Humm... I think the plan still should work, but now I got a non-related doubt: do we use the scythe while another weapon is equipped? Like, we have sword on so we turn it into our scythe? If yes it would be cool, and I don't think we would fight fight using it... Well, except if we don't want to kill the target, but what kind of situation would that be? :p
Humm... I think the plan still should work, but now I got a non-related doubt: do we use the scythe while another weapon is equipped? Like, we have sword on so we turn it into our scythe? If yes it would be cool, and I don't think we would fight fight using it... Well, except if we don't want to kill the target, but what kind of situation would that be? :p

If you ever played disgaea 4 think Emizel's forst skill(except you y'now actually hit the enemy instead of chinkening out.), you still have a weapon equiped and receive it's bonuses but you pull out the schyte for the atack.

The schyte itself doesn't have any inherent bonuses other than severing souls if it kills(or the target is already dead) and being able to cut through things very well, But if you slash something with it the damage would be based in the stat your equipped weapon benefits.

Of course using actual melee weapons is still important from skill diversification(since most skills have an added benefit aside from the damage up wich migth come in handy.)

And since it seems you guys are ok with it I'll continue with the update.
Witche’s sanctum
Winning vote:

[X] Barge in kicking the door, and take a look around. If anything it tries to attack you from range, close the distance and destroy with your sword. If it tries to come closer, keep your distance and throw abundant magic.
-[X] In the unlikely case that it is faster than you, first focus on dampening or destroying his movement before going back to the beggining of the plan.
Well if there's a boss hiding somewhere in there you're gonna have to present yourself.

The way only a proper demon can.

You rear back you leg and deliver a full force kick to the door, it flies open with a shower of of dust and splinters from the area immediatly around where your kick connected.

You hear the sound of feet rushing toward you and start seeing the shadows something vaguely person-shaped coming to the door at full speed.

You pull out your crooked staff and prepare to launch a volley of fire.

LVL 10



5 Otto LVL 9

Class: Familiar

You:75+1(LVL bonus)=76

You:77+1(LVL bonus)=78
Atack roll
You:68+1 (LVL bonus)+290 (INT)+40 (Staff)-20 (Enemy RES)+ 114(Skill: Fire)= 443 Damage

Fire LvL2: Hit two targets!
Two Ottos died!

You:32+1(LVL bonus)
Atack roll
You:50+1 (LVL bonus)+ 290 (INT)+40 (Staff)-20 (Enemy RES)+108 (Skill: Fire)= 469 Damage

Fire Lvl2: Hit two targets!
Two Ottos died!


HP: 560/560
SP: 652/700


HP: 200/20
SP: 30/30

HP: 0/200
SP: 30/30

HP: 0/200
SP: 30/30

HP: 0/200
SP: 30/30

HP: 0/200
SP: 30/30

Five mosters bust their way through the cloud of dust and you take a second to check them up.

The Ottos are similar to the Russels you saw before,tough these guys are much better drawn, their lines look much clearer their colors are a bit brigther than the others and they look much more detailed, you also notice that they're also considerably stronger than the last guys.

The second they come in range you unleash three Fire spells, a blanket of ambers ligths itself up underneath the Ottos before exploding outwards, four of them are blown away immediatly, their bodies exploding into string, but one of them took notice of your atack and lept over the flames toward you with a battlecry...

Otto: 35
You: 85+1(LVL bonus)


And was sent off course by the force of your spell, flying overhead and landing with a thud a little bit behind you.

You ready a wind spell and...

You:53+1 (LVL bonus)
Otto:17-4(On the floor)
Atack roll
You:52+ 1(LVL bonus)+ 290(INT)+ 40(Staff)-20 (Enemy RES)+ 109(Skill: Wind)+236 (Wind weakness)=707 Damage

The Otto is dead!

You win!
Turn around loose and catching the fallen familiar in a gust of wind, wich tears it asunder as it lifts ot in the air with barely any effort.

Guess you found a weakness.

Not that it's worth a lot anyway, they're all dead by this point.

Yet again you didn't even get scratched, this place really needs to up it's ante if it wants to stop you.

