Transfictional Isekai Chatroom [IC]

User ID: Deacon of Catastrophe
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 3,000,000 Contribution Points

Being an Emperor without power seems to have benefits.

While I can't command anyone, people seem to at least acknowledge my position as Head of the Galactic Empire. This means that while I have no power over them they still have to treat and take care of me like I am World Noble in One Piece world. This might sound useless, especially to those who despise noble opulence but in my eyes, this is immense soft power that can be used to better the Galaxy.

My demand for grand feasts for example when combined with my going to a very remote place would allow me to pull resources from the nearest Tycoon to feed the whole planet for a month.

Those times can be enough to change the famine situation!

I just need to elevate some of the more...brawny guys to act as martial teachers.
You can also go with Femboi, feminine man having immerse power is new trend nowadays!
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Eheheheh, how mean~ It seems I am tasked to an 'evil' role~ To bring upon an end to this world's status quo, or at least break it so things can change slightly. Sorta like that pink bird's idea, though I have a bit more force at my disposals~

Simply bringing out the Great Ones would be the fastest but these people are truly JRPG people, it might be too dangerous to simply escalate. They might simply unite against a common threat and with their entire gimmick of broken limiters for the Heroes and Incubus, that would be dangerous. Not to mention the local Gods are active, and I don't think I want to disturb most of them much, they seemed like quite alright. The Goddess of Order must go or weakened enough though, same with the Demon Queen. Though due to how Mamono Mana is, I might need to be more thorough with the Mamono side of things~

Eheheheh~ I guess it's back to my original MO of small time covert operations then. Slowly building my own organisation while empowering the great ones. Waiting for opportunity to be available and strikes without anyone the wiser. That indeed will be the plan.

Then I suppose, I should start with the most remote of place that anyone won't care about. That is, the Abyss where these 'Chaos Gods' be sealed~

Could've go with Tower of Trial or something like Castle of Temptation~
Kekekeke, perhaps, but that would even be more complex. Mighty the Great Ones are, knowledgeable that I am, but I am quite lacking in the capability of generating Dungeon~
You can also go with Femboi, feminine man having immerse power is new trend nowadays!
Of course, though I am referring more about their capabilities and mindset~ The current faculty is quite woefully underprepared for martial based stuff after all~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Mx0 + Hidan no Aria
Finance: 40,000 Contribution Points

Today my class is filled with excitement!

A midterm exam is coming and school give all of us a fund of 100,000$ to prepare a car for an unknown mission. As an A-rank student, I am eligible to do this test solo and so I decided to do that, having a team is good but having 100 grand to myself is better!

For others, most people decided to team up usually a pair or a trio. I suppose since we don't have any D-rank in our class the maximum of teams that can be built are 4 people. Of course, S ranks are exempted from this exam, letting any student take an exam with an S ranker would just be a free ticket for that student. The school wouldn't allow that.

Now, I need to think of a vehicle that could help me in a wide variety of situations, we don't know what the mission is after all.

To bring upon an end to this world's status quo, or at least break it so things can change slightly.
You should try to defeat Demon Queen and take her position!
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

A nice coastal city, how nostalgic~

Beautiful place in all honesty. Very picturesque, something truly out of Fantasy. Like an idealised version oh Venezia where clear water from the river meet with the ocean, sandy white beach without any trash. Beautiful buildings filled with friendly people of all races going froes and throes. While the acceptance of monstergirls put it not at the Order humans side of things, this Arkia city is definitely neutral with some mamonos even enforcing order. Though of course, their insidious nature meant it only a matter of time before this place too converted in place of debauchery. Not to mention agent of demon army.

