Transfictional Isekai Chatroom [IC]

User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Not all is well of course, there are still trouble in paradise. Beside yours truly, eheheh~

Even in peaceful time, crimes still exist. Perhaps things like murder and more violent stuff heavily suppressed due to demon lord's action causing Love to be more prevalent in the air in quite the direct sense. But they do still exist, especially amongst humans even if presence of mamono do soothe it a little. Non-violent crimes also still going quite strong too, such as thievery and fraud. Perhaps even more so as some mamonos can leverage their natural advantage to perform such a thing.

More ironically for such utopic world is that, things like financial crime and soft pressure still going strong. The surface might be beautiful still, but debts and conflicts about money still going on. Whether personal-scale fraud or a large systemic operation, they exist infesting this city. It's almost funny with advertisement of how wonderful this place is, the actual residents seemed to not be at peace as the tourist~

This is why I need unreasonable amount of money~
Eheheh, of course now that you have a lower, that will simply be more~ Congrats on that and your new world. The addition of new things will be interesting, I wonder what they will get from yours too~
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

Unsurprisingly, the unfairness of tutorial is on purpose.

Beating the tutorial mean that you spawn with an unfair cheat like talent and in my case I am now the 7th person in the history of Earth to manage to pass the tutorial with SSS grade evaluation. Amusingly, though, I am also the second unaffiliated person who manages to bind my supercharge module to my mecha. Other than the 1st SSS grader, others either got coax into giving up or join a faction.

How do I manage to avoid either? Turn out, while I don't get many uses out of my ability inside tutorial, the enemy outside here is up to my alley! Sure, 2nd tier mecha is approximately 10,000 times more powerful than 0th tier, but that's nothing when pilot barely know how to fight!

Whole thing seems to give me some infamy, as most dangerous SSS-grade rookie!

The surface might be beautiful still, but debts and conflicts about money still going on.
Financial Crime huh, white collar never stop indeed
User ID: A Shattered Shell
Current Identity: W.D Gaster
World: Undertale Fan Multiverse
Gender: Male
Points: 196,608 CP
Allow an enhanced skeletal hand with a hole in its palm to be summoned for every soul the user possesses (currently 19)
Fusion: Hands can fuse together to double the amount of power of each attack for every hand that fuses. Currently only a maximum of 4 hands can be fused, leading to a maximum multiplier of 8x.
Monotone: All the hands turn of a certain color, amplifying the power of his next attack by the amount of hands present.
Chromatic Magical Energy: As in the name, Gaster can manipulate and use Chromatic Magic in each hand or all at once.​
Green: Spawns a forcefield or a shield to protect someone, however, it drains more energy the longer it is used.
Inverted Green: Creates a wave of toxic mist
Purple: Shoot purple spikes at its target to impale them.
Inverted Purple: Creates several magic-draining chains
Orange: Spawns white dots around its target. When the dots turn orange, they create a deadly explosion.
Inverted Orange: Creates several spectral skulls which shoot at its target
Blue: Spawns up to 2 blue razor blade discs that follow its target.
Inverted Blue: Creates a bunch of illusory projectiles that inflict mental pain
Yellow: Spawns many bullet-like projectiles that move at a really fast pace.
Inverted Yellow: Creates up to 2 golem out of magic to attack an opponent
Cyan: Shoots 4 ropes that stick to its target until Gaster decides to let go or the string is cut off.
Inverted Cyan: Creates a single bullet that fires extremely quicklyand deals massive damage
Red: Shoots a blast of energy that is two times more powerful than normal Gaster Blasters.
Sage: Summons an energy whip
Light Pink: Creates a small pink flower that heals the user's wounds and reduces fatigue
Salmon: Shoots a ball of energy that redistributes the STATS of whoever it hits, making them all equal
Fuchsia: Fires a sickle that deals more damage the more injured Gaster is
Amber: Can create amber shields that absorb damage
Aqua: Shoots a beam of eneryg that empowers allies​
Pink: Creates small projectiles that have a strong gravatational force​
Black: Creates droplets of HATE
Void: Copies an opponent's attack
ERROR: Allows the creation of red strings that directly attack the Code of a being
RAINBOW: Mixes the aforementioned colored attacks into one to fire a white beam that locks onto a target and follows them. The beam can be split apart into smaller projectiles that work the same.​
DUALITY: The hands all turn into two bigger ones, with the power being amplified way higher than it was before.
Polychromatism: Summons a hand for each soul possessed and two giant hands.​
A warped piece of Code
ERROR Strings:
• Allows the creation of almost indestructible red strings that damage the Code of something
• For the effects of your abilities, anybody touching the strings is counted as touching you.
• Allows the deleting of Code that makes up something through physical contact
A fragment of a far greater power...
[OVERWRITE] (Incomplete):
• Allows the [OVERWRITE]ing of the current timeline you are in, changing the variables that make up the world.
• However, it is heavily damaged, limiting its range to physical contact
As the user doesn't truly exist, they are by default immune to all attacks, instead phasing through them. This also allows the user to teleport to wherever they can think off. By focusing intently, the user can manifest properly in the physical world though, if killed there, they will just return to their usual plane of existence
Epic Blasters:
• Massively enhanced Gaster Blasters
• Multiple of them used at once can create explosions comparable to that of a nuclear weapon
• Their beams curve and chase down targets
• They can bite and ram opponents as well as fire beams
• Blasters can be combined in order to multiply the power of an attack massively
Bone Magic Enhancement:
• Allows Bone Bullets (of all types) to treat thin air as a solid surface
Denial of Death:
• As long as this Eye is in the bearer's eye sockets, they will continually deny their death. This does not prevent existential erasure.
Code Manipulation:
• Allows the basic code that makes up every AU resident to be manipulated to a large extent
• This allows the wielder to ignore injuries and keep fighting no matter the state of their body
• This allows the wielder to massively enhance the power of any SOUL related weapon
Shard of Divinity [Death]:
• Due to it having a small part of Jouna's divinity in it, the Eye now ensures that any opponent killed by it stays dead. This effect does not prevent [LOADS] and [RESETS]
• Grants an increased affinity for healing and defensive magic
• Attacks can be converted into healing attacks
• Allows the creation of green shields in the form of a sphere or wall. However, a shield in the form of a sphere will cost more magic than a shield that faces one direction.Up to
seven shields as large as a large adult human and wide enough for a couple of beings can to huddle behind can be made. If a shield takes too many hits it will break.

