To Struggle and Strive: The Combined Syndicates of America in 1932. A Kaiserreich Quest

July 1933
Sarah wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but she knew it wasn't going to be good. Officer Wilson had come around to tell them about the meeting, and said he and other police were going to visit all the farms. The mayor had gotten some sort of important letter and he wanted everyone to hear it.

Hopefully, it was good news, but Sarah had seen the orange sky and the dead crops on the way into town. The same things she had seen every day for months. It broke all the hope she had left, and replaced it with bitter understanding. She and her husband would have to leave and go...somewhere. They had family in other places, but no one was any better off. The dust was everywhere in the country, it seemed like, and all the powerful people didn't care.

But the mayor had asked, and hearing what he had to say was a better way to waste time than cleaning what would be dirty in a minute anyway. Grit stinging her eyes and abrading her feet, she walked on past an abandoned tractor and a rotting cow being pecked at by crows and the sign that welcomed strangers to town, now stripped entirely of its careful paint job.

The neat road of the town was covered in piles of silt and dirt, getting blown here and there as the breeze eddied them around. All the signs on the stores were gone, the windows were boarded up or stood open, the shattered glass resembling jagged maws. The only place that had any life was the church. She and her husband staggered in.

The whole town was gathered here, and not just the people who lived in town but dozens of families from miles around. She saw the Janson clan, who owned a dozen farms scattered about, were all there wearing gray armbands. Both pastors and all four policemen had faded red somewhere on them. Everyone was thin and ragged, with worn and torn and grimy clothes. The air was thick and dusty and humming with tension.

Sarah swallowed. Looking around, not a single face seemed friendly. Everyone was pinched and suspicious and measuring the others. Her husband had brought a gun along, and he was far from the only one. Knives were in abundance too. What was the world coming too, that so many walked into a church with instruments of death?

And what was happening to her, that she found herself accepting it with nothing more than faint stirrings of disgust?

The mayor trudged up to the podium, a faint smile on his face. "My friends and fellow townsmen, it seems we have good news. Congressmen Lahler, formerly of Farmer-Labor and now of Left-Farmer-Labor, has assured us we will be receiving aid. I know many of you were planning on leaving, or have already left..."

He looked sorrowful briefly, but forced himself to go on, sucking in a deep breath, letting out a hacking cough, and then managing to continue.

"But he has sent letters with the bill he intends to see passed. Having read's unprecedented. And he has assured me at least a full third of the state house stands with him, between the various Farmer-Labor affiliates and the SPA..."

Tom Janson stood up not two feet from her. "So you want us to trust some syndicalist thief to do right for us? The same ones who tried to say we can't sell our crops for anything like a fair price?"

Billy Carpenter leaned forward from behind the mayor, hand resting on the butt of his gun. "My cousins went to the city, the one the SPA took over. He says they are giving free food to any man or woman who comes to them. That's right Christian of them, more Christian than you are!"

Tom flushed. "You Red son of a gun! You've no right to speak to me like that!"

"Speak to you like what? Like you are a damn fool who couldn't find his nose with his hand?"

Tom growled something Sarah refused to hear.

"Pig!" Billy shot back, face turning redder than his handkerchief




"Bastard!" Billy spat, then he paled.

"Sorry Tom, you know I didn't mean it like that..."

Tom had been born three months after his mother's wedding, and rumors had dogged him all his life that his mother's husband wasn't the father.

For a moment, the world was still. Then Tom took a single step forwards, something flashed in his hand, Billy's head tore open and the loudest thunderclap she had ever heard ripped from the church.

She stared as Billy, Billy who had walked her home from church once upon a time and used his coat as an umbrella for her...Billy was dead. She blinked, trying to understand...

The Jansons fled as a group, guns out, and then the police chased after them. She heard more gunshots, but they seemed distant and far away. Her husband shook her, his mouth moving. She felt something warm trickle out of her ear.

Slowly, her hearing began to recover, enough to make out what was being said. "I am going to see that son of a bitch pay," her husband murmured.

She shook her head, violently. She didn't want to see more people die, she had heard stories of feuds and fights that killed hundreds...her arms wrapped around herself as she shivered, picturing their tiny town and pleasant farm covered in shell holes and raked with machine-gun fire like Belgium had been in the Weltkrieg. She pictured soldiers fighting back and forth over it, dying again and again as their blood soaked the ground until no crops could take root. She saw her husband and Tom and Billy wearing uniforms, fighting and dying and rotting until she couldn't tell who was who.

She closed her eyes and fell backward as vague sounds of chaos passed through her mind.

She saw nothing as arguments in the church erupted into violence. She saw nothing as her husband scooped her up and carried her away from the bleeding and the dying. She saw nothing as a stray bullet struck him in the back and tore through his spine. She saw nothing as her head smacked against the corner of an empty store. She saw nothing as the two of them lay together, dust storms ripping at their skin and thirst slowly killing them.

She opened her eyes just in time to see a hundred United States soldiers march in and restore order to a dead town.

Rumors and News

The news of your alliance with Farmer-Labor hits the CSA like a bomb thrown into a union meeting. You are shouted at for nearly five minutes, and then some begin shouting to defend you. You come far closer to having to break up a fistfight than you would have liked before you can explain yourself.

Bluntly, in a few brief words, you defend your decision, appealing to Marxism, humanity, politics, and simple common sense. It is accepted, begrudgingly, with your support significantly threatened should there be bad results from this decision, such as rural immigrants to the cities becoming scabs or forming reactionary militia. A process that is already beginning.

Farmer-Labor has handled things even worse. The party has fully split into five factions: Farmer-Labor, the American Farmers Party, True Farmer-Labor, and Left-Farmer-Labor, to say nothing of the party members who have switched to you outright. Farmer-Labor and Left-Farmer-Labor maintain the alliance with you. The American Farmers Party has chosen to work with the AFP. And True Farmer-Labor has done their best to maintain legislative independence. The result has turned the states they so briefly turned into a literal and metaphorical battleground. The images you see in newspapers remind you of ones from your history books, showing Bleedin' Kansas. And the violence and the continuing dust storms only accelerate the flight from rural areas, the destitute farmers bringing their increasingly radicalized or reactionary politics with them.

The Democratic, Republican, and True Farmer-Labor, along with a few increasingly irrelevant fifth parties, have begun making efforts to handle the crises, seemingly becoming aware of the situation in the country for the first time. Many of these destitute farmers are recruited into the army, along with a bare minimum of screening, and then they are given simple public works tasks. Discussions of some form of alliance have begun in the top ranks of the party, and for the first time a relief bill is introduced into Congress with seemingly serious consideration, although it is trapped in committee where it is being virulently debated. You have read the bill and find it pathetically mild. But it seems to have assuaged some criticism from the progressive wings of the party.

Even better for them, some Japanese and Australasian companies have begun to invest in some Pacific Coast cities, although they appear to have demanded significant security measures in the process.

Meanwhile, Long continues struggling to get a handle on his party. Federalist militias and police forces have begun attacking the Minutemen in parts of the South, while True Farmer-Labor has effectively driven his allies out of Oklahoma and Kansas. A rumored deal with several German companies in some southern cities has fallen through completely.

You have heard nothing but ominous silence from your allies and friends north of the Canadian border.

In other news, Ford has pulled out of his factory project, apparently being forced to by his stockholders. An investigation by Red Guards revealed that Ford was apparently trying to diversify into rifles and bullets.

[Slight gain of support in rural areas, intense violence in rural areas, increase in support in urban areas even as other political groups gain support as well.]

Plans from Subordinates

The crisis has led to a dramatic shift in priorities for the Coordination Committee. The rise of reactionary militias threaten to undo their efforts, and they are pouring immense amounts of time and effort into stopping it.

The farming relief bills have become even more important, even as available Farmer-Labor expertise makes the subject matter much simpler. The new plans include state programs to provide seeds, farming equipment, and teachers for new methods...and new ideologies.

Although Thomas initially planned on continuing his previous efforts, the violence in the Midwest has caused him to change his course as well. He intends something. "I don't know how I can help, Jack, but I know I have to," he told you, face the color of ash.

You have 8 Influence and 2 Authority total. 0 Authority and 1 Influence are committed to ongoing actions. You are currently taking On the Farms.

Successfully propagandize towards farmers in 3 months (from The Syndicalists).

Party Actions

Hold a Rally: It's a classic for every political party for a reason. There's nothing quite like a grand rally with banners waving and people cheering to make you seem unstoppable and to gather more support. The demonstration of the energy and might of the working class will have the capitalists shaking in their boots. It is a message to your supporters as well, that all the power of the SPA stands behind them. Here is what it says: Let your foes try and stop you. They will be ground under your heel. Cost: 1 Resources and a risk of backlash and hostile interruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/50/85/120. Results: Variable change in support, chance of intimidating your enemies. Can synergize with other actions.

Wave the Red Banner: The Red Banner is not the only SPA-affiliated or favoring publication, but it is the only one produced by the Party itself. And it is immensely popular. New ones go out constantly, but you could write an article of your own and make a special edition. This would receive extra attention and possibly some new readership, allowing you to make your opinions heard and sway the hearts and minds of others. You could shape the narrative on something, make an argument for or against a particular course of action, attack an enemy or uplift an ally. The possibilities of the written word are limitless. Cost: 2 Resources and a risk of backlash. May be additional costs depending on the topic. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100/150. Results: Variable change in support or party factions, results depend on topic. Topic must be written in. Some examples: "The importance of unity in the socialist cause," "The corruption of the Hoover administration," "Why feminism and socialism must go together," and "Why Farmer-Labor should unify with the SPA." Can synergize with other actions.

Send Social Agitators To: Nearly every street corner in Chicago, New York City, and Seattle has a man or woman standing on a crate and telling the passerby of the virtues of the cause and encouraging them to donate. They are often beaten brutally by the bourgeois or by police (and just as often protected by their listeners), but they nevertheless persist, determined to gain recruits and funds for the cause. Some of these agitators are amateurs doing it in their spare time, but quite a few are dedicated and skilled speakers. Sending these speakers in significant numbers to an area can turn your foe's supporters against them, especially if it is followed up upon with meaningful organization. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support there.

Create Shadow Government: You have had a brilliant idea: Though you lack power at the federal level, the Socialist Party has substantial control of many mayorships, county governments. You even effectively control some states of the Steel Belt. Creating a forum to help these various governments cooperate and resolve disputes will be useful, especially if you have further requests of these governments. You have only discussed this concept briefly, but the idea of the Interstate Committee of Socialist Governments (name subject to change) has dazzled many. Especially since it will help you gain influence over their legal codes, voting laws, and National Guard armories. Cost: Significant and dangerous backlash from within and without the Party, possible legal challenges. Time: 3 months. DC: 70/140/200/250. Results: Various states and lower-level governments integrated into a coordinated body, many new possibilities available, although the body could be unwieldy.

Condemn Reactionary Judges: The situation in many streets resembles a powder keg. There are gathering crowds, ready to strike. They are growing hungrier. They are growing angrier. Even your soup kitchens can stave that off for so long...and judges are preventing relief. Speaking on this matter will ensure the people's ire is properly directed and may inspire some changes of heart. The violence it may cause will be almost unnoticed against the bloody backdrop of the Midwest. Cost: Small risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 5/15/20/25/30. Results: Legal challenges for relief laws cleared away.

Support Faction: The party is more than a little divided, even if everyone is determined to stick together, they still clash frequently, with each other and with you. Spending some time and effort backing a particular faction in these debates could gain you some gratitude, which is always a valuable currency. Cost: Risk of losing Influence or Authority. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Increase Relations and Strength of selected faction, chance of gaining Influence.

Make Changes To Subordinates: You do not have the time or capability to make all the decisions involved with bringing the Revolution to America, and so you have trusted subordinates to help. Occasionally, you will need to redirect their efforts, invest more in their success, or even replace them immediately. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Make any change to 1 subordinate. Can be taken multiple times.

Party Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Extremely low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/180. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.

Open Investigation: If a subordinate is unpopular or incompetent, you can begin publically looking into their performance. This can wash off some of the reflected stink, particularly if you find something, but if there is no evidence of wrongdoing or fraud that can only make the situation worse or lead to questions of your judgement. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Some chance of finding problems with chosen subordinate, options to deal with problems, chance of +1 Influence.

Support Subordinate: Expressing confidence in a subordinate, either by offering direct aid or by giving material support, can boost their performance, especially if there isn't a structural reason for their failures. Cost: Write-in. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Positive modifier to chosen subordinate, chance of them gaining positive trait.

Acquire Expertise: You are only one man, you cannot know or do everything. Having trusted subordinates who can do part of the work helps, but so too does having trusted advisors, people who can offer you advice for dealing with things you don't quite understand. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Find assistant for chosen subject who can give bonuses and penalties to rolls and other situations.

Push for Rural Assistance: The priority for most of the SPA are the urban areas and the mining strongholds. Between the fact that most farmers are petty producers and their famed social conservatism, there is relatively little concern for their fates beyond vague acknowledgements. Even the rural relief bills many are advocating for are primarily focused on keeping a large supply of food for the cities available. Despite the revolutionary potential of many rural groups, they are being effectively abandoned to be turned into the footsoldiers of reaction. Though it will strain the limits of your position, insisting on more effort will hopefully encourage the party to give more thought to farmers and farmworkers. Cost: -1 Influence, -1 Authority. Time: 3 months. DC: 45/90. Result: Unlock new actions focusing on supporting and recruiting among farmers,

Integrate Farmer-Labor: The new recruits from Farmer-Labor and Left-Farmer-Labor are truly eager to support you in any way they can, even if some are reluctant at the prospect of violent revolution, just as you once were. The political structure of the CSA and SPA are not entirely welcome to them however, especially since they do not formally represent any unions. Making some slight changes to the party will allow them to help you with rural outreach. Cost: Loss of Relations with all factions except the Parliamentarians. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Increased efficacy for various rural-related actions.

Anarchist Organizations: Anarchists are no longer as prominent a scare-word as they once were. Socialism and syndicalism are the new words to make the bourgeoisie and their running dogs wet themselves in fear. The reduced propaganda against them makes them potentially quite useful...and you remember hearing that the Black Army was highly popular among Ukranian peasants. Perhaps approaching them to form an Anarchist Grange may help you gain support in the Bleeding Midwest. And if they fail, most of the party will be unconcerned. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: You and the CSA select a rural-focused organizer from The Anarchist faction, gain in Strength for the Anarchists.