Still, a wonderful place, pity it's so wonderful and perfect for my purpose of picking a base of operation and starting point. Ah, I suppose I can try to not break this place too much, I think that might work! Simply targeting troubledoer first to be my sacrifice to the great ones~

And perhaps spread their faith too~ People here seem quite accepting, quite open-minded. The presence of local god will be a danger but I am sure I can manage~

Now, I need to think of a vehicle that could help me in a wide variety of situations, we don't know what the mission is after all.
I will definitely defeat her in some ways yes, but I won't take her position. My role is to simply break things, and my time here is limited after all~

As for vehicle, I am sure Factory has a lot of off-road survival vehicle. Just be careful not to accidentally take one of Clankers Clara made. Those mechs looked quite rickety, probably work but might attract too much attention~
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: Highschool DxD
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

The following months have been going smoothly,

Sure, there are some events, such as Riser's unofficial Rating Game challenges which ended with Kiba and Xenovia sweep. Even without her Durandal, just the holy demonic sword made from Kiba's balance breaker is more than enough to bring down Riser's queen.

Issei doesn't even need to contribute but he too progresses at a surprising rate since I give him a connection to his goddess.

Which brings me to canon, with it happening soon I reckon that staying here would be detrimental for both me and my student. It's for the best that I move to a new world, perhaps leaving a Paper Trail echo of me behind. Before I go though I have a couple of things I need to do, mainly dealing with the Diodora guy. Normally I am not kind to ROB MC's potential growth but this guy deserved to by my first experiment.

The presence of local god will be a danger but I am sure I can manage
I remember reading about Ocean in MGE, I think there are priestess mermaid there?
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Hmm, hmm~

That was unfortunately fortunate~ It seemed that in the brief window I accessed my Grimoire, a local monstergirl accidentally peeked in or make contact with the Great Ones or the Grimoire somehow. Not a full, proper contact either, just a brief interrupted one. Like a dream that one can't really remember, something that normally only ended up as nightmare they occasionally remember. But this particular mermaid seemed a bit more receptive or sharp in a way that she was far more affected.

By the time I found her, she was already in quite a Spiral. One might say she went quite crazy, trying to piece together what she saw obssesively. Perhaps her nature as a innate Cleric caused this Sea Bishop to be far more faith inclined? It shouldn't have been more than ten days but she is far worse than even any cultist I saw.

At least everything fine now that we've made contact. I've help her to properly make contact and adjust thing so now she's a properly adjusted. I didn't expect to find a Sea Bishop adherent so quickly though.

Hmm, maybe this might work~ Faith is one thing that each Great Ones appreciate universally after all~

I remember reading about Ocean in MGE, I think there are priestess mermaid there?
There are indeed, Sea Bishops~ They are like mermaids that specifically innately a Cleric class, so to speak. Very weird, in a way but they are a thing~ Envoy of local sea god usually, but some are just...around~

Leaving already? Have fun~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Mx0 + Hidan no Aria
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

Being a bit bored waiting for the upcoming exam, I decided to get myself some power.

It's nothing special, just a standard power called Realization (Godly Model Creator) and an upgrade of my superpower from the tournament to remove my restriction on Celestial Weapons.

Latter is actually very important; considering the magic of this world is still somewhat limited outside of the special magical zone, the ability to just use Jinki everywhere becomes handy especially the utility ones like the roller blade and the wing. Using it I managed to lower the time needed to go from dorm to class from 15 min to 30 seconds.

Maybe I should invest in Air Trek, maybe I should introduce technology here.

Faith is one thing that each Great Ones appreciate universally after all
Faith is weird, I heard Xunji send me to a battle royale just so he can become local God.
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Bioshock
Mission: -
Finance: -

Of course, just because I am focusing on Rapture, doesn't mean that's all I did~

The surface world is a far more restrictive place I admits. Pesky laws such as simply minimum price and other things will be a great obstacle if I wanted to do the same thing as i did before. Even without it, I can't exactly compete with the whole world as many countries and organisations will simply resort to quite the means to handle my advances. Whether legally or not, they will certainly can do much to curtail my operation or worse. And since this is still the 60s to 70s, things can be rather...uncivilised.