• Grants an increased affinity for debuff magic
• Allows attacks to be imbued with a decay effect
• Allows rapid regeneration using magic
• Causes other people to act crueler and lowers their empathy while nearby

• Grants an increased affinity for defensive magic
• Allows attacks to be given powerful armour-piercing properties
• Increases pain resistance massively

Grants an increased affinity for draining magic
• Causes others to despair while nearby
• It allows magic to be drained by making contact with an individual. This drained magic does not fill up Gaster's reserves.

• Grants an increased affinity for projectile magic
• Allows any range attack to turn mid-air to follow their target

• Grants an increased affinity fof sealing magic
• Allows the user to heighten the negative emotions of people, making it harder for enemies to work together
• Allows magic to be sealed away. The more magic used in the sealing process and the longer the process takes, the longer it will take for the seal to break.

• Grants an increased affinity for time magic (slowing)
• Allows the slowing down of every attack and being close to the user.
• Allows the calming of emotions for both the user and others.

• Grants an increased affinity for time magic (accelerating)
• Allows the creation of 'bubbles' that speed up time within them.
• Causes others to act more impulsively while nearby

• Grants an increased affinity for speed magic
• Allows the user to massively increase their speed
• Grants an increased speed resistance

Grants an increased affinity for illusion magic
• Allows the user to create hallucinations in other people
• Allows the user to create a large dome in which they control any magical attack that enters it.

• Grants an increased affinity for mind magic
• Allows the user to force others to tell the truth

• Grants an increased affinity for mind magic
• Allows the user to seize control of others' minds. The longer the control lasts, the more power the control over that person
• Causes others to be more willing to lie a d cheat while nearby

• Grants a massively increased affinity for all combat magics
• Allows the user to create red crescent waves while fighting with a melee weapon
• Causes weapons to deal more damage to an opponent the more times they hit
• If the user has the most Determination in their current AU, they can [Save], [Load] and [Reset]

Grants an increased affinity in mind magic
• Allows the user to use their magic to perform psychokinesis
• Allows the user to create an astral projection of themselves with half of their total power using magic.

• Grants an increased affinity for spiritual magic
• Allows the user to see the afterlife in their dreams

• Slowly unlocks more abilities depending on how balanced the user is.
• [Current Balance Level: 0%]

• Grants an increased affinity for Karmic magic
• Massively empowers all other SOUL Traits
• Attacks now inflict Karmic Retribution
• Streamlines the absorption of SOULs, making the process faster.

• Massively increases resistance to mental effects
• Increases the ability to read someone's intentions

• Massively empowers all other SOUL Traits
• Empowers the SOUL Traits of allies

• Grants the ability to create portals
• Grants a massively increased affinity for spatial magic

Grants incredibly strong anti-magic properties
• Provides a huge increase to all statistics
• Opens up the path to understand

• Grants a massively increased affinity for void magic
• Allows the user's attacks to suppress Soul Traits
• Allows the user to create tendrils out of void matter that prevent Soul Traits from working
• Abnormal Resistance F
• Mage S
• Hunter B
• Luck E

Falna Automated

I have finally seen what the CODE I found is. An algorithm so complex and intricate that it transcends reality. An algorithm that I know that I can take for myself. But not one my body could currently handle. If I am right, by the time I have gained a SOUL of every Trait, my body will undergo a process similar to the SERAPHIM that I have already gone through.

