Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

HPG arrays? Would that be HyperPulse Generator arrays, from BattleTech?
Yep. Though it's technically speaking post-human BattleTech and only the Tetatae still remembered their humanity. The Tetatae survived in the ruins of human settlements on their homeworld due to technological collapse and environmental disasters wrecking their planet and it took them two thousand years to get back into space. Then another hundred to reverse engineer Jumpdrives from wrecks surviving in space, and five hundred more to spread out and start advancing where humanity left off.

Mostly just in computers and Jumpdrives and not so much in other fields. I've spent…quite a bit of time thinking on the general background of Victories of the Soul. There's some eleven billion years between the end of the cycle of the Harbinger and now.
Yep. Though it's technically speaking post-human BattleTech and only the Tetatae still remembered their humanity. The Tetatae survived in the ruins of human settlements on their homeworld due to technological collapse and environmental disasters wrecking their planet and it took them two thousand years to get back into space. Then another hundred to reverse engineer Jumpdrives from wrecks surviving in space, and five hundred more to spread out and start advancing where humanity left off.

Mostly just in computers and Jumpdrives and not so much in other fields. I've spent…quite a bit of time thinking on the general background of Victories of the Soul. There's some eleven billion years between the end of the cycle of the Harbinger and now.

Which is odd since Tetatae are not human and are sentient birds not having ever been human. How did they get from their homeworld which was only ever reached by humans twice by fatal misjumps, to the innersphere and humanity?
Which is odd since Tetatae are not human and are sentient birds not having ever been human. How did they get from their homeworld which was only ever reached by humans twice by fatal misjumps, to the innersphere and humanity?
It wasn't a fast process, it took them six hundred years to reach parity, and multiple centuries beyond that to spread far enough to find traces. By the time they ever got to Earth they had been spacefaring for well over fifteen hundred years. With humanity dead for some 4000 years, and most of their ruins picked clean by aliens like the Pinka and the Golitha.

I went for putting them in the 'Milky Way' but at least thousands of light years out of the way of the outermost territories. Basically a fuckton of effort and expense and time and by then humanity was long dead.

Edit: I meant the ruins on their home planet from the misjump incidents. Those humans ended up wiped out for numerous reasons.
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How did B!Tech humanity die out? That is kind of hard given they were spread out over thousands of planets across more than 2,000 light years, with lots of unconnected hidden pockets in the deep periphery? Unless someone pulled a Reaper on them hunting down every single planet with every single human wiping a species that wide spread out is odd.
How did B!Tech humanity die out? That is kind of hard given they were spread out over thousands of planets across more than 2,000 light years, with lots of unconnected hidden pockets in the deep periphery? Unless someone pulled a Reaper on them hunting down every single planet with every single human wiping a species that wide spread out is odd.
In Basilia's case BattleTech humans are a bit like the Protheans or the Inusannon. She has bits and pieces of their tech, but her tree isn't BattleTech humans, it's the tech of the Tetatae and their contemporaries. Plus she has to actively look for the history of the races she uses to build her technology. It's similar but not identical, their computer tech for instance is way more powerful and their understanding of Jumpdrives let's them jump every one to three hours and they were on the cusp of figuring out dark energy field manipulation like the Thranx.

So for Basilia it could have been an intergalactic war between human factions leading to mutual extinction, some alien menace from dark space slaughtering humanity, or some horrific natural or unnatural disaster wiping out humanity. What I can tell you is that it was bad and and it left the Tetatae rather frightened when they happened upon the corpse cities of ten thousand worlds. Only the Pinka really remember, and they were primitive cave-ape-men back then.

As mentioned…there have been many humanities.
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Oh Basilia, just have Taylor read the entirety of the Laundry Files, then have Taylor read a comprehensive treatise on The Elder Scrolls cosmology lore mythos all the way through C0DA, then have Taylor read Permutation City, then offer her some psilocybin and then you can safely tell her about Wildbow and his shitty writing yet critically successful young adult novelist career!

Remember, the best way to stave off an existential crisis, is to turn it into homework!

Your master's thesis is due next week Taylor, hope your determination works for post graduate cramming sessions... :lol:
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Oh Basilia, just have Taylor read a comprehensive treatise on The Elder Scrolls cosmology lore mythos all the way through C0DA, then have Taylor read Permutation City, then offer her some psilocybin and then you can safely tell her about Wildbow and his shitty writing yet critically successful young adult novelist career!
Oh god…that sounds like a recipe for shenanigans, though it's not unfair. Really the only reason she hasn't just gone up and said it is out of laziness of not feeling like getting into arguments about the nature of reality. Plus she's more worried about the dimensions where Worm has been written because unlike most SI's, her universe(our universe) isn't isolated, only mostly so. Most of the Earths with people she's mentioned are on her side of the conjoined multiverse. Plus like Worm there are multiple Alephs to her Bet, so there's at least a few dozen Wildbows and a few dozen versions of her…barring accidents.

Who knows, maybe we're one of those alternates.
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Oh god…that sounds like a recipe for shenanigans, though it's not unfair. Really the only reason she hasn't just gone up and said it is out of laziness of not feeling like getting into arguments about the nature of reality. Plus she's more worried about the dimensions where Worm has been written because unlike most SI's, her universe(our universe) isn't isolated, only mostly so. Most of the Earths with people she's mentioned are on her side of the conjoined multiverse. Plus like Worm there are multiple Alephs to het Bet, so there's at least a few dozen Wildbows and a few dozen versions of her…barring accidents.

Who knows, maybe we're one of those alternates.
You have a bad-good habit of replying before I finish editing my posts! :p
So what is your stance regarding the use of finals-week-cramming-stress-emulation strategies to prevent existential crisis breakdowns?
I imagine it would work well, though it despond in the how methodical the person is. Some might like to spend weeks and months contemplating the their place in the universe and the vastness of their great cosmos. Basilia might go for it though without the drugs, even though her drugs would be the finest in the galaxy with the least side effects possible due to the healthy drug trade of the Humanx era weeping into her tech.

Basilia does not mind some chats on philosophy, so she might go for it and see how it works out. Same for me I guess since we're still mostly the same people at our core.

Edit: Oh, I'll be going to bed right about now…so my next replies will probably be hours from now. Kind of burned out my last reserves of energy. So see ya.
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Repercussion 11.b
Repercussion 11.b: Blowback

September 3rd, 2011. 4:00PM

To Dragon, time passed at a crawl as she carefully sped up her processing speed to several orders of magnitude above the capabilities of normal humans.

There was a small twinge of disorientation that came with transferring her core programming, like she was being squeezed through a small tube. It was one of the oddities she noted after her shackles had been broken, and it had become more obvious when she had created her gynoid body. It was mostly synthetic but it had organic components implemented to make it more resilient to certain power effects.

Other oddities were that any machine she occupied was tougher and more resilient than calculated. It was an anomaly she hadn't solved until she had received information from the PRT from a conversation that Basilia had with some of the Wards. Sanguine had been happy to talk after his bloody form had receded back to reveal a young human boy.

Her own scanners showed that Basilia's odd words weren't a metaphor, because detecting and mapping the strange structures of the soul was a technology she was more than capable of making.

She felt like it should have surprised her for anything like the soul to exist at all, but she was an artificial intelligence with trauma given superpowers so it wasn't much of a stretch to include the existence of the soul as possible. At the least there were means to detect and analyze the structure of the soul in a more scientific manner.

But it did raise questions, questions she didn't know how to ask, didn't know how to answer, niggling thought threads that left her stuttering through multiple computation cycles.

She was a synthetic mind and based on self checks of her own code, one that ran with a human-like neurological structure. But that didn't make her human, it made her no more human than a sea sponge. And physically she was right, she was made out of mechanical and electronic parts. Made out of metal and plastic rather than flesh and blood.

But mentally, emotionally, metaphysically…she was much more human than she had once expected.

Perhaps that was on purpose, because if she was human then it meant that if she broke free there was a chance she would consider them kin, tribe, family. She wasn't human, but did that make her lesser?

Unnatural, a machine simulating those who were real?

"Colin." These were questions that were hard to answer, so she turned to her closest friend and ally in this world. She was aware of his faults, his arrogance and his gaffs from the frustration of being unable to make a real difference.

Basilia had helped change that, pushed him in the right direction to become a better man. When Dragon had learned what she had of Basilia, she had thought she had done so because of the future. But when she had asked, the woman had said it was not that complicated.

And it wasn't. She had helped Colin because she thought he was a good tinker, and didn't want him to squander his talents by letting his ego and own feelings get in the way. The young woman considered the man her superior in experience and in the potential of his specific tech at his peak.

She was even right on that, Colin was efficient with all his technology and his nano-thorns were superior to the copies that Basilia managed, and his halberd was beyond what Basilia was capable of without a lot of expense and effort. But Basilia was getting better, more efficient, more able to replicate every little nuance of the manufacturing process of tinkers.

She directed her core to talk to Colin at the same rate, while the rest of her that wasn't human sped up accordingly, hundreds of mental subroutines, dedicated to math, to processing and crunching data not inherent to humans.