And with Cold War, things might simply be too much. I don't want to accidentally incite a World War somehow after all. Thus with some Paper Trails, I made myself the owner of Singapore~

Ufufu, indeed. I am queen in all but name for Singapore. In fact, my entire fake noble heritage now become true...and a bit more. Which might be the biggest understatement of the year as apparently my family is quite the prestigious one to say the least. As in, my family is older than Great Britain itself, with clear record of at least a thousand years old at minimum. Fabrication also became our family art so to speak, but now mere legends for outsiders as we're more known to hold the mythical bountiful magical crops...yes, it's the AR crop. Or rather, Archisorte now.

My side of the family apparently only have me left but I inherited Singapore now. I was 'on the run' into Rapture for a bit before my larger family, that is the El-Melloi, gave me Singapore as I have been of age. It's all still quite confusing I must admit ufufu.

Maybe I should invest in Air Trek, maybe I should introduce technology here.
Ufufu, planning to become an entrepreneur yourself? Good luck if so~
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 3,000,000 Contribution Points

Sean's clone here, you can call me Sean (as in Shawn) instead of Sean (normal Seen)

While my original was still on a date with our beloved I am here running the empire and making sure that all displaced people are sorted out and stabilised. To do that, I need some power, not just to enforce my rules but also to reassure them that their emperor can protect them.

Lucky for me, another windfall comes to us. For some reason, we were gifted the legendary skill "Pandemic Blade"

This power is a great skill from setting "Reincanator" It gives the owner the ability to control Fungi and All microbes at the planetary scale. It is thanks to the Pandemic Blade that I can perform the first Imperial Miracle. Creating an Oasis on a desert planet is something of a miracle. Sure Rosa was more fertile before the incident happened but to see a planet that dyes orange from the century turn green? It's a Miracle~

The current faculty is quite woefully underprepared for martial based stuff after all
Ah, my people were so well prepare that I forget that might not be the case sometime.
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Bioshock
Mission: -
Finance: -

In hindsight, knowing Returner's propensity with Paper Trail, I should've done a mission to acquire weirder things first. Alas, it is what it is.

It's not all bad of course, far from it. With the AR crops and Fabrication being a legacy of my family, it meant that my family is very much proficient at them. It's of course hard to believe that my ancestors from the time of ancient Greeks, or more, 'weaved' fantastical creatures by somehow manipulating their DNA. But there are at least clear records from six hundreds of such a thing. Our family essentially done genetic manipulation in dark age, creating not only crops and cattle centuries ahead of selective breeding, but also more fantastical one such as giant bear that might've been the source of tale about troll.

And everything is a secret outside of the mainline of each families. El-Melloi is a big family with several sub-family and dozens of branch ones. My own branch, the Archisorte, apparently prided themselves in being one of the most 'pure' so to speak, as our legacy is the one most true in all aspect. I guess it's to justify why I am the only one still exploiting AR crops and cattles?

There are still many things I still need to read through before I can even touch the matter of Singapore, haah.

This power is a great skill from setting "Reincanator" It gives the owner the ability to control Fungi and All microbes at the planetary scale. It is thanks to the Pandemic Blade that I can perform the first Imperial Miracle. Creating an Oasis on a desert planet is something of a miracle. Sure Rosa was more fertile before the incident happened but to see a planet that dyes orange from the century turn green? It's a Miracle~
Quite the scary power yet fitting one for you, ufufu~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Mx0 + Hidan no Aria
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

So, I think I crack the code on how to deal with the midterm exam.

Instead of just using stock, the best option here is to buy a cheaper car and then enhance it to high heaven in the workshop. Ideally, the whole thing should be sleeper build too, otherwise, we'd just bring in a Tank.

Considering that we have a budget of 100k$ I supposed I could purchase a car from a Junkyard, ideally one with a rather big wheel but not so big it needs lifting. Just a frame is enough too as we can put in the Metal Slug and Infinity Atmosphere systems in. This results in a very powerful electric car that not only can jump but with the right manoeuvre can practically fly.