Recently, I have not been doing much else. I have to be careful now as I am now considered a 'large' player and therefore many other powers watch me. While I am confident in my strength, I highly doubt that I could take on those such as the one in the Antivoid.
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Lazy Dungeon Master
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

Wake up in Lavio Empire I was greeted by their immortal Empress.

To be honest, I thought that god of destruction were exaggerating when they said that their people were compromised. To think that 1/3rd of noble in a place that essentially is the local Vatican is a dungeon core is simply insane.

Not to mention how they somehow manage to manipulate the common-sense of adventurers, giving them a false guide that would lead to these braves being robbed of everything of value by the dungeon master. As it is right now, things are too dire and indeed in need of correction, but the problem is, confronting the situation head on would be pure foolishness.

I need to make a plan, and ideally get away from dungeon cores' influence... Only when I am away from danger can I make next move.

I have gained a SOUL of every Trait, my body will undergo a process similar to the SERAPHIM that I have already gone through.
So... you'll become 'perfect' like Cell from DBZ?
User ID: A Shattered Shell
Current Identity: W.D Gaster
World: Undertale Fan Multiverse
Gender: Male
Points: 196,608 CP
Allow an enhanced skeletal hand with a hole in its palm to be summoned for every soul the user possesses (currently 19)
Fusion: Hands can fuse together to double the amount of power of each attack for every hand that fuses. Currently only a maximum of 4 hands can be fused, leading to a maximum multiplier of 8x.
Monotone: All the hands turn of a certain color, amplifying the power of his next attack by the amount of hands present.
Chromatic Magical Energy: As in the name, Gaster can manipulate and use Chromatic Magic in each hand or all at once.​
Green: Spawns a forcefield or a shield to protect someone, however, it drains more energy the longer it is used.
Inverted Green: Creates a wave of toxic mist
Purple: Shoot purple spikes at its target to impale them.
Inverted Purple: Creates several magic-draining chains
Orange: Spawns white dots around its target. When the dots turn orange, they create a deadly explosion.
Inverted Orange: Creates several spectral skulls which shoot at its target
Blue: Spawns up to 2 blue razor blade discs that follow its target.
Inverted Blue: Creates a bunch of illusory projectiles that inflict mental pain
Yellow: Spawns many bullet-like projectiles that move at a really fast pace.
Inverted Yellow: Creates up to 2 golem out of magic to attack an opponent
Cyan: Shoots 4 ropes that stick to its target until Gaster decides to let go or the string is cut off.
Inverted Cyan: Creates a single bullet that fires extremely quicklyand deals massive damage
Red: Shoots a blast of energy that is two times more powerful than normal Gaster Blasters.
Sage: Summons an energy whip
Light Pink: Creates a small pink flower that heals the user's wounds and reduces fatigue
Salmon: Shoots a ball of energy that redistributes the STATS of whoever it hits, making them all equal
Fuchsia: Fires a sickle that deals more damage the more injured Gaster is
Amber: Can create amber shields that absorb damage
Aqua: Shoots a beam of eneryg that empowers allies
Pink: Creates small projectiles that have a strong gravatational force
Black: Creates droplets of HATE
Void: Copies an opponent's attack
ERROR: Allows the creation of red strings that directly attack the Code of a being
RAINBOW: Mixes the aforementioned colored attacks into one to fire a white beam that locks onto a target and follows them. The beam can be split apart into smaller projectiles that work the same.​
DUALITY: The hands all turn into two bigger ones, with the power being amplified way higher than it was before.
Polychromatism: Summons a hand for each soul possessed and two giant hands.​
A warped piece of Code
ERROR Strings:
• Allows the creation of almost indestructible red strings that damage the Code of something
• For the effects of your abilities, anybody touching the strings is counted as touching you.
• Allows the deleting of Code that makes up something through physical contact
A fragment of a far greater power...
[OVERWRITE] (Incomplete):
• Allows the [OVERWRITE]ing of the current timeline you are in, changing the variables that make up the world.
• However, it is heavily damaged, limiting its range to physical contact
As the user doesn't truly exist, they are by default immune to all attacks, instead phasing through them. This also allows the user to teleport to wherever they can think off. By focusing intently, the user can manifest properly in the physical world though, if killed there, they will just return to their usual plane of existence
Epic Blasters:
• Massively enhanced Gaster Blasters
• Multiple of them used at once can create explosions comparable to that of a nuclear weapon
• Their beams curve and chase down targets
• They can bite and ram opponents as well as fire beams
• Blasters can be combined in order to multiply the power of an attack massively
Bone Magic Enhancement:
• Allows Bone Bullets (of all types) to treat thin air as a solid surface
Denial of Death:
• As long as this Eye is in the bearer's eye sockets, they will continually deny their death. This does not prevent existential erasure.
Code Manipulation:
• Allows the basic code that makes up every AU resident to be manipulated to a large extent
• This allows the wielder to ignore injuries and keep fighting no matter the state of their body
• This allows the wielder to massively enhance the power of any SOUL related weapon
Shard of Divinity [Death]:
• Due to it having a small part of Jouna's divinity in it, the Eye now ensures that any opponent killed by it stays dead. This effect does not prevent [LOADS] and [RESETS]
• Grants an increased affinity for healing and defensive magic
• Attacks can be converted into healing attacks
• Allows the creation of green shields in the form of a sphere or wall. However, a shield in the form of a sphere will cost more magic than a shield that faces one direction.Up to
seven shields as large as a large adult human and wide enough for a couple of beings can to huddle behind can be made. If a shield takes too many hits it will break.

