TS Plays: The New Order, A Hearts of Iron Mod.

[X] We must ease their burden.

There is really no need for more manpower or war support right now.
Republic of China Part 11
I know a landslide when I see one. And honestly I really should have just gone with winning vote because it's one of those things where no sane person would vote against it. Canada has a lot of votes like that.

So the rest of these we don't actually decide on now. Like the Capital. Right now we're still using Nanjing but others have suggest Beijing and even Wuhan, were the revolution was born, as a capital. We're not going to worry about it now of course.

Our influence in the North, Manchuria and Mongolia to be exact has always been rather weak, Mongolia needs to be reconquered of course, and we're already fighting against Manchuria. Some have suggested going further, reclaiming land lost long ago to Russia and even securing East Asia. Some have laughed at this idea but others have begun to wonder.

No joke, if we basically take KMT-China to it's full extent we basically become Imperial Japan if the Co-prosperity Sphere was actually about protecting the people of Asia from Foreign powers.

The only ones who can argue against our government's legitmacy will soon be dealt with. While not all of China has been reclaim, it's core has. Emperors, Warlords, and False Republicans have all proclaimed rival governments and all have failed. The KMT has liberated China and it's time the world acknowledged that.

The Republic of China has been born at last. Song made the proclamation inside the main hall of the Presidential Palace at the same place where her husband was declared provisional President of the first Republic twenty seven years ago.

Also yeah, Single-Party State. It's pretty clear that even at it's most democratic, the most variety we're going to have is different factions of the KMT. The KMT are one of the better factions but they're not perfect by any means.

So right now our goal is to defeat Fengtian before Japan gets involved because that would be incredibly bad for us. Particularly since Japan has that focus right now. I don't know what it does but it's probably not good. But since Zhang cheated, I might, just might, give ourselves a little bit of an edge to help things along since I'm entirely positive war with Zhang was not suppose to be this damn soon.

Appears Hyderabad has attack Bose, perhaps looking to reclaim the east before going after the Entente-allied Delhi

Sometimes we must depend on amoral tactics. Dare-To-Die Soldiers are once such tactic. Small units tasked with committing attacks that are so dangerous they're basically suicide. No one is forced into the Dare-To-Die Units, but many patriots are more than willing to martyr themselves against the Japanese Puppets.

This event, or rather an earlier version of this event is what inspired the Spinoff mod Fuhrerreich. Which is one part "What the Entente thought the world would look like Post Great War" Mixed with weirdly socially progressive, Neo-Pagan Fascism. That this is now written by Winston Churchill makes it incredibly hilarious as the victorious Gallipoli part just makes him come across as intensely bitter. "We wouldn't be living in Exile if my damn plan got supported."

One of the Ma Clique, Ma Zhanshan, works for Grand Marshal Zhang Zuolin, but apparently Zhang's increasingly heavy hand in running things has left Zhanshan unhappy and he's willing to defect, denying Zhang both a general and some 10000 men, in exchange for equipment and three million in gold. A steep price but we do have a lot to potentially gain from this. If we refuse, we lose nothing but we gain nothing.

[] A Small Price to Pay for a Skilled General
[] We don't need this scum.
[X] We don't need this scum.

In all of my experiences with that event, you always get cheated and spend resources for nothing. It could just be bad luck on my part though.
[X] We don't need this scum.

Honestly, even before the rework he always went back to Fengtian as far as my experiences went, so... Nah.
[X] A Small Price to Pay for a Skilled General

A skilled General is better in our hands than the Marshal's...
[X] A Small Price to Pay for a Skilled General
[X] A Small Price to Pay for a Skilled General

On general principles, defectors from the enemy should be encouraged.