Two Souls, a NGE fanfiction
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A story of Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu, Yui Ikari, and people whose lives they have changed by being more aware than anyone anticipated.

Includes side stories from perspective of Asuka Langley Soryu and Shinji Ikari.

Story image created by Danai. Thank you!
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Chapter 1.1.
On a powder keg, next to a fire
Few weeks ago, Kagerou proposed a certain crack pairing that I thought might be fun to try. It was about two background characters that are kind of important, but usually absent from NGE fanfiction.

Thus, I present: Two Souls: an Evangelion fanfiction:


Two souls

Chapter 1., part 1. – tea time

On a warm, summer afternoon, a woman is walking the corridors of a house. The sun shines through large windows; the sunrays dance on the dust that rises as she passes. This is a mansion, an opulent house, a relic of the past – or a result of someone's grandeur and fascination with the old. It is filled with a lot of art: paintings, sculptures, old furniture… and yet it is eerily empty.

Corridors are endless. The woman is roaming them, looking for something, something very important, something critical, but she does not know what it is. 'It must be here. There is no other place it can be.' She has no idea how she came here. She does not know where she is. She does not know–

'Who am I?'

She walks the corridors, looks through the windows, enters the rooms. A living room, with large fireplace, but there is no fire in it. A study, filled with shelves and shelves of books; she stifles the urge to browse them; the answer is not in the books, that she knows. A large bedroom, with huge double bed, empty and neatly made. Smaller bedroom, with colourful furnishing and small bed, most likely a child's room. A nursery, with a baby bed and some toys. A dressing-room.

She feels drawn inside this one. There are several closets, a clothing rack or two, a mannequin, and a large standing mirror in heavy frames.

The woman in the mirror is dressed in proper XIX century dress, her face bright; she is younger than she remembers herself from the day she–

The day she–


Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu beholds her reflection with mix of confusion and fear.

'This is who I am. But this is wrong. This is like lifted from a damned Jane Austen novel, this is not Berlin, this is not my home, this is not the laboratory, this is not… Where am I?'


The mansion is enormous. Kyoko enters another floor; finds a kitchen, dining room, some kind of workshop for stuffing animals. All rooms are full of things, all rooms are devoid of people. 'Am I a prisoner? Is this some nightmare?', a seed of panic starts to bloom. Her steps hasten, leading her to a corridor, seeking an exit. She heads outside, swinging the garden door with force.


An Asian woman sits in the garden behind a table set for an afternoon tea. She wears a dress from the same time as Kyoko's and a simple, if appropriate to the time period, straw hat.

"Hello, Soryu", the woman says. "Please, join me", she gestures at a wicker garden chair across the table. Kyoko stares at her, unmoving. Woman's slender hands reach for a porcelain teapot. "Please, sit down. I will explain. Tea?"

"Hello", Kyoko manages to say. The woman does look familiar… her name is on the tip of Kyoko's tongue, her importance on the verge of Kyoko's understanding… but still eluding her. She sits down on the edge of the seat. Somehow, she is able to handle this unwieldy dress without tripping. In different circumstances, she would wonder about that little detail; now, she is too busy figuring out what the Hell is going on.

The woman pours the tea into an elaborate teacup and hands it to Kyoko with steady hands; Kyoko notices her own hands shaking. She sets the teacup it on the table with a sudden move and is glad when it does not break. "What– what is happening? What is– what is this?"

The woman looks at her with surprise, her dark eyes expressing worry. "This… may be more problematic than I thought. Let's start from the beginning, then. Do you know who you are?"

"I… I am Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu", Kyoko replies hesitantly. 'Tip of my tongue…'

"Good. What is the last thing you remember?", the woman inquires while slicing the cake.

"The corridors… and not much before."

The woman sighs. "Not good. Something must've gone wrong. The beginning is further than I thought; good that we have time", she smiles. "Next question: do you know who I am?"

Kyoko shakes her head. Her mind is racing. The woman sighs again: "I was hoping to avoid that; it ruins the immersion, but it seems your memory needs something familiar to latch on."

She stands up, Kyoko's eyes track her movements: she is small, graceful, and confident in her movements… and annoyingly familiar. "Look at me, and remember", the woman says softly. In an eyeblink, her appearance shifts: Kyoko now stares at a short-haired woman in modern clothing and a lab coat. She smiles a familiar smile: "How is it now?"

Kyoko's mind is suddenly flooded: images, voices, scenes. This was a woman she heard of and finally met, a brilliant scientist whose work she admired and continued, person that sacrificed–

"Ikari. Yui Ikari."

The woman smiles.


Kyoko sits on the edge of her seat, her head spinning. She tries to collect her thoughts, but for now, she focuses on her tea; the peach pie tastes great, so does the infusion. Yui sits across the table, back in her period dress; she changed back as quickly as she assumed modern attire the moment before. She is still smiling; Kyoko takes a deep breath.

"All right. I know who I am, I realised that when I saw my face. Now you stirred my memory on who you are", she trails off. "Are we dead? Is this Heaven? Hell? Purgatory?"

"It is… complicated. I feel pretty alive, thank you, but it is no surprise you thought me dead; after all, all the methods of measuring soul presence had no baseline", Kyoko nods, not really following. "And no, this is neither: this is not afterlife at all. I didn't exactly name this place, there was no need for it; I just call it my garden. I created it when I was… well, bored", Yui explains, a bit sheepishly. Kyoko raises one eyebrow. "It is lonely and empty inside the Evangelion."

Kyoko freezes for a moment, teacup in hand starting to shake. 'I died. I am… Eva?'

Memory of horrible pain and feeling of burned skin floods her mind. Images follow, chaotically: preparations for Contact Experiment; more pain, pain that felt like something was clawing on her soul, leaving scorched marks; moment when she saw herself inside the Core, as she were looking from the outside; then silence. Long silence, interrupted by hazy dreams of her… daughter? inside the Evangelion.

She shakes her head repeatedly. "I am Evangelion. I am inside", she manages to say.

"Yes", Yui replies; Kyoko feels a warm hand touching her own. Kyoko reflexively pulls back.

Silence surrounds them for a time, interrupted only by a bird screeching in the bushes. Kyoko's breath slows down, and she raises her eyes back to meet Yui's.

"I'm… sorry. This is… I knew it could end like this, but…", she shakes her head again and takes a sip of tea. "I… I don't have memories after the… accident. Experiment. No clear ones… what… how?"

Yui sighs. "It is not exactly easy to explain. My transformation must have caused changes in protocol. Unit-01 is… specific. Unfettered. Less fettered. Contrary to you, I am aware almost all the time, and it the beginning, it was maddening. But then I realised I control the soul of this… thing, or at least some components of it. So, I started to shape it. Carved out a corner for myself. I had years to do this", Yui elaborates, smiling.

"You made yourself a garden. Inside a most powerful war machine known to humanity. Like a poet forced to become a warrior", Kyoko realises, with a hint of awe.

"I am not a poet, Soryu", Yui objects. "I am a scientist. I wanted a place. Somewhere to go. So, I made it with my own mind."

"All right", Kyoko shakes her head and pinches bridge of her nose. "I am tempted to interrogate you on how did you manage to create all this and how I can replicate it in my own machine, but there is a more pressing matter, beside me going mad from all this revelation. Tell me: why does this look like a film set for Pride and Prejudice adaptation?"

"I like the dresses" is the only reply; Yui hides her face behind a suddenly enormous teacup. Kyoko rolls her eyes at the blatancy of the guise. 'Well, what can I say, they do look nice. Of course, it requires ignoring many, many unpleasant aspects of the era to enjoy; well, maybe this is why place is so empty?', she muses. She takes another piece of cake; 'for an illusion, they really taste great.'

There is a moment of silence with only cutlery clattering.

"Ikari…", she speaks up after eating another slice; 'This is actually neat, I guess I can eat all I want here and not even worry once about my health', she spares a thought before returning to serious tone of thinking. "Why did you bring me here? You could create any company you wished here, I suppose, why bring me here? And how?"

Yui puts down her suddenly normal teacup, her face serious. "This is the grimmer part. 'How' is relatively simple – Evangelions have numerous systems, and while most of them are disabled when they're locked down, some are not considered dangerous enough to warrant separate locks – and they use very little power. I subverted the comm system; please, don't ask me how I did that exactly, most people don't know how their bones realign when they turn their palm or how move their vocal chords to speak; they just do it and it works. I used my instinct and Eva's feedback. I flexed the mind's muscles, so to say, and just did it."

"There was one soul in another unit, but it was… hostile, messy, wrong, almost alien. I suppose I confused it further, made it angry. Or maybe I misread its expressions. I just don't know. I stopped reaching when she screamed at me", Yui picks up her teacup again. "I didn't try again, lest I cause damage or singe myself. Then there were some battles and healing that took my attention, and then I sensed some other presence. I reached out… and found you."

Kyoko nods, her head still spinning. "And you somehow transferred me here? Is the other Eva empty? Why couldn't I do it?"

"One thing at a time, dear", Yui smiles and briefly touches Kyoko's hand; this time, Kyoko does not pull her hand back. "No, I did not transfer you here… I think I did not. You're not exactly here, I believe. Please, keep in mind it's the first time I do this, so there is a lot of ifs and maybes", she pauses and pours tea to Kyoko's nearly empty cup. "As far as I know, you're still in Core of your Evangelion. I… pulled your presence, established a link… again, don't ask me what exactly I did. There were some problems: locating you was difficult, you were… slippery, for the lack of better word. I kept hearing your voice, but sometimes it was… mangled, for lack of better word again. It took me a few days. Not that I had much to do between battles and healing", she smiles wistfully. "But I managed, and then busied myself with setting up the table until you found me", she finishes happily.

Kyoko takes her time digesting the explanation. "All right", she speaks up. "This kind of explains the how. Somewhat. It is fascinating, to be frank, and I would love to understand the process. But why? Aside the company, of course, but I don't think of myself as a very good company. Unless you want to discuss science, of course."

Yui's face turns serious, and she takes Kyoko hand in both of hers. "We have a role to play, Soryu. We have a world to save… or to transform. And I need your help to do that."

Kyoko looks into Yui's eyes and sees a steely determination. 'Suddenly, this summer day feels very chilly…'


That's it for now. Comments and constructive criticism welcome, if feared.
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A really unique story with great potential. I would be thrilled to see where this goes.
Chapter 1.2.
The strange day of Kyoko Soryu continues.


Chapter 1., part 2.

Kyoko was laying on the bed in the guest bedroom of the mansion. Yui has insisted that she remains for a while to think – or at least remain conscious – before she sends her back to what, according to their compared notes, amounted to suspended animation.

'Animation… well, after all, I am just a soul now. Animation is just the term…', she thought, smiling bitterly. She has still not decided whether her condition meant she was dead, alive, or somewhere in between. 'I wonder how safe it is for my sanity to think about this so much. Supposedly not very safe', she sighed.

