Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

So Naruto invented the nin-ternet and inherited almost the full power of a god in one chapter.

Oh just wait until Jiraiya-Sensei invents Internet Porn
I imagine the upper levels of Konoha are a little relieved to find that something can still blindside Naruto and put him in the back foot. Sure it takes a combination of semi-immortal demigods, legendary bloodlines and near mythical planet annihilating super weapons but it can be done
As far as i can tell, no, he did not. He invented, effectively, quantum connections...
Huh really? Last time i saw something like that was the last time I saw someone play Mass Effect 3
So this Boruto being officially butterflied away?
I think that happened quite a while ago.

What fic FWOAO is? Harry Potter I presume.
CmptrWz's fic, and yes, it's HP. Over on AO3. Started here, got removed for reasons that were never made clear (to my knowledge).
For what we know, it probably had to do with Hermione's circumstances

All I'm willing to say is that depicting minors eager to use and actively use adult toys isn't going to go well in this site
I think that happened quite a while ago.
But the baby God Tree being stillborn officially means none of it is happening, yes?
Especially since immortals are occasionally barren (outside the cycle of life and death means outside the cycle of life and death) as price/consequence of becoming immortal.

I really, really loathe the idea of Boroto, so.... /hopeful
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Especially since immortals are occasionally barren (outside the cycle of life and death means outside the cycle of life and death) as price/consequence of becoming immortal.
Pretty sure they're not truly immortal as they can likely technically be killed (regardless of how difficult it might have been even before the latest upgrade) as this is more of a hyper regeneration keeping them perfectly healthy. I suspect that all of those who are bound to a god tree fragment are perfectly fertile and in fact the males may turn out to be super-fertile so they might want to be careful.

Those conversations ought to be fun 😈.
So Naruto invented the nin-ternet
I wish there was a "groan" emoji, because that one's Dad-joke level. Though, as I recall, Naruto was just copying the connection model on that outpost in the Land of Hot Springs, which means old Uzu had already invented things. He just found the examples and the user manuals in the outpost and copied them. (Okay, given Narruto here I suspect he also came up with enhanced security for everything at the same time.)

Edit: And I see I was ninja'ed about that observation.
I wish there was a "groan" emoji, because that one's Dad-joke level. Though, as I recall, Naruto was just copying the connection model on that outpost in the Land of Hot Springs, which means old Uzu had already invented things. He just found the examples and the user manuals in the outpost and copied them. (Okay, given Narruto here I suspect he also came up with enhanced security for everything at the same time.)

Edit: And I see I was ninja'ed about that observation.
I struggled for a while before I got that pun to work, so I'm glad it had the desired effect :D
I already checked that the seals I made to connect things work over much longer distances.
I don't think he mentioned finding the documentation on those seals unless that was in an older chapter. He does say he made the seals, but I guess he might not have invented them, just made those particular ones. But it does seem like he's applied them in a new way to create long distance communications and connections between computers, so I think 'invented the nin-ternet' isn't too far off the mark.
More Bomb-shells? WONDERFUL!! Maybe Naruto and co. will begin realizing that 'normal' is boring, and roll with it.
...I dunno. They already run on a different definition of "normal" from those around them.
So Naruto invented the nin-ternet and inherited almost the full power of a god in one chapter.
He inherited power. Wouldn't call it "of a god"...
Ceep Capitalization Consistent.
...while I have fixed the capitalization, your spelling needs work.
Naruto, Hinata, Yoko, and Ino are now all-powerful Immortal deities.
...not all-powerful, possibly on the immortal. :V
I believe he didn't invent it. He found documentation on it.
He found documentation (and examples) for the computing technology, invented the seals needed to connect "computer A" to "computer B" to download the software.
So this Boruto being officially butterflied away?
Boruto the person or Boruto the series of events?

Because the latter has been repeatedly butterflied away.
The series of events. Until the removal of the baby God Tree, couldn't the basic idea of Boroto the series still have worked in theory?
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The series of events. Until the removal of the baby God Tree, couldn't the basic idea of Boroto the series still have worked in theory?
Nope, Boruto's plot got derailed the moment the local reincarnation net started breaking and Indra and Ashura went out to start arranging 'accidents' for their distant relatives. With the local net down, Isshiki is stuck in Jigen, an imperfect host. Which means he can't Karma anyone anymore, nor can he fully possess Jigen either, otherwise he has a limited amount of time to live. And that's if the unraveling of the net didn't kill him outright because he wasn't fully possessing Jigen.
Oh, well good.

