Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

Lets just say that traveling in these times across desert and looking exactly like a peasant rebellion army is WORSE than being where the armies will sack cities
It sucks to be a refugee, by all accounts. So yeah, some will prefer to stay and perhaps die. Others will think they're screwed in just sticking around and will take the risk. This kind of displacement isn't just a modern phenomenon.
Considering the latest discussion, you guys really should pick up a husband for Lona this turn or at least sooner rather then later. I mean not getting an husband would not be the worst decision in Lona's time as a ruler, that lofty position is reserved if she does not get an heir of her own blood, but still Lona seems smarter then that. If not the magic is messing with her head angle is true.

Bah, what's the worst that could happen? A civil war between all our nephews? At the very least the empire would be reunified.
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Turn 7
Budget: You have 16,522g in your coffers. Your projected income for this turn is 3,200g in taxes, 8,400g in trade and 800g from mining. Your projected upkeep costs are 2,760g for this turn.

A new year dawns, and with it new challenges. Though at least this year your sister's seem to largely have a handle on things. Elita thanks you for attending the wedding, and writes that everything in Ahervare is going well. It seemed that the wedding and its aftermath have really done a lot for the continued stability of her reign. She also added a note stating that you should be prepared to be an aunt. You actually almost drop the letter when you read that...that was fast.

Sauliā's likewise contains good news. Though your elder sister sounds stressed and weary from the years of managing civil unrest, it seems her spirits have lifted somewhat now that it seem she has at least enjoyed some manner of success. You're glad, she was sounding far too gloomy and cynical in her letters to you in years past. Though you do find it suspicious that the agitators feeding the conflict disappeared after Asya eliminated the Seven Knives, something to look into at least.

The only correspondence to seriously worry you was Valda's. Brusque as usual, she merely updated you on her progress waging war against the Elvish Clans. That is not what worried you however, what worried you was her response when you suggested they had learned their lesson. "Can't risk them attacking again while I am on campaign." And there is only one real place that Valda can be plausibly planning a campaign.

Hastrijan. The news from there is worrying indeed. Kavan is still maintaining cool relations with you and you're afraid any messenger you send to contact Baraz will return sans everything below the neck. Really of the even slightly agreeable people you've contacted, two are in retreat, one's in hiding and the last one is a bastard leading an army of peasants. But you suppose you work with the hand fate deals you, rather than the one you wish it had.

Diplomacy: Alina has started to come into her own with her diplomatic prowess. While she still is rather flighty and prone to some...oddball choices, you can't deny she is vivacious and charming. Furthermore, with the relaxation of some tensions in Runāja her family has worked out a marriage contract. She married a minor son of one of the border, a match that would allow her to stay in the Citadel. It is not the most prestigious of matrimony, but she seems happy with the arrangement. (Pick One)

Shifting Sands: Though Asya mentions she has been exiled from her homelands for many years, she can still give you some rough tips for how to find the Great Oasis that lies at the heart of the Astrazi. Not getting killed once you find it is a harder challenge, but unfortunately she's out of advice on that subject. Cost: 600g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 25% Reward: Diplomatic contact with the Aljann Cities that lies at the heart of the Astrazi, Boost to trade income.

Border Woes: The Border Princes currently hold a significant portion of the developed land in your Kingdom, including the third largest city of Vykiv. Right now they're pretty content with your current, admittedly hands-off relationship, but you don't want "content" you want "loyal". Which might be a tall order, but some individual attention on their more influential members is a good start. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Rewards: Improved Relations with Border Princes, Additional Information about the Border Princes, Unlocks new levy options.

The Horse Lords: The Nomadic Tribes to the north are largely ambivalent to your rule, though your appearance at the Köngurmöte turned many heads. They pay they're tribute to you, you don't bother them, and they avoid raiding you. You are however interested in fostering new ties with them, and hopefully improving their mood to something north of "ambivalent". Cost: 250g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Improved Relations with the Nomadic Tribes, Additional Information about the Nomadic Tribes, Unlocks new recruitment options. Influences chance of Tribal Loyalties action.