Union Actions

Send Union Organizers To: While agitators can disrupt other political organizations and explain why you are better, to actually gain support of the kind that makes people spend blood and gold and sweat on your behalf requires a different approach. Establishing that takes time, but sending union organizers to an area can make for a start. In many ways, the risks these organizers take is even greater than that of the agitators, especially if there is sufficient hostility to socialism already. Some have literally been tarred and feathered...Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the organizers depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and gain temporary support there.

Appoint Union Representative: There are dozens of unions, many with hundreds or thousands of chapters. A rare few even have branches in Canada, with a rarer few having branches in Mexico. The Combined Syndicates serves as a forum to allow them to coordinate and cooperate, but the vagaries of time and travel mean that the larger meetings are often sparsely attended. Electing (although your influence will help make it an effective appointment) a representative to help manage the syndicates, smooth over disputes, and ensure all voices are heard would reduce the growing pains the CSA is suffering from. However, the notion is not entirely popular...Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Subvote to determine who you will support for Union Representative and how much to invest in them.

Prepare Rural Unions: Rural areas are utterly lacking in the sort of density mines or cities have that labor organizers and workers used to create their powerful unions. A new approach will need to be devised, or more likely multiple to approach the different situations you will doubtless encounter. Perhaps some of the newer unions or the Montant and Colorado miners have some insight? Cost: None. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/25/50/75/100. Result: Improved chance of success for actions in rural areas.

Establish Community Gardens: The cities of America are filled with vacant lots and crumbling buildings. Reclaiming the buildings will have to be part of a larger effort, but the lots can be used to the benefit of the people by establishing gardens. Though they will take many months, the fresh vegetables will improve the quality of the food served by the soup kitchens...and hopefully reduce expenses. Cost: 5 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/30/60. Result: +2 Resources per turn after 3 months.

Mutual Aid Foundations: While directly expanding the soup kitchens would benefit many, a less costly alternative would be the establishment of mutual aid organizations to ensure that people are fed. Since they are less directly dependent on the SPA buying food for them, they will be cheaper for you to maintain, but still serve to provide relief to the struggling masses and help expose them to socialist ideals. The examples of such institutions being created in Chicago have helped show the way. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Improve quality of food kitchens.

Union Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Very low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/150. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.

Union Charities, Donations: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the charitable endeavors of the SPA. Doing so would ease the logistical strain providing for so many causes, but not every union is entirely dedicated to socialist ideals, especially not when it comes to the outsiders who will inevitably come seeking aid. Cost: Increased risk of corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75. Result: +X Resources per month.

Union Charities, Fundraising: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the financial resources at your command through direct donations and holding fundraising events. It may somewhat aggravate your supporters, but as long as you are using the money for their benefit there won't be more than grumbling. Cost: A new mandate. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/120. Result: +X Resources per month.

A Union Shop: Socialized stores have become common in Chicago as workers inspired by the strike or owners compelled by it create democratically run stores. Though mocked by some on the left and some in the more syndicalist wing as "market socialism" and accused of not removing the profit motive, even their strongest critics cannot deny they serve a useful person during this transitory phase. Begin encouraging local unions to establish shops along these lines, and ask for a small cut of the proceeds perhaps? Cost: Small chance of -1 Influence, loss of relations with the Syndicalists. 5 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/35/70/100. Result: Increase in income, establishment of market cooperatives in locations with a strong SPA presence. Small chance of gaining +1 Influence, increase to relations with the Right.

(1 Influence Committed) Credit to the Unions: The major banking services are dominated by capitalists and often hostile to socialists, while the poor are forced into debt to dangerous loansharks. Credit unions are a low-cost and democratically structured alternative to both. While there have been credit unions in the country since the turn of the century, they have become significantly more prominent thanks to the general strike. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/30/60/90. Result: Establishment of credit unions, reduced cost and increased efficacy for other Union actions, gain ability to take loans.

Push for Reduced Hours: With an enormous influx of unemployed workers, the capitalists of the cities are able to find fresh sources of scabs, or else they suffer and languish without any work. Reviving a measure used before would help fix both these. The union workers would reduce their hours, working less time and therefore requiring more workers. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 40/80/120. Result: Amount of unemployed workers is reduced.

Support Housing Cooperatives: The existing housing cooperatives are...poorly designed. Often ill-equipped, uncomfortable, utterly lacking in privacy, and frequently without many or any basic amenities, you have been rightfully pilloried for their quality. Even with the recent and substantial influx of support, they have not improved as much as you would expect. Further investments, for them and the Tenant's Unions, will hopefully allow the situation to get better. Cost: 5 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100. Result: Improvement in living conditions, increase in support.

Create Mobile Aid Teams: A proposal recently made was to form small groups equipped with money and food and send them out to approach the hordes of wandering farmers and give them support. While it will not fully counter the barrage of reactionary news they hear from Long's sound trucks, it will potentially strengthen your arguments by backing them with visible charity. Cost: -2 Resources per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/30/60/90. Result: Increase popularity among rural populations.

Unionized Only!: As the number of potential scabs in the cities increase, measures need to be taken to prevent them from diluting the power of the unions and stealing their hard-won benefits. Begin establishing "union-shops" in the factories, forcing the owners to promise that they will not hire anyone if they are not willing to join the unions. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/45/90/135. Result: Increase the amount of people in unions.

Militant Actions

Additional Weapons: The armaments of your "regular" Red Guards are highly irregular, and the "irregulars" who sometimes join in during protests or strikes are even worse off. Beginning to create armories of weapons will help equip both. The first step will be to acquire things like billy clubs and batons, both to avoid attracting unfortunate attention and because stockpiling guns in the current climate is needlessly risky...Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 2 months. DC: 15/30/45/60. Result: Create stockpiles of "non-lethal" weapons for the use of the Red Guards.

Establish Sporting Clubs: The wholesale purchase of firearms and ammunition by individuals draws attention. But sporting clubs, shooting ranges, and similar institutions doing so would not be a concern. Create a network of these companies as a means of subtly acquiring not just equipment for the Red Guards, but a way for them to train. Cost: 10 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/20/60/100. Result: Increased armaments for Red Guards, ease of training Red Guards increased, further actions to arm and equip Red Guards unlocked.

Instilling Discipline, Pt.1: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) Every branch of the Red Guards contains at least a few who do it more or less full-time. These are some of your most dedicated and radical supporters, and when the time comes they are the ones who will form the hard core of the Red Army. So they are the ones who need training and discipline the most. Based on what you saw of the Bolsheviks in Russia, the first thing that men who wish to be soldiers must be taught is discipline. And so that is what the training shall begin with. Regrettably, the fury in them at the moment will make it harder to convince them not every rich man is their mortal enemy. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 4 months. DC: 20/60. Result: Improve discipline of Red Guards.

Encourage Veteran Recruitment: The recent veterans from the Legation Cities have not all signed up to join your ranks. And there are a fair few older veterans of other wars and "police actions" who could be perhaps convinced to join you. They have heard of the Payment Army and they are angry. Their experience and familiarity with combat will help stiffen and strengthen the Red Guards, although some could be traitors...Cost: Small loss of Relations with the Right and Left. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/50/100. Results: Recruit veteran soldiers, bonuses to other actions.

Integrate the VFW: With Butler on your side, the VFW is yours for the taking. Formally integrating them into the Red Guards will give you a significant increase in the number of experienced soldiers in your ranks. The organizational merging involved is going to be somewhat complicated given the number of differences in structure, but increasing the strength of your paramilitaries will be vital for your success. Cost: Loss of relations with the Parliamentarians, Gain in Relations for all other factions. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/10/40/70/100. Result: Dramatic increase in the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Arm the Police: In the cities where you control the government, the attitudes of the police have shifted dramatically. They are now proud and determined supporters of their fellow workers against the ravages of capital. While they will need further restructuring to truly socialize them, that will have to wait until after the revolution. For now, you must prepare to fight it. Taking measures to increase the discipline and armaments of friendly policing departments will strengthen your control of the cities. Cost: Loss of relations with the Anarchists, Syndicalists, and Parliamentarians. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/10/40/70/100. Result: Dramatic increase in the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Veteran Cadres: With veteran soldiers having joined your rank in large numbers and more looking to rally to the red banner, it is time to truly take advantage of their expertise and begin forming cadres so that they can better develop the skills and discipline of your Red Guard. You are well aware that they will not be the equal of U.S. Army soldiers for some time, but closing the gap even slightly will be a major advantage. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30. Result: Lower DC and improve Results for training actions.

Go Hunting: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) In every city and town of America you face enemies. Hostile police forces, reactionary militias, mercenaries and Pinkertons hired by capitalists, and more. They all seek to oppress and suppress the workers. This cannot be borne. While the Red Guards continually battle in the streets, protecting protests, defending meetings, guarding agitators and organizers, they only rarely go on the offensive, and keep it strictly to retaliatory strikes on those most responsible for attacks. Asking for a more general attack would help weaken opposition, and perhaps see some justice done. Cost: Reduces support, reduces relations with the Parliamentarians, chance of it going badly. Time: 1 month. DC: 30. Results: Red Guards begin attacking class enemies, chance of gaining Resources, Support, Influence...

Street Medics: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) One of the tactics used by the heroes of the Shanghai Uprising was the establishment of street medics, noncombat members of the Left-KMT who helped keep injured members in the fight and provided aid and comfort before the soldiers of the Legation Cities resorted to bloodier measures. Implementing such measures could be useful...Cost: 5 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 40. Results: Red Guards gain street medics, help reduce casualties.

Toll Fees: With your control of railways and the strength of your paramilitaries in many transportation hubs, you could easily gain substantial incomes by insisting on donations for those passing through, although you will need to make sure there are exceptions for those who already support you or who it would be dangerous to stop. Cost: Decrease in support among moderates, increase to corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 45/90/135. Result: Increase to income.

Scab Intimidation: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) The scabs and reactionary militias are outnumbered, outgunned, and outclassed. This may change as refugees continue flowing into the cities and capitalists fund their running dogs, but for now you have the advantage, and you must seize it. The Red Guards will defeat and drive off these "self-defense groups" and "protectors of the American way" and "private security forces" and show them that they are as dust before the tides of history. Cost: Risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/?/?/??. Result: Reactionary militias and scab groups defeated and destroyed in areas you are strong.

Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) The Midwest bleeds, and with it your allies. While Farmer-Labor desires to maintain significant independence and has refused any notion of you protecting them with the Red Guards, Left-Farmer-Labor has promised to accept any aid you can spare. Assassinations and small-scale attacks are mostly the way of things...your Blair Brigade will show them a new way of fighting, while Red Guards will defend the people and help create new militias. Cost: Risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/?/??/???. Results: Left-Farmer-Labor and Farmer-Labor do better in the Midwest, reactionaries impacted negatively.

Strongly Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) The Midwest bleeds, and with it your allies. While Farmer-Labor desires to maintain significant independence and has refused any notion of you protecting them with the Red Guards, Left-Farmer-Labor has promised to accept any aid you can spare. Assassinations and small-scale attacks are mostly the way of things...your Blair Brigade will show them a new way of fighting, while Red Guards will defend the people and help create new militias. And any and every man and woman who volunteers will be armed and sent to protect the just and the righteous, just as slaving filibusters were defeated by volunteers from Union states so many years ago.Cost: Severe risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/?/??/???. Results: Left-Farmer-Labor and Farmer-Labor do significantly better in the Midwest, reactionaries massively impacted negatively.

An Investigation Arm: With the increasing size and activity of the Red Guard, malcontents and informers are likely slipping in, taking advantage of your activities to line their pockets or using their positions to gather information. Neither can be allowed. To counter them, some have proposed the creation of an anonymous reporting system and selecting some trustworthy individuals to investigate these reports. Though generally unpopular, you can see the potential benefits. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 3 months. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Reduction in corruption, increased chance of catching spies.

Take the Docks: In many cities, the powerful Dockworker's Unions could stop the transfer of goods at will, or smuggle goods in past customs inspectors. While this is mostly used for their own benefit, it could be a potent measure to increase the party's resources and power. Unfortunately, given the suspicion being directed at the docks currently, such an action could provoke severe crackdowns that would have significant support. Cost: Severe risk of backlash, will likely increase corruption. DC: 0/50/100/140. Results: Gain income, easier smuggling, new options unlocked.

Recruit Butler: Butler is on your side. While currently he is still the head of the VFW, he may be willing to take up a position under you as the commander of the Red Guards. He is widely respected, famously popular, and a skilled and disciplined leader. His influence will be invaluable for strengthening your paramilitaries and preparing for the bloody conflict to come. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Commit 1 Influence to Butler, get him as a subordinate.

Striking Soldiers: The news that several hundred soldiers have gone on strike has been greatly celebrated in the SPA. Even if it is not truly solidarity, it is a seed that can be watered. Careful efforts on approaching the soldiers who have gone on strike can be begun, hopefully before they are broken up or thrown in prison by untrusting army officers who are desperate to protect their class privilege. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/60/100/140. Result: increase to the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Cultural Actions

Christian Socialism: Most Americans are Christians, and despite the words of the Constitution it is widely considered a Christian nation. Given that many churches are staunchly opposed to socialism while socialism is a staunchly secular ideology, this could be troublesome. Fortunately, this Gordian knot can be cut rather easily. The concept of "Christian socialism" and claiming that Christ himself would be a socialist is simple enough, with ample support for this notion coming directly from the Bible. Combining this message with a few displays of piety will help reduce criticism from the pulpit, although significant portions of organized religion will doubtless remain hostile. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Left, loss of support from Jews and other religions. Time: 2 months. DC: 15/45/90. Results: Increase in support from Christians, increased ease of recruitment.

The American Revolution, Pt.2: The first connections are drawn, the first pieces of theory are created. Now it's time to poke holes in them and see where it doesn't hold up, either to your ideals or to reality. Your ideas are published, but now it's time to see how people have torn them apart so that you can make them better. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence, chance of increased stress. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/35/70/120. Result: Refine the results of The American Revolution, Pt. 1

Organize Education: Education is a necessity for workers. Reading, writing, 'rithmetic, critical thinking and understanding history, the skills and knowledge so they can labor and explain why they labor, all these are vital. American schools are fundamentally capitalist institutions, but alternatives can be established. Cost: -3 Resources, -1 Resources per turn. Time: 6 months. DC: 0/25/50/100. Result: Create a system of cheap socialist private schools.

