What would you call yourself if you were a magic user?

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  • Magus

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  • Shaman

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The year is 1942. Various nations of the world are in a war against several abnormal enemies...
Chapter 1.0
The year is 1942. Various nations of the world are in a war against several abnormal enemies that want them gone. From space, comes an alien being that mankind has called the Neuroi, operating black and red colored machines while copying mankind's weapons of war. Their 'low' numbers is made up for their extremely high quality units and their alliance with fascist Germany, who have already taken much of Eastern Europe.

The monsters of the sea, the Abyss/Abyssal, have staged raids against ships across the all oceans and have recently been trying to take the shores of man. Their reckless abandonment of their own forces against any of their enemies, man or alien, is a cause for concern. They are many in number, a nightmare for anyone that faces their daring assaults, by land or sea. The only solace man has is their generally inferior technology for land and air warfare.

Yet the humans have some trump cards in play. The practice of magic and the recent innovation of applying it with technology, has led to the various countries adopting air and land Witches into military service. It is still not enough, as many nations have look for new ways to gain the upper hand against the invaders to the point of accepting youths into the armed services of either gender.

There is also the news of the Japanese Kanmusu, ship girls, being created for the Imperial Japanese Navy to fight alongside the warships of Allied nations through out the world. Perhaps humanity will have a chance, maybe.


Somewhere in the US. Time, 1:00 PM.

"Gentlemen, Ladies at ease. I am Colonel Sink from the United States 101st Airborne. Today our Allies have a presentation for you new recruits or enlisted that are going onward to Europe or the Pacific. So relax and enjoy the viewing. Alright set it up." You see him move out from the stage and that the overhead for the film projector lower down. You lean back against the wall near the exit of the large classroom, looking above the heads of aspiring newbies and draftees. You peek out the door's small window to see some people walking around, nothing interesting you think. You turn back towards the film.

You see the movie start up for the 7th freaking time today with the same WE WANT YOU! and the same patriotic music playing on the background. The same malarkey that whitewashes the war that portrays humanity winning when we're at best stalemating between two unknown forces fighting for Earth. Not to mention the war on the Nazis and their suppose alliance with the Neuroi.

Fuck you're getting angry. Most of the angry comes from being assigned as a MP and getting pulled before going out to fight. You need to calm down so you look at something else at the mean time.

You face to your right to see some girls whispering to one another. You observe one group that closest to you. You can see that they're in different branches by their clothes.

They see that you're eyeing them so you turn away but they approach you. The one with the unique bunny radar ears positions herself next to you.

??? "Hey, why you staring at us? You using us as eye candy punk?" She does an arm-fold and leans against your wall.

You shift right, showing you MP patch on your left shoulder. You see that the ship girl starts to sweat a little bit. You hear a "My, My." from behind her.

What to do?
[] Be Nice, you're having a bad time but there's no need to take it out on her.
[] Shift back to your original position, ignore her.
[] "Yes I'm using you as eye candy. So what the fuck, you're cute.
Character creation time & Rules
This quest will use a mixture of Fallout's RPG system, ME's
Paragon/Renegade system, and Wargame's damage system. And dice rolls, usually a 1D100.
I'll make it up as it goes on.
Strength- 6
Base Combat Skills
Guns-30 (The general use of firearms and projectiles)
Explosives-25 (The use of things that can go boom, or mixing things that don't boom and make them boom)
Melee-25 (The general ability to stab, pistol whip, etc. the enemy)
Unarmed-30 (General ability to do martial arts)
Base Specialty Skills
Medicine-30 (General medical skills)
Mechanical-30 (General ability to repair or make stuff)
Science-30 (Science! For R&D purposes)
Sneak-30 (Ninja skills)
Survival-30 (Knowledge and ability to live off the land, craft, cook, etc.)
Speech- 25 (Capacity to talk, convince, lie, etc.)
Pilot-5 (Competence in flying aerial vehicles)
Driver- 20 (Proficiency in surface vehicles, ex. boats, tanks, cars)
Base Other Skills
Marksman-65 (General accuracy and precision for everything)
Tactics/Strategy-50 (Combat Awareness and Planning skills)
Logistics-75 (Paperwork, knowing what goes where, boring crap)

Name (Defaults to John Arma Browning)
[] Write-in
Gender - Male
Height - 6'2" (~189cm)
Rank - Specialist
Age - 19
[] Use 30 Skill points (Tag 6 skills to bump up by 5. Adjust to 4 if Gifted is chosen.)
Traits (Limited to 2)
[] Magic User - You know how to use magic, poorly. You never really bothered it since there were no instructors to teach you. (Gain magic skill, but -5 on skills till level is 20)
[] Gifted - You have natural talents but neglected in gaining more skills. +1 to SPECIAL, -10 to skill point allocation
[] Good Natured - School teachings drilled into your skull that doing bad things will have the devil come for you at night. Or God. Or no presents from Santa Claus.+5 to Medicine, Mechanical, Science, Speech, -5 to combat skills
[] Psycho - You get combat high pretty easily, you just love fighting to the point you ignore others. +5 combat skills during fights, 40% you'll ignore orders.
[] Jinx - Everyone get bad luck rolls, 1d10, countered by Luck rolls.
[] Conscript -You were conscripted into the arms forces at the age of 16. (Like they gave a fuck when the America got attacked)
[] Volunteer - You choose to enlist at the age of 16. (Recruiter was nice enough to help you forge documents)
Previous Branch before being assigned as an MP
[] 101st Airborne Division. You were training under a Captain Sobel as a Combat Engineer.
[] 1st Marine Division. You were training to be a LVT Gunner for amphibious assaults.
[] Navy Aviation. You were training to be a naval pilot/gunner of a TBD Devastator.
[] Air force. You were training to be a Gunner of an A-20 Havoc.
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Character Sheet
☒Specialist John Arma Browning ☒Current Occupation: Military Police Corps
☒Gender: Male ☒Age: 19 ☒Height: 6'2" ☒Weight: ~160Lbs
☒SPECIAL: 6-6-5-5-7-6-5
☒Guns: 25 ☒Explosives: 25 ☒Melee: 20 ☒Unarmed: 25
☒Medicine: 35 ☒Mechanical: 40 ☒Science: 40 ☒Sneak: 30
☒Survival: 30 ☒Speech: 35 ☒Driver: 25 ☒Pilot: 5
☒Marksman: 65 ☒Tactics/Strategy: 55 ☒Logistics: 75 ☒Magic: 5
☒Good Natured - School teachings drilled into your skull that doing bad things will have the devil come for you at night. Or God. Or no presents from Santa Claus.
☒Magic User - You know how to use magic, poorly. You never really bothered it since there were no instructors to teach you. Penalty -5 to combat and specialty skills.

