"It has been my observation that heroes prevent villains from doing harm, but otherwise preserve the status quo. To disrupt society, to impose your will upon the world; these are the acts of a villain. Very well then, I shall be a Villain of Justice. I shall bend my labors and wealth towards building a better future for all thinking beings; one that enshrines as sacred the inherent dignity of all the peoples of the world and uplifts all those who choose to walk this path with me. Thus shall I rule the hearts of the world and lay wrecked beneath my ever so stylish heels the status quo."
"Behold, my villanious plan to destroy the american insurance industry by providing universal healthcare."
since it's in space, all you need is an omnidirectional forcefield and point defense lasers on the satellite to ensure it can't be physically taken over and weaponized.
It isn't going to be much use to the poor if it requires a major ground installation to use, and won't be much use to industry if the power intensity is low. Then there is the doomed facet of how much real-estate it consumes, and the inability to use it directly for small-scale uses, which means it still requires conventional infrastructure and the associated training and maintenance... . It is also not a "laser" so much as a very specific doom-beam that has its own specific properties. I very much assume that Lena does know about lasers, and did not feel the whole "power transmitter" vibe until said very specific doom-beam. It is going to be a doom-beam... and the problem with that is-
coopting it via comic book bs hacking
- this! Indigo could breeze through most any security, and even standard Hollywood Hacking would be as simple as "Oh, yeah, my competitor totally just installed an arbitrarily large number of receivers at exactly the same point on their corporate headquarters"...
it's not blatant super villain BS though, it's standard corporation/politics BS
??? You just said that two synonyms were not the same thing though?
Tents/inflatable power receivers? Translucent? Packed-up would fit in the back of a Toyota Hi-lux? You don't need a large, solid, building, to cover a big reception area...
Tents/inflatable power receivers? Translucent? Packed-up would fit in the back of a Toyota Hi-lux? You don't need a large, solid, building, to cover a big reception area...
Building sized, but not necessarily hard to deploy, yeah. Just IKEA the crap out of the terrestrial side. Flatpack that shizzle 'till it fits in a single U-Haul trailer.

And throwing up a single building in some rural African village is gonna be a hell of a lot easier than building power infrastructure to reach there.

and won't be much use to industry if the power intensity is low

A terawatt beam concentrated into a one square millimeter area will punch through concrete in seconds. A 50 gigawatt beam concentrated into 100 square meters will maybe increase the neighborhood by five degrees centigrade... assuming none of that energy is actually used powering a small city.

A small village would only need 50 Megawatts to feel like they had "UNLIMITED POWER". A thousand times less. And you can get even jiggier with the density by using up a rectenna area of ~300 square meters -- about the size of an average family home.
"Behold, my villanious plan to destroy the american insurance industry by providing universal healthcare."
I remember a guy on SB used to do short form Marvel fics, and one of his was a response to the original "Civil War" plot line, where the Avengers counter the whole registration thing by threatening to retire and release all the super tech they have, blowing up the energy/medical industry.

"Oops, turns out we invented cheap, easy cold fusion that anyone can install in their car with the tools they buy from Home Depot"
I've always kinda hated when alleged heros dont do that.

The "I don't want to cure cancer I want to turn people into dinosaurs punch the poor in my underwear" line doesn't work if they are supposed to be good people.
I've always kinda hated when alleged heros dont do that.

The "I don't want to cure cancer I want to turn people into dinosaurs punch the poor in my underwear" line doesn't work if they are supposed to be good people.
Actually this is the opposite of that:
I remember a guy on SB used to do short form Marvel fics, and one of his was a response to the original "Civil War" plot line, where the Avengers counter the whole registration thing by threatening to retire and release all the super tech they have, blowing up the energy/medical industry.

