TS Plays: The New Order, A Hearts of Iron Mod.

The Fourth Balkan War has ended in a Swift Austrian-Bulgarian Victory.

Liao Zhongkai has died. In RL he was a Kuomintang leader and financier. He was the principal architect of the first Kuomintang–Chinese Communist Party United Front in the 1920s. He was assassinated in 1925 and the fallout from his assassination wrecked Hu Hanmin's career. Leaving the fight for control of the KMT down to just Wang Jingwei and Chiang Kai-Shek. Thankfully none of that happened here.

This war is going great for us. As we're not only winning but winning more than everyone else.

A Modern China needs a modern Navy, and that needs more dockyards.

Our newest Gun is apparently a modified Copy of a gun made in the 1920s. I assume it's vastly different in some regards as I'm not sure how the World's first submachine gun used in combat would do us much good right now.

Bulgaria is deciding to reclaim that bit of land the Ottomans snatched along with probably a bit more. And Greece is facing a Socialist Revolt.

all of Central America, save for El Salvador has goen Socialist or Totalist. Which likely spells bad times ahead for El Salvador's ruling Junta though I'm survived in this sort of situation before, El Salvador is stronger that it looks.

Victory against Guangzhou brings us to the most frustrating part of HOI4, dividing provinces between the victors. The mechanic is not done well and has never been done well. Largely because the AI cheats and is a bastard.

Thankfully I know how to game the mechanics and managed to grab most of the former United Provinces of China. Save for one small bit.

Grabbing most of Four Provinces has gotten us a lot to work with.

The British of all people have taken control the Legation Cities in the wake of the Second ACW

A lot has happened in Eastern Europe. Lithuanian has elected a nationalist party that has overthrown the German dominated Monarchy. And the King of Ruthenian has been killed by his own Brother who is allied with Belarusian ultra-nationalists. Together the two are in a rather ill-advised revolt against the Reichspakt.

Our undeclared alliance with Indochina is already bearing fruit, and medication. It helps that we have border with them now.

With Chen gone, one major enemy remains to our west, Sichuan.

South Africa, which had broken away from the british empire during the British Revolution. Has voted in it's Afrikaner dominated Nationalist Party. It is probably not the best time to be British in South Africa, or African either but that was probably going to be true regardless of who won, though they're going to be in for an even worse time under Hertzog.

Things have not gone well for Socialists in South America as Argentia has reclaimed Patagonia and Chile has undergone a Counterrevolution.

Indochina is sending us more aid. This time in the form of a new Field Marshal, an old student of the Whompa Military Academy named Nguyen Son/Hong Shui. in RL Nguyen was one of the few people from Vietnam to participate in both the Long March and the First Indochina War.
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You maybe wondering how many posts long this update will be, so am I.

The SRI is taking advantage of Milan's troubles, which I'm certain is not what Austria wanted.

The Socialist were victorious and have united the region. The New Centroamerica is currently trying to decide what kind of government the unitary nation will have.

Uruguay has won against the Empire of Brazil in the Second World Cup. Thankfully for Uruguay the New Emperor is a reasonable man.

As I still nonsensically focus on South America, let's finish off the Sichuan Clique.

And modernize Chinese Script, that's also quite important for a Modern China.

Sichuan is pretty mountainous towards it's south so that will be a bit of a problem for us. But we have over double the fielded manpower as the Industrial Corps. Thy're going down.

The UoB has tried to make Ireland and Micheal Collins submit to London once more. Collins reacted as one would expect and allied with Germany. The SRI has also moved against Venice, which I'm very much sure is not what Austria Wanted.

The SRI is apparently so confident that they've decided to just reunify Italy right here and now.

We've finally bleed enough to begin Army reforms, which do the important job of making our armies suck less.

Yeah this is what I'm trying to reduce. I'd like my generals to actually survive this war.

The British South Africans have not taken well to Hertzog's aparthheld system and general disregard for the British population. Leading to another Civil War. Ironically the Revolt is lead by another Afrikaner.

For crying out loud.