You hear something like a cry inside the castle and quickly take a look inside and find that the place is,indeed, enourmous but it's completely bare.

The whole place is marble-white on the inside and it's only walls are the ones you see outside.

Where's the boss?

You get your answer as you feel the whole place shaking and a bursts out from underneath the floor, you feel the whole place shaking as the rest of the creature pulls itself to the ground floor.

It looked somewhat feminine, with long hair covering all it's head and most of it's backside and a pink kimono with weird triangular patterns drawn into it, it's arms are long an thin and end in grey hands tipped with wicked looking black nails.

It also doesn't look like a paper-cutout like the rest of this weird place. It looks more like a doll, it's body looked like it was made of smoky grey porcelain.

The entire world also seemed to ripple somehow and the little village bellow uncoiled itself, with the string making up the paper flying freely in the air in random patters and directions.

Natalie lets out a bone-chilling cry and rushes you,limbs swinging wildly and claws bare and ready to rip at you.

The ante has been upped it seems.


LVL 10
Current HP:560/560
Current SP 668/740


Fire resistance: -30%
Wind resistance: 0
Ice resistance: 80%




Class:Traditional Witch

LVL: 9


ATK: 270
HIT: 160
SPD: 130

Fire resistance: ???%
Wind resistance: ???%
Ice resistance: ???%
[]Battle plan?


AN: Well I'd say the new system works

Anyway say hello to Natalie, she won't bite, but she'll scratch quite a lot.

You'll get her Witch profile after you defeat her.
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So, it seems we're outplayed in both speed and melee, even though our level is higher... Just what you expect from a boss xD Still, her resistence is shit, I guess we can do this whole place in a "magic run"? Try to figure out a weakness while aiming for the legs and/or eyes, and we should be able to win. I think we'll still get hurt until we do some REAL damage to her legs or perceptions... Too bad we have no magic for support, uhh? Something like a smokescreen or mirror images...
So, it seems we're outplayed in both speed and melee, even though our level is higher... Just what you expect from a boss xD Still, her resistence is shit, I guess we can do this whole place in a "magic run"? Try to figure out a weakness while aiming for the legs and/or eyes, and we should be able to win. I think we'll still get hurt until we do some REAL damage to her legs or perceptions... Too bad we have no magic for support, uhh? Something like a smokescreen or mirror images...

Yeah preety much that.

As I said this Witch doesn't have much running for her, other than being stupidly hard to kill with physical atacks, that is.
[X] Test out her magic resistances until you find one that works, then hammer with the most effective spell until dead.
[X] Test out her magic resistances until you find one that works, then hammer with the most effective spell until dead.
[X] Test out her magic resistances until you find one that works, then hammer with the most effective spell until dead.

Why not? Just hope we don't loose too much life until we find THE ONE!
[X] Test out her magic resistances until you find one that works, then hammer with the most effective spell until dead.
Allrigth finnaly git some free time. Votes are closed and I'll be writng the next chapter
Boss figth!
Winning vote: [X] Test out her magic resistances until you find one that works, then hammer with the most effective spell until dead.

On an unrelated note your rolls sucked.

Good news:The Witch's were worse.
Battle music:

You: 28+1(LVL bonus)=29
Natalie: 23


Attack roll
You:42+290 (INT)+40 (Staff)-60 (Enemy RES)+ 107(Skill: Fire)= 419 Damage
Mind killer: 32 Fail!

(Natalie's fire resistance discovered! It's 0%
Natalie's HP: 848/1267

(Fire leveled up!)


Not a moment after you cast your spell a fiery explosion detonates near the creature's head as it hoes past and engulfs half it's body, the Witch let's out a strangled cry and you see several cracks spreading through it's porcelain body,with some sort black ooze pouring out of the cracks in spades,before the smoke completely covers it.

You hear another scream rigth before Natalie barrels out of the smoke, one hand on the floor and another wide and ready to slash at you.

You:13+1(LVL bonus)


Atack roll
Natalie:79+270(ATK)-170(Your DEF)=179 Damage

Your HP:381/560

You try to leap out of the way of the slash but Natalie uses the hand it had placed on the floor it to push herself to the side and you get caugth by her arm.