1942 Summary: Indicated records stored by the -Removed- -Removed- John A. Browning was conscripted by the Army in -Removed- 1940. From there on he passed basic and was move to an airborne regiment for additional training. Qualified Parachutist and Engineer. Reassigned to Military Police Corps.
Notable Battles
1940-Defense of Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Alongside with other soldiers, defend the area from airborne Neuroi. Subsequently moved to Army's Military Police Corps due to heavy casualties from the attack.
1941--Classified- John and a passenger were ambushed by Nazi spies. After a firefight, he and other MPs manage to kill and subdue 14 spies. Promoted to Specialist.
1942- AAR lost. Limited info was that he and others defended a coastal town from a small Abyss landing force.
Notes: Make sure his requested uniform is correct, he reports that he still hasn't received it yet. PS: His uniform is now correct.

Most Current STATS:
☒Guns: 52/75 ☒Explosives: 51.3/75 ☒Melee: 18.5 ☒Unarmed: 23.9/50
☒Medicine: 29/75 ☒Mechanical: 48/100 ☒Science: 48/100 ☒Sneak: 39.7/55
☒Survival: 31.3/75 ☒Speech: 44.7/75 ☒Driver: 26.6/50 ☒Pilot: 32.5/50
☒Marksman: 75/75 ☒Tactics/Strategy: 68.1/85 ☒Logistics: 82.1/100 ☒Magic: 34/100
☒Technologist: 12/❣
Dodge: 10
Corruption: 0
PBY-6A Catalina Flying Boat, Striker (Mods: lightweight plates, normal plates, Ammo packs{S}{M})
Magic: Deploy Flexible Shields (2 max, fixed time limit of 15 minutes per shield, has a durability limit, any penetration or dents are fixed by magic reserves.) – Composite armor for shields: 146mm, 19mm
Self Machine Healing – Bonus to self healing from others, very slow regenerating health. Pain feedback though.
Optical eye: Your primary eye, right, is able to variable zoom 1x to 10x at will.
Jammer Tracker: Your radar system can find sources of radar/radio users or jammers. AKA, you have SEAD abilities in addition to tracking radar sources. But you still can't track other targets in areas of jamming even if they use radar/radios. (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses)
English – 100% (M)
Spanish – 100%
Japanese – 50%
German – 50%
Russian – 50%
Abyss – 100%
Neuroi - 70%
J&H has been lost.

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Chapter 1.1
[X] Be Nice, you're having a bad time but there's no need to take it out on her.

You lean forwards, closing the distance just enough to whisper to her. "Hey, I've watch this film for the 7th time today. I'm not really happy at the moment. So when my eyes wandered, you were the most interesting sight, okay." You pull back and see that she's blushing slightly and nodding in reply.

You look back at the film then check the clock. A that moment the thought clicks you. Nope. No more. Time to get out, it's 1:00 PM, Lunch time. Silently grabbing the door handle you do your best to make as little sound as possible when you leave. As you were about to close the door you see the group follow you out. Awkward but you let that slide and close the door.

Out in the empty hallway you take a few paces before turning around to look. "Okay, I'm going to assume you have business with me. So introductions please." The girls pause for a moment before one of them comes up to speak.

"Um, I'm the light cruiser Tenryuu and this is my sister Tatsuta. We're Imperial Japanese Navy's ships." The one you spoke to earlier replies. Well no surprise, IJN was the only navy with ship girls till 1941. You give her a nod before looking at the girl behind her.

"Hi, I'm Tatsuta desu." The one with the halo waves to you from behind Tenryuu. "I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Yeah good to meet you." You turn to the next girl in line and wait for her introduction.

The one wearing the dark blue uniform comes forward, actually too forward. She appears flustered so you take a few steps back. As you do, she does a bow which would have made contact with your chest. "I-I'm Miho Nishizumi. Or was it Nishizumi Miho. Panzer trainee. UhTank trainee. Anyway nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. You can raise your head." As you reply, she narrowly misses your chin as she rebounds from her bow which causes you to take another step back.

"Hey Nishizumi-chan, it's okay." Mio Sakamoto says as she pats Nishizumi's shoulders. Yeah I know about this Witch. I remember that she was in some popular film. I also did requisition forms from her and the 501st. "Yoshika, your turn."

The last girl hides behind Sakamoto and only peeks her head out, just enough to see her eyes and hair. "Yoshika Miyafuji."

"And I'm Major Sakamoto. You should be the Specialist that's suppose to escort us." Sakamoto raises her right hand for a handshake.

Instead you salute her. "I have not received such an order but I will stay with you in the meantime." Sakamoto salutes back so you stop.

"Hm, I must have mistaken you for someone else. I apologize for inconveniencing you." Mio does a small bow.

"It's not a problem." You hear some footsteps behind you so you turn around. You see your colored friend 'Dynamo', you just call him 'Moe', walking up to you with a paper in his hand. "In fact, I believe that you might be helping me out."