They spent the afternoon walking around the meticulously kept garden and talking about the situation. Kyoko has been continuously impressed by amount of work it must have taken to sculpt it all. When asked, Yui just shrugged and wistfully repeated: "I had time", not elaborating any further. Kyoko decided not to press the issue; in contrast to all Yui was telling her, this issue seemed inconsequential.

And she just told Kyoko a remarkable story.

Of course, Kyoko was aware of some of it. She was educated – and one of the pioneers – in the field of metaphysical biology, and she was well-versed in secrets of the Evangelions. But even scientists working in GEHIRN and making ground-breaking advances in the field were not privy to all secrets. Yui clearly knew more – even if she was somehow evasive on sources of her knowledge. Kyoko listened, and slowly integrated the knowledge with what she learned in between Yui's Contact Experiment and her own demise.

'My demise. My death. Or not-death', her thoughts returned to her main point of confusion. She shook it off, returning her train of thoughts to the afternoon walk.


"This is where my knowledge ends. We conducted the Contact Experiment, and you know how it ended", Yui smiled sadly. Kyoko nodded. She had hard time finding a reply to all the information Yui dumped on her; an uncomfortable silence enveloped them when they stopped to admire a field of blooming flowers.

"Thank you", Kyoko finally spoke up. Yui turned her head away from the flower she was looking at, surprise on her face.

"For what?", she asked, rising.

"Your… trust? Your… rescue?"

Yui smiled sadly: "I might have very well just doomed you, dear. While we might be safe from SEELE here, I took away the peace of oblivion you could simply enjoy until the very end."

Kyoko clenched her teeth and shut her eyes tight; her breathing quickened. 'Is that… anger? Fear? Do I even have those responses without a body?', her mind raced. 'Oblivion. I was lost in oblivion. I was unaware. She pulled me out. She…'

"Dead. I was dead. Is this what you mean, correct?", Kyoko replied with a shaky voice. Yui nodded reluctantly. "Then you gave me my life back, Ikari. Even if this means we are doomed anyway… thank you." Kyoko did not open her eyes; she felt tears burning behind the eyelids. A sob escaped her lips; she tried to force it down: 'Now? Right now? In front of Ikari? Great show I am putting on, when she is counting on me to help her…'

She startled when warm, small hands enveloped her own right hand; she wanted to pull her hand away… she chose not to. Her teeth remained clenched, her face tight.

"Soryu. What I did is not a blessing. I am burdening you with great responsibility, without promise of great power to go with it. And if you go with my plan, I want you to go with both your eyes wide open." Yui's voice was soft but firm.

Her lips still tight, Kyoko opened her eyes, ignoring those few tears that have flown down her cheeks; her vision was blurred, but it did not matter. "I will. Ikari… it's my kid that is in it too, isn't she?"

Yui nodded. "Yes, there is. And it will be up to you to protect her."

Kyoko smiled through the tears. "I will. And…", she shook her head. "Thank you", she wiped her tears with her free hand.

Yui smiled softly, her hands withdrawing. She blinked in silent surprise when Kyoko's hand griped hers for a bit longer; she did not comment on that. Silence reigned once more, but this time, it felt far more comfortable than before.

After a long pause, Kyoko spoke up once more: "Ikari… you mentioned a plan? I am not sure what we can do, being so trapped, our… machines… restrained?"

"In fact, I do, at least a beginning of one. It might not be perfect, or even complete, but there is one. I will explain it, once it is complete enough to discuss. One of the first steps was actually 'find allies'… and I believe this one has started well", Yui winked.

Kyoko felt a small blush creep up her face. She shook it off; there was no real reason for it to appear, after all.

"Ikari… Should we not perhaps leave planning, and possibly fighting, to soldiers, to this… NERV? Should we not focus on understanding how we can protect our children better?", she probed. 'I hope this doesn't sound too pessimistic…'

Yui resumed her walk, gesturing Kyoko to follow. "Well, we could", Yui agreed. "But there are two strong arguments against that. First, my son and your daughter, and possibly other children their age are currently forced to fight life-and-death battles", Kyoko shivered on that. 'I should've thought on that, of course', she chided herself. She still felt strangely… disconnected, her thoughts not clear.

"… and just protecting them when such battle occurs… I believe everyone able, let alone their mothers, should do far more", Yui continued. "Don't you agree?", she shot Kyoko a look. Kyoko responded with a hasty nod.

"Second, current commander of NERV is my dear husband, Gendo. And trust me: while he might be intelligent and strong-willed, he is not able to handle this whole thing alone. If I left things in his hands, I would not even have Shinji", Yui laughed softly.

Kyoko tilted her head. "What? Is he not…"

Yui seemed aghast for a moment, then shook her head with another laugh: "No, no, no, he is his son, of course. It's just… Gendo was always so busy, so driven; I had to reason with him for a long time that we should have children at all. Actually, I had to reason with him to even make love to me more often than on celebratory occasions", she smiled to herself sheepishly. Small blush crept up her face, her eyes turning dreamy.

Kyoko blush was, in contrast, far from small. 'This is a really… intimate detail, especially for someone so Japanese as Ikari was. Is, as Ikari is. Are we friends enough?', Kyoko mused in surprise. 'On the other hand, I feel like I could tell her my secrets here and now… This is weird.' She shelved the thought for later. Many things were… different here.

Yui broke out of her reverie after a moment. "I'm sorry, I got… distracted", she turned to Kyoko and stopped upon seeing her blush; suddenly, their colours matched, and Yui waved her hands. "Sorry! I'm sorry! I made you uncomfortable, I apologise", she blurted out rapidly.

Kyoko shook her head dismissively. "No, no, stop, please stop, I was just… surprised. Don't worry, it's nothing", she forced a smile and took a deeper breath. "You were saying you don't trust your husband? Ex-husband? Errr… widower?"

Yui rolled her eyes subtly. "Pondering fine details of mine and his legal status is well out of scope of current discussion and would require knowledge of Japanese law I do not have. As far as I understand from what you told me, I am legally dead, thus he is a widower. This takes care for this 'until death do us part' thing, I suppose. Not that it matters now, really, so let's settle with 'husband' for now; it's shorter, even if 'ex-husband' is more appropriate. And to answer your question, this is correct: I do not believe he is capable of handling the situation himself. He was never good with people", she sighed.

Kyoko raised her eyebrow. "Not good with people? He was rather… impressive, imposing, certainly seemed… capable."

Yui shook her head. "It's a mask. Actually… both Shinji and Gendo are the same: boys lost among the crowd, afraid of commitment, afraid of being hurt. It's just my son handles this by trying to please people whenever he can and running away when things get difficult… he inherited my soft hand, I think; I just hope determination came with it. On the other hand, Gendo was always the one to throw a punch, to act brash, to put on the 'tough guy' façade…", she trailed off, setting sun between the trees catching her eye. She sighed.

"No", she resumed, shaking her head. "Gendo will not succeed, not alone, and he is alone. As Professor Fuyutsuki put it: 'he would be a good mid-level yakuza, not a scientist or leader'; as much as I love the man, professor was right. He would, if I remained at his side, yes. But…", Yui hesitated. Kyoko waited patiently. Fact that Yui said 'love', not 'loved' did not elude her.

"But I couldn't", Yui sighed. Kyoko heard a lot in this one sigh: feeling of loss, lot of pain, lost opportunities, measure of regret. Feelings she quite well understood… no, more than understood – feelings she shared. Maybe not in regard to her husband – they did grow distant over time, their daughter being the main reason they remained together – but certainly towards Asuka. She would love to see her grow up… most likely just as Ikari would love to see her son grow up.

They leaned on opposite rails of a small bridge over a shimmering stream. Silence descended once more.

"I… I will have to think about it all", Kyoko broke the silence. "I mean… I'm with you, I'll do what I can to protect my Asuka, protect your Shinji, to resolve this… conspiracy", she added hastily. "But this is a lot to think about."

Yui nodded. "Of course. Stay the night… evening… I'm not sure if I even sleep here. I believe that when I send you back, you will be unconscious once more until I pull you back. So… stay, if you wish to think. I'll make a guest room for you", she smiled warmly.

Kyoko responded with a nod and a cautious smile. "Thank you. That'll help."


Kyoko was staring at the unfamiliar ceiling. It was in the same style as everything else in this place, and she was slowly getting used to this particular weirdness. This was actually one of those things her host did not provide an explanation for; questions were evaded or dismissed with 'I like the style' – this was, of course, a valid answer, but Kyoko had a feeling there is more to it. Again, she knew that pressing for answers would be rude, not to mention petty in the face of far more important questions.

Sleep did not come, but the morning did – far sooner than she would expect. And with it, clattering of porcelain and cutlery. Apparently, breakfasts were also part of the plan.

She rose and stretched, only to notice a change in her attire. She was now wearing a much simpler dress, something she would describe as 'homely grey'. 'I don't remember changing… it will take some time to get used to', she sighed.

A knock on the door broke her reverie. "Please enter", she collected herself; the door opened, and a familiar face framed by short brown hair peeked in. Yui wore a warm, playful smile.

"Can I interest you with a breakfast, my esteemed guest?"

Kyoko scratched her head. "I'm not even sure…", she started, only to be interrupted by her stomach grumbling. She blinked in surprise.

"Ikari. Are you doing this?", she asked indignantly, a hint of panic seeping in. "If so, please stop. This is weird."

Yui's lips tightened in a thin line as she stepped in the doorframe. "I'm… not sure", she stated seriously. "Definitely not consciously, no. But please, remember that you are the first and only person that came here since I created this place. So… if I do, this is not intentional, and I do apologise", she paused. "Rest assured, I am not trying to manipulate you… nor am I toying with you. That would be wrong… rude even, not to mention childish and irresponsible."

Kyoko nodded. 'Truth or not, there's not much I can do about it now… maybe except learning how to do it myself. And there's no need to be rude on my part', she calmed herself. "No need to apologise, I believe you", she replied with reassurance in her voice. "From what we know about how all this works, I could be doing this to myself: I think 'this is morning, so I should be hungry', and I am hungry", she shrugged and headed towards the door. "Let's go, I wonder what a breakfast here is like", she smiled to the younger woman.


"Do you mind telling me what this is, exactly?", Kyoko inquired at the strange, rectangular pieces of… cake? that were on platter in front of her.

"It is called 'pound cake', and it is quite tasty – and filling", Yui answered and handled her guest a cup she just filled with fragrant tea. "I believe there is a German equivalent, but I don't know how it is called. But it would be better to start with toast, first", she added.

"Toast? I don't see- ah", Kyoko realised the newest addition to the table – perfect, golden toasts on her plate and jam next to it. "I am not going to get used to it anytime soon, I'm afraid", she said, slight exasperation in her voice.

Yui's face suddenly showed mild dejection. "I'm sorry; there is no other way. Believe me", she shuddered subtly, her voice subdued. Kyoko rose her eyebrows. Yui just shook her head in response. "You'll get used to it, I hope", she smiled a clearly forced smile. "Have you thought about what I said yesterday?", her voice rose. "Do you have any questions?"

