Turn, Turn and Turn [A]gain! (Turn A Gundam Quest)

Week 3
Week 3 (Week 3 of the Lunar-Inglessan Dispute)

[X] Shield the convoy; let the Royal Guard handle this.

Swallowing, you leave the work of dispersing the crowd to the Royal Guard while you shield the convoy. It doesn't take long for the convoy to proceed. The SUMOs simply smash through the barricades and force the rioters to flee lest they be stepped on. You try to ignore the burning cars and the occasional red smear as you shepherd the cars towards Bostonia Castle.

It is when the Militia arrives and starts shooting at the Royal Guard that you realize that the car carrying Her Majesty Dianna, Lord Guin and that guy with the queen is nowhere to be found. A quick check of the White Doll's displays show that there is no smoke or gunfire (that you can see) other than around here, so you force down your worry in order to focus on your mission.

While the Royal Guard deals with the Militia you activate your Lightwave Shield and make the White Doll hunch down, providing cover for the convoy that is impregnable to the small arms carried by the attackers. Even so it is tense as you slowly lead them to the safety of Bostonia Castle. The mixed forces there haven't been caught up in the riot and have established a perimeter that is keeping order for several blocks.

Lord Guin and the others are still nowhere to be found, so you leave the convoy at Bostonia and take to the air so as to get a better overview of Nocis. The Militia is on the run at this point, a few holdouts still firing rifles and pistols at the SUMOs while the rest of them are in full retreat.

Even as the city starts to quiet down it remains a nerve-wracking search, only made worse when you find Lord Guin's limousine empty of all but the driver. Silver lining: It gives you a solid place to start. Queen Dianna and the other two should be between this car and Bostonia Castle, provided the car hasn't moved since they got off, of course.

As you search for them you and up face to face with the golden SUMO that signifies the captain of the Royal Guard. The two of you tense for combat for a second before you can get a read on his Pressure: Worried, angry, but neither are directed at you. You lower the White Doll's arms and-Lord Guin!

"Laura!" He ran out of an alley and is standing with his arms spread wide in front of the White Doll. "We are safe! Don't fight here!" The man who was with Queen Dianna is doing the same to the pilot of the golden SUMO.

You let out a sigh of relief. They are safe.

Lord Guin rides in the White Doll's left hand the remainder of the way to Bostonia while Dianna and the other guy ride in the hands of the golden SUMO. His Pressure is a mix of frustration and worry, but there is a strong undercurrent of satisfaction as well. You normally can't read someone's Pressure this completely outside of the White Doll, outside of Sochie that is, probably because she has the same abilities. Someone smirks behind you. It is quite the difference...


When you and the golden SUMO arrive with the two leaders their entourages quickly usher them into the castle while the Militia and Moonrace forces stationed there set up a number of joint checkpoints. You are approached by one of Lord Guin's secretaries partway through the work, who hands you a letter containing orders to stay outside with the others until you are relieved of guard duty.

The question of who will be relieving you is answered a little more than an hour later when two WaDoms stride down the street and take up positions outside the castle. Lord Guin comes out to retrieve you.

"We don't know if the negotiations will be successful." He warns as you exit the White Doll's cockpit, piloting goggles on and your scarf wrapped around the other parts of your face. When you ask he gives you leave to retire for the night, but reminds you to be ready to receive orders.

Sleep sounds really good right now.


When you wake up it is to a castle empty of Militia soldiers. One of the castle's servants explains that Queen Dianna has demanded that no Militia forces are allowed to enter within ten kilometers of the city, and Lord Guin has acquiesced in the interest of continuing the negotiations. He later confirms this when you arrive in his office in full pilot getup, but informs you that you and the White Doll are exempted from the ban.

For the moment there is nothing planned, but he expects you to be on standby until further notice.

The Royal Guard stationed outside Bostonia gives you a wary look as you walk up to the White Doll to check on its systems.

All Systems gain +1 Condition!

Everything seems to be in order, it is just a matter of the Priority Repair System.

[] Decide to keep it working on the I-Field.

[] Switch it to work on a different System.
--[] Write in System.

Defensive Systems.

Armor. 3/500 (Heavily Damaged)

Armor Grade: 6-3

Armor Save: 4+

-Beam Resistant 1: Beams that hit this unit lose one level of Penetration vs Armor.

Left Arm Lightwave Shield 3/200 (Damaged)

Shield Grade: 4-1

Shield Size: Medium.

Shield Save: 4+

Shield Integrity: 4

-Lightwave Shield: Does not block lasers.
-Regenerate 1: Regains 1 Integrity at the end of each Turn.

I-Field. 93/500 (Heavily Damaged)

Field Density: 6-3

Dissipation Save: 4+

Field Integrity: 4

-I-Field: Barrier against Ranged Beam Attacks only. Immune to Beam Penetration.
-Dampening: Whichever Ranged Beam Attack breaks through the I-Field has its Damage reduced by remaining Field Integrity.
-Regenerate 1: Regains 1 Integrity at the end of each Turn.

Mobility Systems.

Landskimmers. 3/200 (Damaged)
-Speed +: Hidden -15 modifier to speed DC while on the ground.

Lightwave Maneuvering Thrusters (Flight Mode). 3/200 (Damaged)
-Flight: Unit can fly. Terrain modifiers ignored.
-Lightwave Propulsion: This system requires no fuel, only energy.
-Slow Flight: No speed DC modifier.

Lightwave Main Propulsion (Voiture Lumiere). 3/500 (Heavily Damaged, Unstable)
-Extreme Speed: Hidden -45 modifier to speed DC while in the air or in space.
-Unstable: +1d45 modifier to speed DC while in use.
-Demanding: +30 to Condition DC after three Turns or one Engagement of usage with Pilot Skill below 4.
-Lightwave Propulsion: This system requires no fuel, only energy.

PSI Systems.

Psycommu System.
-Psyco-Control: Pilot Level may not go below 1. May control the White Doll while outside the cockpit at NT-Level 3.
-Requirement: Requires NT Level 2 to use.