"Mr. Arms. Oh excuse me ladies." He says as he takes off his cap."Paper's from command."

You take the paper from him and give him a handshake. "Hey Moe. Just in time. Had trouble getting here?"

"Not at all. But I better go before I have trouble getting out. Oh make sure you read the backside. Ladies." He waves at them then quickly makes his way out.

Turning your attention to the paper, it reads that you're to escort troupe 501 until they are able to depart. The backside has sloppy handwriting that states that Moe and his friends are going to have a jazz party tonight at about 9:00. Jesus is going to be there so that means tacos and burritos, which is better than the slob in the mess hall.

"Well it appears that I, Specialist Browning, will be with you." You fold the paper and put it a free pocket. "Major Sakamoto it looks like you're correct and in command of me now. Anything that you need to tell me?"

Mio puts a hand to her chin in thought before shaking her head. "I can't think of a thing right now, so how about you show us around the base? We've arrived this morning and were held in our barracks for most of the day."

"Not a problem. Let's go." As you start walking away you feel thump on your back followed by something squeezing your stomach.

A muffle, "Otou-san" is what you hear as you look down to see someone hugging you from behind. Looking behind you, Miyafuji immediately stops hugging you and recoils back. You see that she's holding back tears from her eyes but isn't able to. Shit she has trauma, I can see it from here eyes. And the other girls a giving a pity look, need to think quickly.


[] Ignore what has transpired and head to the cafe. Food will help, plus you're hungry.
[] Ignore, Give them a tour of the area and hopefully things simmer down
[] Ignore, Head out to the theater. You don't have leave but fuck it they're showing some cartoons out there and it'll be fun, there'll be food and other stuff to do out there in town than in the base. TO THE JEEP!
[] Deal with her Trauma now. Find out what's bothering her and fix/alleviate the symptoms. Combat Heart, Battle Fatigue, Shell shock, whatever it is deal with it.
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Chapter 1.2
[X] Deal with her Trauma now. Find out what's bothering her and fix/alleviate the symptoms. Combat Heart, Battle Fatigue, Shell shock, whatever it is deal with it.

You turn around and crouch down to get to about her height level. She's crying at this point and using her sleeves to remove her tears. "Miyafuji why are you crying." You do your best to sound calm and collected.

'I-I'm s-sorry." She sniffles out, lowering her head to avoid eye contact with you. The Major takes a step but you give her a glare and shake your head.

You clear your throat before continuing. "Why are you crying."


"Miyafuji look at me." You use your right hand and tilt her head gently to force her to make eye contact with you. You wipe some of her tears with your other hand. "Talk to me."

"You remind me*sniff* of my dad... He isn't here anymore..." You don't let her continue before giving her a hug. You know for sure that you aren't a professional shrink so this is way beyond you but a hug is something you can do. Before you know it Nishizumi is couched down and patting her back.

You try to think, you've heard about Miyafuji...Mt. Fuji...Witches...Strikers....Oh shit she might be related to that doctor or scientist with the same name.

Regardless you continue to hug her till she stop sobbing. It lasts for a minute before she tries to push you away from her but you hold her close. You get up to princess carry her on one arm. She makes a little cry in surprise and hugs your neck. Facing the Major, "Major, mind if we postpone the tour?"

"No problem, we'll be here to a few days. Let's go back to the barracks." Sakamoto heads to the exit as you and the others fall in.

"So where did they assign your group at?" You ask.

"At the east side of the camp." Tenryuu says next to you. "They said they made another section for Witches and Ships so they don't mingle too much with the other units. Are you going to put her down?"

"Later." You go through the exit and take a peek at Miyafuji who's a little red. "So if we're going to the women's quarter then we should take a jeep. Over here." You lead the girls to your jeep.

It sure stands out with the 37mm and 1917A1 Browning. That and someone's on the driver's seat.

"Fuck, not this one." The Private says with an annoyed expression. He gets out of the jeep and start walking towards you without looking up.

"What's the matter Private?" He stops and looks up to you. "What were you doing with my jeep?"

"Oh I was suppose to take a jeep to motors for repair but all they did was hand me a key. They said go find it and kicked me out. Been trying all sorts of jeeps but I haven't found one that works. By the way what's with the girl you're carrying?"

"Minor leg injury. Let me see the key." He holds the key in front of you which has the number 42 on it. "Jeep's in front the the main building's parking, has a flat tire."

"Holy shit. Oh um excuse me. Thanks a lot. I'll be going." You see him sprint off. You put Miyafuji on the passenger seat while checking the Browning to see that it's empty.

"Hop in. One of you might has to sit on another's lap." You get on the driver's side and start the car.

"Tenyruu let's sit here." Tatsuta pushes Tenryuu over to your side and they seat themselves behind the turret. Nishizumi takes the right side while the Major places Miyafuji on her lap and sits on the passenger side.

When everyone's set you drive off heading to the east section of the camp. However you could go off somewhere else.

[] Just head straight to the women's barracks. They have a cafeteria with questionable food quality if they even have food. Not your first time going there. Roll your luck, 1d5. 1=no food, other numbers determine food quality. If one, you have the option to make food.
[] Ask to drive to the men's cafeteria. You can get to go or eat there. Food ~3-7. Major will likely give the okay. Then to Barracks.
[] Go out to the town, preferably an outdoor cafe. You'd have to pay though. You can bullshit/bride your way out and back in. Major might need to be reason with.

A/N: Difficulty was Easy(25) for your Speech and Medical checks in addition to your SPECIAL. A Pass is a pass.
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Chapter 1.3
You take a leisurely drive to east side of campgrounds. On the way the girls make some small talk mainly about their friends and family. From what you overhear, their friends should be arriving tomorrow alongside some Imperial Japanese Officers and that they'll stay for till their Task Unit has been resupplied and repaired. Curious, you ask them about how Japan is doing militarily and why they're here.

