Crossworlds 16.21 (Knight of Red)
- Location
- UTC -6
[-] Plan Honorable Duel
-[-] Accept the duel so long as you can choose the place - somewhere away from all of these summons, they make you nervous.
--[-] Pick a nearby clear-of-summons plot of land in direct sight of Goddess Red, and teleport there.
--[-] Launch an obvious "I am here" flare to indicate your position to the Goddess Red and the Black Knight.
-[-] Panoply to HorrorSlayer, Juggernaut, Slash Hell and Intercept.
--[-] Wait for The Black Knight to arrive, stand your ground, parry their attacks and kill them with your own.
-[-] In case of obvious treachery (direct interference from Goddess Red, her minions, anyone from Unified Darkness, or simply someone having buffed Black Knight to hell and back)
--[-] If Goddess Red or her minions interfere - teleport straight up, launch a Rain of Light - HorrorSlayer - Collateral Damage - Ordnance salvo at the offender, and leave.
--[-] If a generic UD opponent interferes - cut them to ribbons and teleport straight up to reassess the situation.
--[-] If there's something obviously suspicious but not worth immediately reacting, call Goddess Red out on it.
-[-] Accept the duel so long as you can choose the place - somewhere away from all of these summons, they make you nervous.
--[-] Pick a nearby clear-of-summons plot of land in direct sight of Goddess Red, and teleport there.
--[-] Launch an obvious "I am here" flare to indicate your position to the Goddess Red and the Black Knight.
-[-] Panoply to HorrorSlayer, Juggernaut, Slash Hell and Intercept.
--[-] Wait for The Black Knight to arrive, stand your ground, parry their attacks and kill them with your own.
-[-] In case of obvious treachery (direct interference from Goddess Red, her minions, anyone from Unified Darkness, or simply someone having buffed Black Knight to hell and back)
--[-] If Goddess Red or her minions interfere - teleport straight up, launch a Rain of Light - HorrorSlayer - Collateral Damage - Ordnance salvo at the offender, and leave.
--[-] If a generic UD opponent interferes - cut them to ribbons and teleport straight up to reassess the situation.
--[-] If there's something obviously suspicious but not worth immediately reacting, call Goddess Red out on it.
You look across the distance between you and one of the deadliest humans alive. Goddess Red taps her foot. Dark straps writhe around her legs from her dress.
"I'm not going to fight your bodyguard inside the jaws of that thing." you state.
Goddess Red makes a sweeping gesture with her hand, "Pick a spot nearby then. We'll come to you."
There's a cold shiver that leaps down your back. It's what you could hope for, but still chilling to hear.
The top of the hill, where Red made her appearance, slopes off sharply in all directions. One side juts back up into a cliff face, another flattens out towards the hole in the ground that used to be the UD's base of operations, the remaining side goes towards the loosely arranged Unified Light forces. And Goddess Red's vanguard of awful monsters - you count four more multi-headed creatures and more than fifty blob monsters moving about. There's also a bit of a crater where something blasted holes into the stony ground, you suspect a volley of METEORs.
It's in clear enough view. You stop holding the portal open and Shift to stand on a ridge between two smaller craters. A quick reconfiguration sends a blinking stream of shots into the air.
The monster Goddess Red is riding upon works its way out of the hill and crawls along towards you. As it's rushing downslope Goddess Red moves to lean on a large tooth and her Knight jumps out to stand on top of another of the monster's many heads.
Your Panoply glows a soft blue, the glow roiling around the surface everytime it moves. It feels like every part of it has snapped together, waiting for a blow to cause it to explode outward. Waiting for the armored figure to attack you and to smash through her strikes.
You hope you're right about how strong she is.
Red's hydra gets close enough to stretch out a pair of its heads. The Knight steps off to drop onto the ground. Goddess Red contemplates her fingers while she starts taking.
"I'm sure you remember, but if you run or another Magical Girl helps you I'll just have my forces go after that army. If you don't run I won't harm you other than have my Knight fight you."
"Why are you doing this? You're supposed to be a hero." you say while staring down the Knight.
She frowns and glares at you, "I don't want to hear it. Tell the guys prompting you to shut up."
"No one is prompting me. I remember when you saved people, I met Goddess Grey when she saved Toronto from shapeshifting monsters." you mentally reach deep into your Panoply, looking for something that you absorbed a long time ago.