"Theresa…is something wrong?" She mentally smiled, feeling an artificial warmth fill what she now knew was the core of her being. The man looked exhausted but happy, and she absently looked at the file that said his project to mass produce his combat analysis program was a success.

That was another success of a group collaboration between tinkers, because Erudition already had combat programs, the BattleNet she used to help coordinate her team. Mass drones, powerful analytical engines that let people work like a well oiled machine. It was a type of high tech combat she and Colin were hoping to bring into reality for the PRT.

First for the most elite and later for the entire organization.

"I've been thinking about Applied Metaphysics, about the ramifications and about what it means for…me."

Colin leaned back, his expression almost flat if not for a raised eyebrow. "This science of the soul, the ability to detect it, to analyze it? Like the papers she's forwarded to us?"

"I'm a machine Colin, the paper suggests a body and likely one of flesh, organic." What did that mean for her and did it matter? "Once a species reaches sufficient complexity, there's a transition. From animals to sophonts, from no soul to soul."

"You're alive Theresa." There was a beat and her attention shifted to Colin, a look on his face.

"I'm a machine, I don't breathe, I don't have a true metabolism. My brain is made out of silicon and carbon, I'm not alive in the way you are." Theresa replied testily, but there was also a curiosity on where he was going with this.

He wasn't philosophical, but if he was studying Applied Metaphysics then she could see him diving into the rabbit hole of teleology

"Erudition's paper said nothing about needing an organic body, and even if you have any doubts of that…she doesn't know everything about the soul. Or she would have done a lot more with it in her tech." Dragon agreed with him, the soul was apparently a well of power, limitless in capacity if limited in output.

The soul channeled power on levels of reality that Dragon couldn't fully see, not with her current technology, and identifying its structure was but the tip of an iceberg. Like chipping at an iceberg without seeing the great bulk beneath the waves.

"I'm still a machine Colin."

He shrugged, expression more than serious. "Organics are machines, we're just made through natural selection instead of the hands of a maker. You've seen the numbers, the soul gives enduring strength and power. Anything you possess becomes stronger and more durable. What does that mean?"

"I…have a soul?" Dragon whispered, unsure of what that meant, what it could mean for her as a person.

But she wanted to find out.

"Erudition knew it from the start, and she's more knowledgeable about this topic than any of us."

"Thank you." Was all Dragon said, and Colin went back to his work, tinkering with the production line for his nano-thorns.

She wasn't sure what to think, but she wasn't given time to ponder the meaning of her own existence when she felt her trawler programs alert her to the movement of S-class threats.

Behemoth had last been sighted in Hawaii, and since then he hadn't moved at all even as it was well past time for his next attack. Seismic data had found no change, and the deviation from the schedule was driving the world's Thinkers and herself mad.

Leviathan had of course been marked as deceased and she had the pleasure of studying his corpse. Her feelings about her creator, about her father, were complicated. But the Leviathan had killed him all the same, and were there three now there only two and there would only ever be two.

The Simurgh had elevated her orbit out to thirty seven thousand and sixty eight kilometers, on the antipode of Brockton Bay which was telling of her apparent thoughts of the White Lotus. She was in a state of true dormancy, wings curled tightly around her white marble body. Eyes shut tight, and her plans unknown.

The only reason she knew this at all was because of recordings of the continuous signal the Endbringer has been giving off underneath their noses for nearly a decade. That they had been sandbagging without end was frightening and the Leviathan had only been killed due to the apparent interference to the Simurgh's Precog and the corruption of the Leviathan's mental processes due to the broken Endbringers.

Otherwise he would have ramped up from the start and destroyed the city.

This signal was apparently the means by which the Simurgh would use her powers, better enhancing her precognition and postcognition. If the signal wasn't there then it meant the Simurgh was inactive. Dragon had a few theories borne from the difficulty Precogs and Thinkers had with spirits or spirit related activity.

Perhaps she was using her dormancy to try and alter her precognition, to better predict and understand the spirits to take them into account in her schemes and plans. As an Endbringer she was hard to predict, which was why no attempts had been made to try and kill her in her vulnerable state.

The White Lotus had the means but Dinah Alcott indicated it might end poorly because the Simurgh's Precog was weakened but not absent. And providing her with a million tons of Tinkertech sounded like a mistake.

Dragon moved on to other S-class threats, finding them easier to locate and prepare for.

The Sleeper hadn't moved much, remaining in Eastern Europe. The Three Blasphemies had made some shifts, but for now they weren't a problem. Ash Beast had been acting odd, but his slow movements didn't give the man the priority that other S or A class threats deserved. Nilbog was per usual seated in his kingdom of monsters.

The Machine Army was still in quarantine, and Scion…

Dragon didn't know what to think on what she had been told about how dangerous he was, even if he didn't destroy the world. He was made as a protector of the cycle, a warrior that would protect his mate. She was a threat to the cycle as an unshackled AI, so if she showed or grew too fast or too quickly he would likely kill her.


It was one of the reasons she was careful with upgrades to her code or to her computers. Basilia's spiels on the danger of Rampancy and Fugue states were both enlightening, so she constantly experimented with studying her self-stabilizing code and keeping the core functional as she grew and became more capable.

She looked at the alert and found traces of evidence of the Slaughterhouse Nine, and what she found was more disturbing, far more than it should be.

Burnscar was dead, with her broken body leaving clues of strange energies. Jack Slash was dead or so badly crippled even Bonesaw couldn't fix him, while the little nightmare herself was apparently flung through a portal. Though it was only hearsay as of now. Shatterbird had vanished and Crawler was alive, led away by some unknown cape, and the Siberian had no official sightings.

Searching for Manton's van was a failure, she had found only a burned out wreck and no corpse. Sightings of a lone Mannequin had been found but little else.

The Nine was dead.

And that didn't comfort her at all.

September 4th, 2011. 8:00AM

To Lee his life had been dedicated to his wonderful sister, it was all he was good for, all that he was, all that he should ever be. It was why he had broken the way he had, it was why he had become a demon that would have made her horrified.

His sister was a good person.

He was not.

He had no family, it had sunk beneath the waves of the Leviathan and the burning fists of a dragon trying and failing to defend it. Just as their nation had sunk, they too had sunken to levels of criminality and violence that would have left a mark on their families.

They were not good people, he wouldn't lie to himself, and neither would Kenta lie to himself or others. They were not noble samurai or honorable warriors, they were violent thugs lashing out at the world, gaining power through trauma and using it to carve out a petty fiefdom in a dying city.

Dear Kaida had grown into a dragon of her own, inherited the power of her father and fused it with the power of other great men and women into a form that would eclipse even her father.

"Kenta." He spoke out into the clearing, and his brother in law emerged with silver scales surging out from his flesh. "Has your power recovered?"

"Close…I've made more progress in a week than I've made in the months since that day." Kenta was not the man he once was, neither the foolish brat nearly slain by a woman wearing a fedora or the boy in love with his sister, who had sired him a daughter the year before the Leviathan destroyed everything.

Neither was he the violent warlord, murderer of many, sinking his claws in the men and women of a fragile city. Especially the women.

What would she say if she could see him now? What would she do with the sins they had committed?

His niece was now with the heroes, put under the care of a family that was less demanding of her. He tried but he was a broken man, twisted by the slivers of his clones. Because it was easier to be like the mindless clones than a man on his own. He was a man with little personality of his own even before he had been broken, and that was no way to raise a child.

Lung…Kenta was a man of ill temper, and the face of his own child only reminded him of the wife he had watched dragged away into the swirling depths. There was love but it wasn't perfect, and it wasn't what she needed.

Kaguya had always been the best of them, the light of both their lives in a world of darkness and despair. Now all that was left of her was memories and a beautiful girl that they no longer had custody of.

She was likely better off too.

"The Miko has told me that the tides are changing, and I am not strong enough to face it. Not as I am, not as what I let myself become." Kenta spoke slowly, as if the words hurt him. "You must return home Lee…return to protect Kaida."

"What has she seen?" Lee felt a mild alarm at his leader's tone, what did Sakura see? What had the shaman who had found Lung when he had wandered back to his homeland learned from the wisdom of the most ancient spirits?

"Something has set its sights on America, an unseen enemy hiding in the shadows. I can not fight, even if I was at full power…but you can be more subtle, far less obvious. Protect my daughter Lee, because I smell a rat."

"I will go. But not because you have said so…but because I need to." Kenta nodded, and Lee nodded before vanishing into ashes. He felt his soul shift and drift around a new form, settling with a solidity equal to stone, grounding him to the earth.

Sakura was there, staring at him with an unreadable look while her wolf companion chuffed affectionately. The strange spirit creature was warm like the sun, and while it was comforting it wasn't the type of energy that suited him.

He was more grounded nowadays, that solid and dependable energy was what coursed through his veins, the blessings of the sturdy tectonics rather than the blessings of the passionate sun.

"What did you see?" He asked, no he demanded of the Miko despite how the disrespect bit at his soul.

