@Chimeraguard's latest omake gets you a +10 to the next anti-Longist action OR +10 to the next action for gaining control of a political machine, his/her/their choice.
@Chimeraguard's latest omake gets you a +10 to the next anti-Longist action OR +10 to the next action for gaining control of a political machine, his/her/their choice.
I would personally suggest that this be saved for Investigate the Machines so that we can use that to get footholds in regions where our organizers are weak on the ground, but it's up to Chimeraguard.
Hmm, given how important the political machines are to US politics and popular support at this time, I think I'll go with the "get control of political machines" bit.
I've noticed that we don't really use the faction abilities very often. I think we'd benefit a lot from using synergistic strategies where we improve faction relations and then leverage that for temporary Influence or bonuses on rolls.
I've noticed that we don't really use the faction abilities very often. I think we'd benefit a lot from using synergistic strategies where we improve faction relations and then leverage that for temporary Influence or bonuses on rolls.
Faction abilities cost relations, and using them too often will cause the faction to leave the party. We've been using them as much as we can while still leaving a buffer of ~20 relations in case anything major happens.
Faction abilities cost relations, and using them too often will cause the faction to leave the party. We've been using them as much as we can while still leaving a buffer of ~20 relations in case anything major happens.
The New Year dawned on a blustery night in New York City. Mud and slush filled the streets, and flakes of tinted snow drifted past the crowds of revelers. There were far more this year than there had been 365 days ago.
This year, the poor of the city turned out in force, entire blocks of the city sectioned off for roaring parties. Music spilled from dance halls, alcohol spilled from barrels, slogans spilled from agitators. Money flowed slowly into the city, and this time, it stayed in the pockets of people who earned it.
Last year they were destitute. By comparison, this year they were rich!
But not everyone was happy with this state of affairs.
Six men with guns on their hips met in the back corner of tiny bar. They shared looks, then one man spoke. "We have come far comrades, and we have further to go," he said, and then his voice hitched.
"But not all of us have made it. To absent friends," he said, lifting his glass.
They echoed the toast, and then downed their whiskeys in a single gulp, the fiery burn distracting them for a moment.
"Now, to business. We;ve had word from our friend in the mob that they are moving a shipment of guns and ammo in the early morning tomorrow. We're getting that shipment, and distributing it to the neighborhood militias."
They plotted, and planned, and as dawn broke five mobsters died.
And in the same bar, six men met. "We did well today, comrades," their leader said with a yawn.
"We have advanced the cause of the Revolution. Now let's see how we could do it better."
In a bank office, four men met. A woman poured them tea, then retreated as silent as a ghost.
"We have to relocate our assets, sir. After the recent debacles, our security forces are threadbare, and we haven't been able to recruit more. The gold can't fall into syndicalist hands, heaven only knows what they will do with it."
The room was dead silent for a moment, the banker staring at his two sweating assistants. "If you can't find local security, look elsewhere. Perhaps we need to hire foreign assistance. Germans, or Russians, neither of them have trouble with red radicals"
The fourth man spoke. "My friends, I believe I may have a simpler solution to your problems. I am a personal friend of the good general, and he is most certainly interested in securing the American economy."
The banker sighed, wondering how the economy could be any less secure, and if the good general realized the problems he was causing by going out of his way to commit massacres. "How much does MacArthur need?"
They plotted, and planned, and as dawn broke a phone call was made.
And in the same office, four men met. "MacArthur has promised us only a few men, but he's also promised us four armored cars, with guards and drivers. We'll need to come up with a plan to get the gold and the papers onto the cars and out of the city as fast as possible..."
Creeping into a motel room, five men and women met. "While the masses celebrate what they see as victories, forces are gathering to destroy us all. We are not the only ones who recognize this, but we are the only ones bold enough to do something about it..." their leader said.
"What about Comrade Reed?" asked one woman.
"Reed's a coward," said the other.
"He's not a coward, he's just...reluctant. This won't be like Russia, our working class is much stronger, and less Slavic."
"What does that have to do with anything?" everyone else asked.
They bickered and argued andas dawn broke they took a vote.
"Alright, we'll watch some of the bourgeois leadership, and work on recruiting from the radicalized proletariat. But if no progress is made by Reed and his comrades..."
1934 dawned, and new plans were made as the center of America fell apart. No one knew what the future could hold...but they knew it would be bloody.
Rumors and News
The old year dies fighting and the new one is birthed howling. Chaos wracks every faction that battles for the hearts and minds of Americans, and not even winter cold can stop the marches and the protests and the riots.
In the south, Huey Long's condemnation of the KKK has led the paramilitary to begin splitting with him, with the majority choosing to prioritize "defending Southern heritage" over "defeating the syndicalist menace." Half an hour after some of his more poorly chosen words were heard over the radio, the Democrats were once more a competitive party in the Deep South, with men in white hoods standing guard at rallies and protecting the party offices they were burning not too long ago. The remaining Klan leadership appears to be trying to ally with both Long and the Democrats, perhaps in hopes of forging a united front.
And while it is likely that this split will be temporary, it has already cost Long severely as several state governments, including both Carolinas, have broken from the anti-MacArthur front Long and the AFP have been working to build. National Guard contracting and weapon storage, along with other functions, are now under federal oversight. It will take time and effort for that to be undone, time they perhaps cannot afford.
You cannot even begin to predict what sort of damage this is doing inside the opaque halls of AFP power.
Meanwhile, MacArthur and Curtis build on the fear and panic caused by the strike wave, the violence in Boston, and a failed assaination attempt by South Carolinian National Guardsman who turned his gun on Curtis in protest of the attempted " Satanic Judaization of America."
Amazingly, despite the man being an AFP member, this has barely impacted Long, who rapidly condemned the attack and noted that the man in question was in the process of being expelled due to a habit of accusing everyone of being Jewish assassins.
As important as this all is to you, and as significant as the creation of new chapters of the Red Grange and the expansion of unions in Troy, New York is, your attention is entirely taken up by the aftershocks of the attacks and your decisions.
Bill Foster had dropped a bomb in the party offices, denouncing you as a coward and a reformist, and all but threatening to leave the party. Browder talked him down, the two former friends arguing savagely on the debate floor, both condemning you without hesitation as they debated the correct course of action and how to correct the "collaborationist deviation."
In the end, the party stayed united, but its fringes have transformed, with the Ultra-Ulraleft rising, determined to see the Revolution completed in full and the capitalists fought to the last bullet and the last drop of blood. This new faction is divided on every topic but one: that there must be no hesitation or mercy, that the crimes of capital and the criminals who commit them must be scourged from the world.
The TUUL remains steadfast in its opposition to you, while other shifts within the CSA remain opaque for the time being as they wait to see how you react to this challenge.
The strikes have halted for the time being, and the workers celebrate their successes. While some look to more ambitious gains, others count the bodies these gains had required and fear what going further will require.
On the West Coast, unions have begun to splinter under legal and capitalist pressure, with unions of a more reformist bent rising. These will need to be countered, lest they rob the working class of its energy.
Nothing new has been heard from Canada. The current situation continues, but it can only remain in such an unstable state for so long.
Plans from Subordinates
The Coordination Committee is turning their efforts from infrastructure to smaller tasks, such as working with small town unions and rural cooperatives to spread propaganda in support of allied politicians.
The State Legislative Committee, confident in the power of revolutionary fervor to overcome even the harshest obstacles, is now moving to create a program of subsidies where companies and factories that meet certain standards of worker ownership can receive state investments.
Norman Thomas is looking to form a broader front of anti-MacArthur politicians in hopes of eventually recruiting them, focusing on dissident Republicans and Progressives.
And Smedley Butler was hoping to begin expanding training facilities, but for the time being is working to create a corp of Red Commissiars.
You have 8 Influence and 2 Gravitas total. 0 Gravitas and 1 Influence are committed to ongoing actions. You are not currently taking any foci. You also have 1 Temporary Influence that can only be used for propaganda-related actions, which is about 90% of the Cultural Actions category
The willingness of Curtis and MacArthur and their allies to ignore the Constitution and trample their bourgeois democracy's principles is disturbing, but aside from worrying us, it has also alienated some of their more norm-dedicated allies and their other enemies. It would be worth approaching them to strengthen the opposition...Make an electoral alliance or poach politicians within 3 months (from the Parliamentarians).
The workers of the United States are certainly one of the most advanced and organized sections of the working class, but in certain places and certain industries they remain divided and deluded by capitalists. Strike against this confusion, send agitators to disrupt hostile groups and organizers to rally the workers against their oppressors. They have nothing to lose but their chains! Send agitators and organizers, whether openly or covertly, to an area or group within 3 months (from the Center).
While a certain degree of neglect towards the party has been demonstrated, your leadership has overall been sound. However, the stress is surely beginning to get to you, and a lack of detailed knowledge of where to best focus our scattered resources is probably also weighing on your mind. Take a break and attempt to find more detail on local support within 2 months (from the Totalists, the Center, and the Orthodox).
The capitalist oppression of the working class grows more intolerable by the day. If the leadership of the SPA will not commit to their liberation by any means necessary, we will. Begin efforts to suppress and terrify reactionaries within 6 months (From the Ultra-Ultraleft).
The first steps towards the social liberation of the proletariat have been taken with the revisions to the party line. It is time to take them further and apply the same logic to the other oppressed groups of society. Take an action to counter racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, or similar predijuces within 1 month (from the Syndicalists, they seem to have switched attitudes and from the Anarchists).