"Major I have a question. What's the war like over in Japan? Also why are you here?"

"Ah I suppose you haven't heard. The Imperial Navy had announced that they've been crushing the Abyssal fleets in the Pacific. Hence the higher ups decided to loan an element over to Europe to help out. Europe is the big battlefield with both Abyss and Neuroi fighting over it, I'm sure you know. As for us, one of our ships been damaged by a storm while we were crossing the Pacific. So we're here for repairs and resupply for a few days."

"Sounds like you got them by the ropes in the Pacific." You slow down the jeep as the checkpoint nears. The woman station there motions to you that you can pass. "Mind if we go to the Mess? I haven't eaten lunch yet."

"Food sounds good." Miyafuji looks up to you.

"Indeed we haven't had lunch either. Let's dine together." Major gives a smile and an affirmative look.

As you steer through you can start hearing some music and singing, just another day for girls huh. You park on to the empty lot near the mess hall and see a crowd of women hanging about. You and the girls dismount and start heading for the cafeteria.

"It wasn't this active when we left." Nishizumi ponders out loud. As everyone comes closer you could listen as the music dies down.

"Hey what's Japan like?" "How are you liking the US?" "Was it like on a ship?" "What do you girls do?" "Are you Witches, Ships or Normals?"

You eventually see that they're crowding a group of girls in uniform similar to what Nishizumi's wearing.

"Everyone?" Miho starts to jog over to the group. From what you can tell she's reunited with some friends by the hugging and Japanese being spoken. As your group nears Miho, her group, and the crowd give a salute to Sakamoto.

Sakamoto returns one and they relax for a moment till they see you. Some of them start by hiding behind one another, others stand at attention, a few start waving their hands at you. "Cause no trouble girls." You say and open the door to the mess hall. Before entering you take a sniff to make sure nothing was burning or toxic or whatever the hell they can do back at the kitchen. Stepping aside you say, "Ladies first."

"My, what a gentleman." Tatsuta responds while gently pushing Tenryuu through. "Tenryuu there's nothing to be afraid about."

"But this morning..." Tenryuu protests before entering. They must have gotten a bad breakfast. Once everyone enters you follow them. Not even three steps in you hear a lot of complaining.


You see a line over at the servers. You make your way towards them and look over the shoulders of the complainers to see burgers and sandwiches that look normal.

"OI TEN-HUT" A familiar voice cries out from behind you. "OFFICER ON DECK." The Mess goes quiet. The girls in front of you slowly face the crier and they start to pale. You turn to see Marine Mother, dirty blonde, fearless green eyes, 5'5", 21, all deck out in marine fatigues.

Once you make eye contact she walks closer to you. You both stare at one another for 30 seconds till she breaks the silence, "Army."

"Marine." You say to the former enlisted marine Witch. She lowers her heads and sighs.

"They messed up again."

"I'm not going to help out you know."

"I know..."

"You got other rations right? We have important guests." She glares at you.

"You know they're aren't good enough. Also this morning, they got served the really bad food."

"Your fault for being a bad host." She middle fingers you so you return one.

"Dick. What are you girls looking at. Either finish eating or clean up and get back to training." Mother passes you to start berating her girls.

You leave to go where the girls have picked two tables. They all look at you with a mixture of surprise and confusion expect the one who looks like she's sleeping. There's an open seat next to Tenryuu so you sit there.

"Um do you two hate each other?" One of Nishizumi's friends, you presume, asks while raising her hand.

"No, we just enjoy talking to one another in that fashion. Now can I get to know who you all are?"

"Ah right. We haven't introduce ourselves. I'm Saori Takebe. Hey Mako wake up." She attempts to wake up the sleeping one to no avail.

"Ah ha, anyway this is my tank crew. Hana Isuzu, gunner. Yukari Akiyama, loader. Mako Reizei, even though she doesn't look like it, is our driver. And Saori's our radio operator." Miho explains while pointing out everyone.

"Good day to you." Isuzu does a bow in her seat.

The one called Akiyama does a shaky salute, "S-Sir, recruit Yukari Akiyama p-presenting. Very nice to meet you."

"You don't have to salute me." You show her your right patch. "I'm enlisted and not that important." She lowers her hand and blushes. You give her a grin. "Nice to meet you all. I'll be escorting you if you leave the women's camp." You feel a hand over your right shoulder so you turn to see Marine smiling at you.

"Hey mind singing, you know the girls love it." She leans closer, "I'm sure that the girls would definitely cook better with encouragement. We got the choir and band ready too."

[] Yeah fine, just be sure to get food ready since I'm hungry.
-[] The Battle Hymn of the Republic
-[] I wish I was in Dixie Land

-[] Song write-in (pre-1940s, subject to approval)
[] Not in the mood.

After lunch you'll be free to do whatever, train, talk, do work, etc. from 2-6 PM. With 1 hour intervals, you get 4 choices unless otherwise noted.
Note: Skill gains are low, ex. 0.1(by dice roll) training can be taken several times.
[] Continue talking to the girls some more. (Limit 1 time, Ask questions if you want, other wise just small talk)
[] Weapons Range (Random Combat skill+Marksman up)
[] Office Work (Tactics/strategy&Logistics up)
[] Magic meditation/training
[] Find a Lt. Nixon and give him his Vat69 he's been asking for. (Free action)
[] Do some reading (Science, Medicine, Mechanical, Survival or Sun Tzu's Art of War)
[] Make something, Write-in(weapon, body armor, creation takes 2 hours, 1942 Tech.)

7:00 PM Mandatory Dinner time. 8-10 PM
More or less the same as above.
[] 9 PM go to the party
10 PM sleep, you wake up at 5:00 PM sharp.
Chapter 1.4
You get up from your spot and turn to Marine. "Yeah fine, just be sure that the food's good since I'm hungry. So where's your girls?"