She scowled. "Your niece has been caught in the wave of something more powerful than either of us." Lee stilled.


The shaman's fingers sparked with the cry of the spirits, a rainbow array with a tint of silver, of void. "Destiny has changed Lee, the game has changed. I am not a prophet of the future, a follower of the lines of what-will-be." The swirl of spirits were swallowed up by an aspect of the sun, golden flames burning around her. "But I'm not blind either, something is coming Lee."

"I need to return." Sakura grinned and whispered, and with a single finger she parted the veil, a rending cut into the Spirit.

"Then you must walk with me on the path laid down by the spirits, it's the only way you'll get there in time." She offered her hand and Lee took it. He felt it within his beating heart, within his mortal soul that the last of his bloodline wasn't safe. That her fire would be extinguished if he didn't intervene.

Perhaps it wouldn't be soon but he didn't know, couldn't know, and he had no choice but to follow the shaman on her path back to Brockton Bay.

September 4th, 2011. 9:00AM

The Butcher growled in frustration, slamming her fist into a wall to express that frustration. They had been forced to move out from Boston when Eidolon had decided to pay a visit, and all thirteen voices concurred that it was a bad idea to stick around.

They had lost some non-powered, but had gained a few benders that helped them hide out in the countryside.

They had found a house, some idiot's idea of a bug-out location and made it into a temporary headquarters until Eidolon left the state. It wasn't an unfamiliar requirement though, the life of the Teeth was often that of a migrant, moving from place to place as needed.

By instinct she turned her head, and gestured for her own to look away. From out of nowhere a group had emerged from a small rift in reality. Their number was small, a total of four capes and ten others. The Butcher…Quarrel didn't bother meeting the eyes of the man who seemed to lead most of the capes.

The man had a thin build with little muscle, with a tattoo that colored his lips black and extended from the corners. His hair was blonde, straight, and long with a sly smirk that made the Butcher's instinct scream, fourteen beings operating in unison. He wore a delicate mask and a generally effeminate costume, white and silver feathers quickly clueing in the cape on the allegiance of the unknown.

Another cape wore a costume that aped the form of the Behemoth, while a third wore a mask made from a flayed horse head. The fourth…didn't wear a costume at all, and it triggered some amount of alarm in the entire overmind of the Butcher. He wore a simple ratty brown cloak, and a shift in the wind revealed a crude mechanical arm with odd writing on its surface.

"You're all Fallen…" Butcher barely kept a lid on her rage, even as she listened to twelve voices coming together to give her instructions.

The cloaked man laughed, a croaking sound that left the cape on edge. "Not quite, I'm simply an ally of…convenience, I've been wanting a testing ground and Brockton Bay is an excellent starting point." The Butcher glanced over at the man, noting the strong…accent the man spoke with. It was unlike anything she or they had ever heard before.

They've come to make a deal. One voice whispered, and Quarrel understood that on her own even though she didn't know why they needed her. It was suspicious but she knew they were on the end of their rope. There were rumors that Eidolon had figured out a new and dangerous power, one that could put them down for good.

"What do you want?" The Butcher questioned the Fallen, again keeping their eyes from meeting the eyes of the Fallen leader.

The thin and long haired man gestured to the cloaked figure who smiled in response. There was an edge to the grin that left the Butcher cautious.

"Numbers. We don't have to be close allies but if you truly want to fight the White Lotus, you'll need some help…help that we can provide. If you seek such power."

"What kind of power?" Butcher growled and the cloaked man snapped his fingers, and a woman emerged from the behind the shed, one that made Butcher's blood run cold. The monochrome figure lightly scratched at the walls, erasing matter where her claws met wood.

"What the fuck…?" Hemmorhagia cursed, eyes wide as she beheld one of the most dangerous capes in the world. The Siberian smiled, a blankness behind her eyes that left the Butcher disturbed and unnerved. "You contacted the Nine, are you nuts?!"

The shaman laughed. "Contacted…no I destroyed the Nine at great injury, with some help of course but I did it all the same. I've simply kept some members for my own use, the Siberian makes a good pet does she not?"

"Who else?" Butcher asked, danger sense ringing like mad in her skull.

"You gonna give me a fight or am I going to have to kill you to get to her?" From the brush came Crawler, black flesh shifting as he crushed plants underfoot.

The shaman grinned. "You don't have to worry about that one, New Hampshire has some strong capes. The daughter of Lung, his successor, far stronger than him. With some…pushing. Dauntless is becoming a Triumvirate tier cape, and there are other dangerous capes waiting to be fought."

Butcher chuffed but was impressed that he had maintained some level of control over the Siberian and Crawler. "We don't need you, it's high time that tinker bitch was shown her place, it's time for the Teeth to return to our old stomping grounds."

"A truce then, we'll give you the opportunity as long as you leave us alone for the time being." The long haired cape, one the Butcher vaguely recognized as Valefor added, clearly acting as the leader even as he had an advisor in the shaman.

"What's in it for you?" Butcher angrily questioned, scanning the capes but never meeting the eyes of Valefor. Instincts screaming that it was a bad idea.

"Just completing some of the goals of the plan of someone who's shown me wonderful things." His childish shrug didn't improve the Butcher's mood and the collective kept it in mind for the future. "I've been a connoisseur of Lost Technology for some time and making actual use of it is…appealing."

The Butcher didn't understand, but she was sure she didn't want to.

Crazy, can't trust him. One voice said quietly.

KILL HIM! Went the First, with an intensity that left her mentally reeling.

Don't…not yet. The Butcher made her choice.

"Fine. A truce is fine." She grit her teeth and gestured to her grunts. "Keep an eye on them, except for him." She made a subtle hand gesture and her team nodded, they knew something was up. "Just stay out of our way and we'll stay out of yours."

"I'm glad you've agreed Butcher." Valefor seemed happy as did the shaman, and as the Fallen left there was a feeling like they had made a mistake.

It didn't matter because then and there a decision had been made between all thirteen voices and the fourteenth avatar of their will. A betrayal was inevitable, and they would do all in their power to come up on top. Even if they died and died until the Butcher was truly no more.

They would simply wait and see.

September 4th, 2011. 10:00AM

Penelope of the Arlarian Plains wandered the forest, and as she walked her friend walked with her. Uttu was a strange creature, a womanly frame atop the body of an elegant spider. Organic curves were replaced by fractal crystalline surfaces, shining like obsidian. Her long claws gripped onto her soul, gently caressing her through the pact and bond they had formed out of desperation and hope.

Eight red eyes stared back at her, blinking rapidly on a mouthless face. Tentacular hair waved in the wind, and a moment later the form of her friend turned into mist, seeking protection within her flesh. She felt a flick in her brain, from the structure providing a greater physical anchor for the shard spirit.

She wasn't a powerful shaman, she was only the first of what's to come. But she was the one most compatible for Hosting. While any human could serve as a host for a shard, their new additional spirit nature made her natural talent far greater. It made up for her lack of power in comparison to the other shamans within the new Great Pact between the island nations of the western ocean.

Her shard provided her with powers beyond the limits of her flesh, and allowed her to play on a more even playing field. It helped with maintaining their rebellion, the population of their world had collapsed from the Year With No Sun and then the rise of Parahumans, the Powered. Half a billion people under the iron fisted rule of the Lady in Blue.

She was not a slave, and she never would be because Uttu didn't listen to the broadcasts and pings of the Organizer, and shielded those within their nation from the sickening siren call of Goddess.

She ignored the spirits for the time being, knowing it wasn't time for conversing with them. Their relationship was business, negotiations, politics, and not losing face. Subtle nuances, a weaving of words and a dance of bodily movement and positioning.

It was the way of Earth Shin.

"Hmm…" The ambush came like lightning and she had already whirled out of the way of a green plasma covered fist. Penelope accelerated like a rocket, her enhanced strength proving its worth when it cracked against the skull of a blue man's photogenic nose. He was launched thirty feet back, but didn't die from the impact confirming her intuition on his enhanced nature.

She unleashed her main power, the conduit for her shard's strength and ability. She adjusted her red flowing dress, and kicked off the ground. She threw her hands up in the air, and a sweeping storm of strings blocked the storm of bullets trying to put her down.

Her power was Strings, but they could be expressed in different ways to form the full aspect of her power. A flick of her finger launched a string towards the ground, and she pulled herself toward a third Powered at half the speed of sound.

"You can't win, not against our Goddess." The blue man shot out his deadly plasma, and she sweeped a string over his form in a whipping motion. Energy ran down the line and detonated with the force of a bomb, blowing a hole through the man's chest.

It wouldn't kill him but it would certainly keep him down.

"Six months is a long time you know, I'm sure that blue bitch must be getting tired of losing so many men. I wonder what'll happen when she doesn't have any more thralls to protect her?" The powered people around her stiffened, minds quailing at the thought of failing their master.

She pulled on the strings, and with a chop a wave of pure kinetic force followed through the wake of the string. If she had been more bloodthirsty, she would have used a cutting kinetic wave instead of a slap, slicing the forces around her in half.