Finally we just need to fill it with armour and weapons then make it lowkey.

Ufufu, planning to become an entrepreneur yourself? Good luck if so
At first I was thinking of just giving the Infinity Atmosphere tech to the school but I decided why do that when I can be rich?
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

Since I'll be inheriting an island nation, why not trying to learn how one work? That's what I say as I got this mission.

Leading an island in Caribbean sea from the age of exploration to the atomic age, at least that's what I thought when I applied. But apparently things are a bit different here as I clearly sees a System panel in front of me. I guess it's similar enough to the game but I have a bit feeling about this. Things about it too detailed, with stats and levels for each individual people. Still more grounded in reality compared to Tropico but the addition of system really reminds me of litRPG.

And my fear proven true as my settlers encountered murlocs, fishmen thing. Like goblins but fish, these things are quite dangerous despite its pathetic look compared to humans. My settlers wouldn't be able to deal with them and be destroyed since this entire island is full of them.

Thankfully I brought my kaiju back here~ I only brought em here since it technically count as at least P3 so my payment be better, but it seems it was able to bring its anemic self to take out the immediate danger before perished~

Ufufu~ I suppose I should work a bit harder for this~

At first I was thinking of just giving the Infinity Atmosphere tech to the school but I decided why do that when I can be rich?
Indeed! Now that's the outlook I approve~ And being lowkey is good in such situation~
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

My time in DxD has come to a Close.

With Diodora being burned alive in a baptism ritual that his peerage (whom I remove the evil pieces from) set up for him world now learned of a way to safely remove the piece from the reincarnated devil's body, giving an unwilling devil a chance to escape. This is my gift to this world; as someone who learns a lot from here, this is the least I can do.

Now that the old world is out of the way, I am back once again in the familiar setting of "Blue Star" This time the history got twisted. In the year 2020, a monster wrecked the world and destroyed the Factory of the World, thankfully humanity was saved with the arrival of a saviour.

Using Mecha, they stop the monster and introduce humanity to the era of Mecha... 40 years later, this is where we started.

Since I'll be inheriting an island nation, why not trying to learn how one work? That's what I say as I got this mission.
That's one way to learn how to managed island nation...
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

I might not be Chiyo with her Cheat, but I am still quite capable in the art of Fabrication.

These murlocs might be quite the fantastical creature but their 'life threads', basically genetics, still similar enough for me to use. And since I brought everything in my ring, I was able to quickly fabricate my own murloc to be used here. Enhanced with Deathclaw genetics, it's more similar to true fishman as they stand at admirable two and a half metre tall. They are strong, durable and breed quickly enough for me to use to secure the island for my settlers to well, settlers.

Of course, the settlers rather unsettled ufufu. I created a new being in front of them in mere hours after all. But since I am their Lord and I did summon a kaiju to save us, things should be fine for now~

That's one way to learn how to managed island nation...
The best way to learn is experience after all~ Congratulation on your new world~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Mx0 + Hidan no Aria
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

Midterm exam is quite Epic!

The school brought us to an unknown island filled with obstacles and asked us to do a round rally across the island. There are rules though, all vehicles must stay within 20 metres of the route. This means you can not fly over all obstacles!

Ultimately the exam seems to be working in my favor; my custom metal slug Ford-600 is perfect for the kind of route shown. The only problem I might have is a trap set by seniors and teachers. This is when my other preparation paid off; just before the exam my Dark Coating license just got approved, this meant that I could use a dark coating to store magic outside the special zone, which could be used to solve traps.

All left is for me to go through exam, wish me luck!

But since I am their Lord and I did summon a kaiju to save us, things should be fine for now
In b4 they start worship you as goddess.
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Ehehehe~ Things been pretty slow nowadays~

Bishop, she renounced her name, has been mostly trying to make coherent thing out of Great Ones' will. A fool's errand but might be fun so I helped her. She also been trying to recruit people but the most that we recruit are two homeless men and some magic beasts. The latter isn't anything special, just some fish that slightly smarter and magical. A small start, the men probably just here for the free food, but she seemed happy about it so I just let her be for now.