Hold a Rally: It's a classic for every political party for a reason. There's nothing quite like a grand rally with banners waving and people cheering to make you seem unstoppable and to gather more support. The demonstration of the energy and might of the working class will have the capitalists shaking in their boots. It is a message to your supporters as well, that all the power of the SPA stands behind them. Here is what it says: Let your foes try and stop you. They will be ground under your heel. Cost: 1 Resources and a risk of backlash and hostile interruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/50/85/120. Results: Variable change in support, chance of intimidating your enemies. Can synergize with other actions.
Wave the Red Banner: The Red Banner is not the only SPA-affiliated or favoring publication, but it is the only one produced by the Party itself. And it is immensely popular. New ones go out constantly, but you could write an article of your own and make a special edition. This would receive extra attention and possibly some new readership, allowing you to make your opinions heard and sway the hearts and minds of others. You could shape the narrative on something, make an argument for or against a particular course of action, attack an enemy or uplift an ally. Or to defend yourself and your decisions. The possibilities of the written word are limitless. Cost: 1 Resource and a risk of backlash. May be additional costs depending on the topic. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100/150. Results: Variable change in support or party factions, results depend on topic. Topic must be written in. Some examples: "The importance of unity in the socialist cause," "The corruption of the Hoover administration," "Why feminism and socialism must go together," and "Why Farmer-Labor should unify with the SPA." Can synergize with other actions.
Send Socialist Agitators To: Nearly every street corner in Chicago, New York City, and Seattle has a man or woman standing on a crate and telling the passerby of the virtues of the cause and encouraging them to donate. They are often beaten brutally by the bourgeois or by police (and just as often protected by their listeners), but they nevertheless persist, determined to gain recruits and funds for the cause. Some of these agitators are amateurs doing it in their spare time, but quite a few are dedicated and skilled speakers. Sending these speakers in significant numbers to an area can turn your foe's supporters against them, especially if it is followed up upon with meaningful organization. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support there. Unlock actions to follow up on the agitation.
Create Shadow Government: You have had a brilliant idea: Though you lack power at the federal level, the Socialist Party has substantial control of many mayorships, county governments. You even effectively control some states of the Steel Belt. Creating a forum to help these various governments cooperate and resolve disputes will be useful, especially if you have further requests of these governments. You have only discussed this concept briefly, but the idea of the Interstate Committee of Socialist Governments (name subject to change) has dazzled many. Especially since it will help you gain influence over their legal codes, voting laws, and National Guard armories. However, given the likely federal determination to show strength, such a provocative action could be risky. Cost: Significant and very dangerous backlash from within and without the Party, possible legal challenges. Time: 3 months. DC: 70/140/180/220. Results: Various states and lower-level governments integrated into a coordinated body, many new possibilities available, although the body could be unwieldy.
Support Faction: The party is more than a little divided, even if everyone is determined to stick together, they still clash frequently, with each other and with you. Spending some time and effort backing a particular faction in these debates could gain you some gratitude, which is always a valuable currency. Cost: Risk of losing support within the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Increase Relations and Strength of selected faction, chance of gaining support within the CSA.
Make Changes To Subordinates: You do not have the time or capability to make all the decisions involved with bringing the Revolution to America, and so you have trusted subordinates to help. Occasionally, you will need to redirect their efforts, invest more in their success, or even replace them immediately. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Make any change to 1 subordinate. Can be taken multiple times.
Party Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Extremely low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/180. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.
Open Investigation: If a subordinate is unpopular or incompetent, you can begin publically looking into their performance. This can wash off some of the reflected stink, particularly if you find something, but if there is no evidence of wrongdoing or fraud that can only make the situation worse or lead to questions of your judgement. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Some chance of finding problems with chosen subordinate, options to deal with problems, chance of +1 Influence.
Support Subordinate: Expressing confidence in a subordinate, either by offering direct aid or by giving material support, can boost their performance, especially if there isn't a structural reason for their failures. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Positive modifier to chosen subordinate, chance of them gaining positive trait.
Acquire Expertise: You are only one man, you cannot know or do everything. Having trusted subordinates who can do part of the work helps, but so too does having trusted advisors, people who can offer you advice for dealing with things you don't quite understand. Cost: Varies. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Find assistant for chosen subject who can give significant bonuses and penalties to rolls and other situations.
Establish a Budget: While some of your subordinates have their own budgets to draw on, Butler does not. The standard expenditures towards the Red Guards are covering most of his needs, but without financial support there is only so much that can be done. Looking to the future, Butler has suggested you set aside some funds for him and other subordinates to use at their discretion. Cost: X Resources, -Y Resources per month. Time: 1 month. DC: 0. Result: Chosen amount of Resources with chosen Resource income is set aside for the use of subordinates. It may be later modified as a Free Action.
The International Question: With contact made with the Syndintern, they will soon begin encouraging internationalist behavior. Considering the amount of assistance you will need for them, it would be wise to help support revolutions in Canada and in the various client states of America, along with taking part in the broader Syndintern in less overt ways. Gauging the positions of various factions on this will help you understand your position. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0. Result: Find out the position of all factions of the SPA and CSA on internationalism.
Expand the Maximum Program: The recent wave of strikes and the changes to the party line have encouraged the growing radicalism in the party. Things that were controversial a few months ago are now demanded by all but the most staid figures. The current program is considered insufficient by some, particularly in its aspirations. They look at what the unions and the Red Guards have accomplished, and they ask "What else can we do?" And they say it could be the immediate abolition of capitalism, or even the state (if you ask the anarchists). Cost: Loss of support from the right wing of the party, decreased strength of the right wing, general loss of support, increased attention from the state.Time: 1 month. DC: 25/75/125. Result: Strengthen left wing of the party, gain in support from the left wing. Note: mutually exclusive with Make Assurances.
Make Assurances: The class interests of the bourgeoisie have compelled them to work against you, but many workers have been terrified by the brazen attacks on the idols of their civic religion and your radical political proposals, even as they are attracted by the vision you propose. Publicizing assurances as to your more reassuring intentions, such as refusing to nationalize without fair compensation, could soothe some fear and comfort the newest members of the Combined Syndicates. Cost: Loss of support from the left wing of the party, decreased strength of the left wing, general loss of support. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/75/125. Result: Strengthen right wing of the party, gain in support from the right wing, decreased attention from the state. Note: mutually exclusive with Make Assurances.
Private Promises: Although you may well be publicly changing your stance on certain issues, and pushing the party as a whole to do the same, you have no intention of abandoning your commitments, or leaving party members confused by the sudden shift, since that could lead to a sudden split. This is purely a rhetorical, tactical measure, you are willing to promise that to whoever needs to hear it in order to support you. In private of course, but the leadership of the various factions is generally trusted and respected. Cost: None. Time: 1 month, DC: 30/60/90/120. Result: Mitigate costs of Make Assurances or Expand the Maximum Program
Display your Dedication: You are being accused of weakness, softness, and cowardice. Despite all you have suffered and sacrificed, it is not enough for some. Fine then, you will show them how much the cause means to you. A whirlwind tour across the country, visiting every union and party office you can meet, will provide the proof and silence their accusations. From Seattle to New York City, from Portland to Houston, anywhere men and women struggle for their liberation you will stand in their support. Cost: No Personal Action next month. Time: 2 months. DC: 25/50/75. Result: Gain Relations with all SPA factions.
Squeeze the Ulra-Ultraleft: The newest group in the SPA has a dangerous ideology, one that threatens to provoke a reactionary alliance that could deal painful blows to your cause. The more mainstream factions recognize this, and would likely be willing to cooperate with you to hammer the divides in them and pressure them to return to the fold (with a price in mind, of course. Such is politics). Those who resist this pressure will be embittered, but they are going to be a minority of a minority. What harm can they do? Cost: Will further radicalize any remaining Ultra-Ultraleft, will politically indebt you to other factions. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/45/75/100. Result: Begin campaign to marginalize Ultra-Ultraleft, will have options on how to handle it until it ends.
A Generous Gesture: You are no dictator to silence those who oppose you by force. Instead you will hear their grievances and answer them as best you can. And one of these grievances appears to be a lack of trust and communication between you and those who vote for you and support your general policies. There are two measures to be taken to prevent this problem. The first is establishing better lines of communication between you and the lower party, and doing your best to remove filters. The second is to show that you trust them and give them more support for independent action. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 3 months. DC: 0. Result: Gain new, special subordinate, improved rumor mills, new background rolls.
Hire Assistants: To help handle the difficult task of building a socialist revolution, the various organizations in the CSA and SPA will be seeking to hire expertise and assistance. While you are always open to further aid, making sure everyone knows that it will be valued and their input considered...of course, this means you will have to consider their input and desires. And everyone will want something. Cost: Slow downward trend in CSA support until taken. Time: 1 month. DC: 0. Result: Begin being presented with options for assistants and subordinates, Mandates become more important and begin coming from CSA factions and other interests. Some will be contradictory.
Pro-Liberation Politics: The anti-racism program must be built on. The party's ideological limitations on the matter must be removed. There is more to be done...there is always more to be done. Some will back you to the hilt on this, others will oppose it to the end, but you must trust that the desire for unity triumphs over factional bickering...and you will spend some time laying the groundwork first before announcing your new proposals, since they will likely be controversial. Cost: Relations with party factions, support in the CSA. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/25/50/75/125. Result: Lay groundwork for and then propose modifications to the party line to further support anti-discrimination measures. Higher Relations will mean better results.
Shore Up Support: You have sense a slight chilling of your relations with the CSA, although many in their ranks are still your determined and dedicated allies. But you cannot predict how everything will fall out, and so rather than take their assistance for granted, you will spend some time speaking and working with them, making sure they know they are appreciated and hearing requests. It's simply part of being a leader, unfortunately, even if it's one you don't enjoy. Cost: Slight increase to Stress, time spent schmoozing is time not spent building up to a Revolution. Time: Until ended. DC: 15/30/45/60. Result: Reduced negative impact of actions on CSA support, hear requests and suggestions from your supporters.