I would watch if they had the new reality warper Sharingan user take a peek at what she'd be reversing... and decide the asshole did the Universe a favor or twelve by removing Boroto, but he's still way too focused on conquest and just unmakes the conquest bastard. Not retgone him (as removing all of his actions would return Boruto, which would be bad, Elemental Nations already has too many sadistic bastards who get off on torturing their parents for working too hard) but breaking out the heavy editing toolbox and hitting 'Delete'.

Not at all realistic, but I can certainly dream.
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Chapter 64 - Populating Uzushiogakure, Uzu Exam Prep
Naruto examined the tablet with Yoko as a clone made a copy of everything they could see. "This is weird."

"That it shows different things for each of you?" Itachi asked. "Because revealing the different powers and limitations of individual mangekyo is why I brought you down here."

"No," Yoko said. "The fact that sections have been...overwritten? With the rinnegan active we can see both the original layer and the replacement one that was obviously added later."

"And the original layer warns against obtaining the rinnegan because it could bring back the rabbit goddess and doom the world," Naruto added. "Compared to the replacement layer that refers to one of her apparent techniques as the salvation of the Uchiha clan."

"We also know that the stone predates the name Uchiha, which makes referencing the clan by name worrying. But it also predates the moon, while those sections include direct references to it as well."

"The information on preparing your own body for the rinnegan was also added, and it seems odd that an Uchiha would add that when there's no record of an Uchiha ever obtaining the dojutsu before."

"I see," Itachi said, sharing a look with Sasuke who had come with them. "That implies that someone was trying to use the clan for their own ends."

Naruto and Yoko were well aware of that, but Hagoromo had asked that the two of them not reveal just how much the clan had been manipulated. He'd also not expected them to be able to see through the edits to the tablet, though that could be because the gift of his chakra let them see his original when otherwise it would've been fully hidden.

A quick mental discussion led to Naruto turning his rinnegan off, returning his eyes to normal, as he was reaching the 'too painful' state. Yoko had more time available before she'd reach the same point, and her portion of Hagoromo's chakra was better suited to fixing the tablet, so she reached out and latched onto the edited portions. Instead of manipulating them to restore the original text, she just pulled on the edits, peeling them away and allowing the original form to reinstate itself from under them.

The rabbit goddess might be fully dead now, along with the God Tree she was connected to, but that didn't mean they should leave deceptive instructions sitting around.

"Interesting," Itachi said, activating his sharingan and taking a look at the tablet. "The...restored text is much more visible, and doesn't even require activating the mangekyo to see. A proper warning, as befitting what it appears to be."

Yoko nodded. "Yes, though I suspect the warning is...less than needed after the destruction of the tailed beasts and the moon."

"Very likely, yes. I don't suppose you're willing to share which abilities you received?"

"All of them," Naruto answered. "We essentially inherited the Sage's eyes due to what he did to me, because I couldn't acquire a sharingan normally and he needed me to have an actual rinnegan. The tablet is based on everything he knew he could do, using his terms for them instead of those that followed him. That said, he did include some things he learned from his grandchildren in the list, such as the mangekyo and eternal mangekyo information."

"The latter being something entirely out of Sasuke's reach normally," Yoko said, turning to look at him. "But there was one thing we were asked to attempt, even if the bulk of it is likely to be temporary, that may help. Assuming he's willing to take the risk?"

Sasuke looked confused, but nodded his acceptance, and she prepared the chakra transference technique. Placing her hand on his shoulder, she pushed some of Hagoromo's chakra into him...but very quickly found that she could only push a fraction of it and it fought to return to her almost immediately. What did transfer was still enough to cause Sasuke's sharingan to activate, then shift into a mangekyo that looked a little like the symbol for an atom, followed by flashing into a purple rinnegan. The final shift didn't take, the chakra rebounding into Yoko. Whether that was because Sasuke was missing some element that was needed for the rinnegan or because the power nodes weren't allowing any new rinnegan users was harder to tell.