-NT-Amp: Allows the usage of MS scale NT powers.
-Requires NT Level 2 to use.

NT-D Mode.
-NT+: Allows the usage of NT power one level above that of the user's Level.
-Demanding: +100 to Condition DC after three Turns or end of Engagement if the user is not NT Level 4 or above.
-Exclusive: Cannot be used at the same time as Bloody Siege Mode.

Bloody Siege Mode.
-Mode Change: Splits the mobile suit into pieces, nine in total (ten with backpack). Each piece (except backpack) has its own I-Field. Can be used within gravity.
-Requirement: Requires Pilot Level 4 and NT Level 4.
-Excusive: Cannot be used as the same time as NT-D Mode.

Stealth Systems.

Invisible Umbrella 3/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Cloak 1: -10 modifier to various DC as the White Doll disappears from passive sensors. Breaks when the White Doll enters Medium Range or attacks.

Holo-Decoy 3/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Decoy 1: Produces a faint afterimage.

Misc Systems.

LUNA Energy Transference Module 3/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Universal Compatibility: The White Doll can use most types of equipment by wirelessly transferring power to them.

Carapace Backpack.
-Armory Backpack 5: Can store 5 weapons for later use.
-Adaptive workings: Will alter itself to carry MS weapons no matter their shape. Within limits.
-Carapace I-Field 3/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Carapace Flight Mode 3/200 (Damaged)

As for what you are going to do the next few days…

Choose 2

[] Practice with the White Doll.

[] Try to figure out the White Doll's communication equipment.

[] See if you can find Sochie and Miashei.

[] Experiment with Pressure.

[] Check on Keith and Fran.

[] Sneak off to the Dianna Counter camp and report the completion of your scouting mission before going back to Nocis.
--[] For closure's sake.
--[] Try to get some information out of them.

[] Visit the Heim mines to see what Sid and Joseph have found up there.

[] Go on some extra patrols.

[] Stay at the castle to keep Kihel and Mrs. Heim company.
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Week 3 Result
[X] Decide to keep it working on the I-Field.

You decide to leave the system be, keeping it working on the White Doll's I-Field.

Roll 1d100 Priority Repair = 81! I-Field Condition is now 93+81!

[X] Practice with the White Doll.

You spend a day performing your improvised training regimen, but gain no new insights. Still, practice makes perfect, and you keep at it. The better pilot you are the easier it will be to use the White Doll's power.

+1 Pilot EXP!

[X] Sneak off to the Dianna Counter camp and report the completion of your scouting mission before going back to Nocis.
--[X] For closure's sake.

You hide the White Doll near Vicinity and take the servant's truck from the Heim manor. It is a bit of a drive, but eventually you pass through Nocis and enter the area occupied by the Dianna Counter. A WaDom finds you soon enough, so you drive behind some trees and wait for it to come closer.

"Halt!" Sounds the speakers as the huge mobile suit looms over you.

"Don't shoot!" You cry out in the Moon's language as you come out with your hands raised. "I am one of the scouts!" There is some disbelief on the part of the WaDom pilot, but it evaporates once you continue to speak in your native tongue at him.

You ride to the Dianna Counter landing zone in the WaDom's hand, exchanging some small talk with the pilot on the way. Most of it goes back to how 'the barbarians' have insulted Her Majesty…you try not to think about it.

There is only a pair of lieutenants stationed on the bridge of the Almaiya you are ushered into, but that changes when one of them turns on a laptop and turns it to face you. The face on the screen is that of the captain of the Royal Guard.

You introduce yourself as Loran Cehack of Team 2 of the last batch of Descent Teams and briefly recount your time on Earth up until now, leaving out some crucial details, of course.

"You said you worked in the Vicinity area." Comments the Captain. "Do you know anything about the Militia's mobile suit?"

[] "Only hearsay, sir."

[] "A little."
--[] Be as vague as possible.
--[] Limit it to what is publicly known to your area and some of the feats done within sight of the public.
--[] Give them the story with important details removed.
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Week 3 Result Part 2
[X] "A little."
--[X] Limit it to what is publicly known to your area and some of the feats done within sight of the public.

"A little." You deflect. "In the Vicinity area, they had never heard of anything like mobile suits until the Return happened. According to some of the locals going through a coming of age ceremony, the statue of a local divinity, the White Doll, tore itself out of the ground after a WaDom fired its siege beam through Vicinity." The captain assumes a pondering expression. "My house burned down because of a missile, so I was too busy to see for myself. After that, I've only heard rumors and seen it in newspapers."

The captain leans in. "So you have heard nothing about the Militia attempting to use mobile suits?"

You shake your head. "I'm just the chauffeur of one of the local landowners, so I haven't learned much outside of my work."

He nods. "I see."

"The people of the Earth don't seem to have the ability or the resources necessary to manufacture mobile suits," You continue. "And the one they have been using shows up in historical records as a statue for more than a thousand years, so it likely predates the Calamity and has been buried here ever since."

"Until it reacted to the presence of another mobile suit." The captain finishes for you. "Now then, normally someone of the rank of colonel or the above would do this, but I am the highest-ranking officer of our military currently present."

He goes on to formally accept your final report and release you from your duties as a scout. It is…an ending, in more ways than one. You leave the landing zone soon afterwards.

Affliation 'Moonrace (Dianna Counter Scout)' replaced with 'Moonrace (Citizen)'

A pair of WaDoms leaves the landing zone right after you do. At first you assume that they are going out to patrol, but as you drive back it becomes clear that they intend to enter Inglessan territory. Towards the Vicinity region, to be exact.

Oh dear…

You make the truck go as fast as it can, arriving at the Heim manor within the hour. The WaDoms veered off at some point to head straight towards the mountains. The same mountains where the Militia is training with their Kapools.

[] Intercept them as fast as you can.

[] Head them off and confront them near the mines.

[] Find a place to hide behind and try to ambush them.

It might not turn into a fight, but if it does…

Choose 1 of each category.