Send Union Organizers To: While agitators can disrupt other political organizations and explain why you are better, to actually gain support of the kind that makes people spend blood and gold and sweat on your behalf requires a different approach. Establishing that takes time, but sending union organizers to an area can make for a start. In many ways, the risks these organizers take is even greater than that of the agitators, especially if there is sufficient hostility to socialism already. Some have literally been tarred and feathered...Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the organizers depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and gain temporary support there. Unlock actions for following up on the organization.
Appoint Union Representative: There are dozens of unions, many with hundreds or thousands of chapters. A rare few even have branches in Canada, with a rarer few having branches in Mexico. The Combined Syndicates serves as a forum to allow them to coordinate and cooperate, but the vagaries of time and travel mean that the larger meetings are often sparsely attended. Electing (although your influence will help make it an effective appointment) a representative to help manage the syndicates, smooth over disputes, and ensure all voices are heard would reduce the growing pains the CSA is suffering from. However, the notion is not entirely popular...Cost: -1 Influence, potential loss of support from the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Subvote to determine who you will support for Union Representative and how much to invest in them.
Prepare Small-Town Unions: The farming cooperatives and the Red Grange are taking the lead in working with rural areas, providing the slowly growing unions there with expertise and assistance organizing. But another gap in your capabilities has been revealed. You don't have much reach in the small twins that only have minor factories or mines. Unions have begun to slowly form in some of these towns, but more work needs to be done to ensure that these unions will represent their workers, and not serve as another tool of oppression by the town capitalists, especially given their relatively weak ideological underpinnings. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/100. Result: Strengthen newly formed unions organizationally and ideologically..
Mutual Aid Foundations: While directly expanding the soup kitchens would benefit many, a less costly alternative would be the establishment of mutual aid organizations to ensure that people are fed. Since they are less directly dependent on the SPA buying food for them, they will be cheaper for you to maintain, but still serve to provide relief to the struggling masses and help expose them to socialist ideals. The examples of such institutions being created in Chicago have helped show the way. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Improve quality of food kitchens. +0.5 Resources per month. Gain support from IWW MA and MM.
Union Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Very low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/150. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.
Union Charities, Donations: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the charitable endeavors of the SPA. Doing so would ease the logistical strain providing for so many causes, but not every union is entirely dedicated to socialist ideals, especially not when it comes to the outsiders who will inevitably come seeking aid. Cost: Increased risk of corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75. Result: +X Resources per month.
Union Charities, Fundraising: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the financial resources at your command through direct donations and holding fundraising events. It may somewhat aggravate your supporters, but as long as you are using the money for their benefit there won't be more than grumbling. Cost: A new mandate. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/120. Result: +X Resources per month. Gain support from the Teamster's Union.
A Union Shop: Socialized stores have become common in Chicago as workers inspired by the strike or owners compelled by it create democratically run stores. Though mocked by some on the left and some in the more syndicalist wing as "market socialism" and accused of not removing the profit motive, even their strongest critics cannot deny they serve a useful person during this transitory phase. Begin encouraging local unions to establish shops along these lines, and ask for a small cut of the proceeds perhaps? Cost: loss of support from TUUL and ASA, loss of relations with the Orthodox. 5 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/35/70/100. Result: Increase in income, establishment of market cooperatives in locations with a strong SPA presence. Gain of support from IWW, Teamster's Union, and Regional Unions, increased relations with the Syndicalists.
Social Bonds: With the credit unions established, one immediate possibility to secure desperately needed funds is a simple scheme inspired by ones begun then abandoned during the Weltkrieg. Ask people to buy Labor Bonds, which can be redeemed at a later date for an amount equal to their purchase value. The money raised in the meantime can be put to use for any number of programs or initiatives. Cost: You will have to pay them back in a year. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/75/100/125/150. Result: Large, one-time boost to Resources.
Form Farmer's Cooperatives: The newly organized farmer's cooperatives are young and fragile. They need tractors, fertilizer, organizational support, and more. The Red Grange is struggling to assist with these matters, lacking finances and reach. And the Dust Bowl continues to ravage the Great Plains. Government subsidies are being delayed and disappeared by hostile civil servants and damaged infrastructure. The party must take care of it's newest members. Cost: 4 Resources, moderate loss of support within the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/60/80/100/120. Result: Expand and strengthen farmer cooperatives, gain Relations with Ultraleft Farmer Labor and support from the Red Grange.
Seed Donations: The devastating droughts and dust storms have not just uprooted soil and those who work it, but the plants that grow in it. Losses due to spoilage, bad weather, and desperation have put many seed stocks at critically low levels. Fortunately, the French Commune has a far more robust agricultural sector that has largely recovered from the ravages of the Weltkrieg. They are willing to ship over stocks of seeds for a relatively low price in gold and some better quality machine tools. These shipments can then be transferred to farmers. Cost: 2 Resources, slight loss of support within the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/20/30/40/50/60. Result: Slightly expand and strengthen farmer cooperatives, slight gain of Relations and support from the Red Grange.
Special Foods: The gardens mostly produce simple crops like potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes. While they have definitely improved the quality of the soups and stews and other meals served at the various people's kitchens, spices and herbs are in short supply for those kitchens. It should be relatively simple to purchase some mint plants and various others to add them to these new gardens. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/30/50. Result: Improve quality of meals at soup kitchens, gain support from The Teamster's Union, the SPU, and the AFL-CIO.
Mass Recruiting, Pt. 2: The sheer mass and organization of the working class gives you a potent tool for further empowering the American socialist cause. The overwhelming pro-SPA propaganda has begun countering the decades of mystification the American workers have undergone, but there are still many groups who stubbornly resist the tide of revolution. Some, such as the petty capitalists and highly-paid workers, need an explanation of the benefits of your cause. Some, such as reactionary churches, need to be exposed for the falsehoods they spread. But for some, financial and material incentives will be needed to secure their support, along with reminders as to the fate of class traitors. Cost: 6 Resources.Time: 3 months. DC: 35/70/105. Result: Further increase to size of the unions.
Mass Organization: With the unions growing in size on a daily basis, measures need to be taken to ensure the democratic control of the unions is maintained. Through vote buying, carefully designed structures, and coercion, corrupt bosses maintain their positions, while other leadership figures openly advocate for reformism or racism. The Revolution will not succeed with dedicated leadership from dedicated syndicalists. The political fight caused by this will be long and bloody and painful, but it will secure your position in the party, hopefully without causing too much splintering or outcry. Cost: Significant losses of support from party factions and the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 60/120/180. Result: Grip on party politics strengthened, subvote, actions to follow up unlocked.
Prepare for Fresh Strikes: Strike funds are running low, defeat and massacres have damaged morale in some places, while others are questioning the need for further gains. But there will need to be further action, no matter the bloodshed. Begin devoting resources and assistance to those most in need of it, and let the capitalists tremble. Every sit-in and picket line brings the death knell of their class closer. Cost: 10 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 5/40/80/120. Result: Unions better prepared for future strikes.
Additional Weapons: The armaments of your "regular" Red Guards are highly irregular, and the "irregulars" who sometimes join in during protests or strikes are even worse off. Beginning to create armories of weapons will help equip both. The first step will be to acquire things like billy clubs and batons, both to avoid attracting unfortunate attention and because stockpiling guns in the current climate is needlessly risky...Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/30/45/60. Result: Create stockpiles of "non-lethal" weapons for the use of the Red Guards.
Establish Sporting Clubs: The wholesale purchase of firearms and ammunition by individuals draws attention. But sporting clubs, shooting ranges, and similar institutions doing so would not be a concern. Create a network of these companies as a means of subtly acquiring not just equipment for the Red Guards, but a way for them to train. Cost: 5 Resources. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/20/60/100. Result: Increased armaments for Red Guards, ease of training Red Guards increased, further actions to arm and equip Red Guards unlocked.
Arm the Police: In the cities where you control the government, the attitudes of the police have shifted dramatically. They are now proud and determined supporters of their fellow workers against the ravages of capital. While they will need further restructuring to truly socialize them, that will have to wait until after the revolution. For now, you must prepare to fight it. Taking measures to increase the discipline and armaments of friendly policing departments will strengthen your control of the cities. Cost: Loss of relations with the Anarchists, Syndicalists, and Parliamentarians. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/10/40/70/100. Result: Dramatic increase in the number and quality of the Red Guards.
Go Hunting: In every city and town of America you face enemies. Hostile police forces, reactionary militias, mercenaries and Pinkertons hired by capitalists, and more. They all seek to oppress and suppress the workers. This cannot be borne. While the Red Guards continually battle in the streets, protecting protests, defending meetings, guarding agitators and organizers, they only rarely go on the offensive, and keep it strictly to retaliatory strikes on those most responsible for attacks. Asking for a more general attack would help weaken opposition, and perhaps see some justice done. Cost: Reduces support, reduces relations with the Parliamentarians, chance of it going badly. Time: 1 month. DC: 20. Results: Red Guards begin attacking class enemies, chance of gaining Resources, Support, Influence...
Street Medics: One of the tactics used by the heroes of the Shanghai Uprising was the establishment of street medics, noncombat members of the Left-KMT who helped keep injured members in the fight and provided aid and comfort before the soldiers of the Legation Cities resorted to bloodier measures. Implementing such measures could be useful...Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 2 months. DC: 30. Results: Red Guards gain street medics, help reduce casualties.
Acquire Explosives: The Syndintern has access to large stocks of a variety of explosives. In addition, there are many ways of making things that can blow up when you have access to vast amounts of industry. Begin stockpiling explosives for use in defensive or offensive actions, although giving them to inexperienced Red Guards could be risky. Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 25/50/75. Result: Acquire small but growing and highly eclectic stockpiles of explosives.
