"So, I'm planning to program in 'C'. Now, where is my list of language features I'm not going to use, unless it seems like a really good idea. And, which minimal bits of 'C++' shall I use, to avoid the usual 'Oh look, I got it wrong, again' ?"
'C' - the programming language where you can spot how long people have been programming by the features they use... I liked, "I always use pointer arithmetic, it's easier - why should I bother using arrays?'...
Will be fun if Taylor develops a Bug-Compilation Programming Logic scheme, and calls it BCPL?
6502 Assembler (8-bit processor) was supposed the inspiration for the (32-bit) ARM instruction set, the 'Acorn RISC Machine' (obviously later renamed). The aim was to provide a BASIC Interpretter that ran faster than the x86 Assembler code on IBM PCs - they did this. IBM... weren't pleased.
Another aim was to provide a
cheap, simple processor, needing very little silicon, and not much power. The x86 range was devouring more and more silicon, drinking more and more power... Funny the way a chip developed upstairs above a hairdresser (I believe) is now about everywhere...
ARM is the guts of the 'Raspberry Pi', now on v5 - worth looking at is the
RPi Pico, if you've Ardunio'd, and want something with ARM, and an immensely better spec. (and optional Wi-fi). Give your pet
bug robot extra Vroom!