Linguistic Life: 1 Influence, 57+20 = 77
The language federations provide many functions. They let people of the same culture meet, provided spaces for traditional rituals, and allowed these groups to engage in mutual aid both among their own members and between the different federations. And they have proven themselves to be immensely powerful forces for the spread of socialism and syndicalism, and they are bastions of internationalism, particularly the Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Polish federations, all of whom have sent volunteers and aid to the underground unions and partisan bands of Eastern Europe.
And they have political demands of their own, demands which enrage sections of the SPA with a more nativist bent but are not unreasonable. You piece through the proposals Flora has assembled, each one covered in Sadler's untidy scrawl as she exhorts you to support it.
You find most of them fairly agreeable. They will take time to implement, and money, but the federations might be willing to pay for it. The only thing that might be truly difficult is the expansion of aid to revolutionary movements in their homelands.
You speak with Sadler, and ask her and her minions to begin an offensive in favor of most of the policies. Sponsored translation of signage, providing optional heritage classes, the creation of several new newspapers in different languages...
There is one matter left to discuss. While the details will take time to implement and the end result is unlikely to be quite what you imagined, you, Kate, and other party leaders need to decide how to handle cultural autonomy.
Sadler pushes for "national, personal autonomy" based on the works of Friedrech Adler and Karl Renner, creating non-territorial congresses which would be responsible for handling affairs of minority groups such as education and holidays.
Browder, backed by several significant figures and John Brophy, proposes not creating any special autonomies and instead simply letting them state their case to whatever legislative and executive body there is.
Meanwhile, several others suggest a model where local and regional governments would be empowered to pass the sort of things that would be handled under the non-territorial congresses, with restrictions to ensure a lack of discrimination.
You throw your support behind...
[] National, personal autonomy
[] No special autonomy
[] Local autonomy
Result: New actions unlocked, gain in support from the IWW MA, gain in Relations with the Orthodox and Syndicalists
Send Union Organizers to the West Coast: 1 Influence, 1 Gravitas, 5+14+20+15 = 64
With the successful anti-Federalist agitation having convinced many that the current system is untenable, you need to build on that success, lest the workers turn to false alternatives such as the program Long is beginning to create or other reactionary schemes. So organizers are sent, to rally the people to your cause, to build their strength in the hopes that they will join the grand strike wave.
But the leaders of California have anticipated this. While there are severe strikes in Portland, including a one-day general strike that saw Red Guards clashing with police, the governor of California, George Creel managed to pre-empt you by declaring a state-wide holiday, with publicly sanctioned demonstrations and carefully sanitized rhetoric. Meanwhile, state troopers and armed posses are waiting to ambush your organizers, forcing many into hiding. However, they are still determined to do their duty, and so many disguise themselves to infiltrate the city, to decent success.
They visit underground union meetings and open ones as well, rally the Red Guards units, and offer what support they can give from the broader SPA. Mostly, that takes the form of hearing requests and demands.
The unions need help with fighting for the minds of the worker. Creel is a master of public information, and he has several media empires on his side. The strategy of "expression, not repression" has drowned out union attempts at making themselves heard, while company goons have attacked enough meetings to make organizing and rallying difficult. Better weapons for the Guards are needed.
Finally, the report from the organizers notes that many unions are distinctly reformist in outlook, and there are many proposals about how to fix that.
Result: Slight gain in support in California, moderate gain in Oregon, new actions unlocked.
Prepare for Fresh Strikes: 1 Influence, 21+15 = 36
The strike funds are slowly refilled, as the workers of the nation ready themselves for yet another struggle. They are undeniably growing weary, and many have begun looking to the November midterms for salvation. But you provide a sudden influx of financial resources, along with encouragement, reminding the unions that they do not stand alone. Spirits are bolstered by the efforts of the SPA, even as corruption and miscommunication continue to hamper your efforts, but it doesn't seem like it will be enough. You even hesitate to put out the call to strike, fearful of what happens if you are not answered...