Establish Training Camps: There are many remote regions that the SPA has a prominent presence in. The mountains of West Virginia are littered with empty mines, while the endless plains of Iowa are nearly impossible to search without manpower that simply is not available to your enemies. These will be the perfect places to establish camps for your most dedicated Red Guards to begin turning them from paramilitaries skilled in street battles to soldiers of the Revolution. Cost: 2 Resources, -1 Resources per month. Time: 3 months. DC: 15/30/60/120. Result: Establish training camps in isolated areas for turning paramilitaries into soldiers in small numbers.
Toll Fees: With your control of railways and the strength of your paramilitaries in many transportation hubs, you could easily gain substantial incomes by insisting on donations for those passing through, although you will need to make sure there are exceptions for those who already support you or who it would be dangerous to stop. Cost: Decrease in support among moderates, increase in corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 45/90/135. Result: Increase to income.
Scab Intimidation: The scabs and reactionary militias are outnumbered, outgunned, and outclassed. This may change as refugees continue flowing into the cities and capitalists fund their running dogs, but for now you have the advantage, and you must seize it. The Red Guards will defeat and drive off these "self-defense groups" and "protectors of the American way" and "private security forces" and show them that they are as dust before the tides of history. Cost: Risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/?/?/?. Result: Reactionary militias and scab groups defeated and destroyed in areas you are strong.
Red Guard Commissars: With the loyalty of the remaining Red Guards secured, it is time for them to be ideologically indoctrinated in the need for the soldiers of the Revolution to maintain the highest standards of behavior. The appointment of small groups of commissars will help with this process, serving as an example to the troops they guide and providing guidance, advice, and support, similar to the role of Chaplains in the regular military. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: 50/80/120. Result: Commissars for the Red Guards formed.
Codes of Conduct: The decentralized nature of the Red Guards means that each unit tends to have its own rules. While a certain degree of this is acceptable and even beneficial, it is also very frustrating for the leadership. A recent proposal is to create a loose set of guidelines and recommendations for the rules and structure of each unit, with those who fail to maintain themselves within these guidelines being expelled from the greater organization. With your insistence on Red Guards units maintaining adherence to a set of rules, creating this outline is even more important. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75. Result: Vote on nature of the code of conduct.
Security Procedures: The protection of leadership is the duty of the Revolutionary Guard, but there are not enough of those brave men to protect everyone. So it will be up to the Red Guards to protect union halls and party offices. To do so successfully will require the development of better security procedures than standing outside the front door. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 10/30/50. Result: Improved security for SPA facilities.
A Democratic Chain of Command?: The Bolsheviks increasingly relied on a fairly conventional military structure as the Russian Revolutionary War dragged on, while the Black Army had a system of soldier's councils and recallable officers. Both schools of thought have inspired the structure of various Red Guards cells, along with other sources such as the federal army, the militias of the American Independence War, and the forces of the Third Internationale. Devising a system that will be understandable, egalitarian, democratic, and above all effective must be a priority, even if it will not be possible to pressure all Guards units into following it, let alone the various splinter groups. Cost: ?? Time: 3 months. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Choices on how to structure the Red Guards and how much pressure to use for spreading it, dramatic increase in the effectiveness of the Red Guards.
A Red Terror: The furthest fringe of the party, as disorganized and bloodthirsty as they are, does have a point. You have allowed reactionary militias to prosper in places, and the miners of Montana and the workers of New York City have both paid the price for it. In the Midwest and West Virginia, preachers thunder brimstone sermons and incite their followers to arms against you. Collapsing Klan remnants and their equally-violent offspring cling to power in Indiana and Ohio and the Dakotas. And everywhere federal agents and police attempt to suppress the Revolutionary Spirit. It is time to cleanse your holdings of them. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/30/50/70/90/110/150/190. Result: Begin operations to shut down remnants of reactionary and capitalist military forces begin
Instilling Discipline, Pt. 2: The Red Guards are still an irregular force. Only a small portion has experience serving in a military, and an even smaller part is able to devote their full time to fighting and training and drilling. But it is time to fix that. Working with respected figures among their ranks, it is time to raise expectation and tighten standards, to increase the amount of exercises, to begin honing the force, This will doubtless cause some to leave, or form their own organizations, but as long as they accept a degree of oversight over their operations, that is acceptable. Cost: None. Time: 6 months. DC: 30/60/90/120. Result: Improved discipline of the Red Guards.
Honor of the Regiment: One way to encourage good behavior of the Red Guards is to have that behavior reflect on something larger than themselves but more digestible than the syndicalist cause: their unit. Encouraging pride in the larger Red Guards groupings, the creation of distinct uniforms, and the utilization of unique symbology will hopefully create a spirit of socialist brotherhood between the members of the Red Guards groupings, and this spirit can be used through propaganda to make some of the more volatile individuals think twice. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 25/50/75. Result: Create larger Red Guards units with a greater sense of esprit de corps.
A Show of Strength: The furthest fringe of the party, as disorganized and bloodthirsty as they are, does have a point. Reactionary militias are growing bolder, feeling empowered by the collapse of order. Wherever you are weak, they grow powerful, and this cannot be tolerated. Striking a few of these groups, such as the remaining hostile forces in New York City and some of the Green Mountain Boys who live close to your stronghold, will let your point be made with relatively little bloodshed. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/60/75/90. Result: Launch a few operations to attack some easy targets.
Retaliatory Measures: The furthest fringe of the party, as disorganized and bloodthirsty as they are, does have a point. Reactionary militias have launched attacks on workers, in one case successfully massacring dozens. While the governments in some cases are protecting them, justice can still be found. The Blair Brigade, together with local forces, can be used to target these groups and make it clear that such slaughters will not be permitted. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60. Result: Launch a small number of carefully planned retaliatory attacks.
Create Oversight Committees: One thing the capitalist "democracy" of America got right was making sure the military is entirely controlled by the civilian government. While de jure this is true for the Red Guards, it is not always de facto. One way to fix this would be to create committees of mixed soldiers and civilians that severe misbehavior can be reported to and that would generally provide oversight and direction. This may well be a controversial effort, but it will definitely be popular with some segments. Cost: Loss of Relations with Totalists and Ultra-Ultraleft, loss of Support from TUUL, SPU, and the Teamster's Union, potentially upsetting to Red Guards Time: 3 months. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Create oversight committees, greater control over Red Guards, increase in support from ASA, IWW, and AFL-CIO, gain in Relations from every other faction.
Self-Defense Units: The Red Guards need to expand. But they need to maintain their quality and discipline. The best solution you have currently is to not actually recruit more directly, at least not until you have a good way of training them. Instead, you will recruit those willing to fight as self-defense units, given more limited responsibilities under the oversight of those more experienced and capable. The only problem is getting enough weapons for everyone... Cost: None. Time: 2 months. DC: 10/40/70/100. Result: Create self-defense units, begin slowly expanding the number of Red Guards.
Gunrunning to the Midwest: You have small stockpiles of weapons and improvised explosives. While these are typically used by the Red Guards when attacking reactionaries and defending strikers, they may be put to better use defending the newest adherents to socialism. Given the control the unions have over many railyards, transportation will not be a problem. Cost: 2 Resources. Slight loss of support in the CSA. -5 Relations with the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/5/10. Result: Send weapons and explosives to the farming cooperatives, gain in support from the Red Grange.
Making Bankers Bleed: While most banks have collapsed under the strain of crisis and depression, several have been consolidated into larger enterprises which are more effectively able to withstand bank runs and anti-foreclosure efforts. But these banks have offices and vaults in cities throughout America, cities dominated by the Red Guards and friendly police forces. Steal their gold, destroy their paperwork, execute their corrupt leadership. Make them understand that there will be no place for men like Morgan and Fargo. Cost: Likely to provoke a severe reaction, loss of support from AFL-CIO and SPU, loss of Relations with the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/25/50/100. Result: One-time influx of Resources, records of debt destroyed, bourgeoisie terrorized.
Formal Trials: The most basic investigations Butler and his loyal men have completed have turned up a cesspool of corruption within the Red Guards. Bribery, theft, racketeering, abusing innocent men and women, brutality, rape, harassment, and every vice known to man. Currently, while most important figures know at least some of the details, no one knows about all of them. Butler wants all the dirty laundry aired, with teams of Red Guards, VFW, and police arresting the guilty and exposing their crimes. You question if that is the tactically best decision, but you recognize the principle behind it. And there is something to be said for being honest, and something else for getting it over with..You want to tell him to go ahead. You know it's the right thing to do. But what if it costs you the Revolution?.Cost: Relations drop with everyone, especially the Totalists, loss of support with all factions in the CSA. Chance of backlash. Likely to weaken the Red Guards. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/20/30/50/100/140/180. Result: Probable gains in support from the SPU and AFL-CIO, probable gain in Relations with the Parliamentarians. Infighting. Removal of criminal elements. Make a principled stance. Make it easier for Jack to meet his daughter's eyes. End the risk of someone else leaking how bad things are. ???
Target Rural Reactionaries: Even in towns protected by the Red Guards, there are various hostile elements that remain.Hostile local militias, criminal gangs ranging from corrupt families who treat their towns life fiefdoms to bandits who resemble the villains of a Western movie, Longist groups, tendrils of the KKK and similar organizations, and more all threaten the newly converted socialists...many of whom may well convert back if sufficiently intimidated. While there has been something of a truce in the Midwest after the army moved in, some in the party speculate that they are merely seeking an opportunity, and should be defeated before they find one. Cost: Probable backlash, loss of support from the SPU, slight loss of support from the AFL-CIO. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/5/25/50/75/100/125. Result: Destroy hostile forces in some sections of the Midwest, gain relations with Syndicalists and Orthodox, gain support from both factions of the IWW, strengthen farming cooperatives.
