Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

[X] Why did you leave?
[X] What do you want us (Illona and her sisters) to accomplish?
[X] Can you tell me anything about the blessings I've been given?

[] Did I have a father?


[] Why weren't you ever present for me?


[X] Why are we meeting now?

Right mostly all very proper. Illona almost certainly lacks any real emotional connection to her mother. She clearly devoutly believes in the Ash Maiden as the Daughter of God, though. Thus the question about leaving, and the request for a purpose or a charge for the dynasty. Asking about the Gift and for that matter the Sight and the Key addresses the rather mundane but pressing question of the nature of Illona's powers.

The last question is, eh. Asking about Dad is popular but does Illona really care? Does she harbor resentment or disappointment about the absence of her mother? Or is their emotional bond so tenuous it's more important to ask why she's finally showed up now? I'm not sure what Illona would prioritize here, to be honest.
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Illona is intellectually curious about her father, but really even though she lacked basically any emotional connection with her mother at least she knew who she was and saw her a couple of times. You can't say as much for her father.
Hmm, now that I'm home, I think the following four questions should do best:
[X] What is she planning to do from now on?
[X] Is there anything we had been overlooking so far?
[X] How does our magic work?
[X] I'm thinking of looking into getting married...do you have any advice on the practicalities or the- *blush* -details?
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She was left to the Court and has no idea who her father is and only met her mother twice. There's basically no parental relationship to build on between her and Sveta.

Presumably, besides Saulia and Elita, there were others who filled the emotional void since she is naive but not poorly socialized or emotionally detached like a truly neglected child would be. That does suggest there's probably some mother or father figures out there she was close to, but they were likely commoners serving in the palace. I suppose her aristocratic education and environment and piety molded her to be rather accepting and to avoid resentment at the arrangement.

Asking about her father or other birth circumstances to satisfy curiosity seems alright then, but only if she can't think of anything more important to ask.
[X] Why did you leave?

Backstory, possibility of learning something important and things going on in the background/ possible main plot points.

[X] What do you want us (Illona and her sisters) to accomplish?

Again possible plot points, possibly a bit more direction than just what we've been doing. Maybe warning about something that she foresaw that we didn't or knows that we don't and we may need to prepare for.

[X] Can you tell me anything about the blessings I've been given?

So we can grow quicker to deal with the pretty damn hostile world right now. Our Magic could get a big growth boost as we learn more about it other than just vague impressions, we learn more about our eyes and possible learn a bit about the key that unlocked it and what using it again at a later date may do.

[X] Why are we meeting now?

To find out why she suddenly decided to come back after all these years. It's almost certain there's a reason. Learning plot points, learning what the Daughter of God and her Mother wants her to do etc. Does the First Flame have any plans for us or did she come on her own etc.

I'm sure they'll get a bit of talking without exact questions as well but just asking about a father she's never met nor has she expressed burning desire to know about makes little sense. She's not a child anymore and has been a queen for years. I doubt she would waste her time asking abith a man she's never know and has no guarantee to even be alive. And even if he was what would she do with it? Invade his new life just because she wants to know him while putting him in the radar as all the Heiress-Queens father? Yeah no.
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[X] Why did you leave?
[X] What do you want us (Illona and her sisters) to accomplish?
[X] Can you tell me anything about the blessings I've been given?
[X] Why are we meeting now?
It isn't the father that I'd like Illona to know about. It's the circumstances behind his and Mother's union.

Illona is planning her marriage in the near future, or at least thinking about it. I think this question might be a relevant one, since it looks we are following our mom's example in most things, and this particular example is not that bad.

I have no clue where these ideas of 'invading some unknown man's life' come from.
Well asking about her father is also tacitly asking "or did you just concieve me and my sisters by yourself?" Which is a possibility with some implications for Illona's very nature, and thus identity and purpose.

But then again she might be told it doesn't matter and what she does with her own life is the important thing.
[X] Why did you leave?
[X] What do you want us (Illona and her sisters) to accomplish?
[X] Can you tell me anything about the blessings I've been given?
[X] Why are we meeting now?
[X] Why did you leave?
[X] What do you want us (Illona and her sisters) to accomplish?
[X] Can you tell me anything about the blessings I've been given?
[X] What is she planning to do from now on?

I think knowing what the Everything: Yes superhuman mom is going to be doing is going to be PRETTY useful.
[X] ...what?
-[X] What happened to you, and why only reveal yourself to me?
-[X] Can you help me help my sisters?
-[X] Do you have any advice? About my Gift or the Sight I've unlocked? Or is this a warning about something?
-[X] I'm thinking of looking into getting married...do you have any advice on the practicalities or the- *blush* -details?

We have Word of Crilltic that Illona knows nothing useful about marriage or love. Asking for advice on this seems like a good idea, especially as our mother is probably the only one who can tell us how to ensure that our children are also blessed by the divine.
[X] What happened to you, and why only reveal yourself to me?
[X] Can you help me help my sisters?
[X] Do you have any advice? About my Gift or the Sight I've unlocked? Or is this a warning about something?
[X] A while ago, Elita found a Straydor book that talked about you over a century before you came. What was going on with that?
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[X] Why did you leave?
[X] What do you want us (Illona and her sisters) to accomplish?
[X] Can you tell me anything about the blessings I've been given?
[X] Why are we meeting now?
We have Word of Crilltic that Illona knows nothing useful about marriage or love. Asking for advice on this seems like a good idea, especially as our mother is probably the only one who can tell us how to ensure that our children are also blessed by the divine.

Who says we're blessed by the Divine at all? We're the child of either the Daughter of God, making us the grandchild of the First Flame. That means we either depending on if another human was involved in out conception are either half God or quarter God ourselves. Where did the idea we got some sort of blessing come from? And why would Illona be so focused on a possible future husband that she would give up the time/chance to ask about what her Hero/Divine Figure is coming to her for. Espcially when she can learn romance form another person who likely has more idea of it than from someone literally worshipped and who likely had as different a relationship from the norm as possible...

Edit- Just the sheer difference in power and position between her and any normal man would mean their relationship really wouldn't be a "healthy" one or one we want to emulate that much. Unless we want our husband to be someone no ones knows and people even question the existance of ofcourse.
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[X] Why did you leave?
[X] A while ago, Elita found a Straydor book that talked about you over a century before you came. What was going on with that?
[X] Why are we meeting now?

I don't really know a 4th question, so I'll just stop there. The only really new thing is question 2, which comes from the fact that we'll probably never find that book again, and if Elita's right someone tried very hard to keep us from seeing it.

Oh, and before I forget.
[X] ...what?
We have Word of Crilltic that Illona knows nothing useful about marriage or love. Asking for advice on this seems like a good idea, especially as our mother is probably the only one who can tell us how to ensure that our children are also blessed by the divine.
She is unclear about what it's purpose is, either it's obtaining another person to die tragically in front of you, to get someone you can cheat on, or a cynical affair to secure the succession.