The hit sends you flying through the air ,your body spinning wildly all the way,from the entrance of the palace to one of the walls on the inside.

You push yourself back up and find Natalie is down on all fours, pouncing at you form the entrance, where one it's legs lies separated from it's body


You:84+1(LVL bonus)=85


You:73+290(INT)+40(Staff)-60(Enemy RES)+ 117(Skill: Ice)+ 230(Enemy eakness: ice)= 690 damage

Mind killer:55
(Evility activates!
690 damage dealt to Natalie's SP)

Natalie's HP:158/1267

You manage to scrounge up the concentration to fire an Ice spell and the witch is slammed with a pillar of ice from the ground.

The icy pillar destroys half of the witch's torso,along with an arm, on impact and sends her careening toward the ceiling at full speed, despite her injuries she manages to hook a claw into the ceiling and uses her momentum to swing herself in your direction, full intent on smashing you under her as a last ditch effort.

You:23+1(LVL bonus)=24
(What's with these low hit rolls?)

Atack roll
You:18+290 (INT)+40 (Staff)-60 (Enemy RES)+98 (Skill: Ice)+ 381(Ice weakness)=669 Damage

Natalie's HP:0/1267

(Natalie's dead!)

(Staves leveled up!
Range increased by 10 metres)

You leveled up!

Gained 2000 HL

You jump back on your feet, your demonic blood boiling hot on your veins from the battle and jump out of the way of the witch's divebomb and cast ice one more time, this time tough you mold the spell into a massive ice spike.

Natalie lets out a cry as she tries to manuever herself out of the way of the spike, but it's too late and she falls into the icy pinnacle with a loud Crack! And one last scream as her body completely falls apart.

You feel a surge of energy and your blood's temperature reaches a new heigth for a second.

A level up? Nice.

As you calm down from the battle one tough becomes quite prominent in your head.

You got so swept up in the figth you don't remember where the exit is.

How do you get out?

Actually why did you come in in the first place.

As if to answer your question the world around ripples and comes apart, soon you're standing in the back room of the pharmacy again.

You bring your fist to your hand as you remember the reason for your weird little adventure.

The people at the pharmacy! That's why you were figthing these things!

Holy shit you forgot about the people.

You rush outside and find a pile of medicine on the center of the pharmacy and people passed out everywhere, no one seems hurt safe for a women who seemed to have fallen out of a bench for some reason. And a quick check up on their souls reveals that yes, they are all alive and well, Natalie was dead and it's control over them ended it seems.

You walk outside and get ready to look for more clues about Tamiko. That was a fun little workout but now's time to go back to work.

"So you're just gonna leave?" You turn around and see a girl standing near the entrance of the pharmacy

She looks at you with hostility and... disapointment you think?

"You know once I saw you enter the building I figured that maybe you were trying to help those people."the girl sighs"But I guess it was too good to be true. You were just after the grief seed weren't you?"Her expression shifted into a glare."So tell me Yellow, why are you on our territory?"

Pick as many as you want.

[] Inteoduce yourself and...
-[]Offer her a Charred Newt as a peace gift
-[]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[]Ask her what a grief seed is.
-[]Their territory?
-[]Anything else?

[] Just leave you have a girl to find.
-[] If she tries to stop you...(pick one)
-[] Shake her off, she's just a normal human, she can't be that tough
-[]Tell her about your job and what you're doing here.

[]Something else?

You may add anything you want to the votes.
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[X] Inteoduce yourself and...
-[X]Offer her a Charred Newt as a peace gift
-[X]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[X]Ask her what a grief seed is.
[X] Inteoduce yourself and...
-[X]Offer her a Charred Newt as a peace gift
-[X]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[X]Ask her what a grief seed is.

Incoming Wut
[X] Inteoduce yourself supernatural PI (where did the film noir hat and cigarette come from ?)
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[X] Inteoduce yourself and...
-[X]Offer her a Charred Newt as a peace gift
-[X]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[X]Ask her what a grief seed is.
[X] Inteoduce yourself and...
-[X]Offer her a Charred Newt as a peace gift
-[X]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[X]Ask her what a grief seed is.
-[X]Their territory?
[X] Inteoduce yourself and...
-[X]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[X]Ask her what a grief seed is.

