Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Yeah, that was fair. And with any luck their next exam attempt would be somewhere less insane than Uzushio.
I have a feeling no other chunnin exams are going to be held anywhere other than this island ever again.

All the villages will probably contract Uzushio to float their testing island over to them and work with Uzushio to manage the test.

They will probably choose different focuses and the like, but the flying testing island is just too well set up to consider other options. Probably not going to have the teleporting pedestals in anyone else's exams though.
So basically anywhere else! Because Naruto has done his absolute best to make Uzushio the most insane place in the Elemental Nations.
Are you certain you don't mean the most sane place? Yes, the leadership hold themselves to insanely high standards, but they seem to be exactingly rational about what they expect from others. It's the rest of the shinobi world that sends half-prepared children into death matches.
"I'm suddenly thinking we don't need a second offense scroll after all," Kuko said.

"Agreed," Jone said, shifting his hand to the upper alcove. The other two did the same, they pushed chakra in, and found themselves back in the forest with their hands over the original pedestal.
A team I think will be considered for promotion.

Where others might have decided to push their limits, they saw an unreasonable challenge and decided to pursue something that wouldn't risk killing the whole team.
I'm not so sure. On the one hand, they abandoned a task after accepting it. That's going to look bad. On the other hand, it was an additional task they didn't need to complete.
Having the judgment to know when you're outmatched and withdraw rather than trying to bull through like an idiot is also an important ninja skill, though it's not always taught properly. At least until you've learned three or more save-scumming techniques, anyway.
Alright, it's been six months. I'd like to congratulate everyone for following instructions. Which instructions?
Aside from that, did you happen to notice that your mangekyo patterns are different from each other?"

Naruto blinked. "They are?"

"Neither of you looked at the other's eyes, did you?"


"You've both got a six-bladed shuriken kind of look. Naruto's has a black dot in the center of a blue straight-edged shuriken while Yoko's has a blue dot in the center of a black 'swirling' shuriken. The two of you are reflections of one another, but not quite."
Please Ignore the Secret Reference.
I have a feeling no other chunnin exams are going to be held anywhere other than this island ever again.

All the villages will probably contract Uzushio to float their testing island over to them and work with Uzushio to manage the test.

They will probably choose different focuses and the like, but the flying testing island is just too well set up to consider other options. Probably not going to have the teleporting pedestals in anyone else's exams though.
I mean, you don't get trivial "team combat stage in different environments" effect from everyone using the same testing area.

...on the other hand, Naruto would be likely to push for there not being a team combat stage going forward...
A team I think will be considered for promotion.

Where others might have decided to push their limits, they saw an unreasonable challenge and decided to pursue something that wouldn't risk killing the whole team.
They saw a challenge they were not suited for. Others handled it with little to no issue.
Alright, it's been six months. I'd like to congratulate everyone for following instructions. Which instructions?

Please Ignore the Secret Reference.
The reference was so secret as to not be a reference!

...seriously. All known Eternal Mangekyo have two sets of "three modified tomoe" patterns, one set from each of the two involved in the eye swap, for six total. Naruto and Yoko didn't have the "eye swap" dance, but they did still get influence from each other and thus six "tomoe" each. Straight vs curved is a distinction already present in the patterns, so I gave one straight and one curved. Having them be compared to shuriken is kind of a no-brainer. I used "shuriken" to imply "the protrusions aren't lopsided" compared to "pinwheel" where I'd expect obvious long and short edges.
Seems too me that Naruto is the sanest person around as he actually uses his common sense, mind, and intuition without ignoring all the problems he sees around him in life or turning a blind eye to the things he cannot control. Its just that - with his powers, potential, and rigorously comprehensive standards of training that he holds himself too - his common Sense is so far beyond everyone else, that everything he does seems insane by their lower standards.
Seems too me that Naruto is the sanest person around as he actually uses his common sense, mind, and intuition without ignoring all the problems he sees around him in life or turning a blind eye to the things he cannot control. Its just that - with his powers, potential, and rigorously comprehensive standards of training that he holds himself too - his common Sense is so far beyond everyone else, that everything he does seems insane by their lower standards.
I would argue that by the standards of the Elemental Nations Naruto is actually somewhat insane. This is mainly due to his rather...creative approach to problem solving. It's not just a question of his potential or power level but the fact that he approaches problems from such a radically different direction than pretty much anyone else. After all, what is Sanity but the most commonly accepted norms among a population and if there's one thing Naruto doesn't do, it's normal :D .
I would argue that by the standards of the Elemental Nations Naruto is actually somewhat insane. This is mainly due to his rather...creative approach to problem solving. It's not just a question of his potential or power level but the fact that he approaches problems from such a radically different direction than pretty much anyone else. After all, what is Sanity but the most commonly accepted norms among a population and if there's one thing Naruto doesn't do, it's normal :D .
I suppose if we are only using what the majority define as normal as the measure of what is sane, then he would indeed be considered insane. But if that is the angle with which we are measuring, it is not a bad thing too be insane, as it would merely mean being vastly beyond the norm in his case.