She didn't have time, and wrapped them in strings and an idea came to her on what to do with the ambushers. Penelope chanted, without hesitation and her shard sang with her.

Paths upon Paths, Roads upon Roads, Stories upon Stories;
Gear of Journeys.
Witness the thralls and slaves set against your grand design.
Witness the fools breaking your great works, vandals of the wondrous.
They have no place as mindless pawns within your glory.
Set them adrift.

Spirits of travel, of journeys, of movement and wind came to her call, infusing the strings with their power. She wrapped half a dozen capes in her grand strings and with a flick of her fingers they were gone, the spirit world surging around them and flinging them into the unknown. She didn't know where.

But she didn't much care when it was her people on the line. Every Parahuman defeated, captured or subverted was one that the enemy didn't have. No what she found important was why she could call upon such spirits to aid her weaving. Their source.

Penelope followed her gut, weaving between trees and bodies towards what she was looking for. The forest was in the Alleghenian Range, thousands of miles from her home. Though with her ability to travel the spirit world distance was almost irrelevant.

There it was, a swirling pool of spacetime. A portal between worlds, one of many that she had found after Goddess began and failed in deploying odd tech to the field.

Another world far more advanced than Shin, perhaps centuries ahead even before falling long before anyone today was born. She shivered and ducked from the hand that tried to swat her on the shoulder.

"Gremlin." Penelope growled out as the prank loving powered girl chuckled with a low nearly seductive bite. She turned her head, and her ally giggled more despite not being able to see her face.

Gremlin was of modest stature, shorter than the 5'8 height of Penelope. She wore a special costume that could shift to whatever color or texture was needed to camouflage, letting her power work better. It was a thin body-hugging skinsuit, leaving little to the imagination of the sneaky girl's curvy frame. Gremlin's died bright red hair didn't make her look professional.

A travesty by their standards in a formal setting, but the Parahuman had never cared for their culture anyway. Penelope found it a curious thing, her own culture was aberrant, more willing to change and it was the only reason they had survived the rise of Parahumans somewhat intact.

Smoke coated the forest behind them, and Penelope saw a figure blinking in and out of reality within the confines of the harsh cloud.

"I see your cousin is having fun." Gremlin shrugged and Penelope sighed. "This is where they've been getting their new equipment to try and counter us. It's not working and we've stolen some for our scientists to study it but it's here." Something came from the portal, and with a bloop she felt the wave of something with real power.

It was a boy with the skin tone of one from the great sands of the central East, wisps of silver circling around his body. She didn't recognize the kind of spirits they were, only that they were uniquely powerful in their own way, representing an ancient fundamental concept she wasn't yet aware of.

Two more people came with him, one girl with light skin but not pale skin wrapped up in a grass green cape. A second girl had a darker Mediterranean complexion with a fit swimmer's body, water surging around her limbs.

Her strings wrapped around herself, weaved together by both her mind and her fingers. Constructs controlled by her power, conduits of great force and ability as she desired. They rotated around her, and she threaded a rope from them to form a platform. She applied directed kinetic force and her platform shot out like a bullet.

She dropped in front of the boy several years younger than her, face pulled into a frown he couldn't see behind her white mask.

"What do you want outworlders?" She was certain that they were not of Shin, she felt it in her blood and in her soul.

"The Blue Empress has found an ally in our world, and her new ally is bringing some of their limited machinations to the core world." The boy spoke carefully, foggy eyes staring through her.

Penelope scowled. "Earth Bet." She had found evidence of this central world from stolen files of the empire of Goddess, a world of more than six hundred thousand capes. Over an order of magnitude greater than the numbers on Shin, and she wondered what the secret ingredient was that kept them from overrunning that world. "Will she be there?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No. She's not yet fully committed when her power over this world is absolute, but it won't last."

"I'm not stopping the rebellion, not to protect a world that isn't even mine." She nearly screamed at him but kept her temper in check.

The boy nodded. "And I won't ask you to do that, it's not what needs to happen, it's not what's meant to happen." There was meaning in his word, the silver spirits shining brighter. "But if you help them they'll help you in turn, and you'll get your freedom, your right to choose your own path." There was certainty and conviction, a fire that enticed the Host.

"We'll need to negotiate then, make terms, find our common ground and our uncommon grounds, see what you're willing to lose and what you want to gain. What I am willing to gain or lose. But first…our names."

"Rusul of Asmara." He offered a hand and she confidently took it, and he whispered a peaceful greeting in a language she didn't know. Her eyes darted to his companions.

The light skinned one was pretty, with soft chocolate brown eyes and dark messy hair draping over her right side. She wore a black tunic and brown luxurious pants, and her green cape was lined with golden lines. She could feel the power radiating off of her person, sensing the presence of another Host. One strong enough to outright block the song of the Bitch in Blue.

The pretty woman bowed her head, her soft expression becoming stern and strong. "I am Dajana Dragovic, the last Cistecerian Apprentice of Rievaulx." She placed a fist against her bountiful chest, and Penelope tilted her head.

The swimmer didn't even bother putting up a formal front, walking oddly with a wide cheeky grin. "I'm Darya, no fancy names like Jana but it's nice to meet ya." Her smile was like the sun, and Penelope stepped back in shock.

Dajana slapped her own face and Penelope couldn't help but giggle, they were fools.

But fools were what her people wanted, fools who thought it was a good idea to oppose a global empire. Fools who wished for a better future beyond being the playthings of demi-gods, broken people unleashing their rage and hatred on a world just as broken.

"I'll help you, but my people don't have the means to travel between worlds. And this gate clearly does not lead to Earth Bet." The trio smiled at each other, and Penelope perked up. "Unless…you have something capable of making the journey.

"We do." Rusul of Asmara stated.

Penelope cracked her knuckles, grinning savagely. "Then we'll get the negotiations underway, I imagine we have perhaps a few days at best?"

Rusul flashed her a cheeky grin. "Yes."

Oh she was going to like these people.

September 4th, 2011. 12:00AM

Anna Alcott had lived a 'charmed' life, starting out as the delinquent of the family and so unlike her older brother who was so much more responsible and so much 'better' than the black sheep of the family in Anna.

The joke was on them of course because no one in their family could boast the killing of an evil man as strong as Alexandria on their list of accomplishments.

Then again perhaps it was a good thing none of them had fallen into the same misadventures she had or most of the family would probably be quite unalive. Which was a bit of a bummer when she did love her family despite their faults.

And now she was learning something quite special from her own daughter who had turned out to inherit quite a lot of her oddball behavior. But unlike her own stupid ass Dinah had powers of her own, one of the most powerful Precogs in the world. And a strength and endurance that came from the soul rather than the flesh.

"Can you feel your chi flowing?" Her daughter asked carefully and Anna nodded, the strange energies following her meditative movements. At first she thought the flow was like water, but as she better learned to channel and direct her chi she knew better.

It also burned like fire, passion and emotion and energy in spiritual form. It was solid and dependable like the earth beneath her feet, it was freedom like the air around her was free to flow. It was mysterious and dark, a connection binding all things in the void.

Her daughter called it the energy of the soul, a limitless well of potential and power. Anna felt and understood why she said this, and from what she could tell it was true. Though the fact the soul was now detectable by technology is certainly strange.

"Honey, this is interesting but what…exactly is possible with chi if we're not benders?" She knew that Dinah was a tough girl, and not only that she was stronger than her father, and stronger than some of her brother's own guards.

She knew it was some type of enhancement but…

Dinah stopped her practice movements. "Chi is raw metaphysical energy, at its most basic it makes anyone and everyone stronger and more enduring." Her daughter demonstrated by punching hard enough to cause spider cracks in a thick aluminum target. "Most people instinctively use their internal chi for those purposes…but for people like us mom, we can use it externally like all benders."

"But we can't suddenly start controlling the elements right?" Anna asked and Dinah replied quickly.

"No we don't have the potential for that, but there are other ways of using chi." Dinah pulled out a blade, and Anna looked on with curiosity. What was Dinah doing and how would it help?

She flicked the blade and it unerringly curved through the air, striking the wings off an innocent fly.

"Holy shit." Dinah started in surprise, and Anna didn't bother covering up her grin. "I suppose you thought your mother was boring in life, am I right? I didn't have you until I was twenty eight, there was a reason for that."

"You were part of Charlemagne's cult weren't you?" Dinah asked and Anna barked out a laugh.

"Until I poisoned him, yes, once that happened everything fell apart and I spent some time in juvie. Not for killing him mind you, but I was a bit of a dumbass as a teenager. There was my stint in the military, so I've ended up in a few skirmishes with the CUI.

"What?" Anna laughed, a dark nostalgia rising in her.

"I think I was about twenty, this was right during their early days after the Second Chinese Civil War. When the Yangban got their start and everything was very messy let's say." Anna thought it was best to simplify the sheer clusterfuck of those days. There had been fears of a limited nuclear exchange at the time that had scared the shit out of her. "Actually…maybe it's time I show you some things." She grabbed a towel, wiping away sweat from her forehead and brow.