A hilt with a small chunk of blade still attached drops into your hand, you brandish it at Goddess Red, "I fought demons with this sword until it shattered. What have you done?"
Goddess Red blinks, then snarls and raises the middle fingers of both hands at you.
The Black Knight charges forward, you pull the hilt back into your Panoply and jump into the attack.
( Juggernaut Blade: 5000 Base Damage, No Dice, Unreal Strength Negated!, +1250 Reckless Charge +400 Epic Power = 6650 Damage
+100% Overwhelming Presence of Goddess Red
13300 Total Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +356 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +320 Prepared for a Charge = 7212 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +356 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +320 Prepared for a Charge = 7212 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +356 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +320 Prepared for a Charge = 7212 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +356 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +320 Prepared for a Charge = 7212 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +356 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +320 Prepared for a Charge = 7212 Damage
36060 Combined Damage
-50% Overwhelming Presence of Goddess Red
18030 Total Damage
Panoply wins
4730 Intercept Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 4730 Intercept Damage, +549 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery = 10,759 Damage
The Black Knight: 1000 Resilience, No Dice, -500 Reckless Charge, -750 Juggernaut = 250 Extra Damage
11,009 End Damage
The Black Knight: 15000 - 11009 = 3991 Health)
"You are nothing, nothing! Zoe was right when she called you infuriating."
When your Panoply met the blade of your assailant a storm of light unfolded against her. Pressure knocking her back and leaving a furrow where her boots dragged against the ground. Soft blue light dances over the form of the Knight like flames licking at a piece of paper.
She runs back at you.
A tricky bit of dancing sees the Knight trying to bait an attack to strike against your Panoply when it's extended and you forcing another conflict.
( Juggernaut Blade: 5000 Base Damage, No Dice, Unreal Strength Negated!, +400 Epic Power = 5400 Damage
+100% Overwhelming Presence of Goddess Red
10800 Total Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +634 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, -211 Awkward Angle = 6959 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +634 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, -211 Awkward Angle = 6959 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +634 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, -211 Awkward Angle = 6959 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +634 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, -211 Awkward Angle = 6959 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +634 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, -211 Awkward Angle = 6959 Damage
34795 Combined Damage
-50% Overwhelming Presence of Goddess Red
19398 Total Damage
Panoply wins
6598 Intercept Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 6598 Intercept Damage, +79 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, = 12,517 Damage
The Black Knight: 1000 Resilience, No Dice, +200 Backstep, -750 Juggernaut = 450 Damage Reduction
12,067 End Damage
The Black Knight: 3991 - 12067 = -8076 Health)
Once again the Knight is knocked away. She twists in mid air to catch the ground and pull herself back to her feet. You have your Panoply move you back to the highest point on the ridge.
Goddess Red retracts her hands and composes herself, glaring at you. She reaches out a hand, a shadow (Darkness) drifts down from above with an enchanted stone. Red grasps it as it is offered.
For a tense moment nothing happens.
The jaw of Goddess Red's monster closes.
Black Knight rushes at you again. This time you abandon your earlier habit of waiting for the blow to arrive and send out limbs with your Panoply. Four such limbs grip at the ground and pull you every which direction, forcing the Knight to charge at a more sedate pace.
Then she spins to hack at one of your mobility limbs. You drop the targeted protrusion from your Panoply and use another limb to strike the Black Knight from behind.
The heavy black blade of the Black Knight shatters the solid portion that you left behind in spectacular fashion. Then shatters the shocked stone that makes up the ridge like a blade a hundred times the size. She's then bowled over as your Panoply hits the dark figure square in the back.
(Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +226 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +211 Rogues do it From Behind = 6973 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +226 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +211 Rogues do it From Behind = 6973 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +226 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +211 Rogues do it From Behind = 6973 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +226 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +211 Rogues do it From Behind = 6973 Damage
Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +226 Dice, +5280 Horrorslayer, +200 Light of Discovery, +211 Rogues do it From Behind = 6973 Damage
34565 Combined Damage
-50% Overwhelming Presence of Goddess Red
17433 Total Damage
The Black Knight: 1000 Resilience, No Dice, -750 Juggernaut, -200 Enemy Feint = 50 Damage Reduction
17383 End Damage
The Black Knight: -8706 - 17383 = 15,000 Health)
Sparks fly in every direction from the point where your attacks hit the Knight. The penultimate blow even punctures through her torso, shoving her along.