"Well that was interesting," Itachi said, looking at Sasuke's still-mangekyo eyes. "No sign of them causing strain either."

Sasuke blinked, then turned and looked at the tablet. "Huh. It says I have the eternal mangekyo, and may have unlocked the abilities of the donor of the transplanted eyes, but otherwise it only seems to describe Susanoo and Amaterasu?"

"Well, you didn't have a donor, but I can at least teach you how to use Amaterasu reasonably safely."

Ino was happy that there had been only minor irritation in her eyes from them becoming byakugan eyes, instead of constant pain for weeks like could happen with a sudden sharingan, but was less happy that after she'd been shown how to activate them. Mostly because, like Naruto and Hinata, she couldn't turn them off while awake. Supposedly that would be correctable once she got her chakra control back, at least until her chakra levels hit a critical point as they grew. The eyes luckily did 'turn off' when she slept, kicking back on shortly after she woke up, but that meant that without shapeshifting her eyes stayed pure white while she was awake and she couldn't 'rest' from seeing everything around her.

She would've at least preferred Naruto's variant that left his eyes looking normal while active, even if having the eyes active all the time was likely to get her used to the enhanced vision quite quickly.

But being a Hyuga by roll due to the byakugan also meant that, for 'clan pride' reasons, she had to learn at least the basics of the Gentle Fist. Some of which at least counted as chakra control exercises, which she had a lot of clones doing after finding that she was having trouble making less than twenty at a time.

"You're doing quite well for how late in life you started these lessons," Ko said after one set of exercises. "But I have to assume it's partially from the lessons you got in infiltration allowing you to adapt your fighting style quickly."

"Naruto and Hinata taught us some of the Gentle Fist katas," Ino admitted. "But none of the chakra use pieces."

"I see, but you're also taking well to the chakra expression. A little trouble holding back, but you're new to it and struggling with suddenly increased reserves. Hinata had similar problems after her binding to a tailed beast."

"It honestly isn't that different from chakra threads without the thread-creation step."

"...that had not occurred to me, but now that you mention it I can see the similarities."

Despite a leg up in things, it was unlikely that she'd be 'recovered' enough to properly help with the chunin exams. Which annoyed her quite a bit, because Naruto was supposedly almost certainly going to be running them in Uzushio.

"You seem to be doing well with ensuring that Uzushiogakure is a functional village," Shikaku said as he looked over things with the rest of the Council of Clans.

"Missing a few things," Tsunade said, likely referring to the lack of non-Naruto medic nin to run the hospital. "But your permanent population consists of refugees, so I guess that's to be expected."

"I still think that it's bizarre," Naruto half-grumbled. "Going from 'take out criminal island' to 'paid to turn rebuilt ruins into a functional village' feels wrong."

"We really want to sell that Uzushio is returning," Shisui said. "And you're doing an excellent job."

"While also causing my daughters and all of those in the technology division to have regular near-breakdowns," Hiashi added, looking up from the papers to stare at Naruto. "Are you sure you don't understand the items your rinnegan creates or the full implications behind some of what you've accomplished with seals?"

Naruto shrugged. "I can't wrap my head around the low-level stuff needed to understand how most of the technology works, and don't need to in order to make the much more advanced stuff appear out of my body with the rinnegan. Hinata is the one that figured out how to improve cameras and monitors after examining some of what I can manifest, the technology division figured out how to fix the software bugs in the computers and make them capable of handling the hardware improvements, and it seems like everyone with an interest keeps coming up with new things to use my 'wireless hardlines' for. I also have no clue how the 'telephone system' Hinata pulled out of the Uzu archives and redesigned actually works at a low level, just how to build it as she specifies and do configuration of things once the software is loaded. Not needing to tie into electricity-generating seals at the endpoints baffles me too."

"Your seals allow the electricity to flow through to the endpoints," Shisui said. "Which I believe is part of Hinata's plans for fishing boats? Though I don't actually understand how that works myself, so you having problems doesn't fully surprise me either. But having you install telephone units in all of the bunkers and satellite villages has significantly helped with field reporting. The technology division thinks that making mobile telephones that can be carried by jounin might be an option in the next couple of years too, but they don't like that you can't store active 'hardline seals' in another seal without causing them to permanently disconnect."

"You can't put half of a seal in a storage seal and expect it to continue to work. Activating it and sticking both ends in the same seal is fine."

"...when put that way it makes far too much sense. Still a problem for handing those in the field anything, and it nicely explains why the Anbu keep having problems with their radios. There's a thought about putting antennas on all the airships and airship docks to provide a workaround though, those generally being high enough to provide good connection options."

"Phones and radios aside," Shikaku said. "We're at a point where we need to know if we're hosting the chunin exams or running them out of Uzushio. You've managed to get everything in place for the latter, including having the airships ready for transport, yet no decision has been made."

"That's a good point," Chouza agreed, half-frowning. "We need to send out week?"

"Yeah. But politically, Naruto here needs to personally approve of the idea."

"Well," Naruto said. "This council also has to approve of it, which has previously been interpreted as 'approve of the entire exam plans'. But I've decided that I'm only willing to show specific parts of the plan to provide a more realistic surprise to Konoha's entrants. If you can accept that, and don't decide to vote against it after seeing what I'm willing to show, then we can run the exams in Uzushiogakure."

"You've been taking lessons in diplomacy," Inoichi said, chuckling. "Because realistically we shouldn't be approving your exams. How long will it take you to show us what you want us to see?"

"An hour or so if we don't take any significant side trips."

Showing the Forest of Inconvenience, getting side-eyed looks at the name based on the danger level it presented, had led to a side trip to Training Island. At that point there was debate over renaming training ground forty-four in Konoha instead because it was now seen as being overstated. Using Training Island for the exams wasn't in the actual plans though, merely for potential Uzushio jounin training, but showing some of the accommodations and what the new citizens were up to had taken a little more time than anticipated as well. Eventually they reached the final point that Naruto wanted to show them.

"A forest with domes?" Shikaku asked.

"Need to keep the rain out of those areas," Naruto answered, leading them to the only dome accessible without passing through the forest. "And secure them, given their contents."

"And the trees look wrong. Leaves are far too dark, even if it provides contrast with the white flowers."

"They're custom-made."

"...custom-made for what? And how do you custom-make trees?"

Naruto declined to answer, instead opening up the door to Dome One and leading them inside. "This is the 'insecure' dome. The others require chunin, jounin, or special clearance to access."

"More of the weird trees," Itachi said, looking around. "But the flowers are different?" His sharingan activated for a few seconds, before the color drained out of his face. "You didn't."

"Didn't what?" Shisui asked.

"I don't like the look on Itachi's face," Tsume said, giving the trees worried looks of her own.

"Well," Naruto said. "Figuring out how to supply Uzushio with paper was annoying. The Land of Fire has tree farms for making paper with, but there isn't really room out here for that. I put a few teams of clones on it and got several solutions, including a series of seals that turn wood into paper automatically, but this one felt like the most suitable as it doesn't require chopping trees down."

"That isn't making me feel any better about what you've done here."

A chakra string flew out into a nearby tree, then returned with a scroll that was lightly tossed at the group. Choza caught it, suddenly looking half-terrified as he opened the scroll and found that it was a blank mission report form. " could you?"

"Wood release," Naruto answered. "A few seals. Outside of the domes they're all blank, of course, but the domes keep the ink from running when it rains even if it means that irrigation lines are needed instead."

Shisui spun slowly as he looked first at Choza, then at Itachi, and finally at the trees as the color drained out of his own face. "You made paperwork grow on trees?"


Tsume started backing towards the door, and she wasn't the only one. " could you?"

Naruto frowned. "Why is everyone so afraid of paperwork? All of you know the paperwork clone!"

"Kid," Asuma said, shivering. "If pops saw this he'd either stroke out on the spot or have launched a dozen fire techniques into it to burn it to the ground before he even knew what he was doing."

"I took the latter into account. The whole forest is fireproofed, including the paperwork until it's harvested, and the trees are incredibly reinforced to resist most other forms of attack."

