[X] "Hi?"

I wonder, did we accidentally connect to their soul and now are talking directly to it, or something like that?
Winning vote:[] Hi?

Oh! hello there.

You don't know where you are?

It's your soul, I don't know how I ended here either.

May I was who you are?

Rina. Well it's a pleasure to meet you.

Hey I know it's a bit sudden but... you aren't human are you?

A death huh? That brings back memories.

Who am I?

You can call me Vigilance. Ever heard of me?

...Yeah I figured it wouldn't ring any bells. Guess I ended up really far away from home.

No. Nothing you should worry about, just thinking out loud.

Seems like you'll be waking up soon.

Well see you later Death Rina.

As your consciousness trickles back you find yourself somewhere warm and cushy.

You slowly open your eyes and take a look around. Yep you're in a bed, not one you recognize tough.

The room is also unfamiliar, there's a small bedside table and a desk against one of the walls.

There's also a load of posters with superheroes decorating the walls. Arachnid-man, Steel man and others you don't recognize.

You can also hear sounds coming from the next room.

You're about to pell yourself from the sheets when the door opens and a familiar brunnete walks in.

"Thank God you're up!"Chiaki says with a relieved look"You've been out for days Rina!" She wals ove to you and flicks you in the forehead"Don't do that again, you had me dead worried."she says with a scowl.

Then somebody else walks in.

"So, demon girl's up already?" It's Shizuka and she looks like she just walked out of a car crash. Bandages all over her body and one arm in a cast, despite that she still has that cocky grin of hers plastered in her face.

[]What the hell happened?


[]Did we win?

[]Where am I?

[]Write in?
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Winning vote:[] Hi, what happened while I was napping?
"Huuu..."you start eloquently"Morning?"

"Afternoon."Shizuka corrects you.

"What happened while I was napping?"you ask.

Chiaki is the one who answers"You knocked Shizuka out with your Ice spell."

"And broke my everything, thanks for that by the way."

Chiaki clears her throat" Moving on. You passed out rigth after that and the ice didn't stop growing."

Your eyes ligth up"Really? How big did it go? Can I see it?"

"No you can't see it Kyubey showed up a while after and cleaned up the mess, got rid of the ice and wiped out the memories of the normies who saw it. He asked about you but I told him to shove off." You see some satisfaction on her face.

"Yeah, cleaved the bastard in half." Chiaki glares at her and Shizuka smiles"Anyway she dragged you to her bed and started tending to you." She uses her good hand to point at herself"Then me and Toko started coming along to check up on you." She chuckled" As soon as miss Heroine here stopped slamming the door on our face anyway."

Chiaki sighs"Seriously they've been showing up every half an hour or so."

"Don't pretend you don't like having us here."

"I'm not pretending."

You watch them bicker for a few more seconds before interrupting them"So about Tamiko."

Shizuka makes a dismissive gesture"You won so we sent her back home, deal's a deal."

"I can confirm that."Chiaki chimes in"Checked up on her a while back, she closed the curtains as soon as she saw me but she was fine."

Huh so your job's done then.
(Mission acomplished)
You leave the room with Chiaki and Shizuka and go to the living room, Toko's sitting in the sofa watching TV and munching on a sandwich, completely ignoring all of you.

You don't see Celina anywhere tough.

"Yeah,Celina fucked off."Shizuka says"She got pissed you guys 'cheated' on your figth and left as soon as I told her you won. Said we were a disapointment and not worth her time anymore."She shruged

"Prideful one eh?"

Shizuka nods "Yep."

Chiaki, once again, cleared her throat and spoke up"So me and these two, well me and Shizuka reaaly, have been talking and sonethings came up..."

"Like you being a demon, which by the way is fucking awesome."

"Yes that, and they've botha asked me if it would be possible to..."

"Get reincarnated as well because being Magical girls sucks." Shizuka sticks her tongue out in a gesture of disgust.

"Can you stop that please."Chiaki asks with a disgruntled expression"But yes that. And I told them to wait until you wake up so what do you say?"

Shizuka raises her hand"By the way, I would totally become your demonic minion or whatever you guys have if you say yes so... yeah there's that."
[]Who are you to turn down more employees?

[]Maybe some other time.(No)

Two posts today because yes
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[X]Who are you to turn down more employees?
- [X]Ask if any of them want to be a demon