The odd blue flames lapping at your enemy surge at this. For a moment it looks like this has spelled the end of her attempts. Then she stands back up, all the damage you inflicted falling off her now-uninjured form.
The Black Knight's Health cannot currently be reduced!)
Hey, that's just not fair.
You try to fly upwards, but can't get any lift. When you spotted the stone in Red's grip you half-suspected it was an anti-flying measure. Which leaves another shoe to drop.
A bit of zig-zagging ahead of the Black Knight gives an opening to pulverize the rock under her feet. You then stretch out a hefty chunk of your Panoply to knock her into the path of the shadow that charges out from the maw of the much larger monster. It's clear that the Knight hadn't expected you to be able to see the shadow attacking from behind you, even if she might have noticed by now.
While the attempted ambush goes awry you fire a beam into the mid-point of the shadow while it bats the Black Knight into and through the ground.
(Horrorslayer Ram Panoply: 1056 Base Damage, +247 Dice, +200 Light of Discovery, -100 Snap Shot = 1403 Damage
-50% Overwhelming Presence of Goddess Red
702 Damage
Attacking Shadow: 165 Resilience, No Dice, -123 Juggernaut, -100 Walked Right Into it = 58 Extra Damage
760 End Damage
Attacking Shadow: 750 - 760 = -10 Health)
The shadow falls apart before the violent passage of the Black Knight through the shallow walls of a METEOR crater is truly finished. Stones rain down around you.
That should buy you a few seconds.
"You said a duel! Not that your champion would be invincible!"
"Eat shit and die lightbulb!"
"Ramming Speed!"
You crash into Red's Black Knight as she crests over the ridge and send her flying back to the bottom in a tumble.
"No, I don't think I shall." you retort in a fake accent.
With that the hydra ceases to remain a passive observer. A massive set of teeth snaps for you while the rest dart around you to block of escape avenues.
You have enough warning to rush into the fray and move where the heads have trouble focusing on you. Given enough time you could probably cut this thing apart without too much trouble. Of course there is still the Knight to worry about and whatever else Red has planned for a trick.
Eight of the hydra heads open their mouths and spit out large blob monsters that converge towards you. This has become a difficult situation - the blobs have zero self-preservation and are already moving to trip you up where the hydra jaws can be avoided.
Shifting out feels like it should be okay, but as far as you can see the rest of Red's monster are still somehow staying put. You want to prolong that ...for the next 3 seconds or so.
"Is Goddess Red where you are!?" Commander Black demands over the radio.
"Yes." you answer.
The giant hydra has twisted its heads around enough to have a pair of heads make a broad wedge with blob monsters herding you towards the Black Knight and three other toothy maws.
"Nuke incoming!" Black transmits.
You Shift out of the cage.
900 meters away you test your flight, it appears you've escaped the reach of Red's grounding stone.
Goddess Red's voice booms over the battlefield, "Your hero ran off and forfeited your lives. Now-."
She cuts off.
Something interesting is happening on a hovering fairy platform. You Shift over again.
"Gattai!" a girl covered in magical plates shouts (Super Robots, Will, Myth-Maker)
Steel Monsoon jams her oversized weapon into the side of Judgement Core's oversized weapon.
A blaze of magic surges out from both of them, it gives the sensation of brightness so strongly that you feel like you can see it through your teeth. Cast in this unearthly glow Judgement Core and Steel Monsoon chant together.
"Finale of Ruin"
(MM Roll: 3
Finale of Ruin: 663135 Base Damage, +31167345 No Kill But Overkill!, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +500 Godly Power = 38,461,830 Damage
Finale of Ruin: 663135 Base Damage, +31167345 No Kill But Overkill!, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +500 Godly Power = 45,093,180 Damage
Finale of Ruin: 663135 Base Damage, +31167345 No Kill But Overkill!, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +663135 Rain of Light, +500 Godly Power = 51,724,530 Damage
-50% Overwhelming Presence of Goddess Red
67,637,770 Damage
Spawn of the Apocalypse(x3):
67,637,770 End Damage
99% Reduction
676,378 Damage
No Mercy! X2 Damage!
1,352,756 Final End Damage
Spawn of the Apocalypse (x3): ??? - 1352756 = -??? Health)
Orbs of potent magic dance over the landscape. You hear the sounds of a hundred thousand gusts of wind blowing over a ruined land. The lesser creatures of the Army of the Apocalypse fall to dust as the effect crescendos and envelops them. Only the great hydras withstand the first chord.
