Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

Illona has three sisters, two close girlfriends (distinct mind from girlfriends), two advisors who are in a quite apparently successful marriage despite a major age gap, and probably those servants who filled the parental role to ask about love and marriage. She isn't hopeless there by any stretch, and her mother seems not to have had any relationships so her advice would be... interesting in multiple ways, or just what Illona could get from scripture, I think.
Mortal hands could not hope to control that vastness of the Empire by themselves, even ones that carried the spark of the divine within them.
It doesn't exactly say that we're blessed by the Divine, but carrying a divine spark comes pretty close, IMO.
(And so far, we have certainly been blessed by the Random Number God.)
Breeding the Kwisatch Haderach is like, at least half of the fun of CKII. All the incest and child murder and marriages to Genius commoners from another continent serve a purpose, after all.
It doesn't exactly say that we're blessed by the Divine, but carrying a divine spark comes pretty close, IMO.
(And so far, we have certainly been blessed by the Random Number God.)

Sounds like it's taking about our divine heritage to me. That and the fact that our right to rule comes from religious means. I've just never gotten an idea of where we may have been blessed. Not any more than could have come from our either half or quarter Divine blood atleast. And in that case if we do have any children they'll likely inherit it themselves. Or it may just be too diluted by that point. Never know.
Sounds like it's taking about our divine heritage to me. That and the fact that our right to rule comes from religious means. I've just never gotten an idea of where we may have been blessed. Not any more than could have come from our either half or quarter Divine blood atleast. And in that case if we do have any children they'll likely inherit it themselves. Or it may just be too diluted by that point. Never know.
It's certainly way more than any random peasant's got, at least if you believe it's true. It's very common among monarchs to draw legitimacy from descent after important religious figures. The prior monarchs of Ethiopia claimed descent from King Solomon through the Queen of Sheba, the Emperor of Japan was supposed to be a descendant of their sun goddess, go back far enough in the Yngling (the dynasty that once ruled Norway) family tree and they claim Freyr, a Norse god, as an ancestor. This is just a handful of them; there are far more examples.
[X] Why did you leave?
[X] A while ago, Elita found a Straydor book that talked about you over a century before you came. What was going on with that?
[X] Why are we meeting now?
Less asking a holy figure about all the juicy bits, more a sheltered young woman asking her distant mother for The Talk.

She's met her twice in her entire life and sees her more as an object of religious and hero worship than a mother. Why would she ask for the talk from a relative stranger/ hero/ religious figure that she can ask almost anyone else she trusts rather than take the time to ask about things only she can Answer? She's more Daughter of God to Illona than her mother at this point. She has been spending the past few years spreading word of her divinity everywhere she can...
She's met her twice in her entire life and sees her more as an object of religious and hero worship than a mother. Why would she ask for the talk from a relative stranger/ hero/ religious figure that she can ask almost anyone else she trusts rather than take the time to ask about things only she can Answer? She's more Daughter of God to Illona than her mother at this point. She has been spending the past few years spreading word of her divinity everywhere she can...

Because funnies? Also, Crilltic said we can do follow-up questions. And honestly, the driving, practical point of the marriage question is asking after the political dimensions more than the funnies.
She's met her twice in her entire life and sees her more as an object of religious and hero worship than a mother. Why would she ask for the talk from a relative stranger/ hero/ religious figure that she can ask almost anyone else she trusts rather than take the time to ask about things only she can Answer? She's more Daughter of God to Illona than her mother at this point. She has been spending the past few years spreading word of her divinity everywhere she can...
"'Sup Jesus, how's the love life. I know that your returning from Heaven is important and all, but what we really want to know is 'do you have a girlfriend?" and 'Can you help me get one?'"
Because funnies? Also, Crilltic said we can do follow-up questions. And honestly, the driving, practical point of the marriage question is asking after the political dimensions more than the funnies.

Not really, everyone here already seems to have decided that gettin Illona hitched off to the best guy around is what's gonna happen. I doubt anything the Daughter of God says will change that so its all stuff we'll find out eventually. At this point Illona's cynical view of political marriage fits more than any other due to the players wishing to for one and so her eventual marriage will be coming up regardless. The answers we find out from the Ash Maiden however we will likely only have one chance or very few chance to discover soon.
Not really, everyone here already seems to have decided that gettin Illona hitched off to the best guy around is what's gonna happen. I doubt anything the Daughter of God says will change that so its all stuff we'll find out eventually. At this point Illona's cynical view of political marriage fits more than any other due to the players wishing to for one and so her eventual marriage will be coming up regardless. The answers we find out from the Ash Maiden however we will likely only have one chance or very few chance to discover soon.