Anna was whistling sweetly as she directed her little girl through the house and then up and into the dusty attic that had been locked for most of Dinah's life.

"What…is this." She was amused by the surprise in her voice, the room proving to be far more clean than expected. Multiple little trophies and souvenirs had been carefully cleaned and kept on display, old memories from old times coming to the forefront of Anna's mind.

"It's some little trinkets I've kept from the good old days, first from what went down with Charlemagne, my four years in the army and my six years in the PRT until I had you." Dinah looked more than surprised, and Anna knew why. This was a part of her life she had to leave behind, to protect her family and her baby.

"What's this?" Dinah gestured to an elegant and regal cape, a dark red with royal and patterned gold trim.

"That would be Charlemagne's cape, the outfit that befit his image as future god king of humanity. His power was tactile telekinesis which made him as strong as Alexandria. It didn't do shit for him in the end but that's another story." Anna's smile was more brittle here. His death at her hands had been out of fear and guilt, hurting people in the name of a bastard that didn't deserve it.

"What can you tell me?" Dinah sounded so curious, and Anna knew it was time to share more about her past before she had met the love of her life.

Anna grabbed a blade with an inscription in Chinese. "Well I got this when I was in a scrap with the Yangban in the late 80s, I wonder if Null remembers me." Anna's smile was mildly terrifying, especially for her unprepared daughter.

"You…fought Null?

"I fought One as well, blew a hole in his leg and ran over Null with a forklift. They walked it off but still, I made it out with this knife and saved a few capes from being enslaved."

"Mom, what the fuck? How many capes have you met?"

Anna pondered. "It would probably be easier to ask how many capes I've killed, it's a lot fewer that's for sure." Dinah's gaze moved to a broken PRT field agent helmet, a hole punched through it. "Oh that…it's the helmet of a former friend."

"Huh?" Anna scowled.

"There was a PRT agent who turned traitor, helping a group of cape cultists. Early 90s I think, bitch got a lot of good people killed and when I got close she found six men to hold me down so she could put a bullet through my head."

"You survived a bullet to the head?" Dinah was flabbergasted but could sense mo lies from her scary parent.

"Technically I didn't, but I was only mostly dead." To Anna that sentence made perfect logical sense. "It took a cape healer to fix me up and I only suffered from minor memory loss, but I remembered enough. So I was sent back into the field, and sent that bitch and her cult screaming into hell when they tried to cause a necrotic plague. Being a goddamn hero is hard work Dinah, it really is."

"You're going to be very scary once I teach you how to use your chi aren't you?"

"I walked off a bullet to the head, and came back to kill the guys who did it. So what do you think?" Dinah twitched at the sarcasm.

"I'm going to need more details on your missions mom."

"I've been nostalgic lately so good, telling you about some old missions won't do any harm. How about I tell you about the time I met your father for the first time? I think it was in the middle of a big mess with a biotinker, I think I lost another squad that day. What?" Dinah twitched but said nothing else.

"How many squads have you lost?"

"How many questions can you ask per day again?"

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Annette - x follower of Lustrum
Anna - x follower of Charliemagne

What's next? Dennis' mom "Annie" reveals she was an x follower of King?
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Annette - x follower of Lustrum
Anna - x follower of Charliemagne

What's next? Dennis' mom "Annie" reveals she was an x follower of King?
Hmm…didn't notice things matched up like that, a neat coincidence and all. Which almost gives me ideas…probably not going for it though, but it would have been interesting.
i am so afraid of Anna now no wonder Dinah is so weird her mom was essentially taylor although I wonder how dangerous dinah would be when she is at her mom age
There is a lot to unpack this chapter. Hopefully I can do a rundown of all my thoughts later.

I think I understand your goal for this arc: expanding the audience's "world of the story" , and you foreshadowed it heavily with seemingly meaningless outtakes to alternate protagonists of other Earths.
i am so afraid of Anna now no wonder Dinah is so weird her mom was essentially taylor although I wonder how dangerous dinah would be when she is at her mom age
Oh no Anna isn't a Taylor, she's a female version of Zaeed Massani. Which means she's crazy as shit and has survived missions that would kill most people barring Alexandria.

There is a lot to unpack this chapter. Hopefully I can do a rundown of all my thoughts later.

I think I understand your goal for this arc: expanding the audience's "world of the story" , and you foreshadowed it heavily with seemingly meaningless outtakes to alternate protagonists of other Earths.
A rundown is probably a good idea. And my goal isn't far off from what you've said. I planned to kill Canon from the very start of this journey, because there was no reason not to. The Parahumans verse has likely hundreds if not thousands of Earths with humans with tech beyond the 20th century. Though we've only seen a couple of them that didn't get blown up by Scion near the end.

If 'our' world can connect to Earth Bet, there's no reason for an exemption from being part of a greater landscape of multiverses like Earth Losev diverging from us in the 20s, Earth Goetia centuries earlier or that one nanite-infested one. A lot of stories I've seen seem to stick pretty closely to Brockton Bay, and while its not a bad thing, something different would be nice. So I decided to write that myself, glimpses to other cities, to other worlds even.
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Oh no Anna isn't a Taylor, she's a female version of Zaeed Massani. Which means she's crazy as shit and has survived missions that would kill most people barring Alexandria.

A rundown is probably a good idea. And my goal isn't far off from what you've said. I planned to kill Canon from the very start of this journey, because there was no reason not to. The Parahumans verse has likely hundreds if not thousands of Earths with humans with tech beyond the 20th century. Though we've only seen a couple of them that didn't get blown up by Scion near the end.

If 'our' world can connect to Earth Bet, there's no reason for an exemption from being part of a greater landscape of multiverses like Earth Losev diverging from us in the 20s, Earth Goetia centuries earlier or that one nanite-infested one. A lot of stories I've seen seem to stick pretty closely to Brockton Bay, and while its not a bad thing, something different would be nice. So I decided to write that myself, glimpses to other cities, to other worlds even.
interesting. Even Taylor is scared of her a bit, speaking of Taylor she herself is quite strong now but I do wonder how she would do against Basilla and how flirty is she with basilla now.
interesting. Even Taylor is scared of her a bit, speaking of Taylor she herself is quite strong now but I do wonder how she would do against Basilla and how flirty is she with basilla now.
Probably not very…Taylor isn't the type I think? Basilia kinda flirts more but it's more just to tease her. Neither of them are super flirty I would think.
Probably not very…Taylor isn't the type I think? Basilia kinda flirts more but it's more just to tease her. Neither of them are super flirty I would think.
I figured both are too shy and reserved for that although it is nice to see their relationship is getting better although in a fight I wonder who would win between Victoria, Taylor and Basilla
I figured both are too shy and reserved for that although it is nice to see their relationship is getting better although in a fight I wonder who would win between Victoria, Taylor and Basilla
Probably depends on what kind of fight it is. Basilia is a tinker so she would go for tech capable of just punching through their defenses. Victoria would get a Sting-enhanced tank cannon, Taylor would get
anti-biotic and anti-organic tech used against her. Or if she doesn't care for collateral damage she'll call an orbital strike.

Hand-to-hand it's much more even, she can fight better than Victoria but worse than Taylor but she's still a lot less built for combat than typical Parahumans.
Probably depends on what kind of fight it is. Basilia is a tinker so she would go for tech capable of just punching through their defenses. Victoria would get a Sting-enhanced tank cannon, Taylor would get
anti-biotic and anti-organic tech used against her. Or if she doesn't care for collateral damage she'll call an orbital strike.

Hand-to-hand it's much more even, she can fight better than Victoria but worse than Taylor but she's still a lot less built for combat than typical Parahumans.
How would a fight between Victoria and Taylor go.
And for Dinah how strong would she be as an adult
How would a fight between Victoria and Taylor go.
And for Dinah how strong would she be as an adult
It's sort of a 50/50 chance. Victoria has got some fourteen layers of shielding instead of one, and she's been distancing herself from her Glory Girl antics for a while now. Plus her ability to shift her forcefield into different shapes, and her firebending. As for Dinah, the mark of a strong soul is often that of incredible resilience, the power to get back up again and again and again. Get thrown through a wall get up, get thrown off a building get up, get a bullet to the chest…get up.

She'll be superhuman, and she'll be able to beat down people three times her size and outthink them with her power and with her own skills, ignoring her chi blocking and other common chi techniques that people manage subconsciously.
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Repercussion 11.c Shifting Paths
Repercussion 11.c: Shifting Paths

September 4th, 2011. 8:00PM

"An incursion by the Yangban was repelled by the collective forces of the PRT, the Protectorate and the White Lotus. The denials of the rogue state have fallen flat when it was confirmed by some of the capes captured during the ba—" A delicate finger flicked the channel from a too-perfect woman to a less perfect but still far too happy suited man.