Me? I've been enjoying vacationing. This place is quite the vacation spot after all. I probably won't stay here permanently if I want to go to cult route, but it's a nice place. The mana around here is quite interesting, I've been working together with a cute little leaf to study it recently~

All left is for me to go through exam, wish me luck!
Good luck!
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 900,000 Contribution Points

Yet another purchase spree is happening, this time I get Xuan's Gigantor.

Thankfully Xuan is willing to sell for cheap, I need to trade my original seven Kakashi Fusion and 100 kCpts for a mighty steel man powered by the same power sources as the Godzilla herself.

So far the Great Gigantor has proven to be a great purchase, he can protect me from being ambushed with ease!

And in case you asked about why anyone would ambush an emperor like me, it turns out that while the setting and lore has been changed, the character within the universe remain the same. This ambushed, for example, seems to be the work of the Palpatine's follower! I can't say that they are First Order mainly because unlike Star War canon we still are an empire… Wonder what's their goal here.

The latter isn't anything special, just some fish that slightly smarter and magical.
Smort Fish, is it smarter than Wilhelm?
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Elementals eh? Interesting fellow they are.

Manifestation of mana itself, their state also reflecting the world. And with how many of them be corrupted by Mamono, even the purest of them take the form of female due to some ambient mana from the first corruption of the world, it's quite something to see. They are quite powerful yet so easily changed, the facet of nature itself yet malleable by humans' hand.

Though they seemed to noticed some things about us. Perceptive they are, it's almost sad that I had to do something about it.

The pure one will just get a bit of forget-me beam, but the corrupted one seemed to be acceptable for the great ones. With Elementals, the realm might be a bit more stable~ Or we will get some sort of twisted elementals out of this, one of the two. Kekeke~

Smort Fish, is it smarter than Wilhelm?
They are as smart as a toddler so perhaps eheheh~ And that sounds to be quite the world, how scary~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Lazy Dungeon Master
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

As I complete my school years an incident happened,

Combination of Kinji going on rampages and Taiga being himself has shaken the school to its core. Because of special circumstance, no one can stop them, no one excepted me.

In order to save everyone, I need to use my Special Power… but to do so mean I'd lose a Zai in every instance of me using it against 'normal people'. This led to me losing random useless talent like crazy. Not wanting to give up more powerful Talent, I decided to send all the useful one to Xunji, this leave me with less than 99 talent, a 99 move to solved problem. And I solved them, thanks to me school is safe!

Sadly, I ended up finding myself in front of an isekai god.

Or we will get some sort of twisted elementals out of this, one of the two. Kekeke~
The way you worded it… I think it might end up being the latter.
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

Don't you love hyper-competent sidekick advisor that always exist in strategy game? I sure do.

I don't doubt this is a Lord 'game', even my mundane self can recognise the bits from the peasants' words. They are simply some shipwrecked people apparently, but sent 'sign' by gods that there will be Lords to led them. It couldn't be more blatant than that, besides the obvious game-like interface of course. Though ours seems far less game-like in reality, with everything basically manual leading stuff, I don't doubt there are some MCs somewhere, I know my luck.

Hence why I'll simply develop this into a more self-sufficient place than expansionist stuff. And for that I'll need a trusted right man. He's not a cheat but he is loyal and capable enough to handle the nitty-gritty stuff ufufu~

With him and my fabricated creatures, we've secured a small beach settlement. We will need to expand of course but this will do for the start~

Sadly, I ended up finding myself in front of an isekai god.
Ara~ So suddenly? Did you die?
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

The tutorial mission is a pain in the ass…

Not only, it forces me to trade my Steel man for a much weaker mecha, but the tutorial stages also designed to be stealth mission filled with over spec units that, stats wise, would make fighting against these enemies impossible. Unfortunately for these 'OP' units, I don't need my mech to hunt them down.