• Grants an increased affinity for debuff magic
• Allows attacks to be imbued with a decay effect
• Allows rapid regeneration using magic
• Causes other people to act crueler and lowers their empathy while nearby

• Grants an increased affinity for defensive magic
• Allows attacks to be given powerful armour-piercing properties
• Increases pain resistance massively

Grants an increased affinity for draining magic
• Causes others to despair while nearby
• It allows magic to be drained by making contact with an individual. This drained magic does not fill up Gaster's reserves.

• Grants an increased affinity for projectile magic
• Allows any range attack to turn mid-air to follow their target

• Grants an increased affinity fof sealing magic
• Allows the user to heighten the negative emotions of people, making it harder for enemies to work together
• Allows magic to be sealed away. The more magic used in the sealing process and the longer the process takes, the longer it will take for the seal to break.

• Grants an increased affinity for time magic (slowing)
• Allows the slowing down of every attack and being close to the user.
• Allows the calming of emotions for both the user and others.

• Grants an increased affinity for time magic (accelerating)
• Allows the creation of 'bubbles' that speed up time within them.
• Causes others to act more impulsively while nearby

• Grants an increased affinity for speed magic
• Allows the user to massively increase their speed
• Grants an increased speed resistance

Grants an increased affinity for illusion magic
• Allows the user to create hallucinations in other people
• Allows the user to create a large dome in which they control any magical attack that enters it.

• Grants an increased affinity for mind magic
• Allows the user to force others to tell the truth

• Grants an increased affinity for mind magic
• Allows the user to seize control of others' minds. The longer the control lasts, the more power the control over that person
• Causes others to be more willing to lie a d cheat while nearby

• Grants a massively increased affinity for all combat magics
• Allows the user to create red crescent waves while fighting with a melee weapon
• Causes weapons to deal more damage to an opponent the more times they hit
• If the user has the most Determination in their current AU, they can [Save], [Load] and [Reset]

Grants an increased affinity in mind magic
• Allows the user to use their magic to perform psychokinesis
• Allows the user to create an astral projection of themselves with half of their total power using magic.

• Grants an increased affinity for spiritual magic
• Allows the user to see the afterlife in their dreams

• Slowly unlocks more abilities depending on how balanced the user is.
• [Current Balance Level: 0%]

• Grants an increased affinity for Karmic magic
• Massively empowers all other SOUL Traits
• Attacks now inflict Karmic Retribution
• Streamlines the absorption of SOULs, making the process faster.

• Massively increases resistance to mental effects
• Increases the ability to read someone's intentions

• Massively empowers all other SOUL Traits
• Empowers the SOUL Traits of allies

• Grants the ability to create portals
• Grants a massively increased affinity for spatial magic

Grants incredibly strong anti-magic properties
• Provides a huge increase to all statistics
• Opens up the path to understand

• Grants a massively increased affinity for void magic
• Allows the user's attacks to suppress Soul Traits
• Allows the user to create tendrils out of void matter that prevent Soul Traits from working
• Abnormal Resistance F
• Mage S
• Hunter B
• Luck E

Falna Automated

So... you'll become 'perfect' like Cell from DBZ?
I guess that is one way of looking at it. I was personally thinking more along the lines of becoming a higher form of existence.
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 900,000 Contribution Points

Seeing Cassius and Shane in a garden make me remember Insectron.

FYI, insectron is a competition where biologist from across the Empire capture and breed small critter no bigger than a cubic metre and send them to an arena to fight again another critter.

This game is so popular that back in our cradle planet, Zerard, we have a Colosseum dedicate for highest level of Insectron Tournament.

Back to topic, seeing the couple, I decided to visit Jason and start using Insectron as lab critters for my gene regeant testing. So far, all insectron that receive gene modification treatment are healthier and stronger than other of the same species. Whether there is negative effect long term are remained to be seen, and once we perfect it… We might get another super soldier serum.

The addition of new things will be interesting
Oh it'll be very interesting for sure... So many thing to explore and sort out~
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

Hmm, deeper into the forest seemed to be quite the difficulty task~

For some reason, the local 'monsters' seemed to be far more powerful and most importantly cautious. Unless I devoted the majority of my claws, they will simply slip away. Their ability to employ basic but still rather supernatural elemental attacks isn't as much as problem compared to their intelligence and will to survive. Most of them also rather agile compared to my lumbering claws too so it's a bit troublesome. Some meanwhile simply too tough, like literally a walking boulder tough.

I might need to devise a new breed of deathclaws at this rate. But for now it's manageable, I'll focus on the people first. I think I can help them be a bit more capable, like enhancing their body slightly or something~

Whether there is negative effect long term are remained to be seen, and once we perfect it… We might get another super soldier serum.
Ufufu~ Dabbling with genetics too aren't you? Enhancement might be a bit tricky than buildings from ground up like but I am sure you will manage~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Lazy Dungeon Master
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

After a month of investigation, something promising comes to me.

Turn out that Dungeon are not all one mind, while they are all under same gods each of them has their own idea and thus forming a faction. Essentially, what I need to do to escape from White Empress is to find a dungeon of an opposing faction and use that period to escape.

It won't be easy, and there is detail that need to be hush out, such as how would I be sure that the enemy won't inform Empress of my escape one way or another? But so far this idea held the most promising. Mayhap I might kill said enemy and faking my dead? I think there is limited of how many blessing a normal Hero can accept, maybe I could fake dying from overhunting and biting more than I can chew.

Regardless, for now I need to hunt at least another dungeon first.

I think I can help them be a bit more capable, like enhancing their body slightly or something~
Make them use stronger bows and gun~
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

In other hand, our burgeoning village has been quite good so far~

Paved road, stone house with concrete substitute, actual plumbing, things are rather well considering we are basically shipwrecked people and it's barely a month passed. Our current area is rather limited even as my claws cut down trees for expansion since I only have so many of them to keep us safe, but it's enough for some fields that can support us. AR crops truly almighty, and since I don't need to hold back, I can use higher rank crops to potential create superhumans~

For now, I should make sure the people know who's boss though~ Carrot and stick, also probably overwhelming power since this is a Lord's world and potentially blue star's logic~

Make them use stronger bows and gun~
Gun would be a bit hard, since we don't have mine. I have some fabricated creatures that can make gunpowder or be a gun themselves, but it will take awhile~

And quite the pickle you're in, perhaps you can learn some sort of clone technique?
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

After the incident, things have calmed down.

Since they confirm that my supercharged modules were integrated into my mech, there is no point sending their mecha pilot to hunt me down any more. Especially when I'm shown to capable of fighting with a team of mechs 2 tier above my own machine; bringing stronger units would expose their identity; which is something they simply couldn't afford.

With the bullying problem solved, I could focus on farming loots and developing my mecha. To upgrade from T0 to T1, the requirement is for me to have more than 10 achievement points, that and my mecha must have enough mastery for an evolution.

I easily complete former, but latter… This seems to require me not breaking mecha during mission!

Carrot and stick, also probably overwhelming power since this is a Lord's world and potentially blue star's logic
Good idea, in Blue Star an overwhelming force is need to prevent people from doing stupid things.
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Since I am a bit bored, I decided to bought a bar~

The owner was in huge debt with local not-mafia, so when I came with a sack full of gold, she just quickly take the offer and leave with her husband~ So now I have a bar, a source of income and a home at the same time. It's not very profitable due to the location but it's fine, since bar can also be used for gathering spot for the cul-...hmm, sect follower. Yep, that sounds better eheheh~

Though I do need to find staffs first, and reestablish the logistical stuff. It would be nice if I can use fellow follower of great ones but for now, it's a problem that can be somewhat solved by throwing gold at them~

With the bullying problem solved, I could focus on farming loots and developing my mecha. To upgrade from T0 to T1, the requirement is for me to have more than 10 achievement points, that and my mecha must have enough mastery for an evolution.
Eheheh, what a weird mecha world, more like RPG.
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Lazy Dungeon Master
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

I killed my first dungeon… His name is #423.

This dungeon is an expanding dungeon that cause some trouble by sending out fish monster to harm fishermen. The dungeon were nice, sure the strong boss is annoying but nothing my Jinki can't kill with the giant blade.

Once the boss' down, the dungeon pretty much died so fast I think even the empress surprise at how fast I manage to defeat him. Anyway, my swiftness seems to catch the dungeon off guard to allow me to walk into the core room and destroy the core… The death was a shift and soon enough I was greeted with new-found blessing.

Ultra Obscurity is now mine!

And quite the pickle you're in, perhaps you can learn some sort of clone technique?
Yes, I can… That's why I want to hunt down a dungeon first.
User: Tea-Fuelled Intellect
Intelli Saiko
World: Boku no Hero Academia
Mission: -
Finance: - CP

It seems my world ran a bit slower than others? Nevermind, not important.

It's been confirmed that I've successfully passed the test. Not as high as I would prefer in the practical exam but it is what it is. Now I entered the hero course as part of 1-A, which is strange as everyone seemed to also be there as expected. There simply an additional person and me, in all other classes too there are additional two people. This is an unexpected development but not one I would complain too much about as this allow me to stay with them without changing too much yet.

Change will come, definitely. Some of future things simply unnecessary and since I already 'adopted' a certain blood maniac, things will definitely deviate. Though at least it won't be too much yet, not until post first Nomu.

Ultra Obscurity is now mine!
A necessity when your information simply be quite available to those who capable of accessing it, good.
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: Unlock Eden
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 1,000,000 Contribution Points

Turn out, all these time Karre didn't perform a coronation ceremony.

It's not a big deal, since he's mostly a figurehead, there are no reasons for him to make himself more legitimate. Still, since tension between the planet is not low, I reckon we might need something to reaffirm our unity as one galactic civilization…

And then the idea hit me, what if I unlocked the Eden, kill the demon and perform my coronation ceremony on that planet?

Surely unseal the planet that was hidden for 10,000 year is worthy of being a start of new era. We even make sure that coronation ceremony will occur at the start of new galactic year. Going through the story might even help me unlock the power of Star King too; which on hindsight is something I should make use more. Maybe I can use it to make season align with Galactic Calendar?

There simply an additional person and me, in all other classes too there are additional two people.
More Hero sound like a good thing to me, especially knowing what to comes.
User ID: Tower Lazy bum
Current Identity
: Rook Casa
World: InFamous
Current Mission: [Finish the year without getting expelled]❌
Secondary Mission: [Find the secret of the town]✔️
Bonus Missions: [Make three friends], [Write a decent thesis], [Stop a bullying event.], [Attend 5 parties]
Balance: 10,000 CP
- Inventory Ring
- Nanosuit
- Batman Cape
- Parry Dagger
- A cannon [Actual Cannon. Reloading works on a cooldown. Try not to drop it on your feet.]
- CD with Locke's diss album
- Conduit. Power Grabber in the same way as Delsin Rowe.
- Magnetic.
- A decent shot.
- Can throw a punch pretty well.
- Two eye-like creatures accompany him. One that can give others mental nudges to leave him alone, and another that can make him invisible.
- One more Creature, small, with good senses and ranged attacks. Has the ability to kamikaze in an emergency.
- Integrity SOUL. Beyond basic usages of soul magic attacks and such, has the ability to force others to tell the truth as well as resist mind control.
- Has a swarm of nano-machines (Courtesy of powergrabbing Walrider's Conduit ability) that can devour objects and assimilate useful abilities or properties. The swarm goes berserk when mixed with SCP-610's creatures.
- Assimilated powers from the corpses of Cole MacGrath and John White, including pyrokinesis, telepathy, size manipulation, super strength, regeneration, teleportation, and more.


Been a hot second since I wrote here, huh?

Sorry for ghosting y'all, been busy as hell. Lemme catch you up to speed.

So, quick recap since last time - So first off, that whole Murkoff debacle? Yeah, the DUP were NOT happy about that. Came snooping around campus not long after. And me, being the smooth genius I am, got all fidgety and forgot to have 610's little critters help me out with things. Ended up having to make a break for it with Walrider in tow. Not my finest moment.

Silver lining though - "Unmask the Mystery" mission is done and dusted. Gotta take the Ws where I can.

Bright side is, taking down that facility felt like the real main mission anyway. School thing was a bust, but them's the breaks.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "But Rook, what about sweet, sweet revenge against the DUP?" Don't you worry, that's still very much on the menu. Mama didn't raise no bitch.

Let's just say I got tired of running. Decided to take the fight right to the DUP's doorstep.

With my lovely kit's creations providing some much needed backup (and keeping the ladies away apparently, heh), I went full guerrilla warfare on their ass. Sabotage, ambushes, turning public opinion against them, the whole nine yards. Gotta admit, watching Augustine lose her shit as her precious DUP crumbled was immensely satisfying.

In the meantime, been cooking up some fun new tricks with Kit's help. Turns out my swarm can gobble up useful bits from things they chow down on. And if my hunch is right, a certain couple of Conduit corpses might just be the all-you-can-eat power buffet I'm looking for.

Took some doing, but I managed to track down where they stashed Cole and John's bodies. John especially was a real treasure trove - dude was packing more powers than he knew what to do with. We're talking pyrokinesis, telepathy, size manipulation, super strength, regeneration, teleportation... the list goes on.

So I sicced my little friends on those corpses and had 'em assimilate all the good stuff. Gotta say, it's one hell of a rush feeling all those new abilities flowing through me. I'm still getting the hang of controlling them, but hot damn is it a trip.

Honestly, after all the crap that's gone down, it feels good to just cut loose and enjoy myself for a bit, y'know?

But hey, knowing my luck, I'm sure trouble will come knocking soon enough. Ah well. Guess I'll just have to be ready to greet it with a smile. And maybe a faceful of superpowered nanites.
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User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

It's time to build a Space Station!

Yes, a big station, a base where I can have my privacy and have a good time. Sure, the housing in the alliance is great, but they are filled with surveillance device that I am not allow to remove. Having my own space station also have another benefit; as long as it does not cause debris, I can make the station however I like. I can even fit the station with Satellite cannon!

Fights on Earth about to be extra fair.

Anyway, apart from me getting a new base, I am doing fine. My pilot ranking has improved from 0 to 2 and my mecha is learning how to perform self-destruct… It is easier to do that than to let the enemy destroy our mech at this point.

Ah well. Guess I'll just have to be ready to greet it with a smile. And maybe a faceful of superpowered nanites.
Don't forget about us, come visit the Astral Hall more~
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

Ufufu, despite every horrible thing attached to it, Blue Star's reaction can be really top notch~

While waiting new fabrication to be completed, I've been mostly just scrolling through the Lord Chat now. As expected, many of them lamenting about the fact that they've been sent to this place and forced to lead some people. Some of them do cope with somewhat understandable reason as each of the Lord seemed to have their own cheat, however minor. Mostly combat ability and experience, enough to excel compared to the locals. Perhaps a good thing as we lacked the many convenient litRPG thing for a Lord game such as easy construction or recruitment.

Not to say there is no recruitment at all, some said they found one such camps where you can recruit followers. Though sadly for the aspiring Lords, seemed to be rather limited and costly. I suppose I have quite the advantage about that with my fabricated creatures ufufu

But yes, these people are very amusing. Despite the serious life or death, they acted like regular social media with many 'lickings' so to speak.

It's time to build a Space Station!
Ufufu, such an ambition. Even I haven't thought of such thing, mostly because how obvious it would be~ Have fun with your new dig~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Lazy Dungeon Master
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

My dungeon hunting continue,

Amusingly, many seems to be surprise on how fast I improved; supposed this is mainly because most people aren't hunting a dungeon month, neither do they have special place to upgrade their Ultra Skill that doesn't require them to waste their core on reinforcing a Skill.

During all this, people also start to build religion around me; they start calling me "Killer God" which likely because unlike all other heroes who usually tackle a well known spot I have been hunting any dungeon that cause people with a 100% success rate by far. Not even an imperial decree or A rank bounty hunt had stopped me to hearing world of commoner and kill the dungeon.

I think I start to gain some authority over it...

Despite the serious life or death, they acted like regular social media with many 'lickings' so to speak.
Maybe social media speech is how they cope, semblance of normalcy or something like that~
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

On other news, my amphibian deathclaws managed to finish rudimentary map of the island.

Frankly speaking, it's rather big but not exaggeratedly so. Just a fifth bigger than Singapore, but also basically the only island that can support life around here. Besides some small or barren islands, there are nothing around there except us. The island themselves seemed to be volcanic, mostly occupied by mountains which occupied centre, and northwest of the island. To the south is a beach where we are in, to the east is a large wetland and swamps that would be good for farming. The rest is covered in deep jungle filled with quickly breeding monsters.

It seems we might become more of a mining island? I'll need to inspect the mountain first I suppose.

Maybe social media speech is how they cope, semblance of normalcy or something like that~
Perhaps, perhaps, but all of them like that is almost funny I must admit~ And already sprouting Religion? Quite the speedrun innit?
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: Unlock Eden
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 1,000,000 Contribution Points

Since I planned to follow the canon, I decided that I should do it right.

Using my knowledge of the setting, I contact Dorgengoa and make a commission for him to help the crown find Eden. At first the treasure hunter refuse, but when I make it clear I am looking to pull the planet back to community and not the treasure he quickly agrees.

Eternal Soul, if it exists, would be his, and I'll be the one who open diplomacy and bring the planet into galactic community.

Following the deal, Dorgengoa decided we should go visit a desert planet named Rosa. He claims that he'll recruit Legendary Desert Claw, but with meta knowledge I know that he's just there for Jaster, thanks to his memories from 40 years prior to canon. And while Jaster is unneeded (since I also have Star King bloodline) having a back-up is welcome, JRPG protagonist are someone you rather befriend after all.

Just a fifth bigger than Singapore, but also basically the only island that can support life around here.
That's some small island you have there
User: Tea-Fuelled Intellect
Intelli Saiko
World: Boku no Hero Academia
Mission: -
Finance: - CP

The first combat test went mostly as expected.

Due to their relationship not as chilly and prior training, both Izuku and Bakugou performed much more admirably in my opinion. Bakugou being much more experienced with his quirk managed to pressure Izuku's team without overextending while Izuku himself being quite adaptable and tactical in his approach. In the end, it was down to their partners as both of them did trained together and despite Izuku's One for All power, managed to get a draw basically.

Other teams mostly within expectations, though me myself were different. I was paired with a rather tall girl, like a model. If I must put it to words, she would be a cool jade beauty. Quite out of place frankly speaking, though I suppose I am not one to complain about such thing. Since we were the only one left, UA generously had a teacher as our partner. And she basically demolished him with her edgeless straight sword, quite ruthlessly as a matter of fact.

How curious.

More Hero sound like a good thing to me, especially knowing what to comes.
An additional variable do makes thing slightly more complicated, not to mention the potential of traitor. But for now it is a positive thing.

And indeed, children of destiny generally better befriended. Especially if they are JRPG, loyal folk they are.
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Lazy Dungeon Master
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

And of course, since I am a danger to the status quo, my religion was deemed heretical.

Normally if this is direct confrontation it would be easily solving but they instead decided to boycott against any of my worshipper; the progress to legitimise halted and quickly my name become one of the Devil.

Which is ironic considering that Dungeon had long occupied demon niches and their Father is the God of Darkness. Becoming 'Evil' god of murder isn't so bad, though. The support structure has become more of a shackle for me at this point... Since Dungeon going to call me devil I will start killing dungeon without caring about profit.

Let see how they fare~

Perhaps, perhaps, but all of them like that is almost funny I must admit~ And already sprouting Religion? Quite the speedrun innit?
I am hitting the wall, too many thing stacks against me.
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Slow life is nice~

Just tending the bar, buy grocery, jokes with neighbours, check on the bishop if she had recruit anyone yet. It's a simple life, a bit monotonous I guess but it's nice~ Not the most exciting thing to write of course, unless I want to write housewives inane gossipes eheheh~

Though of course, I am still doing my job~ Being a bartender opens up a special avenue for that, that is simply talking to my patrons~ A bit of whisper here, a bit of glamour there, it's easy to stir something. Very long term normally but I do know a thing or two about 'inspiring' someone. And if the Great Ones deign, I can even accelerate it by giving someone tokens to great ones.

Eheheh, I am truly becoming one of the cultist villains eh? That's fine, I guess. It's not wrong per se.

Let see how they fare~
Violence~ People do resent changes in the end~ Established one especially~
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

Space Station were built,

This mean I can bring Misaka to this world without arising any suspicion. Sure, I might need to make ID, but that would be like 500 CP as opposed to ten of thousand for an airtight identity require for her to just appear on Earth. Furthermore, with space station, I can slowly develop a gigantic mecha! Like full size Tetsujin who will rejoin me as 3rd mech.

On abyss note, with me pretty much focusing all my attention on taking Abyssal mission and farm loots I actually end up accumulating a lot of unused modules... First idea was to just sell it but then I remember I can Fuse item.

Wonder what will comes out of that.

Eheheh, I am truly becoming one of the cultist villains eh?
Occult maniac turn out to be cultist, who could predict this! XD
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

Having an active member whose world is about building things are nice, ufufufu~

With generous contribution of a certain Mongrel, I gained quite a few blueprints to reliably create things. As expected of such world, they are very easy to understand even for illiterate peasants, cheap and reliable~ My buildings already good enough but some improvements can be made still. Most importantly though would be the tools, as the tools made according to these would be far better than anything we designed~ Even basic stone tools can be as good as regular metal ones, so I can't wait until we can get enough to make new version of metal ones~

Now all I need is to reliably mine some metal~ A bit troublesome as the mountain rage still too dangerous but perhaps I can find some other veins nearby~

Wonder what will comes out of that.
Basic result probably multi-module? Ufufu, or it might just be one really one~