Trouble In Cretaceous Park (Mafia)

Roles, Review, and Night Actions

You are Danielle.
You win when you have secured control of the park.
Clever Girl: As a raptor, you can communicate with other raptors using a complex array of body language cues. (Your faction chat can be found here.)
Pack Tactics: Once per night, you can order your pack to hunt by PM-ing "Kill [player]. Your entire pack will attack your target and leave them [Torn To Shreds]. Be warned that the group participation has both benefits and risks.​

You are Darryl.
You win when you have secured control of the park.
Clever Boy: As a raptor, you can communicate with other raptors using a complex array of body language cues. (Your faction chat can be found here.)
Beta Raptor: In the event that your senior raptor dies, you will assume leadership of the pack and gain a nightly kill action.​

You are Dave.
You win when you have secured control of the park.
Clever Boy: As a raptor, you can communicate with other raptors using a complex array of body language cues. (Your faction chat can be found here.)
Gamma Raptor: In the event that your senior raptors die, you will assume leadership of the pack and gain a nightly kill action.​

You are Mike.
You win when all threats to your safety are eliminated.
Over & Out: As one of the only remaining humans on the island, you're also one of the only ones who knows how to use the walkie talkies. You can use them to communicate with your teammates here.
Lockdown: While you haven't operated in your full capacity as the park's resident tech guy in… a while, there's just enough power left for you to reroute to the electric fences bordering an enclosure. No one goes in, no one goes out. Once per night, you can send a PM saying "Lock Down [Player]" and render them unable to act or be acted upon.​

You are Joe.
You win when all threats to your safety are eliminated.
Over & Out: As one of the only remaining humans on the island, you're also one of the only ones who knows how to use the walkie talkies. You can use them to communicate with your teammates here.
Stock Still: As a former archeologist, you are aware that most dinosaurs have movement-based vision. If you send a PM saying "Freeze Up", you can stop moving and render yourself invisible to any reptilian visitors you may have. However, staying absolutely, perfectly still for an entire night is extremely taxing, so you may only do this twice.​

You are Clyde.
You win when all threats to your safety are eliminated.
Over & Out: As one of the only remaining humans on the island, you're also one of the only ones who knows how to use the walkie talkies. You can use them to communicate with your teammates here.
Priscilla: As the former game warden of the park, you have access to the biggest piece of firepower on the island, an elephant gun affectionately nicknamed "Priscilla". Once per night, you can send a PM saying "Kill [Player]" and [Put Them Down] like the animals they are.
With My Dying Breath: In the event of your death, you may bequeath Priscilla to one of your teammates by PM-ing "Pass On To [Teammate]".​

You are Sue.
You win when you have asserted your dominance over your competitors.
CHOMP: You are a Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Apex Predator. Once per night, send a PM saying "Kill [Player]" to [Devour] them.
When You Come At The King: Tyrannosaurus Rex. Tyrant. Lizard. King. There ain't nobody in this park tough enough to take you down solo, hell, not even in a group. You are immune to night kills.​

You are Barry.
You win when peace returns to the park.
Eye In The Sky: You're a Brontosaurus. You're tall. So tall, in fact, that if you stand on that one hill in your enclosure you can see the rest of the park. Once per night, send a PM saying "Watch [Player]" to observe them and see who they are visited by.​

You are Tex.
You win when peace returns to the park.
Shield Wall: Triceratops are good at defending chokepoints, and doors make wonderful ones. Once per night, send a PM to "Protect [Player]" to plant yourself in front of their enclosure and fend off anyone who would attack them in the night.​

You are Anders.
You win when peace returns to the park.
Ironsides: You are an Ankylosaurus, armored to the point you're basically a walking tank. Nothing in this park has the power to put a dent in you. You are immune to night kills.​

You are Peter.
You win when peace returns to the park.
The Nose Knows: Once per night, send a PM saying "Investigate [Player]" to go sniffing around their enclosure with your oversized parasaurolophus nasal cavity and check if they have [The Scent of Death] on them.​


Okay, rather than do my usual thing where I sort my thoughts by role, I'm just talk a bit here. Overall? I'm very satisfied how this turned out. If there's one thing I regret it's making the Serial Killer the pattern breaker for the "dino's with alliterative names" thing. I needed a pattern breaker to throw people off, and the reference seemed perfect at the time, but in hindsight it was somewhat unfair to Comi, who was already in a disadvantaged position as the only faction with a single member.