While we will never submit to another power. we do need help with modernization and the international scientific community could help with that.

The fighting was bloody, but Sichuan fell all the same. Southern China is ours.

We need another general to protect against the Qing Enclave on the coast. Deng Yanda seems a good fit for that.

Bulguria has taken the Constantinople and renamed it Tsarigrad.

We have hundreds of guns coming off the lines every day.

And our army outnumbers those loyal to the Jade Marshal.

The time has come to being preparing for a 2nd Northern Expedition. To Finish what Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-Shek could not, reuniting China, defeating the Zhili Warlords and their puppet Emperor.

As with most things, we have some decisions to make before that. First is the question of who should we turn to for scientific aid. We have three options. First is Britain. Annie Kenney is certainly no enemy of our Revolution but it was the British who first began our humilation, forced our country to accept their opium and took Hong Kong from us. Should we turn to them for help even as equals?

Next is the Soviets....ehh maybe not them, they seem to have enough problems right now.

Next is the CSA and Jack Reed. While also distracted by Civil War they aren't in the middle of losing it like the Soviets so perhaps they could lend some of America's vast scientific knowledge to aid us.

Next, while we outnumber the Qing. The Germans have given them things we lack, Tank Divisions and large numbers of Aircraft particularly. The Second Northern Expedition could turn into a bloody war. But We are not the only enemies of the Qing. Marshal Zhang is no friend of the Revolution and we have no doubt we will eventually find ourselves at war with the Japanese Lapdog. But we both would gain from the Qing's defeat. Should we consider putting aside our differences for a moment?

Scientific Aid
[] Union of Britain
[] Combined Syndicates of America
[] Soviet Russia (why)

2nd Northern Expedition
[] Negotiate with Marshal Zhang
[] Cross the Dai River
Scientific Aid
[X] Union of Britain

2nd Northern Expedition
[X] Cross the Dai River

The Fourth Balkan War has ended in a Swift Austrian-Bulgarian Victory.

Well, that's a unicorn for you.

South Africa, which had broken away from the british empire during the British Revolution. Has voted in it's Afrikaner dominated Nationalist Party. It is probably not the best time to be British in South Africa, or African either but that was probably going to be true regardless of who won, though they're going to be in for an even worse time under Hertzog.
The British South Africans have not taken well to Hertzog's aparthheld system and general disregard for the British population. Leading to another Civil War. Ironically the Revolt is lead by another Afrikaner.

Ah yes, KR South Africa, a land where black political movements apparently don't exist.

As for the actual votes...

[X] Union of Britain
[X] Cross the Dai River
I happen know a guy who was involved in the early stages of that rework. Unless things have changed, apparently there's still a distinct lack of black political movements in South Africa.
Honestly I'm kind of not surprised. South Africa is connected to the Entente even if it's not aligned with them at the start and all the lore involving the Entente tends to go to bizarro town when it comes to plausibility.
As much as it humiliating to co-operate with the Brits and the Japanese puppets, we must do so anyway. The International isn't embroiled in civil war (unless you count Italy), and the Fengtian government has firepower we need to counter the Qing. The later will fall before us in time, and eventually we won't need the latter.

[X] Union of Britain
[X] Negotiate with Marshal Zhang
[X] Union of Britain
[X] Negotiate with Marshal Zhang
[X] Union of Britain
[X] Cross the Dai River

The Union is the only power we can trust to still be standing in a year.

Also, let's not negotiate with military autocrats.
National Revolutionary Government Part 10

The British would be returning to China. As advisers not drug dealers, as scientists not imperialist merchants. As Friends, not conquerors.

The Kaiser is apparently a skilled necromancer.

Totalists have taken control for the Baharatiya Commune under the leadership of Chandra Bose. A man with a distinct lack of Chill.

The Empires in Exile club has a new friend in the Second Empire of Brazil. NatPop Brazil is interesting as it's probably the only National Populist state that hates racism and is lead by what seems to be a mostly decent person.

Flanders-Wallonia has collapsed, their puppet German King has surrendered his throne and Belgium has been reborn. This is shockingly late for this to happen, usually something like this occurs in mid 1936.