Organize Childcare, Pt. 2: You have designed your improvements to the ad hoc system of childcare, now it is time for the implementation to begin. All this will really involve is producing guides and perhaps some propaganda, but it will help. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/45/75. Result: Encourage the creation of more equal and better-designed childcare institutions.

Public Libraries: While libraries are a common and immensely popular institution, they can be improved in a number of ways, from increasing the resources available to them to broadening the services provided to include rentable instruments and instruction programs. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/40/70/100. Result: Improve the variety of services offered by libraries.

Songs of the Revolution: The Internationale. The Preacher and the Slave. This Land is Your Land. Solidarity Forever. Many are the songs of the socialist movement. Let everyone hear them. Establish choirs and wandering musicians and every other way to spread your message through song there is. Cost: 3 Resources, -0.5 Resources per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/30/50/70/90/ Results: Easier recruiting, increase to morale among the party.

Unity In The Melting Pot: The Socialist Party and the IWW have long used multilingual speakers to reach out to immigrants. With the end of the Weltkrieg and the defeat of the Bolsheviks, thousands from Eastern Europe have flocked to America's shores to find conditions no better, while others have come north with Central and South America. Reaching out to those groups will be essential. The multilingual program will be expanded, to begin. Cost: None.
Time: 3 months. DC: 5/45/90. Results: Easier recruiting, increased support among immigrants.

Socialist Radio Networks: Huey Long has used the radio to spread his reactionary babble to thousands of Americans. We can do the same. Through speeches and interviews, your message can be broadcast. While some may turn off the radio rather than hear the truth, the more you reach the more you can convince. The first step will be to purchase...whatever it is that produces radio waves for broadcasts. That was never something you needed to learn in school. With migrant hordes crossing the land east and west, a way to reach them grows increasingly important. Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 5/25/50/75. Results: Significantly easier recruiting, increased support.

Posters and Pamphlets: The speeches you give reach only those who hear you. Your speeches written down reach all who can read...but they are a bit too long for a poster discreetly put up or a pamphlet smuggled behind a boss's back. Beginning to create and produce snappy slogans and logos for posters and pamphlets will help you in the propaganda war, especially given the number of virulently anti-socialist publications that will smear you and your movement in any way possible. The lack of any organized system for spreading your message has led to several individuals starting up their own newspapers and similar operations to express support for socialism and syndicalism, albeit with a somewhat critical attitude to you. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 10/50/80. Results: The creation of posters and pamphlets to help spread your message, ease of recruiting.

Propagandize The Rural Areas: Farmers are intensely reactionary. The Southern smallholder made the greatest contribution to the Confederate armies during the War of the Slave Power, the yeomen resisted the creation of a bourgeois democracy during the War of American Independence. But with multiple crises of capital ravaging them economically, perhaps some can be persuaded to support you and join the most advanced segments of the working class. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/30/60/90. Result: Begin propagandizing farmers.

Propagandize Professionals: Doctors and lawyers and managers, all have been greatly affected by this latest crisis. More than a few have been forced into breadlines and soup kitchens alongside the workers they have once looked down on. Approaching them, convincing them to join their cause, will give you access to their skills, which are undeniably useful and valuable. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 40/80/110. Result: Begin propagandizing destitute professionals.

Political Actions

Impeachment: If President Hoover has been unable to leave the White House grounds for two months, he is clearly no longer fit for office. The two-thirds majority impeachment requires is veritably impossible to achieve, but even making noises about it could help gain you support and allies, especially if you are high-profile enough. Some in your party consider it nothing but a waste of time, others feel it is a tactical error. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Syndicalists. Time: 1 month. DC: 5/40/90/200. Results: The Socialist Party initiates an impeachment motion for Hoover, chance of gaining legislative allies or support.

Poach the Democrats: The Democrats have traditionally been a party pulled in many directions - Bourbon conservatives, progressives, Southern populists, and union members, political machines - and while a significant portion of all these factions have left, there are always remnants, such as the Roosevelt family. The party as a whole rejects you wholeheartedly, but individual members can be convinced to change their allegiance. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 55/90/130. Results: You convince some members of the Democratic Party and aspects of their political machine to switch allegiance to you.

Press the Progressives: The Progressive Party is now the second-weakest in America. Even the newly formed America First Party has surpassed them. They hold a few scattered seats in the west and Midwest and little more. This weakness is also what makes them vulnerable. They will collapse as a national party without intervention, you suspect. And you can offer this intervention. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/40/70. Results: You convince some members of the Progressive Party to switch allegiance to you.

Pro-Worker Legislation: It would ordinarily be unlikely to pass, at least on a federal level, but demanding it will make a statement in and of itself. And you will not just push this legislation on a federal level. These laws will focus on the things workers have fought for. Better wages, workplace safety, price caps for company stores...with the stroke of a pen, they can be spread across the country, and it will be the SPA that will take the lion's share of the credit. Unfortunately, the current mood in Congress is intensely hostile to you. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Syndicalists. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/90/100/120. Results: You pass worker-protection laws on the state and possibly federal level and can gain varying amounts of support.

State-Level Agriculture Bills: With the increasingly large dust storms and the damage to the soil in the Great Plains, measures need to be taken to ensure the cities remain fed and that the farmers do not suffer unduly. The experience and expertise of Farmer-Labor has already greatly assisted in preparing bills to serve both urban and rural workers. Cost: May lose support in rural areas. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80. Results: Pass laws in various states to ensure that food remains affordable and provide limited relief for farmers.

Party Lawyers: Many potentially vital laws are being held up in the courts. And frankly, you have a shortage of good lawyers. There are some willing to work for free from dedication to the cause, but most lack the wealth for that or are entirely uninterested in working for you. But enough filthy lucre can solve that problem. Cost: 1 Resource, -1 Resource per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 40. Results: Hire some lawyers to help defend the laws you get passed.

Local Elections: Mayors, sheriffs, county judges. All positions of undeniable importance to the people who elect them. Beginning a campaign to get favorable individuals elected into those positions in the areas you don't completely dominate will help set favorable ground for future elections or revolutionary actions. With the chaotic situations in many Midwestern states, the potential leverage is immense. Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/40/80. Results: Increase support on the local level.

Staff State Offices: The state bureaucracies are often intensely hostile to the efforts of the SPA, but while they are an obstacle they are one who can be defeated, or at least gone around. Beginning to hire loyal socialists and syndicalists will allow you to gradually begin purging these hostile organizations. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/45/90. Results: Begin gradually purging and replacing hostile burueacrats, slow enough that there should be minimal loss of institutional knowledge.

Expand the Eviction Moratorium: The current anti-eviction laws are rather weak, although if they are any stronger they will almost certainly be struck down by the courts. But passing more will help nonetheless. You may not approve of all of Andrew Jackson's decisions, especially not the one you are thinking of, but you may well end up paraphrasing him. Let the states expand their protections until none may be removed from their home by force, and let the courts try and stop you. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/25/50/75. Result: Pass stronger and broader state-level eviction moratoriums.

Farmer Relief Funds: Broader rural relief laws that will address the causes of the Dust Bowl are all well and good, but right now more direct aid is needed. Simply throwing money at the problem is sloppy, inefficient, vulnerable to all forms of conviction...and the simplest policy that can be passed. It's also recommended by some members of Farmer-Labor in the worst affected areas. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40. Result: Pass subsidies for farmers.

Anti-Reactionary Laws: To give a backing of legitimacy to your efforts to act against the reactionary militias, laws can be passed to make them into threats to peace and order. Partisan wording will ensure they do not apply to your Red Guards, who can then go and conduct a citizen's arrest. Cost: Chance of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/20/40/60. Result: Reduce size of reactionary militias, reduce backlash for acting against them.

Wealth Taxes: The federal relief bill you passed has dramatically eased the financial costs of the states working to protect their people, but they will run out eventually. The grants were large, but the state's income streams have not changed. Correct that, by passing savage wealth and inheritance taxes that will ensure the upper-class pay their fair share. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50. Result: Begin passing state-level wealth taxes.

Intellectual Actions

The Legacy of John Brown: John Brown was a revolutionary martyr who fought for freedom. Abraham Lincoln sought to bring freedom to the enslaved. They would support you in your struggle to bring liberation to all. You will insist on it. You will quote them to say so. You might have to be a bit selective in doing so, but it won't matter. Cost: None... Time: 1 month. DC: 5. Result: Increased efficacy of The American Revolution actions.

Create an Educational Program: Designing a socialist education program will be just one of the many questions you have to answer after the revolution. There are important differences in content and teaching style and likely other things as well. Begin looking into who is an expert in such things and start drawing up the broad strokes of what a curriculum will cover. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/60. Result: Begin designing an education program.

A Socialist Structure, Pt. 1: How will the economy work? Will currency be abolished? How will you ensure racial equality? Though there are examples to look forward to from Britain and France, you will need to begin creating your own answers to these questions. Plans must be made, although they will be by necessity vague. But creating the most basic framework for what form American socialism will take will help ease your path forward. Cost: Probable loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence. Time: 6 months. DC: No roll. Result: Begin coming up with a more detailed roadmap for socialist America, begin unlocking actions to create small-scale imitations/programs related to this.

Who Supports Who?: If you looked out the window to see New York City, you would think nine in ten supported you. You are not fool enough to think that, of course. The Payment Army alone disproves that, let alone the bullying your daughter has experienced, the endless attempts at suppression, the thousands of letters denouncing you. Beginning to get an accurate count will be vital for effectively directing your efforts. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Get a general idea of where your support is strong and weak and what people are concerned about.

Against the Socialism of Fools: Anti-Semitism is a virulent problem in this country. Father Coughlin spews anti-Semitic bile, many claim Jews are behind every problem and especially the syndicalists, even some of your party members and unionized workers mislike them. Countering these narratives may cost, but it is a worthy effort. Cost: Likely loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/50/100. Result: Counter anti-Semitic narratives, increase in support from Jews, small chance of +1 Influence.

Proletarian Unity: The workers of the world must be united. There are false divisions embedded deep into the American psyche. Racism is the greatest but by no means the only one. Target these divides, weld them together as best you can. Make promises of restitution and justice, publicize what you stand for. It will be difficult and potentially dangerous, but you have to start somewhere. Cost: Likely loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence, chance of losing support. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/75/125. Result: Counter racist narratives, increase support from minorities, small chance of +1 Influence.

Create a Curriculum: For a socialist school system to exist, there must be a socialist curriculum, Having students elect their teachers seems faintly ridiculous, but there can be other ways for them to be exposed to the SPA's ideals from a young age, and there should certainly be a different emphasis on what is taught. No gender divide for one. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 20/40/60/80. Result: Creation of curriculum, improved results and lowered difficulty for Organize Education.

The Legacy of the Grange: The Grange was a vaguely socialist, mixed-race organization for farmers to help them progress and grant assistance through a variety of methods, from community support to political activism. The sudden rise of Farmer-Labor and the current devastation has caused it to decline greatly. But it can rise again, better and stronger. With Farmer-Labor on your side, a remnant of the Grange is as well. Begin a program of revitalization and create a new ideology for it. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/100. Result: New, more socialist/syndicalist/anarchist/some form of leftist ideology for the Grange, new options for dealing with it unlocked.

Intrigue Actions

Siphon Party Funds: The first step in performing covert actions is to acquire funds to do so. Simply taking money directly from the party treasury strikes you as a bad idea, as the resulting vanishing will be wide open for anyone who looks. So instead you will arrange for a few dribbles of cash to vanish into an account you can use for off-the-books problem-solving. Cost: -0.1 Resources per month. Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/35/70. Result: +0.1 Resources per turn goes into a dark fund you can draw upon for covert ops.

Siphon State Funds: With nearly unfettered access to many state governments and party loyalists being installed in treasury departments across the nation, you have an opportunity to enhance the party's financial position by arranging for subtle fund transfers from the government funds. There will likely need to be some sort to hide the directness of the money transfer. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75/100. Result: Increase to income.

Hire an Assistant Secretary: You need someone who is good at this sort of thing. Someone trustworthy, loyal and competent. That's going to be really hard to find...but at the same time it is undeniably necessary. How would you even begin to find that? Cost: Risky...and you will have to commit an Authority to them. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/??/????. Result: Find some potential spymasters, can delegate Influence or Authority to them.

Foreign Assistance: The success of the French and the British (and the Italians and Mexicans) gives you hope, both because they prove it is possible for socialism to triumph (you almost despaired of that after Russia) and because it means that you can call on them for assistance. Funds, trainers, don't know what you can get till you ask. Cost: Risk of discovery, possible favors. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Gain some form of foreign support.

Sending Spies: Particularly given your purging of the police and the increasing difficulties the capitalists are having with oppressing the workers in areas dominated by syndicalists, there is something of a low-level exodus going on from the north, which means there is an opportunity to get eyes and ears in the lower level of the National Guards, U.S. Army, and hostile militias, to name a few possibilities. Cost: Risk of discovery, risk to the spies. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/???. Result: Write-in where you send the spy.

Newspaper Analysts: With the increasing influx of information, often heavily conflicting, getting an idea of what is going on in the country grows more difficult every day. Arranging for a few party members to subscribe to dozens of newspapers and compare them so they can brief you will be child's play compared to some of the things you have organized. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Improvement to Rumors and News section.

Revolutionary Guards: People have been threatening to kill you and your family and other leaders for a long time. You have developed protection against overt attacks, but perhaps it is time to begin developing a more covert sort of protection as well. Cost: - 2 Resources per month. Time: 3 months. DC: ??/??/???. Result: Create an organization of plainclothes bodyguards for you, your family, and other important figures. Unlock additional counterintelligence actions.

Send Covert Organizers: Unions cannot operate openly everywhere. Particularly in the South and Midwest, efforts to organize are met with bombs, knives, and bullets. Or worse. You have vivid memories of the results of your trip to Wilmington...But people still organize, they still fight. Sending covert assistance can lead to an increase in your strength in an area, and help increase the chances of more overt intervention. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support while increasing your own support there.