[] Mobility.
--[] Stay on the ground with the Landskimmers.
--[] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
--[] Take to the air with the Flight Mode and risk using the Voiture Lumiere.

[] Defenses.
--[] Activate the Lightwave Shield.
--[] Activate the I-Field.
--[] Activate both of them.

[] NT Systems.
--[] Stick to the Psychoframe.
--[] Risk using the NT-D Mode.

[] NT Power.
--[] Telekinetic Strike.
--[] The Pressure of each of the other pilots is faint and undefended, easily bruised a little.
--[] Telekinetic Barrier.
--[] NT Empathy.
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Week 3 Result Part 3
[X] Head them off and confront them near the mines.

[X] Mobility.
--[X] Stay on the ground with the Landskimmers.

[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate the I-Field.

[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.

[X] NT Power.
--[X] The Pressure of each of the other pilots is faint and undefended, easily bruised a little.

You get into the White Doll as soon as you reach the Heim manor, climbing into the hand and being deposited into the cockpit within a minute after parking. Since you are taking a roundabout route to head them off near the foot of the mountains you have time you shrug on your blue pilot jacket, leather helmet and nice scarf. If you have to open your cockpit you'll need them to obscure your identity.

There is a pair of waddling Kapools making their way down the mountain when you get there. Their hatches open when you get close, revealing Sochie and Miashei. Fantastic. A warning from the White Doll forces your attention elsewhere.

The WaDoms are here. Time to defuse the situation.

Out of the corner of your eye you can see Sochie and Miashei retreat back into their ball-shaped mobile suits as you have the White Doll passively target the Moonrace mobile suits. No need to spook them before you can open a…comm-channel…

Oh, right…you don't know how to use the comm-equipment…you forgot. Gotta do this the hard way, then.

Ignoring the snickering behind you, you make the White Doll take a step forward only for alarms warning you of missile locks to erupt within the cockpit. You bite back a curse and roundhouse kick the Kapools down the hill so that they are out of the line of fire before charging forward, red lines appearing all over the White Doll's frame.

DC 60+20(Surprised) for Closing the distance = 14! Major Failure! Initiative Ceded! No change to next Turn's Base DC!

WaDom 1 (Captain Phil Ackman) 8/8

Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 6!

Micromissile Launchers 2d5 Attacks = 5!

DC 60 Missile Launcher Hit = 34, 86, 28, 23, 58, 40! 2 Successes! 1 Major Success! 2 Failures! 1 Major Failure! Major Success and Major Failure cancel each other out!

DC 60 Micromissile Hit = 60, 59, 47, 12, 86! 2 Successes! 3 Failures!

3DC 4 (Explosive) Target Armor Save = 5, 5, 2! 2 Successes! 1 Failure!

2DC 4 (Explosive) Target Armor Save = 5, 4! 2 Successes!

Loran (White Doll) takes 3 Integrity Damage!

WaDom 2 (Lieutenant Poe Aijee) 8/8

Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 5!

Micromissile Launchers 2d5 Attacks = 3!

DC 60 Missile Launcher Hit = 2, 76, 61, 33, 36! 2 Successes! 2 Failures! 1 Major Failure! +10 to Missile Launcher Hit DC next Turn!

DC 60 Micromissile Hit = 95, 16, 35! 1 Success! 2 Failures!

2DC 4 (Explosive) Target Armor Save = 1, 2! 2 Failures!

1DC 4 (Explosive) Target Armor Save = 6! Success!

Loran (White Doll) takes 6 Integrity Damage!

Loran 3/12 (I-Field 4/4)

Loran Telepathic Strike 1d1 Attacks = 1!

Target 1d2 = 2! Targeting WaDom 2 (Lieutenant Poe Aijee)!

DC 1(Undefended Target)+30(Long Range) Telepathic Strike Hit = 98! Critical Success! +1d10+10 Willpower Damage!

Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get a save VS Mental Attacks!

Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get Damage Reduction VS Mental Attacks!

1d5+1d10+10 Willpower Damage = 21!

Lieutenant Poe Aijee (WaDom 2) takes 21 Willpower Damage! Lieutenant Poe Aijee is Comatose and can no longer fight! WaDom 2 does not have a co-pilot at the moment and is out of the battle!

Sochie (Kapool) 4/4

Sochie is Stunned!

Miashei (Kapool) 4/4

Miashei is Stunned!

That roundhouse kick costs you, for the Landskimmer upon the kicking leg doesn't catch the ground properly and sends you spinning out of control. By the time you come to a stop the WaDoms have released a concentrated barrage of missiles at you, many of which hit and cause massive damage to the White Doll's frame.

And then, for a perfect crystalline moment, all your frustration, embarrassment and anger fuel your Pressure as it enters the red lines covering the White Doll. It builds and builds, seeking a target.

Which it finds when your senses lock onto the faint and completely undefended mind of the pilot sitting in one of the WaDoms. Your Pressure rushes forth in the shape of a grotesque shadowy monster and tears into it until it shuts down.

The WaDom falls over, completely inert. You do not sense anyone else in there, so it won't be a factor unless the pilot wakes up (which you find highly unlikely after the beating their mind just took).

Sochie and Miashei's Kapools crest the hill behind you as you bring the White Doll to its feet, concern radiating off them. Sochie's Pressure has a tinge of fear to it directed at the fallen WaDom, she must have sensed what you just did.

The pilot of the other WaDom has yet to resume fire, too busy staring at their fallen compatriot.

Now where were you…

DC 60-20(WaDom distracted) for Closing the distance = 89! Major Success! Distance Closed! Initiative Ceded!

WaDom 1 (Captain Phil Ackman) 8/8

Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 3!

Micromissile Launchers 2d5 Attacks = 5!

DC 60 Missile Launcher Hit = 3, 36, 8! 1 Failure! 1 Major Failure! 1 Critical Failure! +10 DC to Hit next Turn! Left Missile tubes jammed and inoperable next Turn!

DC 60 Micromissile Hit = 92, 44, 17, 65, 96! 3 Successes! 2 Failures!

3DC 4 (Explosive) Target Armor Save = 3, 6, 3! 1 Success! 2 Failures!