Additionally - by that measure - I do not believe Shinobi have any ground too stand on when determining the sanity of another shinobi in anyway, as they all have the tendency too develop at least some minor personality quirks - beyond the societal norms - in addition too or possibly because of what Chakra manipulation lets them do. All of which would likely see them labeled as insane by the non-shinobi which - as far as I know - make up the majority of the population.
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Additionally - by that measure - I do not believe Shinobi have any ground too stand on when determining the sanity of another shinobi in anyway, as they all have the tendency too develop at least some minor personality quirks - beyond the societal norms - in addition too or possibly because of what Chakra manipulation lets them do. All of which would likely see them labeled as insane by the non-shinobi which - as far as I know - make up the majority of the population.
Can't remember where I heard this from so don't bother asking but: The trick to not going too insane is to go partly insane, to develop an outlet for all the negative crap you have to deal with. Too insane by this definition is generally complete murder hobo btw. Also, yes, most Shinobi and Kunoichi are slightly outside the norm with their quirks but they have fairly good reason to be. It's akin to modern soldiers using a hobby to get rid of built up psychological stress from their job.
Can't remember where I heard this from so don't bother asking but: The trick to not going too insane is to go partly insane, to develop an outlet for all the negative crap you have to deal with. Too insane by this definition is generally complete murder hobo btw. Also, yes, most Shinobi and Kunoichi are slightly outside the norm with their quirks but they have fairly good reason to be. It's akin to modern soldiers using a hobby to get rid of built up psychological stress from their job.
Heh. Never said it was a bad thing, but yeah murder-hobo is over the deep end towards drowning in unsanity. Just pointing out that shinobi are not qualified to point fingers at others about sanity except when pointed fingers release Jutsu. Honestly Naruto is remarkably sane considering the glimpses of his treatment that the canon flashbacks too to his childhood hint at.

Edit: too -> to
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Honestly Naruto is remarkably sane considering the glimpses of his treatment that the canon flashbacks too his childhood hint at.

You keep making this mistake. The words To and Too are used in entirely different ways. Too can be used in place of "also" or "as well as". For example "Sally is visiting the park. I think I'll visit the park too." To on the other hand is an indication of direction, usually. An example "Naruto ran to the park." Neither of which should be confused with the word "two". Entirely different meaning.

Here, this link may help explain it better.
You keep making this mistake. The words To and Too are used in entirely different ways. Too can be used in place of "also" or "as well as". For example "Sally is visiting the park. I think I'll visit the park too." To on the other hand is an indication of direction, usually. An example "Naruto ran to the park." Neither of which should be confused with the word "two". Entirely different meaning.

Here, this link may help explain it better.
I recognize my mistake after reading the sentence again, I thank you for pointing this mistake out out, and for offering helpful instruction rather than than destructive criticism. Much more helpful instruction than any of my Literature or Grammar teachers provided even.
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I recognize my mistake after reading the sentence again, I thank you for pointing this mistake out out, and for offering helpful instruction rather than than destructive criticism. Much more helpful instruction than any of my Literature or Grammar teachers provided even.

I'll admit, it took multiple rewrites and walking away for a bit to chill out. The first few drafts were snarky as hell and more then a little rude. Which wasn't the tone I wanted, so I walked away and did other things for a bit. Then once I was no longer effectively seeing red, I came back and looked up a good link on things then rewrote things to be helpful rather then snarky.

A bit of snark may have slipped in anyway, it's unavoidable.

That said, the "to/too" thing is a very common mistake. So common that it sort of triggers me anymore.
One of my peeves, personally, is the differences between Your and You're. The first one is a possessive noun and the second one is a contraction for "you are". It drives me nuts when people use the wrong one, even though it is far more common than one would think.
I'll admit, it took multiple rewrites and walking away for a bit to chill out. The first few drafts were snarky as hell and more then a little rude. Which wasn't the tone I wanted, so I walked away and did other things for a bit. Then once I was no longer effectively seeing red, I came back and looked up a good link on things then rewrote things to be helpful rather then snarky.

A bit of snark may have slipped in anyway, it's unavoidable.

That said, the "to/too" thing is a very common mistake. So common that it sort of triggers me anymore.
Coincidentally in my dialect "anymore" is strictly a negative polarity item, so I always have to temper my first reaction of "that's wrong!"
I finally caught up! I hope we will meet the Eternal Empress of Escalation in this fic. As she IS immortal in all the ways that count and even if its only in an epilogue chapter.