Christian Socialism: Most Americans are Christians, and despite the words of the Constitution it is widely considered a Christian nation. Given that many churches are staunchly opposed to socialism while socialism is a staunchly secular ideology, this could be troublesome. Fortunately, this Gordian knot can be cut rather easily. The concept of "Christian socialism" and claiming that Christ himself would be a socialist is simple enough, with ample support for this notion coming directly from the Bible. Combining this message with a few displays of piety will help reduce criticism from the pulpit, although significant portions of organized religion will doubtless remain hostile. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Left, loss of support from Jews and other religions. Time: 2 months. DC: 15/45/90. Results: Increase in support from Christians, increased ease of recruitment.
The American Revolution, Pt.2: The first connections are drawn, the first pieces of theory are created. Now it's time to poke holes in them and see where it doesn't hold up, either to your ideals or to reality. Your ideas are published, but now it's time to see how people have torn them apart so that you can make them better. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence, chance of increased stress. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/35/70/120. Result: Refine the results of The American Revolution, Pt. 1
Organize Education: Education is a necessity for workers. Reading, writing, 'rithmetic, critical thinking and understanding history, the skills and knowledge so they can labor and explain why they labor, all these are vital. American schools are fundamentally capitalist institutions, but alternatives can be established. Cost: -3 Resources, -1 Resources per turn. Time: 6 months. DC: 0/25/50/100. Result: Create a system of cheap socialist private schools.
Organize Childcare, Pt. 2: You have designed your improvements to the ad hoc system of childcare, now it is time for the implementation to begin. All this will really involve is producing guides and perhaps some propaganda, but it will help. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/45/75. Result: Encourage the creation of more equal and better-designed childcare institutions.
Public Libraries: While libraries are a common and immensely popular institution, they can be improved in a number of ways, from increasing the resources available to them to broadening the services provided to include rentable instruments and instruction programs. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/40/70/100. Result: Improve the variety of services offered by libraries.
The Worker's School: There are many subjects not taught in great detail to the workers through the American education system. Leadership, management, socialist ideology...and of course anything behind the most basic parts of math, science, and history, not to mention various less immediately practical subjects. Creating schools for adults, or training wandering schoolteachers to help them, is yet another way to expand your influence and benefit the workers. Cost: 2 Resources, -1 Resources per month. Time: 1 month.
Songs of the Revolution: The Internationale. The Preacher and the Slave. This Land is Your Land. Solidarity Forever. Many are the songs of the socialist movement. Let everyone hear them. Establish choirs and wandering musicians and every other way to spread your message through song there is. Cost: 2 Resources, -0.5 Resources per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/30/50/70/90/ Results: Easier recruiting, increase to morale among the party.
Unity In The Melting Pot: The Socialist Party and the IWW have long used multilingual speakers to reach out to immigrants. With the end of the Weltkrieg and the defeat of the Bolsheviks, thousands from Eastern Europe have flocked to America's shores to find conditions no better, while others have come north with Central and South America. Reaching out to those groups will be essential. The multilingual program will be expanded, to begin. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 5/45/90. Results: Easier recruiting, increased support among immigrants.
Posters and Pamphlets: The speeches you give reach only those who hear you. Your speeches written down reach all who can read...but they are a bit too long for a poster discreetly put up or a pamphlet smuggled behind a boss's back. Beginning to create and produce snappy slogans and logos for posters and pamphlets will help you in the propaganda war, especially given the number of virulently anti-socialist publications that will smear you and your movement in any way possible. The lack of any organized system for spreading your message has led to several individuals starting up their own newspapers and similar operations to express support for socialism and syndicalism, albeit with a somewhat critical attitude to you. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 10/50/80. Result: The creation of posters and pamphlets to help spread your message, increased ease of recruiting.
Newspaper Distribution: Various socialist and syndicalist newspapers are produced by SPA members, affiliates, and allies, ranging in quality from the professional The Red Banner made using the equipment formerly belonging to The Chicago Tribune to smeared sheets being printed in basements. Not only do they allow for the expounding of your political program and views, but they perform a variety of community functions. Setting up new printing presses and newsstands can only help you spread your message. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/15/30/45/60/100. Result: Expanded newspaper distribution, easier recruiting and organizing
Propagandize Professionals: Doctors and lawyers and managers, all have been greatly affected by this latest crisis. More than a few have been forced into breadlines and soup kitchens alongside the workers they have once looked down on. Approaching them, convincing them to join their cause, will give you access to their skills, which are undeniably useful and valuable. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/100. Result: Begin propagandizing destitute professionals.
Expand Rural Propaganda: Speeches and radio messages are already being broadcast, describing in broad terms your goals, your successes, and denigrating your rivals. The news of the ever-growing syndicalist movement will surely persuade many, but there are certainly other tacks to be taken. Encouraging more agitators and investing more time into propagandizing rural areas will doubtless increase your support in the farms of the country to greater levels, hopefully squeezing out Long and the hostile remnants of Farmer-Labor. Cost: 2 Resources, likely to cost support in the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 40/80/120. Result: Increased and better propaganda directed at rural areas.
Publicize Accomplishments: You have forced concessions from the hostile federal government, run a city successfully for months, defended the rights of soldiers, and won battles by the score in fields ranging from the courtroom to the street. Broadcast your successes, shout them from the rooftops, because this is only the beginning. There are doubtless thousands of workers who are held in bondage only by their fear. Knowledge of your might will banish that fear. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Increased propaganda about your successes.
Anti-Longist Propaganda: The Longists are ideologically incoherent, propped up by those they claim to oppose, corrupt, violent, brutal, prejudiced, openly favor the Confederacy and vilify heroes such as John Brown and Thomas Paine, and above all else they are ineffective. While their influence has been mostly expunged from areas you dominate, they still have some presence in parts of several states, most notably New York and the rest of rural New England. Target them. List their failures, condemn their faults, give them no rhetorical respite. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Increased anti-Longist propaganda.
Mock Federal Incompetence: The federal government has demonstrated viciousness and idiocy in an incredibly variety of ways. There are districts of the capital city where Congressmen can't go for fear of being mobbed. States are tearing themselves apart while the army flails ineffectively and commits massacre after massacre. Dozens of attempts at reform have been struck down, disappeared, or rejected while millions starve and suffer. If you didn't see it, you wouldn't believe it, but there are plenty who reject the evidence of their eyes. Force them to see. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Increased anti-Federalist propaganda.
Pillory Capitalist Greed: The Longists and the Federalists agree on one thing: capitalism is here to stay. They desperately seek to keep the same failing system, and they will spend as much blood as they need to in order to preserve their hierarchies and privileges. Capitalist greed is behind every death from want or violence since at least 1925. Politicians love to proclaim millions have died to syndicalism and revolutions. It is time to count the tally killed by capitalism and reaction. It is time to lay out the contradictions of capitalism and destroy any denial or defense. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 45/90/135. Result: Increase in general anti-capitalist propaganda.
Establish a Propaganda Team: With the massive efforts for delivering propaganda undergoing, it may be wise to begin creating a dedicated group for managing the delivery and spread of information to the workers of America in order to present yourselves in the best possible light and strip the capitalist manipulation away from plain, unvarnished truth. The person you choose to run this team will have significant influence on what kind of news is being spread. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/25/50. Result: Creation of a subordinate for managing propaganda.
Against the Opium: Religion has historically played a large role in American life, and the chaos of the Great Depression has led to something of a revival for it's most unusual and esoteric branches. Many churches are strongly reactionary, offering pie in the sky for empty bellies on earth. And many are corrupt as well. Stephenson had pastors helping him, and reaping the sick "benefits" of his brutal actions. Publicize these sins, demand an accounting, and begin breaking the stranglehold of religion on American thought. Cost: 1 Resource, risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 50/100/150. Result: Increase in anti-church propaganda.
Radio Debates: One of the many potential uses of the new radio networks is to publicize debates between syndicalists and their opposition. The concept has attracted a great deal of interest, since such arguments were an important part of Lincoln's electoral victories. There is also a great deal of debate in how they are to be structured...Cost: Variable. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/30. Result: Votes on how to structure the debates.
Public Life: The gardens have begun to bring people together who were formally separate: members of different tenant's unions now work together to turn an abandoned ruin into a fruitful garden, people from all walks of life relax in them when they can do so without interrupting work, and the recent arrivals and old hands can come together over an appreciation of fresh vegetables. This is a success worth building on. While people are adding to these gardens already, asking musicians to play by them or setting up benches and tables on the edge, or even segregating spaces for children to play, you could encourage this effort to spread thousands of miniature parks alongside the gardens to help encourage the entwining of various communities. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/60. Result: Expand community gardens with other (cheap) community activities and facilities, encourage interaction between different groups.
State Minority Rights: It is clear that there will be no progress on civil rights while the undemocratic and incompetent Hoover regime still controls the White House and Congress is so divided and disunited. Not unless that progress comes on the state level. Fortunately, there are multiple states willing and eager to pass various forms of equality-related laws, from sweeping bans of voting impediments to the abolishment of discriminatory laws to mandates to prevent abuse and discrimination. There will be backlash for pushing this, from allies and enemies both, but moral and practical imperatives drive you to pursue it nevertheless. Socialization requires liberation. Liberation requires equality. Cost: Likely loss of support, loss of support from conservative factions of the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/90/150. Result: Pass significant anti-discrimination laws, increas in support from socially-left factions, gains in support from minority populations.
Poach the Democrats: The Democrats have traditionally been a party pulled in many directions - Bourbon conservatives, progressives, Southern populists, and union members, political machines - and while a significant portion of all these factions have left, there are always remnants, such as the Roosevelt family. The party as a whole rejects you wholeheartedly, but individual members can be convinced to change their allegiance. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 50/100/150. Results: You convince some members of the Democratic Party and aspects of their political machine to switch allegiance to you.
Working With Republicans: A scant few Republicans have shown themselves to be potential allies, at least on legislative matters. Their party has for now absorbed the Progressives, creating a fragile and unstable union that could explode at any moment...and you might just be able to pick up the pieces. Insurgent Republicans and former Progressives have praised your advocacy for the recent, defeated laws. And they know together you will be stronger. Approaching them could be worthwhile.Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 40/80/120. Results: You convince some members of the Republican Party and aspects of their political machine to switch allegiance to you.
Make a Split: The Republican-Progressive alliance is proving to be an unhappy one. While the Republicans have continually rallied behind Curtis and MacArthur, they have offered only the most meager sops to their would-be ally's agendas, and the Progressives are growing enraged, especially after the recent Supreme Court decision sharply expanded the President's power in what many see as an un-Constitutional way. This division could be to our advantage, although we must act fast if we want to gain their support. Long knows that he could attract the Progressives just as well as you could. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/40/70/140. Result: Convince some members of the Progressive Party to switch towards you, deny Huey Long them.
Co-Opt the Machines: While the political machines in SPA controlled areas have been dismantled thoroughly, some yet remain. Halt their gradual dismantlement and co-opt them into your service instead, helping you gain votes in some contested towns and cities. Of course, embracing them means embracing their shadier side as well. Cost: Increase in corruption, risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/30/45/60. Result: Increase in popular support, the Teamster's Union likes it.
A Devil's Deal: You do not like Huey Long. You absolutely despise nearly three-quarters of his party. And you suspect he feels the same way. But you have briefly cooperated to defy MacArthur before...perhaps it would be worth doing so again. Any effort to halt the General's reforms is to both your benefit. Cost: ??? Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75. Result: The SPA and AFP work very loosely together to shut down further military reforms.
Party Lawyers: Many potentially vital laws are being held up in the courts. And frankly, you have a shortage of good lawyers. There are some willing to work for free from dedication to the cause, but most lack the wealth for that or are entirely uninterested in working for you. But enough filthy lucre can solve that problem. Cost: 1 Resource, -1 Resource per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 40. Results: Hire some lawyers to help defend the laws you get passed.
Agricultural Subsidies: Another potential way to bolster the farming cooperatives, and farmers in general, is to expand the subsidies to them. The state governments have enough money for it, and considering the behavior of several other governments, only a hypocrite would complain if they went even moderately into debt. Given that the factions which most disdain your rural focus also disdain electoralism, this will be exceedingly unpopular with some sections. Cost: Minus Relations with Syndicalists, loss of support with both factions of the IWW. Time: 1 month. DC: 40/85/120. Result: Expand agricultural subsidies, gain in support from The Teamster's Union, the Red Grange and Regional Unions. Gain in Relations with Ultraleft Farmer-Labor.
Expand Socialist Subsidies: The newly established subsidies for businesses which maintain certain standards of behavior have been decried as excessive interventionism, but they have also kept many fed and warm, and the value generated has been far more than the governments have been put in. Expand these subsidies to expand the impact...and possibly allow for the reasonable establishment of additional revenue streams by taking advantage of these policies. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 35/95/145. Result: Expand subsidies to workplaces, unlock further options for government intervention and business establishment. Increase in support from ASA and increase in relations with the Orthodox.
Sewer Socialism: American infrastructure is doing...poorly. Neglect and violence has led to bridges beginning to crumble, railways needing repair, and roads vanishing from dust and rain. The repairs will be costly and take a long time, but they can begun relatively simply by passing some spending bills in SPA controlled states. Adjustments can be made to the infrastructure for the benefit of the workers, as well. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75. Result: Infrastructure development begins.
Railway Socialism: The most essential piece of infrastructure is perhaps the rails. These are what tie together the mines and farms and factories and allow an industrial economy to function. Control of the rail hubs was what gave the Bolsheviks many initial successes in the Russian Civil War, and it was vital in the establishment of the French Commune as well. Even during the Slaver's War, the Union's superior rail network was vital. And if state governments are the ones repairing the rails and operating them, perhaps they should be the ones owning them...Cost: Expensive. Time: 3 months. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Begin massive railway repair program, seize the rails thus repaired through "legal" methods.
Begin Re-hiring: The massive purge was somewhat excessive. The new hires are lacking in experience. There have already been several severe issues, and it will be some time before they stop happening. Significant reforms are needed, but there might not be time for that. A simpler alternative would be to identify the most trustworthy of the purged bureaucrats and re-hire them. Cost: Slight loss of support from the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/100. Result: Reduced DCs for state-level actions, malus reduced or eliminated.
Patronage Networks: Patronage is a reality of any political system, no matter how reformers rail against it. It has even begun popping up in the newly cleansed state bureaucracies, to say nothing of unions or the small-town governments on your side. So it must be dealt with, and used to your advantage. Beginning to create and use these networks will also allow you to have at least a degree of control...which means you will be one making bargains with slimy bastards. Joy. Cost: Stress, increase to corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 15. Result: Increase to support in the CSA, increase to support from the Teamster's Union, slight increase to popular support. Enhances effects of Hire Assistants
Anti-Corruption Agencies: Corruption is a double edged sword, and one that could cut you deeply. It is time to start taking measures to protect yourself, first by beginning to work with state governments to establish organizations that will purge corruption within elected and unelected offices...and making sure these organizations are resistant to the lure of corruption themselves. Cost: Slight loss of support in the CSA, slight decrease to support from the Teamster's Union. Time: 3 months. DC: 30/60/90/120. Result: Slight increase in popular support, slight reduction in corruption, further actions for reducing it unlocked.
The Legacy of John Brown: John Brown was a revolutionary martyr who fought for freedom. Abraham Lincoln sought to bring freedom to the enslaved. They would support you in your struggle to bring liberation to all. You will insist on it. You will quote them to say so. You might have to be a bit selective in doing so, but it won't matter. Cost: None... Time: 1 month. DC: 5. Result: Increased efficacy of The American Revolution actions.
Create an Educational Program: Designing a socialist education program will be just one of the many questions you have to answer after the revolution. There are important differences in content and teaching style and likely other things as well. Begin looking into who is an expert in such things and start drawing up the broad strokes of what a curriculum will cover. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/60. Result: Begin designing an education program.
A Socialist Structure, Pt. 1: How will the economy work? Will currency be abolished? How will you ensure racial equality? Though there are examples to look forward to from Britain and France, you will need to begin creating your own answers to these questions. Plans must be made, although they will be by necessity vague. But creating the most basic framework for what form American socialism will take will help ease your path forward. Cost: Probable loss of relations, chance of reduced support in the CSA based on the decisions. Time: 6 months. DC: 0. Result: Begin coming up with a more detailed roadmap for socialist America, begin unlocking actions to create small-scale imitations/programs related to this.
Who Supports Who?: If you looked out the window to see New York City, you would think nine in ten supported you. You are not fool enough to think that, of course. The Payment Army alone disproves that, let alone the bullying your daughter has experienced, the endless attempts at suppression, the thousands of letters denouncing you. Beginning to get an accurate count will be vital for effectively directing your efforts. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Get a general idea (including a map) of where your support is strong and weak and what people are concerned about.
Against the Socialism of Fools: Anti-Semitism is a virulent problem in this country. Father Coughlin spews anti-Semitic bile, many claim Jews are behind every problem and especially the syndicalists, even some of your party members and unionized workers mislike them. Countering these narratives may cost, but it is a worthy effort. Cost: Likely loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/50/100. Result: Counter anti-Semitic narratives, increase in support from Jews, small chance of +1 Influence.
Linguistic Life: The language federations are a powerful part of SPA politics. German, Jewish, Finnish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian...they are large, organized, and often highly radicalized. In many cases, they contain survivors of failed revolutions or escapees from persecution and repression. Militant and determined, they have taken leading roles in several initiatives, including the strikes in Boston. One possibility for appealing to them, and for fighting nativist sentiments, would be expanding the accommodations various programs give to foreign languages. This would include translating speeches and radio broadcasts, creating signs in multiple languages, and beginning to establish programs for cultural autonomy and ethnic liberation. Cost: Unpopular with social conservatives and nativists such as the IWW MM, the SPU, and the AFL. Loss in Relations with Ultraleft Farmer-Labor and the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/30/45/60. Result: Increase in support from IWW MA and Regional Unions, increase in Relations with Syndicalists and Orthodox factions, begin developing a roadmap for cultural autonomy and support for ethnic minorities.
On the Women's Question: Women's liberation must be part of the revolution. Some advocate for the complete destruction of the institution of the family...they may go a bit far, but you understand where they are coming from. There are things you can do to help them achieve true equality. Some of them are obvious, like removing infantilizing laws that restrict women's rights and tearing down barriers that prevent women from working. What else can you do? Cost: Cost: Unpopular with social conservatives such as the SPU and the AFL. Loss in Relations with Ultraleft Farmer-Labor and the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Increase in support from IWW MA and Regional Unions, increase in Relations with Syndicalists and Orthodox factions, begin developing a roadmap for women's liberation.
Justice for Jim Crow: The institution of slavery and its ideological legacies and descendants have left their marks upon even the most liberated black communities in America. Not only are they still frequently denied full equality under the law, but they frequently are forced to endure neglect or hostility from the police, charity organizations, and even the Red Guards. They have been systematically stripped of social, political, and economic power, and even when they acquire it violent attacks soon deprive them again, such as during the Sack of Tulsa. Steps must be taken to address these inequities, to dismantle Jim Crow and see justice done. Cost: Unpopular with social conservatives such as the SPU and the AFL. Loss in Relations with Ultraleft Farmer-Labor and the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Increase in support from IWW MA and Regional Unions, increase in Relations with Syndicalists and Orthodox factions, begin developing a roadmap for racial justice.