Loran (White Doll) takes 2 Integrity Damage!

Loran 1/12 (I-Field 4/4)

Loran Telepathic Strike 1d1 Attacks = 1!

Beam Saber 1d3 Attacks = 3!

DC 60-20(Large)-20(Slow) Beam Saber Hit = 67, 86, 44! 2 Successes! 1 Major Success! -10 to next Turns Hit DC!

DC 1(Undefended Target) Telepathic Strike Hit = 70! Major Success! +1d10 Willpower Damage!

3DC 6 (Beam) Target Armor Save = 5, 5, 4! 3 Failures!

Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get a save VS Mental Attacks!

Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get Damage Reduction VS Mental Attacks!

1d5+1d10 Willpower Damage = 14!

Telepathic Strike held off! (Mercy)

WaDom takes 12(4+4+4)-6(Mercy) Integrity Damage!

WaDom has been defeated!

Sochie (Kapool) 4/4

DC 80 for Closing the distance = 81! Success! Sochie catches up!

Miashei (Kapool) 4/4

DC 90 for Closing the Distance = 78! Failure!

The other WaDom doesn't react until you are almost too close for it to bring its weapons to bear. And that costs it: All but a trio of micromissiles do nothing but tear up the area around you. Yet two of those missiles bypass the White Doll's armor. One blasts another chunk out of its chest whilst the second creates a spiderweb of cracks in the panoramic canopy above your head. Your Pressure bubbles with newfound terror, eager to lash out again as the cockpit fills with new alarms and flashing red lights, but you force it back.

And then you enter close combat. You leap at the WaDom and activate your Beam Saber, which constantly flickers from the ridiculous damage the White Doll has sustained. It flashes trice and the WaDom's arms and head falls away. A swift kick to the larger mobile suit's chest later and it falls flat on its back.

The panicked pilot tries to get upright but freezes when you turn off your Beam Saber and place the claw-like 'fingers' of the White Doll's stumpy right hand around their cockpit. It opens a second later once the pilot figures that you aren't going to crush them, revealing a man in a Dianna Counter uniform holding his arms over his head.

Behind your eyes the restrained Pressure of your attack is churning. You-

[] Unleash it, rendering him comatose.

[] Withdraw your Pressure from the Psychoframe and try to calm down.

As for what to do with the prisoners and the WaDoms…

[] Load the prisoners into the damaged WaDom and let them run. You'll carry the other back to the Dianna Counter.

[] Load the prisoners into the damaged WaDom and let them run. You're keeping the other one.
--[] Keep it as is.
--[] Behead it. Its weapons will only encourage the Militia to break the ceasefire in retaliation.

[] You will take the prisoners back to the Dianna Counter and keep both WaDoms.
--[] Keep them as they are.
--[] Behead the functional one. Its weapons will only encourage the Militia to break the ceasefire in retaliation.

[] You will bring the prisoners to Nocis and keep both WaDoms.
--[] Keep them as they are.
--[] Behead the functional one. Its weapons will only encourage the Militia to break the ceasefire in retaliation.


Telepathic Strike Stats:
Attacks: 1d1
Damage: 1d5 Mental Damage
Criticals: On Critical Success.
-Breach: Base DC 1, Critical + (Critical Hits on Major Success) and Massive Criticals 1 (Extra strong Critical Hit on Critical Success) when striking targets with an NT-Level of 0

Kapool Stats:
Armor Grade: 2
Armor Save: 5+
Integrity: 5
-Amphibious: No penalties from operating in or under water.

Missile Launchers (Inoperable)
Attacks: 2d4
Damage: 2
-Missile: +20 to Hit DC, but no Long Range Penalty.

Eye Laser (Inoperable)
Attacks: 1d1
Damage 1
-Point Defense: -20 Hit DC to strike Ordnance. -2 to Target Armor Save DC.
-Laser: -20 to Hit DC.

Iron Nails (Melee)
Attacks: 2d2
Damage: 2
-Long Reach: May attack targets outside of Melee Range.

SUMO Stats:
Armor Grade 3
Armor Save 4+
Integrity 6
-Beam Resistant Armor: -1 to the Penetration of Beam Attacks striking this unit.

SUMO Beam Pistol (Beam).
Attacks: 2d3
Damage: 2
-Penetration 1: +1 to Target Armor Save DC.

Heat Fan (Melee)
Attacks: 2d3
Damage: 2
-Penetration 1: +1 to Target Armor Save DC.

Wrist I-Field Projector (Shield/Melee)
Attacks: 2
Damage: 1
I-Field Grade: 3
I-Field Save 4+
I-Field Integrity: 2
-Hyper I-Field Spike: Successful hit with this weapon instantly breaks Target's I-Field
-Hyper I-Field: Render Wrist I-Field Projector unusable for three Turns/one Engagement in exchange for a one-Turn Hyper I-Field Shield of Grade 5 (Save 2+) and Integrity 6.
-Unidirectional I-Field: Does not apply its defense to attacks from directions other than that of the targeted enemy.
-Fist Weapon: No Unarmed Penalty.
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Week 3 Result Part 4
[X] Withdraw your Pressure from the Psychoframe and try to calm down.

[X] You will take the prisoners back to the Dianna Counter and keep both WaDoms.
--[X] Keep them as they are.

You avert your eyes from the Dianna Counter captain, closing them and leaning back in your seat as you try to calm down after your near-death experience. It takes a minute, but the red lines covering the White Doll's ragged frame slowly fade away as your Pressure withdraws from it. Now that it is no longer boosted by the White Doll's 'magic amplifier' it is easier to purge the black spectral claws from your Pressure.

Thus purified you take hold of the White Doll's controls again and gesture for your prisoner to step into its left hand, which he does, albeit with a ton of reluctance. You have him retrieve the other pilot from the cockpit of the downed WaDom before picking them both up, the unconscious pilot draped over the captain's back.

"Hey!" Sochie calls down from her Kapool. "What do we do with them!?"

