her longer potential lifespan means no matter how many short lived insects she merges with, she wouldn't get any specific resistance to radiation. However, if doing so includes a healing factor, and said healing includes improved DNA repair, then THAT would give a strong resistance to the effects of radiation.
Even without a healing factor, it would seem the 'scale up' side of her Changer power is partly
conceptual. So, because cockroaches are 'radiation resistant',
Taylor is...
Seeing as insect sight goes into the UV, does that mean 'far violet' for Taylor goes into the UV, for comparison with human sight, where the lens absorbs that? I'm wondering if she's getting her 'full spectrum' by making various chemicals that
fluoresce in visible colors, after they absorb her generated UV? The same principle older CFL and modern white LED bulbs work by...
So, Taylor flashes them 'violet', and some get a noticeable tan?
if it's not available in the American North East or the exotic pet shop
The pet shop, with their 'Family snacks' - you don't think that if Taylor talks about Coconut Crabs, or whatever, they won't be something they are 'lucky to be getting in', at least once? A bit like a reverse of the Python's Cheese Shop?
Of course,
this Taylor has Vespa, and
ideas about focused Power use for better range, and less signals to be overwhelmed by. 'Relay bugs' may be within her reach...