*Be Warned: Other Parties may look unkindly on you treating with their rival claimants*

Born a Bastard: The Bastard Claimant to Hastrijan presents an opportunity. Individually, he is the weakest of the major claimants, both in strength and claim. However, he is also physically the closet to your realm, and the one who could most easily be put under your thumb politically. Likewise, a peasant revolt, although a risky preposition, also brings opportunity. The social upheaval such an event brings could lay fertile ground for spreading the Faith of the First Flame south. Cost: 250g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Improved Relations with the Bastard Claimant. New Diplomatic and Martial Options (For providing him with backing)

Twintuinition: The Twins are perhaps the safest option to pick in the Hastrijani Civil War. They enjoy strong noble support, a decent-sized military compliment and Roshan is the second-born son. However, they are also losing. Likewise, the rumors of incest swirling around them disgusts you on a personal level. The very thought makes your skin crawl, to stir the flames of passion with a member of your family is...unnatural. Finally, the actual amount of aid you could render to them is difficult to ascertain, as their center of support is in the easterlands, far from your border. Success: 65% Rewards: Improved Relations with theTwins. New Diplomatic and Martial Options (For providing them with backing)

Heavy is the Crown: Kavan is the reigning monarch in Hastrijan, and you suppose you could attempt to back him in his struggles against pretenders, it may very well end up endebting him to you. However, his responses to you started as cold, and they have only gotten colder. Your contacts in the palace are laying low, but what they tell you frightens you. There is something dark in the Crown Prince. But whatever it is, it does not seem to be impacting his war-fighting ability. Success: 45% Rewards: Improved Relations with Crown Prince Kavan. New Diplomatic and Martial Options (For providing him with backing)

Martial: Asya has settled into her role as your martial adviser remarkably well. Your soldiers fear and respect her in equal measures, and you feel like she is far more knowledgeable about the threats of these lands than anyone else you have. (Pick Two)

All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [ ] Raise a Shadow Company: The Shadows are your own men assigned to do the dirty tasks. Many of them are already on duty watching whispers or travelling in foreign lands to perform things of ill-repute. However, some of them can be trained to put their skills to use in your army as scouts, harrasers and spies. (Mobility 4) Skill: Professional Time: 1 year Cost: 1000g Upkeep: 100g
- [ ] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Mobility 2) Skill: Green Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g
- [ ] Raise a Flame Guard Regiment: The Flame Guard are the inner guard of the Scarlet Empire. Formerly the guardians of the Flame Palace in the capital of the Empire. They now have been divided among the Heiress-Queen are bodyguards and elite cavalry. Clad in the finest armor and armed with weapons of the highest caliber, they are super-heavy cavalry par excellence. (Mobility 6) Skill: Professional Time :2 years Cost: 2000g Upkeep: 200g
- [ ] Raise a Horse Archer Brigade: These light missile cavalry are based off the primary troops that roam the northern steppes. Excellent for scouting and harassment of enemy forces, as well as pursuit and many other applications. (Mobility 8) Skill: Professional Time: 1 year Cost: 800g Upkeep: 150g

Currently you can support a total unit strength of 69,134 (0.5% of population) of standing troops. Current Unit Strength Usage is 38,500/69,134. This cap can be increased

Blades of Fortune: You've made the acquaintance of several men who can help get the aid of men who are quite willing to pledge their sword to you, for a price of course. These men are often quite expensive, but they can help you fill out your military with hardened troops. Just as long as you can afford their contracts.
- [ ] The Lion Company. A large mercenary contingent that hails from Hastrijan. Primarily composed of heavy pikemen, and a few small wings of medium cavalry for scouting Unit Strength: 1500/1500 (Mobility 2) Skill: Veteran Cost: 1,500g Upkeep 300g
(Mobility 8) Skill: Veteran Cost: 1,100g Upkeep 250g
- [ ] The Leaves. Former bandits and tribesmen from the forests of Runāja. They're excellent archers and trackers, now so good in a stand up fight. Unit Strength: 1750/1750 (Mobility 4) Skill: Veteran Cost: 910g Upkeep 200g

Borders of Stone & Sand: The current border with Hastrijan is home to a small mountain range and the Astrazi desert. Quite a hefty barrier for troops for troops to cross. However, the defenses you have stationed there are sparse. With the violence south of the border you want to change that. You are going to deploy one of the Legions to reinforce the border forts there. Acting as a check against any violence spilling over. Of course, moving troops to the border is fairly provocative, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. Cost: 200g, One Legion, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 80% Time: 1 year Rewards: Strengthens border forts along the Hastrijan border.

