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I can see where your coming from but I think this is a chance to build a strong anti-government coalition. "calm things down" is not backing down or letting the moment slip away. It's taking a advantage of the moment to form alliances for the coming conflict. The longer we have until the civil war the stronger and more legitimate we become even as the government rots on the vine. If we stand up and say "its revolution now or never" we will be in a much worse situation than is we waited and continued to build up industry, armies and alliances. The time to do all that is before the shooting starts. There are so many thing that are still being built right now. For just one example just look at the militia in the black belt they are so much stronger than they where but they will likely still venerable if we kick things of right now. If we have to fight the revolution now we can but I truly believe that the longer can go before the civil war kicks off the better position we will be in.
The thing is that opportunities don't just come along. There has never been a successful communist revolution in world history where the revolutionary party just waited until everything was perfect for them and conditions were great and then pulled the lever.
Even so I'm not advocating the 4th position, which would involve attempting to start the war with a first strike.