Marine cracks a smile and slaps your back. "That's a real man right there. Shame you weren't a marine. The stage is right over there. Now get going, I'll hang with your party in the meantime."

She pushes you off to the direction of the stage. You can see there's girls pulling some curtains and exposing the musical instruments. Once you're there the band members takes their spots and the choir girls greet you with a curtsy. One of them comes up, "Mr. Browning we are ready to go. Do you have a song in mind?"

"Battle Hymn of the Republic, you know that right?" The girl give you a thumbs up.

"Leave it to us. You'll be standing in over there. Oh and you're leading, okay places."

You take your place at the edge of the choir and the music begins playing. You close your eyes and sing in unison along with the choir. You slowly feel at ease as the music plays and the girls sing. They're good no doubt, you think. Eventually the song ends, followed by a moment of silence, then clapping that replaces the void.

You open your eyes and do a bow beside the others on stage. Giving a smile to the band and choir, you walk off stage and return to your table.

Miyafuji is the first to speak up, "That was great. The band, you, everything."

"Never thought you'd be a singer." Tenryuu looks at you and grins. "But is that all you can do?"

You look at Marine inquiringly, "What have you been spouting this time?"

"Oh you know, a little history about you. Like that you've been stuck as an MP. Single. Behind the Lines. Small talk." Marine does a smug grin and leans back. "Its good really that you aren't out getting shot in Europe. Back here you got an important job." She take a canteen out and takes a sip. You smell a faint tick of alcohol.

"Are you drinking?" You swipe it and take a swig. Its very faint but there's vodka in the water. A few of the girls however look at you with a shocked expression.

"The hell, Of course not. Not during my hours. You know I can't hold my liquor."

"Well your canteen been spiked with vodka." You place it in front of her. "Its faint but its there."

She looks at the canteen and stares at it for awhile. Then pats your arm, "And the man is reliable." She gets up and takes the canteen with her. "I'll be heading off. See ya." She walks out of the mess hall a bit wobbly.

You take your seat and start to talk to the girls, getting to know them better. The food finally gets done and you hangout with them a bit longer.

What you learned:
Major Sakamoto, IJN,was recruiting Witches back from Japan to supplement the 501st Joint Fighter Wing AKA the Strike Witches. Otherwise she's in charge of the girls being transferred to Europe.

Yoshika Miyafuji is indeed related to the famous scientist for improving striker technology. She's a civilian going over to Europe because of a letter she received from her deceased father. She wishes to be a doctor.

Tenryuu and Tatsuta are sister ships and are in the IJN. They're the flagships of their fleet consists of them and 4 destroyers. Their fleet and another are being transferred to Europe to help out.

Miho Nishizumi's mother ordered her to 'volunteer' to go to Europe. Her friends joined her so that she wouldn't go alone. She has a sister that also volunteered. Family affinity with tanks.

Yukari Akiyama is a lover of various armed forces. She really like that you showed her your M1911.

You learn a bit about magic from the Witches and Ship girls. They have different interpretations but is generally the same magic that you can use. You didn't mention that you could do magic.

When your watch ticks to 3 PM you excuse yourself and head back to the main section of the camp.

You drive back to the main camp where you see Lt. Nixon with someone. "Lieutenant Nixon." You find a parking spot and open your on board locker with the Vat69. You grab it and start to head to Nixon who's grinning. "Technically I should salute you, but if I did I couldn't give this to you, sir." You pass the whiskey.

"I knew I could count on you. How much do was it? Oh by the way, this is Lieutenant Welsh." Nix points to the man next him."Welsh, Browning. Don't bother saluting."

"Lieutenant Welsh. Its free, I took it from a drunk that was walking back to camp." You look to see a lot of trucks heading out from the camp. "What's up with the trucks?"

"You haven't got the word?" Welsh asks which you shake your head. "101st being moved."

You just stare at the trucks for a few moments, it sinks in, they're leaving. "Then you guys are going to Europe." You turn to Nixon. "Sobel still in charge?"

"Yeah he is. Hey Brown we gotta get going. We'll talk later." You stand in place as the two enter a building. You take one last look at the exiting trucks before returning to your jeep.

How do you feel? Your company is leaving to the front.
[] A mixture of sadness and self disappointment. You never felt that you did enough for the company
[] Surprise, then shock. They'll be in the front lines while you'll be here.
[] Angry that you're not with them. Fucking Command.

You drive south to the supply section on the camp to the MP building where you're normally stationed. After parking you go inside and head to your squad's room where Sergeant Kerry Wordsworth (Tanned, 24, 5'11", stocky body, rough faced) is at his desk doing some paper work. He looks up to you with a 'now what' look. "What, problems already?"

"No Sergeant. What's with you?" He points to your left where you see stacks of complete paper work. Taking another look around the room you see no one else is there. "Where's everyone?"

"They fucking took almost everyone, only you and Clark are left. Command had the move orders come in at two so guess what, paper work. So why you in?"

"One of the girls sustained a minor leg injury so the escort duty was short. I wanted to check in with you to see if anything's going on."

"As you can see." He puts another paper in his finish tray. "If you aren't escorting just do whatever. I know I can trust you." He goes back to his work.

You sit down on your desk and start gathering papers to process. Most of it is transfer papers of materials being sent out to various places, ships and units. One page stands out, an requisition form from the 501st. Seems that they want the normal ammo and spare parts. The task is mundane but you get a bigger picture logistically, what goes where(placement of supplies), what units need what(Ammo, medical, fuel, what not), how it's gonna travel there if it makes it to its destination and some other subtle implications.

It is much better than going through casualty reports, shitty After-Action-Reports, and doing latrine duty. It doesn't replace the fact that you shouldn't be doing this but the lack of good personal leaves much to be desired.

The hour goes by quickly as you engross in your work, getting through a majority of the piles. "Hey Arma, thanks. You always do good work. Go take a break or something. Also if you see Clark get him back here."

