*claps* Well played!It is not until later that you manage to get the full story out of Elita. It seemed that she did indeed tell Brice her plan. He was skeptical at first but after she showed him his cousin chained in the basement, and listen to his confessions he came around. They were married shortly afterwards in a private ceremony. All in preparation for turning the public ceremony into one massive trap. Elita apologized profusely for keeping you in the dark once again, she even gave you the amulet that was keeping Hans alive as a token of her gratitude. You suppose you forgive her.
YAY STAT BONUSES!Illona gains +4 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy.
Alina gains +4 Diplomacy
Valda should just cut her losses and settle for the elves not raiding into human territory. The elves have already gotten the message - mess with us and we'll kick you out.The Blood of Elves: Once more the mountains of Vana run red with blood as the fury of the Heiress-Queen is unleashed. This time it the elvish clans who feel her might. Fed up with their constant feuding, she has set out to end the problem...permanently. While initial skirmishes with the elves went well, and the raids into human territory have stopped after the raiders were completely slaughtered the elves have withdrawn. They still war amongst themselves, but now they do it in their remote mountain homes, far from any human settlements. Frustrating the Heiress-Queen's attempts to make them pay in blood for the toll their conflict had inflicted on her realm.
Lucky!Fighting for Peace: The political turmoil in Runāja appears to be finally abating to some extent. The Heiress-Queen has managed to hold another meeting between the rival clans, and unlike the last of such meetings, it was not immediately upset unknown assailants sparking the violence once again. Instead an uneasy peace has developed, as both the sides take the time to re-examine what happened. It is tension-filled and extremely fragile, but it is peace, something that has been sorely lacking in Runāja for the last several years.
Honestly, this is a clusterfuck. Interfering can cause as much problems as not interfering.
It's amusing how we're the happy, peaceful kingdom.The Golden Years: Meanwhile in Väljad peace continues to reign. Gold flows in ever greater amounts throughout the kingdom, and the latest harvest has been especially bountiful. For everyone from the highest noble to the lowest peasant, this past year has been one of the best in living memory, and the ones that preceded it were certainly nothing to scoff at either. Many are whispering that this may be the dawn of a new golden age of peace and prosperity, though most still believe that it is far too early to tell, and some are simply waiting for the other shoe to drop.
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