He didn't get an answer on why they were afraid of paperwork, but after the council had recovered from the shock he'd informed them that he wanted to make genin find the right blank forms in the dome. Instead of them deciding it was a war crime or something like that they'd been delighted with the idea. They'd even all but insisted that he refer to it as the 'Forest of Paperwork' when revealing things, but he'd already planned on that and just hadn't put the signs up so as to not ruin the surprise.

The following week had included preparing invitations, and there Naruto had insisted that everyone who wasn't pretending that they didn't exist be invited so that Uzushio wasn't seen as 'snubbing' anyone. This included those on Konoha's small blacklist, to the minor annoyance of a few individuals. Shisui had to sign them all to indicate that this wasn't a joke, followed by the Daimyo to provide additional legitimacy. Naruto then applied the official Uzushiogakure seal he'd recovered from a vault in the rubble of the village to the entire stack. No courier-nin for this one, since he knew where every last village on the list was and instead handed the stack of invitations off to a group of clones for delivery.

With that aspect done they needed to do more serious preparation. Part of that was bumping the island's population a bit, temporarily or otherwise. What Naruto hadn't expected was for there to be a large number of volunteers for permanent relocation. Civilians with large enough families to split family businesses into two branches or that felt that there was too much competition inside of Konoha itself, portions of the clans that wanted to make a cleaner break from things, and a number of retirees that wanted to settle somewhere new.

A full tenth of Konoha's population was theoretically making the jump permanently and a third of the village's shinobi were ending up registered in both villages even if they weren't moving.

"You know that I'm moving to the island so that I can run the hospital," Karin said, frowning slightly. "Are you just following me?"

Sakura rolled her eyes. "No. Tsunade asked me to make the move when it became obvious that most of the medic-nin had no intention of leaving Konoha, beyond the few researchers wanting to examine the 'Forest of Inconvenience', and my parents put themselves down wanting to try their hand at opening a restaurant."

"Oh. I wasn't aware that Tsunade had been asking anyone to make the move."

"She's quite annoyed at the basically nonexistent non-researcher medic-nin volunteers. I was undecided until Naruto was given a slug contract stone so that anyone on the contract can move back and forth easily."

"That is nice, yes, and he was actually given one for the compound here too. I was surprised that Tsunade let both of us sign the contract, but it makes moving back and forth easier."

"We passed the test she set when the others didn't, and Naruto turned down the offer to sign it himself. Speaking of him, did you know that she's working with him to ensure that Uzushio has full access to the beast man formula? Because that surprised me more."

"I was told about that, and I think it probably goes along with having copies of the village technique libraries made. It can all serve as a backup copy of things in case something happens to Konoha's. A full copy of the hospital's technique library was already made too."


"Of course, if we're both living in Uzushio then there's the question of how to handle Sasuke..."

Sakura grinned. "I actually spoke with him this morning, and he's officially moving too. There's a little bit of friction with him being the only member of his clan with animal features and him not needing to get a transplant for his improved sharingan. Even if Yoko offered to make the attempt on others, because relying on that trick apparently still feels like cheating to most of the clan."

Karin frowned. "What about his team?"

"Kiba's also moving, likely to get some added distance from his mother, as are the three genin and their parents. The genin will be one of the first Uzu genin teams, though likely taking more missions as joint Konoha genin due to a lack of clients, and I suspect their parents decided to move to make that possible."

"Huh. Are they one of the limited 'Uzu' genin teams that'll hopefully be participating in the exams?"

"Kiba wants them to be, but Sasuke isn't sure they're ready. The whole thing is being planned and run by Naruto, with less oversight than they had running the exam here..."

"...Naruto has some restraint."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "It isn't his level of restraint that's in question. Most people think inside of a box, some can manage to think outside of the box when needed..."

Karin blinked a couple of times. "I'm not sure what you're getting at?"

"Right, you're an Uzumaki too. All of you seem to dismantle your own boxes and the boxes of those around you to some degree."

"I don't think that's a fair assessment."

"You wouldn't."

"Pity we can't get airships," Mei said as she looked at the tower that had been constructed on the Land of Water's primary island. "But not needing to travel across to the Land of Fire just to get on an airship to Uzushiogakure is appreciated."