Their Independence was secured with an alliance to their former masters.

SRI: We have at last completed the Second RIsorgimento
Sardinia: Wait, What?
SRI: Italy is now completely unified.
Sardinia: I think you're forgetting-
SRI: Completely Unified.

Holding land is a lot difference from controlling the land. We need Civil courts, law codes, means of collecting taxes. A basic law code will go a long ways to speeding up our control of China.

The mood in Nanjing was tense. Opinions divided even among the generals. Some argued it was too soon for such action. Chiang Kai-Shek had tried and it had nearly cost the KMT everything. They needed to wait until they were stronger, until they were strong enough that possible German intervention wouldn't even matter. Others insisted Germany was distracted and the Jade Marshal was still weak, now was the best time to strike, Before the Marshal Zhang marched south or Wu Peifu regained anymore strength. Shouts filled the former palace of the League-Marshal. Generals and politicians calling each other traitor or insane. The Majority were in favor of attacking the Qing but ultimately the final decision would come down to President Soong. After a long silence she finally gave the order.

The Second Northern Expedition had begun.

...I'm starting to question how Wu Peifu earned that Jade Marshal title.

Even without the Shanxi's involvement. Our forces outnumbered the Qing more than we expected. The Casulties were just about even but it was easier for us to replace a Rifleman that it was for them to replace a tank.

As one revolution reaches it's zenith, another collapses. Moscow has fallen to The Vozhd of the Russian State, Boris Savinkov (Basically the other part of KR's Hitler, this time focused on the revenge and revanchism aspect). It seems the Soviets have failed for a second time.

While we're not at war with Shanxi now, They are a part of China and Yan is unlikely to join our revolution. He will have to be dealt with .

More Army reforms can be implemented.

Our aircraft maybe Generic but at least they have unique names for some of them. How the heck we have P-40s is anyone's guess though.

As utterly redunant as the statement would be at this point. We have to make it clear to the world we are no simple rebellion, were at the Nationalist Government, rightful leaders of China and heirs to the Xinhai Revolution.

We've captured Luoyang, and thankfully some fat tyrant hasn't burned it down this time.

What her husband died before he could even begin to try and reclaim, what Chiang Kai-Shek had fought and died trying to achieve, President Soong had manged to attain in barely four months. Beijing had fallen, the White Star now flew over Tiannamen square. The KMT had taken the Forbidden City

The Zhili had been defeated at long last. And the Emperor that had been imposed upon China by Empress-Dowager Cixi has now been deposed by President Soong.
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I'm actually curious what happened to Puyi as the mod doesn't say. Is he dead, in exile, under house arrest? Regardless we're now the leading faction in China which means if Japan invades we'll lead any united efforts. Though as we've united most of the Chinese factions that doesn't really matter at this point.

With Beijing at long last under our control, a Second NAtional Congress has been called. a Great many things are on the agenda for the event and this will likely take some time.

The Note arrives in Nanjing to great confusion. No one is entirely sure what the fuck Zhang is talking about. After determining that no one made any backroom deals with Zhang or had even talked to him, it was decided to reject the letter.

Zhang, in what one can only assume is an opium addled haze, did not take kindly to our apparent 'insult'. Unification did not bring with it peace it seems.

Now I might have put going for the deal up to a vote but here's the thing. Zhang would declare war even if we surrendered territory. Man's lost his goddamn mind.

As our troops rush to the border with Manchuria, we find ourselves facing more mundane questions back in Nanjing. Mainly taxes. The KMT has had some fairly high taxes since the First Congress. With both Nanjing and Beijing under our control, many see the high taxes as something we no long need. But many others point to the pressing war with Manchuria and all that we have yet to reclaim as a reason to keep the taxes high. So do we keep the taxes high for the moment or do we lower them.

[] We are still in a dangerous position.
[] We must ease their burden.
[X] We must ease their burden.

It's pretty obvious we don't need manpower or war support? I don't know what they're on, we definitely have popular support for this.