Magical girls, so strange and so familiar...
[X] Inteoduce yourself and...
-[X]Offer her a Charred Newt as a peace gift
-[X]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[X]Ask her what a grief seed is.
-[X]Their territory?
The Traditional Witch with a Peaceful nature

Natalie prizes peace above all else and any who dare disturb it are brough to the palace and promptly execution.

The Russels inhabit the village beneath the peace and they are tasked with keeping the village cleaned.

The Ottos were Russels once, but proved quiet enough to keep their mistress company.

All familiars work hard so they may leave and spread peace everywhere.
Well, I guess shedidn't like us :V Too bad, we didn't like her either, so you can see she's dead :p
Magical girl.EXE has stopped working
Winning vote:
[X] Introduce yourself and...
-[X]Offer her a Charred Newt as a peace gift
-[X]And eat one yourself, you need it.
-[X]Ask her what a grief seed is.



"Huh what's a grief seed?"You ask in a somewhat confused tone.

The girl's 'tough attitude eases up for a second but comes back almost immediatly.

"The black egg thing the Witches drop when they die."she says slowly.

"Didn't see it."you say.

"So if I went inside I'd find the seed wherever you got into the barrier from?"She asks with an hard expression.

"Probably"you say"I entered that strange place in the back of the building, so if you wanna look..."The girl enters the building before you can finish

"If you leave I'll find you."the theat goes unspoken.

You sit in the steps near the pharmacy and wait dor the strange girl to come back.

A few minutes later the girl emerges from the building once more, hand outstretched in front of her with a black,egg shaped, thing in her hand.

She looks apologetic.

"Seems like I misjudged you Yellow. Guess you're just a newbie trying to do good." She tosses you the black thing" Sorry for the misunderstanding. Name's Chiaki Takemi, yours?"

(Got a grief seed!)

"Rina." You say pulling out two Charred Newts"want one." You ask"they're good."

"Nah I'm good."

"Keep it anyway, it heals you know?"

Chiaki gives you a strange smile but aceptts your gift anyway.
(Recovered 200 HP
Recovered 200 SP)

You nod and put the Newt away"By the way..."you show her the grief seed"What's this for?"

Chiaki looks surprised"Kyubey didn't tell you? You're supposed to clean up your soul gem with it." She pulls out a glowing orange gemstone as she says it "You better, after that figth you must be needing it.

"Soul gem?"

Chiaki's eyes widened "You don't know? When you made your wish Kyubey should have given you one..." she looks you up and down,looking for your 'soul gem'.

You give her a sheepish smile" I'm sorry but I don't have one"You say earnestly.

Chiaki stares at you like she's expecting you to tell her what you just said was a joke. When you don't she sighs."Holy shit you're serious."

You nod"Yep."

"Then how can you do magic? For as far as I'm aware of you can't unless you're a magical girl."She looks confused

"Well I don't know how it works around here but back at home just about everyone can."

"Everyone?! Where are you from?"Chiaki looks flabbergasted.

"The Netherworld, you humans call it Hell." You say casually.

"H-hell?! So y-you're a..."

You smile"Demon? Yep!"

Chiaki stares at you
And stares
And stares
And stares

You think something's wrong.

Name:Chiaki Takemi

Class: Magical girl

LVL 14



Fire: 50%
Ice: 0%
Wind: -50%

Status: Blue screened
[]Water's supposed to wake people up rigth?

[]You think you have a permanent marker on you...

[]Maybe you should give her a ligth slap? That worked back at home.

After you take care of...whatever's up with Chiaki do you talk about?

[]Magical girls.
[]Tamiko, maybe Chiaki knows knows something.
[]About the netherworld, it's always fun sharing some stories
[]About her.
[]Write in?

(Pick as many as you want.)
Holy crap did it take a while to write this one.

Poor Chiaki
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[X]Water's supposed to wake people up rigth?

[]You think you have a permanent marker on you...

I want to do this one but i don't think she will feel like talking after

[X]Tamiko, maybe Chiaki knows knows something.