You open the White Doll's cockpit, wincing at the groaning of protesting metal as the dented hatch slides away, and lean out to yell down at her. "I'm taking them back to their camp, then I'll report to Lord Guin! We're keeping the scarecrows!" You try to make your voice sound a bit more feminine to keep up Lord Guin's 'Laura' façade, goggles and scarf hiding your face.

Your answer seems to mollify Sochie (and absolutely delight Miashei). "Alright! We'll tell the Colonel about this! Good luck!" The two of them waddle off in their Kapools, leaving you alone with the toppled WaDoms. Part of you wants to behead the functioning one just to keep the Siege Beam out of the Militia's hands, but you decide to risk it.


You do not go deeply into Moonrace occupied territory, just far enough to be noticed by a patrol. Once you are certain that you are being observed you place the two Dianna Counter soldiers on the ground. A patrol will pick them up or they'll just go to the nearest Moonrace settlement and call for help. Either way they are unlikely to suffer further harm, midnight in this part of the Nocis area has never been all that dangerous even before there were regular patrols by mobile suits going around.

The trip back to Nocis goes uninterrupted except for a pair of silver SUMOs that tail you as you approach the city. You've struggled into the trousers of your pilot suit to complete your disguise, and you are allowed into Bostonia without argument (the White Doll being better than any other form of identification).

Lord Guin is still awake, the dispute with the Moonrace having created a never-ending workload for him. When you tell him of the captured WaDoms his expression goes from weariness to delight.

You really do not like that smile on his face.

He orders you to get some rest, promising to address the issue of the captured mechanical dolls tomorrow.


New day, new load of things to do. Like prepare for the party Her Majesty Queen Dianna is hosting with Lord Guin later this week in order to foster better relations between Inglessa and the Returning Moonrace. And by prepare you mean that Lord Guin wants you to go as Laura.

Laura has been personally invited by Her Majesty, so you can't refuse, but Lord Guin seems way too eager to put you in a dress…

Surely you are not that easy to mistake for a girl, right?

[] Resign yourself to your fate.

[] Take steps to protect your identity.

[] Obey your orders.

[] Get into that damn dress.

[] …It might be kinda fun.

[] As long as they make you look hot.
Week 4
Week 4 (Week 4 of the Lunar-Inglessan Dispute)

[X] …It might be kinda fun.

You decide to play along. Who knows, it might actually be fun! Lord Guin is ecstatic when you tell him that you agree to play the role of Laura and calls Kihel into his office to draw up a schedule of lessons that you will have with her to make your disguise convincing.

Said lessons won't start until later today when Kihel has finished her shift as Lord Guin's secretary, so you take the opportunity to grab breakfast and check on the White Doll.

All Systems gain +1 Condition!

Roll 1d2 for Self-Repair = 2! White Doll regains 2 Integrity!
White Doll Integrity = 3/12

Amazingly, the White Doll has restored parts of its frame overnight even in its damaged state. You are even more amazed when you look at the shimmering around the left arm's blown-open elbow and realize how the White Doll moves its ball joints: It is using internally applied Hyper I-Fields in place of servos! Even Moonrace battleships can only sustain a Hyper I-Field for a quarter of an hour at most, and that is if nothing impacts the field, but those are just unidirectional barriers held in front of the vessel. This is a system of tiny Hyper I-Fields constantly shifting so as to move a mobile suit.

Just what sort of technology did the White Doll's makers have?

The thought gnaws on you as you seat yourself in the cockpit to give orders to the Priority Repair System.

[] The White Doll itself. (Recover 7d2 Integrity)

[] Keep it working on the I-Field.

[] One of the White Doll's systems. (System gains 1d100 Condition)
--[] Write in System.

Defensive Systems.

Armor. 4/500 (Heavily Damaged)

Armor Grade: 6-3

Armor Save: 4+

-Beam Resistant 1: Beams that hit this unit lose one level of Penetration vs Armor.

Left Arm Lightwave Shield 4/200 (Damaged)

Shield Grade: 4-1

Shield Size: Medium.

Shield Save: 4+

Shield Integrity: 4

-Lightwave Shield: Does not block lasers.
-Regenerate 1: Regains 1 Integrity at the end of each Turn.

I-Field. 175/500 (Heavily Damaged)

Field Density: 6-3

Dissipation Save: 4+

Field Integrity: 4

-I-Field: Barrier against Ranged Beam Attacks only. Immune to Beam Penetration.
-Dampening: Whichever Ranged Beam Attack breaks through the I-Field has its Damage reduced by remaining Field Integrity.
-Regenerate 1: Regains 1 Integrity at the end of each Turn.

Mobility Systems.

Landskimmers. 4/200 (Damaged)
-Speed +: Hidden -15 modifier to speed DC while on the ground.

Lightwave Maneuvering Thrusters (Flight Mode). 4/200 (Damaged)
-Flight: Unit can fly. Terrain modifiers ignored.
-Lightwave Propulsion: This system requires no fuel, only energy.
-Slow Flight: No speed DC modifier.

Lightwave Main Propulsion (Voiture Lumiere). 4/500 (Heavily Damaged, Unstable)
-Extreme Speed: Hidden -45 modifier to speed DC while in the air or in space.
-Unstable: +1d45 modifier to speed DC while in use.
-Demanding: +30 to Condition DC after three Turns or one Engagement of usage with Pilot Skill below 4.
-Lightwave Propulsion: This system requires no fuel, only energy.

PSI Systems.

Psycommu System.
-Psyco-Control: Pilot Level may not go below 1. May control the White Doll while outside the cockpit at NT-Level 3.
-Requirement: Requires NT Level 2 to use.

-NT-Amp: Allows the usage of MS scale NT powers.
-Requires NT Level 2 to use.

NT-D Mode.
-NT+: Allows the usage of NT power one level above that of the user's Level.
-Demanding: +100 to Condition DC after three Turns or end of Engagement if the user is not NT Level 4 or above.
-Exclusive: Cannot be used at the same time as Bloody Siege Mode.