Well, "best guy," yes, but if we ask Mama what "best guy" is, we get insight on who that would be. End of the day this is a double-crit reward; any advice we get is going to be good. Which means it'll be advice the GM thinks is good. And at the end of the day the GM decides how this world works. That's my thought.
Well, "best guy," yes, but if we ask Mama what "best guy" is, we get insight on who that would be. End of the day this is a double-crit reward; any advice we get is going to be good. Which means it'll be advice the GM thinks is good. And at the end of the day the GM decides how this world works. That's my thought.
"Ok, so the first thing you need to find is someone who you can't accidentally melt. That's the hard part right there. If you can't try hoping really hard, maybe something will happen then."
Well, "best guy," yes, but if we ask Mama what "best guy" is, we get insight on who that would be. End of the day this is a double-crit reward; any advice we get is going to be good. Which means it'll be advice the GM thinks is good. And at the end of the day the GM decides how this world works. That's my thought.

What makes you think that a political figure who ruled an empire with an iron fist and religious power would know how to pick a husband? Especially considering she never had one herself, no one knows if she was ever even in a relationship in her entire reign and if she did have a relationship then that still doesn't make her any good at politically choosing a husband (since apparently that's all we care about). Just because she was the Ash Maiden doesn't mean she can give good relationship advice, especially to someone she's barely spoken to and who basically worships her word. Asking her about things going on that we can't find out in other places or that she might not even have good advice for is what I'm advocating for.

Hell she's been gone for over 5 years who the hell says she was even paying attention to the political climate since then even if she was great at politics? And that's just in top of every other reason to ask another question instead of this one. :p

Edit- Don't forget we have friends and advisors for helping us with relationships (if we even have one with our husband) and choosing a husband to get the most out of it. Illone doesn't need potentially bad advice nor does she need to know the Ash Maidens opinion on marraige as it's likely she'll take it as gospel as well... and that could mess a lot up.
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Well, I'd want mama's input when picking a spouse.

Esp. when mama is divine.

She's not mama though. She's basically Jesus. And if you had the option to ask Jesus anything then asking him who to politically marry to gene best for your rule wouldn't likely be the top of your list when you can ask about anything. :p
that still doesn't make her any good at politically choosing a husband (since apparently that's all we care about)
Who's 'we'?

I mean, there's been this sentiment...
While Illona needs a husband to secure the succession, I don't actually think it critical the marriage be too politic. Dice roller be praised, she has enough power and authority to secure her position in her own realm. An alliance or more troops and so on from a marriage would be nice to have but not necessary.
And then there was a sentiment that she's doomed to fall for the first smooth talker.

She's not mama though. She's bacially Jesus.
...if Jesus were a mama, that is.
She's not mama though. She's basically Jesus. And if you had the option to ask Jesus anything then asking him who to politically marry to gene best for your rule wouldn't likely be the top of your list when you can ask about anything. :p

I wouldn't say the Jesus comparison is exactly fitting given that distant or not she is our parent, but I think it's clear that we're of starkly different minds on this one.

Agree to disagree? :p
Who's 'we'?

I mean, there's been this sentiment...

And then there was a sentiment that she's doomed to fall for the first smooth talker.

...if Jesus were a mama, that is.

1. It seemed to be the general condenses when it last came up. I don't agree with it but that's defintiely what I got from it. The fact that it's even being brought up right now when we don't have any love interests just seems to indicate that marraige is something some players really want.

2. She gave birth to us but we've only ever met her twice in our entire life and we've been raised to see her as a major religious figure and to worship her as the child of our Diety. That's who we see her as, not "mama". Maybe if we we'rent so pious I could see us seeing her as a normal woman instead of the Ash Maiden. But we're extremely pious and believeing in the First Flame/ the Ash Maiden and we've only met her twice during our entire childhood. One of our sisters raised us most. Seeing her as mother rather than our sister or a nanny or just no one seems off to me is all. Atleast in this intimate manner where we're questioning her on marraige as if she would know about it and we only have 4 questions.
I wouldn't say the Jesus comparison is exactly fitting given that distant or not she is our parent, but I think it's clear that we're of starkly different minds on this one.

Agree to disagree? :p

Oh sorry I just saw this after I posted. That's fine. I'm not trying to bother you or force you to change your vote, just making sure I'm explaining my POV correctly in hopes that other people may agree or come around to it. If you don't agree then that's fine. Do as you wish mate. It's your vote after all.