Result: Strike funds refilled
Solidarity Strikes: 1 Influence, 91+15 = 106
...but you have faith and put out the call. And the workers of the world answer. As diplomatic condemnations pour in from every member of the Third Internationale, as newspapers and radios carry the news of the slaughter in New York, they march.
They march in their thousands, thronging throughout the nation. In Boston and Toledo and Minneapolis and Seattle and Detroit and Chicago, red flags rise up. Pickets surround government buildings and police stations and prisons, demanding political prisoners be freed. Thundering denunciations of your opponents echo from pulpits and improvised stages. The railway network in the Steel Belt grinds completely to a halt, while briefer strikes bubble in other sections.
Even in New York City, despite the stern forbiddance of the National Guards officers, thousands turn out to issue their demands. And the Guards dare not fire upon them.
She marched through the streets, and for the first time in her life, Lisa felt powerful.
She had stayed huddled in the house when the riots had happened when the Syndicalists had tried to seize all of the city. Her father hadn't dared let her leave for a week after.
When she went back to school, she started asking questions and had been made to stand in the corner while the other girls snickered at her.
But it didn't make sense that so many people would support taking away their own rights, so there had to be more of an explanation. So she dressed in her rattiest clothes to try and appear poor and snuck out to a meeting. And she found herself never more scared than when the men guarding the meeting looked at her like they could see that she was just another rich girl, and she thought they were going to kidnap her and hold her to ransom...
But she made it through, huddling in the back like a mouse and listening as the speaker railed, to the approval and applause of the audience.
She realized what was happening after that.. The people had been understandably upset by the failures of the American way, so they turned to alternatives. The obvious answer was to create a few moderate reforms to assuage their concerns without causing radical change...
Unfortunately, she made the mistake of saying so to her Daddy when he was drunk. And she found herself with a bruise on her cheek as he called her vile names, and then she ran away in tears...and she found herself weak and helpless in far too many ways before being taken in by a women's housing cooperative.
And then once more she had stayed huddled inside a building as National Guards attacked the movement, the movement she had joined, shedding the blood of innocent workers and brave syndicalists.
But now the people had come out in force, and the Guardsmen quailed before them. "Free the Twenty-Five!" she roared, and the crowd roared with her.
Waves of energy crashed through her, driving her to shout louder, to march faster, to lift her fists higher. Passerby scattered before them or joined the tide, and the armed guards sent to suppress the workers retreated in sheer terror.
Half the city was cleared of the capitalist's soldiers before the sunset, and not a shot was fired.
Even in the distant farmer cooperatives of Iowa and Minnesota and Missouri and Kansas, men and women answered your call, raising signs and marching on larger towns to issue their demands, often at a bloody cost.
Sven knew he wasn't the smartest. He was good at farming, and had a singing voice good enough to get into the church choir, but nothing more. All the same, he had paid attention in school. He knew there were laws. He knew that those laws meant you couldn't keep someone in jail without a reason.
And if the lawmen weren't keeping the law, then they would have to be made to do so.
So he and the rest of the choir were marching. Their wives had made them a banner and seen them off like they were soldiers going to the Weltkrieg, as they marched from their little town to Villesborg, where the mayor had apparently said the Twenty-Five should be shot.
They marched forward, singing hymns, but as they got closer there were people watching. The other choir members had said they would be greeted with cheers...but no one was cheering.
Then someone threw a stone. And someone else threw mud. And people began to shout. People began to fall away, but Sven kept marching. This was right! This was good! And this was not going to stop! He marched on, bleeding from above his eye, swaying drunkenly, as more stones and more insults rained down on him. And then someone grabbed him and tore the banner from his hands and he felt a rock smash against the back of his head.
Three days later, his body was found in pieces.
Result: Massive strike wave, huge gains to popular support. Some, largely ineffective efforts undertaken to winnow away at your support on the edges.
Winter Shelters: 1 Influence, 29+15 = 44
The first step is to purchase blankets and clothes. It's not enough for everyone, you suspect it will never be enough until the day the revolution sweeps across the world, but it is something.
