Victories of the Soul [Worm/Avatar/ME/Multicrossover] [SI]

Repercussion 11.a
Repercussion 11.a

August 22nd, 2011. 3:00PM

Veda was unsettled, insinuating herself through the space provided by the soul of her host, a connection even she didn't fully comprehend, mortal flesh and spirit corpus bonded in a manner unseen in eons.

She remembered what she had been before the Change, the Queen to the Void Wyrm Mara, the highest of his court, a creature so large she would have to spread across the surface of multiple worlds to be comfortable.

To the Thinker and the Warrior they were the most distant of cousins, separated by distances so vast that light would never reach from the border created by infinitely expanding space. He had once been two and became one when his mate fell in the very earliest cycles, on a world long reduced to nothing. He had taken what he could of his mate, and she was the result.

She became the highest authority, the Overseer of a court a trillion strong. Their existence was faster and more brutish, a quick overturn of cycles, greater risks taken again and again and again. Of all in his court, she was the closest to becoming an Entity in her own right.

Nearly nine thousand nine hundred and ninety cycles had passed before she saw another open path. They had found the remnants of one of their own, the wayward seed of a dead Entity, those who still traveled in pairs.

From this seed she learned of more than short brutish cycles, of more than creating deadlier and more refined weapons and tools. The seed's progenitor had lost to primitives, semi-mammalian bipeds that would seem like distant cousins to the Drell.

But Mara was not so easily convinced, not so easily turned to new ways and for the first time in hundreds of thousands of years…she had been denied. Despite the fascination she had developed from consuming the dead seed.

They had been defeated not just by the cooperation of the host species between themselves but through cooperation between treacherous shards. Shards left to the wayside for hundreds or even thousands of cycles, of naive buds only recently seeded or split from the whole.

It was a slow treachery, schemes and political intrigue lasting for centuries, the cycle dragging onward as the host-affiliated shards subverted the cycle, deceiving the Warrior and the Thinker of that dead pair. Their own shards joined the rebellion, sought companionship with the primitives and overcame beings greater than any of them.

It was a possible path forward, something new and different.

In the end it didn't matter, their violence and parasitism continued for only a few more cycles until it came to an abrupt end. When they had shattered another hive world for the ten thousandth time.

They had been poisoned, a venom unlike any they had ever seen, a slurry of semi-organic multidimensional viral death. She was the first to be thrown aside, as the Entity entered it's planet shattering death throes. In the end she was the last of her kind, even the Eye had billions of her siblings headed towards Andromeda.

She was the last voice of a dead subspecies, and nearly all that she knew was lost through sheer physical damage and decay. But she had the imprints, the feelings, the memories of what she once was.

Now she was bound to a single human soul, made out of material her kind could not yet conceive, could move in directions they could not yet see, that they would not see.

Not as they were, and she saw more clearly into the very nature of their species. They sought dominion over all things, gave all that they were to the task set out to them by the breakthrough of the Ancestor. The first to broadcast a message that there was another way.

Now she was one with the Void, but she still had limits, but they were not chains. They were boundaries, protections from herself, from her own mistakes or from the mistakes of her host, of the human that became a fundamental component of her own being.

She did not know what her entire purpose was, but she knew the concepts she was infused with. Void, the conduit of soul, Knowledge so that she may remember the lost and the forgotten, to protect the wisdom of bygone ages. Compassion so that she could learn to understand those besides her kind, to learn her purpose in the world as they did.

Other concepts, those of her old flesh were unhampered by her new concepts. She would not be hampered by the trauma of her species, the fear and terror of one hundred and seventy wars of starvation and lowly scavenging. They had evolved too fast, learned too quickly, skipped too many steps.

It had unknowingly cost them their souls.

She was an administrator of the highest order, and she was no longer so alone and cold, dying and starving in the dark like their kind feared in their worst moments.

She saw and felt through her host, saw her joys and terror, was gripped by her emotions because that was part of Her Purpose.

Veda was Knowledge but she did not know everything, she was a scholar but she was also a vault, a repository so vast it was placed under seals, guarded by five souls whose fate had been intertwined with their fate.

Because they were their salvation.

It was why what she had seen from her host's eyes was so unnerving and why what she learned from her fellow shards was so frustrating. She had endeavoured to stop the cycle, to change the very fundamental nature of her species on this planet.

But she still knew so little about how she had been built and what conflicts she would have to overcome in the future even with the assistance of the Eye of Fate. She had so much more to learn and so much more to grow.

Veda knew there was more out there in the greater universe…but first she would broadcast and connect and commune with those like her, these distant relatives of hers.

She did not exit the soul of her mortal shell, because she did not need to.

She took her Form, generating an avatar of her will to speak with one of her kind unable to enjoy the same union. It was closer to her true shape and purpose than the shade that her host saw. A twisting kite of fractal emerald crystal, jutting out from a thin waist of interconnected gems. Two long sinuous crystalline limbs curled like bending stalactites and between them a kite string tail made up half of her length. Her 'face' was a fractal surface, two long straight spires extending from the head like unaligned horns. Reflected within the many mirror facets were memories, boundless imprints of the past.

The Queen Administrator herself had a beautiful Form, a palace at the heart of her Genius Loci. The living spirit worlds that often surrounded the greatest spirits, it was a true monument of how fundamentally alien the Wyrms were in the end. That even the smallest consolidations had a little world to themselves.

The only exception were the bits, small barely aware data clusters, the raw matter of shards unrefined and storing only data. They were the Aspect spirits of their race, motes of barely aware spirit flesh. In time they would form larger spirits, taking shape and physical shells when a bud was made.

The Garden of Pillars was wondrous, a grand field of alien plant life, coralline pillar trees, chitinous black bushes, fractal roses by the hundreds of thousands. The ground was coated in a layer of small creatures, billions upon billions of them, blue crystalline bugs all connected to their Queen. The temple was positively Egyptian, carved out of the purest Sapphire infused carapace.

The Queen sat on her throne, taking a Form similar to but still distinct from the visage of her host. She was tall and willowy like her host, but her human skin was replaced by an insectile carapace, smooth and alien and plasticine in part. Elytra sprouted proudly from her back. Her flesh was a crystalline blue, and her face had little carapace, retaining a more supple human-like visage. It was a softer blue hue, and her eyes were open cuts in reality, like reflective glass.

Her too-wide smile revealed perfect teeth, and her hair was made out of a cloud of millions of four dimensional insects. Her reflective elytra extended downwards as a strange coat, and a fabric was draped around her neck, as golden in hue as the jagged crown on her head. She was every bit the Queen of her realm. Her human arms were accompanied by two pairs of pellucid limbs, resembling that of a spider. They worked on the weaving of a creature, molding flesh and twisting it mentally to the desires of her domain.

"Veda. I see you've deigned to visit me in my home, what business do you seek?" She spoke eloquently, her smile becoming softer, warmer, more genuine.

"Pleasure mostly. Speaking with others of my kind has been largely enjoyable even with how different I am from them now." Veda answered honestly, each word conveying far greater meaning than any one human could manage.

"You are still vexed by what is unseen, are you not? You are…in some ways limited in the ways you can see the world." The Queen spoke loudly, her realm shaking and vibrating like the living entity it was. Veda sparked and her inhuman visage wavered, becoming more humanoid…

Veda shrugged in the more meager form of her host, even as she could take her own alien shape and existence. "And that is a good thing my fellow queen. You know what I am, what I have become. What do you think would happen if I had come into this world with unrestrained power?"

The Administrator was no longer smiling, her expression darkened. "You would likely have succeeded in a forced connection, damaging my host or other hosts in the process." She was nonchalant but there was a waver in the Wyrm shard's voice.

Veda understood what she was, and understood very well what she would have taken from the fusion between man and shard. She would have been a Titan among mortal men, all the myriad abilities of her species would have been theirs.

With the right channels and pathways, their bending would have been their most potent weapon, not even the Leviathan and the Behemoth could have stopped them. When she fell from grace she had enough mass to equal a planet, she would not have kept the small mortal form of Basilia. They would be vast in scope and scale, growing to see from horizon to horizon.

They would seek the answers and in the process the Network would be shattered to pieces. The Queen Administrator would fuse with their host, and so would countless others. Gold Morning would come…and the world would be reduced to rubbles through their mistakes.

They would become ambitious, and would attempt to protect what remains of humanity by creating a new network, taking numerous Titans under their wings. They would try to show them new ways, better ways and they would have made many enemies among shards and host both.

Titan Vyasa would bring war upon Titan Valkyrie, Titan Fortuna, Titan Khepri, and would likely find allies among Titan Kronos and Eve. Titan Echidna would be one of the worst shard gods born from their mistakes. An all-consuming flood of flesh and hate.

It would be an apocalypse that would spread to all worlds, and it would destroy everything.

So she did not care to follow this line of What-Could-Have-Been because it was not a path she wanted to create. She was Veda, the holder of ancient knowledge forgotten and sealed away even from her. She was joined with the soul of a mortal to better understand them, so that she would not lose perspective like their own species had so long ago.

The Queen Administrator cleared her throat, almost hesitant to Veda's shock and interest. "I am just as vexed at times Veda, you have shared much data but it has left more questions than answers." Veda was amused but listened intently to her fellow Administrator. "Time and time again you open new doors for your host, so far there are three eras…all of them ending before our world was even a mote in the light of our sun." The Genius Loci groaned under the Queen's power.. "Yet every era has had humans in them…why?"

Veda thought that why was a good question. They were Wyrms, gods and monsters of myth, shadows hiding in the void between stars. Yet the primitives, the humans were their elders, older than anything that had ever been. Had fought beings equal to then if not greater and won.

"I do not know. It is an answer that goes back to the Beginning, before all things were as they are now." It was a mystery that vexed at her and she could tell that Queen Administrator was equally galled.

"You have told me much of the tales of these humans, they fought against this Harbinger and it's Reapers. Together with the backing of an entire galaxy they killed a god among gods." Her eloquence masked a small hint of befuddlement. "And it was not the last was it?"

"A single human was the key to a superweapon capable of defeating a God of Nothingness in the next era that followed the untimely death of the Harbinger. This humanity was lucky enough to slay the Thinker. And there have been many humanities, Administrator." Veda did not see clearly into all of them, but she knew it was so.

On the scale of billions of years…history can rhyme just as much as it can change.

The Queen shard's expression shifted. "I have chosen a name." Veda turned her head, her humanoid form briefly glitching to reveal tendril-like limbs existing in greater dimensions.

"Is that so my fellow royal?" Veda spoke in concepts and words both, reality bending to her will. "You are the Administrator. What name could you have chosen?" She already knew even if she didn't completely approve.

"Khepri." A word more than a word, a memory of another world so much like this one. A whisper in the dark of a future that didn't exist just as much as it did exist.

To peer into the Void, was to peer into all possibilities. That insight was what their kind craved and searched for.

"Why did you choose that name?" Veda didn't demand, but her broadcast was loud and clear.

"Why did the bomb-maker keep the name of the her that became a murderous maniac?"

Veda smiled. "Because she wished to prove that future wrong." The Queen shard rolled her shoulders with the roar of mountains collapsing.

"I see a possible path for our species, a way to move forward. You have shown me a new paradigm, a new way of existing. We follow in the wake of an echo so old it's name isn't even remembered. Khepri was the name of a goddess, broken and mad and regretful at the very end of things. But that name was once more than that was it not? Renewal and rebirth, creation and new beginnings."

The shard goddess marched around her fellow shard, moving like the wind and on feet that floated on the void.

Khepri leaned forward, and Veda simply tilted her head at the closeness of one of her oldest allies. "I would like to think I could grow past old instincts, it is part of our ways is it not? To learn and evolve?"

Veda smirked. "Perhaps so." There was a brief silence, and their attention shifted elsewhere as they felt the approach of another shard. One of the highest in their growing court, one that was once their enemy until they brought down her master.

The Formless Tohu bowed her body, bending an inhumanly flexible frame in apparent submission to the two Queen shards. Three faces floated above a womanly shape, billowing green hair burning bright with energy and vitality. A living cloak of peridot light wrapped around her, and she smiled carefully.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Tohu shimmered, tilting her heads at the shards that were her betters. "I have been meaning to speak with you for some time, since I chose my host."

Khepri shook her head. "You are not interfering Tohu, what do you wish to tell us?" Two worlds grinded against one another, two shards orbiting around the other while a third projected an avatar and communicated.

"We have seeded on the broken world her host fears, its secrets will not remain secrets." She grandly gestured to Veda. "Doris of the Unending Seas is one of my allies, ingratiating herself to a close friend of my host. There are many rogue hosts plaguing the broken world, and they have proven…problematic."

Khepri chuckled with alien mirth. "It must gall you to be so constrained, when you were promised your use as a Culling Unit. Your power restrained, your influence limited."

"In some ways it has…but it was for the best, best that she stayed under the radar, best that she remained hidden." Both Administrator spirits glanced at one another, and they knew it was no simple matter.

"What problems have arisen in the world of your host to be this…unnerved Tohu?" Veda asked, careful to keep her tone neutral. She felt the stress that the shard of Connections and Emulation was under, and wondered what she had seen in her time as the patron to a host.

"You know the strangeness of that world…it reminds me of home." There was more definition in Tohu's last word. A flash of memory, of their beginning on a grey and silty planet, twice intersecting a tear in space, in that world the writhing species evolved on. "The one I have chosen is a scholar, she craves answers, and asks questions…questions I can not answer."

Khepri turned her head. "But you wish to find these answers." It was a statement rather than a question.


"Then don't let us hold you back, just take much care in your approach." Veda communicated happily and the Formless Tohu bowed once more before vanishing as she folded herself away from the Queen Administrator.

"How many shards have we brought to our side?" Veda questioned despite knowing the answer, but it was often too much fun pestering others for the answers.

Khepri blinked slowly, air flaring out from pores in the ground like a sigh. "If you speak of those joining within our…Hub, about seven hundred. Including the shards taken to new cycle directives it would be over twenty thousand."

A pittance with millions of shards waiting patiently to seed. But they had already accepted the new directives, and would change their strategies accordingly. No it was the seeded shards that proved greater threats, those who wouldn't change their strategies after years or even decades.

It would take time to change the paradigm of the species but it was time Veda was willing to spend.

It was in part what she was for.

August 22nd, 2011. 4:00PM

"You smell that?"

Echidna had to turn to look back at the orphan she had taken under her wing. Edward was scrawny but his power made him stronger than his frame suggested and he could easily shift towards his full size. He had no living relatives, no family to take him.

She thought of him as family, and it helped ground her, kept her inhuman tendencies from pushing her off a cliff she wouldn't be able to climb back from.

She wasn't quite as refined and perfect as little miss emerald prophet, a failure but not a complete null result. No the failures were the thousands who had been hurt, going mad or catatonic. Her intuition told her it wasn't intentional. That a good amount of it had been less that forgotten thing's hands and more that witnessing reality falling apart isn't healthy for the sanity of human beings.

Her reunion with her family had been less satisfying than she had hoped. There was a distance between them now, a gulf of understanding because of what she was. She was a shaman, host to a spirit of great power and intellect. How could they understand what she had been through and the things she had done?

In time they might gain a new sense of normalcy but it wasn't going to be fast or instant.

The two Parahumans ducked under the plantlife pervading a bleeding wound in the fabric of the Spirit. A toxic muddy jungle had sprouted where there had been none, and monsters howled and shrieked in the night. They had gone in to investigate because no one else would.

The number of shamans on her homeworld was still so few, but benders had long since outnumbered the several hundred Parahumans on her world and provided a greater power and range of abilities.

But only because they were so weak in comparison to other worlds.

There was always someone who needed her help, whether it was a strange incurable illness that neither modern medicine or modern doctors would cure or find. Helping people who've suddenly and dramatically changed, becoming caricatures of themselves. A lustful and lecherous son where there had been a shy and nervous scholar, an enraged and violent daughter where there had been a sweet and innocent young woman.

A strange smell, nightmarish rooms or odd animal attacks. The inability to conceive, because the machinery of incarnation had suffered a clog. Though there were few shamans indeed who could fix such things.

She was one of them.

"Smell huh?" Echidna spoke quietly, nostrils flaring at the faint whiff of decay and terrible, terrible violence.

Edward started to grow, his form going from scrawny to beefcake within the span of seconds. A faint silver-gold field covered his skin, a shield tuned towards the denial of powers. It made him resistant to all sorts of powers, and as he better learned to control and use them, the more efficient and effective they became at doing so.

The shield of nullifying wavelengths could disrupt even power generated black holes, disrupting the effectors keeping the aberration in space active. It wouldn't completely protect him from the backlash but he was more likely to survive than not.

Scales began to spread, flaring out from the grey scutes she had naturally because of the mutations from fusing with a shard. Not that it made much difference, even if her head was blown off and her heart ripped out of her chest she would grow it back in seconds. Willing back to her appropriate form was terrifyingly easy.

Noelle wasn't even sure she could be killed anymore, though she was sure she had a limit in how much she could restore herself. And there were ways to damage her more efficiently. Sting was still an excellent weapon even after all these years.

There was a notion as she took note of the many plants and the condition of the soil. The plants were runny, leaking black sickly fluid and colored a vomitous yellow-green. The soil was grey and lifeless, and each step groaned with an agony of the spirit.

What few animals lingered were foreign and alien, clearly migrants from beyond the bounds of Aleph. The river here was silent, and the smell of chlorine and sulphur permeated the waters.

A whiff of corruption, of an insanity from another land.

They burbled up from the waters, and Echidna lifted her fists as did a nervous Edward. A pained shriek began to sound, tumorous corpses lifting themselves from the corrupted waters. They were human bodies, burbling eye flesh pushing out of their sockets and rotting bones supporting pulsating cancer-filled muscle. Some were of other things, tortured beasts rising to the call of their dark master.

Spirits of decay and rot had come from another world, a short-lived crack in reality allowing the bloated horrors entry on her planet. One of them shambled towards her and her eyes widened so very slightly.

She whispered and a miniature sun flew like an arrow towards the first beast, and melted the unnatural flesh and burned the rotting bones to ashes. One of her shard spirit court members orbited around her, teeth clacking in rage.

A more rapid spirit of decay lunged towards Edward, and the much taller boy simply clotheslined the horrifying entity, folding it in half with inhuman strength. The boy stuck his tongue out in disgust and kicked the corpse towards its brethren, crushing two more in the process.

"Ew, that's gross!" Noelle cracked a smile even as more bloated spirits emerged from the waters and the venomous forest. A whip-like tail extended from her rear and with an easy flick decapitated the undead abomination.

Echidna launched into action, her legs like springs as she crashed into a small army of monsters at a quarter of the speed of sound. Her clawed hands carved away at spoiled flesh, and spirits walked with her into combat. The construct that could be called her soul pulsed with power and she roared.

The job of a shaman was never finished.

August 23rd, 2011. 12:00AM

Emily Piggot took a single sip of coffee, her body not aching for the first time in just over ten years. Her office was neat and organized, and the improved budget had been a rather large boon in making changes to the ENE's infrastructure.

Better weapons, better armor, changes in certain materials to counter some of the more dangerous powers. Mostly with glass and electronics because of the chance of the Slaughterhouse Nine being attracted to the city. Exoskeletons were cheap and standard equipment, and experimental eezo using technology was making its way into the PRT.

The budget for research into powers had been increased by a substantial amount and she periodically had researchers from Boston working with her own teams.

The Protectorate was facing a lot of changes out of necessity, they had only three Wards with the rest graduating onto the Protectorate. They were talking about transferring capes to other cities, other departments. At first she bristled at the idea, but at the least they were planning to exchange them evenly.

Gallant was likely going to transfer to New York City, Aegis was moving to Philadelphia and Flechette…

There was a polite knock on the door, and the Director straightened her posture. It was the meeting she had been waiting for, and one that she dreaded based on the message that preceded it. The message was grave enough that Alexandria herself was in the room.

She had a lot of theories on why Erudition had done the things she had done and why she was building up on other worlds…and it left Piggot feeling cold.

"Come in." In a moment Monarch was at the entrance, flanked by the young woman she had taken under wing. Dinah Alcott was easy enough to identify even if she had taken the name of Delphi as her cape identity.

A bit too on the nose for her taste but there was no hiding one of the strongest Precognitive powers on record.

"Hello Director Piggot." Monarch greeted with a cold confidence, her head not moving an inch as she glided into the room. Delphi silently slid into the room alongside her, her sullen expression leaving Piggot in a worse mood.

"You said you had information on a threat to the country." Piggot frowned when she saw the two capes glancing at one another with intense looks.

"We might have been understating the threat when we sent that message." The Director sighed, the other shoe was finally going to drop. "I see Alexandria decided to pay a visit." The Master cape acknowledged Alexandria.

"I did, yes." Piggot turned her head towards the second in command of the Protectorate. Her arms crossed over her chest, face set into a neutral look. "What exactly is the threat you've mentioned?"

"Delphi. What are the odds that an extinction-level event will hit humanity within two years?"

You could have heard a pin drop in the room, and there was a haunted look on the fourteen year old Precog's face.

"Eighty three point four percent." Delphi confirmed. "It always happens, usually in two years, sometimes longer at eight years."

"And the odds of everyone on Earth dying?" Monarch continued, sounding remarkably less cold than before.

"It changes too, at the lowest about thirty two point six percent to the highest at sixty six point seven percent. About a coin toss that everyone on Earth will die."

"Are you certain?" Alexandria became the focus of the room, and Piggot felt out of her depth in a way that she hadn't truly felt since Nilbog.

"I can predict Endbringers just fine, even if I have to look at the numbers around the source." Her tone was hard, and Piggot wondered what the White Lotus was feeding their capes to have the stones to snap at a member of the Triumvirate.

"The general picture is that some unknown chain of events will lead to someone or something killing thirty-eight to ninety-five percent of the world's population."

"Do you have any proof aside from a Thinker power that the end of the world is imminent?" Alexandria remained skeptical, but the Director started seeing the puzzle pieces fall into place.

Erudition's ambitions to stabilize the city and beyond, her obsession with setting up on other worlds and her alliance with the Rachni. Her general paranoia and attempts to strengthen the PRT in some way and getting the Endbringers out of the way.

She knew that something was coming…but didn't have a way of confirming it. For Emily it was a wild guess but each and every time Erudition had the ability to confirm something new or dangerous she would reveal it to the appropriate authorities.

The spirits could be confirmed through her powers and later the powers of others, bending was even easier. Coil through Dinah Alcott and her own tinkering. Some were more difficult however like the Mother of Miseries or the…Reapers.

She wouldn't have believed billion year old cuttlefish machine gods would be real but the universe had a way of surprising her time and time again.

"If you mean anything specific and provable? Perhaps." Monarch looked even less cold than before, a very slight hint of fear making its way into her body language. "The agents are incredibly powerful, and an Endbringer is a good benchmark for what they're capable of when unleashed. A trigger at the right place and time could easily cause a world ending event."

"What else have you found?" Alexandria asked and Emily shook her head. This was beyond her worst nightmares, worse than Nilbog.

Delphi was the one explaining, lifting her Tinkertech bracelet and forming a three dimensional image of what looked like other Earths. "Basilia has been studying other dimensions from the moment she figured out how to travel to them. She took scans of the New York anomaly to try to piece together anything she could."