Covert Investigation: Quietly looking into the behavior of a subordinate might allow you to remove them before they can become an embarrassment, or simply confirm their innocence without risking giving the impression they have lost your confidence. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Find any wrongdoing for chosen subordinate.

Ears in the Party: To better keep abreast of movements in the Party and the doings of your subordinate, cultivating a small network of...trusted friends to let you know what they hear could be managed. Flora will probably have to be the one managing them, but you feel she is trustworthy. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Lower difficulty of actions involving intelligence within the SPA.

Create Shell Corporations: To help with some of your more...unpleasant deeds, you can avoid scrutiny by purchasing a few false companies and helping you to conceal any unfortunate money trails. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. Result: Increase chances of avoiding discovery for embezzlement actions.

Infiltrate the Army: With the contacts Butler has given you, you now have a simple way of infiltrating the army. Selecting volunteers from the Red Guards and having them sign up will enable you to gain some low-level infiltration, while going through the men he introduced you to will enable you to hear rumors and gossip from higher levels. MacArthur is certainly planning to use the army against you, you must find out how. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/125/??/???. Result: Make contacts within the military.

Contact with the French and British: With the ports opened to French and British ships, the possibility of contact with your fellow syndicalists has just grown dramatically easier. The providing of support for you during the Revolution is a guarantee, what is less likely is them assisting you during this lead-up due to the difficulty of it, but the Syndintern will surely be able to provide something. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. Result: Contact the Syndintern

Personal Actions

Work Overtime: Although your heart and mind ache at the thought, the cause needs you. It will be stressful, it will be upsetting to your wife and daughter, you can feel your very soul revolting at the thought of spending even more hours working...but you must. The workers of the world demand it! No matter what it costs you. Cost: Severely stressful, unhealthy, bad for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: +1 temporary Influence.

Personal Attention: If you spend a few hours working on a particular task, it will likely go smoother. It will cut into the time you would normally spend with your family or your books, but it is a sacrifice you will have to make. Cost: Stressful, not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Small dice and narrative bonus to chosen action.

Exercise: You have gotten slightly out of shape thanks to the stress of the election. Getting back in shape would be good for your health and your image...and if you ever get the chance to punch Huey Long in his fat face or strangle MacArthur, it will help then too. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, improvement to health.

Spend Time With Your Family: Your daughter Hannah misses you, as does your wife Louise. Spending some extra time with them this month will make up for all the times you missed doing it during the campaign season. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Major decrease in stress, good for your family.

Write: You have been working on another book about your own thoughts and beliefs about socialism and syndicalism, as well as on a few poems, memoirs, and some other odds and ends. Spending some time working on that will help order your thoughts and ease your burdens. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, possibility of new traits.

Free Actions

Tweak a Subordinate's Priorities: While those who are working with you are scattered across the country, between the train and the telegram they are within reach. Requesting a minor change to their priorities is a simple matter. Cost: May pick only once per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: May make 1 change to 1 subordinate's priorities (change order, add one, remove one).

Ask For a Favor: Party members already sacrifice their time and money and sometimes their health and their life, but you must ask for more. Though it will cost some precious goodwill, continued success will bring it back, and so you can confidently ask for favors. Cost: Variable amount of Relations, changes in Strength of factions. DC: No roll. Result: May get as many favors as Relations and Strength allows.

Choose A Focus: You are currently taking On the Farms. There is 1 month Left

The Union Forever! - Through the most difficult and darkest days, it was the unions that kept the revolutionary spirit alive. Let the unions stand forever. No reactionary or capitalist can defeat the people, united. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain national spirit The Union Forever (Effect: +1 Strength to the Left faction per month).

In the Cities - The cities are already where you are strongest, but there are still bourgeoise who can be convinced to turn against their class and proletariat who can be given consciousness, to say nothing of the lumpen. Time: 1 month. Effect: Modify The Struggle Carries On! (+1 Appeal in Urban Areas per month)

On the Farms - The rural areas are often strongly conservative, but there are masses of people who can nevertheless be convinced to join the struggle for liberation. The key is to approach them properly. Time: 2 months. Effect: Modify The Struggle Carries On! (+0.5 Appeal in Rural Areas per month)

Political Alliances - Victories must be won not just on the battlefield, but in the halls of the rich and powerful. They must be convinced to side with you against Long's insanity and MacArthur's tyranny. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain the national spirit of Political Alliances (Effect: +1 Strength for the Right faction per month).
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on May 24, 2021 at 1:08 PM, finished with 10 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Fight for the Midwest
    -[X] Condemn Reactionary Judges: 1 influence
    -[X] Integrate Farmer-Labor: 1 influence
    -[X] Create Mobile Aid Teams: 1 influence
    -[X] Integrate the VFW: 1 influence
    -[X] Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: 1 Authority + 1 influence
    -[X] State-Level Agriculture Bills: 1 Authority
    -[X] Farmer Relief Funds: 1 influence
    -[X] Expand the Eviction Moratorium: 1 influence
    -[X] Anti-Reactionary Laws: 1 influence
    -[X]Spend Time With Your Family:
    -[X] Ask For a Favor
    --[X] Parliamentarians: Letters to Senators
    --[X] Centrists: Extra Volunteering
    --[X] Orthodox: Direct Action
    --[X] Syndicalists: Organize Mutual Aid

The 4 and the 65 are errors and should be ignored.
notbirdofprey threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Party Actions Total: 43
39 39 4 4
notbirdofprey threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Union Actions, +10 Total: 94
72 72 22 22
notbirdofprey threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Militant Actions, +10 Total: 177
96 96 81 81
notbirdofprey threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Political Actions, +10 Total: 217
65 65 6 6 91 91 55 55
notbirdofprey threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Subordinates - 0,+10,0 Total: 206
47 47 77 77 82 82
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July 1933 Results
Condemn Reactionary Judges: 1 influence, 39

The courts in Chicago have seen better days. The once proud and stately buildings have had their facades desecrated with graffiti, their proud statues hacked down and crushed into rubble, their occupants turned into furtive, scampering creatures who came in in groups and kept their heads low to avoid the anger of the Red Guards. They no longer had the power and majesty they once did, not when the police refused to serve the warrants issued and the juries listened to socialist agitators before the instructions of the judges.

Judge Smith peered out one of the upper-level windows with a bitter smile on his face. Despite his relative youth, he moved with the careful gingerness of an ancient, decrepit man. One arm was in a sling.

There, in the streets below, a mob of young men gathered. He could hear their angry shouts, at each other and at the courthouse, and he let out a sigh.

Some months ago he struck down a law requiring all businesses to give their workers free meals. He had feared the precedent such a law would make, he had feared that many of Chicago's fragile businesses would collapse and leave people worse off than before, even as he had recognized the reason the law had been passed, even as the amount of money he spent on his meals also went to running the soup kitchens that fed them.

After a moment, he let out a sigh. The shouting was only getting louder, and fiercer, and more vicious. They would break in soon enough, but maybe...

He trudged down like a condemned man to his hanging, making his way outside.

"YOUNG MEN! YOUNG MEN!!" he bellowed, straining to be heard over the sounds of their fury.

They halted and turned to him, and whatever words he had in mind fled.

"I-If you have grievances, surely there's a better way to air..."

He found himself cut off, a vicious tide of insult and invective flowing over him. And then he felt something hard smash into his chest, and a stone fell to earth. And then he felt nothing at all.

You decried the court system, calling it undemocratic and reactionary, pointing out unjust sentences and judicial corruption. You list dozens of injunctions against laws to see the hungry fed and the naked clothed while laws to steal the bread from their mouths and the shirts from their backs passed through their courtrooms with nary a whisper. You stop just short of advocating for their tarring and feathering, instead noting "if the courts continue to defy the will of the American people, the American people will turn to other ways to make their will known."

Some judges find their opinions on controversial rules changing. Some choose to retire, and more pliable replacements are selected. Some stand and defiant, and fall defiantly. But sometimes the reactionaries have victories.

Los Angeles was not a city where unions ruled. Here the police were dominant, the police and the Concerned Citizens Groups who worked with them. "But," Shi thought, "the working class is still mighty."

Twenty thousand men and women had joined the march, of all peoples. He saw Koreans and Chinese and even a few Japanese marching alongside the white workers, united and defiant. The police and their running dogs were struggling to respond, having not heard a word of the march before it began. Such was the benefit of ignoring the rules of the capitalist state when needed.

The twenty thousand marched on, while those who had not joined fled, sheltering in buildings or cowering on the sidewalks. A few police tried to form a line but were swept aside and clubbed down.

They were getting closer and closer to their destination, and still there was no organized resistance. Shi let out a whoop of excitement. "Faster, comrades, faster! Nothing can stop us, nothing can slow us!" he cried, barely audible over the slogans of his marching companions, but the tramp of their feet began to move swifter.

And then it all went wrong. He would piece it together later, but in the moment all he knew was a cry of "Company, halt!" and then there were a hundred cracks of thunder and they were running, their fierce unity shattered in an instant. Some charged forth, others ran away, but all were cut down.

And Shi stood there, paralyzed, blessed and cursed with seeming invincibility until a pair of Concerned Citizens grabbed him and dragged him off to jail.

But such failures were few and far between.

Result: Many recalcitrant judges are either no longer recalcitrant or no longer judges, passing laws will be easier, minimal backlash.

Integrate Farmer-Labor: 1 influence

The Dust Bowl has radicalized many members of Farmer-Labor, but not in any truly ideological sense. They do not reject capitalism or the toxins it creates, but they know they want change and they want it now, and they aren't too particular about the form it will take. You suspect that is why such a large portion of the people you hoped to poach joined the American Farmers Party instead.

But many have chosen the cause of socialism instead, and you do not wish to neglect them. Making room for them in the party is a delicate process, and the CSA refuses to grant seats to any of them unless they have a union backing them, but they do vote to offer assistance to those who wish to organize, and Farmer-Labor uses what weight they have to try and prevent those organizers from being abused.

The cooperation this requires seems to have built some degree of bridges between the various factions and their new comrades, and already more plans are being made.

Result: Cost and DCs reduced, effects increased, new actions unlocked.

Create Mobile Aid Teams: 1 Influence, 72+10 = 82

The mobile aid teams are one of the first beneficiaries of Farmer-Labor experience. The teams, since they are recruited from SPA strongholds, are largely unfamiliar with both Midwestern manners and the sheer terror of the dust storms. Advice on how to handle both is indispensable, and the groups are sent out in trucks piled high with food, dust masks, and clothing. They drive off into the Dust Bowl, offering their assistance, meeting the caravans of refugees and sharing out their supplies and hearing people's opinions.

While the charity is doubtless appreciated, the political impact it has is questionable. Even with the preparation and refinement done to suit your propaganda to American sensibilities, the hostility the aid teams report is immense, and some of them don't report back at all.

This news has radicalized some members of your own party and of Farmer-Labor, pushing them closer to the center.

And the teams that concentrate on states with friendly governments do report success. The people in states controlled by the SPA are much less inclined to attack SPA representatives, and are more inclined to listen. They are still frequently hostile, but the recruiting in the rural areas of New York and Indiana, among other states, has increased.

Result: Anemic popularity gains in the Midwest, more significant gains in the rural areas of states with existing SPA presences.

Credit to the Unions: 1 Influence, 22+10 = 32

The National Worker's Credit Union is at last formally established. Headquartered in New York City, but with several regional branches already appearing in major cities, it will doubtless serve as a vital resource for many. Many new accounts are being opened, including one for you - most of your finances have been transferred from your old bank to this union. You solemnly cast the first vote for the Bank Manager to thunderous applause.

And as you cast it, schemes for how to use this bank to finance vital operations and formally take over enterprises for the benefit of the workers. race through your mind.

Result: Credit union established, new options unlocked.

Integrate the VFW: 1 influence, 96+10 = 106

Not every soldier in the VFW is an out-and-out socialist, and even fewer want to take up arms against their country. Butler was willing, but you expected him to be an outlier, to have to argue and persuade and convince, and then even then you thought at least half the VFW would walk out.

Instead, your recruiters find chapter after chapter busily arguing politics and morality, having grown increasingly incensed with the government and disillusioned with the way the world works. And when they are offered an alternative, a viable one that has triumphed in Britain and France and Mexico, a possibility to truly fulfill the American dream...they grab it like a drowning man snatching at a lifeline.

Hundreds are formally inducted into the Red Guards the first night, and even as their comrades introduce them to Marxist theory, teaching them of exploitation and alienation and the means of production, they teach lessons learned in hard and bloody fights over many years of battle.

Of course, not all of it goes so smoothly. Some refuse, some hesitate, and there are inevitable conflicts. You and your assistants and agitators will have to spend some time "greasing the wheel" you expect.

Result: Significant increase in size and skill of the Red Guards, action will continue for one more month.

Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: 1 Authority + 1 Influence, ?+81+10+10 = 116

That will have to wait till later though. There are battles to be fought and won, not just in the city strongholds or the scattered towns so many of these veterans left at the behest of your aid teams, but in the chaotic, grit-choked, bloodsoaked fields of the Great Plains. Lurid tales of atrocity and counter-atrocity, of feuds being settled under the guise of patriotism, of entire refugee columns being gunned down, have poured out, leaving every American incensed and horrified.

Of course, the worst stories, the ones of marauding cannibal hordes and warlords taking over entire towns, are never quite confirmed, but that doesn't decrease the tension people are feeling. You are not the only one who remembers the events in Kansas just a few years before the Civil War.

The initial movements are careful and cautious. Sections of the Red Guards, led by the Blair Brigade, take train rides as far into the Dust Bowl as they can before traveling on foot to picked towns, ones controlled by Left-Farmer-Labor or your new recruits.

You barely hear of what happens, but you can imagine it.

A bullet slammed down into the doorframe of the home he had dived into, as the town's militia rallied to drive them off. He snapped a shot off in the general direction of the church as the woman in the house broke free from her stunned shock. "Out, you damned Red!" she shrieked, brandishing a knife.

"Shut up, bitch!" he spat back, turning and bringing his rifle to bear on the new target..."

"Comrade Kirkgard, I regret to inform you that we arrived too late. Reactionary militias had already attacked your family. Your wife is still alive, although she is badly hurt, and we were able to recover your son's body before it was desecrated."

