything. I had all the material I needed and it wouldn't be long now…that school, that man, those students were getting what was coming to the—FUCK!

I slipped on the floor, smacking my head on the way down. I saw stars and galaxies and cursed the shit out of the sudden spill from the bleach I had pilfered from my neighbor.

"Dammit!" I shook my head, and smacked my head when I threw myself up like a braindead moron.


I fell straight on my ass, and I could barely keep my temper down for more than a few moments at a time. I was always angry and would always be pis—

There was an alert on my phone, and with a growl I pulled it out of my pocket. Some no-name girl I talked to like once had been blowing up my phone nonstop since she pestered me for my number. It was stupid to give it to her…she was way too annoying.

There was a video that I clicked in without thinking, and I blinked when it was more news about that shitty town…Brock…something…something? It was a short video about some new Tinker, probably some random two-bit heroic drone.

The dark and intimidating set of armor caught me off guard, and I stared at the liner and shapes made from the multi-layered armor. A chubby cape-nerd had approached the Tinker with a complete lack of self preservation, because who knew what this cape was like?

"H-Hey Erudition? Could I ask a few questions?" I laughed at the stupidly nerdy(still…coolish) name that the Tinker had picked for…her…himself. In the video, the dark armored cape inclined his or her head.

"O-Oh…a little unusual but sure why not?" By the sound of the voice it had to a woman, unless she's a really feminine guy. "What did you want to ask…as long as it's not too…outside the bounds of what I'm willing to answer." Her voice turned to a cold steel at the end and I shivered.

"Why…why did you start up Athena…what's the point of it?" The cape leaned back, tilting her head a bit. I rolled my eyes, since it was probably going to be some altruistic bullshit.

"Well…there's a couple of reasons really," she brushed a foot along the ground almost shyly, somehow managing to project the aura of an awkward teen instead of a woman in power armor. "I could say it's because I want to help people with what I can do…and it's true. But it's also for myself." I almost turned it off but her last statement…was interesting.

"Hmm…? What does that mean?" The dumb kid on the other line asked, and I lifted up my phone and turned up the volume. The rage burning beneath my skin had cooled, and something nasty was settling in my gut.

Erudition wrapped her arms around her armored chest plate. "Well I'm a Tinker and I want to Tinker as much as legally possible. I want to see how my power can change everything around here. I'm not sure how much my little company can do to fix up Brockton Bay…but leaving it better than before because of my efforts sounds like a good thing. A legacy…I mean I guess so?" The video ended when she was called by some tall bug chick.

The nasty feeling started to spread from my gut out to the rest of my extremities. I thought back, carefully analyzing all of my thoughts since I had gained my power about two days ago. It felt…wrong.

A sick churning of my stomach, made me feel odd…a slight ache forming in my chest. I had wanted to hurt them…I had wanted to make them suffer for ruining all my efforts. I no longer understood the train of thought that had led me to thinking that a bombing would show them. Yeah…it'd make me feel better…and that wasn't an alarming thought on its own. But them being dead means I can't rub my victory in their faces. I wouldn't even get to celebrate even if the idea now made me feel like a piece of shit.

The Protectorate and the PRT would catch me instantly…and I'd spend my life either in prison, on the run, or dead. Unless I could carve out a little fiefdom by killing a few thousand people…and that had to be the insanity talking.

I was angry…still so very angry…but the thought of killing people with the kind of bombs I could make was no longer as appealing. I had already made one, a cryokinetic explosive that could slowly turn someone's blood to ice in a final torturous existence before the sweet release of death…

I shuddered.

What was wrong with me?

The bomb I had been making was a matter disintegrator I would use to turn the professor into red mist. Would've…would've used.

"Oh god…what is wrong with me?" I asked the question and didn't get the answer because no shit me, I was talking to the air!

I glanced over to all the spilled parts and assorted liquids I had been going to to build an array of bombs with special effects that were increasingly terrifying yet fascinating from a more…scientific basis.

That didn't dull my rage though…but could I channel my anger in a different way?

That Tinker…she said she wanted to change things didn't she? And New Hampshire was a lot friendlier to Parahumans law and regulations wise. And that Tinker seemed a little too naive for a shithole like Brockton Bay.