Kyoko just made a mental note to inquire later. "Yes, I did, and no, I don't. Nothing coherent, at least", she admitted. "This… all… is big, and I suppose I'll just wait until you decide to tell me your plan."

Yui nodded. "Of course; we can discuss the plan together. Once you process what I told you, of course."

Kyoko nodded and took a bite of the toast. They ate in silence, sipping on the tea from time to time. 'I could live like this…', Kyoko though, surprised by her own train of thought. 'It might not be real, but it's… nice. Peaceful. I guess I missed that in the past', she mused. 'Peaceful, big conspiracy we need to defeat aside', her mind helpfully added the drawbacks. 'Conspiracy or not, I am eating a breakfast with someone I can consider… friend, and I am at peace. I guess I will enjoy it while it lasts', she smiled internally.

"Do you like it?" were words that reached her. She returned to… reality – for lack of better word – and focused her eyes on Yui, question in her eyes. "You're smiling", she explained. 'Oh. Well, I am happy, I guess…'

"Just… thinking", she answered cautiously. "And yes, it tastes good. Familiar, far better than most breakfasts I had at… well, work. Institute's cafeteria", Kyoko admitted. "Workaholism comes with drawbacks", she sighed. Yui nodded with an understanding smile; once more, there was silence.

"Ikari, can I ask you–", Kyoko started before noticing that her host is sitting still with cup in hand, and certainly not listening. "Ikari?", she reached to touch her hand.

Yui shook her head forcefully, her eyes shot open.

"My Evangelion is powered up. Something is coming, battle or a test. I must send you back. I will call you later", Yui blurted the sentences with speed of a machine gun, each heavy with both focus and worry. Kyoko just nodded.

"I will bring you here again, I promise. Remember: for now, just protect your daughter" With those last words, Yui closed her eyes, her expression becoming one of intense focus.

And then there was only darkness.
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Well, this is interesting. Not a common point of view for Eva. Let's read...
Yui's face turns serious, and she takes Kyoko hand in both of hers. "We have a role to play, Soryu. We have a world to save… or to transform. And I need your help to do that."

Kyoko looks into Yui's eyes and sees a steely determination. 'Suddenly, this summer day feels very chilly…'
Ah yes. Kyoko has no good way of knowing, but Yui's explanation of SEELE and their plans may not have spent much time highlighting that Yui is possibly not the sanest person on the block.
She still felt strangely… disconnected, her thoughts not clear.
Mm... I wonder if this is Kyoko's... division manifesting.

And it sounds like Yui tried to talk to Rei I, and... well, ran into the insane ball of fury and bloodthirsty revenge-seeking that she is.
Hmm... ok, so, all three Evas are here, so this is at least some point after Gaghiel. So this could be Israfel coming up, or anything after.
A really unique story
Not a common point of view for Eva
I am perfectly aware I am swimming out into the deep dark ocean here - this is half the fun, actually.
Yui is possibly not the sanest person on the block
"I apologise for giving an imperfect expression. I am a perfectly proper, not-even-middle-aged, lady, who might or might not have refused to burden my esteemed guest with minor details about my origins or motivations; I prefer facts. There is nothing to worry about in that regard, dear. There are more important issues at hand. More tea?"
Chapter 2.1.
The day of Kyoko Soryu just took a turn towards bizarre experiences. And pain.


Chapter 2., part 1. – Tanz mit mir

Ever-embracing darkness, never-pierced darkness surrounds her, suffuses her. Cold, heatless, dark waters embrace her, choke her, drown her, make her scream. She tries to scream indeed, but there is no voice, no air to hold the sound, no one to hear it.

Falling endlessly, falling timelessly, falling with no sensation.

'Is this how dying feels like?'

The darkness answers and pulls her into oblivion.


She tries to fight it. She hears Ikari's voice, rattling in her mind: "Remember", "protect your daughter." Over that, she hears whispers of another. Indistinct, confusing… hateful?

She flails her hands, but they do not exist.

She tries to catch a footing, but she fails to feel her feet.

She keeps falling.

'Is it like falling in the dream?' She tries to think, but it is hard to focus. 'You fall, and if you don't wake up before hitting the ground, you die? Is this what is happ–'

Flurry of colours fills Kyoko's vision; the falling sensation vanishes abruptly, but it does not feel like hitting something; it feels like being caught. For a moment, her mind is confused, the visions overlap: there is outside, blurry and colourful, and there is inside, hazy and orange.

'Outside. This is the earth, I am looking down on the ground… am I flying?'

Double vision continues to confuse her; she shifts her perception unwittingly, to the inside of–

Entry Plug. This is an Entry Plug. And inside it–

'Asuka. My daughter.'


Kyoko stifled the urge to call out. 'No, she would startle, become distracted. And if this is not a test…'

She noticed indistinct voices in the background: a woman is speaking. 'This must be the comm system…' Kyoko focused on the voice but could not make the details out; just an impression of the face before it vanished – a young woman, maybe in her thirties, in some kind of uniform. 'Their commander, perhaps? I must ask Ikari how to tap in that system; it might be useful someday', Kyoko made a mental note.

"Roger", Kyoko heard a girl's voice, loud and clear. It would make her stomach clench, if she had one. "This sucks. It's my Japanese debut. Why won't she let me take it out myself?", the girl continued. 'Asuka! It's her voice! She sounds so different, so… grown up… but it is her!"

"… helped. … strategy." Those words came words from outside, in a boy's voice and accompanied by boy's face; they were only marginally easier to hear than the woman's. The boy wore similar attire as Asuka – some kind of suit with accompanying headgear that looked like a miniaturised version of nerve connectors she was working with. 'A boy, possibly in another Evangelion? This has to be Ikari's son… and this has to be Ikari's Evangelion. This is where I was, this is where I spent last night…' She stopped this line of thinking before it made her head hurt, even if she was not certain whether her head could actually hurt in this body. She refocused on the banter and stifled a laughter when Asuka yelled at the boy, ordering him to stay out of her way, implying it was her show: 'Well, there was always fire in the women of the family… she is my daughter, after all.'

She felt a jolt, followed by sudden deceleration, and felt her – not her, Evangelion's, but also her – body shift to compensate and land gracefully. This was suddenly accompanied by a strange sensation of… something being… connected? Suddenly the minor feeling of thirst she felt abated, fresh vigour suffusing her.

"Two against one isn't a fair fight. I don't like it. Not my style", Kyoko heard Asuka grumble. Her daughter's discomfort with the situation was palpable, along with barely restrained desire to act, for better or worse. 'Her fire burns bright… and she keeps it under control poorly. This is… actually a reason to worry. On the other hand, she is young…'

The voice of their commander came back, hard to make out again. Boy's voice, announcing "… comes!" was far clearer, but still barely registering. 'I must ask Ikari how to connect to those– was zum…'

A monstrous creature, grey-skinned, with body shaped like an artistically written letter "Y" emerged from the ocean. Kyoko felt Asuka's anticipation spike, her desire to fight rise, her restraint wavering. She clearly knew what this thing was; she wanted to fight it, to kill it, just to show that she can. 'Is this the enemy we were preparing the Evangelions for? The… Angel? It must be, what else…. But this thing is just bizarre.'

"Okay, I'll go first! Back me up!", Kyoko heard Asuka's eager voice and felt her body moving. The boy tried to protest, but Asuka cut it with curt "Ladies first!"

Kyoko chuckle at her daughter's behaviour was cut short with wave of euphoria coming from Asuka. Once more, sensation of body running, then jumping and falling in perfect attack washed over Kyoko; it was her body moving, but it was not her will that moved it. She moved it but under someone's else dictate. It felt increasingly strange, increasingly… wrong.

There was no time to ponder over it; emotions coming from Asuka were overwhelming; Kyoko did her best to push it down; 'Keep it low, do not reveal yourself…'

Asuka let out a battle cry, and Kyoko – no, Evangelion Unit-02 – struck a perfect blow, bisecting the enemy from head to toe. 'If such terms applied to its anatomy', Kyoko thought wryly.

"Well, Third Child?! A fight should be elegant and without waste!", Kyoko heard Asuka once more; the girl was radiating triumph and pride, emotions Kyoko could feel almost as if they were her own, emotions that shifted without warning: triumph turned into surprise, pride vanished, sweet taste of victory turned sour. Kyoko, engulfed in Asuka's emotions and trying to keep her own elation under control, failed to realise what is happening until–

'Why does my body hurt and why am I flying backwards through the air?' she asked herself, suddenly returning to reality. 'I struck, Asuka yelled something… and then confusion, surprise, betrayal, panic… oh, there were two targets? Angel has risen from the dead?' – all this crossed Kyoko's mind at once. The flight ended before she could understand her situation. Landing hurt.

Pain. Pain pain pain painpainpain!

She felt as someone hit her on the head, hard. Every bone of her body hurt, and it was dark; but it was just lack of light, with miniscule amount filtering in, not the relentless void she had faced moments before.

'It always ends in pain, it always hurts. Until we die, and the pain ends forever', she heard in her mind.

'Who… Asuka? No, it's not her voice. Am I… who are you?'

Loud but still indistinct whispers, as confusing and hateful as before, were the only answer.

Despite lack of a body, she shivered. 'What is happening…'

She heard a groan.


She turned her attention inside the… 'Entry Plug. It's safe, but… Asuka?' Kyoko reached tentatively but felt only disorientation and lingering pain; Asuka seemed unhurt, but she was also unconscious. 'I must not scare her…', Kyoko stopped herself. She wanted to hug the girl, comfort her – but first, she did not know how to do it, exactly; second, she did not know how the girl would react, especially in her current dazed state. She limited herself to carefully reaching out and trying to touch her gently. Asuka's breathing slowed down, her pain lessened. Kyoko smiled to herself.

'One step at a time, as with everything. If only it didn't hurt so bad… Gott, she must feel that pain too!'

Kyoko instinctively reached further, picturing Asuka in her arms. A pang of fear gripped her, fear of going too far, 'Caution be damned, she's unconscious, she won't tell anyone, and she is in pain!' She felt her arms closing around her daughter; the image inside Entry Plug did not change, but…

"Mama?", Asuka mumbled despite her lack of consciousness.

Evangelions were not built with ability to cry. This did not stop Kyoko from trying.


Kyoko held her as long as she could, but once Asuka started to regain consciousness, she withdrew hastily. 'I must not startle her. I must not make our awareness known, Ikari warned me, insisted we must remain a secret, until we are ready to act. Time will come. Time will come', she kept telling herself. This did not quiet the urge to talk, to reach, to hold Asuka… 'Time will come.'

She watched the recovery operation, and the return to base. Seeing the world from this perspective was becoming increasingly strange and harder to handle. She felt sensations that eluded description and would made her queasy or dizzy… if she had digestive system or bony labyrinth. 'This is disturbing. I must talk to Ikari, she mentioned she is able handle them…'

Kyoko tried to ignore the sensations; focusing on her daughter helped. 'I felt her emotions, I felt her eagerness… felt her triumph and dismay. And I saw her! She's alive, she's fine, she's grown so much, she's happy!'

