[X] Together take out patrols to lure out the battleship. Once it has been sunk you will proceed to the base.
[X] Corin & Arisa will hand back while you go ahead and draw fire.
[X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] Telepathic Strike.
3 votes for [X] Together take out patrols to lure out the battleship. Once it has been sunk you will proceed to the base.
Corin & Arisa.
3 votes for [X] Corin & Arisa will hang back while you go ahead and draw fire.
2 votes for [X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] Telepathic Strike.
1 vote for [X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle. [X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them. [X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] NT Empathy.
[X] Together take out patrols to lure out the battleship. Once it has been sunk you will proceed to the base.
[X] Corin & Arisa will hand back while you go ahead and draw fire.
[X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] Telepathic Strike.
[X] Together take out patrols to lure out the battleship. Once it has been sunk you will proceed to the base.
[X] Corin & Arisa will hand back while you go ahead and draw fire.
[X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] Telepathic Strike.
Plan. [X] Together take out patrols to lure out the battleship. Once it has been sunk you will proceed to the base.
Corin & Arisa. [X] Corin & Arisa will hang back while you go ahead and draw fire.
Battleplan. [X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] Telepathic Strike.
[X] Together take out patrols to lure out the battleship. Once it has been sunk you will proceed to the base.
[X] Corin & Arisa will hang back while you go ahead and draw fire.
[X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] Telepathic Strike.
With the plan laid and agreed upon, you set out. You, Corin and Arisa make up the vanguard thanks to your mobility, with the Florian Gundam and the Geese trailing behind.
You find the first Dianna Counter patrol an hour after setting out: Four WaDoms and four WaDs. The Florians are too far away to support you, without having the Geese providing plunging support fire with their cannons that is, so you are dealing with this alone.
Ambush! Action order is: Loran (White Doll), Corin & Arisa (Leo Flight Type Custom), Dianna Counter Patrol (WaDom & WaD)!
DC 60-20(Flight+) for Closing In = 42! Success! Loran is inside Medium Range! Loran is Drawing Fire!
Target 1d4 = 2! Targeting WaDom 2!
Leo Beam Rifle 1d3 Attacks = 3!
DC 50 Beam Rifle Hit = 16, 50, 54! Failure! 2 Successes!
2DC 4+1(Penetration) Target Armor Save = 4, 3! 2 Failures!
Loran Telepathic Strike 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Target 1d4-1 = 3! Targeting WaDom 4!
DC 1(Undefended Target) Telepathic Strike Hit = 79! Critical Success (Breach turns Major Success into Critical Success)! +10 Willpower Damage!
Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get a save VS Mental Attacks!
Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get Damage Reduction VS Mental Attacks!
1d5+10 Willpower Damage = 12!
Pilot of WaDom 4 takes 12 Willpower Damage! Pilot of WaDom 4 is Unconscious and can no longer fight! WaDom 4 has a co-pilot at the moment and is momentarily operating at reduced capacity! WaDom 4 gets +20 to all DC next Turn! WaDom 4 is Stunned!
WaDom 2 takes 6 Integrity Damage! WaDom 2's head has been Destroyed and it can no longer fight!
Corin (Leo Flight Type Custom) 6/6
Target 1d4 = 4! Targeting WaDom 4!
Dober Gun 1d2 Attacks = 1!
DC 20 = 74! Major Success! -10 to Hit DC next Turn!
DC 4 Target Armor Save = 2! Failure!
WaDom 4 Takes 4 Integrity Damage!
Arisa (Leo Flight Type Custom) 6/6
Target 1d4 = 1! Targeting WaDom 1!
Dober Gun 1d2 Attacks = 2!
DC 30 = 46, 66! 2 Successes!
2DC 4 Target Armor Save = 5, 6! 2 Successes!
WaDom 1 8/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 2!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50 Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 54! Success!
DC 70 Missile Launcher Hit = 33, 41! 2 Failures!
DC 4 Target I-Field Save = 3! Failure!
I-Field takes 5 Integrity Damage. I-Field broken!
DC 3+2(Penetration) Shield Save = 3! Failure!
Lightwave Shield takes 5-2 Integrity Damage.
WaDom 3 8/8
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 1!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50 Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 86! Major Success! -10 to Hit DC next Turn!
DC 70 Missile Launcher Hit = 87! Success!
DC 3+2(Penetration) Target Shield Save = 6! Success!
DC 3 Target Shield Save = 5! Success!
WaDom 4 is Stunned!
The WaDs are Stunned!
White Doll Lightwave Shield Regenerates 2 Integrity.