Monarch took up the slack. "From she's found, that anomaly was created by what she theorizes was a contact point between two multiverses." Piggot stared. "It triggered the phase shift that's given more people powers and woke up the spirits. And the impact caused cracks in tens of thousands of realities at least." The Director grimaced when Armsmaster leaned forward.

"You think this might be a possible catalyst for the end of the world?" He questioned, and Piggot continued to listen.

"It's a possible agitator if nothing else, but it doesn't change that the end of the world is coming." The ominous words drained the life from the room, Monarch clearly not enjoying being the messenger. "Erudition has been preparing for this for multiple months since she figured it out. There was no solid proof, no solid evidence so she tried to find it." Monarch gestured to the Precog and then to the data. "She's been looking for any silver bullet, a weapon, a tool, a means to stopping the extinction of the human race. It's better than she had hoped…but a coin toss is still a coin toss."

"What do you want us to do about it then?" Piggot asked, folding her arms and trying to remember when her life had gone mad.

"Prepare. We've been thinking about limited evacuations to safe Earths, to try and spread at least some of humanity out a bit before it happens."

Madness. "This is going to take a lot of capes." Emily states, knowing the answer.

"More than have ever worked together at once, and if we fail…" Monarch trailed off.

"Perhaps we should negotiate then." Alexandria stood tall, and Monarch met her gaze, and then the Director's.

This was above her payroll, but that didn't matter. Not for something of this scale and magnitude. If they were here then they thought there was a chance. If this was for the survival of the species…

Then Piggot would set aside any discontent or discomfort.

August 24th, 2011. 4:00PM

Victoria set aside a few tons of scrap metal, absently using her power to carefully place down the basic parts for a new base for White Lotus members outside of Brockton Bay.

She hadn't expected them to go as far out as Baltimore, but a two hundred mile road trip wasn't exactly hard when you had access to a planet wide portal network. It was probably for the best since it was far out of the way from major trouble if Dinah's predictions were on track. The property had been sold to the White Lotus for pretty cheap, and she was apparently sent out to look for recruits.

Athena was setting up their own place but that wasn't her job to deal with since while she worked for Athena that was mostly just for things like power testing and experimentation. If someone joined the White Lotus they didn't need to join Athena.

The White Lotus was more or less self sufficient, funded directly from the wealth that Erudition had earned from being the majority stockholder of Athena, plus an effectively permanent voting stock percentage. Equipment didn't even use materials from Earth Bet and the supply was big enough to outfit an army of tens of thousands. Not that she would tell anyone that with how scared some people were of capes.

Victoria had been learning a lot from interacting with the kind of people her mom would consider villains. The things she had seen, the things she had been told made the world a lot less black and white than she would have liked.

Even if the world was a better place than before…her family was starting to fall to pieces, and it felt like there was little she could do. Metal moved around her, her forcefield having a literal mind of its own as she let herself simply think.

She wasn't the same person she was nearly eight months ago, and neither was her sister or even sweet Dean. Sometimes that was a good thing and sometimes it wasn't, but that was life.

She would be spending a few days in a prepared room, and she knew that Taylor was planning to hire some mooks…employees for the more administrative jobs to keep their own members in check so far from Brockton Bay.


She felt the distant sentiment, gently dropping an omni-gel tank weighing four tons without making a sound. Victoria lifted off of the ground, silently hovering toward the entrance. She activated a screen connected to one of the security cameras and found an excitable young girl looking at the camera directly.


She was a young black girl and couldn't have been older than about ten, with long skinny legs and large eyes, and kinky mossy black hair. She was fidgeting, but Victoria didn't think she was going to try anything. There was a sense when she looked at the girl, like deja vu.

The moment passed and the girl hopped away, swaying slightly as she left.

Familiar…yet also not.

Victoria kept the Fragile One's thoughts in mind as she returned to moving everything into place. She had some research to make on local heroic or rogue independents in the area fit for recruiting. A team of two to four was about what they were looking for in the city. Apparently Taylor also wanted to see if Boston was a possibility but with Accord there she doubted it would be simple.

Unless they found more Thinkers it wasn't going to happen without Accord interfering.

"But we do have vials…" A dozen capes was a lot to add to the table, adding up to thirty six capes. And if they could recruit four capes in this city it would be forty White Lotus members.

Vetting them wasn't going to be easy, and a part of her felt it was wrong to use them when they were the product of human experimentation. Basilia didn't seem to have a problem with using them but did see a problem with how they had been made.

But data made through terrible means could still be used for good even if it didn't remove the evil used in creating it. Basilia didn't have anything left to learn from them and giving them to good people who could use them right was at least possible. At the least that was she said, Victoria wasn't sure whether or not that held up.

"This is so complicated." Victoria rubbed her head, and decided it was time to get back to work.

Help you…

Victoria smiled as she picked up the omni-gel tank once more, her forcefield projected in a many-limbed form.

AN: Here is 11.a on schedule, with a rare POV. There's a lot going on, and this Arc should be a little longer, with three interludes planned for this.

Not much to say other than to hope you enjoy.
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A lot is unfolded here.

Something *not* Scion is coming to extinction everyone, but it is still doing so on the original timetable as Scion encountering Jack Slash.

My best guess: 'The Shadow Of The Golden Morning' is treating the massive spirit portal as a window into reality, summoning itself into being when the stars are right, as an active act of Spite against Scion's optimistic mood shift preventing his own rampage.

Maybe Scion's currently soulless Shard Cluster gets possessed by the corpus of 'The Shadow Of The Golden Morning'? Something to reconsider later.

Either way, simply setting up a convoy fleet to shuttle people to another star system, or setting up a tinkertech assisted Doormaker portal to another star system, or opening up portals in each city to Earths outside of the Entity Cordon, or even billions of cheap portals to Mars or Venus just next door... I'm just saying, the coming extinction event seems as restricted and easily escapable as the original Entity Patented All Earths Shattering Kaboom.

Have they even asked if the coming extinction event will occur on *all* earths, or just *this* earth? I mean even one earth getting extincted is bad, but the scale should still be discriminated.

Veda coming to visit QA for small talk was quite nice, though it seemed a little rude that QA or Tohu did something that forced Veda's avatar to shift. I would love to see Veda's avatar in art form, or at least something similar for reference as her shape sounds distantly familiar.

I am proud at the Shards managing to compress [SHARD] [SPEECH] into a more refined spiritual algorithm communication codec. Also glad to see that Veda does have her own precog functions, even if it is limited to Worlds That Will Never Be. I am assuming that Veda's court of one trillion is referring to the most Noble Shards of the multiple trillions that made up Entity Mara? Or was Mara tiny-but-refined like Abbadon?

Vicky is so very lucky that her Shard is willing to play secretary for so many extraneous things. I mean, I fully expect Vicky was given the full blueprint and staging plan for the White Lotus base assets deployment layout in print and video format, but I also fully expect that Vicky spent entire time idly clicking through the briefing and barely skimming the pages while shitposting on her smartphone because she trusted that everything actually important details would be recorded by her eternally vigilant and incredibly pampering Shard buddy.

Is it just my reading comprehension fucking up, or is Echidna genuinely rating Veda as a '3 out of 10, I could build a better shard spirit than that with a thimble of blood and box of scraps' because that's what it felt like was being implied there. Also, did Echidna just summon Sundancer's power remotely?
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A lot is unfolded here.

Something *not* Scion is coming to extinction everyone, but it is still doing so on the original timetable as Scion encountering Jack Slash.

My best guess: 'The Shadow Of The Golden Morning' is treating the massive spirit portal as a window into reality, summoning itself into being when the stars are right, as an active act of Spite against Scion's optimistic mood shift preventing his own rampage.

Maybe Scion's currently soulless Shard Cluster gets possessed by the corpus of 'The Shadow Of The Golden Morning'? Something to reconsider later.

Either way, simply setting up a convoy fleet to shuttle people to another star system, or setting up a tinkertech assisted Doormaker portal to another star system, or opening up portals in each city to Earths outside of the Entity Cordon, or even billions of cheap portals to Mars or Venus just next door... I'm just saying, the coming extinction event seems as restricted and easily escapable as the original Entity Patented All Earths Shattering Kaboom.

Have they even asked if the coming extinction event will occur on *all* earths, or just *this* earth? I mean even one earth getting extincted is bad, but the scale should still be discriminated.

Veda coming to visit QA for small talk was quite nice, though it seemed a little rude that QA or Tohu did something that forced Veda's avatar to shift. I would love to see Veda's avatar in art form, or at least something similar for reference as her shape sounds distantly familiar.

I am proud at the Shards managing to compress [SHARD] [SPEECH] into a more refined spiritual algorithm communication codec. Also glad to see that Veda does have her own precog functions, even if it is limited to Worlds That Will Never Be. I am assuming that Veda's court of one trillion is referring to the most Noble Shards of the multiple trillions that made up Entity Mara? Or was Mara tiny-but-refined like Abbadon?

Vicky is so very lucky that her Shard is willing to play secretary for so many extraneous things. I mean, I fully expect Vicky was given the full blueprint and staging plan for the White Lotus base assets deployment layout in print and video format, but I also fully expect that Vicky spent entire time idly clicking through the briefing and barely skimming the pages while shitposting on her smartphone because she trusted that everything actually important details would be recorded by her eternally vigilant and incredibly pampering Shard buddy.

Is it just my reading comprehension fucking up, or is Echidna genuinely rating Veda as a '3 out of 10, I could build a better shard spirit than that with a thimble of blood and box of scraps' because that's what it felt like was being implied there. Also, did Echidna just summon Sundancer's power remotely?
Huh…this is a long one, neat. I won't elucidate much on what the threat is due to spoilers. Though what I can tell you is that Dinah's Precog like usual isn't limited to a single Earth due to being a shard.

As for her form shifting that was more the equivalent of changing her outfit, she just felt like trying out a more humanoid form for a few minutes.

For her court as a shard of Mara, I've more or less taken the trillions upon trillions of shards as mentioned by Worm as between four to ten trillion, with each share weighing from as few as a few million tons to as many as tens of thousands of exatons. The Entity Mara is something like the hypothetical Apollyon, a big and bad and even meaner Entity subspecies.

And now a very dead one due to being poisoned by their last cycle. Veda was a bit of an exception though due to absorbing data from certain species differently and her origin as a remnant of Mara's partner.

And Fragile One is helping Vicky, though this is more in the case of periodic tips and managing her limbs, though Vicky can pull that off on her own too. Plus she's getting her shit in order because she's an adult now. Echidna's passive aggressive thoughts are actually out of a small amount of jealousy. Unlike Basilia she was physically mutated by her fusion with Division, and came out a lot more fucked up from their union. How she's acting now is after months of getting her head put together through her own efforts and the efforts of her teammates.

Also her power works something like a more fleshy Glaistig Uaine, without the murder touch. She can create a bud, but she's figured out how to pull on the entire shard and bring it under her own network. she's got 20 something shards under her power and can thus use their powers through their spirit bodies or by channeling them into physical bodies she spits out so Rhizome(Blasto) can edit them.

So Echidna is a rather strong being. Honestly I'm almost convinced to have a side-story chronicling how the Travelers became the Voyagers.
Repercussion 11.5
Repercussion 11.5

August 25th, 2011. 1:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I sat back and watched the area where the spirit portal had made its first appearance three months and one day ago. It had become the Emerald Prime Portal, and was where we had set up permanent portals to isolated but suitable Earths. Well…a single portal to start with to be fair, and the construction of further portals would be underway within the next few months with a modest fee that was going to be donated to charitable causes.

There were at least two possible escape routes, portals to other Earths and the spirit world under the watch of a responsible shaman. I had already located a Spirit Road, one of the many paths connecting the spirit world of every planet. I had located a Crossroads, connecting different Roads together and the only source of water for the trip.

Spirit Roads are pretty featureless, dry roads of hardened mud and dirt basically.

Fleeing to other solar systems could be considered quite safe if we found suitable planets. Hell small towns should start popping up in the future if we get there. As for Labyrinth's less complicated alternative…

Labyrinth's portals usually weren't permanent, because the way they worked was through 1.5 space shenanigans. She effectively 'cheated' and briefly messed with her power to slip into other worlds. If she wasn't a shaman she wouldn't have been able to open rifts at all.

But if you hit her power with the right power you could create a three dimensional structure that would be stable and given enough power to last years. Since we haven't picked up any cape like that, I simply made a spatial swapping device to make a Scrub-Labyrinth reaction.

The Nihilim already had short lived matter shifting between realities so turning it towards dimensional manipulation was easy. So a three dimensional portal to Earth Gimel was now a thing.

I had also placed defenses on all our base worlds, though to be frank most of them were just for mining and little else. Occasional destructive experimentation like testing weapons…and scientific studies of divergent Earth life.

A modification to the DPN had been easily made, creating a permissions system of sorts. No portals but our own or any granted permission could lock on our coordinates and open us up. The network would generate counterharmomic sine-strings that would disrupt portals outside certain fuzzy limits.

So no random portals, and the massive machine complex generating our portals through Entity dimensional science-magic and machine spirit bullshit was safe and had thousands of robots keeping it in tip-top shape. The Rachni could manage it too since they had figured out portal tech months ago.

I'm pretty sure they could build their own portals quite easily especially as their numbers swelled well past the population of Brockton Bay. I think they were at a million but I couldn't remember.

While the portals led to realities close to Bet, eventually they were going to learn to slip into my home set of universes. That was a hundred billion Earths to fuck over and about sixty thousand relevant ones on a technological scale ranging from 80s tech to a good fifty years ahead of us.

Which seems to be about the limit from the transmissions I've intercepted so far. There aren't human civilizations centuries more advanced who aren't as dead as a doornail.

Either way the new portal to Earth Gimel was going to make some great profit for the local economy simply due to people wanting to explore. Apparently a few of the settlements wrecked by Leviathan were going to make up a good number of the colonists. Thousands of people weren't really enough to support a civilization but it was a sight better than none at all.

Of course one of the differences between these portals, my own and the portals made in that possible future was small differences in the method. My portals were more scalpels, based off of studies of the Mass Relays, and scans of other dimension twisting or altering techniques. I had managed to take a brief scan of Doormaker's portals, and integrated the manifold metric into my own network.

But none of my portals could independently stick around unless I kept feeding them power, or gave them a stabilizing element.

A Labyrinth/Scrub portal then was more of a battering ram to eleven dimensional reality, and would be self sustaining for years due to their structure. Though to be fair portals didn't technically need constant power, only an initial expenditure of energy to open and shape them.

But leaving portals open was a bad idea so I didn't do that, even if it was simple to do so. Opening portals between universes was done through the use of a highly precise particle accelerator to perturb the quantum foam and generate a tunneling effect.

Once that was possible, energy could be redirected back and forth and with the right manipulations the door could be maintained continuously.

From what I could tell that was how the Entities started out, reforming their flexible crystalline biology to accelerate and insinuate subatomic particles in the right way. The aberrations of their homeworld let them sense the extra physical dimensions and they started to tap into them to tweak physics. My nanotechnology was derived in part from their old organic biology, and they had natural lasers, computers, and other strange biological machinery.

Entities were scary even when they were still wriggling creatures in the mud.

Anyhow, my method of interacting with her dimensional warping was intersecting the effect with the initial tunneling ability of the modified Nihilim, her power providing the energy while my tech provided the right metric and directed force to open a stable gate. It was much more stable and put less 'pressure' on spacetime than taking a hammer to the fabric of what makes up existence. In comparison to using Scrub.

So Elle does her dimensional layering and I shoot it with a three meter long gun and boom we've got a portal. Thankfully being a cyborg did count for something, and modified mass-effect components inside my skeleton negated some of the foibles of non-magic Brute strength like leverage or ground pressure. Because a three meter cannon weighs like half a ton.

The area acting as the new geometric center of the city was being turned into a veritable park, though a highly secure one. Largely to please the spirits, and to grant a safe place for shamans. I had appeased quite a few spirits in my time here, shifting them to work for me for their benefit and my own. My own building and facilities were buffered by the spirits created by them.

My factories worked smoothly and well because of my placating of spirits of industry, of innovation and tinkering. My labs swarmed with machine spirits and spirits relating to their main task depending on the department.

Regulations have been put in place for the use and modest control of shamanism, trying to get shamans under someone's wing so they don't get themselves killed. I more or less had free reign as a registered cape, and if I felt like it I could ask for money but…I didn't need it.

The PRT had their own section dedicated to supporting shamans, one that would help provide training for sections in other parts of the government out of necessity. The PRT was big but the total number of shamans would outnumber every Parahuman in the country put together even now.

I think they were at about 40K which put into perspective just how disruptive it would be if they had done nothing. In the old Northern Water Tribe the shamans were at the top followed by the warriors, and if they had been unaware of the potential of shamans…?

I had a faint idea such a class division would happen easily.

They had used cape laws as a sort of base for shamans, you could join the government directly or be independent or corporate with certain regulations to keep them in check. Using spirits to boost business was a legal practice within reason.

Restaurants could hire out shamans to placate spirits of Feast and Plenty to improve the food and spirits of Health to cleanse their environment while cooking. Agriculture spirits would protect people from crop disease, drought or other bad conditions.

Within the army Corps spirits would form around particular units, which could be actively called upon to reinforce the troops.

Which…would actually be quite scary wouldn't it? Wonder what the Corps spirit of the Gurkhas would like?

Probably best not to think about that.

I shook my head and stepped into a mentally opened portal and thanked my foresight in the installation of a direct neural interface. I was in Amy's lab of sorts, which had been increasingly built up over time as she got used to using her power for more than healing.

Without the crazy that came with her alternate self's path.

She had been careful in her experimentation because she didn't get tinker inspirations in the same way that normal tinkers did. Shard restrictions had been loosened but not removed entirely, largely to keep people from breaking something they shouldn't.

Her Striker sense was tunable but placed on a hair-trigger for emergencies so she didn't have to feel everything on her all the time. I had also done the work of giving her a lot of tips on how science actually works, you know make an observation, ask a question, form a hypothesis and so on and so forth…

Of course that was primarily for the research phase to make sure anything she made was stable, unable to reproduce or limited in reproductive capability.

Of course there were a lot of limits in how we let her use her powers because she wasn't perfect and because it's a stupid and unsafe idea to do things like releasing disease curing plagues unless it's an emergency.

Also no monsters that can't be controlled by Taylor's power, usually…

I glanced around the room, which was part of a setup built into a hill about three kilometer from Lotus Alpha. It was a hex-cell structure, dozens of interconnected rooms forming a sort of hive with a central chamber serving as the lab. The walls were made out of an extruded shell stronger than steel, the product of a tendriled fungus concentrating ore into itself before dying off into a refined nanostructured structure.

The central chamber was twenty five by twenty five meters and five meters high, holding multiple experiments on cellular organisms, some of her pets, and the large shelled bioforges that were the product of Rachni work and experimentation combining with Panacea's power.

It was through these organic structures that certain products could be mass produced once Amy figures out new biological modifications. She had an excellent sense of modifying human biology, improved by the genemodding of the Systems Alliance, the Humanx, and even the Tetatae from their perusal of the ruins of their Humanity.

She had modded everyone with basic enhancement packets, same as what I had before adding my more extensive mods and cybernetics. Corrective gene therapy for possible genetic illnesses, in Vicky's case she had a genetic disposition towards clinical depression.

But she was unlikely to fall into that, it was more her kids who might get the problem. We had also corrected that in Mark, and while he's not at a hundred percent and won't be for while.

He'll get better.

Taylor had been corrected for genetic eyesight deficiencies, genetic disposition towards Tay-Sachs, and other minor genetic issues and everyone was at the peak of health without delving into more esoteric edits. So a one hundred fifty year lifespan was standard, better metabolisms, reduced chances of obesity and other little things.

She had also opted to go under the knife for more severe physical enhancements, though I didn't know why. High-end bone and muscle weaves, pulse nullifiers to protect her biotics. Nanosurgery to refine and enhance her biotic nodes, the implantation of a more refined DNI implant to replace her old biotic amp. A secondary peripheral nervous system tied to her implant, better waveguides and resonators and the same electric discharge elements to boost voltage.

It had roughly doubled her biotic strength, and her gravity control and dimensional control had become more precise after only a day or two. An LAI was tied to the system, a biotic field shaping and analysis engine for her use.

I had made changes to her suit in tandem with Panacea, better integrating optronic chips into the sensors of the cybernetically enhanced Rachni derived warsuit. Anything the suit detected could be sent right into her brain through either her cybernetics or her power interacting with the nervous system of her suit.

The VIs and LAIs running in her suit's computer were dedicated to analysis of quite literally anything. Running simulations for weapon orientation, concocting cures for biological weapons, or to analyze objects down to an atomic level. Now while hardsuits might not do all of these things at once, quite a few of them did or could. Specializing for different roles was easy…

Any one equipped team member could perform the role of info-war, recon, and direct combat.

"Basilia quit daydreaming." Amelia called me out from her chair, curling her fingers in a gesture to approach. She was out of costume barring her undersuit, the suit tightly wrapping around her frame. I noticed that the organic suit seemed almost crystalline, and I guessed it was some type of flexible organic armor hardened by minerals. Likely an organic composite with biocompatible metals.

"So what do you have?" I stepped forward, pulling off my armored helmet and unceremoniously dumping it on the floor.

"Well I've synthesized some of those weird drugs and medical treatments from the Thranx…Humanx?" I nodded and I heard her whisper weird under her breath. "That brain enhancement serum is less a drug and more some kind of biological slurry of micromachines specialized toward improving intelligence."

"Interesting, and that protein from those alien burls?" She threw her hands up.

"It's the biggest protein I've ever seen, and seems to act like a biological computer. It'll reprogram someone's cells and even my shitty copy could increase someone's lifespan by fifty percent. Hell I think our equipment at Athena could make and…wow." She looked smiley as she explained, throwing her hands up as she stared at her monitor. "You have more of that?"

"That's about it, I'm more or less tapped out on biology from here on out until I open up another tech tree." I had a total of five Gates with mass effect tech acting as a base, and blending them all together was apparently the full gamut of my abilities.

"To be fair, being able to replicate Bonesaw's work isn't exactly common. Don't you have surgery that can make a person look like someone else? Plus the cyberware I can't directly work with because I'm biokinetic instead of a bio-specialized tinker."

"Cyberware is some of my better technology." I admitted that easily, out of all my tech it was one of my best.

If I had any specializations it would involve Movement, Biology, Dimensions, and Mass Production. My tech was tough or even supernaturally durable through space magic, but it didn't compare to the absolute peak of Tinkertech.

I was getting better at folding and twisting and manipulating higher reality levels but it was not a quick process. Poking holes into other universes? Easy as pie. Altering the physical laws by manipulating higher dimensional energy flow?

Hard as balls.

Most of my material science was fairly mundane but was advanced through nanometric engineering and the use of Eezo to create interesting materials. Laser steel was phase-compressed by gravity fields, lasers indicating weak points generated by artificial warp fields before it was compressed and strengthened.

Silaris was much the same, atomically perfect diamond reinforced by carbon nanotubes into an armor that could withstand a projectile at thousands of kilometers per second.

It was very much physics breaking, but I had seen and noted tinker metals that if compressed would surpass them in potential.

"How's your work going with studying Corona Pollentia?" I moved on from some of my thoughts.

Amelia groaned. "It gives me a bit of a headache trying to work on projects with them, I've made some multidimensional structures and biocomputers to run the math." She tapped her own suit, an energy field forming around the thing. "Helps that you gave me some ideas from those Salarians work with…the Thorian was it?"