Stewardship: Alfred is getting quite long in the years, and he has approached you to inquire that he would ideally like to retire within the next couple of years. His years of service have been a great benefit to you, and you're not sure where you would be without his knowledge, but now it seems you need to start looking for a replacement. (Pick Two)

Off the Beaten Path II: Your survey of the land the Queen's Road cuts through showed that much of the land looked to be undeniably fertile and ripe for settlement. Now, you need to actually prepare the land for that. It will be a large undertaking, not the least determining how to allot the land, and who will be allowed to settle it. However, if you do it right you can likely begin fostering towns, towns that have enormous room to grow, along the Queen's Road and beyond. Cost: 1500g Chance of Success: 75% Time: 2 years Rewards: Begin organizing and preparing the land along the Queen's Road for settlement. Increased Tax Revenue. Increased Opinion with Vassal Factions.

These Ancient Walls: The sand-stone walls of Qūr-dalan sit stout around the outskirts of the city. They have stood for thousands of years, though not without strife. You have walked along the walls with Alfred as he pointed out battle scars and signs of renovation. Now, Alfred wants to expand them once again, stretching further and standing taller than ever before. Cost: 2000g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 years Rewards: Better defenses around Qūr-dalan against sieges and assaults.

Digging Deeply: Your expedition to the Kurlaks hit the mother-lode in terms of what they discovered. Already it's providing a trickle of funds to your treasury but you want to expand on that drastically. The iron and copper alone, give their reported size and ease of access, would likely prove highly profitable, but there is also a massive gold vein there, waiting to be mined. As well as the mysterious silver metal that was discovered, though you're still not entirely sure how they're going to mine it. Cost: 1400g Chance of Success: 70% Time: 1 year Rewards: Increased Mining Income, high rolls allow ??? to be mined without research action being completed.

The Queen's Road: The Queen's Road is the primary route of travel from the border princes to the Kurlak River valley, and after your renovations it hosts a significant amount of traffic and trade, the lifeblood of your nation. Now you're interested in expanding it. It will likely prove to be expensive, but with it you can open up new areas of your realm to expansion and settlement. The first area on your mind is to the south, the rough area near the Hastrijan is lightly populated, but with money and trade flowing into the region you can change that...and that will aid in fortifying the area against Hatrijani aggression. Cost: 2000g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 year Rewards: Expands Queen's Road to the south, opens up new Stewardship actions.

Intrigue: You've grow quite attached to Lilita, she has quite a mind for schemes and plots that are honestly beyond you. Right now, she's mainly focusing on how best to gather information outside your realm, and the situations there are worrying her just as much as you. (Pick Two)

Up the Ruby River: The stories that emerge from the merchants travelling along the Ruby River are as wild as they are differing. What you're interested in though is getting a sense of what actually lies to the far east. It will likely be a journey fraught with danger and it will require a bit of coin, but hopefully you can get a picture of what lies beyond the Kurlaks and Astrazi. Cost: 600g Chance of Success: 50% Time: 2 years Rewards: Information about the far eastern realm

Eyes in the Dark: Asya's elimination of the Seven Knives is a weight off your shoulders. But their mere prescence casts doubts in your mind. Are they really truly dead? What if they live on outside of Ahervare? What if they are not the only group moving in the shadows to harm you and your family? You decide you must know. Cost: 1,500g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Further information about the Seven Knives. Chance to discover any other secret groups operating beneath your notice.

In Another Castle: You are worried for the young princess who has provided you with so much information about the happenings in the capital. So you have a mission for the Shadows, find out what has happened to her after she informed you she was laying low, and if need be, protect her and help her flee from harm. Cost: 1000g Chance of Success: 65% Time: 1 year Rewards: Resume contact with Hastrijani Princess. Potentially gain Diplomacy/Intrigue specced Hero Unit.

A Death in the Family: Baraz presents a problem. He is a military genius, and he hates you. In fact, he hates everyone in your family. You don't know why, but his hatred for everything related to the Scarlet Empire is deeply personal. One thing is clear though, he cannot be allowed to take the throne of Hastrijan, and you do not trust the other claimants to keep him away. So you are going to solve the situation...permanently. Cost: 1000g Chance of Success: 45% Time: 1 year Rewards: Baraz the Black Hand suffers a tragic accident.