The refugee column hadn't been their initial target, but they were honest workers and the area was thick with bandits and other predators. A sympathetic farmer had tipped them off that Longist gangs were roving the area, shooting anyone who refused to make a "contribution" with whatever they had. So he had picked half the Red Guard and led them with the column, but so far their presence seemed to be a sufficient deterrent.

He patrolled along the edge of the place they had chosen to camp for the night, where he placed guards. Frowning, he noticed one wasn't visible. Advancing, he stepped in something wet. He looked down, his eyes widened, and -

You do hear of many successes though, as towns east of Des Moine and north of St. Louis are secured by the efforts of your Red Guards. Reactionaries are purged, workers are protected, and the potential for labor organizations is established.

And then the U. S. Army moves in to "restore order." Hundreds of soldiers march into dozens of towns and cities in the Midwest, accompanied by newspapermen and photographers eager to confirm the horrors of the Dust Bowl for their readers safe in New York and San Francisco.

[] Tell the Red Guards to pull back. They can't trust the army to be impartial, and any towns with a syndicalist presence risk being massacred. They will avoid the risks of adventurism, but also lose any progress they have made towards gaining support.

[] With the army come reporters. Massacres of the scale necessary to break your Red Guards would be worse for the government than the Battle of Blair Mountain, the Columbine Mine Massacre, or the Payment Army Suppression. Have your men stay in place. Have them offer to help the army, in fact.

State-Level Agriculture Bills: 1 Authority

A whole suite of bills is passed in a dozen states, as the alliance of Farmer-Labor and the Socialist Party brings forth its first fruit. With hostile judges muzzled or replaced, there is not a whisper of protest or opposition.

The first law, and undeniably the most important, is the one ensuring that farmers can stay farming and that the cities will remain fed. Strict price limits are established for staple goods, both ceilings and floors, funds for creating irrigation systems are set aside, and a system for educating farmers in new and better farming methods is created...a system designed to encourage them into setting up communal farms that can use machinery, irrigation, and sustainable techniques with greater efficiency.

Meanwhile, a set of new fertilizer plants begin construction in Chicago, Des Moines, and Madison.

Result: Food prices are beginning to stabilize slightly, slight increase in rural support.

Farmer Relief Funds: 1 Influence, 6+10=16

The second is a more stopgap measure. $60 checks are sent out to the impoverished farmers, with a letter insisting that they do not spend it on their mortgages. Instead, the money should go to "seeds, modernizing their farms, or community support."

The state treasuries groan under the weight of this burden, even with the federal subsidy, but that doesn't matter. The nation is in crisis. Let the government go into debt. What matters is that the hungry are fed.

Result: -1 Influence, increase in rural support, state coffers beginning to run low.

Expand the Eviction Moratorium: 1 Influence, 91+10 =101

The third law is what begins to alarm the conservative media. Vice President Curtis decries the abuse of government authority and suggests a syndicalist conspiracy working to deprive honest, righteous Americans of their hard-earned farms and homes. Homes and farms they bought with the sweat of others.

You don't even bother replying, letting others point out that different members of a political party passing the same laws is hardly unusual.

When the Vice President threatens to send in the army to enforce his instructions and calls upon judges to overturn the laws, you prepare a reply, but Huey Long comes to your defense first, attacking government overreach and federal tyranny, calling Curtis just as bad as the syndicalists.

And while the two reactionary politicians tear chunks out of each other, state police and Red Guards begin halting evictions. Landlords will have to do more than just sit there and count their dollars if they want the rent to keep coming in now.

Result: Eviction is now illegal in all SPA states. While officially temporary, many expect this state of affairs to be permanent.

Anti-Reactionary Laws: 1 Influence, 55+10 = 65

The final law on the agenda is somewhat more unpleasant for many. Even members of your own party are reluctant to vote for it, but simple necessity is a compelling argument. Reactionary militias are growing in strength, backing scabs and protecting agents of capitalism. They must have their legal protection stripped away.

The first part bans scabbing, calling it unlawful interference in labor disputes without outside or mutual agreement. The second bans militias made to intimidate workers and racial and religious terror. The final part is what enables Red Guards to conduct citizen's arrests. It is this law that provides you a legal fig leaf, it is this law that might protect your Red Guards in the Dust Bowl.

Result: Laws banning certain militia groups passed, Totalists strengthened.

Report from the Coordination Committee: 47

What do you do when the people are resisting the government with violence? Meet them with violence of course. The newly socialized police forces are strengthened, given the ability to temporarily deputize and empower citizens, and funds are earmarked for giving them heavier weaponry and specialized, more professional teams to deal with bank robberies and similar actions.

Someone proposes establishing a small airforce of light propeller planes for the Chicago police after some former police and mobsters steal a truck and successfully escape a city. It is vetoed on budget grounds.

Report from the State Legislative Committee: 82

The state governments focus on setting up seed banks and experimental farming communes on public land with what little time they can spare from passing other laws. The rest of their spare time is spent arguing with each other and with state officials to see that the various laws are passed properly - there is significant resistance to what one bureaucrat describes as "a waste of money and time taking red-blooded American farmers and turning them into Soviet peasants through cockanamie lessons on things they already know."

Report from Norman Thomas: 77+10 = 87

Norman has found unexpected success in passing a resolution condemning "the bloodthirsty and vile practice of lynching, most particularly as it is used to suppress and abuse the Negro communities despite their lawful rights to protection under the law."

While significant portions of the Democrats voted against it, the America First Party largely abstained and you and your allies all eagerly supported the measure. The resolution is entirely symbolic, but it's a symbol that can only help you gain the support of the downtrodden sharecroppers of the South.

Ask a Favor

You spend nearly an hour on the phone on the 2nd of July, looking at your agenda as you speak to a dozen leading figures, convincing them to leave aside their own efforts temporarily to help you pass a suite of laws and provide the velvet glove and the iron fist to those hostile to your agenda. It works, although you know you have burnt a great deal of favor. The evident success of your political campaigns has mitigated the impact, but now even more people are arguing about electoralism.

Spend Time With Your Family

Despite your busy schedule, you make sure to find time for your family. You will not neglect them anymore, not if you can help it. Your attention is returned eagerly by Hannah. She might not quite think you are immortal and invincible and unquestionable anymore, but she still greatly admires you.

Every single day you take her home from the party offices, asking questions about what she did and telling her about what you did. She shows you copies of the letters she wrote to Red Guards and the sketches she drew. Lately, she has been trying her hand at buildings instead of people. Fantastical structures that seem like they would never hold up under their own weight decorate the pages she brings home and hangs up in her room.

You don't quite get her fascination with them, but you make sure to never let her know that. She would be crushed if she thought you uninterested, and you would hate yourself if you did that.

Result: Stress lowered, Health slightly improved.

Focus: On the Farms

The alliance with Farmer-Labor and the efforts of the SPA as a whole has revitalized you in rural areas. Outside of your stronghold states, many farmers are still mystified slaves of capital or eager footsoldiers of reaction, but those who proclaim their admiration for Long or their support for MacArthur have grown fewer and further between. You will have to race to persuade others, more distant from the evident benefits of socialism, but that can wait. The gains you have made are undeniable.

Result: Focus completed.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on May 26, 2021 at 11:24 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.
August 1933
Nathan had wanted to be a poet, not a soldier. But only one of those options kept his belly full, and so the other was relegated to half-imagined lines and scribbles on the back of the letters he sent home.

But sometimes there were moments that could not help but force words from his mouth.

This was one such moment, as he jumped out the train to view a scene from the depths of hell. A burned church towered high over a shattered town, a place of shattered windows and blood-stained walls. Dust piled up like snowdrifts in hundreds of places, and from some of these drifts thrust out bits of flesh. The smell was indescribable, rusty and rotten and dry as bone. And staring down with a pitiless gaze at all was a sun rendered red and hazy and distant.

"Behold, Armageddon has come to the Midwest. Behold, man is rendered into ash and dust." he whispered.

The lieutenant barked commands, and they split up into sections, marching down the ravaged streets. They had seen many towns and villages scarred by the fighting and the dust, but this one was by far the most ravaged. He wondered if they would find anyone alive. He wondered what had driven everyone insane. There were signs of what happened everywhere, but nothing that told him. Perhaps it was buried.

He shivered slightly, despite the heat of the summer sun.

"Blood, skull, and bone bleached under the hateful sun. Humanity now has fled, life has turned and run."

They tramped down the streets, choking, blinding clouds rising that they struggled to see through. The only sounds were the ones they made, and they seemed distant and faded. Gradually, they made their way out from the train station until they reached the edge of town.

On the train, they had laughed and joked about yokels scared of a little dust, about Reds and Longists who would scatter as soon as they fixed their bayonets. None of it seemed funny now. No one joked. The town had died, and it had not been a clean death.

The piercing shriek of the lieutenant's whistle cut through his thoughts, slicing another morbid line of poetry and sending them scurrying back to the train station.

The company soon formed up there, and whispers spread through the ranks. The whole town was empty except for the dead...but some people had left, walking away, abandoning their cars when they failed to work.

Somehow, Nathaniel found that idea more terrifying than the thought of them all dying as they were set to work digging mass graves and hurling the bodies into them, the chaplain saying a brief prayer as corpse after corpse was thrown into the pit.

Fresh fluids began to stain the ground as fresh soldiers staggered out of line to vomit and heave. As the painful duty ended, the company cooks came around with beer for everyone. Not a single person said no.

Rumors and News

The violence in the Midwest has trickled to a halt. The dust storms get worse and worse, burying men alive and leaving towns blanketed in darkness for days at a time, which certainly helps, but the main contributor is the Federal Army, at least if you believe their official reports. Various reporters are far more likely to credit either the Minutemen or the Red Guards, depending on location and attitude.

You are more popular in Iowa and Missouri, while Long...Long has recovered significantly from previous missteps, with the help of one of the commanding generals of the intervention, who eagerly accepted the humanitarian aid sent by the AFP in a variety of forms, ranging from preachers carrying messages of hope and salvation to stockpiled grain. Long himself even went to visit, bringing a message of hope and solidarity. Significantly, small portions of the aid were diverted specifically for minority groups, securing Long applause from many groups even as other bands of his supporters continue their policy of rapine and terror.

The rest of the federal intervention is broadly competent, with failures and successes in equal measure, seemingly dependent on the skill of the officers under MacArthur. Angry reports of refugee mismanagement causing children to suffocate on a train clash with paeans of praise for the brave soldiers who dug into buried farmhouses out to rescue families.

Your impression of the army seems correct - they have been given strict orders about starting fights, and there's nothing more than a half dozen skirmishes between Red Guards and federal troops. Unfortunately, the Red Guards did not use their time all that effectively. They are not skilled organizers, and many of them were not pleased with their accommodations, the food, or the attitude of the people they had protected from bandits or militia. There have been some cases of poor behavior reported to you that have been dealt with through internal discipline or by the town sheriffs.

Some units have even decided to leave after voting on the matter, choosing instead to return to their homes and families and continue the struggle from there. Similarly, members of the CSA and the SPA have begun to question your intense focus on the rural areas. While you are undeniably gaining support in those places, the number of unemployed workers continues to rise, and many of them are being radicalized against you.

From Canada, a single letter is smuggled across the border. It reads "They are hunting us."

And around the world, tensions begin to rise. Border tensions in western India lead to a series of brief skirmishes between National India and The Free Nation of Baluchistan, with Japan supporting the warlord master of the separatist state. Iran begins to make overtures to Egypt as the Ottoman Empire manages to attract significant German investment, including the establishment of two new arms factories.

German and Japanese support continues to spread, presumably in an effort to counter syndicalism. South Carolina, Florida, Hawaii, and California all see generous deals made with desperate businessmen.

[Slight gain of support in rural areas, slight decrease in urban support.]

Plans from Subordinates

The Coordination Committee has turned their attention to expanding municipal governments, using the expansion of employment to weaken the recruiting efforts of the slowly suffocating reactionary militias.

The State Legislative Committee is working on relief programs, desperately trying to stem the endless bleeding the shattered capital system is inflicting upon millions of workers. They are struggling to overcome resistance in bureaucracies and on the local level.

Norman Thomas, meanwhile, intends to continue his efforts in minority protection. Getting serious legislation through is going to be impossible, but he intends to make as much noise as he possibly can.

You have 7 Influence and 2 Authority total. 0 Authority and 1 Influence are committed to ongoing actions. You are not currently taking any foci.

Successfully propagandize towards farmers in 2 months (from The Syndicalists).

Party Actions

Hold a Rally: It's a classic for every political party for a reason. There's nothing quite like a grand rally with banners waving and people cheering to make you seem unstoppable and to gather more support. The demonstration of the energy and might of the working class will have the capitalists shaking in their boots. It is a message to your supporters as well, that all the power of the SPA stands behind them. Here is what it says: Let your foes try and stop you. They will be ground under your heel. Cost: 1 Resources and a risk of backlash and hostile interruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/50/85/120. Results: Variable change in support, chance of intimidating your enemies. Can synergize with other actions.

Wave the Red Banner: The Red Banner is not the only SPA-affiliated or favoring publication, but it is the only one produced by the Party itself. And it is immensely popular. New ones go out constantly, but you could write an article of your own and make a special edition. This would receive extra attention and possibly some new readership, allowing you to make your opinions heard and sway the hearts and minds of others. You could shape the narrative on something, make an argument for or against a particular course of action, attack an enemy or uplift an ally. The possibilities of the written word are limitless. Cost: 2 Resources and a risk of backlash. May be additional costs depending on the topic. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100/150. Results: Variable change in support or party factions, results depend on topic. Topic must be written in. Some examples: "The importance of unity in the socialist cause," "The corruption of the Hoover administration," "Why feminism and socialism must go together," and "Why Farmer-Labor should unify with the SPA." Can synergize with other actions.

Send Social Agitators To: Nearly every street corner in Chicago, New York City, and Seattle has a man or woman standing on a crate and telling the passerby of the virtues of the cause and encouraging them to donate. They are often beaten brutally by the bourgeois or by police (and just as often protected by their listeners), but they nevertheless persist, determined to gain recruits and funds for the cause. Some of these agitators are amateurs doing it in their spare time, but quite a few are dedicated and skilled speakers. Sending these speakers in significant numbers to an area can turn your foe's supporters against them, especially if it is followed up upon with meaningful organization. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support there.