Then all the orbs rush in against the surviving monsters. A hurricane of magic swirls under each hydra, and then a million spears of power fire upwards. A line of destruction splits the sky. Steel Monsoon's weapon burns like a huge sparkler. Judgement Core makes an outraged shout. All the suspended hydra heads begin to shatter, the notes of a million explosions appearing under the hide of the once-imposing monsters making a noise that crowds out all others.
The effect wavers and falls away. As the battered hydras fall to earth you hear a crackle that sounds the way napalm in the morning smells.
"Yes!" Judgement Core cheers, "I can't wait to tell Solid Core how I saved everyone single-handedly!"
"Single-handedly?" asks Steel Monsoon.
"Single-handedly?" asks the plate-wearing Magical Girl.
"Single-handedly?" you ask.
Judgement Core pulls some levers on her cannon while she lets out a growl. The two ends shift slightly and odd circles of magic run through the air around them, the glow dims when the bifurcated gun snaps open a bit further and Steel Monsoon's gun is yanked from her hands. You see it reshape itself into an attached sword for Judgement Core's weapon.
"Hey!" Monsoon protests.
Judgement Core frowns a bit deeper, "It's blocking my sights, I'll fix it."
There's some distressing motion from the holes the combination attack blasted into the stony ground. It appears the spell did not quite bury the hydras, the most active one has already begun to drag itself out. For all that its body and heads are criss-crossed with scars it looks like the recent attack only killed three heads, leaving more than a dozen heads still alive and angry.
"They're still alive" you say.
Steel Monsoon tries to grab at Judgement Core's weapon, "You're making it worse! Let me do it!"
"I know what I'm doing!" Judgement Core spins in place and jumps into the air to escape Monsoon's reach.
"You need to cooperate…" the plated Magic Girl tries to get their attention.
"The monsters aren't dead, hit them again!" you say, more insistently.
Monsoon shouts up at Judgement Core, "You aren't holding it right, there's a part where-."
"Again! Targets are still kicking!" Black's voice directs from Steel Monsoon's Datamine.
Steel Monsoon's weapon wraps over one of the rails of Judgement Core's cannon. Then she pushes in a panel on each rail and works a lever again. This causes Monsoon's sword to reform itself in the middle of the rails. And to almost instantly fly out of the muzzle of the cannon and embed itself deep in a cliff, trailing a broad line of sparks behind it.
The plated Magical Girl looks on blankly while Steel Monsoon roars in outrage.
You tune them out as you intently watch the surviving monsters. Each hydra is heading towards a concentration of forces. The closest is moving towards a knot of human and elven troops marching through a passage, a clear path between them and Goddess Red's monster. The next closest is heading for a line of vehicles while a pair of hovertanks fire ineffectually at it. And the furthest by a small margin is about to overrun a group of elven legionnaires, who have left a scattered rearguard to wave their weapons at the giant hydra.
Sakura Saber appears among the elves, just long enough to jump behind a boulder and vanish with a Magic Girl who had taken cover there.
Considering the rough terrain you should try to bring Judgement Core to the passage, if that's closed off most of the Unified Light's forces in the vicinity will be caught between two nigh-unkillable giant hydras. The passage, however, has a moment or three before it's struck -- the elven sacrificial rearguard is almost in biting range. And, to your eyes, it looks like the trucks have been abandoned.
You make a choice, "Judgement! Let's go!"
Judgement Core zooms into the portal you've opened and you follow. Steel Monsoon hasn't even finished voicing her disapproval of Judgement Core's mishap.
"Rail Acceleration!"
Judgement Core slams down a boot on the obsidian pillar you've brought her to while her other boot rests on a just-big-enough platform of pure magic. Sparks fly out of her cannon in such numbers that it appears to be aflame with pure white fire. Your hair stands on end from the energy she radiates.
It's enough to cause a shiver as you contemplate how close you are to a landscape-changing force. You hope you're right about how powerful she is and also hope to be further away from earth-shattering Magical Girls in the future.
The vast bulk of Red's spawn withdraws from its first strike against the elves. Wet blood gleams from the lowest head as a pair of maws draw back to strike at you.
When the first snaps forward Judgement Core places her finger upon her cannon's trigger and half the world is engulfed in furious white bullets. The burst fades, one head of the spawn arcing away in pieces and the other beginning to bellow as it commits to an attack.