White Doll I-Field Regenerates 1 Integrity.
You start off the battle by flying out from behind a hill, opening up with a salvo of three shots from your Beam Rifle. One goes wide, but the other two carve trenches into a WaDom's frame that destroy its head, taking it out of the battle. As the large Mobile Suits start to respond to your attack you focus your Pressure through the White Doll's Psychoframe, building it up into an attack that lances out and strikes the undefended mind of another WaDom's pilot. They go out like a light, leaving the WaDom to a panicked co-pilot.
Behind you a trio of Dober Gun shells flies out to strike two WaDoms. One of them hits the stunned WaDom, blasting a large chunk of its frame off its body while the other two glance off the armor of another. Judging from the muttered curse you hear over the comm-link those two would be Arisa's.
The two WaDoms in fighting shape respond as best they can, two Siege Beams striking you in rapid succession. The first Siege Beam tears through your I-Field and goes halfway through the Lightwave Shield before it is spent, but the second is successfully resisted. The one missile that hits you is likewise resisted. You ignore the micromissiles.
The WaDs are too busy finding things to hide behind than to shoot back.
Rolling 1d100 for Initiative:
Laura Rola Autonomous Mechanical Doll Corps = 61!
Dianna Counter = 22!
LRAMDC goes first!
DC 50-10(WaDom 2 Disabled)-10(WaDom 4 Stunned) for Drawing Fire = 52! Success! Loran is still Drawing Fire!
DC 1(Undefended Target) Telepathic Strike Hit = 19! Success!
Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get a save VS Mental Attacks!
Target Pilots with NT-Level 0 do not get Damage Reduction VS Mental Attacks!
1d5 Willpower Damage = 3!
Co-Pilot of WaDom 4 takes 3 Willpower Damage! Pilot of WaDom 4 is Tired! +10 to all DC!
WaDom 3 takes 3 Integrity Damage.
Corin (Leo Flight Type Custom) 6/6
Targeting WaDom 4!
Dober Gun 1d2 Attacks = 2!
DC 20-10(Major Success) = 21, 53! 2 Successes!
DC 4 Target Armor Save = 3, 6! 1 Failure! 1 Success!
WaDom 4 Takes 4 Integrity Damage! WaDom 4 has been Destroyed!
Arisa (Leo Flight Type Custom) 6/6
Target 1d4 = 1! Targeting WaDom 1!
Dober Gun 1d2 Attacks = 2!
DC 30 = 11, 82! 1 Major Failure! 1 Major Success! The effects of Major Failure/Success cancel each other out!
DC 4 Target Armor Save = 4! Success!
WaDom 1 8/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 2!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50 Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 62! Success!
DC 70 Missile Launcher Hit = 23, 75! 1 Major Failure! 1 Success! +10 to Hit DC next Turn!
DC 4 Target I-Field Save = 6! Success!
DC 3 Shield Save = 5! Success!
WaDom 3 5/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 1!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50-10(Major Success) Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 88! Major Success! -10 to Hit DC next Turn!
DC 70 Missile Launcher Hit = 28! 1 Major Failure! +10 to Hit DC next Turn!
DC 4 Target I-Field Save = 4! Success!
WaDs 8/2
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
WaD Beam Rifle 4d2 Attacks = 7!
DC 50 WaD Beam Rifle Hit = 73, 49, 74, 8, 25, 65, 49! 3 Successes! 2 Failures! 1 Major Failure! +10 to Hit DC for 1d2 next Turn!
3DC 4 I-Field Save = 4, 2, 6! 1 Success! 1 Failure! Second Success made a Failure by Field Break!
I-Field takes 2 Integrity Damage. I-Field is broken!
DC 3 Shield Save = 5! Success!
White Doll I-Field Regenerates 1 Integrity.
You keep their sights on you and fire two well-aimed shots at one of the WaDoms. One dissipates off its armor while the other melts through its frame, but it is still in fighting condition. Your mental attack only bruises the other pilot in the WaDom you targeted before, but that is a moot point as Corin's next shot blasts the whole WaDom into smithereens.
One of Arisa's shots buries itself into the ground at her target's feet while the other glances off the armor again, much to her dismay.
Your I-Field tackles both Siege Beams and your Lightwave Shield handles the lone missile that hits you. The WaD shots breaks your I-Field, however, but the only one that makes it through dissipates off your shield.
Rolling 1d100 for Initiative:
Laura Rola Autonomous Mechanical Doll Corps = 31!
Dianna Counter = 75!
Dianna Counter goes first!
DC 50-10(WaDom 4 Destroyed) for Drawing Fire = 95! Success! Loran is still Drawing Fire!