She felt restrains being put on her body; she heard a technical, impassionate voice saying "Entry Plug ejected. Injecting Termination Plug" and felt her lower body go numb. Then "Termination plug injected. Evangelion powering down."

And then there was only darkness.
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She tries to fight it. She hears Ikari's voice, rattling in her mind: "Remember", "protect your daughter." Over that, she hears whispers of another. Indistinct, confusing… hateful?
Hmm... brushing up against the other, broken half of herself? The mad part that wants oblivion for her and Asuka?
"This sucks. It's my Japanese debut. Why won't she let me take it out myself?", the girl continued. 'Asuka! It's her voice! She sounds so different, so… grown up… but it is her!"
The first match with Israfel... and I guess Asuka would appear 'grown up' when the last time Kyoko saw her Asuka was 4.
marginally better audible
'marginally better audio' or 'marginally easier to hear'.
her restrain wavering.
"Mama?", Asuka mumbled despite her lack of consciousness.

Evangelions were not built with ability to cry. This did not stop Kyoko from trying.
Ouch... the feels! Still, this is much more than she ever managed in canon, at least as far as Asuka ever noticed or knew. Pity she's going to be stuck unaware of what Asuka's up to for the next week. Major events in Asuka's life, and she can only see flashes when Asuka happens to be sitting in the Entry Plug. But that applies to everything in the last 10 years, I suppose.
Thank you for the corrections, fixed. I have a bad habit of last-minute changes and additions, resulting in last-minute errors.
Still, this is much more than she ever managed in canon, at least as far as Asuka ever noticed or knew.
Yes, I assume canon!Kyoko did nothing close to this, ever, mainly because she was too fragmented to think and act. As it is already apparent, things go slightly different here.
Pity she's going to be stuck unaware of what Asuka's up to for the next week. Major events in Asuka's life, and she can only see flashes when Asuka happens to be sitting in the Entry Plug.
Indeed, Kyoko's knowledge of Asuka's life will be limited (same goes for Yui's knowledge of Shinji's). Their interaction can happen at best during activation tests (when pilots are closely watched) or in combat (which is not ideal for any communication, even if it's just about emotions). I assumed that test bodies used in synch-tests are not connected to Evas - canon is rather vague on that matter, but I believe lack of connection to be more logical.
I wonder how Gendo will take it when he finds out his wife's been seeing someone on the side.
Like he's got room to talk.
Remember the Akagis? Both of them?
This is actually a little bit of a legal (and philosophical) problem. After all, to the world, Yui is dead, and Gendo is a widower.
On the other hand, she is alive in a way that lacks legal status or even a proper term to describe, and Gendo knows that. In canon, all he does has one goal - bringing her back. So yes, the whole situation may turn out a little bit awkward.
Keep in mind that Kyoko's husband/ex-husband/widower actually remarried. So... did he commit bigamy, if Kyoko is now alive/aware?
Chapter 2.2.
Kyoko Soryu returns for tea once more.


Chapter 2., part 2. – Tanz mit mir

"Welcome back", a soft voice greeted her. Kyoko realised she was laying on the grass, warm sun shining in her face. She tried to blink the confusion away.

"This seems to be unavoidable, regrettably… I hope you'll get used to the transition sooner than later", the female voice continued. A silhouette stepped in front of Kyoko, blocking the sunrays and extending her hand. "I hope it didn't hurt too much?"

Kyoko took the offered hand and rose to her feet. One look around told her where she was – it was the same garden again, and despite feeling lightheaded, she realised what was going on. She turned to face her host. Yui Ikari looked the same, just a little bit more… tired? In pain?

"Ikari. Hello. Thank you. No, coming here did not hurt, it's just confusing. But the battle…", Kyoko breathed deeply. "It hurt a lot. And it was far more confusing. I felt… still feel queasy. If it's even possible with that set of organs."

Yui nodded; her face was sad. "Come. I made a serious mistake, and I am going to amend it as soon as possible."

Kyoko followed her through the garden, unsure what her host meant. The sun shimmered between trees; wind was rustling the leaves and providing relief from afternoon's warmth. Yui stopped when they reached the grass between garden and the house; she turned to face Kyoko. "Soryu. I am sorry", she bowed deeply. "I apologise for wasting your time and adding to your pain."

Kyoko shook her head, trying to process what she just heard; Yui opened her mouth again, stopping at Kyoko's raised hand. "Stop, stop, stop, stop", she protested. "What- what do you mean?"

Yui took a deep breath. "First, I wasted your time with fancy tea party for no real reason, and then I sent you back carelessly without making sure you're unaware. I might not have caused your pain, but I certainly could have helped you avoid it", Yui explained with dismay… 'and shame?' on her face.

Kyoko shook her head. 'Is she serious?'

"Ikari. Stop this, please", she interrupted Yui's attempt at continuing her apology. She took her hand; Yui startled but did not withdraw. "I… enjoyed the tea. I liked the cake. Talking was fun too", she smiled, before resuming a serious face. "And… and I was able to see my daughter again. What makes you think this is a bad thing?"

"Pain?", Yui tried again, her head low, her eyes locked on her hand in Kyoko's hands.

"No. Ikari… it's worth any pain. I was able to hear her, I was able to hug her! Besides, I just fell on my head", Kyoko smirked. "Evangelion fell on its head", she sighed. "It's not going to get easier to tell me from my… carrier? Host? Prison?"

"A bit of each, I guess", Yui sighed in turn, raising her head slowly. "Still, I'm sorry. I will try to teach you what I know as soon as possible. As the enemy was clearly not defeated, I expect another combat very soon."

Kyoko nodded. "I suppose so, but they shut me down – Evangelion, they shut the Evangelion down – before I heard anything useful."

"Same for me. While I hear and see a lot in that state, it's not that they discuss much near me", Yui smiled, finally looking at Kyoko again. "Well, Gendo comes to monologue sometimes, but it just gives me insight into his thinking and erodes my confidence in him." She gestured towards a blanket in the shade, next to a picnic basket that was not there a moment ago.

She poured tea over the improvised picnic table and handed the cup to Kyoko. Suddenly, she stopped; a head shake followed: "Wait, Soryu. You said you could hug your daughter?"

"Yes… maybe I shouldn't have, but she was in pain, she was unconscious, can't tell anyone, and…" Kyoko trailed off, unsure what to say.

"No, no, you did nothing wrong", Yui shook her head. "If she was unconscious, it's fine. This is your girl after all, of course you wanted to comfort her. It's just… unexpected. I simply didn't expect you to be able to, so soon after your… awakening", Yui elaborated. "This is… promising."

"Promising?", Kyoko looked at her companion, blinking in surprise. "Yes, being able to reach to Asuka is good, but…"

"I told you I have a plan. Part of that plan is to make everyone involved – and that means you, because I don't think that… being… I found before you would be a good ally – more aware and able to take over without berserking", Yui explained while finishing the picnic setup.


"Ah. You didn't experience it consciously, or at all. Let me explain."

Kyoko took a sip. 'I guess I have a lot to learn. I wonder how Asuka and this… boy… Shinji was his name? are doing. He seemed nice.'

"Soryu? Are you with me?"

Kyoko returned to reality, or what passed for reality here, to see Yui leaning towards her with curiosity. "Earth to Base Zeppelin, are you there?", Yui prodded with a smirk.

"Sorry, Ikari, sorry – just thought about Asuka. And your boy. They seem… not to get along too well. She's… pushy. I wish I had been there to teach her better."

Yui laughed. "They're teenagers. Everyone's awkward at that time. They'll come to terms, don't worry. Maybe even become close, I don't know. Shinji is so much like his father… he would bloom with a strong woman at his side", Yui's laughter turned into another warm smile.

'I like her smiles. Despite this weirdest possible situation we are in, she is still hopeful, still…. happy', Kyoko realised.

"Not something to consider now. Where was I – ah, yes. Berserking", Yui resumed her academic demeanour. "Under specific circumstances – it usually involves pilot being incapacitated and our bodies suffering at least moderate damage – it is possible to pierce the veil entirely and assume full control. Well, not full", she corrected herself. "Instincts are rather strong, but we are able to direct them, and to act entirely independently of pilot input – which is usually absent at the time. What is more important, in this condition, we are able to act drawing on the flesh itself, without regard for external energy source", Yui kept elaborating. Kyoko was listening intently. "It cannot continue forever, and we will get… well, tired, for lack of better word, but it makes transcending the battery limitations possible. Not to mention, makes our bodies stronger than under constrain of being piloted. It is, in essence, acting in rage, unleashing the beast."

"The beast?" Kyoko asked in confused voice. "What do you mean?"

"Well… You know what we made Evangelions from, and you spent more time on that project than I did", Yui replied. Kyoko nodded. "What tests did you perform after my Contact Experiment?"

"A whole lot of measurements and limited experiments with Cores. We couldn't activate Evangelions, of course, not without pilots. I guess they did, later, but not before my Contact Experiment."

Yui nodded. "It's only when you experience your Evangelion berserking, you realise, on the emotional level, that it is truly alive. Have you ever been angry, so angry you wanted to hit someone, or smash something just to release that anger?"

Kyoko blinked. Intensity in Yui's voice was a bit disturbing. "I… guess? As a child, likely, no, as a teen, even more… but I don't remember", she admitted.

Yui nodded. "Well, you can certainly imagine being angry, even if you don't recall any particular event. Now, take that feeling and turn it up by order of magnitude or two. You cannot stop it, you can only direct it. It is a bestial urge to destroy any threat, to protect what you care for at all cost. It stops only when the target is dead and ones you love are safe."

"It happened to you", Kyoko stated, in a barely audible whisper.

Yui nodded, her lips a thin line.

"In the first proper battle against an Angel", she resumed after a long pause. "When Shinji was trying to pilot my Evangelion, after seeing it first time in his life. We got beaten badly; he lost consciousness, and we were in pain. I felt my anger rising… and the veil parted. I didn't think much, I just lashed out. And killed that thing", Yui spat that last word out. Kyoko blinked; seeing Yui's face contorted by pure hatred was something entirely new to her eyes. The visage disappeared half a second later, but it was enough to make Kyoko feel uneasy.

Yui sighed, her face calm, as if the scary visage never appeared. "I am not fond of returning to that state, I'd rather be able to achieve control with more awareness. You would benefit from such control as well – I have some ideas how to start, and we should test them – independently – as soon as possible. What do you think?" she looked Kyoko in the eye.

Kyoko nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. Berserking sounds… horrifying", she agreed, shaking her worries off. 'I'll think of it… later', she decided.

Yui clenched her teeth for a second. "It is. Now, this is what I had in mind…"


Kyoko was once more laying on the bed in the guest room. 'Aaaaand another thing to process. Few days ago, I was technically dead for more than ten years, and now I am in the middle of… something… something I can't ever properly digest.' She sighed. 'And Ikari has a plan, maybe even a Plan, and from what she already told me, it's a big one… and maybe has a chance.'