The SPA Cadres begin the next step almost simultaneously, leading the street brigades in working to expand and restore housing. Empty homes are taken over and turned into shelters for dozens of the homeless and the poor, while funds to purchase coal are raised...and then the coal is sold at a discount under the pressure of strikes.
Not everyone is saved. There are still far too many found in the snowbanks of Boston, far too many losing fingers and toes in crude Seattle clinics. But it is far more than it could be. It is far more than it would have been, if the SPA had been some weak, splintered thing shattered by the capitalists.
Result: Lives are saved.
Condemn the Violence: 2 Influence, 76+99+25 = 200
The fat cat politicians doubtless expect you to offer some mealymouthed platitudes the way they do - even Smith has the gall to express his "regret for the unfortunate death of innocent Americans," while Curtis castigates the man before Congress, throwing his support behind the Thomas National Guard Act.
But you have no platitudes to offer. Just cold, icy rage. Rage that spells out with every drop of ink from that lovely pen your wife gave you.
"The violence in New York was the fault of outside agitators, violent, brutal men who were hired by significant portions of the city elite in an attempt to suppress the will of the people in an undemocratic and un-American fashion more worthy of the German Kaiser or the Russian Tsar. The list of outrages they have perpetrated could be read for hours."
You digress into describing a few of the worst, describing them so vividly your readers can taste the coppery tang of blood in the mouths of beaten vagrants and feel the burn of salt being rubbed into the ragged wounds of newspaper boys who dared to bring the wrong sort of paper around. You don't know if all the details are entirely true, and you don't particularly care. Another day, you might regret the lacking commitment to journalistic integrity.
Today, hearing the shouts of the protesting workers, you don't care.
With the character of the instigators established, you turn your fury onto Smith, tearing into him for escalating the situation again and again. You ask how he managed to get elected, imply fraud was involved, and demand an investigation. You call him every type of idiot, fool, and blunderer in the book. Then you stop being polite.
Exhausted, you promptly collapse into your bed and let Flora take care of getting it published.
Result: +1 Gravitas, major upswelling in public support.
Hire an Assistant Secretary: 1 Influence, 1 Gravitas, 73+37 = 110
The left is not unfamiliar with the shadowy side of things. Avoiding assassins, identifying infiltrators, devising deceptions, all are part of being in a revolutionary movement. The memoirs of the Bolsheviks you collected are full of stories of betrayal and dagger-work, something you keep in mind as you consider who to trust with this dangerous position...
[] Flora Hamburger. Your actual secretary is a loyal, dedicated, and intelligent woman. She has no particular skill at espionage, at least not that you have noticed, but she does have a strong network of informal informants within the SPA, including a brother in the Revolutionary Guard. (Inexperienced, internally focused, extremely loyal)
[] Meyer Lansky. The mob was one of the first targets of the Red Guards. They and their police protectors were cleared from the cities with the bullet and the bludgeon, but some had the intelligence to turn their coats. Meyer Lansky was one of those, putting his formidable intellect to use. (Expensive, intelligent, and very competent, will give you a chance to match bribes)
[] Charles Schenk: A proud and committed socialist, his experiences during the Palmer Raids have left him determined to not allow such a fate to befall his fellow socialists. Instead, he seeks to use the tools of the oppressors such as infiltration and the insertion of disruptive agents to spread syndicalism. A proud internationalist, he also desires to assist fellow revolutionaries whenever possible. By any means necessary. (Externally focused, fairly competent, extreme)
However, you feel confident with those you are considering. None of them should be utter disasters...
A Generous Gesture: 1 Influence, 5+10 = 15
The cadres continue asserting their independence, with your assent and encouragement. Some initiatives succeed, some falter, but you applaud their efforts all the don't really have a part in this anymore. You have unleashed something you cannot restrain, not without significant effort.
But it is something that you wanted, and so you don't mind.
Result: +1 Influence to the SPA Cadres
Unity in the Melting Pot: 1 Influence, 99+35 = 134
With a massive influx of support from several factions of the party and Kate Sadler and her coterie of writers and speakers, a pro-immigration narrative is forged as strongly as possible. The failed efforts of the past month are swept away entirely, and a blank slate formed.