WaDom 1 8/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 4!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50 Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 53! Success!
DC 70+10(Major Failure) Missile Launcher Hit = 6, 53, 55, 28! 1 Critical Failure! 2 Failures! 1 Major Failure! Missile Tubes Jammed next Turn!
DC 4 Target I-Field Save = 6! Success!
WaDom 3 5/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 6!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50-10(Major Success) Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 97! Critical Success! Double Damage & Ignore Armor!
DC 70+10(Major Failure) Missile Launcher Hit = 31, 57, 31, 6, 21, 37! 1 Critical Failure! 2 Major Failures! 3 Failures! Missile Tubes Jammed next Turn!
Siege Beam Attack Ignores Saves!
I-Field Broken!
Lightwave Shield Broken!
White Doll takes 5 Integrity Damage!
WaDs 8/2
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
DC 30 = 36, 82! 1 Success! 1 Major Success! -10 to Hit DC next Turn!
2DC 4 Target Armor Save = 2, 2! 2 Failures!
WaDom 1 Takes 8 Integrity Damage! WaDom 1 has been Destroyed!
White Doll Lightwave Shield Regenerates 2 Integrity.
White Doll I-Field Regenerates 1 Integrity.
The Dianna Counter force manages to regain some initiative and fires again before you can respond to their earlier salvo. The first Siege Beam is dissipated by your I-Field, but the second one tears straight through it, the Lightwave Shield, and the White Doll itself in a spectacular display that almost knocks you out of the air.
The WaDs try to capitalize on your apparent weakness, but the White Doll's armor is too strong for their small beam guns to damage.
Your return fire takes the head off the WaDom that wounded you, and the last one is taken down by a crossfire of shells courtesy of Corin and Arisa. At the loss of all their WaDoms the WaDs break and run.
[] Let them run.
[] Try to capture them.
[] Time to mop up…
Roll 1d100 = 72
The Florians have caught up by the time another patrol converges on the scene. It is another set of WaDs and WaDoms with no battleship in sight. You work out a plan with the Florians…
[] Have them join Corin & Arisa to form a covered firing line on the hill.
[] Have the Gundam join Corin & Arisa on the hill. The Geese will deliver artillery support from further behind with the Gundam as a spotter.
[] Have them all hang back while Corin & Arisa spot for them.
[X] Let them run.
[X] Have the Gundam join Corin & Arisa on the hill. The Geese will deliver artillery support from further behind with the Gundam as a spotter. [X] Stick to your current Battleplan.
[X] Try to capture them.
[x] Have the Gundam join Corin & Arisa on the hill. The Geese will deliver artillery support from further behind with the Gundam as a spotter.
"They're ahead of schedule." Commented Juliet O'Neill, Chief Engineer of the Dianna Counter Rear Echelon & Procurement as she oversaw another landing of transport ships. "And so few too…Did they get separated from the others?"
As she organized the unloading a subordinate approached her. "Ma'am? We looked over the serial numbers of these ships…they are not part of the scheduled drop. They belong to the Ghingham Fleet."
Juliet started at the mention of the most heavily armed faction in the Moon's military, her poofy pigtails bobbing behind her head as they followed the motion. "Those lunatics…I guess that explains the boosters." Magogame-Class transports could not return to space without the use of special boosters or a mass driver. "Did they have an inventory list?"
"Yes Ma'am." He said, handing over a data-slate. "There is also a message from one 'Captain Gadget' of the Ghingham Fleet."
Juliet clicked her tongue at the name before accepting the data-slate. She didn't recognize it, but anything associated with the Ghingham Fleet was trouble. A minute went by as she read the message. "Says here that we can expect a few squads of new Mobile Suits with the next drop, approved by the PM, and that they want us to enjoy the…'Mobile Dolls' they sent us?"
She quickly exited the letter and skimmed through the inventory list. Specialist munitions, unfamiliar weapons, and- "The hell is this? It sounds like something out of a Far Side cult…"
A short jog took them to the pair of transports holding the four units. Their gleaming white shells were massive, necessitating a whole transport for just two units. After a moment spent admiring the 'Mobile Dolls' Juliet tapped the data-slate to bring up the specifications. "Unmanned…" She mumbled as she took in the information. "Self-repairing…AI…"
"Ma'am?" Her subordinate nervously asked.
She looked up from the data-slate. "I found the schematics. Get me every engineer on duty. Tell them that none of their shifts are over until we have removed these things' reactor blocks."
