Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

unknown space-traveling ships had appeared far out in the system ... the ships didn't wait to be intercepted or seemingly broadcast any messages. Instead, they'd obviously launched an attack,
Huh, who the hell are these assholes?

The fact that they specifically targeted the floating islands implies a decent amount of intel, so someone has been watching. Guess they saw the rapidly increasing power and technological capability of the locals and decided "Nope! Stepping on that now."

Turns out Naruto's paranoia was justified, when he made the "communication satellites" a lot more than just communication satellites without telling anyone.
That is required, but the treaty allows the village leaders of remaining genin to unanimously agree that additional single-round bouts aren't needed once down under ten remaining shinobi.
I think you mean either "chunin" or something like "ninja of unspecified rank" here since you mentioned that the treaty doesn't specify genin exams.

Nice chapter, evil cliffhanger! I wonder if any of the zombies used to play football.
Now, my question is when did the alarms for "extraplanetary attack" fire off, and are they restricted to high level Uzushio personnel or is there a general alarm that will also be going off as soon as the threat level gets high enough? (And given the defense level seen so far, just what would Naruto's systems consider a proper threat to require sounding that alert?)

🤔 For that matter will the exam candidates react correctly if the alarm does activate, or just consider it yet another surprise stage in the testing? It's not as if anyone will have seen, heard, or likely even read about any of the planetary defense protocols in available documentation (yet.)
Whelp, start placing your bets people. How long do you think the doomed invasion attempt is going to last for?

Edit: Two more things I just thought of. Or a few more...

1: What are the odds of these being the remnants of the enslaved people the Ōtsutsuki coming for a revenge plan?

2: What are the odds of this being a misunderstanding with these people hunting down Ōtsutsuki and thinking the planet is a strong hold for them?

3: Naruto isn't crazy enough to try and Dimensional Shift an entire planet as a last ditched emergency measure right? I don't just mean everything on the planet, I mean the entire physical world they live on is moving to another dimension.

4: What does everything these aliens are going to do when they realize the moon is a spaceship?
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Threat intelligence just delivered itself. how kind is that, they just handed knowledge about local threat actors right to them.

Also, to the person who said they acted with intelligence on the planet. Taking out the unknown and probably threatening magical flying ship is the smart thing to do, they were going around the planet, like they were on a patrol or just passing through, when they noticed an obviously military, massive build up. its more likely they thought that someone had come in and taken over the primitive world than someone on the world had advanced enough to build a moon etc.
Whelp, start placing your bets people. How long do you think the doomed invasion attempt is going to last for?
Not a lot of spacefaring settings use solid projectiles… so either one of the Mass Effect polities as someone said earlier, or maybe the humans from Halo; their MAC cannon are just giant hybrid railguns. But I've no idea why they would come in hot like that.
Not a lot of spacefaring settings use solid projectiles… so either one of the Mass Effect polities as someone said earlier, or maybe the humans from Halo; their MAC cannon are just giant hybrid railguns. But I've no idea why they would come in hot like that.
That's very true, most spacefaring settings use energy weapons for the (presumed) reasons of, a) energy weapons are faster and thus harder to dodge and b) with physical projectiles you need to resupply every so often just for the projectiles but with energy weapons as long as you still have power you can use them.

As for whether this is HALO's humans or one of the ME races I'm personally leaning towards ME because of this sentence:
All indications were that they were able to move far too fast as well, making them difficult to track. The way they appeared indicated that they possibly had faster than light tricks that weren't teleporting.
To me this sounds exactly like ME ships dropping out of FTL and moving using their Eezo based mass altering BS. Given the lack of any communications attempts before suddenly firing I'd have to put my money on long-range Batarian recon group that saw the new civilization and went "Looks like we got ourselves a new slave supply boys."
That's very true, most spacefaring settings use energy weapons for the (presumed) reasons of, a) energy weapons are faster and thus harder to dodge and b) with physical projectiles you need to resupply every so often just for the projectiles but with energy weapons as long as you still have power you can use them.
That and even when the setting is "primitive" enough that energy weapons are off the table, they tend to at least use explosive warheads and/or guided missiles, the latter getting around the dodging issue with terminal guidance. Simple fast lumps of metal are relatively rare.
Of course you don't typically expect planets to dodge so maybe they just carry big rocks for orbital bombardment and something fancier will show up later?
I... have no clue how you got me asking what species and/or series these attackers come from. All I asked was how long the attackers would last against Naruto's defenses or, if by some miracle, the Ninja themselves.
I... have no clue how you got me asking what species and/or series these attackers come from. All I asked was how long the attackers would last against Naruto's defenses or, if by some miracle, the Ninja themselves.
Er… me neither? Maybe I meant to quote something else… did you know the multi quote function pools your selections across threads?