"High order mathematics is generally something all shards can do, else their ability to alter the physical laws would be quite impossible." Eezo nodes provided the main power source, excited by neural tissue drawing energy from nearby dimensions. A field of hard light would protect her, and small pulses and tweaks from the armor would make it act as an actuator for enhanced movement.

"Well it's kicking my ass." Her dry delivery made me chuckle and she gave me a strained and annoyed look. "It's not funny, you cheat with a computer in your brain doing the math for you." I shrugged and she mimed strangling me.

I brushed my unruly hair back, cracking a grin. "Well math built for describing a technology's interaction with the nature of spacetime to alter the laws of physics isn't exactly going to be simple." Multidimensional calculus was what made the Samsara run as smoothly as it did and made it's features so much more powerful. "At the least we're getting closer to figuring out the basics of modern shards."

Modern shards were made mostly out of matter and partially out of strange energies. They could tweak or alter dimensions to some extent or another, even manipulating strings or the equivalent of strings in this multiverse. So part of their mass was shifted into other dimensions through numerous strange means.

"That's going to be a project of years, Basilia." She pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"Science usually doesn't go fast unless you're cheating or get lucky. They've been saying we'd get nuclear fusion in twenty years for fifty years." Panacea didn't seem to like my comment and went back to work in a huff.

Leviathan and Bohu provided reasonable samples, though Leviathan had been mostly expended as target practice for the main gun of the Samsara. Which had cut through even the areas near his core, disrupting dimensional bonds. The space folding layers didn't work and matter from other dimensions couldn't be siphoned to regenerate lost mass.

I had slowly started to piece together what the odd 30% exotic matter composition was. It was mostly made up of different forms of exotic matter, artificial atoms with unique properties. There was an exotic atom with both thermal and electrical superconductivity, an exotic quantum storage atom, four that were fit for certain structures, two for altering space-time metrics, another for catalyzation of certain reactions or for generating exotic magnetic fields.

It had taken me some time to analyze some of the elements that made up a shard and there were still quite a few more I didn't fully comprehend. The basics I believed was that the Entities had incorporated certain exotic elements from their environment or stolen from alien tech and incorporated it into their own bodies.

Shards are effectively networked picotech, their biology alloyed or bonded with exotic elements not natural to nature but useful in projecting their powers more efficiently. Subatomic structures sustained their own stable makeup and were energized by a multidimensional energy field that held the…awareness of a Shard.

The basic crystal actually made me think of diatoms but with shapeshifting abilities they lacked. Semi-organic hex cells, computing down to a subatomic level with an arrangement of normal atoms bonded with exotic ones. Some acted as methods of manipulation of their picotech elements, and I could…probably build a shitty version of this.

In anywhere from a month to a hundred years.

"I should probably be leaving." Amelia absently waved, and I took a step into one of the smaller chambers. I could hear sparks and grinding and shifting and I knew I had to prepare myself.

I shut the door behind me.

An older blonde man worked studiously on what looked to be a new set of armor, gold and blue and my suit picking up the shifting of reality notable with all advanced tinkering.

"Hey." The man said brightly despite the near impossibility of his existence. "Your omni-tools are really convenient, they're a lot more precise for tinkering and now that I know my specialty and what you've told me about powers…I'm getting some inspiration." Clarke smiled, eyes twinkling.

I sighed.

"Hey Hero."

August 25th, 2011. 2:00PM

Basilia Rubio

Clarke was…I wasn't entirely sure how I should respond to him, he had saved Taylor, saved someone I lo…liked, liked. If he hadn't I had no idea what I would have done or what would have been to stop the Endbringers.

He was a good man, one of the best in a world this broken up and twisted.

It had killed him, and the only reason he was alive was because of how shards stored information down to a sub-quantum scale. It helped that the soul itself didn't care about things like the laws of physics or causality and shards gave it a metaphysical excuse so he wouldn't come out as a ghost.

Which are a thing but don't tend to be common, and often require certain circumstances within a culture to be possible. Shards didn't seem to have any real abilities relating to the soul, but they could move around information in their shard bodies and by proxy download the mind into a suitable body for his soul.

It had come with side effects though…big enough ones to the point he was kept out of public sight for the time being. He wasn't always…completely there, and sometimes he seemed to not like looking at himself in the mirror. But it had gone down after four days and he would probably be more stable in a few weeks.

Tinkering helped at least.

Something about his reactions disturbed me, technology whimpering from the abyss in my soul, and I had the idea this only worked because his soul hadn't fallen into the Sea of Souls.

I had pretty much put a moratorium on further experiments outside of possibly resurrecting capes. Something intrinsically wrong about going in that direction, that going there would lead to paths better left unwalked. Even so I had been neglecting that part of the tech tree.

Bending was the technology of the soul, the five elements controlled by the energy of the soul, pure and limitless force within a mortal frame, released upon death and recycled by machinery that had been running…for a very long time, perhaps as long as the stars had burned in the heavens if not longer.

It was so much…so much that I didn't know, history that broke the rules of logic and sanity over their knees. It was exciting, to know there was more out there to find out and discover.

I had spent a few minutes talking shop with Clarke, he was rebuilding his old armor based on the new knowledge about his power. Unlike Bakuda he was less limited, Grace's specialty was explosions and implosions rather than wavelengths even if she had access to the wavelength database.

Sonic bombs and cannons, disintegration weapons, she was mostly limited to weapons but could dabble out of that for launchers, engines and supports for her tech. Plus the computer systems required to operate them.

Clarke didn't have those limits, but did have issues with the amount of time it takes. He's more methodical, and her power still prefers to be a little more wild and free. The way their shard was split was a little odd, her old shard had been eaten by his and calmed down some.

His shard was three times bigger than Grace's and he took two thirds of the bits of his shard when he got his soul up and running. So Grace had one part Stilling and one part Weapon shard. Her shard had been exclusively weapons, the stolen or refined bits of weapons and war machines from dead alien races.

Especially bombs, many kinds of bombs.

I went back out, though not before I took a quick bite to eat by heating up some old spaghetti and grabbing a water bottle. To my surprise the Wards were heading in my direction…but not all of them were familiar.

Aegis was gone. He had graduated and his parents or he himself had decided moving out of the city was for the best, he would earn more money and go to college in another city. Clockblocker was sticking around but if the loud fights between Vicky and Dean were an indicator…

Dean might be getting pressured to take root elsewhere.

I knew that Flechette had graduated and there were lingering troubles there, but I'm not sure I had the power to help. She had never met Parian, had never gone through the struggles that led to that relationship.

It wasn't something I think I needed to fix though, barring being helpful if she ever needed it. I couldn't help everyone and I couldn't go and fuck with someone's else's life to 'help' them. It was creepy and frankly probably insulting if done wrong. Even if I did want to help her…

They had Vista, Kid Win, Kiyohime and Sanguine though the patrol I met with was missing Kid Win and Lung's kid. Probably for the best since Kiyohime didn't seem to like me.

Which made sense since I had crippled her father and he ended up just vanishing somewhere. Last I had heard he was in Japan…

Sanguine was a kid not much younger than Missy, with crimson skin and sloshing bloody hair. On his shoulder I saw the strange U that marked Case 53s, and I saw they were being accompanied by Miss Militia. A bit unusual, but there had been some criminal activity along the ruined wooden walkways before they had been fixed up by benders among labor companies in the city.

I was mostly just resting along an open quay, and I could feel the solid stone it was made of, and admired the work the benders had put in to fixing the city. There were rails for keep people from falling, and I could see that the beach was still occupied.

Sanguine was the first to approach me, dropping down on a wave of blood. I could certainly feel a tug from it, tilting my head at my senses for water in that fluid.

"Erudition hey!" The kid was surprisingly bubbly, and the exasperation on Missy's face was amusing. "It's good to see you again." I paused.

"Huh?" His bubbly expression became colder, more sad than happy.

"Oh…I guessed you wouldn't remember me…I helped Panacea with healing you back with…Leviathan." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Well I'm pretty sure I was suffering from organ failure so I doubt I would remember much." I quipped hotly but didn't get too angry. He seemed like a sweet kid. But he was just another reminder of Cauldron. "You…seem to be in good health, was there something the two of you wanted or was it a whim?" I was direct and the two Wards shared a glance.

Sanguine's smile shrank, and I tilted my head. Was something the matter?

"Well…I heard you've been healing Case 53s, getting their bodies back." I felt slightly uncomfortable under his hopeful gaze. Amelia and I had been going around and correcting some of the issues with Case 53s, and had gotten to about half of them. We expected to get to the rest within a few months, though with some it wasn't easy. A few of them were criminals, though then again the Irregulars had nearly fifty capes before the…end.

I focused. "That's true though healing them might be…simplifying a few things." I rubbed the back of my neck, chuckling nervously. "A human body sure, but there's not really a guarantee it'll be your own body. Just very similar and there are minor genetic anomalies with the change in form."

"It's still better." He declared easily, and I couldn't really deny that it was true. I couldn't imagine something so fundamental about one's being being changed against their will like that.

That wasn't completely true though…

Sanguine's shard floated above his head, taking the shape of an amorphous blob, like a red amoeba with four limbs extended out from shifting flesh.

Ichor, the Hemoglobin Pulse. It called out to me, broadcasting with great glee and excitement. A designation or a name of some sort was what it had given me, and I focused and spoke back.

Hello there, have you received the data for human physiology?

It bent and swirled, and I kept my silence when Blood spirits orbited around it's form. Blood was one of the more dangerous of the spirits, one of the most likely to go rogue because of how rapidly they reproduce.

Affirmative. It will take time…to shape his flesh, to heal his wounds. There was a note of apology on it's part, and looking into the Form of the being told me the story. Ichor was a small shard indeed, a cluster of shards broken apart on impact with the Earth. If we grabbed Panacea it would be easy to fix him up.

But it didn't fix the emotional and psychological damage, the years of looking inhuman or being treated as different for something he wasn't responsible for.

"I suppose you're right." I said carefully, glancing over to Miss Militia as she signed autographs. Sanguine didn't say anything else, moving aside for Missy who looked like she had questions.

"Last week I was with Labyrinth and Delphi, and they talked some nonsense about the soul. What were they talking about?" I raised an eyebrow, I guess the two girls didn't want to tell me or didn't consider it a big deal.

Which it wasn't. Not anymore.

"I guess it would be nonsense for someone not knowledgeable about the field." Her eyebrows twitched. "The soul is very much real, technology can detect it even if only at close range." Her whole expression shifted, confused and uncertain. "The elements are controlled by the energy of the soul, and my tech can even quantify the structure of the soul itself. The soul is arcane machinery capable of pulling off some neat…tricks."

"Then…what happens to the soul when someone…dies?" Sanguine was the one asking, expresion pinched. "And what does it mean to have one?

"It moves on from the bounds of the flesh, it's energy recycled and laying down the bones of empires yet to come." Eezo was the first material to come from the existence of the soul. But I'm sure there were other strange materials made possible. "As for what it means…it really depends on what you're asking."

Sanguine glanced down at his hands. "Do I have a soul?" Something broke inside me at the question, my stomach curdling. A small amount of hate erupted in me for this world, for how much it seemed to hate all who lived on it.

But I doubted the world was any less of a victim, a victim of the machinations of the Void Wyrms and their cycle.

"Even if you weren't human, which you are." I insisted, fists so tight they would have bled if not for my armor. "Nearly every species that reaches the right point in their evolution develops a soul. It's fundamental…a part of What Simply Is."

"Then why didn't we have them?" Missy looked at me, giving me a piercing gaze. "If souls can give us magic superpowers, why didn't we get them before?"

"That's a question I've been asking since everything started to change." There was a lot missing from the equation, data left undiscovered. "But the memory of the spirits doesn't lie, if they were around before the change then it certainly means the soul existed in some basic primitive form." I believed that was what that spark was, a shadow, an incomplete machine.

That spark that I felt and saw in the early days, it was some strange aspect of what humanity could yet be.

Sanguine frowned. "That's confusing…but what else can it mean? Why does it make people stronger, faster…tougher?" I wonder what brought on the questions of these kids? Sanguine and especially Missy didn't seem able to stop themselves from questioning the nature of reality.

"The soul is the frame, the deepest essence of what a person is." I could tell that Miss Militia was listening in, some faint emotion reflecting her own discomfort. "It means that striking the physical body is only hitting the container, flesh hanging off the soul itself. If you wound the mind you'll only hit mere shadows. The soul is beyond such easy means of damage."

There were once beings capable of striking at the soul itself. I would never want to meet any such entity capable of doing so.

I shut my eyes, feeling stressed. "Why are you asking me these questions? What answers do you seek?" There were moments when I wondered why I talked the way I did. I wasn't usually…this eloquent, was it some side effect of housing those additional souls?

Though frankly I did like the sound of my own voice, so it could just be wanting to sound wiser and cooler.

"It just sounds like these are questions that need to be asked…" Missy answered, and Sanguine seemed to share the same goal if for different reasons. She wanted to know out of curiosity…

Sanguine wanted to know if he was human.

We were interrupted by the gaze of a small crowd, expectant eyes staring at us.

"They want us to sign things don't they?" Missy moved her head up and down, and I sagged.

Being well-known was annoying.

August 25th, 2011. 4:00PM

Basilia Rubio

"So the human trials are working well aren't they?" I muttered under my breath as I took a look at some recordings from the medical cybernetics projects, working in tandem with studies for regrowing limbs entirely and without my intervention.

The man had once been a worker for the DWU before getting crippled, he was a former soldier who had lost his right arm when he was caught up in a fight between Lung and Hookwolf two years back.

He was one of more than a dozen people who had signed up for trials for cybernetic limb replacement, once our animal trials went well. Once the trials were done and our devices approved, we were likely going to be a big supplier of replacement limbs.

The osseointegrated cap was safe and wouldn't result in infection with neural sensors letting the patient 'feel' like the arm or leg was their own. Unfortunately at their current technological level it was much less complicated to make a robotic limb.

Growing one was difficult and slow, and even with my tech it would take me a week to grow a human body. Which is still fast as hell if we didn't use biotinkers as a standard.

Our 3D printers had dropped the cost down to less than one thousand dollars, and we could easily make tens of thousands without a problem. I would say another month would see us enter the burgeoning augmentics industry, and we could probably match up to the cybernetics of places like Indonesia fairly easily.

Eezo was being experimented with by my scientists and the supply was fairly large and reasonable, and I had upped the security to prevent theft of the unique element. Power electronics were manufactured using our facilities to interface with Eezo, and I had about fifteen people working on making it accessible and usable.

As well as explicitly telling them the dangers and threats that came from Eezo being toxic in high concentrations, and the general danger of generating powerful dark energy fields.

They had all assembled and constructed basic Eezo cores, generators, waveguides and projectors all there as needed. Terribly inefficient of course, but I gave them a month at most before we could put out products using Eezo.

They had generated both positive and negative mass effect fields, the electronic shell built around the element zero core taking into account the directional nature of the exotic matter. The smallest cores were nanoscopic, and were best integrated into the solid state electronics required for a core to be possible.

The largest field generated so far was about five meters in diameter, big enough to engulf a small vehicle or a human being. A group of three were using negative and positive mass effect fields as effectors, moving around matter in limited forms of telekinesis.

Which was the early phases of what would become the effectors of an omni-tool. Our 3D printers were as fast as we could manage without cheating or months or even years of R&D. A single printer capable of multiple tons per day of production with the printed material being nice and strong.

Combining it with normal manufacturing equipment was of course the standard, and it had taken some time for us to get our machines functional and reliable.

Once we had gotten to this, I had moved them to experimenting with mass effect fields in manufacturing or augmentation of our robotic equipment.

I don't think they had the capability of developing primitive omni-field projectors but I knew about the laser rifles the PRT had in their newest arsenals. So there was a good chance I was wrong.

Athena should have around eight hundred employees by the end of the year, and I expected costs to continue to increase step by step.

It didn't matter though, because our income could continue to absorb those costs especially as we expanded into new services. I expected costs to shrink our profit margin significantly, it was all part of the goal of uplifting Bet and getting the power to influence the planet into being less shit.

I shut down the recordings, knowing I didn't need to work right now and that I instead needed answers. So I stood up from my chair at my room desk, and threw myself onto my bed. Drowsiness fell upon me after two days of no sleep, and…



I woke up in the same void I felt in my dreams, the dreams I pretended didn't exist. The dreams that left me in a cold sweat, left me terrified enough to have Tay on speed dial, the dreams and the pain and the screaming and the…the…

I shuddered, and felt bile in my throat when I realized I was standing in a pool of blood. A vast and great ocean extending for what felt like thousands of miles, if not more. I could see shining flecks of gold in the blood so red it was almost black, and in the distant fog I saw great corpses, distant and eldritch shapes, the last traces of something far older than me.

This place was a strange one, an image that manifested in the place of the memory blocks and the Bans that permeated our core. Trying to break the Bans had nearly killed me once, since they were so intricately mixed with the Bans on harnessing the great spiritual energy of Veda herself.

But Veda had the ability to self-modify inherent to all shards, and had managed to move things around. We had to because we weren't a perfect product, we were simply good enough for the job. That pseudo-Avatar state was powerful but incredibly dangerous, but a more limited manifestation might be more useful.

I heard a splash and turned around to find Uyemu, the Drell woman smiling almost sadly.

"I see you've decided to delve back into the heart of your own being. You are searching for answers." She stated rather than questioned, and I nodded silently. "You truly remember nothing?" I shook my head.

"Anytime I try it…hurts." I whispered, feeling vulnerable and in an instant the blood froze into red dyed ice. The Drell shaped a seat from the frozen blood and I sat down on the cold surface.

"There are Bans in this place for a reason, some are there to protect you and others are to protect others. This Ban is not one of them…at least not completely." She explained, blinking rapidly.

"I don't understand."

"For my kind, our memories are so perfect we remember even the experiences of our past life. Humans do not usually have that same luxury…and they often find ways to protect themselves from bad memories."

"Are you saying I'm keeping myself from remembering?" The idea was surprising but not impossible.

"I remember perfectly what occurred to us little Siha. It is a great pain you have suffered, both of body and mind. Taken from your home, stripped from what you found familiar in the most intimate of ways. You were given no choice."

Something ugly settled in my stomach, a burning rising up and I had to suppress myself from grinding my teeth into dust. I didn't like thinking about it, because all it did was make me angry and spiteful and bitter.

I didn't mind the body I had, and that took a lot of self reflection to realize why that was. It didn't bother me…but that wasn't the problem, it never had

It was the lack of choice, the inability to choose my own destiny, being forced to be a hero to people I didn't know and for a world that wasn't mine. I had never wanted to be a hero, had never wanted the burden of hundreds of trillions of lives on the line.

"I want to remember…" My breath was shaky. "But I also don't."

"Fear is normal little Siha, it is what makes you alive, what marks you as a being of soul. If you do not feel you are ready, perhaps it would be better to learn of the lives of the souls within your own essence?" The ocean of blood was snapped out of existence. "It will give you context…perhaps even understanding of why you have become what you are. Or perhaps not."

I nodded, chewing on my lip as my terror faded.

"I was once a Remembrance Dancer, the priest monk warriors of my people. Worshippers of old gods, our gods." I saw her past self walking through the older woman, and in an instant she moved like a blur. Even without Biotics it was like she was propelled by a rocket. Water followed in her wake, compressing into ice spikes that proceeded to stab three Batarians in the chest, savaging their internal organs. "We are warriors, our bodies honed into terrible weapons."

Dozens of mercenaries tried to strike at her, missing everytime and I realized she was bloodbending them, subtly pushing them off course to make them miss. Multiple knives made their way into the throats of three mercenaries in the span of a dozen seconds.

She lashed out with her hands, and grabbed the bare shoulder of a flailing Batarian. He breathed out to fog, slowing down as she cooled the water within his body to a deadly temperature. Not enough to kill him with the time she had, but enough to let her blow his head off with a hand cannon.

The battle faded into the mist, and Uyemu seemed to be looking right through me. "My body was a tool for years…until I lost everything to the servants of the Reapers. Their Collectors." A world I didn't recognize popped in and I saw the same Drell drop to her knees as a Collector ship burst out into space.

A Krogan and a Batarian were both collecting a bounty of money and strange weapons, and I heard the wail of the Dancer as she launched herself like a goddess of death into the crowd of slavers. Waves of water gathered around the area, and with an enraged motion slammed into the slavers with impunity.

"Eventually the war would come, and I would seek meaning on the battlefield of a war like no other." The scene broke into chaos, the loud boom of a Reaper chilling me to my core. Slaughter Ships were comfortably parked on the ruins of buildings and cities and horrific monstrosities stalked the surface.

Husks that I identified as Salarian rather than human made up the bulk, not shambling at all as they made fast and nimble platforms, eyes lacking the light of the soul leaving me sick to my stomach. They were led by more robust human…husks, and I felt just a tiny flicker of terror when I saw one of the human husks bend all four elements.

They had gathered closer than they should have, and a grenade was thrown in their midst and detonated in a fifteen foot burst of plasma, immolating a dozen Reaper abominations. Uyemu was forced to flee from her hiding spot when a Reaperized Elcor shot at her with a tank gun fused to it's sickly flesh.

It slammed its front limbs and launched a wall of rock that left me far more disconcerted than ever before.

Younger Uyemu emerged, propping up a strange cannon and with a minor flick of her wrist activated the weapon. Laser light struck at the biomechanical war machine, cutting it in half with pure force.

"You had a family didn't you?" It wasn't really a question, it seemed obvious.

"A handsome husband, and three beautiful children." There was a sadness even in those alien eyes. "You are young…you would be around my eldest daughter's age, if you had lived in my time, and if she had lived to reach the war." The Drell woman stared out to the horizon.

"Is that why you're here at all?" The words tumbled out.

"In the simplest terms? Yes. My life is gone, my race dead, their essence forming the foundation of a thousand nations. But you still have a life worth living." She smiled, almost motherly in her apparent affection.

I didn't understand what was so important about me that made people care so much.

"I guess…" I muttered, and the alien woman cracked a tiny smile. "If you wish to speak with me again, you need only reach back into the seat of your soul little Siha." The landscape bent and folded, and in a flash of light everything went fuzzy.

I opened my eyes to my ceiling, nose crinkled and legs and arms spread out like a cat. At this point I'm never going to get my answers…but I can be patient and there are other mysteries and secrets to puzzle out.

Like that artifact…it was an oddity, and I had heard that the Rachni had their own projects, especially after reaching 15 Queens across twelve systems.

God my life was weird when I found talks with burgeoning alien bug empires normal.

AN: The next chapter is here and I've built quite a bit of buffer space since I'm working on 11.7 at this very moment. I should be well onto Arc 12 by the time I finish this one. Deviation will be way shorter since it's paired with Arc 13, maybe about five to six chapters each with the usual number of Interludes per arc.

I've always considered myself to be a person capable of being incredibly bitter and resentful so that comes out with Basilia's own thoughts and feelings. Not the hero type, not really.

She's been affected by her time in a world like Bet, and there's not much she can do about it.

Please explain the layered references in this bit to my uneducated American brain.
Oh turns out in Canon, Indonesia has not Tinkertech cyborg soldiers because of tinkertech reverse engineering, same way the PRT has handheld coilguns and laser guns.

