Trouble In Cretaceous Park (Mafia)

Alright, heres the story. TMR and I are in-fact humans. We are/were a survivor group trying to wait our the threats until we can be extracted. We are able to win with town. TMR was in-fact a jailor, and I do have a night kill. Our actions up to this point were trying to keep us from getting discovered, as humans were likely to immediately get pinned as scum. We did initially think we were scum given the size of the game, but reconsidering we realized that we only needed threats to be eliminated, we think that we're only a survivor group.

*Brain start smoking*

REALLY will be interesting to see sheets once this game is over.


So, huh... It appear we hold the voting power here. Nani and Terra will certianly go for cake and cake for either of them. Who do we believe?
Alright, heres the story. TMR and I are in-fact humans. We are/were a survivor group trying to wait our the threats until we can be extracted. We are able to win with town. TMR was in-fact a jailor, and I do have a night kill. Our actions up to this point were trying to keep us from getting discovered, as humans were likely to immediately get pinned as scum. We did initially think we were scum given the size of the game, but reconsidering we realized that we only needed threats to be eliminated, we think that we're only a survivor group.
... Which is it? Do you know you can win with town or only think it likely from weird wincon framing or what?

Cause honestly, this sounds like you're trying to copy my reveal. If your wincon strongly suggested 'survivor', I have doubts on ever thinking you were scum.

Unless, of course, this is going to turn out to be there are no scum... Hmm. I have no damn clue what is up with this wacky setup at this point.
...This would be a lot easier if the PMs had colors.

Think we both could go a night without killing, and we could go for a "Alright, we're done with this" ending?
What I meant was at first glance we thought we were scum but quickly dismissed that. We are a survivor group.
See, I don't believe that. You claim you wanted to go unnoticed, but you started out by killing atk50. Killing Threnodist makes some kind of sense, but we raptors tried to kill Mega n1 because we figured he was probably the best of the not us players around.

But if you thought you were survivors, why the fuck did you kill atk? The kill is where the initial suspicion of humanness came from, and doesn't really do anything to advance a Survivor's wincon. You should, had you actually believed such, done as ComiTurtle did and not killed.

...This would be a lot easier if the PMs had colors.

Think we both could go a night without killing, and we could go for a "Alright, we're done with this" ending?
I was seriously considering suggesting trying that.

Yo, @LostDeviljho, is no lynch a valid vote? Cause I'm stuck wondering if 'peace, yo' is a valid answer to this one.
See, I don't believe that. You claim you wanted to go unnoticed, but you started out by killing atk50. Killing Threnodist makes some kind of sense, but we raptors tried to kill Mega n1 because we figured he was probably the best of the not us players around.

But if you thought you were survivors, why the fuck did you kill atk? The kill is where the initial suspicion of humanness came from, and doesn't really do anything to advance a Survivor's wincon. You should, had you actually believed such, done as ComiTurtle did and not killed.
For obvious reasons, I can't claim to be impressed with your position here. And am actually glad he went for atk50 since you would have won today otherwise, given we are 6 left.
We realized we might be survivor at the start of day 2 when, all the killing roles were revealed. Given the vague wincon it looked too odd

*Brain start smoking*

REALLY will be interesting to see sheets once this game is over.


So, huh... It appear we hold the voting power here. Nani and Terra will certianly go for cake and cake for either of them. Who do we believe?
I'll admit, I wasn't expecting to get cleared by all factions outing themselves. So yeah, that's a thing. Personally I'm inclined towards anti-human, but NL and no kill seems like a decent option too. Never thought I'd have reason to say that.

Because to be clear, any scum surviving who do kill get lynched by the survivors. There's no information left to be gained unless someone is lying, which means a night with no kills before we try the actual bloody method of finishing this.
With so many killing powers around, I'm surprised we have as many as 6 players left.

So, either both factions need not actually kill everyone to win, or only one faction needs to kill everyone, or actually both factions need to kill everyone else. If it's the last one, then lynching Cakestepid means a loss for the town, probably? Maybe the human faction only needs to kill all other killing roles to win?

Er... scratch that, first one can't be true. Either both factions need to kill everyone else, or only one faction does, I think? Gah, people keep posting. Can we kill nani/terra and survive another night, or is that folly?
Er... scratch that, first one can't be true. Either both factions need to kill everyone else, or only one faction does, I think? Gah, people keep posting. Can we kill nani/terra and survive another night, or is that folly?
Well, we're 3/2/1 here.

If we lynch cake, well, Nani and Terra just need to kill and they gain control of the vote. They win.

We lynch either Nani or Terra and... Maybe cake and the other will kill each other? Could be a game of chicken. Whoever survive will be lynched right after. Or they kill each other that night and we win by default.
I think the optimal play, town-wise, is lynching me or Terra. The other one kills Cake, cake... honestly, Cake probably goes for Derpmind.

Under the assumption that jojo is the third human (Don't really think it could be anyone else at this point), that's a choice for who among the remaining raptor and the remaining human the remaining town member chooses to trust. Mind, if Cake goes for the one of us that remains, the choice of who to trust'd be pretty clear, wouldn't it? Given all three of us would be dead with the game still continuing? If they go for Derpmind, as well, given that's the only one they could kill without being immediately outed if they're the maf, I'd imagine public opinion would be pretty firmly against jojo.
I'm a Dino, just don't want to state my power just yet. For now I'll simply say I'm Tex the Triceratops. And that I wouldn't have been nearly as hard on the mess with Sue if I didn't have an alliterative name of my own making me reasonably certain it was an actual pattern instead of a coincidence.
I guess it could be possible, but if the game had 3 humans and 3 raptors, then the start of the game would only have 5 outnumbered town. It's more likely to have been 2 humans 3 raptors and 6 town, though that's assuming no one killed so far didn't have their own wincon too.
Could be that only one of them can use the killpower, though I doubt it. Maybe just go for a coinflip?
I mean, I wouldn't object to me being the choice so I can focus on other things, all told.

But since we're already crazy full disclosure here, and I think we are town, I'm gonna mention that at first only atk50 could call the hits, and we other raptors have a beta raptor and gamma raptor power that specifies the order of inheritance. I only get to choose targets if I'm all alone.
Nani just suggested that cake's optimal play should be to shot you. Does that help your decision?

No? I mean, my power can't do much of anything anymore, so it's sorta out of my hands? Unless, like, Nani is the one with the killpower and Terra was lying about how it worked. Meh, just pick one and I'll vote with you.
Thinking further on it, it'd be to not shoot. That leaves a raptor alive, puts town into Mylo, but also doesn't induce as much suspicion as just shooting a townie.
Thinking further on it, it'd be to not shoot. That leaves a raptor alive, puts town into Mylo, but also doesn't induce as much suspicion as just shooting a townie.
And of course, it conveniently leave a raptor alive. -_-

No? I mean, my power can't do much of anything anymore, so it's sorta out of my hands? Unless, like, Nani is the one with the killpower and Terra was lying about how it worked. Meh, just pick one and I'll vote with you.
I already voted Nani so why not go with that? I'm sure Terrabrand feel like strangling Nani for that reveal that doomed them anyway.
already voted Nani so why not go with that? I'm sure Terrabrand feel like strangling Nani for that reveal that doomed them anyway.
Not really. At this point I'm just confused by this game. I was gonna fully out us myself, and really, had I not done that I coulda tried being cagey. I mean, if we assume raptors are scum which I really don't think for a whole pile of reasons.

Point is, though, that I coulda stalled and tried to claim to not be a raptor if Nani had said that and I had remained quiet.