Anyway, as long as it takes Naruto to figure out which one is the lead ship and teleport a clone on board, plus three minutes to disable the crew.
I'm just wondering if it's funnier if Naruto interrupts the testing to announce the attack or if he doesn't and just casually informs the Kages after the fact "yeah, our systems repelled some extrasolar invaders during that"
I guess that depends on how obvious the attacks hitting the planetary shield were. Like, was there a brilliant flash of light? An immensely loud but ultimately comedic boing?
That's an evil cliff hanger. I hope you have one of your interludes ready.

This story has an interlude chapter count of 0...
The fact that they specifically targeted the floating islands implies a decent amount of intel, so someone has been watching.
Or more specifically, they were able to see light that had been traveling from the planet and examine it before the detection arrays at the planet were able to see them and picked out targets based on that.
Turns out Naruto's paranoia was justified, when he made the "communication satellites" a lot more than just communication satellites without telling anyone.
Anyone who had complained that he was going overboard is going to need to apologize.

...likely including those who complained that he deployed too many satellites because they didn't know that his deployment plans were for a situation like this.
I think you mean either "chunin" or something like "ninja of unspecified rank" here since you mentioned that the treaty doesn't specify genin exams.
I have fixed things! Thank you.
Now, my question is when did the alarms for "extraplanetary attack" fire off, and are they restricted to high level Uzushio personnel or is there a general alarm that will also be going off as soon as the threat level gets high enough? (And given the defense level seen so far, just what would Naruto's systems consider a proper threat to require sounding that alert?)
The general alarms only fire when someone decides that being ready to evacuate people is needed or Naruto/Yoko authorize the activation of the big guns.
Fu gets the Taylor Hebert Seal of Approval.
...only Fu? What about Shino? He did the same thing, with the unfortunate issue of Sazen being ready for it and having a counter.
Quick question, if a Jubbi/God tree was planted on the moon and was able to tap into its power systems, How often would it produce a chakra fruit?
The drive sound suspiciously similar to ones used by the Citadel races, and they used projectiles. At the top of my head the likely culprits are pirates or slavers. Most likely Batarians.
The drive sound suspiciously similar to ones used by the Citadel races, and they used projectiles. At the top of my head the likely culprits are pirates or slavers. Most likely Batarians.
Oh I hope so. That way, they can learn that just like boots, every ninja sandal fits Batarians' faces.
Naruto's clones had the war island powering up to deploy, but the ships didn't wait to be intercepted or seemingly broadcast any messages. Instead, they'd obviously launched an attack, one that was barely visible before the projectiles struck due to how fast they'd traveled. Luckily, protections were already active and shifting to full power, so the first strike seemingly trying to hit the chunin exam island just slammed into the planetary shield. The second strike looked to have targeted Shrine Island and similarly failed, both obviously high-speed physical objects based on how many broken bits of material were left in orbit. It was only the third shot that targeted the moon, striking nearly opposite the stadium being used for the exams.

Well, that's rather rude. They couldn't even be bothered to demand surrender first, just made their big intro to the new planet be (attempted) orbital strikes.

The drive sound suspiciously similar to ones used by the Citadel races, and they used projectiles. At the top of my head the likely culprits are pirates or slavers. Most likely Batarians.

I think not. Pirates or slavers would have issued demands before they started firing Rods From God at the surface. Wouldn't want to risk blowing up a buncha valuable merchandise if they could avoid doing so, after all. These guys find a brand new species and immediately attack without establishing communication. This is quite obviously Turian First Contact Protocols being executed. :lol: