Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

"They were feeling generous as they liked him, but he had an issue with their venom. Plus I think they were hoping that he had a stronger family member that would be more suitable? Not sure what kind of animal they were though, between the fur and the duck-like bill."
I'm sure that the Uzushiogakure R&D division has a couple of junior members who might be suitable; how long until Phinemaru and Ferbito show up?
Oh gods, there's a Platypus contract.
Swear to Primus, one of them better damn well be Perry
I'm sure that the Uzushiogakure R&D division has a couple of junior members who might be suitable; how long until Phinemaru and Ferbito show up?
Not sure what Clan Ferb'd be from, but change Phineas' eye color and he's one of Naruto's relatives on his Mom's side of the family
Obviously he failed due to lack of proper headgear. Get him a fedora and try again.
Unless you were talking about the ninja, pretty sure Perry'd have a headband here
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Yes I'm talking about the ninja. Perry wouldn't forget his hat.
Okay, but last I checked, there ain't no fedoras in Naruto. Although in the AU episodes, Perry did tend to wear different hats and whatnot to fit the theme of said episodes. If memory serves, he wore Chinese Armor in the episode where Phineas and Ferb ended up beign the builders of the Great Wall of China (or just one part of it from what Wikipedia's telling me)
So like the Webcomic? Because I'm confused
Apparently the 'kneed chakra into cooking' results were just too tasty for the man to ignore and he was hoping that Iwa would be able to train enough shinobi in that trick to keep one stationed as his personal chef.
Knead. You made this mistake before, too.
"Because I decided to experiment myself. Yoko had the idea of sticking his soul into a pig and it seems to have worked. A clone is in the middle of selling said pig to Orochimaru to use to teach Ruri some basic medical skills."
Not sure if this is a deliberate reference, but the timing is one heck of a coincidence. Butareba: The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig - Wikipedia
her get improved medical chaka is what was outside of my plans.
What happened to the R?
Swear to Primus, one of them better damn well be Perry

Not sure what Clan Ferb'd be from, bit change Phineas' eye color and he's one of Naruto's relatives on his Mom's side of the family

Unless you were talking about the ninja, pretty sure Perry'd have a headband here
He's the personal summons of one of the Uze head researchers, and mostly acts as a minder for several of the other Uze researchers. Keeping track of what they are doing, providing reports on them, subduing them when they "go too far" and disables what ever they were working until someone more sane can come look at it.
Most of the time this involves one particular researcher named Doof something something.
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To expand: A guy who won the Victoria Cross got hit with it, and said it is every bit as painful as being hit with shell fragments, and the pain occasionally recurs for years afterwards.
To be more specific, he was having trouble with it _fifteen years later_. That's... that's fucking scary.
Tracking down the zero tails would, in theory, be incredibly difficult even with instructions. The hand seals that let you feel a pull towards its 'dark chakra' were only effective over a relatively short range and there was a lot of continent to cover. This would normally mean a long slog of a search while hoping that the thing didn't move into an already-cleared area.
Reading this, my first thought was, "Unless you throw 100,000 clones at it."
Oh gods, there's a Platypus contract. Harry Potter's Luna Lovegood must never learn of this.
At least there isn't a Snorkack contract (crosses fingers).
I wonder, does Orochi's assistant wear a white lab coat? Is he named Heinz? Having all the bosses of all the contracts sitting around wearing fedoras and reminiscing about their younger days before the Portal Accident.
"I do wonder what it is that you did to offend Naruto to the degree that he did this to you," Orochimaru finally said to the sow, patting it on the head. It had given up on trying to bite her, at least for now. Possibly waiting for her to let her guard down? Wasn't going to happen. "But you present a very interesting set of possibilities. Luckily, even if you find a way out of this situation the rest of the Land of the Sky will be powerless before you can return to it."

... is your Orochi going also to take up singing and thus becoming even more similar to GLaDOS?
Knead. You made this mistake before, too.
Regularly, when I type knead it gets autocorrected to kneed and I don't always notice that it happened. Fixed!
Not sure if this is a deliberate reference, but the timing is one heck of a coincidence. Butareba: The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig - Wikipedia
...never heard of it before now. If anything, this was more inspired by various Harry Potter fics using "transfer the horcrux to a pig and slaughter it" as a solution to "don't destroy the historical artifacts/kill Harry"...
What happened to the R?