Relations with Reservations: There are scattered Native American reservations across the country, full of people who haven't been citizens until recently, who have been forced off their homes and into desolate places, who have had their history and culture defaced and desecrated. In many ways, the imperialism and colonialism inflicted upon them is America's first sin. You don't know what they want, you don't know what they need. You will have to begin asking those questions. Cost: Unpopular with social conservatives such as the SPU and the AFL. Loss in Relations with Ultraleft Farmer-Labor and the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Increase in support from IWW MA and Regional Unions, increase in Relations with Syndicalists and Orthodox factions, begin developing a roadmap for justice for Native Americans.
A Replacement for Bureaucrats: The dismantlement of the state bureaucracies has proven difficult to overcome, even as replacements are hired as fast as possible. Furthermore, there has been a growing current of concern within the party that bureaucrats will end up becoming a new capitalist class. However, they are also recognized as being a vital part of existing apparatuses, and one that will be difficult to replace. Discussions need to be had on how their function can be handled in a post-capitalist society, or how they will be replaced. Practical experience from dedicated syndicalists working at varying ranks of state bureaucracies can be synthesized into the beginnings of a roadmap. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75/125. Result: Begin developing the party-line on how bureaucrats and civil servants will be handled. Reduce malus from lack of experienced bureaucrats
Develop a Radicalization Pipeline: The newest unions are staunchly conservative on social and economic issues. Advocating for better wages and shorter hours seems to be a step too far for many, let alone more unusual proposals like requiring factories to have childcare facilities and compensation for injuries or outright revolution. While the Great Depression has affected them, and they have heard of the various horrors inflicted upon workers by the government, both matters are distant to them. The cruelties of capitalism need to be brought home to them. They need to be persuaded that there must be a revolution. Cost: None. Time: 2 months. DC: 20/40/60/80. Result: Begin developing strategies for en masse radicalization.
Create a Curriculum: For a socialist school system to exist, there must be a socialist curriculum, Having students elect their teachers seems faintly ridiculous, but there can be other ways for them to be exposed to the SPA's ideals from a young age, and there should certainly be a different emphasis on what is taught. No gender divide for one. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 20/40/60/80. Result: Creation of curriculum, improved results and lowered difficulty for Organize Education.
Document Rural Life: Farmers live vastly different lives than urban workers. And even within that broad category, there is a vast gulf of distance between a Midwestern smallholder, an Appalachian backwoods farmer, and a Southern sharecropper. Documenting some of their experiences, their cultures, their hardships and abuses they endure under capitalism, and their desire for themselves and their children could help overcome gaps of understanding and painful clashes that have bedeviled your efforts in rural propaganda and organizing. It might be seen as boondoggle by some, but it also may add weight to your argument. Cost: Small loss of support within the CSA. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/60. Result: Reduced difficulty of rural organization and propagandization.
Investigate the Machines: Fragments of the Democrats and the Republicans have begun drifting towards you over the past several months, with the latest gunfight bringing about a sharp change in several group's positions. However, they are still trusted insiders in their parties, and this gives you an opportunity to get an inside look at the often rather opaque workings of the party machines, to better co-opt or destroy them. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 35/85/135. Result: Gain information and opportunities to take over or break various political machines.
Siphon Party Funds: The first step in performing covert actions is to acquire funds to do so. Simply taking money directly from the party treasury strikes you as a bad idea, as the resulting vanishing will be wide open for anyone who looks. So instead you will arrange for a few dribbles of cash to vanish into an account you can use for off-the-books problem-solving. Cost: -0.1 Resources per month. Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 35/70. Result: +0.1 Resources per turn goes into a dark fund you can draw upon for covert ops.
Siphon State Funds: With nearly unfettered access to many state governments and party loyalists being installed in treasury departments across the nation, you have an opportunity to enhance the party's financial position by arranging for subtle fund transfers from the government funds. There will likely need to be some sort of...shell to hide the directness of the money transfer. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75/100. Result: Increase to income.
Hire an Assistant Secretary: You need someone who is good at this sort of thing. Someone trustworthy, loyal and competent. That's going to be really hard to find...but at the same time it is undeniably necessary. How would you even begin to find that? Cost: Risky...and you will have to commit an Authority to them. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/??/????. Result: Find some potential spymasters, can delegate Influence or Authority to them.
Sending Spies: Particularly given your purging of the police and the increasing difficulties the capitalists are having with oppressing the workers in areas dominated by syndicalists, there is something of a low-level exodus going on from the north, which means there is an opportunity to get eyes and ears in the lower level of the National Guards, U.S. Army, and hostile militias, to name a few possibilities. Cost: Risk of discovery, risk to the spies. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/???. Result: Write-in where you send the spy.
Newspaper Analysts: With the increasing influx of information, often heavily conflicting, getting an idea of what is going on in the country grows more difficult every day. Arranging for a few party members to subscribe to dozens of newspapers and compare them so they can brief you will be child's play compared to some of the things you have organized. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0. Result: Improvement to Rumors and News section.
(1 Influence committed) Revolutionary Guards: People have been threatening to kill you and your family and other leaders for a long time. You have developed protection against overt attacks, but perhaps it is time to begin developing a more covert sort of protection as well. Cost: - 2 Resources per month. Time: 1 months. DC: 35/??/???. Result: Create organization of plainclothes bodyguards for you, your family, and other important figures. Unlock additional counterintelligence actions.
Send Covert Organizers: Unions cannot operate openly everywhere. Particularly in the South and Midwest, efforts to organize are met with bombs, knives, and bullets. Or worse. You have vivid memories of the results of your trip to Wilmington...But people still organize, they still fight. Sending covert assistance can lead to an increase to your strength in an area, and help increase the chances of more overt intervention. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators/organizers depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support while increasing your own support there. Unlock actions for following up on the organization/agitation.
Covert Investigation: Quietly looking into the behavior of a subordinate might allow you to remove them before they can become an embarrassment, or simply confirm their innocence without risking giving the impression they have lost your confidence. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Find any wrongdoing for chosen subordinate.
Ears in the Party: To better keep abreast of movements in the Party and the doings of your subordinate, cultivating a small network of...trusted friends to let you know what they hear could be managed. Flora will probably have to be the one managing them, but you feel she is trustworthy. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/?/??. Result: Lower difficulty of actions involving intelligence within the SPA.
Create Shell Corporations: To help with some of your more...unpleasant deeds, you can avoid scrutiny by purchasing a few false companies and helping you to conceal any unfortunate money trails. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. Result: Increase chances of avoiding discovery for embezzlement actions.
Infiltrate the Army: With the contacts Butler has given you, you now have a simple way of infiltrating the army. Selecting volunteers from the Red Guards and having them sign up will enable you to gain some low-level infiltration, while going through the men he introduced you to will enable you to hear rumors and gossip from higher-levels. MacArthur is certainly planning to use the army against you, you must find out how. The steady sidelining of officers with syndicalist sympathies has left you with fewer avenues, although the recruiting spree does offer fresh opportunities for entering the lower ranks. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/50/100/?/??. Result: Make contacts within the military.
Find What They Want: The Syndintern has begun making contact with you, but not on a steady basis. You need to arrange a more reliable system of meeting with their representatives if you want to change that. And you need to change it if you want to get a good idea of what they want and gain access to the extensive support they could provide. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 20. Result: Gain access to Syndintern Mandates and Syndintern Abilities
Steal Weaponry: The National Guards of several states are in total disarray. Extensive orders have been placed in other states for more equipment. But federal troops are securing the majority of depots, with strict orders and intense security procedures. Only a few SPA and AFP dominated states have resisted the federal commands, leaving fewer points of access for these thefts...and those points are certainly being watched. Cost: Risk of discovery, 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 75/??/??/???. Result: Begin creating stockpiles of weapons and equipment such as grenades, machine guns, mortars, etc.
Work Overtime: Although your heart and mind ache at the thought, the cause needs you. It will be stressful, it will be upsetting to your wife and daughter, you can feel your very soul revolting at the thought of spending even more hours working...but you must. The workers of the world demand it! No matter what it costs you. Cost: Severely stressful, unhealthy, bad for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: +1 temporary Influence.
Personal Attention: If you spend a few hours working on a particular task, it will likely go smoother. It will cut into the time you would normally spend with your family or your books, but it is a sacrifice you will have to make. Cost: Stressful, not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Small dice and narrative bonus to chosen action.
Exercise: You have gotten slightly out of shape thanks to the stress of the election. Getting back in shape would be good for your health and your image...and if you ever get the chance to punch Huey Long in his fat face or strangle MacArthur, it will help then too. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, improvement to health.
Spend Time With Your Family: Your daughter Hannah misses you, as does your wife Louise. Spending some extra time with them this month will make up for all the times you missed doing it during the campaign season. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Major decrease in stress, good for your family.
Write: You have been working on another book about your own thoughts and beliefs about socialism and syndicalism, as well as on a few poems, memoirs, and some other odds and ends. Spending some time working on that will help order your thoughts and ease your burdens. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, possibility of new traits.
Free Actions
Tweak a Subordinate's Priorities: While those who are working with you are scattered across the country, between the train and the telegram they are within reach. Requesting a minor change to their priorities is a simple matter. Cost: May pick only once per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: May make 1 change to 1 subordinate's priorities (change order, add one, remove one).