"I am not trusting anything given to us by the Ghingham Fleet." She snarled, yet her anger was directed at the hulking forms that slept inside the transports. "Also, make the computer guys aware that it is going to be a long day tomorrow, because we are going over these things with a fine-toothed comb."
As her subordinate hurried to relay her orders, Juliet looked back at the data-slate. "The heck is a 'Hashmal' anyway…"
I couldn't find anything on this character so I had to come up with a name.
If they were running stock Hashmal AIs? They tried to drop a semi-self-replicating (IBO Mobile Armors don't reproduce, just build more drones) genocidal AI weapon on earth.
IBO Mobile Armors are quite possible the single most bugfuck insane weapons system in any Gundam continuity. There's literally no scenario where anyone vaguely sane would ever want to deploy them.
Well, the Nanolaminate armor special the Turn X's armor has right now does jackall vs beam weapons ... which is odd because Nanolaminate was damn effective vs Hashmal. Point blank hits from beam weapons on that scale usually reduce battleships and Gundams to so much scrap in Gundam, and mook suits survived beam hits from Hashmal.
Its just so much that shouldnt have survived did.
Why are interface nanomachines so easy to get but no one knows how to power things except with ahab reactors?
And gjallahorn can mass produce reactors but cant stick two in the same suit, a feat they pioneered and still have functional examples of?
Its just so much that shouldnt have survived did.
Why are interface nanomachines so easy to get but no one knows how to power things except with ahab reactors?
And gjallahorn can mass produce reactors but cant stick two in the same suit, a feat they pioneered and still have functional examples of?
Just like GN drives, Ahab reactors also need to be specifically tuned for twin configuration. Mass producing a known design is much easier than to make an unique design for each unit. Also gjh dud not want to make any more Gundams.
Well, the Nanolaminate armor special the Turn X's armor has right now does jackall vs beam weapons ... which is odd because Nanolaminate was damn effective vs Hashmal. Point blank hits from beam weapons on that scale usually reduce battleships and Gundams to so much scrap in Gundam, and mook suits survived beam hits from Hashmal.
Different types of Nanolaminate. Turn Unit Nanolamination isn't really a combat system, it is intended to protect against micrometeors which are a purely kinetic menace. Ahab Nanolaminate like that of the Hashmal protects against all forms of damage.
Different types of Nanolaminate. Turn Unit Nanolamination isn't really a combat system, it is intended to protect against micrometeors which are a purely kinetic menace. Ahab Nanolaminate like that of the Hashmal protects against all forms of damage.
That feeling when you realize that you have forgotten to add a crucial modifier partway through writing the update, and that the last update has the same error...
Other than that, I was thinking of reworking the Critical Hit mechanics now that the Armor Grade system has been worked into the quest. As is a Critical hit is a flat 'ignore armor saves + double Damage', but I was thinking of adding 'except if the Target's Armor Grade is above the Attack's AP, whereupon it can roll an Armor Save to take normal Damage'. Any thoughts?
That feeling when you realize that you have forgotten to add a crucial modifier partway through writing the update, and that the last update has the same error...
Other than that, I was thinking of reworking the Critical Hit mechanics now that the Armor Grade system has been worked into the quest. As is a Critical hit is a flat 'ignore armor saves + double Damage', but I was thinking of adding 'except if the Target's Armor Grade is above the Attack's AP, whereupon it can roll an Armor Save to take normal Damage'. Any thoughts?
[X] Have the Gundam join Corin & Arisa on the hill. The Geese will deliver artillery support from further behind with the Gundam as a spotter.
[X] Stick to your current Battleplan.
[X] Mobility.
--[X] Take to the air with the Flight Mode.
[X] Initial Left hand Weapon.
--[X] Leo Beam Rifle.
[X] Defenses.
--[X] Activate both of them.
[X] NT Systems.
--[X] Stick to the Psychoframe.
[X] NT Power.
--[X] Telepathic Strike.
You let the WaDs run, instead settling down to properly assess the damage the White Doll took from the Siege Beam. Not too bad, really. The I-Field and the Lightwave Shield took the brunt off it.
When the Florians get here you share your idea: You, Corin, Arisa and the Florian Gundam (piloted by one Captain Samuel Reno) will go ahead to the next hill over where the latter three will form a firing line while you draw fire. The Geese will take up positions in cover further behind you and take directions from the Gundam where to fire.
"Do you know how to use the rangefinder?" You ask Captain Reno during a quiet moment as the four of you set up on the hill chosen for you to meet the Dianna Counter from.
"I do." The Gundam's head turns towards one of the hills the Geese are hiding behind. "They are about a kilometer and a half away. Will have to add that to the range between me and the enemy."