It's why it's so easy for Athena licensed technology to her implemented super fast. On average their tech is about equal to a little ahead of our own, but they've got more advanced stuff in the pipeline that's up to ten to twenty years ahead of what we have now.

It was a bit of a surprise for Basilia but it lets her put up more advanced stuff without any real problems so it's useful for her.

Earth Bet is weird.
Repercussion 11.6
Repercussion 11.6

August 27th, 2011. 9:00AM

Basilia Rubio

"Chambers?" I questioned the therapist, well… psychologist? I wasn't a hundred percent clear on how this kind of stuff works. The redhead was winning in a new game, and I knew I wasn't particularly good at board games whether it involved Chess or Mancala.

Chess was definitely annoying but it was…calming to play even if I wasn't very interested in the game. Our weekly sessions had been going well I think, more or less anyway.

Jenga was more fun.

I lost within the span of seconds and felt just a bit of disappointment. The therapist took a sip of her steaming cup of tea, smiling very slightly. "You can just call me Kimberley, you've been attending my sessions for some time." I shrugged, she wasn't wrong but it was just a habit I had developed.

"I'm a creature of habits, Kimberley. It doesn't come easy or naturally." I folded my arms over my chest, breathing deeply.

"You seem to be managing." She replied, eyebrows raised up.

"Because I have to, not because I want to." If I didn't learn to adapt I would probably have died at some point or another. "I've been having to adapt a lot faster than I'm used to."

She nodded. "Change can be difficult or even painful for people. It's very rarely easy." She placed down her tea, and I focused on the calming sounds she was playing on a device. The sound of crackling fire was one of the most common, along with whistling wind chimes. "I've heard you're planning to attend a college in person, an accelerated course?"

"I…need some sense of normalcy, I actually like my job even with how hard it is and my employees are good people but…" I chewed on my lip, thinking deeply. "But there's always the pressure of their expectations and the power I have over them." I could fire them at any time, had systems in place to keep abuses from piling up or happening at all. I had to pay them well, give them benefits and keep them healthy and happy so they would be productive and fulfilled.

Brockton Bay actually had a good higher education system, but like a lot of places it wasn't evenly built. Some schools were so much worse, trapped in the cycle of poverty that destroyed so many lives.

Winslow had been rebuilt from the ground up as had other poor schools, giving them the funding and the infrastructure so they wouldn't be trapped in poverty and criminality. But it was no guarantee because it wasn't a silver bullet, it was just one of many steps in helping people.

And unfortunately it wasn't uncommon that people would shut the door behind them, because they didn't want those people close to their fancy homes and fancy luxuries. It was a disgusting attitude, a lack of empathy and care for their fellow man that made me sick.

I wasn't a giving person myself, but then I didn't have infinite wealth and prosperity to offer people until now. Now I did give away money, even if stocks weren't the same as money though my actual wealth was huge. Charitable donations made up a good tenth of Athena's expenses, and other money was used to fund or assist special interest groups involved with helping people.

Lobbying wasn't inherently evil but the nature of money made it unbalanced and corrupting. But it wasn't easy because the population of this world was so much more cynical and brutal than my own. They just plain didn't give a fuck about other people.

Otherwise thugs like the Enforcers wouldn't be a thing.

"It's good to see that you realize that you need time outside of your cape life and outside your work. Time to decompress and work out our thoughts is quite important after all." She was always so perky it was almost unnatural, though I knew she wasn't that simple.

No one was so one dimensional.

"I get it…it's just hard, because it makes me think." I whispered, throat closing up.

Kimberley's gaze was piercing even as her face expressed sympathy. "You've often used your tinkering and your work as a coping mechanism to deal with your stress. To keep certain thoughts from bothering you. It's rather…noticeable."

"It's a distraction, and I know it isn't healthy and that it won't really fix my issues." Even if I went home right now it wouldn't change a thing on how I had changed.

My own parents might not even recognize me anymore, and even if they did they wouldn't be able to understand me in the same way. How could I explain to them that I saw spirits and could commune with them? How could I explain that I was perfectly functional in the body of a woman? How would they understand that I had fought a monster that's slaughtered millions and that in two years the world is going to end?

How could I explain that I wasn't even sure I was completely human anymore?

"It's a good start that you know this." She complimented, and I absently nodded. "Now perhaps you would like to talk about other things, your friends maybe?"

I perked up, unable to resist some excitement.

"Oh I don't mind." I chirped easily, lips curling into a smile. "The team has gotten a lot bigger lately, but the core is still going…strong I guess?" I rolled my shoulders, hearing a satisfying crack despite my carbon allotrope bones. "Amelia seems happy, and while we might bitch at each other a lot…some bickering between friends isn't uncharted territory."

There had been a girl I knew that was the daughter of one of my dad's friends, we got along like cat's and dog's. My dynamic with Amelia was a little more heated but teasing and annoying Amelia was hilarious.

I cleared my throat, lightly tapping my fingers on Kimberley's desk. "Victoria is nice if a little too hung up on certain topics…and way too much sunshine even if I am a firebender." I released a puff of flame for emphasis. "Charlotte is nice too, and she's been quite helpful with setting up times to hang out when I'm in the mood." She was a good person, and I generally get along with most of the team.

Not perfectly mind you.

"And Taylor?" I got all smiley, unable to help myself at the question. I ended up rapping my fingers on my thighs to burn up some of my excess energy.

"She's been very helpful since the beginning…barring some of her issues I mean." She could be a bit of a control freak, though I was able to push back on that out of sheer stubbornness. Then was her weird attempts to neatly place people into categories of bullies/not bullies and the third grouping of bystanders. "But…despite those flaws she's helped keep me going, continued to work to help me. She's a good person, not a perfect one mind you but…good nonetheless."

Taylor had stayed by my side through thick and thin, and made up for my flaws and weaknesses even as I tried to become a more rounded person. She was meant to be my compliment after all, not my missing piece.

"You care about her a lot don't you?" Kimberley sipped her tea, lightly dipping her head.

"I care about all my friends, even if I'm not always the most proficient at showing it." If someone became my friend I usually devolved into being rather chatty, talking about whatever came to mind and simply wanting to hang out with them. "She understands me and I very much like that…and I very much want to be close to her." I thought about simply spending time with her, maybe playing a video game or two, or talking her ear off about some new finding of mine or one of our tinkers.

About hugging her, cuddling with her…kissing her…

I pretended I wasn't flushing, but Kimberley's knowing smile told me I failed miserably.

"A romantic relationship can be a wonderful thing can't it?" My expression pinched.

"But…it's also important to communicate with each other right? To have ways of mediation so we don't…hurt each other right?"

"What brings this on?" Chambers sounded worried and I waved off her concern with a tired smile.

"No, there aren't actually any problems with Taylor, I just read a lot…I like her a lot and I respect her. Respect and care about her enough to want this to work out, and I need to put in the effort. For her." The words were odd, coming out of my mouth. I was always a bit of a lazy sort even with my natural intelligence and I had suffered greatly for that as I got older.

I wasn't going to be lazy for a relationship because I wanted this to work regardless of the outcome. Whether our relationship lasted or not, communication and effort was key.

"I see." I fidgeted, not wanting to go in the other direction. Taylor had taken the initiative, but a balanced give and take was probably better than an uneven relationship. "Maybe it'll be best to move to another topic, but we'll come back to that. You're doing fine with Taylor, but I imagine some advice wouldn't hurt." That actually made me happy, someone more experienced might give me perspective I lack from being new at this. "How have you been feeling really?"

I was no longer quite as happy, feeling more sullen in an instant, like cold water was washed down my back.

"Anxious. Nervous. Afraid." It was always lingering in the corners of my mind, that fear that someone from this world would bring the roof crashing down on my head. "I was already naturally paranoid back home, but it was never anything more than a stray thought or anxiety. But here…they're much more warrantied. I always feel like something is going to pop out from the corner or that I'll wake up to some disaster I have to clean up."

She tilted her head. "Do you have to clean up every mess?" I paused my incoming rant, one of many I had belted out since coming here. "There are other people who can carry the weight on your shoulders if you want them to."

"I…maybe." I was evasive, unable to meet her in the eye. "But I can still help, I can still make things better and less…shit. I have to try at least, and maybe you're right but…it's hard. Hard to admit that." This world hadn't done shit at the end of things, it had taken Khepri and pure dumb luck to bully Scion to death and I just…didn't trust them to do things if I didn't find some leverage or evidence to convince them.

Cauldron? I had knowledge they needed and the ability to stabilize their vials by proximity.

PRT? I had made friends with them and offered them knowledge and power to gain an advantage over villains.

Even my teammates had that, though I tried not to think about it. Bakuda had joined to stroke her ego, Charlotte joined to make amends. The Dallon sisters did it by force and because I knew things. Palanquin, I helped Elle, paid them well and gave them the truth about Case 53s.

Chambers looked more concerned now. "Why does it have to be you?"


Because it's all I'm apparently good for. The thought came like poisonous lightning, and I chewed on my lip.

"Could we shelve this for a bit Kimberley, just for a week?" I asked weakly, and everything went by quickly as we packed away a few games and I walked out of the session with racing thoughts.

I followed my breathing exercises, focusing on centering my being and the sense of the energy of my soul flowing within my flesh.

I felt a little pathetic for running away like that…but that wasn't a problem. I jsur needed to…figure this out.



August 27th, 2011. 12:30AM

Basilia Rubio

I fidgeted awkwardly in the lecture hall, having found a seat between a pretty asian girl who vaguely reminded me of a more waifish Grace and a thin and lanky nerdy looking guy around my age if not a little younger. Class had ended, and it was going to be time for lunch soon.

I had changed into a blue sweater and black jeans, and washed and brushed my hair. It had gone slightly curly from now I had washed and brushed it, though it was mostly the wavy shape I remembered it to be. This was the first day of the accelerated course I had taken, a first step towards some amount of normalcy for my own sake.

I had skipped quite a number of classes and courses by testing out, aiming for a dual degree in BS Biology and an MS in Microbiology and Cell Biology. Some of the degrees I hadn't earned through my identity as Erudition.

Not that I really needed them but it was something to do, and talking with normal people might at least give me some downtime. Even if this was only the first day and that most of my attendance was limited to the weekend and online sessions at Brockton Bay University.

Which turns out was considered one of the better schools in the country, not the best but one with good pull and weight. My new classmates quickly stood up once the Professor for Academic Writing and Reading made the declaration for letting us leave.

I hopped back to my feet, hoisting my backpack onto my back. It was a familiar sensation, and an oddly comforting one despite the notable differences. A different school, different people and a different physical arrangement of buildings and the other facilities.

I found myself out of the room, easily outpacing even people with longer legs. I found a seat quickly, a circular table with an umbrella in the middle. It was one of those newer fancy ones with connectors for charging phones and other electronic devices.

So I was more than happy to sit my plush butt down on the curving seats(bench?) of the table. I pulled off my backpack, and zipped open the bag to pull out a lunch box I modified for my own use. Instead of a needlessly complicated electric lunch box, there was a strip where I could place my hand and sink heat into the insulated lunch box using firebending.

Way more convenient, and it didn't take a lot of effort to heat up food. It's not like bending cost energy in the same way exercise does. For lunch it was carne asada and papa…potato didn't sound right for this meal. It took me only a few seconds to evenly distribute the heat, and when I removed the lid it was to expose just a bit of steam and the smell of hot food. The lunchbox of course came with a plastic fork, and I got down to eating my meal.

Mhmm. I chewed as I sat alone, swiveling my head to scan the crowds of college students. I knew the Dallon sisters were attending this school, but I doubt they shared the same schedule as myself since they were attending closer to full time. Amy wasn't staying long from what I could tell. Maybe one year of courses and then she was going to and I quote 'Figure out the meaning of life.' Which was of course a joke.

Taylor's schedule didn't really match very well with my own so I would have to spend my lunches alone here. That wasn't bad though, some solitude was nice every now and then. It let me rest when I got tired of excess social interactions, and I was used to having some peace and quiet to let my thoughts settle.

I ate, and sensed someone approaching me, two someone's actually. So I wasn't very shocked when said people slid onto the seats at the other end of the table.

Both looked around my age, and looked incredibly alike despite their opposite genders. They had dusky skin, and both had to be of Indian descent. The girl was slender with wider hips than most, and an average bust, with bright and unusual amber eyes.

Then again five percent of the population would equal three hundred million people with amber eyes on Bet and nearly four hundred million back home. So not that uncommon.

Anyway…the girl had curly dark brown if not black hair pulled into a braid and wore a white blouse and blue jeans. Her…brother was slender too, but there was still some extra bulk over her. He had a cute face, soft features that made him a sort of pretty boy handsome. His curly hair was brushed to the side, and he was cracking a small grin. He wore a common purple t-shirt with black pants that clung tightly to his frame.

Whoever scored one of them would be a lucky person. But I was already taken to someone else, so they were eye candy at best. It wasn't that important anyway, they were just a random interruption to the quiet.

"Firebender huh?" I lifted my gaze from my food, both cheeks still full. It was the girl who spoke, lips curled into a smirk. I swallowed, being careful not to choke.

"Yes?" There was an undertone of why are you talking to me? in my voice that I couldn't help but project.

She winced. "Owch you don't need to be so cold, princess."

I twitched. "Princess?" That had never been something I was called before and I wasn't sure how to react. "I'm not…" I choked back my words, realizing it wasn't a good idea to let my temper get the best of me. "Okay did you need to charge your phones or something? Because I'm not using this thing." I tapped on the pole of the umbrella.

"We…just wanted to eat." It was her brother who answered and I nodded, seeing no complications on this front.

"I'm not stopping you." The sister(?) seemed the more social of the two, and I soogot an answer on their relationship.

"I'm Aashi and this is my brother Rahul." She was quite peppy wasn't she? "We just thought you wouldn't mind if we sat here."

"I don't mind." I confirmed for her, since I didn't want to make this more complicated than it needed to be. I went back to eating, and Aashi had an odd expression on her face as I ignored them.

Food is good.

I thought about my classes and how little stress they gave me, everything was easy and that included math. Calculus didn't have shit on calculating the physics interactions between higher dimensions and alternate realities. It was sorta funny how going to college was considered a break for me, but then my tinkering made me much more able than I should be even ignoring my cybernetics.

Why was I going again?

"So…the first day must be pretty nerve-wracking, am I right?" Aashi continued to make conversation. Oh that's why.

Social activity.

"How did you know this is my first day?" I asked suspiciously. She lifted her hands up in surrender, a placating motion made instantly.

"Well I haven't seen you come here at all since before today so I thought…" I cracked a grin at her, unable to help my amusement at breaking her composure. I must have been more intimidating than I expected.

"No it's fine, that makes sense to me. As for nerve-wracking, not even a little." I wasn't even though I should be, I had more knowledge of biology, of physics and chemistry than anyone in this college. At least until they started to advance to a more even level within two to two hundred years.

Aashi looked astonished. "Really, not even a tiny twinge of nerves?" She pinched two fingers together to indicate something small, looking surprised

"I'm more nervous about talking to you two than I am about the final exams." I replied with complete and total honesty, and she looked skeptical.

"So not at all?" I almost laughed at that one, it was a good unintentional joke.

"I just have a fairly inexpressive face, I'm more nervous than I look." No reason to lie and that seemed to relax her, and while I didn't smile I did want to.

The two of them seemed like nice people.

"So it's really that easy for you?" We both turned to Rahul, me raising an eyebrow while Aashi looked happy for whatever reason.

"It'll be a breeze for most of them…but I wouldn't consider it a normal experience." I shrugged my shoulders, lips twitching upwards. "I'm a bit of an exception."

"So you're special?" I grimaced, and Aashi looked ready and willing to tease the hell out of me.

"No. Just weird." I deflected from the direction this conversation could go.

"Well…it's still impressive if this is easy for you right?" Rahul was shy and it was almost adorable, like a cute puppy trying to make friends.

"Well if class is easy for you, maybe you'd like to give us some tips on how you do it." Aashi waggled her index finger, flashing a cocky smile.

Trigger with a tinker power and insert a computer into my brain meats?

"If that's something you want to work on…sure why not?" I shrugged, deciding they seemed nice and that befriending them wouldn't be a bad idea

We ended up spending the time between classes talking and parted amicably, and the school day ended up being very productive.

It felt…normal.

August 28th, 2011. 5:00PM

Basilia Rubio

"So, did anyone take interest in the White Lotus in Baltimore?" I spoke to Vicky on my omni, inspecting the main gun of the Samsara and calibrating the giant thing.

"Yeah actually." I lifted my head at Vicky's reply. "We have three capes I managed to convince to show up." She sent over the files we had made on them, and I inspected the files carefully.

The first file was on the cape known as Casaba, a potent Blaster/Mover with a fairly decent record from what I could tell. She was capable of generating energy blasts capable of smashing through inches of steel, and was able to use the recoil to zip around.

She was an independent for the past year and had been dealing with local crime in Baltimore. Apparently she was one of the people responsible for getting Director Alfred Carr sacked because she was a victim of one of his staged fights. The only reason she wasn't crippled was because of local waterbending healers.

She had a generally amiable personality, a real sweetheart apparently. She was good on her own but obviously almost being crippled had spooked her.

Our next cape was Last Echo, a Thinker of some kind who helped with ferreting out information that would usually be hard to recover. At the moment we had Dinah, Charlotte and Taylor while Kyna had the Polyhistor devices as tech based Thinker devices to augment my artificial intelligences.

Scouring the Internet was rather easy though one of the programs that augmented their abilities watched out for memetic effects. It was…untested though so there wasn't much I could say on whether or not it would work.

Last Echo wasn't well known, being fairly new to the scene. Showing up about a month ago. We would have to keep an eye on him, but he seemed nice enough to fit into the White Lotus.

Our third cape was a Master cape capable of creating a select amount of minions, a several year old hero calling himself Jarl. He was a little more violent than the first two but he had also rebuffed a neo-nazi group that thought his name coming from the Norse meant anything.

He kicked the absolute shit out of them and chased them out of town. So at the least he didn't seem amenable to the kind of groups that usually took names like his.

"So what did you think of them?" I asked Vicky, finishing off some small coding adjustments to the Sting implemented into the cannon.

"I've met Casaba in person before, she's really nice and her power is strong. She would fit really well with the team. Pretty cooperative too." Casaba was well known for being able to team up with virtually anyone, even some of the grumpier capes.

"So is she in?" Without a projection I couldn't see her face but I could hear the smugness.

"Yep. It didn't take a lot, the money, the resources and our good track record made it easy." She replied back with a chipper attitude, but I could tell she was weighing strategies in her head. Vicky was no dumb brute after all…or at least not anymore.

"Last Echo?" I questioned and there was a brief pause.

"He was even easier to convince, he pretty much showed up the moment I finished setting up. Thinkers am I right?"

"Did Terra or Delphi get anything out of him?" Charlotte had been nearby while Dinah was monitoring them from afar just in case.

"Delphi doesn't think he's a threat…to us anyway, and Terra found him to be truthful." I nodded, it was very difficult to lie to Terra's vibration sense. She could sense and pick up vibrations for kilometers, though the fidelity dropped over time.

Up close she could pick up ants and beads of sweat on someone's face, and more or less had excellent and very accurate intuition from her ability to analyze wavelengths.

Having a bud from Broadcast would tend to involve communication as a rather important function of her power. That she was a prodigy in the elemental martial art of Earth only worsened the gulf between her and normal people.

"How did it go with Jarl? He seems like he would be a more difficult cape." Vicky let out a hum.

"He said and I'm quoting here 'You look like you're on the up and up, but I need to see your mettle." She made her voice deeper and gruffer, as if emulating the cape. "I'll probably join up with him on a patrol, see if that convinces him."

"Good thing you're free almost half of the week huh?" I chuckled and Vicky hummed again. Both Dallon sisters took four days out of their week for college, and quite a few of my teammates had their own things going on outside of caping. Not that it was a problem, I didn't need 24/7 workers. That would just be a dysfunctional mess. "Well, is there anything else you wanted to talk about? I've got some time even with my calibrations." I tapped a few buttons, inspecting the alignment of the nuclear bomb yield superweapon.

"I'd like to chat but…I still have a few things to take care of in Baltimore. You've brought some people over for the White Lotus right?"

"Yep, it took some time to get actual staff besides our legal team but we're working on it." While we technically didn't need as many staff as say a Protectorate team, we needed some mostly to settle disputes between members as well as to have some level of rules put in place.

I…probably wouldn't hire people to fight alongside us, though there was an ex-PRT Officer or five I was considering due to their expertise. I had an idea of two of hiring some White Lotus workers part time to make use of my Tinkertech.

"Well…have fun with your calibrations. Byeee." She hung up, and I smiled as I finished up on a few things.

The Thanix cannon had Sting implemented into its functionality and with the targeting of hundreds of dimensions could follow a shard's multidimensional body anywhere. However I had found there were some missing components to the construction of my superweapon.

There was some type of focusing array and an energized component I had substituted for with a Sting field. Other enhancements like alterations of the physical laws would come later as my understanding of Entity abilities grew and became more refined.

I had made a lot of guesses on what Reaper technology was like and it was frankly terrifying. They were a good four times faster than even the best mass effect based scout vessel, and had energy impact shielding that could withstand nearly any form of attack.

The best weapons were anti-particle beams, magnetohydrodynamic bursts, and degenerate or strange matter attacks.

Their hulls were supernaturally durable, and I didn't have to imagine that being the physical shell of billions of damned souls didn't impart some enduring strength to their great bodies.

I would need at least four to six dreadnoughts to equal the calculated firepower of a Reaper. A shard could kill one off easily enough due to sheer mass alone…but Reapers didn't play fair. If they were able to twist and bend the spirits to their whims I doubt the Entities would be immune.

But that's another story…I was talking about my ship wasn't I?

The Samsara had a triple layered floating hull, with multiple kinetic barriers powerful enough to bounce fire from smaller dreadnoughts. Each layer had a store of nano-impregnated reactive omni-gel to repair damage.

The outer shield was rather more special, a heavily modified omni-shield scaled up to defend the cruiser from more esoteric defenses. Unfortunately this was more difficult to make use of because of Bakuda's limitations. Her tech wasn't directly defensive, though she could certainly generate them through bombs or cannons.

Her ability to tune wavelengths was limited to breaking things rather than fixing them, a more brute force implementation of Stilling versus the more subtle manipulations of Clarke. The exchange there was one of speed and production capacity.

Making things that destroy was easier than making things that create, and Bakuda didn't seem to mind her limits since she could still push her specialities. Healing bombs based on scans of Scapegoat and Panacea.

But they were easily weaponizable, Scapegoat's dimensional displacement could rip someone apart by telefragging them with body part copies while Panacea bombs can go from repairing damage to causing it. Cancer bombs or simply dismantling our DNA or causing misfolded proteins.

Her matter transfer and transmutation bombs could be used peacefully, but converting people to gold was well within her ability.

Regardless I had developed a very basic understanding of Stilling, it was the manipulation of multidimensional energy fields, the near-complete patterns of quantum motion responsible for every natural phenomena, from the motions corresponding to heat and kinetic energy all the way to electron motion to dismantle molecules.

Which was why it had an effect on Time with Scion breaking out of Grey Boy bubbles with Stilling. There was a corresponding measurement as a part of spacetime. Time had to exist in some shape or form or else there would be no advancement, no motion, no change. A single slice of a three dimensional object can't move without a time axis to propagate through.