Bloody Siege Mode.
-Mode Change: Splits the mobile suit into pieces, nine in total (ten with backpack). Each piece (except backpack) has its own I-Field. Can be used within gravity.
-Requirement: Requires Pilot Level 4 and NT Level 4.
-Excusive: Cannot be used as the same time as NT-D Mode.

Stealth Systems.

Invisible Umbrella 4/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Cloak 1: -10 modifier to various DC as the White Doll disappears from passive sensors. Breaks when the White Doll enters Medium Range or attacks.

Holo-Decoy 4/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Decoy 1: Produces a faint afterimage.

Misc Systems.

LUNA Energy Transference Module 4/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Universal Compatibility: The White Doll can use most types of equipment by wirelessly transferring power to them.

Carapace Backpack.
-Armory Backpack 5: Can store 5 weapons for later use.
-Adaptive workings: Will alter itself to carry MS weapons no matter their shape. Within limits.
-Carapace I-Field 4/500 (Heavily Damaged)
-Carapace Flight Mode 4/200 (Damaged)


Your lessons with Kihel take place at Lord Guin's villa in the countryside, away from the prying eyes of the Royal Guard and those likely to talk to them.

Lesson one: Putting on and walking while wearing a dress, which isn't quite as easy as you thought it would be.

Granted, it isn't as hard as it seemed like those first few minutes either. Then again, you are cheating a little by reading Kihel's Pressure to better imitate her movements, and while dressing and walking as a young lady is becoming more comfortable for you, it might take a little longer to get used to going about in public while wearing a deep pink dress.

The second lesson involves speaking lessons to make your voice and language sound more feminine. "Thankfully that shouldn't take much effort." Notes Miss Kihel.

…Thanks a lot.

Thankfully, the schedule allows you some free time between, as Kihel hair-raisingly calls it, your 'lessons to become a lady'. During your free hours you-

Choose 2

[] Practice with the White Doll.

[] Try to figure out the White Doll's communication equipment.

[] See if you can find Sochie and Miashei.

[] Experiment with Pressure.

[] Check on Keith and Fran.

[] Visit the Heim mines to see what Sid and Joseph have found up there.

[] Go on some extra patrols.

[] Spend time with Kihel.
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Week 4 Result
[X] The White Doll itself. (Recover 7d2 Integrity)

You reroute the Priority Repair system to assist the passive self-repair and can only watch in stunned silence as multicolored clouds begin to drift across the White Doll's frame. The cockpit hatch locks itself so you cannot get a good look from the outside, but once the clouds are gone you practically leap into the White Doll's hand to see what has changed.

Roll 7d2 for Priority Self Repair = 8! White Doll Regains 8 Integrity!

White Doll Integrity = 11/12

Almost pristine. Another day with no fighting should see the rest taken care of.

[X] Try to figure out the White Doll's communication equipment.

Kihel is recalled back to Bostonia Castle the afternoon of the day after your walking lessons, leaving you with some free hours. Hours spent trying to get the White Doll's comm-gear to work.

You have had the ancient mobile suit for almost a month now, you muse as you fumble your way through unreadable script and vague symbols, and you still do not know how the White Doll is intended to communicate. Radio? Laser Link? Quantum Entanglement? Telepathy through amplified Pressure? Or perhaps even something weirder. You haven't checked if it has a contact-link, a means to communicate that involves a mobile suit physically touching the other to exchange data, yet. Might be something to look into the next time you see a Kapool-

Saxophone music suddenly fills the White Doll's cockpit, specifically a tune used to announce the three O'clock news on one of the local radio stations.

The next few hours sees you use your accidental discovery of the radio to slowly piece together how to make use of the White Doll's comm-gear. You are fairly certain that you will be able to hail anything that can receive wireless communications now.

Can now make use of the White Doll's communication equipment.


You lessons with Kihel continue the next day with speaking lessons. True to Kihel's word, you sound like an earnest young woman after a few hours of work that makes your tongue and throat sore. Also true to her word it, didn't take too long for you to perform to her satisfaction. This means that you get an early taste of what any young lady who wants to wine and dine with Inglessa's upper crust needs: lessons in dancing and etiquette.

While you did learn some basic formal dance at school, it was always while a teacher recited step-by-step instructions from the sidelines, and even then you were for obvious reasons in the man's role. What this means is that you spend the rest of your day stomping about as you pretend to be led around by your 'partner' (a scarecrow in a suit), sloppily twirling about to the sound of the music until the orchestral piece playing from the gramophone ends.

You can thank your White Doll-granted abilities for you being able to dance in the woman's role without making a fool out of yourself by the time you and Kihel eat dinner the next day. Although…a thought occurs to you as you eat:

"Miss Kihel?"

She lowers her spoon away from her mouth. "Yes, Loran?"

"Where is Mrs. Heim? Has she gone back to the manor?"

Kihel's expression falls, a pale imitation of the abyss her Pressure just dived into. "Mother…has not been well since we received the news after the Moonrace first landed. Some of Lord Guin's people are looking after her until we get back to Bostonia."


You are about to offer your condolences, but she cuts you off. "So how is the White Doll doing?"

Roll 2d2 for Self-Repair = Whatever. It is going to get topped off either way.

White Doll Integrity 12/12

"Perfectly, Miss Kihel." You answer, recognizing that pressing the issue is going to ruin the mood.


[X] See if you can find Sochie and Miashei.

A situation at Bostonia demands Kihel's presence, leaving you with the day off. Technically you are expected to read through the brick Kihel refers to as 'the foundation', but you figure that you can do that while visiting Sochie and Miashei up at the Mountain Cycle in the Heim Mines.

You landskim through the woods, step over rocks and animals, and fly over rivers and ponds until you are walking among the endless flow of trucks that go up and down the mountains since Lord Guin ordered the Militia to help Sid and Joseph with digging up Dark History artifacts. Sochie is quickly located by having the White Doll boost your powers to help locate her unique Pressure, and Miashei is found right beside her. The two of them are piloting their Kapools in a small valley to the side of the central mines. There are other Kapools surrounding them as they go through some basic piloting exercises together.

Said training stops when the Militia pilots notice you, with your two friends rushing up to join you.

"So what's been keeping you?" Miashei demands through a mouthful of bread. "We haven't seen hide or hair of you since you beat those scarecrows."

Right, the WaDoms. You saw the intact one being painted red further down the mountain, but you have no idea where the damaged one went. "Lord Guin gave me a special mission this week, but I should be finished after the party this Sunday."

Sochie acknowledges the exchange with a grunt as she swallows a gulp of water from her canteen. "How is the White Doll doing? It looked really damaged after the battle…but now there isn't a scratch on it."

"It is all because of the self-repair system." You answer before you share what you know of the White Doll's ability to repair itself with the girls.

"That's amazing." Miashei smirks when you finish. "We need to dig up more White Dolls."

You are not so sure about that, so you try to steer the conversation somewhere else. "Sure, but there was something I wanted to check. Could you please get back into your Kapools?"

Five minutes later, and you know for sure that the White Doll has the ability to form a contact-link. Should be useful one day.

Once you are done with experimenting you decide to spend the rest of the day hanging around with Sochie and Miashei. You end up-

[] Helping out with digging through the Mountain Cycle.

[] Joining Sochie and Miashei for piloting practice.

[] Letting Sochie and Miashei try their hand at piloting the White Doll.
Week 4 Result Part 2
[X] Helping out with digging through the Mountain Cycle.

You decide to cap off the day of hanging around talking with Sochie and Miashei with a shift of digging through the Mountain Cycle. The White Doll proves to be surprisingly well suited for this kind of work, its sensors able to locate anomalies and caves through several meters of solid rock. Granted, you are only able to help out at the parts of the mine that are large enough for a mobile suit to enter, but you make progress nonetheless.

DC50 for Digging = 88! Major Success!

Eventually you find something:

[] A handful of mobile suits that definitively are not Kapools.

[] A small misshapen object that the White Doll recognizes.


Simple memorization is something you are used to, which makes learning the simplified lessons that Miss Kihel and Sochie grew up with easy. A little too easy, in fact. During the quick roleplays that the two of you performed after her lectures you were the perfect image of an Inglessan upper class lady.

You are uncertain whether or not to be terrified or satisfied with how it only took most of a week for you to become 'Laura Rola'.

The final checks are mere formalities, but when Lord Guin checks in on the two of you Miss Kihel confidently proclaims you to be ready to attend the ball.

After you put on this lovely green dress and matching hat she picked out for you and gold still so that she can do your hair and apply your makeup.

"I look like mom."

"Hm?" Kihel hums questioningly. "What was that, Loran?"

"It's just…" You gesture towards your mirror image. "I look like my mother."

"Your…mother?" She blinks. "You have never mentioned her."

You haven't? "I guess I haven't."

Better deflect for now. You will have to come up with something convincing later.


Now ready to attend the party, you are allowed some time to yourself before you, Miss Kihel, and Lord Guin leave for Bostonia. Since the three of you will be taking the White Doll there you decide to escape to the comfort of its cockpit with a book you found in Lord Guin's library after a bite to eat.

The royal guard is out in force when you arrive, if not to the extent that the press is. The photographers and newspeople swarm the line of Dianna Counter guards as you walk the White Doll up to Bostonia Castle. Lord Guin and Miss Kihel are as dressed up as you are as they stand arm in arm in the palm of the White Doll's hand.

Once lowered to the ground a small contingent of guards arrive to escort you to the castle, rushing you past the entrance in the most dignified manner possible and into the ballroom.

Lord Guin meets up with Queen Dianna and exchanges a few words, but Miss Kihel drags you off before you can get a good look at the Queen.

As the party drags on you try to catch glimpses of Queen Dianna, being careful not to do anything that would break your facade in the process. The guests within are keeping to their own sides of the room, the Inglessans on one side, the Moonrace on the other, staring at each with no attempt to cross the floor. If nobody makes a move then…

The captain of the Royal Guard, clad in a yellow and black suit and his ever present red sunglasses steps up to you and asks for a dance. You don't get to answer him, Miss Kihel gives you a push from behind before you can respond and before you know what is what you and he are dancing to the music.

"Miss Laura?" He asks a few steps into the waltz.


He asks a couple of questions as you dance, one of which stands out:

"Where did you find that mobile suit of yours?"

[] Tell him the (technical) truth.

[] Stick to the story you told him as Loran.

[] Feed him false information.
--[] (Write in).

[] Ask him a question of your own.
--[] Write in.
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Week 4 Result Part 3
[X] A small misshapen object that the White Doll recognizes.

A twisted chunk of metal covered in rock and soil, one of many that the Militia has dug up over the past few weeks. What makes it different is that the White Doll recognizes it. A couple of holographic screens suddenly appear inside the cockpit, one calling attention to the object while the second one displays a wireframe depiction of a-


"What was that?" Calls Joseph from below where he and Sid are inspecting the find.

Realizing that you have spoken out loud over the speakers, you hurry to elaborate. "The White Doll recognizes it! It is a pistol of some sort!"

There is some arguing as to where the weapon will go from here. Sid and Joseph wants to study and replicate it, but Sochie and some other Militiamen wants to offer it up to the White Doll. In the end your ancient Mobile Suit renders the discussion moot by acting on its own to reclaim the weapon, grabbing the lump with its normal left hand and leaving it over its shoulder.

A second passes before you call out to the people behind you. "What did it do? I can't tell from here!"

"It placed the gun on its backpack and then some sort of shell formed over it!"

Okay then.

Sid takes it in a stride, Sochie is giggling, and Joseph fumes for the rest of the shift. He cheers up a bit when you promise to let him look at it the next time you visit the mines. As for Miashei, she is up above training with her Kapool.

Weapon get! Details next Week.

[X] Stick to the story you told him as Loran.

"It was buried in the mountains." You tell him. "The people in the nearby villages treated it as a deity. I was attending the Coming of Age Ceremony when it tore itself out of the ground in response to your attack."