Radical members of existing communities are encouraged to teach their language to other organizers. Efforts are made to reach out to existing immigrant groups and pull them left. Demands are placed on recalcitrant members of the CSA, while workers are encouraged to see through capitalist tricks and fight side by side with their deceived and exploited immigrant brothers.
The biggest success is the modification of anti-scab propaganda to push the blame onto those who abuse them, not the unfortunate workers, although exceptions are dictated for those who do so with the goal of oppressing workers, as opposed to simply seeking to feed themselves.
The final debates have begun to wind down, mostly about groups that tend to maintain unfortunate social attitudes and how to handle them. The current consensus seems to be focusing on economic issues, with slow but steady exposure to erode hostile attitudes towards social revolution.
Result: Effective, competent program for encouraging immigrant support and countering nativist hostility devised.
Personal Action: Write
You ordinarily would write something entertaining and light-hearted to relax, as opposed to the serious journalism you do for the party, but you find your thoughts wandering down a different path as you consider recent events. Multiple times, you have had the sense that you were on the cusp of some greater agreement or success, but pushing further would have risked what progress you had made.
It's an issue many leftist movements have struggled with: when to go for the perfect, and when to accept the good enough. Some reforms will galvanize your supporters, some will destroy them. Some compromises are necessary, and some are fatal.
But more often than not, the perfect is the enemy of the good enough.
And that is the argument you write down.
Result: Gained trait (The perfect is the enemy of the good enough. When a result is within five of the next DC, roll a 1d6-1 and add the result.)
Ask for a Favor:
You make many, many, many demands on the party this month. But they rise to the challenge, incorporating the new membership, pushing them to ever greater heights. As the furor of activity dies down, you and many others are utterly exhausted. You will be unlikely to manage another great push like this for some time.
But here and now, it was enough. And the sheer pressure everyone has been under has left the bonds of the party tighter than least for those who were involved.
Focus: Organize the Farmworkers
The Okies and Arkies heading west from California have already been highly proletarianized, but intense anti-union propaganda and pressure from companies and police have given them no opportunity to organize. However, recent reports suggest that could soon be is time to push for them to be radicalized. They will join the class war soon are sure of it.
Result: 2 months left.
Report from the Coordination Committee: Building Ties, 2 Influence, 79+80+5 = 164
Outside the cities, many of the SPA unions resemble drinking groups more than anything else, with the workers being unwilling to flex their muscles in more than a symbolic manner. While proper education in both tactics and ideology will take extensive time and resources, the Coordination Committee decided to get a head start on things.
They had plenty of complaints from workers across the country. Long hours, poor pay, limited safety, uncaring supervisors, neglectful governments, corrupt police...the litany of grievances went on and on and on. The Committee worked to persuade the workers in the towns what those in the cities already knew: that these problems were failures of a system, not of individual actors.
The image they used was one you have favored: that of a great inexorable machine with its gears endlessly turning, crushing workers to death and even consuming the capitalists as it inexorably funnels up wealth, pushing it higher and higher and higher...
And then they give the people an answer for how to defeat the machine:
You break it, and take the parts, and build a new, better, fairer one.
Result: The beginnings of radicalization of small-town unions as some grow persuaded of capitalism's systemic flaws. Increase in support.
Report from the State Legislative Committee: Restrain the National Guards, 2 Influence, 41+91 = 132
In New York, the Socialists join with Republicans and dissident Progressives to pass a slate of legislation, first demanding that Governor Smith withdraw the National Guard, then slashing their size and mandating that they only be deployed with congressional approval.
Humiliated and defeated, Smith capitulates and the Guards make their retreat from New York City official to jubilant cheers.
In Iowa and Montana and California, similar acts are passed, while greater restrictions are enforced on the Minnesota National Guards, Floyd Olson intervening to ensure the passage of harsh restrictions on their size and equipment.