Once the enemy arrives you see that it is another quartet of WaDoms, though it seems as if the WaDs you allowed to run have joined up with this patrol, bringing the number of the tiny Mobile Weapons to eight.
WaDom 4 Takes 4 Integrity Damage! WaDom 4 has lost its head and can no longer fight!
Arisa (Leo Flight Type Custom) 6/6
Target 1d3 = 1! Targeting WaDom 1!
Dober Gun 1d2 Attacks = 1!
DC 30-20(Large Target) = 44! Success!
DC 4 Target Armor Save = 4! Success!
WaDom 1 8/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 3!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50+10(Tired) Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 44! Failure!
DC 70 Missile Launcher Hit = 52, 46, 68! 3 Failures!
WaDom 2 8/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 2!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50 Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 51! Success!
DC 70 Missile Launcher Hit = 13, 68! 2 Failures!
DC 4 Target I-Field Save = 4! Success!
WaDom 3 8/8
Targeting Loran (White Doll) because of Drawing Fire!
Siege Beam Cannon 1d1 Attacks = 1!
Missile Tubes 1d6 Attacks = 6!
Micromissile Launchers cannot Damage the White Doll or the Lightwave Shield and are therefore disregarded.
DC 50 Siege Beam Cannon Hit = 39! Failure!
DC 70 Missile Launcher Hit = 37, 71, 35, 43, 79, 1! 2 Successes! 3 Failures! 1 Critical Failure! Missile Launchers Jammed next Turn!
2DC 3 Shield Save = 1, 4! 1 Failure! 1 Success!
Lightwave Shield takes 3-1 Integrity Damage.
WaDs 16/2
WaD Beam Gun 8d2 Attacks = 11!
DC 50 Beam Gun Hit = 97, 6, 36, 89, 83, 32, 10, 84, 23, 2, 62! 1 Critical Success! 3 Major Successes! 1 Success! 3 Failures! 2 Major Failures! 1 Critical Failure! 1 Critical Hit (Ignore Armor Saves + Double Damage)! 3 1d2s get -10 to Hit next Turn! 2 1d2s get +10 to Hit next Turn! 1 1d2 has Jammed!
White Doll I-Field takes 4 Integrity Damage! White Doll I-Field Broken!
WaDom 1 takes 8 Integrity Damage! WaDom 1 has been Destroyed!
WaDom 2 takes 4 Integrity Damage!
WaDom 3 takes 4 Integrity Damage!
WaDs take 4 Integrity Damage! 2 WaDs have been Destroyed!
White Doll Lightwave Shield Regenerates 2 Integrity.
White Doll I-Field Regenerates 1 Integrity.
You begin the battle like you did the last one: Zipping out from behind cover to fire your Leo Beam Rifle at the nearest WaDom. You squeeze off one shot, melting an arm off the huge Mobile Suit, but fail to disable it. A telepathic attack strikes the pilot of another WaDom, which shows when every shot from it miss you.
Behind you Corin and Arisa make themselves known with a trio of shells from their Dober Guns. One bounces off the armor of the WaDom you wounded before the second shot takes its head off, while off to the side the third shell explodes without causing any damage. Poor Arisa, she really hasn't had any luck today.
Beyond the WaDom that already missed you, only three shots hit you: A Siege beam and a pair of missiles. The Siege Beam dissipates harmlessly against your I-Field and one of the missiles explode off your shield, but the second missile hits and damages it. The shots from the third WaDom miss and the micromissiles are ignored.
The WaDs are a problem, one among their flurry of shots breaking both your I-Field and your Lightwave Shield before exhausting its energy. The rest either miss or strike the White Doll's armor and do nothing.
From the hill lances a pink Beam shot, courtesy of the Florian Gundam once Captain Reno has finished relaying targeting data to the Geese. It hits, but at an angle that disperses the heat across the struck WaDom's armor in a manner that neutralizes any damage.
The same cannot be said for the ensuing artillery barrage. Captain Reno's spotting allows almost half of the shells to hit something while the rest tear up the landscape. One of the WaDoms is struck a total of five times and disappears in a spectacular explosion, another has a shell blasting away the right side of its body while a second shell glances off the dome of its head, and the last WaDom is struck once and is almost bowled over as the explosion rips out a chunk of its abdomen.
Two WaDs are a little too close together and are turned into molten scraps as a Geese shell lands between them and detonates.
Roll 1d100 = 62
Outnumbered and with their heavy Mobile Suits significantly damaged the Dianna Counter forces begin a fighting retreat.