"Yeah I'll do that. I'll see ya later." You grab Sun Tzu's Art of War and pocket it before leaving. You go to your assigned cot, finding it emptied expect for the beds and your locker. You go lay down and start reading the Art of War.
Highlights today:
"All warfare is based on deception."
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."
"One may know how to conquer without being able to do it."

In the middle of reading you take a short nap. You wake up to see that it's almost six. Putting the book away you prepare to meditate.

You channel the dormant energy within you, its weird, controllable, formless, part of it fights your will while another feels like it's trying to wrap a blanket around you. You raise your shield up.

A small black shield comes out from your hands which you start by changing its dimensions, making it larger and smaller. The amount of times you've used this is small but you've learn some things about your magic.

1. You can raise only two shields at a time before becoming exhausted.
2. A shield can be deployed and will last 10 minutes by itself.
3. You can automatically deploy it if your life is endanger.
4. You can 'stack' you magic together for better effects.
5. Your shield can be moved in whatever direction or angle you want.
6. Does not impeded your ability to shoot through it.
7. Shield is roughly 40MM of Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA)

If you had more time you could do more with your magic but for now your shield will do. You don't know if you can use strikers or fairy equipment, never really had the chance to try them out.

Eventually your watch reads 7. You get up and go to the mess hall. Nothing interesting of note expect its much more emptier. You do get a note from Jesus that Moe had to cancel the party since he was being deployed. Well there goes almost everybody.

+1.7 to tactics/strategy & Logistics
+1 Speech
+2 Magic
+1 skill point
[] Use
[] Save
What do you do now? 2 actions, 8-10 PM
[] Magic meditation/training
[] Do some reading (Science, Medicine, Mechanical, Survival or Sun Tzu's Art of War)
[] Make something, Write-in(weapon, body armor, creation takes 2 hours, 1942 Tech.)
[] MP patrol
[] Write-in

Do you dream?
[] Of the good times, Family, friends, Easy Company (Kinda), the girls you've met. Good things. At least try to.
[] No, Nothing comes up.
[] Some say its nightmares. To you it's memories. (Choose 1, also choose if you want it to be a story or scenario meaning you play it.)
- [] Remember Tococa, those Neuroi bastards
- [] Remember the Nazi scum
- [] Remember the Abyssal fucks

AN: I might get another update in if I don't work today but don't count on it.
Chapter 1 End
[X] Surprise, then shock. They'll be in the front lines while you'll be here.
[X] Save
[X] Magic meditation/training
[X] MP patrol
[X] Of the good times, Family, friends, Easy Company (Kinda), the girls you've met. Good things. At least try to.

You return to the cot after finishing dinner. You raise a shield again but this time changing how strong it is. Once one is deployed, you attempt some light punches at it which it recoils a bit. You start going for full strength punches and kicks but the shield holds in place only swaying from its spot.

You summon a full shield and bash it against the other. It visually shatters on impact but doesn't leave a sound when you do so. You decide it would be best that you just martial arts against the shield. You continue on for about 30 minutes before stopping short of fatigue.

You rest till you feel that you have enough vigor in you to do a patrol.

You open your locker and take out your gear:

Thompson M1A1, some 30 round magazines, helmet, multi-tool, handcuffs, aid kits, canteen, your main pistol M1911A1 double stacked and your back up pistol, a Browning Hi-Power 9mm.

You walk into the dark camp with only a few lights lit. You start patrolling along the warehouse, the empty pathways and very distant insect sounds are your only company.

Time ticks away with nothing to note as you pass empty buildings and tents. Eventually you see another MP who nods at you when you pass.

Your patrol around the warehouse ends with nothing to note. As you return to the MP building you see Tenryuu and the Major walking out. They turn towards you before stopping when they see you.

"Major, Tenryuu. What's up?" Ask when you're close enough.

"Just in time Browning. We got a message from our superiors that they'll be at port by tomorrow morning. We have to be there to greet them. You'll be with us, sorry about that." The Major looks apologetic for some reason.

"Its no issue. They know what time they'll be in?"

"They wrote down about 8-9." Tenryuu hands you a parcel written in Japanese. You look at it then at her, tilting your head like you're suppose to know what it says. She realizes it and takes it back blushing hard.

The Major just smiles. "Browning, you mind coming early in the morning? it'd be easier to have you with us when we go out."

"Yeah no problem. Is there anything else?"

"That's about it. We'll see you in the morning. Good night." The Major and Tenryuu bow down to you, weird, but you return one. They get on a plain jeep and depart.

You go inside to your squad's room, finding the light still on and the Sergeant sleeping over his desk. You look over the papers, most of them are finished except for a small stack. You put down your Tommy and take the stack to your desk. You go through the pile quickly, it's mostly miscellaneous stuff.

You finish what you can, the rest has to be done by an officer. You place them in a different tray before checking the Sergeant. He's out cold so you carry him to the couch and put his coat over him.

You grab your SMG and return to your cot. You drop off your equipment and head for the showers. You finish your business and come back. The camp is fairly quiet with the sounds of moving trucks.

You lay in bed, shifting and shuffling side to side before succumbing to sleep.

Your dreams are fuzzy. You can't remember your parents faces but you recall some things about them. They were rich, traveling nomads that saw much of the world. They stopped traveling for awhile when you, your twin bother and your younger sisters were born. Once you reach about seven to eight they started to travel again.

Another fuzzy dream, Easy Company. Training, running Currahee along with the others. Fucking Sobel's bullshit yelling, for fuck sake's I'm carrying medical equipment and a flamethrower yet you want me to carry more!? The spaghetti crap, you're lucky that you were one of the last to be served. Talking with the guys, good people.

Memories of today. Yukari started gushing when you showed your M1911 like saying she wasn't worthy of seeing it. Then you showed the girls that you could disassemble and reassemble while blind folded. You taught them a bit about small arms, at least you hope so. You did mouth off that without ammo a firearm is just a heavy paper weight.