Oh, Kururi (my wooden Kakashi)'s does help; her demise allows me to gain even more power. However, without me being an ex-soldier king, the power gain from her sacrifice alone wouldn't be enough to destroy these abominations.

In the end, the Tutorial does give me a special chip that allow mech to self regenerate herself… Nice!

Don't you love hyper-competent sidekick advisor that always exist in strategy game? I sure do.
Those guys are the best; Fatties are the only people I missed when I left Flower City, tbh!
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

Having Fabricated Beasts with hands are truly genius of me.

With their strength and help, we're able to quickly created cabins for us to stay and even started to harvesting resources perfectly. With they sharp and strong claws, they can cut down trees in fraction of the time humans could and bring the whole log by their own. Same with rocks or digging for foundation, everything down basically in a night and with supervision, houses for the people are built. They also hunted enough beasts and fishes that we should be fine for a while even without digging into my own supplies again.

Now the major concern will be food and water. I can easily provide with my Fabricated beasts and crops but let's see at what locals offer first~ Self-sufficiency is important after all.

Those guys are the best; Fatties are the only people I missed when I left Flower City, tbh!
Well, mine isn't fatties, but he's so useful and capable at dealing with the majority of the process and left me with just key decisions for governing~

Oh, new place? Quite the interesting premise it seems?
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Lazy Dungeon Master
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

Isekai God of Light, that's what a god of destruction in front of me call themselves.

They talk to me about how my demise caught his attention; that I might be the key to his victory; bro does not even try to act like they are doing this for good. They just ask me if I wanted to hunt Dungeon and gain more Superpower.

At first, it sounds boring, but then he shows me what these 'Ultra Skill' can do… It really caught my attention! Their presentation is also precise, he saw me fight in a battle-royal for less than their world can offer and to sweeten the deal he even offers me to get on 'Ultra Skill' for free! Whole deal leak desperation but since I have nothing else to do; I decided to help this deity out, but not before making some hefty request.

'Ultra Skill' that removed penalties such as losing Zai for using Superpower, and Job ability from Plus. They agree, and now I am a Hero!

Ara~ So suddenly? Did you die?
I think my local body get divine punished for losing all Zai…
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Eheheh, I admit that the current Demon Lord's plan do have some merit in bringing peace.

Despite being for all intent and purpose a somewhat classic fantasy medieval stuff, people here do know how to make tourist trap and surprisingly modern vacation spot. I don't mean like modern amenities level of things like maybe magical flush toilet, though we do have regular one that not as good as modern one. But more on the economy and activity sides of things, as I doubt there are such things as a whole town fully dedicated as centre for tourism with attraction such as surfing with mermaid or regular concert and parade.

Not to mention the street food. There always street stalls full of food and trinkets to sell that it's not out of place from a modern city if not for the monster girls running around. They can be quite predatory too, lulling visitors in with luxury and ebfore they realised it, their wallet already empty~

'Ultra Skill' that removed penalties such as losing Zai for using Superpower, and Job ability from Plus. They agree, and now I am a Hero!
Truly a classic Isekai setup, such a Cheat eheheh~
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 900,000 Contribution Points

Had a nice date with my lover, felt amazing.

Still there are much work that need to be done, so as soon as I come back we just head first into dealing with various issue. Starting with the integration of technologies. Coming from another side of galaxy, what we have, and local tech are not exactly comparable.

Thankfully, as JRPG some tech like gene mod do have some ancient origin; which mean I might be able to connect angel some ancient aliens.

On the flip side, there are many technologies I prefer our military adopted as soon as possible. From the local FTL drives to improved robotic that act totally like human. Especially those JRPG skill stuff; angel are already powerful but if they can pull some combination skill out of their arsenal… Possibility would be endless!

They can be quite predatory too, lulling visitors in with luxury and ebfore they realised it, their wallet already empty
This is why I need unreasonable amount of money~