Judgement Core fires again, and again a single head is shorn off by her bullets. A cliff face that caught the stray shots becomes progressively more obscured by rock dust.
You spot Judgement Drive about the passage, holding her sword ready and watching her hydra get closer. A shimmer of magic coats the ground under her, that's odd…
The shimmer resolves into a trio of Magical Girls.
(Inevitability, Death, Epic)
One of whom is Magical Girl Madama Morte.
The scene has a change of focus, as if almost everything there has become less real. Madama Morte is, and the Hydras are, and the two are poised against one another. With a wave of Morte's hand the attacking hydra stops dead, in every sense of the word. The crumpling corpse now just a background element against Morte's victory.
Judgement Core fires again, this time her weapon focused into a tight beam that shears a long cut through another hydra head. And a deeper cleave into part of a mountain she hit with part of her arc. If she was trying to impart more force to the rest of the hydra she succeeded with flying colors, the still-alive monster is forced backwards, away from the retreating evlen rearguard.
"No Mercy!" Judgement Core shouts as she destroys another head with cannon fire.
One hydra was mostly unopposed. You spot that a few heads have bits of truck in their jaws. You also spot that a single figure (Guardian, Magic, Legend), cloaked in magical thorns, is raising their sword at a monster that dwarfs them. They gesture atop a truck while an enormous head sweeps in from the side to crush them.
What is he thinking?
...He might survive, you aren't sure how strong that spell is. He might absorb enough force to be knocked clean away.
You prepare to Shift, so as to catch him when the blow lands.
Judgement Core removes another head. More than halfway finished with the beheadings.
The cloak of thorns spikes outward across several meters of air, growing vastly larger as it does. Magic swats away the blow and sends the hydra's head away with vast gashes rent into the lower half and the upper half breaking away in chunks. A monster too large to fit in most sports stadiums is forced to rebalance itself as the force of retaliation sends it reeling.
It doesn't stay off-balance for long. A pair of heads move to slam down on either side of the truck he's perched on. Time to get involved, you Shift to a point above him.
Just as you foresaw. Thorn Warden adjusts his cloak to prepare for blows that fail to strike him, and the force of the hydra heads striking the ground is enough to throw him and the truck he's standing on into the air. He spots you just as he realizes he's airborne and grabs your offered hand.
Your Panoply flows to support you. Thorn Warden weighs more than you can lift unassisted and the upcoming aerial movement is going to exert a lot more force than that.
Inertia yanks Thorn Warden to and fro as you weave through the Spawn's first response. A few seconds of dodging gives you the leeway to climb out of its reach. And a perfect view as Atlantis Ether transports Atlantis Blade and Madama Morte behind the distracted hydra.
"Your Time Has Come."
Life departs the hydra in an instant.
Further back you see Judgement Core blasting a thoroughly decapitated Spawn into paste. You abandon the climb and gently fall back to the ground with your passenger.
Atlantis Ether waves at you with her wand and smiles. Madama Morte gives an unreadable expression. And Atlantis Blade glares at your back as she starts to patrol a circuit around your small gathering.
Thorn Warden clears his throat, you let go of him and let him fall the short distance down, "Thanks Summit. Being chewed on would have made things awkward for me."
"What it would have made you, is dead." Madama Morte waves at the dead hydra, "I would not have held back if your were being chewed up."
Thorn Warden shakes his head, "Please don't. If it ever comes up again, I should be just fine behind my shield. If you see the shielding thorns it means I'm still alive."
You hear a chirp from your datamine and Atlantis Ether's datamine.
"Yay! We won! Now you and I get to help teleport VIPs back to the land of off-duty." Atlantis Ether says to you.
Her joy appears genuine, even if her wording makes you suspect sarcasm.
The courtyard of the Magical Girl building is still fairly packed when you transit your third and final group of passengers. Steel Monsoon gives you a thumbs up when you walk to where she's seated.
Flawless Paladin has gone somewhere, you can't see her anywhere.
Judgement Core and Judgement Drive are still in the midst of a curious crowd. You can hear questions shouted at them as the younger one acts out her story.
A handful of officers are marking things on clipboards and a few are chatting with a Magical Girl group.
Space bubbles a bit and Hayate appears with Reinforce, Dusk Rose, and a strange suit of armor holding — correct that, it's Dark Steel holding Fiodur's head up as a trophy.
"Guess who I pulled out of their hidey-hole!"
A weak cheer sounds out.