She stared at the ceiling, a ceiling that was quickly becoming a familiar one.

'Well, even if we go down following this plan, at least we go down protecting those we love and fighting people who want to pervert our work. What more can a mother and a scientist wish for?', she smiled to herself.

'Simple exercises to begin with, and an attempt to maintain consciousness even if I – if my machine – remains inactive', she recalled Yui's suggestions. When she described the sensations, the younger woman was not sure how to counter them – she never felt like this in her Evangelion, it was somewhat more… cooperating, strange as it may sound.

'Well, I'm a researcher, a scientist. Analyse the situation, find out facts, connect them, draw conclusions. Perform experiments if necessary. Formulate hypothesis, test it, adjust… I did it before, I can do it again', she resolved. 'It's just I was never a part of the sample…'

Outside, it was already night. The cicadas were singing, and there was a distant ribbiting coming from the pond. 'Ikari certainly took care of the details… but I still wonder why there are no people here? I'm sure such places had staff, servants… maybe she's uncomfortable with the thought of someone serving her? Or maybe she feels it's not needed, if she can create things out of thin air?'

Kyoko shook her head: 'I'll ask her later. First, I should learn the important things… and maybe, maybe ask her how to create my own house – then, I could have her for tea and a proper breakfast', she smiled to herself. 'I guess my version would be a proper castle, with a moat, a garden, and a great view from the walls… noblesse oblige, after all.'

She sighed. Things were once more becoming complicated, but–

'I saw her. I comforted her. She is fine.'

This thought made her smile again.


Once more, the sleep did not come, but the morning did – once more, far sooner than expected. And once more, Yui came to invite her for breakfast – this time a simple, yet tasty affair, followed by a deliberation on how best to begin Evangelion control training.

"Simple things, like moving an arm a bit; they will most likely be written off as mechanical or electrical glitches", Yui suggested.

"Have you tried it?", Kyoko asked, taking a sip of tea. She managed to convince Yui not to remove the small things that made their meetings pleasant. 'After all', she reasoned, 'as long as we remained focused on what was important, having tea and cake go with it could not do any harm.'

"Subtly, yes", Yui nodded. "I did assist Shinji when he faced the first one – before I… well, lost control", she winced. Kyoko wanted to apologise but bit her tongue. "Not much except that. There was no occasion, plain and simple. I will – once they reactivate us."

"Why not while we are in cages? You retain control, don't you? You mentioned you shielded Shinji before he even synchronised with you", Kyoko recalled. "It would be less a threat to them, to test our abilities out of combat."

Yui smiled. "You have good memory, dear. Yes, I did it, but only because it was necessary. Luckily, no one connected the dots, perhaps they wrote it off as a glitch or an instance of pre-entry synchronisation with familiar pilot. Don't try to do anything like that, and nor will I, lest they start thinking", Yui's voice became serious. "They would investigate, and likely put further restrains on us. We can act carefully during activation tests; but we must experiment during combat, if discreetly. Just… let's not make their fights harder. It's bad enough that they have to feel everything."

Kyoko nodded with some dismay visible on her face. "You're right, I'm afraid. But that's another thing I wanted to ask about. Can we… shield them from that? Maybe reduce the pain?"

Yui shook her head. "No. They are literally attuned to us, even if they don't know that. That is the design of Evangelions: we control the flesh, they relay commands to us, feedback flows back. What we can do is strengthen the AT Fields, shielding ourselves – and them – from damage. Nothing else, unless you want to reject them as pilots by cutting them off", she explained with seriousness creeping into her voice. "And this is not an option, I believe."

Kyoko nodded once more. "So, we protect them by protecting ourselves. This… well, this makes sense. I am still not convinced about 'field tests', though. It feels like putting our kids in danger."

Yui tightened her lips. "Soryu. If there was another way, I would take it. I had years to figure things out. You do bring fresh perspective, certainly, but trust me – we must be careful, even paranoid, if we don't want to end up locked down tight and unable to do a thing for your Asuka and my Shinji. This means acting only when Evangelions are active."

Kyoko took a deep breath. 'I don't like it…' Yui was looking straight into her eyes, clearly expecting an answer. "I know. I trust you on that, I really do. It's just… it just feels wrong." Yui smiled sadly in response.

"Believe me, Soryu. It's not something I ask of you eagerly. I just… well, I just know what we're dealing with."

Silence reigned for a while. Kyoko broke it first.

"What now? What do you think will happen? They – we – lost the fight, but we're still alive. This means the enemy… the Angel… is not pressing the attack?"

"I don't know much. After they recovered us, there was some frantic activity, checking on our bodies, and then everything died down. I'm guessing the command – most likely Gendo, Professor, and this Operations Director, Katsuragi, are making plans. Yes, they had to neutralise the threat somehow. I don't know how, yet."

She refilled Kyoko's teacup. "All I know is that we will be sent to fight again, soon. And it will not be easy. Your daughter is a skilled combatant, Soryu. Just keep yourself aware, and don't let them know you know." Yui's voice became hard, determined, and her eyes suddenly pierced Kyoko. "The temptation to reach to her–" Kyoko felt embarrassment creep up her face in a hot wave "–is great, I know, just as I am tempted to talk to Shinji, to tell him all be fine. But if they ask as much as a question that may indicate they know… they'll be in grave danger." Yui finished, and Kyoko felt a heavy stare on herself.

"I- I understand that, Ikari", she agreed. "Yes, it is tempting. But I will be more careful."

Yui smiled warmly, a stern contrast to her stare mere seconds ago. "I know you will."

For reasons unknown to her, Kyoko felt a chill running down her spine.
"Pain?", Yui tried again, her head low, her eyes locked on her hand in Kyoko's hands.

"No. Ikari… it's worth any pain. I was able to hear her, I was able to hug her!"
That strange, strange moment when Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu shows she's being a better mother than Yui Ikari...
"Well, Gendo comes to monologue sometimes, but it just gives me insight into his thinking and erodes my confidence in him."
Oh dear. Those must be some interesting monologues... Gendo, unburdening himself to the one person in the world he trusts and loves unconditionally. A man who is hanging on to what scraps of his sanity he still has solely by these 'talks' with his wife...
assume full control. Well, not full", she corrected herself. "Instincts are rather strong

'I saw her. I comforted her. She is fine.'
Well, closer to F.I.N.E.*, really...
Yui smiled warmly, a stern contrast to her stare mere seconds ago. "I know you will."

For reasons unknown to her, Kyoko felt a chill running down her spine.
Again that worrying reminder that Yui might well be... 'differently sane'.
Gendo, unburdening himself to the one person in the world he trusts and loves unconditionally. A man who is hanging on to what scraps of his sanity he still has solely by these 'talks' with his wife...
Outside: "Sometimes, my love, I have the feeling you really understand me, that you know and appreciate what I am doing for you... we will be reunited."
Inside: [facepalming Yui Ikari] "Not. This. Again. He just beat his record in being wrong."
"Can I listen?" "Surely, Soryu. If you need any more convincing..."
Well, closer to F.I.N.E.*, really...
That's an useful acronym :D While true, this didn't yet start to show on Asuka, she seems to have grown up just fine, despite Kyoko being absent. The truth may hit Kyoko a bit... hard.
Again that worrying reminder that Yui might well be... 'differently sane'.
"I prefer the term 'of flexible sanity'. It's not my fault my family wants to achieve godhood. Well, everyone needs a hobby."
Kyoko: Honestly, the way he speaks it's like he doesn't even know that you chose to be the one to ensoul the Evangelion.

Yui: uhh...

Kyoko: I mean, you trust him enough to raise your son in your stead and he goes and acts like you never told him something so important.

Yui: UHHHH...

Kyoko: I suppose we can never understand how men think.

Chapter 2.3.
Update comes earlier due to incoming holidays. Today, Kyoko Soryu is trying not to mess things up!


Chapter 2., part 3. – Tanz mit mir

"Let's get over it once more, Soryu", Yui gestured over the impromptu diagram laying in front of them on the study table; a table covered in papers and holding two already empty teacups and a cold teapot.

"Theory can only bring us so far, Ikari", Kyoko sighed. "You told me the theory twice over, and I repeated it twice, too", she smiled. "I suggest we make a break."

Yui seemed unconvinced. "I'm not sending you out there unprepared, Soryu. Last time you got seriously hurt."

Kyoko shook her head. "Stop beating yourself, I told you, last time was not that bad. I would not call it 'serious'. After all, you looked more beaten yourself", she smirked.

"Hardly… I was fine", Yui protested.

"And I had very similar landing, so I'm fine too. I thought we were over that already, weren't we, Ikari? Come on, let's call it a day and take a walk in that great garden of your creation", Kyoko smiled to her.

Yui shook her head. "We have very limited number of activations, Soryu. We cannot allow ourselves to be idle!", she raised her voice rather suddenly. "Their lives depend on it, and quite possibly, lives of many other."

Kyoko closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Ikari. I don't think… No. I know you know what you're doing. But you were never a teacher for a longer period of time, right?"

"Well", Yui replied in confused voice, "no, just held some classes as postgraduate student…"

"Right. Please remember then, and I'm speaking from experience, no matter what Japanese education system is telling you, endless repetition of theory is not the best way to master a skill", Kyoko carried on in a calm voice. "Next activation, if it is not throwing us in battle immediately, we will perform the experiments, remember the results… and adjust the plan", she underscored the last point by shooting her eyes open.

Yui listened, her head tilted. "Hm. I guess you're right, I'll defer to your experience", she finally smiled, only a hint of doubt in her voice. "But I will not stop working–"

Kyoko shook her head: "No. Of course not. And I will cooperate, I will help you, we were over that too. Just… could we not skip the 'play' part of 'work first, play later'?", she requested with equal smile.

Yui stared for a moment, her expression incomprehensible. "You know, Soryu… you're a bit different than I remember you from back then."

Kyoko raised an eyebrow. "It's been a while between our… transitions, I might've changed. Besides… did we ever find time to have a tea party when we worked together? Or to just talk? Or, for that matter, discuss how to connect to a comm system of an Evangelion from inside the Core using a soul?"

Yui laughed. "No, we did not. You're right, it must be it. Different conditions, different facets of personality emerge." She paused. "All right, agreed. But let's do one thing before we rest, all right?", she requested, rising from the table.

"What is it?"

"Let's make short list of exercises we should perform on next activation – and compare them. Just to make sure we're on the same page."

Kyoko nodded. "Reasonable. And then?"

"Then I'll show you the garden maze", Yui smiled.


Exploration of the hedge maze was suddenly cut short; Yui felt her Evangelion power up – this time, it was not the alert mode, but still an activation.

"All right, Soryu", Yui spoke up. "I'm sending you back, and just to make sure – you're in with the full awareness?"

"Yes", Kyoko nodded. "Ready when you are, Ikari."


Cold waters surrounded her once more, but this time the whole experience was far less confusing – and certainly less horrifying.