"I've built towers in a few other nations now for the same basic reason," Naruto said. "The Land of Hot Water is the odd one out as they negotiated for several towers to make it easier for wealthy visitors from the Land of Fire to be able to reach their hotsprings. In exchange Konoha got permission to cross over their airspace to the Land of Lightning and the Land of Whirlpools officially had some of their coastal outposts returned to them. The Land of Rivers is the only one I know of that negotiated use of their airspace without a tower of their own as well, having dictated two specific travel routes instead for the connection to the Land of Wind. We stuck towers at both ends of each route as both route marking and convenient access for those in the Land of Rivers to use the airships, of course. For everywhere else, not being willing to provide airships to others yet has prevented negotiations from getting anywhere."

"Which leads to only allowing one or two docking towers at convenient border locations, solely for convenience in reaching the chunin exams."

"Yep. Generally an existing border location, such as this one being next to an existing harbor used by ships traveling to and from the Land of Fire. A similar location was chosen for the Land of Lightning, and the Land of Rivers picked routes that travel over roads through them used to access the Land of Wind anyway."

"Speaking of existing entry points, I note that you didn't arrive by ship, nor did you get dropped off by an airship."

"Didn't need to. You are aware that I can fly, right? We've kind of stopped hiding that with how often I've used it, so it would be a bit embarrassing if you hadn't noticed yet."

"That particular ability is quite annoying from a security standpoint."

"From my end, it's quite useful from a personal safety standpoint. I don't need to advertise where I am by sitting on a ship for a week. I'm also much faster than most ships, so I waste less time traveling. Now then, you came out to personally inspect my work to ensure that I didn't include anything you don't approve of. Would you like to get started?"

"I figure that I've got maybe a two percent chance of spotting anything you don't want me to, but yes, I might as well get started."

Mei didn't end up spotting the small bunker under the tower, nor did she need to know that it had existed for months already or that it was how Naruto had actually arrived. Why fly when Hiraishin is even faster? He did make a point of flying away towards the mainland to leave though, at least until he was certain nobody was watching him anymore, and even then he activated the transparency technique first.

Shisui looked over lists, nodding to himself. "It would be nice if we could justify more open teleportation transit between the two villages, but setting Uzushio up as an independent and trustworthy satellite village is going quite nicely."

"I'm surprised the Daimyo suggested it," Hiashi commented.

"We have far too many things we can't run around doing due to treaties," Tsunade said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "After the exams are over he wants several missions that Konoha can't touch to be taken care of without having to go to less trustworthy nations."

"That's my impression," Shisui agreed. "All treaties outside of those with the Land of Fire were rendered void when Uzushio was attacked and destroyed. Even if other nations determine that the island is essentially an extension of Konoha they won't be able to do anything about it because all of its neighbors never declared it to no longer be a country. To do so would've invited others to take the island over directly and possibly learn secrets, and we were the most likely to manage it if given the chance to act openly. Still, we're ensuring that it can run itself independently of Konoha to make it harder to claim to be an extension of us."

"And Konoha regularly did dual-membership of shinobi between the two nations," Kakashi added. "So that won't even be seen as odd. Treaties prevent us from accepting some missions, but they don't prevent our shinobi from going on them as part of their duties to an ally that they're also a member of the forces of."

"Indeed, and it's a common dodge in the other four of the big five so they can't even call us out on it."

"The only sticking point is Naruto technically being the leader while still being listed in Konoha's village rolls."

"Not really. He's the third leader of Uzushiogakure to be a member of Konoha's forces. Hashirama and Tobirama were also officially listed as being members of Uzushio's forces while they were Hokage. Mostly it means that we can't give him missions that include operating outside of the Land of Fire, only offer them to him, though the latter is always preferred anyway and applied to him as a defacto clan leader once he hit chunin anyway."

"...I never knew that we had Hokages listed in Uzushio's shinobi rolls."

"Most people don't understand just how close the two villages have traditionally been, and even fewer paid enough attention to realize that treaties were carefully arranged to ensure that each of the two villages could take actions the other village couldn't. In many ways, we're reestablishing old arrangements, and I ensured that Naruto knew some of these details when discussing the implications of laws and treaties with him."