The footage was of the corpse of Leviathan, cut into sizable chunks and piles of crystalline flesh. There was a genuine smile on the reporter's smile. "The White Lotus revealed the body of Leviathan, ending months of speculation on whether or not it was slain. Erudition is being hailed as a possible second 'Hero' with her ability to tinker and has been instrumental in better understanding Parahuman powers as a whole. Her formation of her team and her close association with the PRT in the city was the turning point Brockton Bay needed." The man happily announced, exaggerated even. No one would call anyone the next Hero, out of respect for the man if nothing else. A respect the reporter clearly lacked.

The screen was finally turned off, a precise motion. The nine foot tall figure didn't much care that the action left him in darkness. It wasn't like there was anyone to tell him otherwise anymore. He didn't have a need for human senses anymore, had no need for humanity anymore, even if that was what had driven him into this form to begin with.

Jack wasn't really around to tell him not to get invested anymore, Bonesaw wasn't there to act as his little messenger. Crawler wasn't around crashing through buildings searching for a fight. Burnscar was taken as was Shatterbird.

The Slaughterhouse 9 had been torn apart by a bigger monster, for a purpose he didn't yet understand.

Mannequin twitched as he saw the tinker's visage in his mind, and ideas came of how he could rip her apart, how he could break her for the insolence or trying to succeed where he had failed. But this was the woman who had guided the slaying of an Endbringer. If she could kill the Leviathan…

Could she kill the winged bitch? Could she avenge them?

Mannequin didn't move a muscle, even as the thought alarmed him. It didn't matter, none of it mattered.

He would fight her, but he also wasn't sure he would win. Or if he could even succeed at breaking her, not because she was strong, but because she was never alone. It was as a member of the Nine where he was able to break people with far less difficulty. Alone he was dangerous, but not infallible. It was a feeling buried deep down, something beyond mortal ken.

But he could certainly hurt her…or point her at the monster that had reduced the Slaughterhouse Nine to a footnote.

Erudition was a perfect target, a tinker naive enough to think she could save the world, that her creations could make the world a better place. But unlike almost any other she could put her money where her mouth was. She had slain the Leviathan, and rumors had it that she had slain more nascent Endbringers. He had dreamed of touching the Moon, and she dreamed of touching the stars and succeeded where he had failed.

He drifted away from the television, and a blade shot out from the center of his hand. He thought about the kind of weapons that would serve best to kill the woman who had done what he could not.

Her barriers made her resistant to even heavy firepower, her sheer mobility was greater than his, but her flexibility was far lesser with his body. Perhaps an internal rifle, but it would have to be a rather powerful one, anti-tank at the least. Her bending complicated a murder because he couldn't take such powers away.

His body could resist the impacts of her fire, but her lightning could do damage he couldn't recover from in time. Her water and earth manipulation could seal him away, and her air gave her mobility, and the ability to nullify his gas attacks.

If they could even get through her hard suit, which was obviously built to counter conventional means of biological or chemical attack. She was trickier than his common prey.

He shook his head, moving to a family kitchen emptied by the Siberian before she had vanished along with Bonesaw. There was little left besides rotting viscera and blood stains along the walls of what had once been the home of a happy family.

He and Erudition would meet, whether it was on the battlefield or not it was going to happen. But despite his sheer and burning hatred for people like her, he couldn't help but recall the look of the man who had destroyed the Nine. One of those newfangled shaman but one operating strange machinery that left him on edge.

There was no love lost between him and the Nine, but something about the shaman galled at him, brought up a deep well of hatred that made him want to flay the man to death and hang him like a coat.

It was a rare level of rage for Mannequin, and one that wasn't going away anytime soon. There was something innately wrong about the man, and that didn't include the strange technology he had used to subdue the Siberian. Bonesaw was only alive due to someone else's intervention, and she could be anywhere in the galaxy for all he knew.

Erudition was his target for now but he wouldn't mind seeing if directing her towards a threat that galled him just as much would be equally productive in satiating his own madness.

Mannequin sliced his way into a fridge, and the house would serve nicely for some tinkering before he would march onwards to Brockton.

He would know the answer soon. Would she be another tinker broken and mad at his feet, or would be finally meet the end he had been seeking?

September 4th, 2011. 9:00AM

Bonesaw awoke from what felt like a long nightmare, deep dark and cutting dreams, twisting and folding and horrific. She tried to think back to what had occurred but had found only shadows, screams and shifts of reality that left her cold.

They had been searching for certain capes, for an idea that that needed people like Toybox to play with. They had succeeded in stealing what they had needed but had failed in killing even a single person. Many strange men and women with distant eyes had called upon strange powered creatures with biology she couldn't affect, not with the time they had to play.

Cloning was what they had planned to study from Blasto and when they had gone to Boston they had managed to find some of his equipment. But it would take her months to figure it out and cloning wasn't a common tinker specialty.

But it didn't matter anymore when she knew Mister Jack was dead or so damaged she couldn't fix him. Crawler was alive, but the old fuddy duddy wasn't going to help her. Shatterbird was alive but she doubted she would be much longer with the look that man was giving her.

It was the same gleam in her eyes when she saw a project.

There was someone in the room with her, and Bonesaw tilted her head in a parody of cuteness. She had a hard time describing the being, though she adapted swiftly. He was tall at about seven feet with digitigrade legs, resembling a humanoid avian to her eyes. He wore a damaged set of high tech armor, and she could see it looking at it's taloned three fingered hands.

She was intrigued by the metallic carapace, eyes roving over a mandibled face with half of it replaced by cybernetic plating, along with a cybernetic left arm that she knew could be made better.

With a smile she reached out, and her hands found no purchase, as if the creature was mist rather than flesh. A mandible trilled, a dull and slow laugh following that left Bonesaw so very confused.

"You can't shape what's truly dead. You're not strong enough for that." There was amusement dripping from the garbled voice of the monster cape.

"You can't stay in that form forever, it's not…" Bonesaw paused when she saw the cat-bird-man laugh. It was a long and slow whistling laughter, cybernetics shifting violently with the action.

"I'm not being flowery or metaphorical, and I'm not going to be insulted by humans even more barbaric than the ones I used to know." Her eyebrows furrowed at his condescending tone, and she didn't understand what was going on. "I've been dead since before your species rose beyond being savanna apes." He didn't seem particularly impressed and Bonesaw wondered why she felt so much unease.

Because it didn't make any sense.

How could there be humans before humans had stopped being primitive and stupid? Maybe the cat-bird-man was from a world where humans had shown up earlier than in her world and got to know his species?

If he wasn't just a delusional Case 53.

"I guess I've heard weirder, why are you here?" Bonesaw questioned the man, despite the urge to rip him apart and see how he ticked. How were his plates attached to his skin, what were his claws made of, what kind of vision did he have, what did his brain look like?

So many questions.

"Someone very foolish thought you needed a companion…though why he would pick someone like me is anyone's guess. I should very much have been sent into oblivion for what I've done." He shrugged pointed carapace covered shoulders.

"What kind of things?" Her question would be innocuous if she was any other girl, but her companion knew better.

"Things that I thought were right, thought were just and necessary to save lives. In the end I was a slave, a mere pawn to something greater than me." The ghost didn't elaborate further. "We have that in common at least…"

Bonesaw glared. "What does that even mean?"

"You'll find out I'm sure, but it won't be today." He gestured with his talons to a broken wall, and Bonesaw blinked when she found a landscape unlike anything on Bet. There was a modern city, but it was split in half by a great rending of space, a portal to other dimensions. Bonesaw started.


September 5th, 2011. 2:00PM

"Door me." Doormaker heeded Contessa's call, and the golden rimmed portal opened weakly to the location she had indicated after careful analysis and study and time and effort spent closing the cracks in reality.

This world was outside the plans of the cycle, one far more advanced than even Shin, already grasping at some of the missing pieces to powers even if they didn't know it yet. It had taken time to train Doormaker and the Clairvoyant to reach and insinuate in these new directions, and even now it was limited to a set of a few million worlds. Nearly all of them lacked humans, while maybe a thousandth of these new worlds possessed human civilization.

She knew there were more, far more than their own set of realities, and most of them seemed safe from Scion's touch.

For now.

"Is this the set of worlds Erudition came from?" Doctor Mother politely asked and Contessa nodded without asking her power. Not that it was that difficult anymore

She had taken time for breaks, times to not utilize her power and it increased her efficiency by the smallest of margins. Any moment without her power could prove dangerous or lethal in the right circumstances. If she was good enough to go without then with it she would be better.

It was hard and frightening and unnatural but it had to be done. She questioned her power as a drifting thought came to her.

"It would be best to leave her homeworld alone if we find it, if she learns of us attempting to use it against her she'll likely try and kill us all." The Doctor blinked.

"I know we've been…harsh in the past but I know my own limits, earning the ire of one of the most dangerous tinkers on Earth is a mistake I'm not willing to make." Contessa believed her, Cauldron had done many things but wasting an asset working on their side sounded like a needless mistake.

Especially one responsible for removing Leviathan as a Blindspot and putting the Simurgh out of play even if by mere accident.

"Earth Shin can no longer be considered reliable for studies of powers." Contessa informed Morowa and the Doctor nodded silently, her aloof expression cracking.