It was not any less unpleasant, though.

'At least I don't feel like I'm dying anymore…'

The hateful, dark whispers were there, but this time, it was easy to push them aside. This was her place now.


Activation was methodical, far less urgent; she saw Asuka inside the Plug, focused, determined… but also smiling. 'Is she really going for a life-and-death fight now? She doesn't seem to be afraid…'

Wave of emotions washed over her the moment final connections were made; primary sensations were joy and confidence. Kyoko felt sudden confusion at that; those were not emotions she associated with combat. Moment later, she felt Asuka's emotions change; now, a taste of surprise was there, too. Along with very familiar sense of confusion.

'Did I just… hell, no!'

"I'm fine, Misato, it's just a glitch, my Eva feels sleek as ever. Ready for launch!", Asuka replied to some inquiry from comm channel.

Kyoko tried to calm herself, with limited success. 'Keep it low, Soryu, don't make your daughter's life harder…'

Colours flickered, and double vision came in. It was still confusing, but certainly less that the first time it happened. An underground bunker appeared before her eyes; Evangelion Unit-01 was to her left. There was that indistinct chatter of a woman in the comm system; Asuka replied with a curt "Roger!" and turned to the other pilot: "Full power, maximum speed from the start, got it?"

'She must be talking to Ikari's boy…'

"… sixty-two seconds", came the incomplete reply.

'I guess this is not the best moment for experiments…', Kyoko mused. 'At least not in movement… but I can try connecting to the communication system…'

Sudden feeling of losing something and equally sudden jolt forced her thoughts towards reality, interrupting the connection attempt. 'I'm being launched!' was the only thought that stayed in her mind when sudden acceleration made her fell nauseous. External view was racing in front of her with surreal speed; seconds later, far too soon for her comfort, she found herself high in the air – too high for comfort as well. She felt her body tumbling in the air.

'This. Is. Not. Pleasant', she forced another bout of nausea down. Asuka seemed unaffected, her entire attention focused forward. 'Gott sei Dank, getting sick is the last thing she needs now...'

The growing feeling of sickness aside, Kyoko had to admit that things were progressing well – they were executing a well-thought-out and clearly rehearsed plan. 'I wonder how their training might've looked like, how they got along… did it bring them closer, did it make them friends, maybe even something more?'

Kyoko's thoughts were interrupted by yet another wave of nausea coming from senses she could not even properly name; vision outside indicated the Evangelions were somersaulting… 'Is that an actual battle plan, or was someone just fu–'

Urk. 'Re-focus, Soryu. Break their routine and they die.'

Remaining thirty-two seconds of acrobatics felt like eternity; still Kyoko's willpower and motivation won over, aided by waves of thrill and joy from Asuka. But the explosion from Angel's death sent her tumble again, this time in uncontrolled manner, making her land over Evangelion Unit-01. It broke the hold she had on her condition; moments later, Kyoko watched with horror as Asuka turned pale, then green. She watched her struggle with ejection mechanism of the Plug, succeed in nick of time, and while she lost the Entry Plug vision as result, she retained enough senses to hear her daughter throw up violently outside the Evangelion.

'I… well, she's not going to be happy about that…', Kyoko thought with embarrassment.

Voices were still coming from outside. "Asuka! Asuka, are you all right?", a boy's voice, concerned and clearly worried, sounded close.

"Go away, baka!", Asuka yelled out in husky, unsteady voice.


"Get lost! I hate y–"

The rest was cut off by a sound of violent retching.

Kyoko suddenly felt chilly: 'I think I just made things far worse…'

Moment later, she felt even colder, and the world around her turned dark.


"Soryu? Are you there?"

Kyoko realised she was flat on her back, somewhere in the increasingly familiar garden. She tried to answer the call of her host; persisting nausea stopped her. She rose slowly on her elbows, trying to breathe and calm herself down.

"Are you all right?"

She saw the bushes part, and from them emerged Yui Ikari in her usual Regency-era attire. Kyoko nodded: "Mostly. It's a holdout from… from the fight. We lost power at the end, didn't we?", she asked, accepting a helping hand from Yui and moving slowly to keep the nausea down.

"Yes. I managed to retain minimal perception until it was all over, though. Recovery happened without issue, and once we got reconnected, I reached to you", Yui explained, pulling Kyoko up, a bit too fast for her taste. "Again, locating you was a little bit tricky… I must teach you how to come here on your own, but this is not a priority now. Tell me, what happened? Why did your daughter… well, fell sick?"

Kyoko clenched her teeth. "She didn't", she replied, prompting questioning eyebrow rise from Yui. "I did."

Yui did not reply, guiding them along the path. After a while, Kyoko resumed: "I think I suffered some vertigo from all this jumping and rolling. I was never… very acrobatic, you know", she admitted sheepishly. "I managed to keep it down the whole fight, but I lost control in the end, and… well, Asuka suffered the feedback. I just hope I didn't embarrass her too much. Especially that it was in front of him."

Yui smiled. "Shinji tried to dote over her, of course she yelled at him. Repeatedly. But she was better soon after, so don't worry. They'll come to terms."

"I hope you're right…", Kyoko said with worried face.

"You worry way too much, dear. They're just teenagers, a little bit lost due to their age and pressure put on them. They'll be fine", Yui reassured her with a familiar, warm smile.

'I hope you're right, Ikari. But I doubt it. Asuka is troubled, and there's something dark under all this joy and fire… not to mention, this is not the normal level of pressure a teenager should be. Most teenagers don't fight life-or-death battles and are quite troubled anyway…'

Kyoko shelved the thought for later; there was no point in deliberating with someone who held an unshakeable belief; she needed to collect more information, maybe even discreetly probe Asuka's feelings. This, of course, could open a whole other can of worms, but… 'Technical concerns aside, privacy is an issue here… but I can't exactly talk to her, can I? Another thing to delve on… when I'm alone, I guess.'

They reached the house and entered its kitchen; Yui took a steaming cup of greenish, steaming liquid from the table and handed it to Kyoko.

"Drink, Soryu. Calm your stomach, and we'll talk. I imagine you're not in mood for cake", Yui smiled a half-smile.

"I am not. Thank you", she accepted gracefully. The infusion had a strong herbal scent, something she associated with herbal medicine. 'Of course, it matters not what is inside, what does matter is what it tells my mind to do, how to feel', she reminded herself. 'And now, my mind and my… body… needs to calm down.' She gulped it down in few seconds, feeling the warmth and calming influence spread. The slightly bitter aftertaste only reinforced the 'medicine' feeling of the infusion.

She joined Yui at the kitchen table. "Pity this activation gave us nothing."

"It was not nothing, Soryu. It gave us a measurement of the depth for your connection, saving us time on the next one", Yui corrected. "Just try to take control on the next activation – as soon as it is safe and discreet". Kyoko nodded. "It did give us less than I would wish for, but for about a minute of activity, it was not that bad. It also gave me better impression how having your battery drained feels like."

Kyoko looked at her quizzically. "How? I know we're kind of battery-powered, however that sounds, but… we have sensory input on that?"

"Surely, and however it sounds, it's exactly that – battery power. It feels like suddenly getting thirsty; reconnection feels like drinking up."

Something clicked in Kyoko's mind. "Oh."

"You felt it, didn't you?"

She nodded. "Didn't make the connection. Thank you."

"Another pebble for our collection of knowledge. Let's just hope we have enough of them when there's time to start the avalanche that will bury SEELE and rest of our enemies", Yui added with a warm smile.

Kyoko nodded again. "We will. Out of curiosity, how many Angels are expected?"

"I am not sure. Gendo said – in one of his monologues – something about 'first of them' and counting to the end, but never mentioned a precise number. And it's not that I can provoke him to say more."

"I see. Well, let's hope he slips, or something about them betrays more. Or Asuka or Shinji learn something and say it when inside the Entry Plugs, or around."

Yui shook her head. "I would not count on the latter. Gendo is not telling them anything important, I'm sure. He is distrustful, even to his own. Him slipping… is more likely. I'll keep watch."


Awkward silence came about once they stopped discussing details. They had everything planned – and had to wait.

"Soryu…", Yui broke the silence with hesitation in her voice. In comparison to how her previous statement sounded, this one could even be called insecure.

"Yes?", Kyoko turned her eyes on Yui, noticing she was fiddling with some small bottle.

"You are feeling better, right? No more nausea?"

Kyoko nodded. The sensations were indeed gone.

"Great! Would you…", she hesitated again, looking to her side.


"Sorry", she let out a nervous laugh and set the small bottle on the table with a bit more force than necessary. "I'm sorry, this is stupid."

Kyoko raised her eyebrows. "Still, something is bothering you, right?"

Yui nodded and took a deep breath. "They were dancing, weren't they?"

"Yes, I suppose one can call it dance. There was even some music, but I didn't manage to tap into comm system to hear it well."

Yui laughed nervously. "You didn't lose much, it was a rather bad pop song. But…" She took a deep breath. "I like dancing. I always did, and I was quite good at it. Gendo was never very fond of dancing, though…", she hesitated a third time. Then, she raised her eyes to face Kyoko and blurted out: "Would you indulge me, Soryu?"

Kyoko blinked in surprise. 'This is… unexpected. Out of the blue, actually. I… Hell, why not?'

Yui raised her hands abruptly: "Sorry, Soryu, I didn't want to make you–"

"Yes", Kyoko blurted out. It was Yui's turn to appear stupefied.

"I mean, yes, if you wanted to ask me to dance, I will happily indulge you", Kyoko clarified with a smile. "I'm afraid, though, that I'm not very good at it… never had time to learn."

Yui blinked the stupefaction away and smiled with the same uncertainty that permeated her voice a moment ago. "Thank you. Just let me lead." She rose and extended her arm to Kyoko. "Shall we?"

Kyoko let Yui lead them through the corridors of the mansion. They entered the living room, subtly rearranged for space. Classical music started to softly play in the background; Kyoko did not recognise the piece but liked the rhythm. Still, something felt wrong, out of place; she looked around, perplexed. 'Where is this coming from?'

Yui chuckled, noticing Kyoko's confusion. "I'm sorry, Soryu. I'm cheating here just a little bit. This era has no real mechanical sound source except rather bad-sounding music boxes, and using gramophone simply felt… wrong. Anachronistic."

"I see", Kyoko turned to face her. "Well, I don't mind, although a band would add… authenticity?"

Yui's smile vanished. "Trust me, it would not", she replied in tone clearly suggesting dropping this line of inquiry; Kyoko knew better than to push it. Yui bowed to her: "My dear, would you grant me the favour of a dance?"

Kyoko froze for a moment; her mind panicky tried to recall the proper etiquette from history lessons, literature, movies, or just plain common knowledge. It took her several seconds, but finally someone slid the right backup tape in the correct drive, and she curtsied – or at least tried to. 'I guess some practice will be in order', she realised, steadying herself after Yui caught her hand and prevented her from falling over.