Chasing Shadows: You want to know what's going on in Hastrijan, you really really want to know what's going on in Hastrijan. Unfortunately most of your information comes from rumors heard on the border towns and by the odd merchant. You need more. Cost: 750g Chance of Success: 70% Time: 1 year Rewards: Infiltrate Hastrijan more closely, better picture of what's going on in Hastrijan internally.

Piety: The Faith is spreading rapidly amongst the small folk outside of the capital now. Though it has slowed and moderated itself in repsonse to your own efforts. As the head of the Faithful in the realm, you enjoy no small amount of support, and combined with your reputation for personal piety and your efforts as Queen the Faithful adore you. (Pick Two)

Hidden Talent: According to Asya the gift of magic in your blood is not as rare as you once thought. There are perhaps others out there, in your realm no less, who possess the gift and are simply ignorant. Magic is a blessing and curse, capable of great feats of strength and prowess, but also terrible darkness. Plus, you already know of one group that was hunting mages, and perhaps if you give them a safe place to learn and grow it will prevent tragedy from striking. Cost: 1,500g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Begin searching for those with magical lineage in your kingdom.

A Mysterious Book: Your search of the hidden library found an oddity. Among the dusty tomes, untouched in centuries if not longer, was a single book open on the table. It too was covered in dust, untouched for many years, but it lacked the cobwebs and accumulated age of the others. There was even a torn set of cobwebs where the reader had ripped it from its perch on the bookshelf. Your thoughts drift to the only other person you know knew about these hidden libraries. Could your mother have read this book? And if so, what was she researching here of all places? Cost: 0g Chance of Success: 80% Time: 1 year Rewards: Begins Mysterious Book? Event Chain.

Tribal Loyalties: You have strengthened your support among the Horse Lords of the Steppe, but they still maintain a different faith than the First Flame. That just won't do, and your are preparing to begin introducing the Three Holy Books to the southern clans. It is your hope that it can begin to take root there, and from there spread throughout the steppe. Cost: 600g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 55% Rewards: Sylltāji faith begins to spread among the Horse Clans of the Steppe.

A Grand Church: The state of the Faith in Qūr-dalan is frankly deplorable. Sure, there is the palace church, but aside from that the Faith has little presence among the streets of the city. You aim to change that, setting out to build grand church right in the residential quarter Cost: 1,500g Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased worship of the First Flame in Qūr-dalan

Learning: Andeszj now spends his time in his hall, leading the various disciples in pursuit of knowledge...and also dealing with the demon you've unleashed on him. Māka has proved to boundlessly curious and frightfully intelligent, all things you'd expect of a knowledge spirit. She's even showing signs of maturity and restraint...but only sometimes. (Pick Two)

Flashing Blades: Some of the scrolls you found in the library made reference to a specific set of additives and smelting techniques that are supposedly superior for the forging of blades. Unfortunately, most of the scrolls appear to have been burned ages ago, leaving only the barest hints as to what this technique was. However, Andezjs knows of a few smithy's in the city who might be able to help him piece it together. Cost: 250g Chances of Success: 45% Time: 1 year Rewards: Military Units more effective. Increased trade income.

The Bad Blood: The discoveries translated by Andezjs several years ago have started him down a path of phenomenal interest about sickness and how it spreads. According to him, the key is the blood. Disease lurks there when a person is sick. However, he still does not know how it spreads. He has some theories though. Cost: 900g Chance of Success: 35% Time 1 year Rewards: Bonus to disease protection.

And a Pinch of Lavender: One of Andezjs's passions is experimenting with the effects of various local herbs and poultices and how they can affect the human body. Primarily concerned with the healing properties of these herbs Andezjs wants figure out if they can be used to treat various diseases and aid in the healing process of wounds. Chance of Success: 45% Time: 1 Year Rewards: Increased Disease Resistance, Fewer battlefield casualties.

Blood-Soaked Amulets: The Amulets Asya managed to recover from the Seven Knives are interesting indeed. From what she can tell, anyone can use them to perform feats of magic with the proper training. However, no actually has any idea how to actually use them. So before anyone accidentally blows their own legs off or something, you have given them to Andeszj and his disciples to figure out how they work, and if you can make any more of them with the whole "blood sacrifice" thing. Chance of Success: 75% Time: 1 Year Rewards: Can use the various Amulets recovered by Asya.