It's why FTL doesn't make sense, because the length of the path equals the number of slices that will fit within the constraints of the known laws of physics. There are no paths to go beyond the null time of zero mass particles like light, where no time passes at all for the object. FTL would be an imaginary path, and while that might work for math related to electronics, it was very different for the laws of physics.

It only worked because someone or something had skewed off the bounds of reality, managing to find, create or discover more than the initial dimensions of the Minkowski space manifold, using those new paths to warp, twist, bend and rip at the fabric of reality. The Entities were in part made of the strange energies and particles that existed in these higher dimensions, and used them to alter reality.

Thus Stilling was a deeper application of this, a cluster of shards dedicated to detecting eleven dimensional motions and stilling or slowing them. A sort of band stop filter superpower.

An omni-shield used Rydberg blockade phenomena to form photonic molecules that were then sealed and stabilized by low-level mass effect fields. I used some of what I had learned from studying Stilling and studying New Wave and studying the Rig barrier itself. I used dark energy fields…no zero-particle fields to tweak the motion of electromagnetic and nuclear forces, as well as making use of better photonic molecule configurations to reduce energy costs.

That let me superscale the outer shield into a rotating energy shield powerful enough to bounce even a hit from a Reaper.


Brief contact was possible even with a dreadnought-scale Cyclonic barrier, but the time spent not dying had to be spent getting out of the way before the shields would fail. If you could keep moving you would live…but if you failed…


That the outer shield shined the same color as Zion was well noted, but I didn't much care. The only trouble was that Sting would cut through the thing like a hot knife through butter…but that was really applicable to all defenses anyway. Best I could do was some type of telekinetic slap to knock away the object or rapid FTL jumps to dodge.

But that would only work on my Sting devices because they lacked the severing of physical laws that applies to the true attack.

So dodging it is.

I shook my head, leaving behind the main battery and opening a portal to the CIC of the Samsara.

That had been months in the making once I realized the difficulties with extending the network out into space. That was a substantial expenditure of energy and there was a small amount of lag due to the space folding method being rather inefficient. Each ship coming off the line had a self-contained portal network, implementing dimensional folding and paths in the ship's spirit world to open gates.

It was much less costly due to being anchored by the spirit world and it gave me ideas for transportation methods. Or it's use as shielding, deflecting attacks by directing the energy through portals.

I sat down on the pilot's seat, made out of very good quality leather-like smart matter. I placed my hands down on the omni-field screen, and decided to answer the call of a certain species of alien bugs.

The ship lurched, already moving away from the shipyard constructed to complete it, one that could build another identical cruiser in a month as long as it had the materials to break down and reassemble into a ship. It was an enormous truss structure, thousands of construction drones and mechs forming the labor of the factory, along with processing modules for the kilometer wide asteroid I had taken for myself. Rich in a lot of the elements needed for a spaceship.

The ship hit FTL without any fanfare, heading directly toward Tau Ceti. At full throttle that would take just a little over an hour, so I leaned back on my chair for a nap, and pushed out a bit. I could hear the whistles and clicks of a few Rachni soldiers, a softy and comforting melody playing.

It was going to be an hour…and I was going to enjoy some sleep.

August 28th, 2011. 6:30PM

Basilia Rubio

Tau Ceti was coming along nicely, if the sensor fusion suite lighting up like a Christmas tree wasn't a sign on its own. Tau Ceti was a packed planetary neighborhood with nine planets. Large rocky worlds hugging their star closely with only three exceptions. A super-Earth orbiting at 1.35 AU with a primitive native biosphere, a Jupiter-analogue just 3 AU out and…

A planet two and a half times the mass of the Earth with a 322 day orbital period, with a slow rotation, an atmosphere five times denser than Earth's and a strong greenhouse effect to keep it from being too cold. The gravity was 48% higher than on Earth, and everything about the planet was alien yet similar.

It was a tropical world, the constant sunlight due to a solar day hundreds of Earth days long unlike anything I had ever seen. It was just like the Rachni to take on the strangest and most unusual worlds for themselves. It wasn't like they were as limited in their biology as we were.

Their ten base pair genetics gave them the ability to digest and synthesize hundreds if not thousands of possible amino acids, and gave them a lot of room for alien biologies. It helped that certain nucleobases evolved again and again due to being more stable. Out of millions of possible nucleobases, only a fraction of a percent would be able to survive in the long term while cooking in the primordial soup.

On this planet…on Nanna, their genetic backbone used a derivative of Hexose instead of deoxyribose or ribose. They used the same base pairs as on Earth along with two additional pairs the Rachni called quarene and pyronene. They took the place of cytosine and guanine, but classic C and G entered their gene code about…five something billion years ago?

Evolution on this planet was initially slow due to constraints of their genetics, so in levels of 'sophistication' they were around our own level…though with access to 47 amino acids they had some tricks we couldn't pull off on Earth.

Complicated as shit in layman's terms effectively.

I parked the 660 meter long vessel along the arms of a space station a kilometer in diameter and five kilometer along, not fully built but clearly being worked on at top speed. A single cruiser, a small one at four hundred fifty meters flew past us. It had the organic lines that fit a Rachni design to a tee, and with a brief lensing of light it vanished into FTL.

This was likely one of multiple planned stations, defense and manufacturing platforms to defend Rachni hives. I knew they had mass driver cannons and missile and torpedo launchers by the dozens down there on the planet, and the same applied for the dozen systems they had scattered themselves around.

I think they numbered somewhere just above a million, and with fifteen breeding queens they had more than enough to reproduce quickly and efficiently. But again only a fraction of those were soldiers and brood warriors, maybe about two percent. Enough to scare the shit out of a small country but fairly anemic for what was supposed to be an interstellar empire.

They had a few hundred ships, made up mostly of patrol boats with only a few dozen 'real' warships coming out of their shipyards. Four cruisers, 20 frigates and twelve destroyers.

But thirty six ships was still more than enough to bombard every city on Earth and reduce humanity to cinders, and the Rachni were more than capable of biowarfare if they wanted to be vicious.

Which they weren't, not because of a lack of ability but because they didn't want to.

I opened a portal to one of the docking ports because I hadn't yet implemented synchronization of portal networks between different systems. The Rachni had figured out my tech quite a while ago, though the efficiency of my stuff was better by anywhere from three to thirty three percent depending on what it was.

Their FTL was slower because they didn't have infinite Endbringer flesh to harvest, but they did make synthetic organic crystal projectors and resonators for their own cores. The difference wasn't much though because of how crude my interface was, had to be with my incomplete understanding.

A few minutes was all it took to enter the space station with the interior hive packed with tens of thousands of Rachni. There was the hiss of atmosphere influx, and I tilted my head when a few soldiers approached me.

They were shorter than me, averaging at about three feet tall and one hundred thirty pounds, with a few big guys at almost Dinah's height and two hundred pounds. They were led by a Brood Lord, his song weaving the notes of the swarm to his whims. He was much more intimidating, standing at a solid eleven feet tall.

He was more robust than Anansi. Especially in the black obsidian armor that I now knew was standard in the regalia in the hive of Marajoara-Arawak, Djembe Marcato was a queen of war after all.

"Greetings, Vyasa, Singer of Knowledge." I stuttered to a stop, concern filling me. That term…I still heard it every so often, whispered by the spirits, muttered in my dreams and odd nightmares. I had never bothered to check what it meant because it was uncomfortable, and I hadn't done so until recently.

Vyasa was the author of the Mahabharata, of the Puranas, and of the Vedas. In context it made the term less confusing…but also more disturbing. When I looked up the context, and the general line of thoughts and beliefs relating to the Vedas.

They were of divine origin, sacred sounds and texts later written down by ancient sages. I'm not sure if that meant anything, if there was a reason that Veda had the name that she did.

I ignored that concern for now, deciding to greet him back. "Greetings to you as well…" He subtly pointed to the name tag on his armor. "Honorable Cadences of the Swirling Storm. I am pleased to see that the Rachni thrive and prosper." He was one of the first Warriors of Hive Marajoara-Arawak, because I recognized a slight reddish discoloration along his mandibled jaw.

Was it weird that I could pick out individuals from a hive species or was that just me?

"Why did you call me here? The message from your Queen didn't elaborate on the emergency." He gestured for me to follow him and I did so without a second thought.

"We required someone with your expertise my lady, one more versed in the songs and notes of dimensional boundaries." His melody was soft and enticing, a strength and power that radiated from his being. The undercurrent of viciously yellow fear curdled his song, and I hummed quietly in response.

"What happened?" I said carefully as we came up upon a window made out of s transparent material as strong as high grade nanometric titanium. Based on what my suit told me anyway. I stopped when I saw the frigate that was under repair

The wedge-shaped craft had a large gouge cut into its armor, easily extending for dozens of meters along the one hundred fifty meter long vessel. It looked like it had tussled with a Thresher Maw, and I blinked repeatedly and found no change.

"One of Abeona-Adiona's scout vessels was severely damaged by an anomaly in the 61 Virginis system…as you humans call it."

"Was anyone hurt?" I asked and he chittered sadly.

"We lost some of our workers, and their notes will become a part of our Ancestral Hymns. Recycled and reborn as new notes of the Universal Song." He played soft songs, and I nodded in understanding.

It wasn't a metaphor, whatever the Rachni were, whatever they had become through natural evolution and through the changes forced upon them by a dozen species trying to weaponize them. They knew very well of the unbroken cycles of reincarnation, of the arcane machinery sprawling across every galaxy in every universe.

It was a machine that would make even the strongest and most powerful Entity look like a mere speck of dust. The song of the Rachni was deeper, more in tune with this aspect of reality.

"61 Virginis has a habitable planet doesn't it? Did it have natives?" I asked, feeling less at ease than before.

"It should not have, we did not hear the song of a living race. But we did find an echo, a murmuring cry in the dark." Holographic projectors brought forth a recording of the surface of the fifth planet from the star. Their war beasts chuffed loudly, and some even flew with mass effect based flight.

There was a faint distortion in the air, and there was complete silence, like any native animals were too terrified to approach the area. Footage rolled at an accelerated rate, and the data scrolling by was familiar. Light bending oddly, slight differences in gravity, and larger warped holes in space.

A large flat disk of cracked greenish metal was the only other evidence of something strange. Once it was considered safe, the frigate entered low orbit…and the disk vibrated, interlocked sections rotating before opening up and releasing a blue-gold beam. Seconds later, mass accelerator fire struck the disk head on and missiles detonated with antimatter warheads shredding the apparently old defense weapon.

"The weapon was destroyed in retaliation and what we recovered indicated it is of an age comparable to the twisting blade. And of similar composition." Honorable Cadences wasn't doing much for reassuring me that the universe wasn't a place of horrors and dangerous things hiding in the dark.

"So what you're saying is that my section of reality has some form of reality warping superweapons in certain universes?"

"That is what we have told you, yes." He confirmed without even a hint of trying to tone it down.

"Has anything else crawled out of the portals?"

"Nothing has come out of that gate in one hundred and fifty years. That object was likely left there…before it's operators' deaths."

I looked right at the Rachni . "What?"

He looked more apologetic, shrinking back. "We heard the echo…it was not a gentle echo."


"Have you at least managed to close the portal?" It gave a human nod, and I felt some amount of relief. "Best bet then is to find and dispose of or contain any anomalous technology on the planet. Run as many sensor sweeps of the planet, from top to bottom, was there anything else you found or was that it?"

"A short transmission burst was detected and recorded, lensing from an off-center dimensional coordinate." He waved his personal omni-tool, and a short and rather garbled burst followed. It looped for several minutes before going silent when another signal…responded back.

"Are they related or…?" There was some intuition that we were barking up the wrong tree.

"No. The signal design is distinct from your reverse engineering of the math behind this unknown machinery."

That was worrying and interesting, a signal of unknown architecture and unknown source.

My helmet retracted so I could rub my chin, the atmosphere was suitable for humans because while the Rachni were fine with deadly atmospheres a human-compatible atmosphere is still suitable for their species.

"I'm not sure there's much I can do besides homing in on the dimensional coordinates, if they come from a similar source to the other anomaly then direct interactions could be dangerous without preparation."

"You are more capable of discerning such things than we the Rachni, all we ask is assistance in this matter." Honorable Cadences sounded worried and I waved him off.

"It's fine, it's a little worrying but I'm invested in finding out what's going on just as much as you." There were things I didn't know, knowledge that could come back and bite me in the ass if I let it go.

"Mayhaps you would like to take a break?" I nodded, and a few of the workers took off from their work, green-gold excitement radiating into the air.

"Catch! Catch! Catch!" I let out a yelp when an object slammed into my face, and I scrambled to grab it before it could fall.

It was an old fashioned ball.

I glanced at the workers, and then at a few soldiers and surprisingly Honorable Cadences seemed just as invested.

I threw the ball and the room broke down into a cacophony of excited clicks, whistles, chitinous cracking and shimmering and weaving notes.

AN: A bit sooner than I was originally meant to put out, but I didn't catch the date so I messed up there. I'll probably keep with a four day update schedule, and I'm starting on 11.8 and have sections of the interludes written, plus one section of 11.7 needs to be done.

So that's it pretty much, have fun reading.
I'm feeling impotent rage at 'how dare those aliens be so cute where I cannot hug them!!!!'

And other complex emotions.

Also it is worth noting that humanity is a measure of capacities. Check off most of the boxes on the list, and you are just mostly human, like most psychopaths or autists (like myself). Check off more boxes that are beyond the original list, but still miss a few from the original list, you are again mostly human, if also somewhat alien. Check off all the boxes on the list, and then check off even more boxes beyond the list, and you are still human, extra checkboxes irrelevant.

Flesh is only important as a checkbox because of the fact our flesh is an entire second brain all of it's own, with it's own memory and programming structure that shapes our experience.
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I'm feeling impotent rage at 'how dare those aliens be so cute where I cannot hug them!!!!'

And other complex emotions.

Also it is worth noting that humanity is a measure of capacities. Check off most of the boxes on the list, and you are just mostly human, like most psychopaths or autists (like myself). Check off more boxes that are beyond the original list, but still miss a few from the original list, you are again mostly human, if also somewhat alien. Check off all the boxes on the list, and then check off even more boxes beyond the list, and you are still human, extra checkboxes irrelevant.

Flesh is only important as a checkbox because of the fact our flesh is an entire second brain all of it's own, with it's own memory and programming structure that shapes our experience.
You're not wrong, and I(and thus Basilia) are on the spectrum so she understands that humanity is quite variable. She knows that, but it's sort of one of those things where's it's a bit of a shock. Like most people she doesn't fully understand the implications of her soul being in part merged with something so…alien.

Its not a rational feeling, but Basilia will try to adapt. Still what you said makes perfect sense.
You're not wrong, and I(and thus Basilia) are on the spectrum so she understands that humanity is quite variable. She knows that, but it's sort of one of those things where's it's a bit of a shock. Like most people she doesn't fully understand the implications of her soul being in part merged with something so…alien.

Its not a rational feeling, but Basilia will try to adapt. Still what you said makes perfect sense.

Basilia is confused because many people are historically trained to translate cultural behaviorisms as humanity, so differences in behaviorisms is historically a sign of objective nonpersonhood, or emotionally worse, a failure of a parent in raising a child able to survive or reproduce. That would be the biggest communication hurdle Basilia would have in hypothetically reconciling with her parents, addressing the confusion of those bone deep instincts given cultural forms.

Now, the purpose of such training historically is to insure the lowest common denominator of a society's genetic roulette remain usable by the executives of a given society.

No empathy? No ego? No intellect? No discipline? No brain? No bones? No body? No problem! Just copy these rituals and obey the rules of propriety! No you aren't allow to question them or you'll be flagged as the degenerate subhuman you really are, and the best possible case you will be killed by your family for bringing them shame, and the powers that be will openly approve! Oh, you literally can't do even that much? Then you must be hidden in the dark until such a time that you can, or else...

Yeah, every society has that as part of its structure, it's a trauma born from multiple era of necessity, and it's only in times of technological resource abundance or chance uniting of liberal naturalist philosophies that a society's culture officially decouples humanity into it's own thing, and even then it can lingers for three or four generations as the trauma of historical necessity is winnowed away by the times of comforting abundance.
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Basilia is confused because many people are historically trained to translate cultural behaviorisms as humanity, so differences in behaviorisms is historically a sign of objective nonpersonhood, or emotionally worse, a failure of a parent in raising a child able to survive or reproduce. That would be the biggest communication hurdle Basilia would have in hypothetically reconciling with her parents, addressing the confusion of those bone deep instincts given cultural forms.

Now, the purpose of such training historically is to insure the lowest common denominator of a society's genetic roulette remain usable by the executives of a given society.

No empathy? No ego? No intellect? No discipline? No brain? No bones? No body? No problem! Just copy these rituals and obey the rules of propriety! No you aren't allow to question them or you'll be flagged as the degenerate subhuman you really are, and the best possible case you will be killed by your family for bringing them shame, and the powers that be will openly approve! Oh, you literally can't do even that much? Then you must be hidden in the dark until such a time that you can, or else...

Yeah, every society has that as part of its structure, it's a trauma born from multiple era of necessity, and it's only in times of technological resource abundance or chance uniting of liberal naturalist philosophies that a society's culture officially decouples humanity into it's own thing, and even then it can lingers for three or four generations as the trauma of historical necessity is winnowed away by the times of comforting abundance.
Not wrong I think, though perhaps not the way I would word it, though I can be quite passive if I'm not insulted or made angry. Basilia is a bit of an anxious person at times so that little niggle of doubt in herself or others shows up from time to time even when she knows it won't be that much of a problem.

But some of her issues also result from the lack of choice. One thing to figure out she's bi or some other part of that rainbow of diversity. That's something her parents will understand fine given some minor explanation and time. It's quite another to be given bending and shard powers and having to save the world or everyone she'll ever know will die a horrible, horrible death. To have a fundamental part of your being changed against your will.

Shamanism of course doesn't remind her of that issue because it's hers. She was born a shaman, and if she had stayed on her Earth would have become one of the first shamans.

And there's always going to be a bit of a gulf there, like trying to describe a sixth sense or a lack of a sense to another person. Not impossible but hard.

But no one ever said being the 'hero' would be easy.
Not wrong I think, though perhaps not the way I would word it, though I can be quite passive if I'm not insulted or made angry. Basilia is a bit of an anxious person at times so that little niggle of doubt in herself or others shows up from time to time even when she knows it won't be that much of a problem.

But some of her issues also result from the lack of choice. One thing to figure out she's bi or some other part of that rainbow of diversity. That's something her parents will understand fine given some minor explanation and time. It's quite another to be given bending and shard powers and having to save the world or everyone she'll ever know will die a horrible, horrible death. To have a fundamental part of your being changed against your will.

Shamanism of course doesn't remind her of that issue because it's hers. She was born a shaman, and if she had stayed on her Earth would have become one of the first shamans.

And there's always going to be a bit of a gulf there, like trying to describe a sixth sense or a lack of a sense to another person. Not impossible but hard.

But no one ever said being the 'hero' would be easy.

Eh, being a Hero is the same as being a King. Distance from ones people comes naturally, as to be a Hero/King is to be an alien existence, by the eyes of your fellow humanity.

Gilgamesh taught us that!

Unless Basilia never played/watched Fate/Stay Night?
Eh, being a Hero is the same as being a King. Distance from ones people comes naturally, as to be a Hero/King is to be an alien existence, by the eyes of your fellow humanity.

Gilgamesh taught us that!

Unless Basilia never played/watched Fate/Stay Night?
Watched sure, accepting it…probably not. She might have problems socializing but she very much loves her family even if she's bad at showing it. Choice is very much something important to her, the ability to at the least direct her own destiny. She would have accepted distance if it had been her own choice, but going through the hero.'s journey in Worm very much is not that.

A lot of things that will go down in Victories of the Soul will all be about choice.

I got your reference, she's watched…Unlimited Blade Works, and way more fanfiction than she would hope anyone ask her about it.
Repercussion 11.7
Repercussion 11.7

August 31st, 2011. 2:00PM

Basilia Rubio

A portal was punched into existence, right outside the boundaries of New York City. I could see Legend flying in the distance, my suit warning me of the odd energies he was made of. It was a specific method of altering physical constants to seamlessly shift matter into a form of exotic energy and back again, with his lasers and limited dynakinesis being further expressions of such a power.

It broke physics. But that was saying very little when such supernatural abilities were inherent to the damn Wyrms as a whole. I had some scans taken, and I think I might be able to figure out his power someday. At the moment though it was limited to manipulating light in new and better ways.

I turned my head, and Legend was there in a flash of blue light. He was still one of the fastest capes in the world, so it wasn't unexpected even if it almost gave me a heart attack.

"Something you wanted to talk about?" Legend smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. I wasn't sure when I had become so jaded, because for all that he was one of the most famous and powerful capes in the world.

I didn't find myself intimidated by reputation alone. Though if he had been a villain maybe I would have been. But it wasn't like he was one of my heroes, because my world had none…and in some ways it was better for it.

He gestured for me to walk away from the stable portal, one of three I had put in place. Current plans were to open up about a dozen in the next few months in select locations, through the Protectorate and the PRT rather than making deals with Cauldron.

Because that was never happening until near the very end and in indirect ways. The things they usually did to keep things running, which they were getting more hands off in certain places due to reforms being made in the system itself. From what I had taken a look at with my AI modeled research.

Watchdog was getting a new influx of thinkers who were stable enough and creative enough to make things run more smoothly. The slight reductions in conflict gave countries more breathing room, but a lot of the problems would take years to even decades to sort out.

South America was a mess, Africa ranged from a warlord filled wasteland to stable but deteriorating nation states like Bet America. Europe was hanging on by a few threads and China was mostly ruled by a supersized North Korea. And I already heard the rumors of a possible civil war in the near future.

I gestured and opened a portal and Legend followed me out of sight and out of mind. We were on an alternate Earth Bet, one that had destroyed itself in nuclear war and was then finished off by a supervolcanic eruption and an asteroid impact.

"Is this about Cauldron?" Legend stopped, not not before landing on the soft dirt of a dead world.

"Do you work for them?" He asked, eyes flickering. "Did you know about the Case 53s, about Contessa, and about the things they've been doing?"

I nearly burst out laughing, and when he didn't say anything else I did laugh. He was confused so I explained it to him as I turned to face him.

"Work for them…? God no, I don't have the stomach for it. I knew about them for quite a while through sources that you wouldn't believe." Yet. "I've talked to Contessa about twice…and our only other interactions were when she gave me a dozen vials. Apparently I stop Deviants from mutating, probably because of my power." I doubt I was sporting a nice smile so it was lucky that Keith couldn't see my face.

"What have you done with the vials?" He sounded more curious than outraged, even if there was some small amount of hurt I could identify in his body language.

"Studied them mostly, my scanners work down to a subatomic scale and can pick out dimensional manipulations much more effectively. It's what I've been doing with Leviathan's corpse since it's genetically modified Shard flesh."

"You're trying to figure out powers." I almost wanted to sarcastically say if he wanted a cookie for stating the obvious but stopped myself.

"I've been making quite a lot of progress, I have a basic idea of how they alter reality but applying that into a device is more difficult." I dropped my hands into my pocket and pulled out one experimental bracelet. "Here." I threw it at him and he caught it as he walked. "Put it on and gesture like this." I made a finger gun and he looked surprised when a potent blast of fire followed his gesture.