Ask For a Favor: Party members already sacrifice their time and money and sometimes their health and their life, but you must ask for more. Though it will cost some precious goodwill, continued success will bring it back, and so you can confidently ask for favors. Cost: Variable amount of Relations, changes in Strength of factions. DC: No roll. Result: May get as many favors as Relations and Strength allows.
Throw Your Weight Around: You are the leader of the SPA, the man who helped lead the Seattle and Chicago General Strikes to success, the man the Syndintern has trusted with bringing about the Revolution. Though you are democratically elected, you have undeniable authority. Authority you truly prefer not to use...unless you absolutely have to. Cost: -12 Relations with all factions of the SPA, narrative effects. The cost will change as you use it for better or worse. DC: 0. Time: 1 month Result: Temporarily convert 1 Gravitas to 1 Authority.
Choose A Focus: You are currently taking no focus.
The Union Forever! - Through the most difficult and darkest days, it was the unions that kept the revolutionary spirit alive. Let the unions stand forever. No reactionary or capitalist can defeat the people, united. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain national spirit The Union Forever (Effect: +1 Strength to the Left faction per month).
A Lot of Chutzpah - Part of propaganda is not...lies exactly, but occasionally de-emphasizing certain aspects of your end goal for the sake of quieting opposition. It might take a lot of chutzpah to say yes out of one side of your mouth and no out of the other, but it also takes a lot of chutzpah to overthrow capitalism. Time: 1 month. Effect: +2 Appeal per month for white Americans, -1 Appeal per month for black, Jewish, and immigrant Americans.
The Social Revolution - Part of socialist doctrine is that there must be a social revolution to break down the barriers capital has imposed. There is no reason it cannot be begun before the rest, as in many ways it will be the most difficult. Time: 1 month. Effect: -1 Appeal per month for white Americans, +3 Appeal per month for black, Jewish, and immigrant Americans
The Failing Middle Class - The wealthy proletariat and the petit bourgeoise are major backbones for MacArthur and the Democrat-Republicans. But as the economy grows worse, many fall into poverty and so become easier to radicalize. Time: 1 month. Effect: +10 to the next roll involving recruiting the wealthy.
Union Recruiting - Not every worker has chosen to join a union. Some are scabs, some are scared, some are reactionaries. Regardless, with tensions rising every day, the threat they pose to the Revolution grows. Pressure can be applied through the carrot and the stick to see them join unions and develop class consciousness. Time: 1 month. Effect: The next 3 union recruiting actions gain +5 to their roll.
Blitz the Soldiers - The current US Army and Air Force are powerful despite their small size. Well-trained and led by a skilled corp of officers who have cut their teeth in dozens of imperialist actions, they could deal significant damage to the Revolutionary cause...unless their soldiers could be convinced to join us. Time: 1 month. Effect: The next 3 actions for recruiting or co-opting soldiers gain +5 to their roll.
Political Alliances - Victories must be won not just on the battlefield, but in the halls of the rich and powerful. They must be convinced to side with you against Long's insanity and MacArthur's tyranny. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain the national spirit of Political Alliances (Effect: +1 Strength for the Right faction per month).
Form Spartacus Columns - the KKK and the Silver Legion, to name just a few, inflict all sorts of horrific violence upon sharecroppers, and that is leaving aside the abuse they receive from police and frequent incidents of mob violence. Between a lack of weapons and a lack of organization, little can be done against them. Your strikers have defeated soldiers, paramilitaries, and police. They can do it as well. Time: 1 month. Effect: Easier to arm and organize the sharecroppers.
Letters From Cousins: Your most potent tool for recruiting among the sharecroppers of the Black Belt are the connections they have to newly unionized men and women who have traveled to Chicago and New York and Detroit and a thousand other cities, and found a welcoming community amongst the unions. Time: 1 month. Effect: Easier organization and recruiting in the Black Belt.
Organize the Farmworkers - The migrating farmworkers are perhaps the easiest target for radicalization. Their formerly prosperous lives ripped away from them, pushed into desperate poverty, the food they work so hard to grow frequently burned in front of them as they starve...Time: 3 months. Effect: Significant increase to support among rural populations, +10 to the next 3 actions involving organizing or agitating in rural areas.
Anti-Foreclosure Teams - The most immediate threat to the remaining farmers are foreclosures. There are a variety of methods of dealing with this problem, from paying the banks to driving off their agents to buying the property at auction then returning it. Begin doing so in mass. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain +10 to all actions involving resisting foreclosure or eviction.
The willingness of Curtis and MacArthur and their allies to ignore the Constitution and trample their bourgeois democracy's principles is disturbing, but aside from worrying us, it has also alienated some of their more norm-dedicated allies and their other enemies. It would be worth approaching them to strengthen the opposition...Make an electoral alliance or poach politicians within 3 months (from the Parliamentarians).
--Norman Thomas' Subordinate Actions
The workers of the United States are certainly one of the most advanced and organized sections of the working class, but in certain places and certain industries they remain divided and deluded by capitalists. Strike against this confusion, send agitators to disrupt hostile groups and organizers to rally the workers against their oppressors. They have nothing to lose but their chains! Send agitators and organizers, whether openly or covertly, to an area or group within 3 months (from the Center).
-- Send Union Organizers To The West Coast: While agitators can disrupt other political organizations and explain why you are better, to actually gain support of the kind that makes people spend blood and gold and sweat on your behalf requires a different approach. Establishing that takes time, but sending union organizers to an area can make for a start. In many ways, the risks these organizers take is even greater than that of the agitators, especially if there is sufficient hostility to socialism already. Some have literally been tarred and feathered...Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the organizers depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and gain temporary support there. Unlock actions for following up on the organization.
While a certain degree of neglect towards the party has been demonstrated, your leadership has overall been sound. However, the stress is surely beginning to get to you, and a lack of detailed knowledge of where to best focus our scattered resources is probably also weighing on your mind. Take a break and attempt to find more detail on local support within 2 months (from the Totalists, the Center, and the Orthodox).
-- Spend Time With Your Family: Your daughter Hannah misses you, as does your wife Louise. Spending some extra time with them this month will make up for all the times you missed doing it during the campaign season. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Major decrease in stress, good for your family.
-- Who Supports Who?: If you looked out the window to see New York City, you would think nine in ten supported you. You are not fool enough to think that, of course. The Payment Army alone disproves that, let alone the bullying your daughter has experienced, the endless attempts at suppression, the thousands of letters denouncing you. Beginning to get an accurate count will be vital for effectively directing your efforts. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Get a general idea (including a map) of where your support is strong and weak and what people are concerned about.
The capitalist oppression of the working class grows more intolerable by the day. If the leadership of the SPA will not commit to their liberation by any means necessary, we will. Begin efforts to suppress and terrify reactionaries within 6 months (From the Ultra-Ultraleft).
The first steps towards the social liberation of the proletariat have been taken with the revisions to the party line. It is time to take them further and apply the same logic to the other oppressed groups of society. Take an action to counter racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, or similar predijuces within 1 month (from the Syndicalists, they seem to have switched attitudes and from the Anarchists).
--National Focus: The Social Revolution
-- Justice for Jim Crow: The institution of slavery and its ideological legacies and descendants have left their marks upon even the most liberated black communities in America. Not only are they still frequently denied full equality under the law, but they frequently are forced to endure neglect or hostility from the police, charity organizations, and even the Red Guards. They have been systematically stripped of social, political, and economic power, and even when they acquire it violent attacks soon deprive them again, such as during the Sack of Tulsa. Steps must be taken to address these inequities, to dismantle Jim Crow and see justice done. Cost: Unpopular with social conservatives such as the SPU and the AFL. Loss in Relations with Ultraleft Farmer-Labor and the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Increase in support from IWW MA and Regional Unions, increase in Relations with Syndicalists and Orthodox factions, begin developing a roadmap for racial justice.
This is what it'd take to fulfill most of the mandates involved, I believe.
This would be work towards the South and West, and then the rest can be propaganda for radicalization, dealing with the Ultra-Ultraleft... or starting further experiments in Socialism/creating more dual power structures.
[] Plan: Fulfilling Mandates, Propagandizing the West, and Strengthening the Party
-[] Make A Split, 2 Influence
-[] Personal: Spend time with your family
-[] Establish a Budget: Cost: 15 Resources, -5 Resources per month. Time: 1 month. DC: 0. 1 Influence
-[] Who Supports Who? (2 Influence)
-[] Send Socialist Agitators to the West Coast (1 Influence, 1 Gravitas)
-[] Focus: The Social Revolution
-[] A Generous Gesture (1 Influence)
-[] Hire Assistants (1 Influence)
-[] Unity in the Melting Pot (1 free Propaganda dice)
-[] Tweak a Subordinate's Priorities: State Legislative Committee: Remove expanding relief programs
Tell me if I'm missing something from this. It's a first rough draft, and I could instead spend the Gravitas as Influence to, say, give us a spymaster or someone else who can help manage things.
The State Legislative Committee, confident in the power of revolutionary fervor to overcome even the harshest obstacles, is now moving to create a program of subsidies where companies and factories that meet certain standards of worker ownership can receive state investments.
Double-checking here, does this mean that the SLC is only focusing on one subject with both their dice? That at least somewhat alleviates the problem of their -20 something penalty, in that it's a good buffer against falling into the negatives.
Anyway, our top priority for the next couple of turns needs to be damage control. We have to reestablish Party Unity and shore up our support, and rally the West Coast.
And probably rebuild the Strike Fund/shore up the Red Guards as well in the future. 1934 had some big strikes as part of it.
Argh. Only being able to change one actions with Tweak Subordinates' Priorities is practically useless. If we could delete one action and add another, it'd be fine. But we can only get rid of their current action, and I have no idea what they'll do in that case. And having them do otherwise would cost an action when we desperately need every Influence to shore up the Party.