Other than that? yeah I'm pretty happy. This was always intended to be a fairly short game so ending Night 3 is perfectly fine. People not really knowing whether they were good or evil or what was going on with the setup? That was intentional.

If anyone feels there were flaws in the setup though, do point them out to me.

Night Actions

Raptors kill Mega.
Comi does nothing.
Cake kills Atk.
Mega hides.
TMR jails Terra.
Thren investigates Comi.
JBJ protects Nani.
Derp watches Terra.

Raptors kill TMR.
Cake kills Thren.
Mega does nothing.
TMR jails Mega.
Thren investigates Cake.
JBJ protects Derp.
Derp watches Thren.

Raptors kill Cake.
Cake kills Nani.
Mega hides.
JBJ protects Mega.
Derp watches Cake.
honestly, I feel like I had the most optimal plays possible and that feels great.
I said this in deadchat - but the reason why I didn't vote up TMR or Derpmind day 2 was because at one point Derpmind said they were on the side of "peace in the park" which was basically word for word what was my Wincon. It actually made me much more suspicious of you Terra because you didn't pick up on it (and the reason why is obvious in hindsight)
Now for may favorite part:

@Rikimaru gets the Funniest Fake-claim Award for nearly making me choke on my drink laughing early on.

@Nanimani gets the Chosen Of The Dice Gods Award for managing to pull exactly the role they asked for out of a random number machine.

@Joebobjoe gets the Peace & Quiet Award for having absolutely nothing bad happen anywhere near you, during the day or night.
Well working on getting that win record even lower it seems. I have only 1 win in my first game, and then 5 straight losses.

Why is anyone ever concerned about me? d:
Actually, could you explain your rationale for the heal night 2? I thought I was pretty obviously town and a high value target, but maybe that's just me
Because you were an obvious target, Derp was also an investigative role, but slightly lower priority. I was expecting at least one killer to assume a doctor and go for him instead of you. You'll note I also went for Mega N3, because they seemed slightly more likely a kill than Derp, on similar logic, especially with Derp being largely useless at this point.
So, @LostDeviljho, you haven't clarified what the wincons involved. I'm guessing it's 'humans win when raptors and t rex dead, raptors win when humans and t rex dead, and t rex wins when humans and raptors dead', though that has me wondering if there was a specific requirement for herbivores to win.
So, @LostDeviljho, you haven't clarified what the wincons involved. I'm guessing it's 'humans win when raptors and t rex dead, raptors win when humans and t rex dead, and t rex wins when humans and raptors dead', though that has me wondering if there was a specific requirement for herbivores to win.
You have it completely correct. Every non-herbivore faction needed to remove the other non-herbivores. Herbivores could only really lose if the entire group was wiped out, otherwise they won with whoever else won.
My night immunity would have been really strong if I hadn't got everyone to lynch me.
Still, I gotta thank the raptor team for that reveal. Otherwise, cake was pretty much getting lynched that day.
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Well, I can't say I really deserved that win, but I guess for being caught in the middle, surviving till the end is alright.

I think the whole not knowing if your faction is evil or not worked out at first, but the raptors could have won instead if not for the confusion. Terrbrand essentially giving up is I think more of a bug than a feature. Anyways, here's last night's view of the final showdown:
You watch as Cakestepid meets Nanimani in a wide open courtyard. The two face off for a moment, then begin a showdown of epic proportions. Apparently raptors can dodge bullets, and guns are perfectly viable melee weapons.

Inevitably, however, a final blow must be struck, and a lucky bullet pierces straight through Nani's heart. Cake turns and trudges away, making it to the edge of the courtyard before collapsing from his own wounds.
Well, at least that should be a good movie for that setting. Human strike at raptors, raptors strike back, the T-Rex is defeated, a comedy moment with a raptor jumping to its death and a final showdown.
Well, at least that should be a good movie for that setting. Human strike at raptors, raptors strike back, the T-Rex is defeated, a comedy moment with a raptor jumping to its death and a final showdown.
Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 84% with a review of "Interesting Plot, but the odd setup drove away some." It was a moderate success at the box office, and the sequel is greenlit for 2020.
Good game all. I cannot believe that that plan worked out. Thanks to the raptors for revealing, could not have worked out otherwise.
Up until you said you tried to attack Megaolix night one I honestly thought you were both town.
Yeah, that completely reversed our horrible situation at day start. I didn't need to convince you and Terra about cake being the only human left, just JBJ and Derpmind.
@LostDeviljho I have a question who would've thredonist's nose sense? Would it have been able to sense the humans without the gun as well or only Cakestepid?