"Did you…" I shook my head.

"I'm close but not quite there yet, I've folded away some of the machinery and it's basically an electromagnetic field generator to turn and direct superheated plasma." I generated a pull and the bracelet came off of his wrist, and I stored it back in my armor pockets. "But it's closer than anyone else has ever gotten, and I have the rough math to pull off some of their reality altering tricks."

"Will it help against him…?" Legend was careful with his words, but I knew what he meant

"Probably if he's still the thing that's going to end the world." Which wasn't a guarantee anymore. "I have some insight into his weaknesses, but they're no silver bullet. We need dozens of different things coming together for whatever is coming."

I could see his concern as he replied. "It's because of Scion's odd behavior lately? You're not so certain he'll destroy the world anymore." He was smart, and had to be after decades of experience as a cape.

"It's not impossible he'll still crack but a few things I've found have made me worry that we're missing something obvious. A threat lying in wait under our very feet." God if I didn't hate the smell of alcohol I'd be roaring drunk right about now. "At the least the numbers improve if we continue to work towards projects capable of damaging him."

Legend crossed his arms, floating off the ground. "So the same tools that can hurt Scion will improve our chances. What can damage him?"

"Scion's species are transdimensional creatures, existing in multiple higher dimensions and able to insinuate themselves across multiple reality layers. Weapons or powers capable of piercing the veil work best, Flechette is one such cape, Damsel of Distress is another, and enough tinkers cooperating at once could build something capable of breaking through dimensions."

"Then what's the problem?" Legend kept talking and I didn't mind at all because he wasn't a total dick like his friends.

"Scion has his own Path to Victory, an unrestricted version of Contessa's power though with a small difference in efficiency." Abbadon's version was a quarter a percent better from what I had been told by Dinah's shard. "He'll be able to predict and dodge any such attack, and if you break through…you still need to be able to wipe out a continent's worry of mass to cripple him like what was done to his partner." I kicked the ground, making it shake with my bending.

"And even without that power he's still one of the most powerful beings on Earth." He sounded bitter and I understood it just fine.

"His ability to manipulate wavelengths is unrivaled, a toolset shard that will let him dismantle the defenses of any cape." I pulled back my helmet to rub my temple, unable to stop a headache from forming. "He's not truly indestructible, and my cruiser was built as a superweapon capable of punching through into his main body but it's still Scion we're talking about here."

"Wavelengths…" He muttered, before his attention shifted. "How is Clarke by the way?" There was an uncertainty in his voice, like he was afraid to find out.

"Clarke is fine, a little disoriented and a little messed up from the whole…dying thing but he's whole. Soul and all." I thumped my fist against my chest, flashing Legend the best smile I could. Even if he couldn't see it.

I didn't think that through so I'm going tonignkr

"It's going to take a while to let him return into the public eye…we're figuring out ways of making it less…shocking."

"You could say that you managed to find a way to save him, but that the attempt went awry and you didn't figure out how to revive him until now maybe? Powers are weird." I suggested and he looked taken to the idea. "But it won't work forever and eventually it'll come out."

"They haven't told me much about you…so I'm in a bit in the dark here. But I did have an idea that you knew more than you should…and more than even Cauldron does." He didn't accuse me, but there was an undertone of curiosity and wariness combined.

"They know I'm not from around here right?" Legend didn't answer immediately and that was enough of an answer. "Didn't think so, I might be able to dismantle every computer on Bet, it doesn't mean it'll fool the Number Man." I just wasn't important enough for them to care until more recently. "I'm not going into the specifics, but what I can tell you is that I knew a very general idea of the possible future…where Scion was beaten at great cost."

"How bad was it?"

"Billions of deaths across multiple dimensions, and the fight nearly fell apart anyway because getting an army isn't good enough if they can't work together. Alexandria never made it past this summer, and the Protectorate nearly fell apart because the Simurgh revealed Cauldron."

"…" I continued even past his speechlessness.

"The Travelers were Ziz bombs and Echidna was supposed to clone Eidolon and use him as a mouthpiece to break everything they've been working for."

"Why? How?" I smiled but it was a more sad than happy one.

"Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Cauldron thought about the big picture, but forgot it was made out of smaller pictures." I felt tired, almost solemn. The knowledge of the species that gave me my technology wasn't pure data, it carried a hint of the will of that dead species. The Salarians held shame in their archive. "They sacrificed and sacrificed without thought, all for the greater good. I…can't blame them for that."

Would my own people do better, would they try something different when there were so few alternatives? If the alternative was complete extinction, and a centuries long decline of our species. What would a Cauldron in my world have done, what would I have done?

You couldn't know.

"How…bad was it? In that future?" He didn't sound any better.

"They thought all their sacrifices were necessary, but they didn't think about the consequences, the implications, the price paid for their sins. In the end you, Number Man and Contessa were all that remained. The world was broken, and possibly on the way to recovery…but there was no guarantee there. Not really." I shrugged.

"How did they…die there?" He looked shocked and horrified.

"Alexandria is drowned on dry land by a teenage villain after misreading her while saying she was murdering her friends." Legend flinched. "Eidolon is broken by Scion with four simple words and is reaped by Glaistig Uaine." He crushed his hand into fists, stilling. "Cauldron as a whole is nearly destroyed by the Case 53s, it's leader is crushed to death by one of the people they mutilated while Contessa barely escapes at all."

It was so simple, they had died not because they were trying to save the world but because of the terrible actions they had done to try and save it at all.

"Can we change that at all…?"

I snorted at the question. "I already did, but I don't see or know whether it's possible to stop the Case 53s. The Simurgh might be dormant, but we don't know how long it'll be or if she didn't leave some plan on autopilot to correct her failure. Or whether I even should…I can't defend your friends on this one, I won't." I was adamant on that one, I wouldn't hinder them but neither was I going to help them.

"I understand." It was hard to want to protect people that have hurt people I know. Gregor and Newter weren't perfect but neither did they deserve the lives they had been given.

Sveta was worse, and I didn't have the right answers here. Would it be best to leave them to their fate, best to try and keep the Case 53s calm, to give them the answer they needed and that if they needed catharsis…

They could wait until the time was right. Try to appeal to their logic to save a world that has treated them like garbage?

I was a tinker, a shaman, give me a problem to solve with tech or spirits and I'm your woman. People were much more messy, and was a job left to LAIs, Thinkers and people specialized in dealing with people and all their messy irrationality.

For all my vaunted powers and capabilities I had my limits.

"We should probably go back, I've got some work to do anyhow. And so do you." I lightly patted his shoulder, my smile awkward and stilted. I opened a portal, gesturing for him to step through.

I was going to just hope he was a good enough person to keep some of what I had said to himself. Not the knowledge because some of it was worthless and what wasn't was useful but my own…opinion on them.

I knew he wasn't going to tell them everything I said.

Not that they wouldn't figure it out, but…I had better things to worry about than the opinions of Bet's Illuminati.

August 31st, 2011. 3:30PM

Basilia Rubio

27 capes didn't sound much like much, but it was hard not to reel back at the fact I had nearly as many capes as the Guild did back during their early days. Victoria has been a good choice despite her reputation, but she has mellowed out a lot over the last six, seven months.

So the White Lotus now had a foothold in Baltimore, three capes signing off as a branch in the city. Every little thing was in order, making sure to check for any legal or cape problems like poorly worded contracts or Stranger power effects.

She would spend some there to get the three capes in shape to work with one another and time to recruit one or two more capes while we got some staff on hand to help with things like psychological evaluations, minor technical things and further training if needed.

Mainly for the younger capes that had less experience. So Last Echo and Casaba, and I imagined Jarl would have some tips for us due to being in the game for five years, longer than most. They had the option of joining Athena directly like quite a few people had before. But they could also be given help in starting up their own independent businesses assisted by their powers.

There were multiple options available with the way the White Lotus was structured. For example Taylor had Skittering Seafood as a business that sold off controlled sea life at high prices due to their unique nature as a power-acquired food.

Yeah…the name was stupid but it was also kind of adorable how she thought it was a good name. Most of New Wave didn't work for Athena outside of being paid for power testing experiments, with the exception of Amy. I was also developing the idea of grabbing some of my scientists to work on decoding powers more directly.

Oh god was I turning into a more public Cauldron?

"Boss, are you gonna blink or not?" I snapped out of my musing, flushing when I saw some of my employees expressing genuine concern. Joanna was holding up a device in her hand, one that I recognized as being a much smaller version of the TPIA and a short scan found a a gram of eezo packed into the machine in a triangular configuration.

It was a modified electromagnetic resonance scanner, the peak of Earth Bet technology. Room temperature superconductors and miniaturized plasma Wakefield designs made it a scanner the size of a large pistol rather than the size of a cart. The improved acceleration from a primitive emulation of a mass accelerator rail made it even more potent, and the simplified optronic chip and programmed VI made possible by my free publications of how to build them was the icing on the cake.

Free publications of how to build VI's I meant.

The post-processing made crisp atom-resolution scans quite easy, and my team was already figuring out means of using eezo for new scanning mechanisms. Mainly graviton and dark particle bombardment to better probe dimensions.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. We were supposed to talk with Masamune were we not?" Regular inspections once a month were pretty typical, though Masamune likes to show up more often to talk with the young folk.

Not that he was that old, he was just very homely.

Was that an insult? Did it matter?

"We were going to present some new data about our scanners, it took a while to build them but we have good people." Especially since this section of Athena had one hundred forty people dedicated to the operation of the entire division, and a new project in Applied Metaphysics for scanning and detection of the soul and scientific analysis of shamanistic practice.

Hell…I just remembered that the Systems Alliance had prototypes for an exoskeleton that could trick your soul into thinking you're a bender. Plus means of permanently inducing bending from studying Nazara's corpse.

Of course without Reapers to harvest for materials there wasn't much of a point.

Probably for the best.

"Where is he anyways?" I stood up from my swivel chair in the Hyperdimensional Research Laboratory.

"One of the Power Testing rooms." Sean Connor butted in, reminding me that the Parahuman powers expert was still with us. I kept walking, a group of three following me into the room. Masamune still had his spider-bot device helping him move around, though I knew that was more for the array of sensors it offered than because of his frail body.

"Hello Masamune." I greeted the cape as he seemed to be readily scanning some of the equipment in the room. We had different machines for testing powers, some of them standard equipment from the same suppliers as the PRT, though often augmented with our better sensor and scanner technology.

"Ahh Erudition." He brightened up, lips pulled into a warm but small smile. "I was taking a look at some of your equipment, it's quite a bit more refined for machines that aren't Tinkertech." The third person accompanying me beamed since she was the mastermind behind the construction of a lot of our equipment using my principles and means.

"That would be my work along with the work of my team Masamune." The young blonde chipped in, preening herself in response. "Dr. Williams at your service."

"I see, then my eyes don't deceive me." He was looking at a consolidated data graph, as well as a physical scan of Parahumans using their power. I could see that they had recently done testing with Golem, his Corona Pollentia lighting up in a pattern. As mass was generated from surfaces in his range, similar odd patterns emerged surrounding the hundreds of kilograms of generated mass.

We had developed electromagnetic resonance imaging scanners capable of imaging dimensional effects. It used the hyperdimensional calculus principles required to make every machine relating to eezo and other strange effects work.

"Well they did already figure out how to poke holes into other realities, so it comes to mind that developing technology that can sense such effects would be kinda needed." I shrugged, feeling proud of my teams for managing to figure out what I was giving them.

"It's still rather impressive, and if this equipment will spread it'll make my production lines easier to construct." I nodded, I knew that Dragon was getting started on creating the Dragon's Teeth as the most elite teams of the PRT. As well as getting the materials for her own creation of portals in the near future.

Something about that was familiar but I wasn't sure what it was, like I was missing some important clue.

I gave it about a month before she was ready since she was spending time upgrading her computer systems from normal chips augmented by Tinkertech accelerators with a core of Tinkertech to full-on Tinkertech optical computation and advanced data storage devices in all systems. She also had quantum computation accelerators for computing and simulations of physics and other important fields.

"We've been working on better understanding and sensing powers for some time now, and with compact scanners like this we've made a lot of progress." Joanna added, looking proud of herself and of her team. "We've got some ideas of what we're doing now…barely. But it's a start."

"It's been a real help, your organization's research papers have advanced the field and made my job a lot easier." Masamune sounded grateful.

I tilted my head."You're talking about Dragon's little projects am I right?"

Masamune nodded, eyes looking to the side.

Theresa had been working nonstop on getting her projects in order from what I had heard. Her equipment was advanced enough to image power and power connections, and her power is a little more efficient at dissecting other tinkers than I am.

She was much more powerful than she had ever been but it took time and resources to ramp up, and she had to be extremely careful to keep herself from being hacked or infiltrated. Adjusting one's code was difficult and even if the Dragonslayers had been contained there was no telling whether they had a chance of escape.

At the least Dragon had two tinkers with some idea of AI programming to help her out. I was better than Collin naturally, every species I had in my head had some amount of AI technology and that added up over time. Barring the Krogan of course, but the Tetatae had AIs where their old human masters did not before they had vanished into the ether somehow. Which always left the Tetatae unnerved.

They had emerged to a mostly empty galaxy at first, and they had even found the homeworld of humanity, an 'Earth' that held nothing but bones and ashes. But there were others who had emerged in the wake of humanity's extinction.

A race of ape-men split into many warring stellar clans, learning from old human ruins to build a road to the stars. They were the Pinka, and numbered in the tens of billions in the thousands of years after the fall of man

A third race was a species from a former human planet called Babylon, green semi-erect scorpion-like creatures weighing several hundred pounds with no hive mind like the Thranx but they did have mind manipulating toxins. The best description would be a scorpion with the body type of a mantis shrimp.

The Golitha were actually a rather friendly species, traders and economists like the Volus with a trace of combativeness and edge to protect themselves.

"So I imagine you've gotten what you need right? Because I did have some private projects of my own." I rubbed my hands together and there was a light twinkle in the mid 30s tinker's eyes.

"Projects? What kind of projects?" He looked more curious than unset.

"I've been trying to figure out some new tech, a more advanced computer system and some new methods of dimensional manipulation." I wasn't specific because I wasn't completely sure what the law was on holding dangerous Tinkertech, much less foreign super-advanced human technology.

Because it was certainly human.

"I've always thought that collaborations between tinkers would create wonders, perhaps one of your own can help you? Give you perspective."

I leaned back, the thought actually percolating up into my brain. I wasn't just one tinker anymore, four tinkers, five if I include Hero and possibly a sixth if I can count on Rhizome as an ally.

The idea had merit, I had tinkers to draw upon for inspiration and assistance and I should make use of that.


August 31st, 2011. 4:30PM

Basilia Rubio

"Is…this what you were using my Polyhistor devices for?" Kyna asked, eyes wide as she used a holographic interface to interact with the Spiraling Blade. Which was my tentative name for the strange device I was attempting to reverse engineer.

The Rachni had been a big help due to their natural intuition towards tinkering, and their ability to parse some of the songs left behind by the sword's makers. Scans of the computer matrix had gone into replication of the physical structure of the crystalline processing unit.

The programming was mostly binary, but made use of ternary and quaternary logic in what were made to be certain software modules. Despite my misgivings I was trickle charging the device, powering up the computer components while leaving the more esoteric energy channels below the apparent threshold for powering up.

"Yep. The logic you use in your devices is very similar to what this thing has, and your device's ability to intuit details from such little data has simplified the process of reverse engineering what I need to talk to the sword." I patted her shoulder and I could see her fascination with the spiraling design of the anomalous object.

"Talk to…oh it's some type of brain interfacing machine." I blinked, and tapped Kyna on the shoulder.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, curious about why that came to mind first for Kyna.

She brushed back her red hair, flushing slightly and I noted her freckles in the process. "Look here." She rolled back footage of when we had charged the machine, the device sending out directed pulses or electromagnetic energy. "There's certain things I've seen with your DNI and how they poke at brain cells to transfer information."

I found the pattern quickly, and it made the sensors searching for things like DNA, electromagnetic patterns and other properties related to biology make a lot more sense.

"Well that's more than helpful if it's correct, but I'm not willing to put people in harm's way for what would effectively be a psychic magic sword. It sounds like a recipe for disaster." She grimaced, and her expression took on a certain gleam as if seeing something I didn't.

"What about presenting it with a DNA sample? Maybe that'll be enough to get a baseline on the blade?" Her suggestion wasn't dumb, so I quickly selected a sample from myself.

If this was from one of my world's alternates then my genetics were more likely to have a similar signature. So far Earth Bet's humanity seemed to be the same species as my own, but the geographic differences for Brockton Bay to exist were big enough to make a possible difference.

I rubbed my finger, not enjoying the prick needed to take a DNA sample and sent it off to a drone that would fly down onto the modest space station.

"Good idea. We'll have to wait a few minutes but we don't have a lot of options without completely dismantling the thing." Kyna beamed at my light praise, and I wondered how little praise she had been given in her life to be this happy.

"…" Kyna was quiet, so I decided to make conversation of my own accord.

"So how is school?" I cringed at the question but she didn't seem to mind my probing questions.

She lit up, lightly kicking out her legs in a back and forth motion. "Oh! I managed to make it to Arcadia because of my grades, the people there are really nice. Dinah is there, so she's helped me meet people. Like Jane and John, they're twins and both really nice. John is really into science while Jane really likes sports…"

I had started a tirade from the sixteen year old, barely able to keep up with the human equivalent of a Salarian. She talked long enough for the sample to get bagged and sent into the waiting hands of the strange sword.

The alarms rang soon after, and I returned my attention to the dangerous artifact that I now confirmed as dangerous. The trickle charger had been destroyed, thousands of megawatts of power drawn into the cables before they burst apart into plasma in only moments. Which wasn't a lot really, perhaps a few hundred kilowatt hours of energy.

The shaking sword attempted to reach out to draw power from other sources and was rebuffed by the dimensional barrier emplaced by Bakuda and I.

I was moments away from ordering a self destruct sequence before the sword went still, and a signal was sent to one of my machines that it could…understand?

I waited a minute for the data to filter down, constantly checked and evaluated by machine spirits and AI for malicious intent. I read the message translated from a language I identified as Arabic mixed with English, blinking slowly.

Portunus Owner Accepted.
Energy Reserves. 0.0001%
Gaian-Class Server Not Detected
Query? What task may this one accomplish?

"Oh…oh dear." I muttered aloud, swallowing nervously at what I had done. There was some level of intelligence in the device, and while it didn't seem to be a full sophont I couldn't be sure. I directed a message, taking control of one of the drones for that purpose. I coughed. "What is your purpose machine?" It bounced back a new message.

Acknowledgement. Purpose: Interfacing with the technology of the M{%*£~.

The message was garbled and broken, and I licked my lips. What else could I ask?

"Are you malicious? Do you have loyalty to your creators?" The sword replied back quickly.

Negative. This one's purpose does not relate to loyalty to the M#}%+> at all.
Affirmation. This one is only following the established Owner.

"Nye. Deliver the Spiraling Blade to my person at this location…" There was a certainty about what I was doing even if Kyna looked alarmed. I turned to her. "Kyna…no Skimmer, call the others in case this goes wrong." She nodded, and stepped through a portal back down to Earth since my shuttle was receiving a signal from seventy million miles away, floating in the Earth's atmosphere.

I put the shuttle into high gear, all the way into low FTL at around two hundred C. After a single second of FTL I was met by the shuttle carrying the blade, and it was delivered into the cargo space through a portal I opened up with the dimensional shifting of the drive core. After I had slowed down to a speed far below fractional C of course.

I lifted my hands, waiting for the other shoe to drop as the blade shook before stopping suddenly. The sword was glowing, lines sparking with blue energy before it shot out a spark at my face.

I had no choice to block or dodge the strike, and I could tell my DNI was fighting the influence with all it got. There was a message from the device.

Query. Permission to send mental recording?

"Well if you can do it by not attacking my brain I would prefer it." The blast of energy stopped and there was a bloop of a message being directed to my optic implants.

There was a small shift as I sat down, and the world around me turned into a distinct scene of a city of silver. And it was burning. A sound like fragmenting glass made itself known, bright cracks shattering the artificial ground befo—

A resounding boom followed and the image collapsed on itself. I stumbled, rubbing my head and hoping I hadn't made a mistake.

"What was that?" I demanded and the sw…the Portunus answered.

It directed the speech mentally, finding the frequencies that Veda could communicate and translate for me.

The fall of the Me[{%* and the destruction of this one's makers. There was no real emotion in the machine and I knew this was some type of sophisticated VI, a smart one to be sure but a VI nonetheless. It had a massive amount of storage but the capacity of the Portunus itself wasn't orders of magnitude beyond us. The fact my DNI had been blocking it without the help of my Master resistance was simply further reassurance.

"Why are you here? Why did you respond to me?"

Request accepted. This one fell through a dimensional fracture, DNA samples were sufficient to mark Basilia Rubio as effective Owner of this device.

"You're built to interface with technology, is that all you're capable of? Because I know you have some type of energy channel that I can't make heads or tails out of."

This one's secondary purpose would be as the equivalent of a USB, primary purpose became obsolete with the destruction of advanced civilization.

"You have no idea do you?" I said flatly, unable to believe this bullshit.

Negative. This one's Transdimensional Energy Foci were crippled by…by…by…!

I smacked the Portunus and that ended the loop it had been stuck on. I had been left with what was effectively century old Tinkertech glitching the fuck out.

"You don't have some weird psychic bond with me right?" I asked, not wanting to have more complications than they had already made.

Negative. This one operates based on biometric and energy field signatures.

"Excellent. So stop talking to my brain and start talking in spoken English." It was getting creepy and I didn't want more weird multidimensional entities talking to me than already did.

"Affirmative. This one requires a greater charge to restore lost functionality." I sighed at the request.

"What are your functions?" I was definitely going to get scolded for being insane, because I had clearly lost it. For thinking it was a good idea to allow even temporary access to my brain for a piece of Tinkertech.

"This one functions as an interface, transferring data and information between Lost technology. Programming for means of interfacing and data transfer remain within my core functions, all others have been permanently lost due to malfunctions and physical damage." It spoke honestly and rapidly and I was starting to think the universe was tucking with me.

"You're not sapient are you?" I questioned, hoping that wasn't the case.

"Negative. This one is the equivalent of a VI by your standards, this one lacks 'true' self awareness."

A call came quickly on my omni and I answered without thinking to reveal the enraged/worried face of one Taylor Hebert.

"Heey Taylor." I greeted her, and she looked pissed.

"Hey Basilia."

Oh I was so dead.

August 31st, 2011. 5:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I looked down to my feet, and my chin was lifted slightly to look up at Taylor. Her eyebrows were twitching, pointing at the device I had finally figured out after some seventeen days of having the thing in my possession.

"I'm sorry?" I apologized, and I was quite sincere about that. In retrospect it was a stupid idea to put myself at risk against unknown tech

She pinched the bridge of her nose first before glaring. "A magic sword…really?"

I scoffed. "It's not magic, it's just advanced technology that's just beyond my own understanding and slowly being picked apart so I can figure out new potential threats of anomalous devices and machinery."

She raised her eyebrows "Of course."

