Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

[x] Blood is thicker than brine, and stronger than wine / But water is strongest of all, as it bears your line

We have the dice, bananas magical & combat power as well as an insanely devoted bodyguard of extraordinary caliber, a suit of armor, and a squad of assassins to protect us. Plus, we're super popular and there's a dragon in the works. I don't think we need to focus that much more on protecting Illona's person unless something comes up.
We have the dice, bananas magical & combat power as well as an insanely devoted bodyguard of extraordinary caliber, a suit of armor, and a squad of assassins to protect us. Plus, we're super popular and there's a dragon in the works. I don't think we need to focus that much more on protecting Illona's person unless something comes up.
On the other hand, protecting Illona's non-Asya loved ones could very well be worth it.
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I'm trying to interpret what this means and not getting anywhere. Could you rephrase that?
Illona might be a super-powerful magus with an invincible bodyguard and a dragon that no one can hurt, but that protection doesn't extend to her future spouse, children and common friends like Alina.

There's a pretty decent chance that the "love is armour" would also help us protect those Illona cares about and not just herself.

Also, I corrected a typo in my original post. Might be easier to read now
[X] Blood is thicker than brine, and stronger than wine / But water is strongest of all, as it bears your line
Illona might be a super-powerful magus with an invincible bodyguard and a dragon that no one can hurt, but that protection doesn't extend to her future spouse, children and common friends like Alina.

There's a pretty decent chance that the "love is armour" would also help us protect those Illona cares about and not just herself.

Also, I corrected a typo in my original post. Might be easier to read now
Thank you for the correction.

As to protecting others, why exactly? Honestly, it'd probably be for the best if Alina died. Much easier to replace her with someone more competent without her influential (though distant) family or new border prince in-laws taking issue and Illona feeling guilty about it due to their friendship. The husband and whatever children result will be piggy-backing off of Illona's security as well as whatever the former may bring in, and while Asya as a bodyguard may not last that much longer even for Illona most of the other stuff should transfer down to our heirs. I'd not be investing so much time and effort into the dragon if I thought that our children wouldn't be able to make use of it.

More important than the protection which presently we have in spades and can get more of later on, we need to be able to actually bear children or we'll be going nowhere fast. The track record among our siblings appears to be rather spotty... @Crilltic may correct me if I am wrong, but aren't all of our sisters married (in some cases for many years) and it's only just now that one of them may be bearing a child? Being infertile could bring a disaster on the realm through a lack of clarity on succession.

Though I'm still a bit suspicious of how liable the book is to actually deliver on any such opening lines.
More important than the protection which presently we have in spades and can get more of later on, we need to be able to actually bear children or we'll be going nowhere fast. The track record among our siblings appears to be rather spotty... @Crilltic may correct me if I am wrong, but aren't all of our sisters married (in some cases for many years) and it's only just now that one of them may be bearing a child? Being infertile could bring a disaster on the realm through a lack of clarity on succession.

Though I'm still a bit suspicious of how liable the book is to actually deliver on any such opening lines.
Saulia is married and has three kids. Elita just got married and is already pregnant. Valda is not married and has no heirs.
Saulia is married and has three kids. Elita just got married and is already pregnant. Valda is not married and has no heirs.
We have nephews?? Do we know anything about them, then? For such a previously friendly relationship with Saulia, we seem to know so little about her aside from her political difficulties.

Also, I don't know if you saw my earlier post in reply to the rankings and so on, but for the foreign relations who are not Baraz in the Hastrijan empire are they all considered to be at Rank 1? I was curious if there was some sort of Rank 0 in between the negative rank and the other stuff and where exactly the isolationism and suspicion of foreign activities that Kavan exhibits tempered by his willingness to accept foreign trade and not act in hostility might fall.
It's been stated SEVERAL times that saulia has kids, from even before the sisters became queens. There's a problem between saulia's husband and Saulia so illona doesn't get to see them very much, but they exist.
[X] Iron and Bronze shield many a man / But love and family protects where no armor can.
...can you tell us what the others are later, then?

Honestly, though, we have enough defenses at the moment, and the Blood and Brine rhyme also interests me more. I mean, not that any of the three rhymes are 'great', but it reminds me of the original (different) meaning of Blood is Thicker than Water, and seems like an inversion of that.
[X] Iron and Bronze shield many a man / But love and family protects where no armor can.
...can you tell us what the others are later, ?

Honestly, though, we have enough defenses at the moment, and the Blood and Brine rhyme also interests me more. I mean, not that any of the three rhymes are 'great', but it reminds me of the original (different) meaning of Blood is Thicker than Water, and seems like an inversion of that.
I will never be a poet. :(
[X] Blood is thicker than brine, and stronger than wine / But water is strongest of all, as it bears your line

I don't understand this at all, which just makes me curious.
[X] Blood is thicker than brine, and stronger than wine / But water is strongest of all, as it bears your line

Water is pretty hardcore stuff IRL, lets go with it.
[X] A mother's love, sweet, humble and kind. / Defines a man, from the day he lives, to the time they all die.

[ ] Blood is thicker than brine, and stronger than wine / But water is strongest of all, as it bears your line

[ ] Iron and Bronze shield many a man / But love and family protects where no armor can.