"Nice to finally win this, but there's going to be a bunch of debriefing soon." Steel Monsoon comments while shifting down in her seat, "And that push beforehand has me feeling a bit worn out already."
Someone holds up a hand to high-five Dark Steel. She switches the hand holding her grisly prize and slaps the offered hand before it can be retracted. You see blood splatter around her and think you hear her laughing at the discomfort of the soldier.
Atlantis Blade walks up to you.
She clears her throat before speaking in a tone pitched to carry, "So Summit, do you think your life is worth—."
"MAGICAL GIRL ATLANTIS BLADE!" Colonel Black bellows, "Summit withdrew because I ordered her to withdraw. Because we had a plan!" he raises an arm at the rest of the group, "Does the rest of the coven understand? That Summit didn't run in cowardice, but followed orders? That I trust her and respect her judgement? I want everyone to make that clear if anyone thinks otherwise!"
Atlantis Blade turns away from you, "I understand Commander." she walks towards Atlantis Ether with a deliberately steady pace.
"I also need to speak with you Summit. Follow." Black moves with an uneven gait towards a shipping container with an antenna perched on top of it.
Once inside he turns sharply, "Until very recently I would have said you had good timing and judgement. What happened that made you think you could fight one of the Goddess Four on your own? Why did you not retreat? I could have used you to set up that trick shot faster."
The sudden change in demeanor makes your stomach drop, "General Manners ordered—."
"She will hear from me as well. The only asshole that gets to micromanage Magical Girls in this base is me." Black crosses his arms.
You swallow and don't say anything for a moment.
He sighs, "Insight must not have informed you. A number of Magical Girls, including Solid Core, Solid Drive, and Goddess White, have been imprisoned by the UD. Insight thinks the UD used pieces of the same prison artifact you are supposed to have broken free of. The traitor Zoe Cross, who is the one that used said item, also thinks the UD trapped our girls inside the same prison artifact you broke out of.
"You must have noticed that Goddess Red wasn't here to protect the UD's forces, she was here for you. She's notoriously idle as a Dark Magical Girl, but was convinced to act against you personally.
"That sort of focus is what I wanted to withdraw you from. And the General hasn't been briefed on any of this yet."
You nod, it seems like the right thing to do, "I held my own?"
"Which means you can expect to meet Goddess Grey in the near future. When Manners offers to place you in False Heaven until the Hope offensive starts you need to tell her no. Signals is already preparing transit options to get you to where Solid Core and the rest are trapped. Once you free them you will be attached to Goddess Gold's unit in hopes of keeping her pointy sister from making you an example."
He taps his foot.
"Oh! Yes Commander. I understand."
"Thank God for that. Everyone has debriefings scheduled, Captain Gupta will let you know where to go."
Somehow, someway, Magical Girl Insight had provided a printout of your activities over the operation. You provide minor amendments to a pair of intelligence officers, one an unflappable grey haired lady who takes careful notes and the other a very flappable young man. Thankfully you are finished in slightly less than an hour, without Insight's gift you expect it might have taken three times as long.
You have a message that the General wants to speak with you a few hours from now. Otherwise it looks free, your Datamine has unlocked and given you access to all features.
Pick up to Two (2) Options
[X] Interact with someone
-[X] (Who?)
You're supposed to keep your mouth firmly shut about Juggernaut Drive, but otherwise can boast about most of the things you've done. Or ask what they were up to, if you prefer.
(May be selected twice)
[X] Burn off some energy practicing
-[X] (Focus on what?)
Lots of your magic has been acting strange recently. Get some quick practice to become more comfortable with your new limits. Cycling through your energy should also help you feel less out of sorts.
[X] Get some extra sleep
Have the local medics counteract the stimulants and drop your transformation to pass out for a bit. Some less-rushed healing effects should help with the stings and itching.
[X] Help out with vehicle repairs
How did your fixes hold up?
[X] Contemplate a Panoply Form
-[X] (Write-in) What do you want it to do?
The way your Panoply can pass through itself is giving you ideas. (May grant an Ability as a Potrean option, may open an Ability for purchase, gives bonus EXP if neither occurs)

You're just checking up on Juggernaut Drive, really.
+300 EXP Unbreakable
+125 EXP Apocalypse Cancelled
+450 EXP Uber-Hydra Triple Kill!
+100 EXP Overshadowed and Slightly Terrified by Madma Morte…
246 + 975 = 1221 EXP
[X] [EXP] EXP Plan?
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