He hums neutrally at your answer. "And you defeated three WaDom just like that?"

"The White Doll is very strong." You say, declining to elaborate jut what happened when you first entered the cockpit.

The captain chuckles. "It has to be for a civilian to defeat three soldiers, wouldn't it?"

So he knows that much…Time to ask a question of your own. "But what about you?"

"What do you mean?" He replies while leading you through the first steps of the third waltz.

"What do you think about this conflict?" You ask him, pressing just hard enough that you will not break your cover. "How do you think things will go between our sides?"

The captain stays silent for the next six steps, his mouth forming a line as he formulates his answer. The pressure radiating off him suggests indecision, but about what? Giving you information? Perhaps he is worrying that he might give you hints or-"That depends."

Huh? You barely catch what he says, clumsily answering him while making sure not to lose your step. "Depends on what?"

"On Queen Dianna and Lord Guin, of course." He frowns, and a tone both wistful and annoyed enters his voice. "Both during these talks and if those under them keep the faith."

You suppose that is one way of looking at it. "Personally I hope for a peaceful resolution."

The captain simply smiles and lifts his shoulder at what you say nonetheless. "I do as well. The best we can do is to-"

A cough interrupts you, and the two of you turn to face Lord Guin. "Sir?"

"Forgive my interruption." He says with a smile directed at the captain. It would be friendly if not for the small, glowing trickles of hostility flowing within his pressure. His apology is not at all sincere. "But I must borrow Miss Laura Rola, the Queen has expressed a wish to meet her."

The captain nods at him in return. "Of course, Lord Guin. But first:" He leans in and says "I truly enjoyed our dance."

He did it while speaking the language of the Moon. Does he know? Or at least suspect? You try to appear confused.

"I beg your pardon, Captain, but I am afraid that I do not understand you."

His pressure is flecked with confusion and embarrassment as he discretely coughs into his arm. "I am terribly sorry, Miss Laura. I must have slipped into my native tongue by accident." He gives you a deep bow. "I said that I truly enjoyed our dance together."

You curtsy at him. "As did I. Yet..." The captain looks at you expectantly. "I am afraid I did not catch your name..."

He smiles and adjusts his glasses. "My name is Harry Ord, Miss Rola. Captain of Her Majesty's Royal Guard."

You curtsy again and depart with Lord Guin. To think that you were embarrassed when you walked in here, this is fun!

Lord Guin leads you away from the Captain, and true to his words Queen Dianna stands by one of the central tables, following you with her eyes.

"Queen Dianna," Begins Lord Guin as he and you draw near, performing a quick bow as he introduces you. "May I present the pilot of the White Doll: Miss Laura Rola."

Her majesty smiles gently at you while scanning you with her eyes. "She is a very lovely young lady."

You have so many things to ask her…

[] Just introduce yourself and be polite.

[] Be confrontational.
--[] Write in.

[] Write in.
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Week 4 Result Part 4
[X] Just introduce yourself and be polite.

"Laura Rola at your service, your majesty." You give the Queen a deep curtsy, receiving a smile in return.

"I am very pleased to meet you, Miss Rola." Normally you would question why she would be happy to meet the person who rendered one of her soldiers comatose, but you assume she is talking about the civilians you rescued when the Militia broke the ceasefire. Besides, you are too giddy to care when she presents her hand for you to put your lips to.

"Lord Guin and I will be doing all in our power to see a peaceful resolution to this unfortunate conflict." She assures you as you let go, her smile widening as her Pressure radiates a gentle kindness. You ignore the harder undertone beneath the warm glow, now is not the time for worry.

One of the ballroom's side doors open to admit a wheeled platform upon which rests a huge cake. It is in the shape of a stylized Earth with an equally stylized Moon above it. The odd man who has been dismissively staring at you from his place at Queen Dianna's side gestures to one of the servants who came along with the platform, bringing him over to the Queen. The servant is holding a tray with two roses, one white and one red.

"As a gesture of friendship," The hanger-on declares as the guests gather around the cake. "Queen Dianna of the Moon and Lord Guin of Inglessa will now plant their rose in the other's territory!"

The two rulers smile cordially at each other as they each take a rose from the tray, Lord Guin the red rose and Queen Dianna the white one, but to your dismay you can sense a measure of mistrust lingering in both of them. It is small, but there.

Something is bugging you about the platform the cake is standing on, an ill feeling, but the sight of Queen Dianna resolutely striding up to the cake to plant the rose outshines everything in sight. "Let us share this cake together," She says as what little negativity she feels fades from her Pressure. "As a symbol of coexistence between Earth and Moon."

As if on cue a small double door on the platform bursts open, revealing three armed men with hand crossbows and pistols. Their pressure is thick with hostility as their eyes fall upon the Queen, but even if you couldn't sense them their intentions are clear: They are assassins.

You act without thinking, dragging the queen away from the cake in time to avoid a crossbow bolt to the face before tackling her to the ground and covering her with your body. As you do you see Lord Guin, who is stood not far from the Queen, kicking one of the double doors shut into an assassin's face, making the would-be murderer fire his crossbow into one of the chandeliers hanging above. Glass shards rain over you as Captain Harry tackles another assassin into the cake.

The three men abandon the attempt to kill Her Majesty to save their own hides, firing wildly with their pistols as they sprint towards the exits. Seeing red, you pursue them, ignoring the man who follows the Queen around hurrying to her side, helping her to her feet and guiding her out of the ballroom.

You meet that sergeant who led the Militia raid on a Moonrace settlement the other week on your way to the White Doll, though here he is disguised as a chauffeur. "Miss Laura, what's going on!?"

"Assassins!" You yell over your shoulder before practically jumping into the White Doll's hand. You are deposited into the cockpit seconds later and consider how to catch the fleeing assassins.

[] Try to grab them with the White Doll's hands.

[] Make use of the Psychoframe.
--[] A spread-out, wide-angle strike should be non-lethal…
--[] Three light pokes in the Pressure. It will barely hurt them…

[] Open the cockpit hatch and take potshots with your sidearm.