There were also a lot more acceptable targets to test some of my bombs on. Nobody likes Nazis after all…just don't kill them.

I stood back up on my feet, and with a perfectly rational and reasonable thought process I was going to make some plans.

I was going to get back at him in the best way possible…by living a better life. Also by destroying him with scandals.


March 16th, 2011. 11:30 AM

Grace Yamada

I smirked as I patted down my newly made costume, the gas mask was a nice touch of genius, and the material it was made of was as indestructible as I could make it. A couple linked bombs was all it took to synthesize the super tough carbon fibers and the compressed iron-uranium-tungsten plates. The bombs had both made them and imbued them with an enhanced strong force. They were at least ten times stronger than carbon nanotubes, and the internal skeleton held up the weight of my costume.

Now how I powered my suit was a little more interesting but it gave me a small nosebleed just to figure it out. The power core was a sphere that held continuous explosions formed from crashing various wavelengths together to generate power. My suit harnessed the electromagnetic wavelengths generated to move my armor with small detonations of electromagnetic energy.

I was powered by explosions and was proud of it!

A day of work and sweat to build the armor that would protect me, the armor I would use to use my inventions for something more…for something greater. They might not get to know who I was beneath the mask, but I would get to gloat all the same. I would get the credit I deserve, I would get the praise and adulation that I desire.

That girl might be idealistic…but she has the right ideas…ideas I was going to steal for myself. Brockton Bay was the perfect city for my debut, a city with so many acceptable targets that it was unbelievable.


Something hit the balcony window and I grabbed a small bomb that…sent a blast of electricity? Yeah that's right for non-lethal takedowns, I remember now.

I looked down to find a cutesy little drone sputtering and coughing with a dying gasp. I narrowed my hands, gripping my bomb tightly to my chest. Carefully opening the transparent window door, I grabbed the thing and then shut the glass door behind me.

It was a small simple little thing…it didn't even have any cameras, and it was obviously built as cheaply as possible. But it didn't take long for me to figure out where it had come from…

I had seen the drones that Erudition chick used a lot, and this was basically a cheaper model. Regular structural steel, a regular lithium ion battery, with the only thing that was off being tiny embedded crystals. Which were incredibly hard to figure out because they vanished like my perfect score did. What I was questioning was what it was doing in Boston and why had it shown up on my balcony?

A cold chill ran down my spine…as a paranoid thought came to the forefront.

Did she figure out what I had been planning and got worried? Because my mania wasn't exactly inconspicuous and I had made a ton of very suspicious purchases to build my original Tinker Bombs. I knew the girl was good at computers with how much she advertised on her new website and how well it was made. Apparently some Thinkers and Thinkers tried to get in and failed. Which meant even someone with my genius and talent could be impressed.

So maybe…but wouldn't that be against the unwritten rules…? Wait…no cameras…no sensors beyond ones made to detect strange and odd phenomena. Smart…I'd probably do it too if I thought there was a bomb threat.

Another thought came to me, and a smirk pulled at my lips. Maybe I should be asking her myself. Cornell University doesn't have anything here for me anymore, so how about I pay a little visit to that shithole? I had my armor, I had my bombs, and I was getting my degree on way or another. Yeah…I knew what I was going to do…I just needed some more time and I'd be out of this place.


The drone wailed and a good kick shut it the hell up, my smirk widening further. This little guy was going to make for some good parts, I wonder if she was going to mind a little tinkering? I pulled out a toolset, and started to cackle.


Get ready Brockton Bay…

Because Bakuda is coming to town.


AN: With this chapter I've finally used up every chapter written in the first document for Victories of the Soul. I usually use Google Docs and once past about 50K words it tends to slow down. Not that, that stops me. Anyway, I had been planning to go this route for a while…a semi-heroic Bakuda was something I felt like going with.

It's a very different path from Canon, and I more or less figured she was a Parahuman like Sophia who got a rather aggressive shard. But…she's still Bakuda, so she won't be a pleasant person either.
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Picked this story up on a whim, and then got sucked in for about 4 hours. Excellent work.

It's really nice to see stories with people who have phenomenal cosmic power but don't just instantly win or try to make things go "all according to keikaku."