Beasts of the Borders: The expeditions last year into the Kurlaks managed to capture several of the fantastic beasts that dwell there. Now, Andeszj wants to once again venture out there to study them, now that some of them are contained. He thinks it will provide a wealth of knowledge about how you can utilize these captive animals Cost: 450g Chance of Success: 75% Time: 1 year Rewards: Can utilize the Gryphon Eggs and Adolescent Wyrms captured by the 3rd Legion.

The Jealous Fire: Tabulating and deciphering the wealth of information you discovered in the hidden libraries is a project likely to take years. However some have already been done and the first piece of information Andeszj is eager to examine is a recipe for an incendiary. According to Andeszj it is like nothing he has ever seen. Supposedly it is supposed to burn hotter than any other fire, and the flames stick to everything they touch like a jealous lover. You shudder at the thought of what it would be like to be caught in such a terrible thing. Cost: 800g Chance of Success: 55% Time: 1 year Rewards: Can produce Jealous Fire

The Key of Hearts: The key you received from your Mother is a curiosity. It managed to unlock something within you, and also uncovered the door to the hidden passages within the walls of the Citadel. You have the suspicion it can do much more, so you've given it to Andeszj to see if he can discover anything. Cost: 150g Chance of Success: 75% Time 1 year Rewards: Capabilities of the Key you received uncovered.

Personal: Throughout the hectic nature and constant work of your reign, there is some time you have put aside for yourself, to pursue personal projects and other flights of fancy (Pick Two)

The Grand Bazaar: Your last trip to the market did not go how you had hoped for. In fact, it was fairly terrible all things considered. However, you're still eager to discover what sort of treasures the markets contain. This time with the proper precautions of course. Take a trip down to the markets. Cost: 45g Chance of Success: 100% Reward: ???

Simurgh: Simurgh continues to grow, and you want to continue to oversee his training personally. You're note entirely sure the houndmaster and other keepers in the Citadel are quite...up to the task of watching over him. Especially as they are quite burnable, unlike you. Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.

The Inner Eye: The Key unlocked something in you. Your vision is sharper than you remember, and seemingly everything you look at it constantly in focus. You can feel something more lurking beneath the surface, half-faded memories of fractal patterns upon the world. The words of your Mother echo, you have the capability to See...you just need to discover it. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Increased knowledge of the Sight, High Roll unlocks more capabilities.

Sticks and Stones: Asya's adventures in Ahervare has opened her eyes, and she has frankly insisted you resume training. You cannot always rely on your magical abilities to bolster your martial abilities. So she has prepared a series of training regimes to impart some of her vast array of fighting expertise onto you. By which you mean she's going to hurt you...a lot. But it's out of love you see? Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased Martial Training/Magical Training. Spends time with Asya.

Tying the Knot: The example of your sister's courtship and your own glimpse at the darker side of politics has led you to conclude that you really should look into the whole business of marriage. Even if it's just a political arrangement to foster a heir, it would likely go a long way to securing your reign. Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Information on potential marriage candidates.

A/N: Remember. Plan voting is not open right at start, take the time to discuss. Voting will open at 7 EST. Which is in approximately 7 1/2 hours.
Martial: Asya has settled into her role as your martial adviser remarkably well. Your soldiers fear and respect her in equal measures, and you feel like she is far more knowledgeable about the threats of these lands than anyone else you have. (Pick Two)

We pick two, but the Asya is at 30 martial?
I really really REALLY don't want to back a claimant until we get more info, so I'd support sending shadows to do some scouting. As well, if Baraz were to "accidentally" fall from his horse into a ravine, then well, that's just one less problem to worry about, no? :rofl:
Hmm. We need more information on Hastrijan. And at this point I think we should use Intrigue channels rather than Diplomatic channels, since contact with any one faction may tip our hand to the others. Diplomacy should go into strengthening relations with the Border Princes, maybe also go for contacts with the Nomads as well. Piety-wise I'm not inclined to start looking for and training potential Mages until Illona can focus on doing so, given how dangerous magic can be. Definitely want to spend a Personal Action to train Simurgh, to train with Asya, and to start looking at suitors.