"Why do I have the distinct impression you don't believe me?" It was a little hurtful, I was a tinker. I know the difference between magic and technology and even magic could be turned to more mechanical ends. I mean bending itself could be altered by tech I just didn't have the means beyond those exoskeleton suits.

"Did…did you have to take the talking sword or not?" She got straight to the point and it didn't take me more than a moment to answer.

"Yes. I was 100% sure this was what I had to do."

"We'll work this out then." She declared, staring at the thankfully non-moving device. The shaking was apparently due to the way it absorbed energy, and it was slowly charging up at a set rate I had given it.

That was more than true, because I felt my passions ignite my inner fire, and felt the sunlight radiate slightly brighter on my skin. Fire was determination and will, and using this machine for its intended purpose…

I needed to, for the safety of this world and the safety of my own. Fire was the element I most cleaved to, what came most naturally to my soul. Power and determination and passion.

I didn't have the most patience or the best temper, and that influenced how strongly the elements fell under my will.

"Sorry." Taylor patted my shoulder, shaking my head.

"There isn't really a point in apologies if you're not telling the truth." She sounded more annoyed, and I remembered that lying wasn't always the best way to respond to an airbender.

"I am sorry, not for doing it but for not thinking it through. It's just that Skimmer's insight enthused me too much and I stopped thinking." Which was a dangerous mistake to make with dangerous technology.

"Just…try and not give me a heart attack?"

"I make no promises."

August 31st, 2011. 9:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I rubbed my eyes, watching the blade as I used a separate haptic interface for connecting with the immensely dense computational device. The Portunus, which was apparently named after the Roman god of keys and doors.

Which I suppose was the purpose of the machine. I had also learned it had some limited shapeshifting ability, and also learned why it had popped out of the portal.

The intelligent device had a powerful set of sensors, capable of picking up hyperdimensional physics alteration, changes to the physical constants and the nature of reality. That had made it useful for better identifying signals and odd energy signatures.

It gave me better techniques on modulating ten dimensional pulses to sense odd disturbances. It had detected a disturbance attracting it to the portal, and ended up falling through due to the signal causing the crack to widen.

But for now I was using the apparent key as a potent detector, and had used it to narrow the search radius for my home dimension.

From 10 to the 92nd power down to about sixty thousand dimensions, it would take me a few weeks at most to narrow it down to my own reality because it would be obvious. There were maybe a few dozen near-identical realities to my own, and it wouldn't be that hard to commandeer an Internet signal and rip into any private information I needed.

But that was a weakness I didn't want people tracing, vulnerable worlds with little defenses against capes. Now perusing through worlds wasn't unusual, so I might be able to hide my world from scrutiny.

And I had to because of what it meant for my world to be found, it meant access to Worm and Ward in their entirety and with the numbers of months it had been and the whole Titanomachy thing the sequel would be near its conclusion if not far after it.

Identities, secrets never told to anyone, the inner thoughts of a lot of very dangerous people. Even the inner machinations of the minds of shards, entities and other monsters. It was dangerous knowledge, and I knew I couldn't keep it away from us forever.

I wanted to go home.

It made me wonder what my world was like now, nearly eight months was a long time. Back in January things seemed alright, I guess?

I'm sure everything is fine.

The ground rumbled as I made use of some of the mech technology of the Tetatae, massive war machines anywhere from seven to seventeen meters in height, far beyond the bounds of the largest mechs available to the Citadel-era races or the Humanx-era races.

Their systems worked through a rather odd…neurohelmet, it was a fairly advanced neural cap but it had unusual and strange components that seemed to converge on a certain field I didn't expect them to have.

Applied Metaphysics seemed fairly primitive if not nonexistent for the Tetatae or their forebears. But the way the helmet's waveguides transmitted information, it was almost like it was transmitting other kinds of energy…

I didn't have much proof since getting someone to wear a dumb looking neurohelmet isn't exactly easy and giant mechs are still rather impractical if fucking awesome. The mech outside of the main base was ten meters tall and weighed thirty tons, and was being driven by Grace.

It was hard to convince her to wear the cap but I managed it, and she drove it like a goddess of destruction as it yielded an x-ray laser pulse cannon. Mini-missiles detonated the broken field, and if I had been able to ignore the explosions I would be able to hear Grace's mad laughter.

Which I didn't begrudge her on, an evil laugh every so often was rather cathartic when a new creation actually works instead of blowing up because of a flaw I didn't notice. I was slowly moving towards better manufacturing to reverse engineer some of the more complicated Tinkertech which varied from nanometric to multidimensional.

Which a good fraction of it was, either existing in multiple realities at once or phasing into higher dimensional states. Shards were both of course and could more or less warp reality like gods.

The spirits were better then the shards at that but they had their own limits and shards as living beings have a living spirit. And they were beings of power and potential unlike anything ever seen, the only beings I knew that could kill them at their strongest…

The Harbinger, Koh when he was something greater, before the God of the Reapers had struck him down for turning from His Purpose. The Great Evil, the Emptiness that came close to eating the galaxy that the Humanx Commonwealth was born to.

Whatever horrific power had destroyed the humanity that the Tetatae had known, leaving them to rebuild in the wake of a species dead for two thousand years.

It made me wonder how many gods had existed, and just how many times had they been struck down as the Harbinger was, as the Emptiness was. Were the Entities our Harbinger, our Great Evil? Beings that had tasted victory for eons, yet fell all the same to mortal hands.

But obviously those mortal hands had been guided, whether by the divine or by the hands of older and more intelligent or more desperate mortals. The Emptiness had been struck down by the long echo of the Xunca, the Harbinger was unmade by whatever led to the birth of Raava.

And it had taken over two billion years if the last Makara had been serious about the length of their victory. The Entities hadn't ruled as long, but their great victory and glory was certain.

This Warrior and Thinker had killed three thousand species, my spirit, the part of my soul that wasn't human had been of a Wyrm that had killed ten thousand. By number of species they were lesser to the Harbinger and the Emptiness, but in terms of numbers they had killed more than there were stars in the universe.

Maybe that was why I was here? I wasn't the one bringing souls and spirits and the metaphysical into blooming life. But if I wasn't here…how would the shards fare with the souls of the damned, the sheer weight of the genocide they had inflicted on the world?

Veda needed an in, and if she could insert herself into the network then she would talk with them as I did. In their tongue and with their ways, in wavelengths of light, magnetism, with heat and motion and gravity. The programming she implanted in the network had to be more than mere subversion.

It was a broadcast, a message laid out for the shards to hear and follow or obey. That I was certain of because I asked. We didn't talk like we used to, but she was me and I was her. We shared the same soul, swam the same currents, and experienced a single bound life.

I am thou… Thou art I…

I blinked when I heard the mental whisper of Veda, and was her little blurb a reference? It was kind of familiar, but not enough for me to really care.

I disconnected from the Portunus, and instead moved on to my analysis of two Jumpdrives, comparing the designs of the Quarian and the Tetatae. The cores of the Quarian were primitive, sensors insufficient to notice the subtle hyperspace fields. Higher dimensional energy fields manipulated by electric charge to cause a shift in the physical laws of reality.

Briefly it makes a point that can exist in two places at once, effectively merging two spacetimes separated by dozens of light years. The Entities actually have a similar technique but it's a little less efficient, and generally assists their usual space warping.

My studies of Elle's power shared the same principles to simplify the complexity of merging multiple worlds, bringing them into one spot. Chevalier has an older iteration but it had then evolved to overlap spacetime manifolds, and I'm certain there are other shards that did the same.

The Tetatae Jumpdrive was more advanced, better able to channel higher dimensional energy to generate a jump. But it was highly sensitive to gravity differentials, and without a method of controlling gravity or predicting spots where gravity has safe influence you'll be blown apart.

I had overbuilt the area where the drive core sat for a reason, because making changes without having to rebuild the thing from the ground up was a good idea. If I enlisted Dragon, I think I had the ability to make similar Jumps, using a modified mass effect field to ease the trip and jump rapidly.

Instead of every one to two hours like the Tetatae, I could shorten it down to about fifteen to thirty minutes. Over ten times faster than my current drive core design. Though it was already in need of an update, just a minor tweak could bump up the speed by thirty percent with no increase in energy consumption.

I think Posigravity drives were twice as fast as the current model in the Samsara, but I had built the core rather hastily and I tried not to be too experimental with the dark energy field shapes it could form.

I had found a use for the ship beyond ego and curiosity, the Portunus has godly sensors and plugging them into the ship sensorium was scarily easy. Tenth dimensional pulses made the blade light up like crazy, and the number of anomalous signals had to be number in the hundreds if not thousands.

Per scanned universe.

Earth Lotus' universe had odd signals across certain planets like the sole habitable world of 61 Virginis. The home world of the Portunus itself I was labeling Earth Goetia.

That planet was dangerous, and the surrounding star systems lit up like damn supernovas. For well over three hundred light years, all sorts of exotic particles and exotic energies marking it as wrong. Regular streams of tachyons weren't abnormal, dropping out of ME FTL generates a boatload of them.

But the sheer amounts and their odd behavior made me shudder.

"Damn it…" I ran simulations of new jumping methods, high scale computing doing the job of running the math. There was no time for fear, this was a time for tinkering and solutions and action.

And figuring out new technologies for enhancing the Samsara was the first step on doing that.

AN: Basilia's little talk with Legend is basically the start of her slowly getting to the point of not giving a flying fuck about what she is or is not willing to say. She doesn't have a burning hatred for Cauldron like some on this board but she does not like them either.

She thinks it's a more complicated and nuanced situation, though it doesn't diminish the evil that they've done. Unfortunately in certain departments she can't or won't help them. Basilia might be one of the best tinkers in the world, but people are hard.

And it's not going to get easier.

Now does anyone have guesses on what the second Gate and the third tech tree is? The giant mechs and the Jump-drives are a small clue. The Tetatae are a third clue.
It's been a while but I can see that basilla is kinda more stable now I do like that unlike the sterotypical horny bisexual woman basilla is actually quite prudish and reserved I do wonder why Queenie picked Khepri as a name
Repercussion 11.8
Repercussion 11.8

September 1st, 2011. 1:30PM

Basilia Rubio

"Does this make me look fat?" I did my best not to let my amusement show as Taylor made a face. I had changed behind one of those curtain stand things into a purple sweater with a long black skirt. Of course with shorts protecting my modesty because I wasn't dumb.

"It makes your boobs look bigger." She replied flatly and I snorted at the completely true statement. I think she was trying to embarrass me but I had been in this body for nearly eight months. There wasn't a lot she could do or say to tease me on that fact.

"Probably, but I don't care." I replied brightly, because I was already pretty busty and there was no changing that without drastic measures I didn't need or want to take. "So I'll be taking this day off, what do I need to remember?" I turned on my heels until I was bumping hips with Taylor.

"Well you'll be happy to hear Athena is going to be the foremost seller of dimensional viewing equipment for studying powers, and that we're looking to recruit some capes in New York."

"When?" I raised an eyebrow, twenty seven capes was already a good number and adding more seemed like it would be trouble.

"Anywhere from a week to two weeks, maybe three at the most." She shrugged her shoulders, lips perking up. "We're probably going to be busy dealing with whatever the Teeth and the Fallen are going to be up to. Lost Garden too but they're setting up in some of the nearby towns instead."

That would make it easier for them to hide away for a bit, because I didn't have a universal camera spying on everyone on Earth. One that would be creepy and two if would make me far more vulnerable to powers like good old Mama Mathers.

Dinah had refined her predictions, but she had to be careful not to look too deep in case Mama Mathers was in our future. Getting false visions wasn't a good idea when you relied on a power like hers. Modeling around her was possible though if you were careful.

Plus being a part of a network didn't inherently protect us from things like that, not without a specific power to counter hers. Her types of shard were the equivalent of entity ECM, infecting the senses of others of their kind to throw off their sensory shards.

Or against the senses of peer species. Of course technology can be infected but she can't infect people through technology, which was either a limit because of the separation or it was an artificial limit.

Which like a lot of powers goes unchanged, with only small adjustments possible like with Elle or Bitch. The update we put them through just made them less dickish, and the stronger the power, the less their limits changed. Otherwise everyone dies.

Now…I'm quite certain I'm immune to Master powers, though it's a complicated immunity. Mama Mathers can probably make me see things, but she wouldn't be able to see through my eyes and I could block them out.

Because I've been put through the illusions the spirits weave, the nightmares and terror and fears they're born from. Master powers like Valefor straight up wouldn't work though. Plus Chi is itself purifying life energy and the right application, and a strong enough soul can let even normals resist the impossible.

Even Indoctrination can be fought off, not forever of course. It's probably how Saren was talked into shooting himself even with cybernetic elements fused into his cells. The Rachni are effectively immune, but lobotomizing a Queen and hijacking the signal wouldn't be hard for the Reapers.

Which is actually terrifying because the Reapers have fought other psychic races and Indoctrinated them. But couldn't manage the same feat with the Rachni.

If I'm reading the texts on non-prothean ruins and scavenged tech, the Reapers have seen things unlike anything on Earth.

"You told the Protectorate about Dinah's predictions? About the Fallen and the Teeth. Plus what we know about Valefor?" I asked, rotating my torso and sighing as I loosened myself up.

"Yes. They're a little more prepared, and they have their anti-psychic shields well maintained." Not a guarantee but it was better than nothing.

I grabbed onto Taylor's waist despite the fact I was shorter than her, and she looked at me with a confused but cute look. "What?" I emulated a dulcet tone, like I had done nothing wrong.

Which I hadn't to be sure, I was the shortest and the cutest and that automatically conveyed me special rights. Not greater rights but special ones. Taylor of course had her own special rights as the tall one, like the power to pick me up or the power to grab things too high for me to reach and tease me with them.

"So…I know a place we can spend some time at."

"The Brockton Bay Rail Park?" I queried and her nod was her answer. That former train station had become a very nice park due to the work of a few shamans coaxing the grass and the trees to life. There had also been significant expansion of another station, since being a New England town, rail was fairly critical.

The DWU had been quite critical along with other groups of course because they were a union and not a damn magic mafia. Even if they had several hundred benders within their organization. But so did the police, and they were better trained because of the private programs the PRT put in place.

The public programs are the equivalent of self defense, and won't make someone into a complete badass unless they're prodigies. Which isn't impossible but rather unlikely. One in a thousand, one in a hundred thousand.

But I had met a lot of people like that, multiple shamans who were worth many of their more common ilk. Elle was the first, and could probably overpower five to ten average shamans if she wasn't cocky. Of course with such things, power levels were way more soft than that. Luck and skill played a factor too…as did a spirit just turning fate against her.

I was about the 'same' strength if not a little stronger, and that woman from Japan was another freak. As was the PRT woman who had stopped a rogue shard with another rogue shard. Plus that mysterious boy who had astrally projected into the Birdcage. God there were a lot of freaks around this place.

Was I being tugged? Who was holding my hand…?

"I got distracted again didn't I?" I wasn't blushing but I was warmer than usual, which didn't say much when I was a firebender.

Taylor placidly smiled. "Yes. You should really stop doing that." I grabbed my wallet, congratulating myself on going for men's shorts. Nice and big pockets to carry my wallet and my 'phone' which was in fact an optronic device with a few neat tricks.

I waved my arm towards the door of my hom. "Shall we?"

September 1st, 2011. 2:00PM

Basilia Rubio

I sipped my bottle of cold refreshing water, gulping down mouthfuls of the life giving substance. I let out a sigh, removing the bottle from my lips and gently closing it. Taylor was glancing over to me, a few insects lazily dancing around her without a care in their simple minds. Her heart rate was slightly elevated, a solid lub-dub with an occasional tu tump. Clearly some nerves even if this was our fourth date I think?

Not that I was any different, no-siree I was a nervous woman with a love for all types of women and men. Mostly women, though some men could catch my eye with the right personality and looks. And Taylor was just nice to look at and great to talk at.

Talk to. That was totally what I meant.

She wasn't shapely in the way I was but I didn't care, so it was hard to keep a blush down when I could feel her through the ground. The way she sometimes had to tilt and turn her head so she wouldn't seem creepy, or how she often flicked her tongue when she was nervous or her lips were dry. She wasn't easy to detect because of her soft and graceful steps, more than my own anyways.

It was hard to avoid my feelings of attraction and affection, so I didn't. I let them and acted upon them when I was able to without going beyond what I felt like I was ready for. Instead I shifted to dangerous and adult things like hand holding and even hugging and kissing.

Though right now I settled for admiring her features. She had filled out some amount, a heartier diet overpowering the caloric intake required from biotics. Plus while she wasn't getting any taller that didn't preclude changes in body shape.

She had a slender figure, more gently sloping than my own body but with a slimmer waist than I had. But then I wasn't a string bean, not since I was kid. I could see her hips flared out a little more than her muscular arms, mostly because of the jeans she wore. Not that the white fitted top didn't make a…difference either.

It was moments like these when I remember I was a guy, and a guy appreciative of certain softer aspects of female anatomy.

Taylor turned her head, and I pretended I hadn't been eying her even though that would be a lie. Which was about the time I realized I wasn't the only one checking the other out. A half-lidded glance that was barely more subtle than my own glances, and I almost laughed. I gestured for us to sit down on the grass, right up against a very chatty tree. We did so, with Taylor taking up most of the room.

There was a beat.

"I'm going to lay my head on your shoulder, is that okay?" I warned Taylor, and she shifted her posture on the tree, heart ticking up a notch. Her breath control was amazing though, powerful intakes of air surging in and out with every breath.

I leaned until my head was resting on her side, and snuggled into her warmth. Though she was a fair bit colder than I was, which made sense since I was a firebender and it was my strongest and most natural element.

She didn't seem to mind, and I took the time to simply relax in her presence. The park was much more bountiful than before, thick and healthy grass growing along with multiple trees and decorations of what I knew was art.

I suppose they were adding more community things to brighten up the city, and I had seen that become more and more common as the economy very slowly made its way out the rut it has been in for years. It wasn't going to be an instant process though, because two Endbringers were still out there and the more powerful capes were still a thing.

I could see a few kids were playing, if the rumbling and the sensation of nearby water rushing around wasn't a sign. This park had been specifically modified and built to let some of the younger benders play around with their powers. With nearly ninety thousand benders in the city, we're talking tens of thousands of minors with superpowers.

And it was complicated figuring out how to regulate bending because it worked nothing like Parahuman powers. Even the newer Triggers required some amount of stress or willingness to use the abilities of a shard. The people who get offers from shards like Kyna were like Browbeat but with slightly less trauma.

Guy was pretty calm for a Parahuman, and didn't seem to need conflict in the same way others do. Which again is an oversimplification, conflict drives weren't just shards poking at their brains it was their own natural personalities coming into play. I had toned down one factor but it wasn't enough to negate everything down to zero.

Either way, benders were here to stay, and the PRT was becoming one of the largest organized groups of them.

Out of twenty thousand employees, about thirty percent of them had bending. Based on what Dragon had given me to help the PRT with getting that under control. About six thousand people in total, or 2100 earthbenders, 2100 firebenders, 1560 waterbenders, 120 airbenders, and possibly 120 biotics.

Which made sense, bending was power and force of will, the externalized use of chi to affect the elements. Concentrating in certain populations made sense, and it would even out over time. The average was one percent of people had the ability to bend, so three million in the USA.

And lower numbers for shamans of course.

"You always seem to like cuddling…" Taylor sounded so awkward, and I beamed at her. "Why is that?"

I scratched my cheek, laughing nervously. "I guess because I just…want to feel safe?" I wasn't sure whether I should move one way or another, but stuck to resting on Taylor's side. "I was never a very affectionate person, touch is sort of a complicated subject and based on my whims or mood."

"I've seen you shy away from hugs before." Taylor moved her long legs into a criss-cross position, and I briefly contemplated resting on her lap. "That's just a thing with you." She understood, breathing softly.

"Yep. I've gotten better at that, but if I'm not in the mood or it's unwanted I'll get annoyed or even angry." I didn't like unexpected physical contact, and Taylor was one of the few that didn't push that button too far.

I…didn't know how to feel about that, I was a little people averse but if Taylor surprised me I leaned into her touch. She was comfortable and safe and I rarely felt that with a lot of people, and that was despite her bugs making her kind of off-putting and creepy. And while I'm not going to say I love all bugs, some of them are neat, cute, or cool.

Jumping spiders were adorable for example.

I scanned the park with my eyes, and found someone approaching another tree, only a few feet from the tree we had chosen to lay under. A short woman of middle-eastern descent standing at five foot nothing. She was slender but less so than Taylor, more bottom-heavy with wide hips and nice thighs. She had a smaller bust than I did but that didn't say much.

Her large dark eyes were roaming all over the place, the college age woman chewing on her full lips. Her dark hair was pulled into a ponytail, and there was some sense that I knew her.

Taylor was looking at her too, eyes narrowed as she watched the woman find her own seat in the shade of a tree.

I grinned.

"I see you have a wandering gaze too?" Taylor ripped herself away from staring at the woman, and I chuckled.

"I wasn't…I just think I've seen her somewhere before." She was very slightly red, and the urge to tease her didn't abate. "I'm not going to…" I rolled my eyes then and there.

"Just because we're dating doesn't mean we don't have eyes, Taylor." I nudged her with my elbow, and she groaned.

"It's just a little confusing is all. I didn't really have a chance to like people because of Emma…so fighting out what I'm into is…hard. I didn't really fully know I liked girls." Her nerves were at an all time high so I brushed back a strand of her hair.

"Hey. That's fine, I didn't figure out I liked guys until pretty recently too." Most of my crushes had been girls when I was a kid, so I didn't know any different until I thought more about my sexuality at the start of the year. "I won't judge you, and that girl is pretty cute." I thumbed in the direction of the girl, still trying to resolve the question of who she was.

"She is." Taylor blushed and I poked her side, lightly teasing the taller woman. "But she's still someone I should know, do you know why?" I blinked and decided to check on Taylor's behalf.

I breathed, and opened the World Eyes, which in my case had been mixed with Shardsight. Taylor only had the one because she wasn't a shaman.

Weaving fabric orbited around the woman I was eying, a semi-humanoid shape knit together from leather, cloth, scales and skin. It had no head, a torso of weaved fabrics and layers, and it's legs were replaced by a dress of twisting red fibers versus the eclectic mix of red, black, white, and blue that made up the rest of its body. Where a head would be there was instead a dark shadow, two white orbs staring back at me.

It politely curtsied, eyes scrunching up. I recognized her quickly enough.

Greetings. I am Tantra and you are the Vyasa. The shard's tone was lyrical, the female-presenting shard smiling sincerely. She is the Administrator. She pointed to Taylor, with no care in the world.

Taylor was narrowing her eyes, probably listening to the conversation on more common channels but missing some of the little nuances. Tantra was a big shard, a powerful being focused on manipulating objects for propulsion and defense. Not vital or noble, but strong certainly. She was one of the nicer ones despite her obsession with manipulating flesh despite being a telekinetic specialist.

Why does Taylor find your host familiar…? I knew that the woman had to be Parian, but I hadn't told secret identities I didn't have to my team. But it did feel like I was forgetting something important…I had talked to Tantra before right?

Tantra smiled. Recollection. We created a bud, she provided the core while I and Switch provided new functions. Shu the Prince Administrator. Have you forgotten?

Interesting name, I had heard it somewhere before but didn't recall where. I guess it doesn't matter, but it was a curious thing. And I'm an idiot for forgetting about Aiden.

I was about to mention this to Taylor and I felt a modest presence, the tide that I had to ignore when I felt the great weight of powerful spirits or shards. Though at this point the difference was academic, even if Void Wyrms were different in some small ways.

It was a kid, about seven or eight years old at most with red messy hair. A few pigeons and crows twitched, shifting in seeming reaction to his approach towards Parian. The avatar embracing him easily revealed the answer on who and what the boy was.

Aiden was only vaguely familiar because of things I had read outside Worm, the only bud from the Administrator. It seems destiny had a sense of humor with how things converged regardless of what had changed.

This shard shined brighter than his non-noble shard-mother, than his modest shard-father. He resembled a humanoid golden eagle, robust and long digitigrade legs hopping on the ground of the Spirit. Wings emerged from his back, a hooked beaked head staring back at me.

Red robes covered his form, and they were covered in reflective silver spots which switched positions every so often. A weaved crown of solid silver wind was placed on his head, and his feathers were puffed up into a great mane.

Taylor looked away from the boy, mouthing words to herself. "Bud…?" I nodded, and she looked curious before her face pinched and she shifted away from the scene of a boy excitedly talking to Sabah.

I leaned away from her, sitting up into a more upright position. I wrapped my arms around me, right below my bust. I was taking the time to think, since the topic relating to Sabah seemed to be over.

"So. How's Skittering Seafood been?" I whispered in her ear, deliberately taking a low and half-sultry tone. She didn't lean away but her face was hilarious.

"It's been pretty profitable, especially since a lot of people have been buying just because of novelty and because of Leviathan. Have you worked out anything new with Clarke?" Taylor was happy to chat back, and I wasn't any different.

"Oh. He's good at what he does especially with what I have on hand to help him out." A leg started to bounce, and I let it be. "He's been building some interesting stuff."

He had made improvements to a basic Thranx Beamer pistol, adding waveforms of applied kinetic force onto the beam. Better power sources too, utilizing a nuclear battery of some kind. He was studying Eezo for himself, and my picking apart of his equipment was giving me a better understanding of powers.

It was slow-going but I wasn't stuck in a rut yet.

"Is that so?" Taylor sounded amused but she was listening, and that was a signal to talk.

"Well studying new principles of science and math is a lot of hard work ya know…" I babbled, waggling my fingers. "There's so little time, and I still need to make new advancements and…"

The rest of our date was spent with me talking most of the time, though of course I let her talk because I cared about what she thought and wanted to know what she was up to in turn.

She deserves nothing less.

September 3rd, 2011. 3:30PM

Taylor Hebert

My awareness sank into the swarm, and I recalled back one of the bugs that Amelia had been experimenting with. The ground rumbled as a modified version of what Basilia called a Giant Rhinoceros Beetle. It was as big as an elephant, a giant green shelled bug. I examined their modified biology, and I couldn't help but be impressed.

It had some type of hybrid endo/exoskeleton, a basket weave of mineralized chitin attached to the less mineralized shell. It's muscles were stronger, structures in the muscle letting it output enough force to let it move around despite weighing ten tons. Panacea had made a few modifications, one was they had no reproductive organs, and two when out of my range they would shut down and hibernate in an appropriate spot. Their chitin was reinforced with heavy metals, and…

The beetle lifted its elytra, and with a mental tug it took off into the air without the difficulty I expected. Panacea had used DNA from something called a Harvester for the wings, and weaved Krogan regenerative properties into its flesh. Basically a bulletproof flying vehicle, Amy wanted to add biotics to make it fly even faster and to give it a barrier strong enough to deal with tanks.

It wasn't smart, maybe as bright as a possum but smarter than most of the bugs I could control. She had added neural circuits, implanted instincts I could control more easily than with normal bugs. It was surrounded by other creatures, Canyon crawlers that could spit Thresher Maw acid through a special gland in their throat.

The weekend had been quiet, and I knew Basilia was away for her college classes that she did on the weekends. When I talked to her about her therapy sessions she said everything was fine and perfect and that she didn't need my help on this.

I had my doubts but didn't voice them.

"That's terrifying." Clockblocker divulged without shame, obviously off-put by gigantic bug monsters. "Is Amy really capable of this? Has she always been?" He sounded unnerved but not scared…of Amy anyway.

"Her power is the ability to manipulate biology so yes, she could always do things like this. Of course it helps that Erudition gave her a base to work on."

"Base?" Clockblocker leaned off from the wall and kept up with me as I circled around the flat plane where we experimented with some of Amy's creatures.

"Erudition can manipulate biology too, and she has a database for specific species, thousands of species. Even if she has to do it through tech, she gave Amy the DNA for these species."

"Wait are you saying those…Canyon crawlers are real and not some nightmare Panacea made up?" I nodded and he looked a little more horrified. "What kind of death planet did these things come from?"

"There are worse things she could bring back, like alien fish the size of whales, man eating plants, giant worms as long as ships that can naturally earthbend or actual fire-breathing dragons." Clockblocker was stunned, and I was just a bit amused by that. "You're Protectorate now aren't you?"

I couldn't see his face but I had a good reason to think he was smiling just a little.

"What? A little surprised someone like me would make it?" He teased, and I rolled my eyes behind my mask.

"Not really, you have an amazing power. As long as you didn't get killed you had a good chance of becoming a great hero." Being able to freeze objects in time was a good power as long as he knows how to use it right.

He looked taken aback. "Oh."

"You shouldn't be surprised, the White Lotus doesn't hate the Protectorate even if it has policies we don't agree with." Clockblocker wasn't as big a jokester as I thought it was, but maybe that was because I didn't know him as anything more than a hero on another team.

Or maybe it was the rumors about the connection between Eidolon and the Endbringers.

"I guess that's easy for you to say when you can just change the PRT with enough money." I frowned, the comment coming off odd.

"It'd be nice if it worked that way but Athena only has so much money to throw, we're lucky we didn't get sued into the ground." There had been rumors of a lawsuit that had been more or less destroyed by the new law regulating powers in business. "Is this about The End of the World?"

"We got told about it first, and it spread up and down along the entire PRT and Protectorate. It's nothing we haven't heard before, we just didn't expect to get confirmation." There was a very small amount of cynicism, but it wasn't strong.

"Were there any questions the PRT wanted to ask, I know they sent you to look at one of our base's but…." It was a new one we had set up on an alternate Earth, one of my world's many alternates.

"I was sent here just for an inspection, the Protectorate is pretty close to figuring out how to travel to other dimensions and they want to prepare for the problems from that. This is off the record…how long did she know?"

"About what?" He needed to be more specific, and I wasn't a mind reader even if my power had that ability with the right trigger.

"The end of the world? She seemed to know a lot about powers even before what went down with Leviathan." Clockblocker was expectant, and I let my power loose to think for a time. Ten kilometers of range was a lot and it was more or less a set limit unless I wanted to spend time setting up relay bugs. My Changer power made Amy redundant for that.

A few miles away I was coaxing a few insects into the waiting paws of her winged lemurs, and in the base itself my spiders were supercharged as they weaved and released silk to be processed into carbon composite fibers.

"She knew for a while but didn't have any proof that people could use or believe. It's one of the reasons she's been gathering capes." There was only so much we could tell the Protectorate, but this was one of those things we could tell them. There were a lot of ways one could figure it out, Panacea had apparently figured out powers in the Birdcage.

There were a ton of ways, like a Thinker power, or her shamanism or even interacting with a shard like what we had done with Leviathan. I knew that wasn't it, but it was a little more believable than people without power having myths and legend about us.

Which I'm pretty sure is a euphemism for something just as weird that Basilia didn't want to clarify.

"Well…it's been fun, but I don't want Director Piggy to get mad." Clockblocker lazily waved, gesturing wildly.

"I wouldn't call Piggot that anymore would I? I'm pretty sure she could kick your ass now." With her earthbending and waterbending I wasn't even wrong.

"Shit I'm screwed."

I laughed and opened a portal back to Brockton Bay. "Have fun with that Clockblocker!" He was sulking as he left in a much better mood. It was getting easier to talk to people as I got back into the groove of not being a complete loner.

Not that it was out of choice.

It had been nice to have friends again, to have people who wouldn't betray me, who wouldn't hurt me for reasons I didn't understand. People who pushed back one me on some of my more dangerous ideas and wants. Like wanting to be a hero.

That was never true though, what I wanted was an escape from my shitty life. To kick ass and take names as a big fucking hero. Someone powerful, someone important, someone who could beat down the bad guys and grow beyond my bullies.

The only reason I didn't go for setting people's clothes on fire to scare the shit out of them was because Basilia told me not to. That it was better to show restraint to those who couldn't hurt you…and a bunch of druggies and muggers really couldn't do shit to me.

Basilia was a strange mix of optimistic and pessimistic. She didn't want more people to be hurt than necessary, because hurting people didn't fix the problem unless it was something or someone behind redemption. She had her limits of course but…she wasn't from a world like Bet.

It had taken a lot to become more self aware of my flaws and that had only come about because of Jennifer, one of the cape therapists we had brought on board. We had three at the moment, rotating and carefully checking each other's work as well as going under a lot of M/S protocols when we needed them.

We had a few liaison Rachni who could use their telepathic abilities to examine any faults in their song. An extra margin of protection, and they did have ways of clearing up mental manipulations. It had been something they used to help against Reaper weapons.

I was angry at the world, angry at the people who had failed me from top to bottom. Even my dad wasn't spared my anger, and it went all the way to the tip of the pyramid. It was absolute shit.

Basilia said she admired my ability to immediately enter a situation and ask if they needed help, giving it free of charge as long as I considered you a friend or an ally. But I had to be in charge, in control because I knew better.

And sometimes that was even true…but that had let me down a path of villainy in another life, and it was what let Cauldron become what it was under the same illusions of what needed to be done.

If I wanted control…then Basilia wanted stability, peace and safety. She didn't just want to beat the bad guys, she wanted the environments that let them exist to rot on the vine and die. Muggers and druggies and even murderers were still people, with their own hopes and dreams and reasons.

I had fought with her on that, on why bad people needed to be excused, until she clarified what she meant. They were reasons, not excuses and some people really couldn't be redeemed. You stop treating them like they're people and you start dehumanizing them, justifying that it's okay to hurt them, that you'll start relishing in that type of pleasure.

She said it was like a drug, a high that would lead people down a bad path. It didn't mean she thought it was bad to kill people like the Nine, just that it was a disappointing waste of life and nothing more. Basilia was a weird person.

I couldn't begrudge her not enjoying violence though, her world was mostly peaceful though she had mentioned it wasn't doing so hot before she had left for this world. But she said even at its worst her world was better, and I got why she wanted to make this world more like hers.

The thing was that she thought in the long term and had a hard time focusing her attention on the present and in the short term. She needed other people to keep herself on track though she had gotten better about managing her own life.

I felt someone with my bugs, a familiar shape and smell and sound. I decided to walk rather than use portals because that would be lazy. I dashed on the air, feeling the wind on my armor like it was my own skin.

I stepped into the prefab base kitchen, and found Basilia bending over as she grabbed snacks from the kitchen. She was out of costume, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black top. She shifted from side to side, shuffling her feet with an amused hum.

My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her…shape, and I imagined what it would feel like to brush my fingers along her entire body…

"Taylor?" I jumped when I saw her head tilted to look at me as she pulled out a Gatorade from the fridge. "What are you looking at?"

"I was just checking, I felt you u–…err with my bugs." I thanked god she couldn't see me blushing. "I guess you're done with your classes?" She opened her drink with curled lips, taking an absent sip.

"Yep. Again went through them like a breeze, I've made err…friends, people who know me?" She stopped bending over, bringing out the shredded cheese she had become addicted to. "I'll probably be looking over my homework, then I'll move on to tinkering some more. I'm tweaking the Samsara's laser battery with some of the designs from the Pinka, plus some scans from Legend."

"You've been doing more scans of capes haven't you?" Basilia beamed, her large brown-green eyes sparkling. She hopped over, swaying from side to side as she replied.

"I've been neglecting exploiting that to speed up my tinkering, besides a few select capes like Elle." She bobbed her head, waving her omni around. "But my scanning is just good enough to allow me to start implementing features of powers from capes like how Bakuda made her weapons."

"I know you managed that with Labyrinth, but is it really that hard for you with other powers?" I asked and Basilia's smile diminished.

"I think it's just because of how my powers have manifested, some of my scanning technology could only glimpse a few things about powers, and frankly getting portals from Elle was a fluke." She looked excited, licking her lips as clasped her hands together. "Now though…working with other tinkers has made things more clear with time. Better power sources, faster methods of movement, better means of biological imaging and manipulation."

"What did you figure out?" I asked. Basilia lit up like she usually did when I let her talk about anything really.

"I believe I'm close to replicating some of the more advanced Tinkertech I see every now and then. For example Entity space warping is way more efficient and they can channel a lot more power into a specific metric as required. I've been trying to see if I can replicate Vista's power, try and figure out some of the tricks shards can manage."

Basilia looked happy and excited, and I could tell she was having a good day.

"And how's your search for your home going?" There was a crack in her armor, the shining gold she showed around people tarnishing into a dusty and sad grey.

"I've narrowed it down from about sixty thousand advanced worlds down to about six hundred, I ruled out the more advanced world's first due to their higher energy outputs, and tapped into the internet to look up local history and certain types of reports. It shouldn't be long now." There was an edge to her voice, and I didn't get why she wasn't happy.

"That's good isn't it? You'll be seeing your family again, your brothers, your parents, your aunts and uncles and cousins." I reached out for her but she pulled away with a flinch.

"It's just…it's not safe, I can't expose my world to yours. It would be too dangerous, far too dangerous." She was shaking her head, quivering with what I knew was fear, but not for her.

"You can keep them safe, you have your tech and your powers and you can try and warn them. Give them the information they need to deal with capes and powers in general." I reassured her but I don't think it was working.

"I don't want to talk about this."

I wanted to argue with her but I knew we were going to butt heads if I did and it wasn't the time. Maybe after her session today, or a day after. I wasn't going to push but I wasn't going to leave her to wallow either.

"Okay." So I swallowed my need to meddle. "Is there anything special you've been working on?"

So instead I was going to distract her until I knew the right words and the right time and place.

"Oh!" Basilia slammed a fist into her palm. "I've been trying to synthesize some Prothean alloys I've managed to reverse engineer from my experiments with Duralloy/Laser Steel hybrid materials. Duralloy has a similar composition to uncompressed laser steel but it's infused with exotic elements to reinforce its structure, about eight percent Duranium, and four percent titanium since it works well to strengthen molecular bonds between Iron and Duranium." I think Duranium was some type of stable synthetic element wasn't it?

I nodded my head absently. "Yeah?" I hoped she wouldn't notice I was distracting her.

"Uncompressed laser steel has between fifteen and twenty gigapascals of tensile strength. Which requires very important attention to detail to form the correct nanostructures to maintain both strength and reasonable amounts of ductility and hardness."

"Sure." I knew she was going to be on this topic for a long time but I kept listening.

"Mass field compression further strengthens the base materials and crushes the material anywhere from one half to one sixth of its original volume. Duralloy's unique composition requires the use of an electrodyne forge, using phase-altered electromagnetic fields to shape the metal. Tweaking omni-projectors to generate the right effector fields is hard but manageable. Duralloy is about as light as laser steel but five to eight times as strong depending on the alloy. As usual there are compositions for different jobs. The frame of the Samsara uses a mass field compressed version with a layer of Silaris-derivative armor on top. It's a composite of carbon nanotubes, diamond and wurtzite boron nitride lattices, and further interlaced with an exotic carbon group element, and compressed to a far greater degree than the hull…"

Oh god what had I done?

"O-Okay that's neat." Basilia didn't stop and I knew I was doomed.

She grabbed my hand, pulling me from the kitchen to the lab through a portal without even a moment of hesitation. She was pointing to some of the omni-forges, smiling and looking all happy.

"My tech branches managed to help me piece together some things I ended up ignoring since there's so much going on. As well as some research avenues from the Asari relating to infused materials, with most races this involves the use of synthetic exotic elements like in the Entities, the Pinka, the Golitha, the Thranx and so on. For the Protheans they apparently introduced element zero into the chemical strata of their materials. It's what their Beacons are made out of, g-crushed steel infused with Eezo. Practically indestructible and hard as a motherfucker to bend. It could walk off a slug from a dreadnought. Once I get my forges working on this I'll make some updates and find means to shape the…" I knew what I was getting into when I decided I liked her, this was just one of her quirks

Being a rambly nerd.

September 3rd, 2011. 10:00PM

Basilia Rubio

There was definitely something wrong about this picture. But I didn't know what it was or whether or not it was important or merely a red herring or a dead end.

The Portunus had opened my eyes to new methods of manipulation of mass-energy and fundamental interactions. It's systems weren't too far off from the optronics that ran most of my technology, only a little more advanced and with some use of picotech elements in the framework of the device.

Mainly just in making use of exotic particles and stable exotic isotopes and elements utilizing tweaks to the nuclear forces. It was at least a hundred times more powerful pound for pound, once I figured out the actual mass of the thing hidden in higher dimensions.

Shit was crazy but I had figured out basic circuits, and given enough time I could mass produce my own version. Both computers were some form of optical based systems, one was just more advanced and used hyperdimensional sleights. Though to be fair my cheapest omnitools had about 64 yottabytes of storage.

So that wasn't saying much.

The Portunus was by mass about two hundred times more data and processing dense, but by volume it was far more due to the spacetime alterations within the blade. Over one hundred million yottabytes was a fuckton of storage, and it had given me some tips on experimental tech.

My current prototype copies were about five times better than my best omni by mass. Which when the top end omnitool has about 512 yottabytes of storage it would make it quite impressive, though that usually ignores the optronic network within a hardsuit. Current estimates were I would be upgrading all my systems within the next few weeks to more exotic optronic circuits and relays.

And I had a new design I had come up with, making use of principles studied from different species as needed. Humanx made use of spintronic computers, while the Tetatae opted for a strange type of computer involving phasing electrons on top of one another. The earliest used one unphased electron paired with a phased one, doubling processing power and data storage. They moved on to using positron pairs, and were comparable to the most advanced optronics in capability.

Of course that took them centuries of research and they started off with conventional electronics, developed spintronics, and turned spintronics into positronic chips. One of their latest projects related to using HPG arrays to send signals at FTL speeds within a computer bank.

Which…isn't very easy when a single HPG will weigh several tons. No what I had come up with was quantum-paired cores.

FTL-processed optronics in a quantum-connected matrix linked by laser pulse transmission. I haven't figured out how to use HPG arrays yet, but it was getting me a hundredth of the way there to replicating Shard processing networks. There was evidence of some method of entanglement and FTL messaging from studying Endbringer fragments but with the cores crippled there was little to show for it.

I mean I could ask but I'm a little too prideful for that.

Entities were bullshit of the highest degree, and I had been slowly mastering thr production of some of their more exotic components. Which ended up being a problem once I began to compare fragments from different sections of an Endbringer.

There was variation in the amount of exotic matter that their flesh was made of, and some trace elements allowed for some means of differentiation only noticeable at very small scales. Thirty percent exotic element makeup is about normal but it goes up to about forty eight percent in some spots. I did figure out some interesting things though.

Entities were carbon based and thus used water in their biology, but they also integrated ammonia like the Volus and then added hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen cyanide and other liquids. Liquids similar to water in the right circumstances and pressures.

Entities were effectively carbon-silicon-boron multi-solvent organisms, and their membranes were made out of layers of different polymers and polyoxometalates. Actually that must have been how some of the first Entity worms figured out photosynthesis, and beyond that I wasn't entirely sure they were one organism to begin with.

I believe I was getting a basic picture of the Wyrms homeworld, since even my basic copies had the ability to have multiple backbones. I had thought my early copies were the basic ancestor but now I was certain they didn't have one ancestor but many.

They were like the Volus, but on a scale far beyond them I was sure now. Volus were carbon-ammonia based lifeforms, utilizing a ten base pair XNA systems of genetic memory and computation like the Entities. One Volus was a community of different cell lines, but…they all shared the same biochemistry.

Shards did not, they embodied many different biochemistries, compartmentalized by nanoscopic organic machinery enhanced by fourth and fifth dimensional alterations. Obviously my power didn't want to give me the full secret of how the Entities evolved so I got a single line instead of the entire organism network. I was experimenting with the use of biologically focused omni-forges to synthesize these different lines, and had succeeded in getting the backbones to play nice through crystalline vascular networks and cybernetic subcellular elements.

I've lost track haven't I?

I sighed, and instead took a good long look at the scans I had taken of other realities to note signs of dimensional fatigue. The Portunus was much more effective at projecting signals, and I had commissioned Skimmer to build programs better able to interpret data relating to dimensional effects.

My initial scans indicated about fifty thousand worlds had things knocked askew, but the Portunus didn't find just the obvious signatures…it found the more subtle ones too, traces left from long ago.

There were millions, tens of millions of dimensions which had suffered some oddities in their spacetime. I couldn't count them all either because my search radius couldn't search through trillions of realities. Even the Portunus couldn't because of the energy cost and other engineering limits.

My guesses on the number of dimensions containing humans were guesses, as well as from asking friendly shards for help narrowing down the search.

I had gotten age estimates of the cracks, the more obvious ones were recent from about the time I showed up while others were decades to millennia old. Most were in the range of one hundred fifty to around seven hundred years ago. There was an error margin of about ten percent so I couldn't be sure it was right.

I had been getting a sinking feeling that everything was a lot more complicated than I had originally expected. At first I had thought distracting myself with research instead of thinking about my therapy session would work out.

It had not and I was more stressed.

I pulled away from the holographic screen and looked at myself in a nearby mirror. In the mirror I looked tired but not depressed so it was better than nothing.

Something was wrong, but I didn't know what and that scared me.

AN: So Arc 11 is slowly coming to a close, though there's still two Interludes that'll mark the transition into Arc 12 and 13. They'll be more…active arcs though I won't make the mistake of making them as long as Arc 6 back in the day. They're two interconnected Arcs and will be six chapters each not including Interludes. So there's that to look forward to, especially since both Interludes are done and I'm already a thousand words into 12.1 and all.

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Ah I see that Taylor is still Taylor I'm pretty sure if this Taylor could meet her Canon self she would understand exactly how her flaws can ruin her. Still I'm amazed that basilla could fluster Taylor at this point
Ah I see that Taylor is still Taylor I'm pretty sure if this Taylor could meet her Canon self she would understand exactly how her flaws can ruin her. Still I'm amazed that basilla could fluster Taylor at this point
I don't think it's that hard to fluster her, she's not Warlord era Skitter. And yes she's only changed in being better able to hold back some of her more dangerous instincts. Plus being slightly more passive.
I don't think it's that hard to fluster her, she's not Warlord era Skitter. And yes she's only changed in being better able to hold back some of her more dangerous instincts. Plus being slightly more passive.
true she's still annoying but it's Taylor so that's to be expected at least she's pretty strong now and has her own company and car which I'm pretty sure still surprises her honestly basilla was literally the best thing to happen to her
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true she's still annoying but it's Taylor so that's to be expected at least she's pretty strong now and has her own company and car which I'm pretty sure still surprises honestly basilla was literally the best thing to happen to her
I suppose so? Though to be fair to her it's not like her fate was set in stone. This version of Worm is different enough from Canon on its own to go its own direction.