That gesture more-or-less-smoothly turned into a proper dancing posture; Yui took the lead. They began to move across the living room, carefully avoiding the remaining furniture. Kyoko started to relax a bit.

'It feels… nice', she allowed herself to think; keeping her steps in tune with the music and not stepping over Yui's feet took all her available attention, and then some, but she began to enjoy herself. Yui seemed to have quite good grasp on the dance steps, she led with confidence, and even managed to compensate for Kyoko's occasional misstep.

In other words, a rather bad day finally started to look nice.


Trouble started small.

'There goes my rhythm', Kyoko realised when she was a step behind Yui. Whether it was from moving too slow or making another mistake did not matter. It was not the first time, too; Yui easily corrected the previous ones, so Kyoko did not worry now.

What was slightly different this time was the fact that the turn Yui was leading them to – one necessary to avoid direct contact with an armchair – caught Kyoko off-guard. To say that she panicked would be an overstatement, of course. She was perfectly calm, if one ignored accelerated heartbeat and intense desire to keep up with her dance partner. This merely led to her making one step a bit longer than needed – or safe.


It happened all at once.

Kyoko ran into the armchair; the chair suddenly moved far further than it should be possible from such impact; 'I guess they she made them light to be easier to move', she spared a thought when her mind witnessed the chain of events in mute horror. The armchair hit the china cabinet, shattered the glass, and sent the piece of furniture into wobbling movement. Of course, all the cups and tables reacted accordingly. Kyoko could only admire Yui's attention to detail in recreating the objects' behaviour and physics before the china started to fall out and crash on the floor.

Yui, on her part, was put off balance by Kyoko's unexpected stop. She regained her composure quickly enough to turn towards her dance partner and freeze in horror at the image of cups and plates coming down. The music ceased abruptly, leaving only the sounds of crashing.

They stood there in silence for a short moment, their hands still clasped from the dance posture. Suddenly, Yui started laughing loudly. It felt so out of place that Kyoko blinked in confusion for a few seconds before joining her.

"This… I'm sorry, Soryu… I… I should've emptied the room first", Yui managed to get out before resuming her bout of laughter. Kyoko could only shake her head, trying to control her laughter. "I… it…" she managed before–

Yui fell dead silent, her laughter cut. Her sudden shout – "Soryu!" – made Kyoko freeze. "They noticed something", Yui hissed in a cold, focused voice. "I'm sending you back now. Calm yourself and play dead, as dead as you can", she rattled out. "It's vital you do not give them any reason to suspect anything." She grabbed Kyoko's arms and stared deep into her eyes. "Do you understand? This must be read as a glitch. Or everything is lost."

Kyoko just nodded numbly, weathering the emotional onslaught with increasing difficulty. "Do. You. Understand?", Yui repeated, holding Kyoko's gaze.

"Yes. Play dead. Keep calm, no matter what." She responded with determined stare on her own.


The darkness returned. The now-familiar cold waters enveloped her once more.


End of Chapter 2.

Next chapter will include scuba diving and confusion! And, of course, more afternoon tea!
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Yui, please stop macking on your coworkers during business hours.
Well, technically, she is working in "on call only" model, her business hours being the fights and maybe tests. So, all the aforementioned activities take place outside the business hours. I see no workplace ethics violation here :D

Not that anyone but Gendo, Fuyutsuki, Ritsuko, and maybe SEELE know that she is working at all... Hm, I wonder if their case would fall under any employment/labour code. Imagine "Evangelion Souls Union".
The hateful, dark whispers were there, but this time, it was easy to push them aside. This was her place now.
Those whispers are still part of you, Kyoko. Literally. You're going to have to deal with that someday, and probably sooner than you'd like.
Voices were still coming from outside. "Asuka! Asuka, are you all right?", a boy's voice, concerned and clearly worried, sounded close.

"Go away, baka!", Asuka yelled out in husky, unsteady voice.


"Get lost! I hate y–"
Oops. Asuka hates looking weak or vulnerable, the more so the more she actually cares about the opinion of who sees her. So Shinji seeing her loosing her lunch from 'mere' piloting is going to... yeah, she'll snap at him, pretty harshly. Hopefully it won't overmatch whatever better relations between them arose out of the synch training.
Yui smiled. "Shinji tried to dot over her, of course she yelled at him. Repeatedly. But she was better soon after, so don't worry. They'll come to terms."
Do you mean 'dote'? It's good that he tried, though.
Yui shook her head. "I would not count on the latter. Gendo is not telling them anything important, I'm sure. He is distrustful, even to his own. Him slipping… is more likely. I'll keep watch."
Especially when we know he monologues to Unit-01 at times in canon, so if he's likely to 'spill the beans' to anyone, it's Yui, even if he doesn't know it.
Yui fell dead silent, her laughter cut. Her sudden shout – "Soryu!" – made Kyoko freeze. "They noticed something", Yui hissed in a cold, focused voice. "I'm sending you back now. Calm yourself and play dead, as dead as you can", she rattled out. "It's vital you do not give them any reason to suspect anything." She grabbed Kyoko's arms and stared deep into her eyes. "Do you understand? This must be read as a glitch. Or everything is lost."
Eh? What the heck could this have looked like on the outside that Ritsuko or anyone would even notice? Them talking, planning, or even dancing is fine, but the crash and accident of what's supposedly just constructs in Yui's mind sets off things enough that she's panicking over them being discovered? How? Just because Yui and Kyoko's bodies would be showing matching signs when they're supposed to be in separate Cages? Hrm...
Those whispers are still part of you, Kyoko. Literally. You're going to have to deal with that someday, and probably sooner than you'd like.
Do you mean 'dote'? It's good that he tried, though.
Yes, that was the intent. Thanks for spotting it. And while he tried, keep in mind that Asuka might not appreciate it, at least outwardly. For the reasons you listed.
Hopefully it won't overmatch whatever better relations between them arose out of the synch training.
Well, in this scene's canon equivalent, Asuka wasn't exactly friendly towards Shinji. On the other hand, she likely behaved aggressively because she felt bad about landing poorly too. Obviously, this is a worse situation than the canon one.
Eh? What the heck could this have looked like on the outside that Ritsuko or anyone would even notice? Them talking, planning, or even dancing is fine, but the crash and accident of what's supposedly just constructs in Yui's mind sets off things enough that she's panicking over them being discovered? How? Just because Yui and Kyoko's bodies would be showing matching signs when they're supposed to be in separate Cages? Hrm...
It's not about destruction of constructs - it's about Kyoko having a near (virtual) heart attack from the surprise and being startled - and that panic attack plus bout of laughter trasferring to her Evangelion's biosigns. An Evangelion that was supposed to be inactive. This is a first time she got that strong of a reaction; the talks were spread over time and while emotional, no reaction was that sudden.
In other words, the whole (virtual) mansion could burn down or get hit by meteorite, and no one outside would notice - if Yui and Kyoko expected it and didn't really react. But if any of them panics, someone may notice Evangelions heart/adrenal gland/some-weird-organ-equivalent firing. Those are their current bodies, after all. It's like your body having a sudden heart rate increase because you suddenly realised you forgot to do something important, or you just got startled by some unexpected noise in the night (it is rare in life, but it does happen once in a while) - it's not really controllable, but it'd visible if you're wearing a heart monitor - and Evas are monitored.
I guess some exposition/explanation will be in order in the next chapter.
It's not about destruction of constructs - it's about Kyoko having a near (virtual) heart attack from the surprise and being startled - and that panic attack plus bout of laughter trasferring to her Evangelion's biosigns. An Evangelion that was supposed to be inactive. This is a first time she got that strong of a reaction; the talks were spread over time and while emotional, no reaction was that sudden.
In other words, the whole (virtual) mansion could burn down or get hit by meteorite, and no one outside would notice - if Yui and Kyoko expected it and didn't really react. But if any of them panics, someone may notice Evangelions heart/adrenal gland/some-weird-organ-equivalent firing. Those are their current bodies, after all. It's like your body having a sudden heart rate increase because you suddenly realised you forgot to do something important, or you just got startled by some unexpected noise in the night (it is rare in life, but it does happen once in a while) - it's not really controllable, but it'd visible if you're wearing a heart monitor - and Evas are monitored.
I guess some exposition/explanation will be in order in the next chapter.
Ha! This makes me think of a story from the early days of the US Space Program. The first crop of astronauts was chosen from seasoned combat veterans and test pilots, men with steely nerves used to having to operate under tense conditions. One of them was Marine Colonel John Glenn, who was a veteran of many missions over North Korea.

At one point he was in a simulator of his Friendship 7 pod performing a delicate task when the NASA crew running the sim decided to stress test him... by dropping a 25kg steel plate on the concrete floor of the test chamber, right outside the sim pod, right near his head. So Col. Glenn is right in the middle of tense, careful 'piloting' of his pod, and suddenly CLANG!

Supposedly, his hands never wavered on the controls, and he kept on with the simulated mission flawlessly, though on the biomonitor his heartrate suddenly SPIKED! and a lot of other visible signs of the surge of adrenalin appeared. He finished the mission, got out of the pod, looked at the engineers who'd dropped the plate and said "You motherfuckers..."

Status update/coming clear: third chapter will be delayed. Long story short, I wrote about 3500 words of scenes, then my beta-reader pointed out a plot hole and indicated a risk of writing myself into a corner with choices I made. I was facing choice between publishing what I have and working with that later, or doing some rewrite and rethinking before I publish anything of chapter 3. and further.

As someone who has certain dislike towards plot holes and as someone who would rather finish this story without needing to retcon anything, I chose the latter. Story is still alive and growing, just feels like Kyoko Soryu felt in the beginning: confused and in dire need for some time to work out what is going on.

Stay tuned.
Chapter 3.1.
Thank you for your patience - the rethinking/rewrite is complete, and beginning of Chapter 3. is here. It was additionally delayed by a crackvodkafic I am currently working on and that ambushed me and brutally beaten me into writing all about it down - ideas do not take kindly to being ignored. I really hope the absurd and madness did not seep into this one.

Without further ado, may the chaos around Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu continue! Guest starring: the Science Division personnel.


Chapter 3., part 1. – Into the fire

'I don't think I'll ever get used to that…'

The feeling of cold waters surrounding her was now a familiar one. Still, she could not think of it without instinctual dislike. Being here did have an upside this time, though: as long as she did not panic when surrounded by the cold feeling, they dampened her emotions. This was exactly what she needed now.

'Play dead. Well, should not be hard, after all, I am dead…'

'Dead are we yet not, we will die, and she with us into the oblivion will go.'

Suddenly, the waters were not so cold. Kyoko's felt far, far colder. The voice was crystal clear, so close it could be coming from right behind her. Of course, nothing could be behind her, and she knew that.

But the voice spoke still. Cold, confident, emotionless, chilling like a stab of frosty morning air; it was a reminder of times when winters were truly cold and mountain air would bite her skin.

'This. Is. Not. Helping.'

'Death comes. Accept it'
, the voice spoke again. Kyoko started to shiver.