Early favorites would be Border Woes, Digging Deeply, In Another Castle, Chasing Shadows, Mysterious Book, Grand Church, Key of Hearts, and the Personal Actions previously mentioned. Though if no one else has any better idea to spend on another Split Focus, it might be worth going with a Double Down on the Horse Lords rather than focusing on the Border Woes. Still, we need both nomads and Border Princes in the event of war so we need to address one this year, then the other next year...

Removing Baraz would be a fairly bold choice. There's a risk that Baraz might be the lesser evil against Kavan and the only one who can hold the Crown Prince in check. Though with any luck his forces would switch allegiances to the twins after his death, and that might prolong the civil war substantially.
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Beasts of the Borders will likely either result in tameable wyrms (possibly after a questline) or in gryphon burgers getting on the menu. It therefore has my support by default.
[] Plan Shadows And Hearts

[] Border Woes

If our sister is planning on attacking them, then none of the Hastrijian cases are healthy for us to back. It's a clusterfuck.
I'd prefer to go after the nomads and get them to back up our forces more internally.
After discussion, changed to our nobles, since their loyalty is weaker at present.

[] All The Queen's Horses
-[] Raise a Shadow Company
[] Borders of Stone & Sand

Recon and scouting group needed to fill out the lack.
Also with the news of our sister's plans, we're going to NEED forts whether we aggro them or not.

[] Digging Deeply
[] The Queen's Road

Mines to finance what's going to be really expensive shit, and roads so that when the war comes, we can mobilize and fortify rapidly.

[] Eyes in the Dark
[] In Another Castle
-[] Double Down - In Another Castle

Need to get to the root of the spy games at home first, and extract the princess. She's the best bet for unfucking that mess over there.
Also we could kind of use a diplomatic hero :p

Assassination is tempting, but we need more certainty. It could screw us even if we win. As such, Chasing Shadows should have synergy with Eyes in the Dark and In Another Castle. Trace our secret organizations over to theirs and find the root of the poison.
After discussion, convinced to double down on getting their princess out of there first, as failing could be catastrophic.

[] Hidden Talent
[] A Mysterious Book

Considering the risk of insanity with magic, best to make sure they are under us and under watch than to run on their own.
And the mystery plot chain. Not doing the riskier items for now. Let the faith settle a bit first.

[] Blood-Soaked Amulets
[] Beasts of the Borders
[] Extra Action - The Key of Hearts
Amulets are pretty important if war is coming, and the eggs won't keep forever. Tame them now or kill them later.

[] Simurgh
[] Tying the Knot

Baby dragon and marriage, as already determined earlier
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Hidden Talent: According to Asya the gift of magic in your blood is not as rare as you once thought. There are perhaps others out there, in your realm no less, who possess the gift and are simply ignorant. Magic is a blessing and curse, capable of great feats of strength and prowess, but also terrible darkness. Plus, you already know of one group that was hunting mages, and perhaps if you give them a safe place to learn and grow it will prevent tragedy from striking. Cost: 1,500g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Begin searching for those with magical lineage in your kingdom.
Part of me feels like this is a bad idea unless we can figure out why magic can drive people crazy.

If it turns out it's like the Force, we can set up some Jedi order thingie.
I'd rather do sticks and stones myself :p. We can put off marriage options for a year.
The marriage options is only "gather information on". It'll only be the first step on securing a marriage and will be neccesary for any ship other than IllonAsya to actually appear.

Illona is in the very lucky situation that she can actually afford to be selfish* in regards to marriage and do so for reasons other than "I really need the diplomatic bonus". Only that requires us to take our time getting to know the candidates and see which ones aren't secretly douches.

*To a certain degree.
Part of me feels like this is a bad idea unless we can figure out why magic can drive people crazy.

If it turns out it's like the Force, we can set up some Jedi order thingie.
You know the problem with NOT taking it is that magic is instinctive and automatic. Mages happen regardless, the only difference is whether they are trained to wield it and avoid abusing it...

Or act like almost anyone given the ability to shoot fire: Use it for everything.
You know the problem with NOT taking it is that magic is instinctive and automatic. Mages happen regardless, the only difference is whether they are trained to wield it and avoid abusing it...

Or act like almost anyone given the ability to shoot fire: Use it for everything.
On the other hand, looking for magic users means more people know that almost anyone can be a magic user, most likely leading to more people awakening the this likely-corrupting force.
On the other hand, looking for magic users means more people know that almost anyone can be a magic user, most likely leading to more people awakening the this likely-corrupting force.
Explicitly not.