"It certainly explains how much funding has been provided by the Daimyo to make it all happen," Hiashi said, checking another sheet. "Above and beyond 'making right' mistakes of the past that led to Uzushio's original fall. Not to mention the unprecedented permission to shift so many individuals and secrets to the island. I never expected us to willingly share the beast-man formula with others, for example."

"Naruto was cleared to access it anyway," Tsunade said, sighing. "He just never really took a good look at it due to not being directly interested. Of course, within an hour of explaining to him how it worked he improved it. Significantly. As of this morning, every shinobi member of the Inuzuka clan has been exposed to the new formula without any issues."

Kakashi half-choked in surprise. "How?"

"Orochimaru never included human DNA in the formula, though admittedly probably for good reason. But Naruto figured out that building small doses from scratch with the genetics of family members instead of animals creates a perfectly safe variant that grants healing and basic boosts through reinforcing the person's humanity. You can't include the person's own genetics, something Naruto predicted but we still tested on a prisoner, and you need to be careful in your choice of family members if you've got limited options. One of the first test batches only included male DNA due to a lack of samples from living female family available, which created a problem when the test-subject kunoichi was exposed."


Shisui nodded. "We're planning on letting genin choose the animal-based formula or the family based formula when they pass their graduation exams, barring those that will be known to have issues with one or both formulas. Anyone with transplants is being skipped for now for hopefully obvious reasons, and even the human-based formula doesn't solve the issues the Aburame have with having the enhanced healing."

"Guess that would explain why I wasn't informed."

"You're in the same situation as I am on the family front," Tsunade said. "Insufficient living genetic donors for the human formula. And of course, your transplant just complicates things further."

"It also looks like you can't use the human-genetics version on those with dojutsu if you want the dojutsu to continue to function," Shisui added. "One Hyuga and two Uchiha test subjects found that out. All three had already gone civilian, with that being why the Hyuga hadn't gotten the animal formula yet, but losing access to their dojutsu while working on things has hindered them."

"The effect forces the eyes to be entirely human, even if all the donors had the dojutsu, negating all remnant genetics that allow the dojutsu to function. We suspect it would clear out a lot of body-based bloodline traits too, for that matter, not that we have any to worry about in the village right now. Uzushio has a couple though, so warnings have been included, but Naruto predicted most of that too. Otherwise we wouldn't have looked for those test subjects."

"That's the last fishing vessel," Hinata said as the small boat pulled away nearly-silently. "Uzushio's entire fleet of ships is now running on electric motors."

"Never would've thought that electric motors would be so much more efficient than the chakra propulsion systems I came up with," Naruto said.

"Your seal-based batteries for the larger ships and being able to just connect the smaller ones to the generating seals here negate almost all of the downsides. Getting improved motor designs out of examining you and Yoko manifesting things from your bodies during rinnegan practice didn't hurt, of course, but I'm still baffled as to how you accidentally created the single most secure way to connect technology across impossible distances without meaning to."

"And yet you keep doing things with it that baffle me, including making airships and mobile houses that don't require chakra to run them."

"...I still can't make the latter able to be sealed into their own base plates, which is its own insanity, even if we got them working with electricity otherwise. Are the snakes and toads still baffled about the base plates, or have they figured it out from your examples?"

"Fukasaku gave up on figuring that out and declared it 'impossible to understand Uzumaki insanity' after I made a pair of swords that seal into their own tangs, but I haven't heard anything from the snakes in a while."

"Do you mean seal into their hilts?"

"No, the tangs, before I finished building out the handles."


"It's just a simple space time inversion to flip the flow of the metal into the seal instead of allowing it to continue into normal space. Granted, I got the inversion order backwards on the first one and the blade exploded instead, but I've since fixed that."

"...and you can't figure out how a telephone works, or why the motor windings have to be the way they are."

"Black magic of some kind."

"That's how I feel about most of your advanced seals, but I suppose we should focus on more important matters. Like the impending arrival of visitors."

Naruto nodded. "Two days before the first airships arrive with teams. Not much more to do though, because I've already built up all the things that need building up."

"Like doors that have some kind of chakra meter built into them for reasons you haven't explained?"