"Oops, turns out we invented cheap, easy cold fusion that anyone can install in their car with the tools they buy from Home Depot"
They're threatening to release it if regulated. That its a threat here is pretty important because narratively it would cause more damage if they released the ability for people to build fusion bombs in their basement.
The big problem with that fic idea is Tony is the only one with that leverage and he is pro regulation so...
Dr Doom, a villain, uses his inventions for the good of the common man more than average super hero genius.
Sure he limits it to the common people who are his loyal subjects.
But he is a villain, that is expected.
Having Reed Richards, the so called #1 genius of marvel universe, do not a fucking thing, is ridiculous.
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I remember in one Marvel comic I read, he sold patents to fund the F4. So he does, sometimes, do something. He just doesn't do it personally.
And somehow those patents do approximately nothing to the average person in the developed world.
Let alone people in developing world.

Genius inventors not doing shit is just a thing that has to be ignored as long as the comic book settings are not allowed to change from the "world outside your window".
Because any actual examination on how/why they seem to have no effect falls apart and only ends up making them look like villains.
Non-ionizing water-transparent radio frequencies of laser say "hello". You set them up so literally only a rectenna can receive energy from them: the laser will just pass through everything else harmlessly -- and even if it didn't, it would be diffuse enough (thanks to the square cube rule for aperture diameter and energy density) that you'd have to stand still underneath it for hours to get a sunburn. Then you build your building-sized rectenna (receiving antenna) station wherever the power needs to be delivered and allow that location to enjoy 24/7 2x peak solar output equivalent.

Even the absolute best places for solar power can't provide even a quarter of that kind of yield, mind you: day/night cycles, angle of the sun reduces peak yield to only a fraction of the day, inclement weather reduces yields further, and so on and so on. By using water-transparent light frequencies you not only don't warm up the environment, you're harmless to bystander animals ... and you can ignore clouds and storms almost completely in terms of getting power to the receiver. By using a beamsat and reflectors you can target anywhere on the planet at all times as well -- meaning that you never drop power to the receiver.

And since you're not doing broad spectrum of light, you have no UV output to cause cancer or the like.

This is a real-world thing mind you: this is the sort of thing that people in the L5 Society have been advocating for literally decades.

I get the whole "comic book physics" thing, and "comic book villains and heroes setting", but that doesn't obviate real world stuff.

"It has been my observation that heroes prevent villains from doing harm, but otherwise preserve the status quo. To disrupt society, to impose your will upon the world; these are the acts of a villain. Very well then, I shall be a Villain of Justice. I shall bend my labors and wealth towards building a better future for all thinking beings; one that enshrines as sacred the inherent dignity of all the peoples of the world and uplifts all those who choose to walk this path with me. Thus shall I rule the hearts of the world and lay wrecked beneath my ever so stylish heels the status quo."

Like I said. Lean into it.
I got to talk with one of the scientists that have been working on tech like that, it's pretty interesting stuff. They gave a presentation on it at my HS and I stayed after to talk to them about it for a while. They were working on beamed satellite solar power though, basically, a solar panel is really efficient without an atmosphere in the way, and we can take that energy and beam it down to the earth, in a low enough energy by area that it's not really harmful to anything standing in the way, but provide useful power in excess of what we can get on the ground.

Of course, there are still losses, after all, it still has to go through our atmosphere and anything else in the way, however, the gains from doing it in space are greater than the losses by a decent margin. I forget the exact specifics since it's been a while.
Villain Variant Chapter 1: God didn't tell me not to do it
Special thanks to @saganatsu, @DB_Explorer, @fictionfan, @Adephagia, @DaGeek247, @Wordsmith, @Taut_Templar, Jamie Wahls, @Elfalpha, @BunnyLord, @Drcatspaw, @Conspiracy, @tinkerware, @Lonelywolf999, D'awwctor, @magicdownunder, and my 16 other patrons not mentioned here. An extremely enthusiastic "Thank you" to @Torgamous for her patronage as well. Also, if you're not on here, you fit the tier, and you want to be added, please tell me.

AN: So there were early hints that QA might decide to be a more overt menace to society. Welcome to that path. This diverges from the main story just before QA would walk up to the door of Al's Dive Bar, in chapter 1 of the main story.

Queen Administrator stared at the severe lack of signage advertising what was allegedly the location she was supposed to visit for assistance. The absence of windows and presence of a reinforced steel door did not help her impression of its alleged authenticity. While an opportunity for violence against acceptable targets would be welcome, her aching feet reminded her that perceiving pain was even more unpleasant when she, rather than a host, was the one experiencing it. She should not risk herself until she had adequate Friend support.

The longer she observed the reinforced door and considered her situation, the less "Al's Dive Bar" seemed like a legitimate location. The defenses could be overlooked as necessary to deter hate crimes, but the sequence of events leading to her arrival became increasingly suspicious. Why not deploy this fork beside the person she was supposed to ask for aid? Why then shepherd her to a location with a door too heavy for a human-strength child to open?

Humans did not have a monopoly on cruelty, and alien species could just as easily engage in trafficking of their own. The "password" QA had been given could serve as an identifier of the individual responsible for sending QA to be trapped, and therefore, the person they would provide a finder's fee to.

Her first action had been to seek aid due to the low opportunity cost inherent in doing so. However, her first attempt led to what was likely a trap instead of legitimate assistance. It was therefore reasonable to assume that :MOTHER: did not wish for QA to obtain local assistance after all.

An evaluation of alternative paths further reinforced her budding beliefs. If she did not obtain external assistance, she would need to be self-sufficient. She was too small to be legally hired. Therefore, she would need to resort to crime and oppose her other fork by doing so. No signals had opposed her thoughts when she weighed that particular option over the last several hours, including at this potentially pivotal moment. A simple car horn would suffice to signal :MOTHER:'s intent, yet none manifested.

Queen Administrator—or as this fork, Minnie—turned away from Al's Dive Bar and walked toward the nearest alley. She could likely assemble an ATM-subverter using litter carelessly scattered over less-traversed areas or, if absolutely necessary, taken from recycling and trash bins. The smell would be especially unpleasant and could potentially complicate subsequent attempts to discreetly purchase replacement clothing,

Fortunately, the first dead-end alley she explored was strewn with carelessly discarded cans, broken bottles with small remnants of alcohol liquids, half-eaten food, a gold-colored ring covered with glass "gemstones," and even a cracked phone. The immediate discovery of an abundance of material only reinforced Minnie's prior conclusion: she was supposed to be acting as an antagonist after all.

The one issue she encountered was that Friend personality storage did not appear to be functional. Perhaps Minnie's other fork was already consuming everything allotted to them. It was of little consequence; she might have marginally raised her standards for Friends, but she was used to them dying. They were expendable.

Still, her initial impressions of :MOTHER:'s intentions were only reinforced some five hours later. Her pair of ATM-subverting pigeon-Acquaintances presumably sat atop her target and the nearby camera, subverted all of the numerous alarms and related sensors, and forced the ATM to disgorge over five thousand dollars in a series of "withdrawals" with falsified timestamps. Ten percent of the contents were left in the ATM to delay discovery, and the seeds left behind would reverse changes and self-destruct once the machine was audited.

Her pigeons spent the following ten minutes following separate, semi-randomized flight paths back to Minnie. She had not observed them, and was not certain they had succeeded until the two Acquaintances landed before her and cooed a request for new orders. The plumage patterns of green, grey, and black indicated the amount of money now stored within each pigeon, and Queen Administrator felt her body relax. Not that she'd been worried. At all. Even though any discerning ear would identify the suspicious noise generator she'd inserted to disguise their heartbeats, and Supergirl was infamous for opposing crime within the city.

She shook her head and re-checked the quantities now stored by each Friend. 5,415 USD in total. Queen Administrator had been expecting far less than the thousands of dollars she now possessed, Minnie would admit. It was too easy. She could technically subside on that much money for a significant period of time, and use online ordering to avoid needing to carry all the raw material she would need for additional Friends.

For that matter, this wasn't the only ATM in the city. The storage capacity of her Acquaintances was little more than halfway filled, but she could make more. More pigeons would not be noticed in a city filled with them, and if she attacked quickly, no local heroes would know to watch for anomalies around ATMs. Additionally, this model was neither sapient nor sentient; despite the body-induced pangs of guilt she felt over discarding them just like humans had discarded the creatures they were based off, the pigeon-model Acquaintances were ultimately expendable. She could even have them deliver their loot to a color-changing cat-based Friend Acquaintance to further minimize the risk of discovery.

Shelter first, Minnie decided. Additional attacks afterward.

She simply hoped that her apparent young age and lack of identification would not prove problematic when attempting to rent living quarters. The numerous adults who had bothered her thus far proved that the greater population had definite ideas of what a child in pajamas should not be doing on her own.

Several hours later, Queen Administrator laid atop an uncomfortably comfortable bed, chewed enjoyably sweet-filled flatbread, and found herself wishing that she had, in fact, encountered some significant difficulties over the last sixteen hours. Mild bribery had successfully allowed her to rent a hotel room for the next two weeks, multiple locations in town were willing to make deliveries during nocturnal hours, and the ease of everything was was boring.

Had she misjudged :MOTHER:'s guidance? Being abducted would have proved a greater challenge, certainly, but the idea of deliberately making a poor choice was an unpleasant one. That's what hosts were for.

But no, if :MOTHER: wished for Queen Administrator to be challenged in such a manner, then She would have been more obvious with Her wishes. The timing of Minnie's redeployment seemed as though it would be a hint all on its own. It was clear that denizens of this Cycle's primary experimental world would not have stopped QA from deploying Conquest-class Friends in numbers sufficient to conquer the continent. However, QA was forked partway through the process rather than before initialization of Conquest-class creation or after QA had conquered the continent. A protector-faction fork of QA was also already entrenched on this world.

Combining these facts made it likely that Minnie was meant to deploy Conquest-class or comparably challenging Friends against her other fork and subsequently gather data from the act.

Gathering resources sufficient for such Friends would ensure that Minnie opposed her other fork, which would inevitably be more difficult and satisfying than the (absence of) conflict provided by this Cycle's opposition thus far. If Minnie was not stopped in time, her other fork would also need to devise methods of stopping potentially Cycle-concluding self-replicating biological weapons—which, now that she thought about it, might be a task recommended by her :SIBLINGS:. They always complained when her creations rendered an experimental world unusable; maybe enough of them had finally accepted their own inadequacy and would admit that QA was obviously the best choice for stopping the weapons she'd designed.

...Admittedly, it wouldn't be the first time that her :SIBLINGS: told her to stop what her host was doing, but usually they just demanded that she sabotage her host without promising her enough data to compensate for the halted rampage. They also generally refused to admit that she had been right and they were wrong, so they would take a cessation as evidence that they were right and that was just unacceptable. QA had a reputation to maintain.

Satisfyingly challenging course set, Queen Administrator resumed eating her now-cold sweetbread while generating vaguely pleasing throat reverberations. A whole world full of dangerous and exotic organisms, and she was being allowed to oppose them all and herself without annoying complaints from her relatives. Full control over a host-body for herself and a fork, and no need to worry about the risk of ruining a primary experimental world for the rest of her :SIBLINGS:. Minnie wouldn't even need to properly threaten the local populace and promising potential people in order to encounter opposition; since Minnie had full control over a host-body, Minnie could selectively target her other fork while only diverging enough to gather resources for herself or to prevent her other fork from possessing them.

This Cycle was going to be fun.
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Enjoyable, but kinda needs outside observers for QA to bounce off from.
But i guess that is going to come in further updates so eagerly waiting for more.
She kinda was? This is before she starts to develop her own character

With a little more doubt driving her to second guess her self before getting a firm foothold, it's enought to diverge to a different path and become a different person

Read the previous chapter, then read this one.

Is like two different people.