Magic is inherited in the bloodline. Not everyone can be a magic user, but those who can will do it on their own eventually, without any control. We've seen from the corpses even children can awaken to their power.
Thinking along these lines...

[] Border Woes
--[] Double Down

Stay away from Hastrijian, the place is a mess, and we'd only worsen the situation at this juncture.

[] All The Queen's Horses
-[] Raise a Shadow Company
[] Borders of Stone & Sand

No real choice here.

[] Digging Deeply
[] The Queen's Road

Off The Beaten Path II is also viable but Digging Deeply finishes faster, so we can do OTBP next year.

[] In Another Castle
--[] Double Down
[] Chasing Shadows

Spending the money on Another Castle because it can't be allowed to fail. If we fucking up Chasing Shadows we just look like idiots, if we fuck up that one then we were caught meddling with their royals.

[] A Grand Church
[] A Mysterious Book

Really just lack of amazing options outside of the Book. Might as well do the Church and hope for organic growth. If I was opting to Diplo the horse lords, then I'd Piety them also in hope of synergy.

[] Blood-Soaked Amulets
[] Beasts of the Borders

Amulets are kinda OP and Beasts will time out (and I believe was also generated off a really good roll).

[] Simurgh
[] Sticks and Stones

Asya is already here why do we need to look for candidates?
Well, there is the whole heir situation, and we really do need to solve that. On the other hand, I do support AsyaXIllona, so I'm open to other solutions regarding pregnancy and such(adoption of any child NOT of our blood wound have too many issues to consider)
You know, I dunno why but I was assuming Asya was a djinni or something rather than an elf.
It's from Asya's character sheet:

Spirit of the Shifting Sands: Deep within the Astrazi Desert dwell the sand spirits, known to the human tribes as the Aljann. It is said they are the guardians of the of the massive Oasis that lies at the center of the great desert. Whatever else, they are rarely seen by humans, and are known for their extreme grace and beauty. (Can be passed down).
I think the most important thing we can do is extract the Princess--weighing in on the Civil War as things stand is not going to end well, since the only candidate who might actually be friendly to us is also the one least likely to win.

Also, can we please start the Husbando Search now? We've literally had the GM tell us that the clock is ticking on this.
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I think the most important thing we can do is extract the Princess--weighing in on the Civil War as things stand is not going to end well, since the only candidate who might actually be friendly to us is also the one least likely to win.
The actual 'best' outcome for us would be to back the second or third strongest candidates with mercs, cash, and assassins, but not too much. Prolong the Civil War as much as possible and let whoever the eventual victor will be be as weakened and depleted as possible, then roll in militarily and take everything out in one fell swoop. (And sure maybe even pitch it as restoring the friendly Princess to the throne or something, just make sure to stab all the guys we were supporting first.)
It's more that if we can successfully extract the princess, we'll have a bounty of actionable intel on the Hastrijan situation, because she can't really afford to tell us anything important over correspondance considering how dangerous it apparently is for her to be corresponding with us.

Not sure if anyone else has done this distribution yet, but here's my two cents. We see about stabilizing the Borders Princes to be more loyal to us, we have a perfectly legitimate reason to want to reinforce our defenses (Because as it so happens, civil wars are bad for open borders.) And hopefully we manage to successfully extract the Princess and maybe get some clues with the other stuff going on.

We need to be delicate with the Hastrijani situation, but ensure that our own interests are secured.

[X] Plan Battening Down the Hatches
[X] Border Woes--Double Down
[X] Raise a Shadow Company
[X] Borders of Stone and Sand
[X] Digging Deeply
[X] The Queen's Road
[X] In Another Castle--Double Down
[X] Eyes in the Dark
[X] A Mysterious Book
[X] A Grand Church
[X] Blood-Soaked Amulets
[X] Beasts of the Borders
[X] Simurgh
[X] Tying the Knot
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I do think grabbing Flashing Steel now, so that not only we benefit from it but Valda can benefit from it as well is a useful step. We have a decent military, getting decent steel makes that a lot more useful. Any warbeasts we capture are not going to be useful for a few years at least and I think going into a war with Hastrijani in the expectation that we'll have them is a bad bad idea.