Tenryuu and Tatsuta are tough, arm wrestling them was difficult so they won in the end. Major when she didn't use her magic was easy, but with you could barely hold before giving when you did.

Nishizumi and her friends talked about tanks. Panzer IV's, Sherman's, Tigers and such. You told them what you knew about them which is hearsay.

The dreams ends. Next day...
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Chapter 2.0
You wake up with a light shining on you and a hand shaking your shoulder. "Wake up Arma. I need you now." You hear your Sergeant's voice so you rub your eyes before opening them. "Hurry up and get geared, we have a situation." You hear the flashlight click and the light goes away.

You roll out of bed, your back collides with the ground. The pain wakes you up immediately that you get up and start grabbing your gear. "Wait what do I need?" You look over and ask the Sergeant. He merely taps his Thompson's magazine. You start grabbing what you have, a small backpack, a shoulder bag and what ever you can stuff in them. "Sergeant I don't have everything."

"There's more in the jeep. Come on let's move." He walks out in a hurry. You take what you can and head out behind him to see that its still dark outside. "Private Greene about time you joined us. Get on the .50. Arma you're shotgun. Lets move it people." He mounts on the drivers seat turning the lights and engines on. You quickly get in the passenger seat then you look back to find several ammo boxes.

Clark Greene (young, 18, baby face, red hair, brown eyes, 5'4") looks at you in disbelief, throwing his free hand from his M1 Carbine in the air. "I wake up to New Years to this shit." He jumps on the back with a scowl on his face. The Sergeant floors it before Greene sits down and has to hold the extra wheel for stability.

You finish gearing up so you look to Kerry, "What's going on Sergeant?"

"Yeah why did I get a pillow with a note thrown at me this fucking early in the morning. It's only 4:30." Greene sits closer to the front, you can see his eyes are a bit red.

"Shore Patrol found a Abyss transport submarine, small. They don't know what it held since it was broken up at shore. They think it's a commando group. Trackers found footprints going west to the forest that's east of the women's camp so that means we're on station."

"What's with the no alarms then?" Greene asks while opening a breakfast K-ration. He passes another one to you.

"The higher ups probably wanna keep this on the low ground. You know some important foreigners are suppose to come today. Imagine how the US would look if we couldn't protect our borders."

"So what do we know?" You ask as you break out the crackers.

"Not a lot. We know a platoon of National Guard that's going to sweep the forest from the east. We're going to from the west. We're to get them at a pincer."

"Do we have coms with them?" You hear Greene tap something so you look behind to see the portable radio.

"Clark you're carrying the radio, Arma you're lead scout." Sarge takes the left turn extremely hard, the Gs almost throw you off the Jeep.

"Wait they're just sending us?" Greene shouts out.

"Yeah. Everyone else is in reserve to defend the camp and the surrounding towns. Listen, we're just scouts so we just find them, radio in and just do support okay. If we don't find them we link up with the Guard. Simple."

"Bullshit." You quietly utter to your right. The women's checkpoint comes up and Sarge blazes through it. You look back to see that it was unmanned.

Kerry parks the jeep nearest to the forest. You finish your breakfast before double checking your gear. Thompson, Pistols, grenades, tools, knife, canteen, K-ration, ammo, medical supplies.

With everything ready you cock your Chicago Typewriter and pistols and leave them on safe. The squad and you start to head into trees.

Before going you hear some footsteps behind you. You quickly go fall back on your training, you flip the Thompson to fire and pivot your body left. You going into a firing stance pointing your weapon at the sound. The instant you sea Major Sakamoto you move your trigger finger and lower your weapon.

Sakamoto just looks at you and makes a nervous laugh. "I didn't think you'd come this early Specialist. You have one hell of a blood lust. What bring you here?"

Sergeant Wordsworth start to come back to speak to her but you decide to spit it out. "Major we have trouble."

Her face darkens and stares at you. "Let me retrieve my sword." She dashes to her room.

"Arma I didn't..."

"You know better than to argue with a Witch." You look at him and he just sighs.

"Yeah I know."

Current Squad Makeup:
Arma-Lead Scout
Sergeant Wordsworth-Squad Lead
Private Greene-Radio Operator
Major Sakamoto-Witch

Recruit more people?
[] Tenryuu (Rigging has no ammo, has her sword)
[] Tatsuta (Rigging has no ammo, has her spear)
[] Yoshika Miyafuji (Medical, magic)
[] Nishizumi's crew (Can be put to crew jeeps)

As lead scout where do you go to and how. (If you want ex. Northeast just check the two)
[] North
[] East
[] South
[] Ninja scouting, you're slightly beyond line of sight of the squad to maximize your stealth along the squad and limit possible detection
[] Normal scouting, you're in LOS of the squad and have the squad's whole firepower to bear when needed.
[] Solo Ninja, bring a radio and go in much farther ahead of everyone. Max sneak factor
[] Write-in

Current: ✔HP-100% ✔Stamina-100% ✔Magic-100% Mode/Auto
☒Guns: 25 ☒Explosives: 25 ☒Melee: 20 ☒Unarmed: 25.8
☒Medicine: 35 ☒Mechanical: 40 ☒Science: 40 ☒Sneak: 30
☒Survival: 30 ☒Speech: 36 ☒Driver: 25 ☒Pilot: 5
☒Marksman: 65 ☒Tactics/Strategy: 56.7 ☒Logistics: 77.5 ☒Magic: 7.5
Magic Shield-~40mm RHA, maneuverable, deployable, limit to two at a time, automatic unless you wish to change it.

Any Qs just post them, I'll get to them eventually.
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Chapter 2.1
[X] Take Everyone
[X] Ninja scouting, you're slightly beyond line of sight of the squad to maximize your stealth along the squad and limit possible detection
[X] South

"Sergeant I have an idea." He just looks at you tiredly. You pass him the key for your jeep. Without saying a word to you, he gets back on his jeep.