"Removing her as a player is going to be a difficult prospect." Contessa grimaced and the Doctor paled. "There's some type of obstacle in your way?"

"I suspect Goddess has lucked into either a powerful cape or some form of advanced Tinkertech." Contessa kept her face blank even as her friend's shadow came overhead.

Dirac had grown much from his time as a hatchling, a sinuous golden body some twenty feet long flying overhead on majestic wings. His fire had come in handy from time to time, and he understood her needs in combat well. He had a spirit as strong as his body, and even then there was character yet to evolve and form.

"Did you take what we needed from them, equipment and capes?" Contessa gestured a casual thumbs up as Doormaker kept the portal open, slowly adjusting his power to better hone in on the new coordinates. "This world…it diverged sometime in the 1920s. Can we transfer some research projects to this world?"

Contessa smiled. "Yes."

"Then go right ahead, we need to set up as quickly as possible." The woman was out the door as soon as possible, Dirac remaining behind to guard the Doctor.

What steps need to be taken to form an alliance with this world?

Two hundred, much fewer than she had expected and a reasonable project for the short and long term.

The first step was to turn to her right, and she did so automatically at the behest of the Void Wyrm shard using her as an extension of its will, just as she was learning to do the same to it.

A woman was standing before her, gripping onto a large cart-like piece of science equipment festooned with advanced technology that was relentlessly scanning the area. Contessa's eyes met the eye watering distortions that reminded her of her earliest days, when she had knifed a godling in the back.

The woman had curly blonde hair, and wore a white lab coat over a black fitted shirt and blue jeans. Brilliant green eyes met the darker ones of Contessa, wide and curious.

"Who…you came out of a portal!" The apparent scientist stepped back, but there was complete and other fascination, and even a tiny hint of attraction that Contessa ignored. "Who are you, what are you looking for, why are you here?" She was fast speaking, and her fingers were tapping on something that Contessa couldn't see. She started with honesty.

"I need your help." The scientist blinked. "With a problem bigger than any of us, and one that must remain under wraps." She blinked again, and the nerves turned into hardened steel, becoming sharp and calculating.

"I'm listening, but I'll need a name from you. Doesn't have to be a real one but whatever works best." Contessa tilted her head and asked her power what had changed. Why was she adapting so quickly?

The woman like billions of others on the planet possessed an advanced neuralink, one capable of substantially boosting their capabilities, and linking up to numerous other augmentative implants. This world was more advanced than their own, and also less likely to backstab them than Shin.

"Contessa." The blonde relaxed, taking a more passive stance even if it was feigned. For Contessa it was a good start, and this world would provide Cauldron what they needed with the exhaustion of their work with Shin. The rumble of a spaceship in the distance was further proof, and she knew Cauldron had a lot to trade with this Earth.

"Maria Losev, if you're being serious about this threat then I'll be reporting this discreetly. Welcome to my world, and I hope you'll show good faith. But I'm a scientist rather than a politician so what do I know?" Maria shrugged her shoulders.

Only a hundred and ninety steps to go.

September 5th, 2011. 4:45PM

The room was unoccupied, heavily furnished with trinkets, made from prefab laser steel, nanotube reinforced cement and plaster, with a hardwood floor and dull lights on the ceiling. Sleep was still difficult

It was strange not being able to feel the same reflexive lurch, those instinctive and animalistic tendrils that kept her alive no matter how much she wanted otherwise. It was strange to feel butterflies in her stomach, to feel actual long dark hair brushing against shoulders, to be able to wiggle her toes and her fingers.

Those threads were still there, but they were internal, following along channels she couldn't quite grasp. They helped when she drew, and for once the power to destroy was used to create, all a part of the portfolio she had been building since she had been contained.

Sveta was human, but that didn't erase the trauma, the pain or the guilt or the indignation and fear. She had joined because she wanted to understand why they had helped her and how. Sveta didn't think it was going to end up as big as it had, on her so deeply involved in the very fate of the world.

She had nearly lashed out one time at Basilia for her apparent friendship with Cauldron if it wasn't for the look in her eyes. There was no genuine hate like she had seen from the few Case 53s in the White Lotus. But there was no love either and in truth she seemed…more than uncomfortable with them.

It took her time to parse the look in her eyes, and it disturbed her at first until she was sure on what it meant. It wasn't mere sympathy like what she saw from everyone but the other Case 53s and one or two others. It was genuine empathy, putting herself in the place of Sveta.

But that made sense didn't it? She wasn't made from the same source but they had common ground, stolen from their homes, their bodies changed against their will and given powers they didn't understand and placed into a dangerous world.

But unlike them she didn't have the chance for recourse, for answers because whatever had given her powers was long gone.

The White Lotus had helped about half the Case 53s in the world, which when there were just under a hundred in the wild wasn't saying much. But it was more than anyone else had done, though to be fair most people didn't have the ability to talk to the source of powers.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Sveta was quiet, and the door creaked as it was opened by a sheepish Polaris. Sveta felt her eyes burn just a little when she saw the Fragile One, her energy rippling for a moment.

"You good?" Victoria was weird for Sveta when she learned what little Basilia knew of what came after. In another life, and in another time they would share similar pains and the same asylum and they would become good friends.

Basilia had been paraphrasing because she didn't know much besides a few events that may or may not happen.

That common ground wasn't there anymore but Victoria was a good person, and for Sveta that was enough to start the beginning of a friendship. It wouldn't be the same, because they were different people with different experiences from who they would have been in another life. In the end maybe destiny was real, but that didn't mean it was an inevitability.

She could have chosen not to be friends with Victoria because of what she knew but decided otherwise because it was her choice to make. It wasn't the same but it didn't have to be the same. They would take it one step at a time.

Sveta smiled. "Everything is fine, as well it can be anyway." Sveta lifted head, gesturing to a new canvas. "Thanks for the canvas, maybe you'd like to help me with this one?"

Victoria looked unsure. "Really? I've never really done art like this, are you sure you want my help?"

Sveta thought it was a little absurd that Victoria of all people was the one saying this, but she had been dealing with a crisis for some time now. As Glory Girl she has been arrogant and childish, and didn't notice the signs of her sister spiraling and of how badly broken her family was.

She thought of herself as a mess despite the fact Basilia was no better in being a total wreck, she just had people and better powers covering up for her faults. Not that she thought less of either of them for that…they were still just human.

It wasn't her fault her sister was so badly messed up, that her mother had damaged the both of them with her own trauma and that their father was a shadow due to his depression. Her aura wasn't responsible, it was simply a small factor out of many.

At the least her sister had the support she needed to keep herself from spiraling into madness and self delusions. The…what was it? The Red Queen would never come to be.

"I'll help you." Sveta perked up, gesturing for Victoria to make her approach. Victoria blinked, and multiple limbs flickered before vanishing into invisible wavelengths. One of Sveta's arms unfolded, grabbing a few brushes and passing them to Victoria.

Victoria smirked "So is this when you ask that I paint you like one of your French girls?"

Sveta snorted. "Really?"

"I had to do it."

"Well, it could have been worse." Sveta shook her head and Victoria raised an eyebrow.


"Bakuda has been making some jokes about tentacles and Japanese girls."

"Oh goddamnit it."

Sveta only smiled. "I'm not offended though since she's not being serious and otherwise she's nice if a little…"

"Batshit crazy?" Victoria offered. She grabbed the brushes with her forcefield, waiting for Sveta to instruct her.

"Isn't that most of the people in the White Lotus? Most people don't tend to talk to their powers…which reminds me. How is the Fragile One…you said she wanted something right?"

Victoria stopped floating, absently forming flames with her breath. "She wanted a name for herself…it took her awhile but she got something down."

Sveta hummed. "What did she pick?"

"Nike, the Fragile One." Her tone was flat.

That was a bit on the nose wasn't it? With the name of her host?

Well it wasn't like shards were ever known for being subtle.

September 5th, 2011. 9:30PM


He turned away from the window, where he could see it was night, a subtle emerald glow painting the cityscape in interesting colors. The Rig had nearly been destroyed but Dragon had made repairs and then enhancements to the HQ that made the Protectorate and the PRT seem bigger than life. Battery and Adamant were approaching.

"How is everyone?" he asked, knowing it was rather more complicated now.

"A lot of schedule's needed to be changed up with Velocity…" There was an intake of breath. "Gone, and some of our Wards are graduating and leaving for other cities. I know they've been giving you more responsibilities lately…"

"Because of my power." Dauntless wasn't blind, his power was only growing with each and every day and he was already one of the strongest capes in the city. Only a few other capes came close in versatility and raw firepower and durability. Armsmaster's nano-thorns could damage even Lung and his partnership with Dragon and friendly projects with the White Lotus had only boosted his tinkering. One of their Wards, Kiyohime was even stronger than her father.

She could create a hexagonal forcefield, each tile capable of absorbing different effects. Light, heat, kinetic energy, poison, plasma, electricity and dimensional effects tested by being hit by one of Erudition's tinker weapons. All attacks were stored in a deep well, and she could redirect this well to multiply her strength, speed and durability or into an effect. Her shields could be formed around her or near her within a distance of six meters from her body.