In all the states these laws are passed, only in Colorado and Texas do your efforts fail, although many states see governors signing over control of their National Guards to the federal government in the hopes of loopholing their way around the laws they must obey.
Result: Broad restrictions on National Guards sizes and deployments.
Report from Norman Thomas: Restrain the National Guards, Federal Edition, 3 Influence, 18+78+95+10 = 201
Just as the state governments campaign on the matter, so to does the federal government, Norman Thomas leading the powerful SPA-aligned faction of Congress to demand accountability, revealing graphic accounts of the violent abuses of the Guardsmen and demanding restitution, accountability, and restraint.
The sheer tension of the political situation is enough to get the Republicans, barring the still extant Cactus Clique, all on side, with Curtis using his own oratory to push a package of bills forward and then signing them on the steps of the Capitol building.
With one stroke, the federal government gains the ability to override a governor's orders on the National Guards with a vote in Congress, something you and Curtis doubtless plan to abuse.
Result: Federal restrictions on the National Guards passed with ease, designed to allow the SPA to prevent their deployment.
Report from Smedley Butler - Performance Review, 1 Influence, 30, Establish Training Camps, 1 Influence, 75+10 = 85
In the mountains of West Virginia, the hidden valleys of Indiana, and the empty plains of Iowa, Red Guard training camps are established. Trusted members of the street brigades are transported out, often blindfolded for sections of the journey, and they construct primitive facilities and stockpile supplies. The first section of soldiers arrives, and the find themselves being snarled and snapped at by sergeants as they are set to expanding the facilities, with daily marching drills, teamwork exercises, and lectures on syndicalism, socialism, and other important ideological strains.
Butler mostly leaves this work to trained and trusted subordinates, and they do the job well.
His priority is seeing how the Red Guards performed in one of the biggest engagements in the country. While he cannot question their courage, enthusiasm, or determination, he has plenty of negative comments to make, especially regarding the Park Street Siege, where reactionary militias held off rushed and disorganized Red Guard attacks for hours. He also is harshly critical of the poor discipline of your paramilitaries...and he is critical of it in public.
Result: Training camps begin to form, while Butler finds serious problems with the Red Guards, and then makes them public, provoking some unrest within the SPA.
Report from Solidarity Strikes: Extreme Strike Preparations, 1 Influence,29-5 = 24 Solidarity Strikes, 1 Influence, 100-5= 95
The preparations for the "National Strike," as it has been called, go fairly poorly, with misallocation of funds and bad communication between cadres causing several problems, including one fistfight. But the party remains united, and even if things aren't as effective as they could be, they still go well.
Especially as the cadres work to make the strike wave grow even bigger. Their efforts in California see some sedate demonstrations grow significantly more radical, while unrest rocks the Great Plains. At times, it seems like every city is alight in protest of the continued imprisonment of the New York Twenty-Five.
In addition, the cadres have begun working to recruit groups who would normally oppose syndicalism into joining the strike. While efforts at organizing at West Point was a dismal failure, there was some unexpected success as a small band of former BOI men defected...bringing with them information on the plans of the federal government, which include:
A grand coalition for national order between every party that is not the SPA or AFP
Massive expansions of the power of the BOI, including a right to 100-day detention of those deemed "detrimental to the social order" and confiscation of their property.
Enormous expansions to the army, including conscription of those in BOI detention.
Organized efforts to splinter the SPA and AFP, while whiling away at their support wherever it is vulnerable: California, Montana, Minnesota, Texas, Oklahoma, the Carolinas, and Kentucky were all noted as good targets.
And as the strikes ground on, Curtis approached you, proposing an end to the strikes in return for the release of all of the arrested Twenty-Five and the transfer of those in protective custody to New York City jurisdiction and a federal committee to investigate the deployment of the National Guard in New York.
[] Take the offer
[] Demand the impeachment or resignation of Al Smith as well
[] Reject him. No truce with the enemy.
[] Accept, but warn him that the left-wing might continue despite your instructions...and then don't actually give them those instructions.
[] Write-in