Create Shadow Government: You have had a brilliant idea: Though you lack power at the federal level, the Socialist Party has substantial control of many mayorships, county governments. You even effectively control some states of the Steel Belt. Creating a forum to help these various governments cooperate and resolve disputes will be useful, especially if you have further requests of these governments. You have only discussed this concept briefly, but the idea of the Interstate Committee of Socialist Governments (name subject to change) has dazzled many. Especially since it will help you gain influence over their legal codes, voting laws, and National Guard armories. Cost: Significant and dangerous backlash from within and without the Party, possible legal challenges. Time: 3 months. DC: 70/140/180/220. Results: Various states and lower-level governments integrated into a coordinated body, many new possibilities available, although the body could be unwieldy.

Support Faction: The party is more than a little divided, even if everyone is determined to stick together, they still clash frequently, with each other and with you. Spending some time and effort backing a particular faction in these debates could gain you some gratitude, which is always a valuable currency. Cost: Risk of losing Influence or Authority. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Increase Relations and Strength of selected faction, chance of gaining Influence.

Make Changes To Subordinates: You do not have the time or capability to make all the decisions involved with bringing the Revolution to America, and so you have trusted subordinates to help. Occasionally, you will need to redirect their efforts, invest more in their success, or even replace them immediately. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Make any change to 1 subordinate. Can be taken multiple times.

Party Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Extremely low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/180. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.

Open Investigation: If a subordinate is unpopular or incompetent, you can begin publically looking into their performance. This can wash off some of the reflected stink, particularly if you find something, but if there is no evidence of wrongdoing or fraud that can only make the situation worse or lead to questions of your judgement. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Some chance of finding problems with chosen subordinate, options to deal with problems, chance of +1 Influence.

Support Subordinate: Expressing confidence in a subordinate, either by offering direct aid or by giving material support, can boost their performance, especially if there isn't a structural reason for their failures. Cost: Write-in. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Positive modifier to chosen subordinate, chance of them gaining positive trait.

Acquire Expertise: You are only one man, you cannot know or do everything. Having trusted subordinates who can do part of the work helps, but so too does having trusted advisors, people who can offer you advice for dealing with things you don't quite understand. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Find assistant for chosen subject who can give bonuses and penalties to rolls and other situations.

Push for Rural Assistance: The priority for most of the SPA are the urban areas and the mining strongholds. Between the fact that most farmers are petty producers and their famed social conservatism, there is relatively little concern for their fates beyond vague acknowledgements. Even the rural relief bills many are advocating for are primarily focused on keeping a large supply of food for the cities available. Despite the revolutionary potential of many rural groups, they are being effectively abandoned to be turned into the footsoldiers of reaction. Though it will strain the limits of your position, insisting on more effort will hopefully encourage the party to give more thought to farmers and farmworkers. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 2 months. DC: 40/80. Result: Unlock new actions focusing on supporting and recruiting among farmers,

Anarchist Organizations: Anarchists are no longer as prominent a scare-word as they once were. Socialism and syndicalism are the new words to make the bourgeoisie and their running dogs wet themselves in fear. The reduced propaganda against them makes them potentially quite useful...and you remember hearing that the Black Army was highly popular among Ukranian peasants. Perhaps approaching them to form an Anarchist Grange may help you gain support in the Bleeding Midwest. And if they fail, most of the party will be unconcerned. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: You and the CSA select a rural-focused organizer from The Anarchist faction, gain in Strength for the Anarchists.

Union Actions

Send Union Organizers To: While agitators can disrupt other political organizations and explain why you are better, to actually gain support of the kind that makes people spend blood and gold and sweat on your behalf requires a different approach. Establishing that takes time, but sending union organizers to an area can make for a start. In many ways, the risks these organizers take is even greater than that of the agitators, especially if there is sufficient hostility to socialism already. Some have literally been tarred and feathered...Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the organizers depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and gain temporary support there.

Appoint Union Representative: There are dozens of unions, many with hundreds or thousands of chapters. A rare few even have branches in Canada, with a rarer few having branches in Mexico. The Combined Syndicates serves as a forum to allow them to coordinate and cooperate, but the vagaries of time and travel mean that the larger meetings are often sparsely attended. Electing (although your influence will help make it an effective appointment) a representative to help manage the syndicates, smooth over disputes, and ensure all voices are heard would reduce the growing pains the CSA is suffering from. However, the notion is not entirely popular...Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Subvote to determine who you will support for Union Representative and how much to invest in them.

Prepare Rural Unions: Rural areas are utterly lacking in the sort of density mines or cities have that labor organizers and workers used to create their powerful unions. A new approach will need to be devised, or more likely multiple to approach the different situations you will doubtless encounter. Perhaps some of the newer unions or the Montant and Colorado miners have some insight? Cost: None. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/25/50/75/100. Result: Improved chance of success for actions in rural areas.

Establish Community Gardens: The cities of America are filled with vacant lots and crumbling buildings. Reclaiming the buildings will have to be part of a larger effort, but the lots can be used to the benefit of the people by establishing gardens. Though they will take many months, the fresh vegetables will improve the quality of the food served by the soup kitchens...and hopefully reduce expenses. Cost: 5 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/30/60. Result: +2 Resources per turn after 3 months.

Mutual Aid Foundations: While directly expanding the soup kitchens would benefit many, a less costly alternative would be the establishment of mutual aid organizations to ensure that people are fed. Since they are less directly dependent on the SPA buying food for them, they will be cheaper for you to maintain, but still serve to provide relief to the struggling masses and help expose them to socialist ideals. The examples of such institutions being created in Chicago have helped show the way. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Improve quality of food kitchens.

Union Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Very low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/150. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.

Union Charities, Donations: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the charitable endeavors of the SPA. Doing so would ease the logistical strain providing for so many causes, but not every union is entirely dedicated to socialist ideals, especially not when it comes to the outsiders who will inevitably come seeking aid. Cost: Increased risk of corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75. Result: +X Resources per month.

Union Charities, Fundraising: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the financial resources at your command through direct donations and holding fundraising events. It may somewhat aggravate your supporters, but as long as you are using the money for their benefit there won't be more than grumbling. Cost: A new mandate. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/120. Result: +X Resources per month.

A Union Shop: Socialized stores have become common in Chicago as workers inspired by the strike or owners compelled by it create democratically run stores. Though mocked by some on the left and some in the more syndicalist wing as "market socialism" and accused of not removing the profit motive, even their strongest critics cannot deny they serve a useful person during this transitory phase. Begin encouraging local unions to establish shops along these lines, and ask for a small cut of the proceeds perhaps? Cost: Small chance of -1 Influence, loss of relations with the Syndicalists. 5 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/35/70/100. Result: Increase in income, establishment of market cooperatives in locations with a strong SPA presence. Small chance of gaining +1 Influence, increase to relations with the Right.

Push for Reduced Hours: With an enormous influx of unemployed workers, the capitalists of the cities are able to find fresh sources of scabs, or else they suffer and languish without any work. The reactionary militias, despite the increasing suppression they are enduring, also gain the majority of their recruits from these unemployed masses. Reviving a measure used before would help fix both these. The union workers would reduce their hours, working less time and therefore requiring more workers. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 40/80/120. Result: Amount of unemployed workers is reduced.

Support Housing Cooperatives: The existing housing cooperatives are...poorly designed. Often ill-equipped, uncomfortable, utterly lacking in privacy, and frequently without many or any basic amenities, you have been rightfully pilloried for their quality. Even with the recent and substantial influx of support, they have not improved as much as you would expect. Further investments, for them and the Tenant's Unions, will hopefully allow the situation to get better. Cost: 5 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100. Result: Improvement in living conditions, increase in support.

Unionized Only!: As the number of potential scabs in the cities increase, measures need to be taken to prevent them from diluting the power of the unions and stealing their hard-won benefits. Begin establishing "union-shops" in the factories, forcing the owners to promise that they will not hire anyone if they are not willing to join the unions. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/45/90/135. Result: Increase the amount of people in unions.

Social Bonds: With the credit unions established, one immediate possibility to secure desperately needed funds is a simple scheme inspired by ones begun then abandoned during the Weltkrieg. Ask people to buy Labor Bonds, which can be redeemed at a later date for an amount equal to their purchase value. The money raised in the meantime can be put to use for any number of programs or initiatives. Cost: You will have to pay them back in a year. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/75/100/125/150. Result: Large, one-time boost to income.

Street Brigades: Another proposal to deal with the immense number of potential scabs, reactionaries-in-waiting, and unemployed workers that are flocking to the city is to hire them for various jobs neglected by the municipal government such as fire services for poorer neighborhoods, street-cleaners, and other such tasks. While potentially costly, the work and the pay will fill their bellies and salve their pride, while giving them opportunities to be exposed to socialist rhetoric. Cost: -3 Resources per month. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/60. Result: Begin recruiting unemployed workers into labor brigades and exposing them to socialist rhetoric.

Militant Actions

Additional Weapons: The armaments of your "regular" Red Guards are highly irregular, and the "irregulars" who sometimes join in during protests or strikes are even worse off. Beginning to create armories of weapons will help equip both. The first step will be to acquire things like billy clubs and batons, both to avoid attracting unfortunate attention and because stockpiling guns in the current climate is needlessly risky...Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 2 months. DC: 15/30/45/60. Result: Create stockpiles of "non-lethal" weapons for the use of the Red Guards.

Establish Sporting Clubs: The wholesale purchase of firearms and ammunition by individuals draws attention. But sporting clubs, shooting ranges, and similar institutions doing so would not be a concern. Create a network of these companies as a means of subtly acquiring not just equipment for the Red Guards, but a way for them to train. Cost: 10 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/20/60/100. Result: Increased armaments for Red Guards, ease of training Red Guards increased, further actions to arm and equip Red Guards unlocked.

Instilling Discipline, Pt.1: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) Every branch of the Red Guards contains at least a few who do it more or less full-time. These are some of your most dedicated and radical supporters, and when the time comes they are the ones who will form the hard core of the Red Army. So they are the ones who need training and discipline the most. Based on what you saw of the Bolsheviks in Russia, the first thing that men who wish to be soldiers must be taught is discipline. And so that is what the training shall begin with. Regrettably, the fury in them at the moment will make it harder to convince them not every rich man is their mortal enemy. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 4 months. DC: 10/50/100. Result: Improve discipline of Red Guards.

(1 Influence Committed) Integrate the VFW: With Butler on your side, the VFW is yours for the taking. Formally integrating them into the Red Guards will give you a significant increase in the number of experienced soldiers in your ranks. The organizational merging involved is going to be somewhat complicated given the number of differences in structure, but increasing the strength of your paramilitaries will be vital for your success. Cost: Loss of relations with the Parliamentarians, Gain in Relations for all other factions. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/10/40/70/100. Result: Dramatic increase in the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Arm the Police: In the cities where you control the government, the attitudes of the police have shifted dramatically. They are now proud and determined supporters of their fellow workers against the ravages of capital. While they will need further restructuring to truly socialize them, that will have to wait until after the revolution. For now, you must prepare to fight it. Taking measures to increase the discipline and armaments of friendly policing departments will strengthen your control of the cities. Cost: Loss of relations with the Anarchists, Syndicalists, and Parliamentarians. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/10/40/70/100. Result: Dramatic increase in the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Veteran Cadres: With veteran soldiers having joined your rank in large numbers and more looking to rally to the red banner, it is time to truly take advantage of their expertise and begin forming cadres so that they can better develop the skills and discipline of your Red Guard. You are well aware that they will not be the equal of U.S. Army soldiers for some time, but closing the gap even slightly will be a major advantage. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30. Result: Lower DC and improve Results for training actions.

Go Hunting: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) In every city and town of America you face enemies. Hostile police forces, reactionary militias, mercenaries and Pinkertons hired by capitalists, and more. They all seek to oppress and suppress the workers. This cannot be borne. While the Red Guards continually battle in the streets, protecting protests, defending meetings, guarding agitators and organizers, they only rarely go on the offensive, and keep it strictly to retaliatory strikes on those most responsible for attacks. Asking for a more general attack would help weaken opposition, and perhaps see some justice done. Cost: Reduces support, reduces relations with the Parliamentarians, chance of it going badly. Time: 1 month. DC: 30. Results: Red Guards begin attacking class enemies, chance of gaining Resources, Support, Influence...

Street Medics: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) One of the tactics used by the heroes of the Shanghai Uprising was the establishment of street medics, noncombat members of the Left-KMT who helped keep injured members in the fight and provided aid and comfort before the soldiers of the Legation Cities resorted to bloodier measures. Implementing such measures could be useful...Cost: 5 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 40. Results: Red Guards gain street medics, help reduce casualties.

Toll Fees: With your control of railways and the strength of your paramilitaries in many transportation hubs, you could easily gain substantial incomes by insisting on donations for those passing through, although you will need to make sure there are exceptions for those who already support you or who it would be dangerous to stop. Cost: Decrease in support among moderates, increase to corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 45/90/135. Result: Increase to income.

Scab Intimidation: (Benefits from Veterans in the Red Guards) The scabs and reactionary militias are outnumbered, outgunned, and outclassed. This may change as refugees continue flowing into the cities and capitalists fund their running dogs, but for now you have the advantage, and you must seize it. The Red Guards will defeat and drive off these "self-defense groups" and "protectors of the American way" and "private security forces" and show them that they are as dust before the tides of history. Cost: Risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/?/?/??. Result: Reactionary militias and scab groups defeated and destroyed in areas you are strong.

Keep Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: Though it may displease them, their work in the Midwest is not yet complete. Left-Farmer-Labor is not yet secure, the area is not stable, there are still lurking reactionaries and dangers. Have the Red Guards stay in the areas they protect for a time longer, and discourage the trickle of desertions that has already begun. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100. Result: Red Guards encouraged to stay in the Midwest.

Stop Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: The Red Guards are not happy with the reception they have received in the Midwest, and the worst of the danger has passed for the rural workers. Already, some are returning to their home cities to continue the struggle there. They have done all they have been asked to do, now it is time to encourage them to leave and carry on their struggle. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Red Guards withdraw from the Midwest, letting any established organizations take over independently.

An Investigation Arm: With the increasing size and activity of the Red Guard, malcontents and informers are likely slipping in, taking advantage of your activities to line their pockets or using their positions to gather information. Neither can be allowed. To counter them, some have proposed the creation of an anonymous reporting system and selecting some trustworthy individuals to investigate these reports. Though generally unpopular, you can see the potential benefits. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 3 months. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Reduction in corruption, increased chance of catching spies.