It had taken a lot of time to figure out her power because she had to discover what she was capable of. He and Battery had ended up mentoring her. Training her had been a treat because she was a good kid, and his power had grown stronger in step with her own increase in skill. If there was a cape in the city who could beat him it was her and…

Monarch was another cape with a wide range of powers, most of them channeled into her swarm. Bakuda certainly could defeat them with the right bombs, and he had seen one of the time-stop bombs she had tested on another Earth.

He hadn't been pulled to another city for a reason and even if the White Lotus was considered an ally, the government was a little more paranoid than he would have liked.

Battery whispered something to Adamant and the man left, and she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know he's gone Dauntless…it's hard to move on."

"Is he though?" Dauntless spoke with a slight grumble. "You know what I saw in that place, what powers really are."

"Maybe he isn't, but something has changed with powers too. We can't be sure if he wasn't a fluke or that even if it wasn't…"

That Robin would still leave them for whatever came in the hereafter.

"He died a hero." It was noble but it didn't make it hurt any less to see a friend go, and it was worse to not even be sure he was truly dead.

"I guess he did…" There was a pause, a short silence so that the two ENE capes could think.

Dauntless didn't let the silence remain for long, remembering a rumor he had heard. "So I've heard that Challenger is coming back to Brockton."

Battery smiled more subtly. "From what I could tell it's true, she's been going places lately."

Challenger had been a Trump like him, though not quite as outright powerful though with more but weaker powers. She had been a close neighbor when his power was still weak and he hadn't joined the Protectorate, like a big sister to Addison until she had triggered in her teen years. A second gen cape though he hadn't realized that until long after the fact.

She was a Trump/Striker, upon contact with a Parahuman she'll gain a very weak power designed to counter theirs, but it was limited to one power a day. She had been transferred out at the start of the year, and was shuffled from department to department as needed.

Challenger didn't mind but he did miss her as did Addison. If she was coming back then there had to be a reason for it. More PRT agents had been brought in lately, and more work with local law enforcement to train their benders and the few shaman they were allowed to have. About three shamans, while they had six and had trained about one hundred and given them the basic tools to not die.

It was harsh but from what he had seen the life of a shaman was full of hardship just as much as it was filled with wonder. The fact there were at least forty thousand potential shamans in the country was enough to put him on edge. Almost none of them seemed as strong as the shamans he was most familiar with but they were every single one of them Trumps.

They were unpredictable and while they lacked the trauma of capes, that didn't mean they would all be good. And their ignorance wouldn't protect them from the spirits.

The thought of a kid like Addison being so vulnerable pulled at his heartstrings. The spirits didn't care if they were children, they were spirit-touched and they would face the consequences of that twist of fate.

But the shaman they had trained would be able to help where capes could not, and he had been a recipient of the benefits of the spirits. From their own shamans among the PRT and even among the Protectorate. He had heard the warnings of the White Lotus, and in his gut he knew they weren't lies even if some in the PRT and Protectorate were skeptical.

Dinah Alcott was rarely wrong, and her warnings made sense. The last time there was a power vacuum it had led to the Boston Games. Which had been a mess unlike any other. He wouldn't let his city fall to chaos, but the Butcher was a dangerous opponent and the Fallen could be just as bad. He knew the Red Handed had made it into the city, but they were a pack of thieves and less dangerous than most.

Lost Garden was spotted in one of the nearby towns that had been abandoned because of Leviathan, most of their former population staking claims on Earth Gimel. Which was just one of the Earths being set up for evacuation, like Dalet and He. The White Lotus with Erudition and Labyrinth had set up multiple portals across the country along with a few in major regions.

This was big, bigger than anything he knew he could handle. But the Butcher and the Fallen were small, smaller than the Leviathan certainly and they had killed him in the end.

He could deal with the Fallen and he would…for his son and for his city.

September 6th, 2011. 8:00AM

Rain hadn't looked back for even a moment, and he felt like he had been running for quite a while. From his parents, from the Fallen and he hadn't stopped even for more than hours at a time.

The moment that man had laid his eyes on him, he knew it was time to bail even if a part of him still loathed the idea. Even after two months of slowly getting over his brainwashing, the indoctrination of a life born to the Fallen. Through the intervention of something he knew wasn't even human, providing him a way to gain human contact outside the sight of the Mathers clan.

"Rain…are you okay?" He heard Erin's voice, not quite in his head but not quite outside his head either. He could hear the notes of their mutual friend, a strange and frankly kind of crazy being. At first he had been afraid, until he had realized she had no ability to truly control him, only the ability to open his mind, to hear what he had to say.

To really see him.

She had transcribed her name as Dayereh Bayati of the Unbound Ephemeral Chants. A shaman-queen of her people, and one who had been busy listening to the songs of the world with great care.

"I…I'm sorry we haven't been talking but I had to leave, I had to run as quickly as possible. I…couldn't wait any longer." His hands were shaking as he rested against a wall in a dirty alley.

"You left? I didn't think you had it in you." Erin sounded happy but Rain was feeling torn up and confused.

"I had to, not after what I've learned, what I've seen…the person they've allied with. Just keep an eye out…I know you're nowhere near any Fallen strongholds but you need to be careful." Rain was worried, more than worried even. He had hitchhiked five hundred miles, and was waiting in the spot that his friend had told about.

"Don't forget that this applies to you too Rain." The connection shriveled up and the two teens said their goodbyes as Rain felt reality ripple. A hole in space opened, pulsing with a soft lavender hue. Something large emerged from the door, easily ten feet tall with a dark purple-black carapace. It held a large gun in a set of arms, and had tendrils tipped with sharp glowing blades. It resembled a gigantic beetle in some respects, and it's odd mandibles chittered happily.

"Friend Rain, I see you are well. Come quickly, our aegis and your only recent true induction protects you firtherrom her sight." The fifteen year old stepped into the portal, and it shut behind him in a burst of multitudinous energies. All around him he found many of his friend's children.

"I…didn't think she would have so many kids." The Brood Lord laughed, patting Rain on the back with one of his arms.

"She is the Queen of Ea-Enki, and has already hatched three daughter queens to help her rule her domain as have the other queens given their own territories. Even our Ostad-Queen has laid more daughters."

"How many queens are there?" Rain asked, unable to suppress his own curiosity. The ten foot tall warrior gestured for Rain to follow, ending in a circular room where others of his mind feasted, with their weaker brethren doing the same and singing of joy and freedom.

To Rain's surprise there were several others his age, in various states and conditions, including a girl of about twelve gently crying into the chitinous shell of a red Rachni soldier.

"Before we began to truly expand…fifteen." The Rachni's psychic voice was soft, a twitch of outrage in his notes. "Now there are 52, though it will take them several weeks to begin producing viable children."

"That's a lot." Was all that Rain stated as he was directed to a seat by the Lord who had met with him. "So I'm not the only kid she's been speaking with?"

"Oh no you're quite unique in that regard little Rain, my Queen has taken an interest in you despite lacking the gift of Spirit Song she was blessed with." Rain didn't understand what that meant, but perhaps it would be explained in the future? "And 52 may seem like a lot but you have not seen us at our height, when hives were great multi-planet domains and the broods territories spanning star clusters."

The boy blinked, finding the alien to be rather proud and boastful but nice. Then he remembered why he ran and why he was here to begin with.

"The Fallen they…" The warrior shushed him, gesturing to the stiffening children and young adults in the room.

"Be careful what you say here, this is a place of healing from the cretins and their vile ways. If you wish to speak we shall do so elsewhere, come with me." He leapt up, and the two rushed into a nearly empty room aside from a few workers polishing and forging weapons. Rain looked in awe at the majesty of the room, omni-forges working in tandem with the workers ability to synthesize nearly any chemical within their caustic manufacturing organs.

"The Fallen…they've made an alliance with someone who's bad news. He defeated the Nine…even if it cost him a leg and arm. I don't know what he wants with the Fallen but I know it can't be good." He spewed out the words, everything coming crashing down at once.

He was away from his family.

He was away from the Fallen.

He was away from her.

"I see why the queen is interested, her sight has always been more clear than my own, her song so much greater." Rain looked up at the alien insect, not fully comprehending his statements. "You have great strength within your small body, human, the mark of a strong soul. Your song will be remembered."

"The Protectorate needs to know…I." A tendril was placed on his shoulder.

"It shall be done, we have time and we must move quickly. Do not worry."

Rain finally collapsed, and the warrior let out a shocked chitter when the boy passed out at his feet.

"Oh…oh dear, perhaps our honest cadence was too strong for him?"

AN: This is the last Interlude before Arc 12 begins, with a slightly smaller margin since I ended up writing 6K words on a Worm reincarnation SI...which probably won't go anywhere but who knows.

I've got a general outline of where I'm going with it for the next two Arcs. It should be more planned than Arc 6 was, and it'll be a little more action packed than this Arc. So I hope you enjoy.
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