"Greene get in. We're getting his jeep." He starts the engines while Clark tosses his folded carbine in and sits on the passenger side.

"Hey your jeep still has that 37mm right?" Clark asks you before sipping on his canteen.

"Yes it does." You say to which he shows a big grin.

"Awesome. We'll need more ammo then." The jeep blitzes off with a dust cloud behind it.

You put your Thompson on safe and sling it over your shoulder. You run over to the room Sakamoto went to, it's easy to identify since the door is open. As you get closer you hear some high pitch shrieks from you think is Miyafuji followed by some Japanese.

You arrive and see Sakamoto is leaning forward over Yoshika. Looking inside the room you see that the rest of the girls are waking up. The room itself is much nicer than your previous barracks and current cottage. It is complemented with full size beds, a bathroom and drawers, the department really did not skimp on the girls.

"Who's making that racket? Some people would like sleep." Tenryuu says followed by several concurring moans. Sakamoto steps aside with Yoshika, allowing enough room for you to move inside. You do so and close the door with a slam, with a few of the girls get up from their beds to look at you.

You grab the empty metal trash can with your left and use your right to take out a Thompson magazine. You begin smacking the two together, "REVEILLE! REVEILLE! Girls wake up. There's an important message you need to hear." The girls moan but comply wearily and get up. Mio grins at your wake up routine and proceeds to help wake them up.

When they're all up and about, or close to at any rate, you give them a short briefing outside. You omitted some details but girls understand the situation. They have a determined look, they'll do as a reserve force you think.

You make a bit of small talk till the you hear the sound jeeps coming in. Sarge and Greene dismount and head over to your position. "Girls morning, I take it you woke up because of Browning. Did he brief you?" Kerry asks while motioning everyone to gather closer to the jeeps.

They nod and follow then Mio speaks up, "Sergeant this is your show. I assume you know what's going on and know the area more than we do."

"Okay okay. John you're still lead scout. Greene, Major and I will be between you and the jeeps. Jeeps are to be about 100 feet at our flanks. I don't really cares who crews what so I'll leave it to you girls, just be sure you have some one on the radio. Major is commanding officer. Major if anything happens to us you get out of there and call it in. I want light, weapons and noise discipline. There's food in the jeeps if you need to eat do it now. I think that's it so get to." He pants out of breathe. You stare at him for a bit till he looks at you and grins. "We only found 37mm HE took awhile. Come on." He pushes you onward to the forest.

Scouting in the forest while being sneaky in the dark is troublesome. The lack of any light, even though the moon's light is decent, makes it difficult to judge terrain and avoid foliage. Behind you, you can barely make out the 3 silhouettes. You hear minor chatter from Greene , probably complaining about something.

Simplicity sake, Night Fighting sucks. (-20 aiming modifier due to conditions)

As you head east of the forest for some time, you let everyone know that you're changing direction to the south. You continue for some time, surrounded by sounds of nature, owls, insects and such. After awhile you note there's nothing, no tracks, no marks, no damage to the plants.

[] North
[] Northeast
[] East
[] Southeast
[] Keep going south
Chapter 2.2
[X] Southeast

Moving a bit to the southeast, you continue leading the group. Some time passes that you notice the sounds have changed. Actually it's the lack of sound coming from the north that you can't hear. You look north but you can't get a good view. You walk a bit north till you see an unnatural blue glow. Its faint but you can see it, from the looks of it the light is in partial defilade.

You signal the Sarge to meet with you. He comes quietly and whispers "Contact?"

"Do you see that light?" You point at the distant glow. He grabs his binoculars and nods his head.

"Yeah that's not water. Good find, that more than a hundred feet. It looks like a downward trail flanked by hills. Keep going, see if you can see what's we're facing." He pats your shoulder before turning away.

"Roger" You two split off. You crouch down and slowly move cover to cover northward. As you near you can see that the blue glow is from a tall pole surrounded something that you can't make out. Taking the west hill, you see a short distant downward that there are three glowing beams surrounded by five crouched humanoid figures.

Hostile tally: 15

You try to continue up the hill to find that it turning into a rocky cliff and that rocks are blocking your view to the east. You note that the east hill is much lower than the hill your on and closer to the glowing poles. You go back to regroup with the squad.

"Sergeant I count 15, surrounding some sort of glowing pole. I can't tell if there's more. They don't look like they're awake"

"Okay, Greene wire it in." Greene winds up the charger before handing the headset over. "Captain Dawson, we have spotted the enemy's position, count is 15, possibly more. Let the Guard know that we are about three miles away from the camp." You hear some garble from the receiver end before Sarge replies "Roger, out." He hands the phone back to Greene. "Okay bad news, Guard is 1 hour away and are having problems with their vehicles. So we're stuck here till they arrive. Browning keep an eye on them, everyone else take a defensive position."

Squad make up
1st Squad: Sergeant Wordsworth, Specialist Browning, Private Greene.
Equipment: 2 Thompson, 1 M1 Carbine, 6 Mk 2 grenades, knives.
2nd Squad: Major Sakamoto, Tenryuu, Tatsuta.
Equipment: 2 M1919A4 machine guns, 1 M1903 Springfield, 2 katanas, 1 yari
Reserve: Miyafuji, Nishizumi, everyone else.
2 jeeps, 1 fitted with a M2 Browning, 1 fitted with the 37mm M3.

Time: ~ 5:00 AM
[] Do as ordered, but do some more scouting, risky but Intel would be worth it
- [] Go around the West hill
- [] Go up the East Hill

[] Do as ordered, wait for reinforcements to arrive.
[] 3 Words, Tempo Tempo Tempo. Suggest a plan of attack and to wipe out the enemy while they're asleep. (Devise a plan)
[] Write-in (something else)