Take the Docks: In many cities, the powerful Dockworker's Unions could stop the transfer of goods at will, or smuggle goods past customs inspectors. While this is mostly used for their own benefit, it could be a potent measure to increase the party's resources and power. Unfortunately, given the suspicion being directed at the docks currently, such an action could provoke severe crackdowns that would have significant support. Cost: Severe risk of backlash, will likely increase corruption. DC: 0/40/80/120. Results: Gain income, easier smuggling, new options unlocked.

Recruit Butler: Butler is on your side. While currently he is still the head of the VFW, he may be willing to take up a position under you as the commander of the Red Guards. He is widely respected, famously popular, and a skilled and disciplined leader. His influence will be invaluable for strengthening your paramilitaries and preparing for the bloody conflict to come. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Commit 1 Influence to Butler, get him as a subordinate.

Striking Soldiers: The news that several hundred soldiers have gone on strike has been greatly celebrated in the SPA. Even if it is not truly solidarity, it is a seed that can be watered. Careful efforts on approaching the soldiers who have gone on strike can be begun, hopefully before they are broken up or thrown in prison by untrusting army officers who are desperate to protect their class privilege. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/80/120/160. Result: increase to the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Cultural Actions

Christian Socialism: Most Americans are Christians, and despite the words of the Constitution it is widely considered a Christian nation. Given that many churches are staunchly opposed to socialism while socialism is a staunchly secular ideology, this could be troublesome. Fortunately, this Gordian knot can be cut rather easily. The concept of "Christian socialism" and claiming that Christ himself would be a socialist is simple enough, with ample support for this notion coming directly from the Bible. Combining this message with a few displays of piety will help reduce criticism from the pulpit, although significant portions of organized religion will doubtless remain hostile. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Left, loss of support from Jews and other religions. Time: 2 months. DC: 15/45/90. Results: Increase in support from Christians, increased ease of recruitment.

The American Revolution, Pt.2: The first connections are drawn, the first pieces of theory are created. Now it's time to poke holes in them and see where it doesn't hold up, either to your ideals or to reality. Your ideas are published, but now it's time to see how people have torn them apart so that you can make them better. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence, chance of increased stress. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/35/70/120. Result: Refine the results of The American Revolution, Pt. 1

Organize Education: Education is a necessity for workers. Reading, writing, 'rithmetic, critical thinking and understanding history, the skills and knowledge so they can labor and explain why they labor, all these are vital. American schools are fundamentally capitalist institutions, but alternatives can be established. Cost: -3 Resources, -1 Resources per turn. Time: 6 months. DC: 0/25/50/100. Result: Create a system of cheap socialist private schools.

Organize Childcare, Pt. 2: You have designed your improvements to the ad hoc system of childcare, now it is time for the implementation to begin. All this will really involve is producing guides and perhaps some propaganda, but it will help. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/45/75. Result: Encourage the creation of more equal and better-designed childcare institutions.

Public Libraries: While libraries are a common and immensely popular institution, they can be improved in a number of ways, from increasing the resources available to them to broadening the services provided to include rentable instruments and instruction programs. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/40/70/100. Result: Improve the variety of services offered by libraries.

Songs of the Revolution: The Internationale. The Preacher and the Slave. This Land is Your Land. Solidarity Forever. Many are the songs of the socialist movement. Let everyone hear them. Establish choirs and wandering musicians and every other way to spread your message through song there is. Cost: 3 Resources, -0.5 Resources per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/30/50/70/90/ Results: Easier recruiting, increase to morale among the party.

Unity In The Melting Pot: The Socialist Party and the IWW have long used multilingual speakers to reach out to immigrants. With the end of the Weltkrieg and the defeat of the Bolsheviks, thousands from Eastern Europe have flocked to America's shores to find conditions no better, while others have come north with Central and South America. Reaching out to those groups will be essential. The multilingual program will be expanded, to begin. Cost: None.
Time: 3 months. DC: 5/45/90. Results: Easier recruiting, increased support among immigrants.

Socialist Radio Networks: Huey Long has used the radio to spread his reactionary babble to thousands of Americans. We can do the same. Through speeches and interviews, your message can be broadcast. While some may turn off the radio rather than hear the truth, the more you reach the more you can convince. The first step will be to purchase...whatever it is that produces radio waves for broadcasts. That was never something you needed to learn in school. With migrant hordes crossing the land east and west, a way to reach them grows increasingly important. Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 5/25/50/75. Results: Significantly easier recruiting, increased support.

Posters and Pamphlets: The speeches you give reach only those who hear you. Your speeches written down reach all who can read...but they are a bit too long for a poster discreetly put up or a pamphlet smuggled behind a boss's back. Beginning to create and produce snappy slogans and logos for posters and pamphlets will help you in the propaganda war, especially given the number of virulently anti-socialist publications that will smear you and your movement in any way possible. The lack of any organized system for spreading your message has led to several individuals starting up their own newspapers and similar operations to express support for socialism and syndicalism, albeit with a somewhat critical attitude to you. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 10/50/80. Results: The creation of posters and pamphlets to help spread your message, ease of recruiting.

Propagandize The Rural Areas: Farmers are intensely reactionary. The Southern smallholder made the greatest contribution to the Confederate armies during the War of the Slave Power, the yeomen resisted the creation of a bourgeois democracy during the War of American Independence. But with multiple crises of capital ravaging them economically, perhaps some can be persuaded to support you and join the most advanced segments of the working class. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/30/60/90. Result: Begin propagandizing farmers.

Propagandize Professionals: Doctors and lawyers and managers, all have been greatly affected by this latest crisis. More than a few have been forced into breadlines and soup kitchens alongside the workers they have once looked down on. Approaching them, convincing them to join their cause, will give you access to their skills, which are undeniably useful and valuable. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 40/80/120. Result: Begin propagandizing destitute professionals.

Political Actions

Impeachment: If President Hoover has been unable to leave the White House grounds for two months, he is clearly no longer fit for office. The two-thirds majority impeachment requires is veritably impossible to achieve, but even making noises about it could help gain you support and allies, especially if you are high-profile enough. Some in your party consider it nothing but a waste of time, others feel it is a tactical error. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Syndicalists. Time: 1 month. DC: 5/40/90/200. Results: The Socialist Party initiates an impeachment motion for Hoover, chance of gaining legislative allies or support.

Poach the Democrats: The Democrats have traditionally been a party pulled in many directions - Bourbon conservatives, progressives, Southern populists, and union members, political machines - and while a significant portion of all these factions have left, there are always remnants, such as the Roosevelt family. The party as a whole rejects you wholeheartedly, but individual members can be convinced to change their allegiance. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 60/120/180. Results: You convince some members of the Democratic Party and aspects of their political machine to switch allegiance to you.

Press the Progressives: The Progressive Party is now the second-weakest in America. Even the newly formed America First Party has surpassed them. They hold a few scattered seats in the west and Midwest and little more. This weakness is also what makes them vulnerable. They will collapse as a national party without intervention, you suspect. And you can offer this intervention. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/30/45. Results: You convince some members of the Progressive Party to switch allegiance to you.

Pro-Worker Legislation: It would ordinarily be unlikely to pass, at least on a federal level, but demanding it will make a statement in and of itself. And you will not just push this legislation on a federal level. These laws will focus on the things workers have fought for. Better wages, workplace safety, price caps for company stores...with the stroke of a pen, they can be spread across the country, and it will be the SPA that will take the lion's share of the credit. Unfortunately, the current mood in Congress is intensely hostile to you. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Syndicalists. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/90/100/120. Results: You pass worker-protection laws on the state and possibly federal level and can gain varying amounts of support.

Party Lawyers: Many potentially vital laws are being held up in the courts. And frankly, you have a shortage of good lawyers. There are some willing to work for free from dedication to the cause, but most lack the wealth for that or are entirely uninterested in working for you. But enough filthy lucre can solve that problem. Cost: 1 Resource, -1 Resource per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 40. Results: Hire some lawyers to help defend the laws you get passed.

Local Elections: Mayors, sheriffs, county judges. All positions of undeniable importance to the people who elect them. Beginning a campaign to get favorable individuals elected into those positions in the areas you don't completely dominate will help set favorable ground for future elections or revolutionary actions. With the chaotic situations in many Midwestern states, the potential leverage is immense. It is highly likely there will be attempts by corrupt sheriffs and mayors to disrupt any rural organizations unless that danger is countered through the creation of favorable local governments. Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/30/75. Results: Increase support on the local level.

Staff State Offices: The state bureaucracies are often intensely hostile to the efforts of the SPA, but while they are an obstacle they are one who can be defeated, or at least gone around. Beginning to hire loyal socialists and syndicalists will allow you to gradually begin purging these hostile organizations. The expertise and loyalty of these offices is a vital resource, one often denied to your supporters. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/45/90. Results: Begin gradually purging and replacing hostile bureaucrats, slow enough that there should be minimal loss of institutional knowledge.

Wealth Taxes: The federal relief bill you passed has dramatically eased the financial costs of the states working to protect their people, but they will run out eventually. The grants were large, but the state's income streams have not changed. Correct that, by passing savage wealth and inheritance taxes that will ensure the upper-class pay their fair share. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50. Result: Begin passing state-level wealth taxes.

Intellectual Actions

The Legacy of John Brown: John Brown was a revolutionary martyr who fought for freedom. Abraham Lincoln sought to bring freedom to the enslaved. They would support you in your struggle to bring liberation to all. You will insist on it. You will quote them to say so. You might have to be a bit selective in doing so, but it won't matter. Cost: None... Time: 1 month. DC: 5. Result: Increased efficacy of The American Revolution actions.

Create an Educational Program: Designing a socialist education program will be just one of the many questions you have to answer after the revolution. There are important differences in content and teaching style and likely other things as well. Begin looking into who is an expert in such things and start drawing up the broad strokes of what a curriculum will cover. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/60. Result: Begin designing an education program.

A Socialist Structure, Pt. 1: How will the economy work? Will currency be abolished? How will you ensure racial equality? Though there are examples to look forward to from Britain and France, you will need to begin creating your own answers to these questions. Plans must be made, although they will be by necessity vague. But creating the most basic framework for what form American socialism will take will help ease your path forward. Cost: Probable loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence. Time: 6 months. DC: No roll. Result: Begin coming up with a more detailed roadmap for socialist America, begin unlocking actions to create small-scale imitations/programs related to this.

Who Supports Who?: If you looked out the window to see New York City, you would think nine in ten supported you. You are not fool enough to think that, of course. The Payment Army alone disproves that, let alone the bullying your daughter has experienced, the endless attempts at suppression, the thousands of letters denouncing you. Beginning to get an accurate count will be vital for effectively directing your efforts. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Get a general idea of where your support is strong and weak and what people are concerned about.

Against the Socialism of Fools: Anti-Semitism is a virulent problem in this country. Father Coughlin spews anti-Semitic bile, many claim Jews are behind every problem and especially the syndicalists, even some of your party members and unionized workers mislike them. Countering these narratives may cost, but it is a worthy effort. Cost: Likely loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/50/100. Result: Counter anti-Semitic narratives, increase in support from Jews, small chance of +1 Influence.

Proletarian Unity: The workers of the world must be united. There are false divisions embedded deep into the American psyche. Racism is the greatest but by no means the only one. Target these divides, weld them together as best you can. Make promises of restitution and justice, publicize what you stand for. It will be difficult and potentially dangerous, but you have to start somewhere. Cost: Likely loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence, chance of losing support. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/75/125. Result: Counter racist narratives, increase support from minorities, small chance of +1 Influence.

Create a Curriculum: For a socialist school system to exist, there must be a socialist curriculum, Having students elect their teachers seems faintly ridiculous, but there can be other ways for them to be exposed to the SPA's ideals from a young age, and there should certainly be a different emphasis on what is taught. No gender divide for one. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 20/40/60/80. Result: Creation of curriculum, improved results and lowered difficulty for Organize Education.

The Legacy of the Grange: The Grange was a vaguely socialist, mixed-race organization for farmers to help them progress and grant assistance through a variety of methods, from community support to political activism. The sudden rise of Farmer-Labor and the current devastation has caused it to decline greatly. But it can rise again, better and stronger. With Farmer-Labor on your side, a remnant of the Grange is as well. Begin a program of revitalization and create a new ideology for it. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/100. Result: New, more socialist/syndicalist/anarchist/some form of leftist ideology for the Grange, new options for dealing with it unlocked.

Intrigue Actions

Siphon Party Funds: The first step in performing covert actions is to acquire funds to do so. Simply taking money directly from the party treasury strikes you as a bad idea, as the resulting vanishing will be wide open for anyone who looks. So instead you will arrange for a few dribbles of cash to vanish into an account you can use for off-the-books problem-solving. Cost: -0.1 Resources per month. Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/35/70. Result: +0.1 Resources per turn goes into a dark fund you can draw upon for covert ops.

Siphon State Funds: With nearly unfettered access to many state governments and party loyalists being installed in treasury departments across the nation, you have an opportunity to enhance the party's financial position by arranging for subtle fund transfers from the government funds. There will likely need to be some sort to hide the directness of the money transfer. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75/100. Result: Increase to income.

Hire an Assistant Secretary: You need someone who is good at this sort of thing. Someone trustworthy, loyal and competent. That's going to be really hard to find...but at the same time it is undeniably necessary. How would you even begin to find that? Cost: Risky...and you will have to commit an Authority to them. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/??/????. Result: Find some potential spymasters, can delegate Influence or Authority to them.

Sending Spies: Particularly given your purging of the police and the increasing difficulties the capitalists are having with oppressing the workers in areas dominated by syndicalists, there is something of a low-level exodus going on from the north, which means there is an opportunity to get eyes and ears in the lower level of the National Guards, U.S. Army, and hostile militias, to name a few possibilities. Cost: Risk of discovery, risk to the spies. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/???. Result: Write-in where you send the spy.

Newspaper Analysts: With the increasing influx of information, often heavily conflicting, getting an idea of what is going on in the country grows more difficult every day. Arranging for a few party members to subscribe to dozens of newspapers and compare them so they can brief you will be child's play compared to some of the things you have organized. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Improvement to Rumors and News section.