'Keep calm, no matter what', spoken by Yui came back to her. She clenched her teeth, a thought coming to her on the wave of desperation and growing anger.

'If you are here to stay, then help me, whatever you are! If we are discovered, there will be no death, just eternity of being a lab rat!'

For the first time, she felt the coldness recede a step. A tinge of hesitation touched her, feeling like her own feeling, but it was not. She tensed, forcing her emotions down.

'Fine. The end will come, but it will not today be.'

Suddenly, the coldness was gone, replaced with the now-familiar and unexpectedly-welcome feeling of being surrounded by water. Kyoko realized her panic over the situation, her fear of discovery, her anxiety over the suddenness of the transition – all this was suddenly gone.

'Was zur–'

"Maya, attach the diagnostic to the secondary core output. I don't trust the remotes, they have been wonky last time", came the voice from outside. A woman's voice, serious, stern, but caring.

"Yes, Akagi-sempai", came a reply. Female as well, but clearly younger, tinged with… admiration? Devotion?

'Have I activated the external sensors by accident?', a thought came to Kyoko, brushing aside the confusion from the sudden emotional shift. It was immediately replaced with: 'Focus. Calm down. Do not let them detect instability. I know the Core, I had my hand in creating, I should know how to fool its diagnostics…'

She reached towards the sensation of scratching at her soul. 'How exactly did they work…? it's been a while…'


The frustration in the air outside Unit-02 was palpable.

Ritsuko Akagi was used to strange and unusual readings. After all, Evangelions were not the most predictable technology; the field of science they were based on was young and hardly developed. Thus, unanswered questions were the norm, strange occurrences were actually expected, and bizarre was part of the job. Unheimlich was the term that appeared often in books and papers on the subject, the German term for unfamiliar, or uncanny. A word tinged with a supernatural undertone, a term Ritsuko Akagi, a woman of science and reason, disliked for exactly that undertone, the mysticism, the fearful subtext.

Still, this was the term she sometimes found annoyingly fitting when she was around the giants she was responsible for. All in all, she was used to strange readings and unpredictability.

Just not from Unit-02.

This was the first serial model. Unit-00 was inherently unstable, it tried to kill her and working with it was always stressful. The nature of its pilot did not help. Unit-01 was better in that regard, but it was… quirky. Maybe even 'moody', if such description could be applied to an Evangelion. Unit-02 was supposed to be an island of stability among them, and it always was.

Until today.

Maya seemed to take it far better. She simply followed Ritsuko with a cart filled with diagnostic equipment, diligently attached all connectors to the Core they exposed, and started gathering data. She seemed unfazed by the unusual readings from the Evangelion, or even by its presence.

Of course, had her kouhai known what exactly an Evangelion was and what – who – was inside, she would most likely start running and never stop screaming. Knowledge of this kind eroded sanity.

Ritsuko knew it all too well.

She sighed, browsing the fifth batch of data for the third time. There was no trace of anomaly that has drawn her attention two hours before. Two hours in which she has been directing Maya in attaching, detaching, and reattaching the sensors in all viable access points of the Core, and even some non-viable ones.

Nothing came back. The readings were flat within the error margin. The giant was sleeping.

"Maya, pack it up", she called to the younger woman. "Nothing to do here. Either MAGI had a hiccup, or…", Ritsuko Akagi trailed off, uncertain whether to voice the absurd idea.

"Or we need to check and replace the sensors?", Lieutenant Ibuki suggested.

"No, sensors checked out just fine. It's either MAGI or Unit-02 just had a bad dream", she shrugged with some dry amusement in her voice. "Let's close it up, do a quick check on remaining units, and focus on important things."


Kyoko heard every word and every breath that happened around her body. She might have been unable to safely activate her sight, but sound and some semblance of touch were quite sufficient. 'Who thought Evangelion's Core is actually sensitive to touch?' she marveled at yet another unexpected quality of the creation she now inhabited. 'Gott sei dank I'm not actually ticklish…'

She spent last two hours focusing on thinking of calm lakes and serene mountaintops of Bavaria, recalling her rare times of leave from work. She was not sure if it was necessary, but it certainly made her calmer. 'Cores are the closest thing we have to a central nervous system, despite them working like anything but the brain. Keeping calm should be enough for the readings to seem stable…'

She had several slips in that focus; thinking about the cold voice still made her nervous. Fortunately, she managed not to rouse the scientists' suspicions.

'I wonder who they were. The name 'Akagi' rings a bell, but I can't recall a face… I will have to question Ikari – she might've actually seen them if they poked her too.' Sudden worry seized her; she suppressed it as fast as she could. 'I hope she managed to fool them too. Well, I will have to ask questions as soon as Ikari pulls me back.'

'I guess it'd be rude to ask her "how can I visit by myself", but in an emergency… well, in an emergency it may just save the whole conspiracy.'

'So many subjects, so little time'
, she sighed internally. The sounds of Evangelion Cages, as the scientists seemed to call the place – when they did not call it "down here" – were soothing. She relaxed and listened in.


The sky was blue. Once more, she found herself on the grassy ground, warm from sunlight. It smelled of spring. 'I don't… ah. Right.'

She collected her thoughts. 'Interesting. I didn't lose consciousness. I heard them moving around… I guess they didn't investigate Ikari's unit…'

Footsteps brought her back to reality.

"You seem to be fond of this clearing, Soryu", an amused voice called to her. "Are you all right? You did great work on throwing them off the trail", Yui Ikari continued, entering her field of vision and sitting next to her on the sunbathed ground. Kyoko turned to face her.

"Thank you. Once I realized what they're trying to do, and how does it feel, I knew how to fool it. Except I had to pull on all the knowledge I have on Evangelion's Core workings", she stated nervously. 'I guess I should mention that this something else inside my Unit was suddenly helpful. Wait… did I even tell her about its existence?'

"You did well. Doctor Akagi suspects nothing, so it seems", Yui's voice broke her train of thought.

"Ah, yes, that Akagi person. I heard that name used by one of the technicians that probed me. My Unit, that probed my Unit. This name sounds familiar, who is she?", Kyoko tried to rustle her memory again.

"Ritsuko Akagi, daughter and adequate heir of famous – or infamous, depends on who you ask and about what exactly – Naoko Akagi. Chief technician here, responsible for keeping our giant bodies running. Also, responsible for the restraints we are wearing."

Kyoko nodded. "I see. Did they poke and prod on you too?"

Yui shook her head and smiled. "Not extensively, I'd even say it was less thorough than your standard post-combat check. Either the disturbance didn't get out of Unit-01, or detection margins are far more lenient. After all, I'm wearing a prototype. By definition, this is not a body that is supposed to be up-to-the-standards they would apply to yours."

"Logical. And how long was I away?"

"Whole night and early morning", Yui laughed. Kyoko shot her a questioning look. Yui shook her head. "I mean here, this is how much time passed here. I have no idea how long it was in outside time, no better than you do. We don't have an onboard clock, except countdowns, of course", she paused, sighing. "I managed to get a single glimpse of Akagi's watch, and it showed the 15th day of the month, but this is about it. So… we are still a little bit lost in time. It's been something I got used to, frankly speaking."

"I see. Well, it's not really important, is it? It's not that we have to keep appointments", she shrugged, slowly rising from the grass to a more sitting position.

"Yes and no, actually. This is detrimental to our plans, as proper timing is important when scheming", Yui half-smiled. "I am working on some solution, but I can't exactly request an onboard clock from a manufacturer, shipping and installation included", she finished with a deadpan face.

Kyoko chuckled. "No, not really. Maybe you should ask your husband – during one of those monologues of his you mentioned – to hang a calendar-clock in your sight?"

Yui shook her head and let out a small laugh. Kyoko could swear it was a sad one. "Not a chance. If I start talking back to him, he's going to think he's going insane or he'll realise something is amiss. Besides, he does not come too often. I almost wish he did, it'd give me more information. His rants aside, he sometimes spills useful tidbits."

"You mentioned that. I wonder…" Kyoko trailed off and turned her face away from Yui.

"Mm?" raised eyebrows greeted her.

"Hm. I wonder if you would mind if I listened in?"

"Oh, please!" Yui laughed. "It's just – I'm not sure if I'd be able to maintain this and listen properly at the same time, let alone let you listen. But we can try next time. It's just… not even really entertaining. It's… well, half-philosophy, half-complaining about his subordinates, half-bad science, half-random memories, and half-wish-you-were-here-with-me."

"That's… a lot of halves."

"I did say it included bad science, didn't I?", Yui smiled.

Kyoko rose her hand to her face and groaned. "Please… this was a really bad joke, Ikari…"

Yui laughed softly. "I'm sorry. I was never good at that. Gendo was always a little bit of humourless, and our work environment never left much space for mirth."

"Well… scientist humour is known to be… hermetical. At best. And I think I am still… tired? I'm not sure. Focusing on them was mentally exhausting. Could I bother you for a spot of tea?", Kyoko turned to face Yui again.

Yui blinked at her, bemused. "Of course. I apologise, I have been a thoughtless host", she smiled, offering Kyoko a hand; Kyoko accepted with a smile. To her surprise, Yui did not let go of her hand for a long moment.


"Ah. Sorry", Yui looked as she had just broken out of a reverie. 'I could swear that was a blush, but that's not possible', she thought in confusion. "Shall we?" Yui regained her composure and offered Kyoko her arm. They took the increasingly familiar path towards the mansion. 'The tea might be fake, a figment of imagination, but it sure beats the darkness and creepy sensations of the cages. I hope "interesting times" are over for now', Kyoko mused hopefully as they approached the building.

She was not the person to hold the most incorrect belief in the NERV HQ at the moment. But she definitely was in the Top Ten.
Unit-00 was inherently unstable, it tried to kill her and working with it was always stressful.
You know bloody well just why that is, Ritsuko.
'Gott sei dank I'm not actually ticklish…'
Boy, that would be a weird one for the report.
Maya: "And judging by the readings, I believe Unit-02 is ticklish."
Ritsuko: ~nods~
Misato: ".....ok, WTF?"
"I managed to get a single glimpse of Akagi's watch, and it showed the 15th day of the month, but this is about it. So… we are still a little bit lost in time. It's been something I got used to, frankly speaking."
Try the MAGI system clock, ladies.
Yui blinked at her, bemused. "Of course. I apologise, I have been a thoughtless host", she smiled, offering Kyoko a hand; Kyoko accepted with a smile. To her surprise, Yui did not let go of her hand for a long moment.


"Ah. Sorry", Yui looked as she had just broken out of a reverie. 'I could swear that was a blush, but that's not possible', she thought in confusion.
Someone's just a little touch-starved... then again, it's been 11 years since she's really touched anything at all outside her mindspace.
Welp, Yui has successfully made the leap to 'surreptious hand touches.' if this rate of progress continues they will be frenching in the cages in under a month.

Also if Yui tried talking to Gendo he'd only think he was going crazy up until Yui admitted her crush on Kyoko, and then he'd just kind of sadly nod and lock himself in his office with Misato's stolen beer stash.