Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Well did not see that coming. I will say that Yoko showing of those chains may spark Sasuke to try some doomed flirting "her" way.
It's going to upset the fangirls though. How can they compete with a full-on Uzumaki? Hopefully this makes them reconsider things instead of going more rabid. Hopefully.

Yoko is so going to try to offload him on Karin though.
I have to admit, I was kinda thinking of a Thriller recreation, but I'd imagine that happened off camera.
Chakra Lemon Grenades? Quick! Don't let Cave Johnson near this world at all costs!
I mean, take a moment to think about it.

Cave Johnson's "throw stuff at the wall, and see what stick" brand of science seems to be Orochimaru's Modus Operandi…

"Mokuton! So, we took a few bits of the Shodai's corpse, we mashed 'em up real good, then we injected them into babies. With any luck, some of them will start showing super tree powers any day now!"

"So, it turns out that injecting 10-year-old corpses into babies is a really bad idea. Lesson learned, on to the next thing. Rumour has it, there's a clan nearby who can turn into smoke. Perfect for infiltrating unobserved, really bad for windy weather. Let's see if slapping on a Curse Seal can stabilise that bloodline."

"Good News: the Curse Seal can stabilise bloodlines. Bad News: Sarutobi-Sensei found out about my experiments. Been kicked out of the village, and he stuck a kill order on my head too. Bah! Who needs them — I'll just make my own village, for Science! Anyway, I've got some promising research into White Snakes and Immortality, so I guess that's the next project."
Then there was the one notable team that had been stupid enough to be anywhere near Sachie in the middle of a zombie invasion instead of moving around the sizable clear zone around her and had been taken out by overpenetrating kunai,
They must not have watched her match with Sasuke... and walked past the wall of kunai she'd likely thrown out beforehand. I wonder if she'll target airborne enemies when she's zombie-clearing in the future.

I wish I could give this post two reactions, it needs a funny and an insightful from me.
I gave it a funny in your name, seeing as I was split both ways myself and it had only 💡s beforehand.

So, it turns out that injecting 10-year-old corpses into babies is a really bad idea. Lesson learned, on to the next thing.
Of course Orochimaru indirectly created the first zombies.
That was fun! Naruto is apparently learning Seal++ when he's not breaking the brains of people that believe in silly things like "limits" and "weaknesses" etc. and Hinata somehow continues to be simultaneously moe and badass.

I lost track though; who's Karin again?
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Kin we captured your teammates, if you do not tell us all your secrets you will be put back together
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"Good News: the Curse Seal can stabilise bloodlines. Bad News: Sarutobi-Sensei found out about my experiments. Been kicked out of the village, and he stuck a kill order on my head too. Bah! Who needs them — I'll just make my own village, for Science! Anyway, I've got some promising research into White Snakes and Immortality, so I guess that's the next project."
This needs to be a fic. I can see so many ways that this could go wrong perfectly right.
Konoha's going to have a reputation as "that one ninja village with the annual zombie apocalypse".

Like, rumors start and the other Hidden Villages would start wondering if Konoha is sitting on a portal to Yomi and the reason Konoha Shinobi have standardized Fire jutsu is to immolate the undead...
It's going to upset the fangirls though. How can they compete with a full-on Uzumaki? Hopefully this makes them reconsider things instead of going more rabid. Hopefully.
Hahahaha. As if the fangirls could get _less_ rabid. Seriously.
If this is your first exposure to the greatest music video of all time, a lot of people failed you.
Actually, I still have not seen Thriller. Partly because I grew up the son of a conservative Southern Baptist minister1​, partly because it wasn't played in college because it was too old, and partly because I no longer watch TV at all, much less MTV.

1​ No, that is not redundant, and thus explains everything you need to know.
I think you mean Uzushio gave Konoha.

Nope. Canonically, at least, the Second Hokage (Tobirama) invented the Shadow Clone.

Shadow Clone Technique

The Shadow Clone Technique is a clone technique created by Tobirama Senju.[3] This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two...
No. The Second Hokage invented it and gave it to Uzu.
I think you're forgetting; ninjas gonna ninj - while that is correct the Hokage probably deliberately made it sound otherwise because keeping advantages secret from rival villages is basically automatic for him now.
Making them start looking for "techniques invented by Uzu" in their archives means they'll never find it because they should be looking for "techniques invented by the hokage then completely re-purposed and internally renamed by Uzu without actually changing anything about them" which is a bit of a stretch.