Revolutionary Guards: People have been threatening to kill you and your family and other leaders for a long time. You have developed protection against overt attacks, but perhaps it is time to begin developing a more covert sort of protection as well. Cost: - 2 Resources per month. Time: 3 months. DC: ??/??/???. Result: Create organization of plainclothes bodyguards for you, your family, and other important figures. Unlock additional counterintelligence actions.

Send Covert Organizers: Unions cannot operate openly everywhere. Particularly in the South and Midwest, efforts to organize are met with bombs, knives, and bullets. Or worse. You have vivid memories of the results of your trip to Wilmington...But people still organize, they still fight. Sending covert assistance can lead to an increase to your strength in an area, and help increase the chances of more overt intervention. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support while increasing your own support there.

Covert Investigation: Quietly looking into the behavior of a subordinate might allow you to remove them before they can become an embarrassment, or simply confirm their innocence without risking giving the impression they have lost your confidence. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Find any wrongdoing for chosen subordinate.

Ears in the Party: To better keep abreast of movements in the Party and the doings of your subordinate, cultivating a small network of...trusted friends to let you know what they hear could be managed. Flora will probably have to be the one managing them, but you feel she is trustworthy. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Lower difficulty of actions involving intelligence within the SPA.

Create Shell Corporations: To help with some of your more...unpleasant deeds, you can avoid scrutiny by purchasing a few false companies and helping you to conceal any unfortunate money trails. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. Result: Increase chances of avoiding discovery for embezzlement actions.

Infiltrate the Army: With the contacts Butler has given you, you now have a simple way of infiltrating the army. Selecting volunteers from the Red Guards and having them sign up will enable you to gain some low-level infiltration, while going through the men he introduced you to will enable you to hear rumors and gossip from higher-levels. MacArthur is certainly planning to use the army against you, you must find out how. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/45/?/??. Result: Make contacts within the military.

Contact with the French and British: With the ports opened to French and British ships, the possibility of contact with your fellow syndicalists has just grown dramatically easier. The providing of support for you during the Revolution is a guarantee, what is less likely is them assisting you during this lead-up due to the difficulty of it, but the Syndintern will surely be able to provide something. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. Result: Contact the Syndintern

Personal Actions

Work Overtime: Although your heart and mind ache at the thought, the cause needs you. It will be stressful, it will be upsetting to your wife and daughter, you can feel your very soul revolting at the thought of spending even more hours working...but you must. The workers of the world demand it! No matter what it costs you. Cost: Severely stressful, unhealthy, bad for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: +1 temporary Influence.

Personal Attention: If you spend a few hours working on a particular task, it will likely go smoother. It will cut into the time you would normally spend with your family or your books, but it is a sacrifice you will have to make. Cost: Stressful, not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Small dice and narrative bonus to chosen action.

Exercise: You have gotten slightly out of shape thanks to the stress of the election. Getting back in shape would be good for your health and your image...and if you ever get the chance to punch Huey Long in his fat face or strangle MacArthur, it will help then too. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, improvement to health.

Spend Time With Your Family: Your daughter Hannah misses you, as does your wife Louise. Spending some extra time with them this month will make up for all the times you missed doing it during the campaign season. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Major decrease in stress, good for your family.

Write: You have been working on another book about your own thoughts and beliefs about socialism and syndicalism, as well as on a few poems, memoirs, and some other odds and ends. Spending some time working on that will help order your thoughts and ease your burdens. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, possibility of new traits.

Free Actions

Tweak a Subordinate's Priorities: While those who are working with you are scattered across the country, between the train and the telegram they are within reach. Requesting a minor change to their priorities is a simple matter. Cost: May pick only once per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: May make 1 change to 1 subordinate's priorities (change order, add one, remove one).

Ask For a Favor: Party members already sacrifice their time and money and sometimes their health and their life, but you must ask for more. Though it will cost some precious goodwill, continued success will bring it back, and so you can confidently ask for favors. Cost: Variable amount of Relations, changes in Strength of factions. DC: No roll. Result: May get as many favors as Relations and Strength allows.

Choose A Focus: You are currently taking no focus.

The Union Forever! - Through the most difficult and darkest days, it was the unions that kept the revolutionary spirit alive. Let the unions stand forever. No reactionary or capitalist can defeat the people, united. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain national spirit The Union Forever (Effect: +1 Strength to the Left faction per month).

In the Cities - The cities are already where you are strongest, but there are still bourgeoise who can be convinced to turn against their class and proletariat who can be given consciousness, to say nothing of the lumpen. Time: 1 month. Effect: Modify The Struggle Carries On! (+1 Appeal in Urban Areas per month)

Political Alliances - Victories must be won not just on the battlefield, but in the halls of the rich and powerful. They must be convinced to side with you against Long's insanity and MacArthur's tyranny. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain the national spirit of Political Alliances (Effect: +1 Strength for the Right faction per month).

Seek Out the Sharecropper - In the heart of the south, millions of black men and women labor in a state little better than slavery, terrorized by the KKK and other reactionary organizations and denied fundamental rights. Not only does allowing this to go on violate your principles, but they could serve as a significant thorn in the side of your foes. Time: 1 month. Effect: Increased efficacy of actions for gaining support among sharecroppers.

Propagandize the Yeomen - The yeomen farmers who remain will likely be the most resistant to your ideals, but enough effort can see even the most ardent reactionary persuaded to join you, one way or another. Time: 1 month. Effect: +10 to the next 4 actions involving rural propaganda.

Organize the Farmworkers - The migrating farmworkers are perhaps the easiest target for radicalization. Their formerly prosperous lives ripped away from them, pushed into desperate poverty, the food they work so hard to grow frequently burned in front of them as they starve...Time: 3 months. Effect: Significant increase to support among rural populations, +10 to the next 3 actions involving organizing or agitating in rural areas.

A/N: 2 hour moratorium
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August 1933 Results
Push for Reduced Hours: 1 Authority

You bring your proposal up to the CSA after spending many hours sounding people out on it. It's not a popular measure, but it is just barely palatable. You are faced with questions though. Money and time and blood has been spent on the rural farmers who will make up the armies of scabs you are trying to evade. Laws have been passed to support them, efforts have been made to integrate their leadership into the party, Red Guards have been sent to protect them and their homes.

The mood of the unions and the party is that these people are ungrateful and unreliable, but the threat they possess is recognizable nonetheless. And so union after union agrees to the measures, cutting down the number of shifts each member takes.

You have to insist and push it through ample resistance, to bear down upon those who defy you, and you threaten to expel a few of them from the Combined Syndicates - an empty threat, but one that shows how seriously you are taking this.

It has cost you some of your status, but as you walk through New York and see the streets emptier of the lost and listless, you count it a fair trade.

Result: -1 Influence, number of unemployed drastically reduced.

Unionized Only!: 1 Authority + 1 Influence, 45+46 = 91

Your next demand is met with far more enthusiasm. Even the AFL is convinced to join in the measure. A resolution to strike and walkout in any factory that hires ununionized workers passes with acclaim, and the day after city after city finds its factories grinding to a halt as the men and women who labored in them march out. Scabs are hired in vast swarms, protected by militias and strikebreakers...until police and Red Guards arrive and arrest them, marching the reactionaries off to rot in jail.

Their feeble attacks upon the rights of workers defeated, the owners are forced to capitulate. As a gesture of mercy, dozens of those arrested are released after agreeing to join a union and encouraged to partake in educational activities.

The Bethlehem Steel Foundry stood empty, it's fires banked, looming over the town like a giant's skull. A small band of nervous men approached, most in filthy shirtsleeves, their leader in a worn suit. "They can't make getting a job illegal, and all you gentlemen are willing to work, not like these lazy union..."

He trails off as the houses lining the street spill out large, ruddy men with heavy steel bars and tools and even a few guns. "Lazy? Who you calling lazy Martin? We forged the steel, we smelted and shaped it. All you did was stand there!" a figure in the crowd cries out.

Martin can't tell who, he's surrounded by angry faces and there's no one to protect him. The workers he recruited are backing away nervously, just as terrified as he is.

Suddenly, he sees salvation! A policeman approaches.

"What's going on here?" the officer demands.

"These ruffians attacked me, attacked me! Arrest them!" Martin shouted, leaping up and waving, frantic to get the man's attention.

He felt his guts freeze as he was ignored completely, the policeman instead walking over to the union men. There was a quick whispered conference, and then he saw a gun rise.

"You are under arrest, all of you!" he was told.

Martin started to protest. He never got to finish.

As the world faded to black, he heard someone say "He was clearly resisting arrest."

Result: Significant increase to the size of unions in many cities, union-only agreements signed with many factories.

Support Housing Cooperatives: 1 Influence, 43+15 = 58

The housing cooperatives need blankets and beds, they need coal and cleaning, they need better education and organization. It's a massive project, one you devote many hours to, and you are not alone. Dozens of people with experience in a variety of fields, from construction foremen to landlords who have joined your ranks to politicians help with this complex effort to improve the shelters so many live in.

Some are responsible for the ordering and delivery of supplies: coal stoves, privacy curtains, blankets, medical supplies, clothing, all the mind-boggling variety of things homes need.

Some are responsible for construction, as dozens of crews work to repair cracked walls and patch damaged roofs and establish functional sanitation.

And some work on re-establishing the social contracts of these cooperatives, reaffirming your commitments to democratic management and human dignity.

All these tasks are long and difficult. It will be many months until they are complete, but hopefully the inhabitants of the cooperatives can begin to take more of a leading role in the process as time goes on.

Result: Improvements to housing cooperatives have begun.

Veteran Cadres: 1 Influence, 97+10 = 107

There are hundreds of veteran soldiers, dissatisfied with their lot, who have joined the Red Guards in dribs and drabs. Dozens more have rallied to the red banner after seeing the failures of capitalism, or the bloody lengths it must go to in order to maintain itself. They have given their advice and support to other Guards in skirmishes and battles from Seattle to Washington, D. C., but they have not been truly taken advantage of by the organization as a whole.

It is time for that to change. Local party offices and union organizations put out a call, asking for those with military experience to join special Guards units who will be given the responsibility for training and assisting their comrades.

There are limits on what can be done, limits on weapons, limits on ammunition, limits on space, limits on time...the extensive and intricate pipeline the United States has for training soldiers and officers is practically non-existent.

But they begin doing their best nonetheless.

Result: Veterans in the Red Guards spirit removed, all training or combat actions have their DCs reduced by 10 or more, results improved.

Integrate the VFW: 1 Influence committed + 1 Influence, 88+64 = 152

The Veterans of Foreign Wars have formally dissolved themselves. They are no more, for a new organization has come to replace and supplant it. Those unwilling to serve the cause of socialism have drifted into other groups, formed pitiful remnants or allied with the forces of reaction, but the majority have become Red Guards, typically joining the veteran cadres to show their youngest comrades how to fight and how to win...although some of the younger ones have decided to take a different role instead.

A cousin of the Pullman family was supposed to be traveling to Toledo on a private, armored train to fire a dozen managers for giving in to the unionization demands. He was never going to make it, that had been agreed.

Anthony had voted against it, uncomfortable with the notion of attacking a man like that, but then he remembered the blood money he had made and how it had ended up in the pockets of robber barons like this fellow.

He found himself much more comfortable now. This was familiar work. Not in the details, but he had launched ambushes against hostile forces before.

Billy, a former army engineer and VFW like him, crawled back into the hiding place.

"Tracks are blocked," he whispered.

And indeed, logs and branches had been hauled across it.

Anthony lifted his head just an inch and shouted "Alright you bastards, get low and stay low. If the Pinkertons don't get you, I'll blow your fucking heads off myself!"

These are good lads, they just need a bit of discipline, he thought as he did his best impression of his old sergeant, laying into them with blistering insults until finally the last of them was hidden from the rail.

The train's whistle echoed around the bend, and then it slowed to a stop.

A dozen armed guards leaped out.

Hold, hold...don't fire till I do!

He adjusted his aim, shifting so that the gun was pointed right at the chest of the oldest guard, gambling that he was the-

The crack of gunfire exploded through the air. "Fire!" he roared.

A hail of bullets cut down the guards and bounced off the train.

"Rush 'em!" Billy shouted.

Firing from the hip, yelling, the two of them led the charge. Gunfire came back as the remaining guards, the ones who had stayed on the train, shot at them, but they were hopelessly outnumbered.

The cousin died, alongside his mistress. His disappearance was first noticed three days later.

Result: Increase in size and capability of the Red Guards, large numbers of veterans formally integrated into the organization.

Recruit Butler: 1 Influence

Actually Recruiting General Smedley Butler is...simple. You know he is open to supporting you, but you expected he would have something he wanted. Even Norman demanded that you tolerate his iron and sometimes inconvenient principles as part of gaining his assistance.

As soon as you knock on Butler's door, he comes down, packed and ready. He is practically vibrating with impatience as the two of you walk to your car, and the drive to SPA headquarters is filled with him discussing how he could support the cause.

He has three ideas. He could take a leadership role in the Red Guards and help "whip them into shape," working with the organization as a whole. He could focus on a smaller scale unit like the Blair Brigade and focus on making them as capable as possible. "Not elite troops, but elite organizers," he explains.

Or he could do what he has been doing and work on recruiting soldiers and officers to your side.

Of course, if you need him to shift his focus, all you need to do is ask.

[] The General: Recruit Butler as a commander in the Red Guard. -1 Authority. His initial priorities will be developing discipline and structure for the Guard as a whole. He will have 3 Influence.

[] The Organizer: Recruit Butler as an organizer for the Red Guard. -1 Authority. His initial priorities will be forming a professional cadre of trainers and logistics. He will have 3 Influence.

[] The Recruiter: Recruit Butler as a recruiter for the Red Guard. -1 Authority. His initial priorities will be identifying sympathetic officers and turning lower-ranked soldiers. He will have 3 Influence.

Wealth Taxes: 1 Influence, 16

The passing of these laws are frustratingly fraught, as remaining conservative groups pull out every stop they can. The courts are no longer willing or able to defend them in many places but by no means all. Private militias and militaries form, often supported by deserters from the National Guards. Protests and marches are staged in front of state capitols and other major buildings, and on several occasions shots are fired. Several magnates, including the Hearst and Vanderbilt empires, have formed companies for the sole purpose of helping people hide as much wealth as possible.

Worse, a series of low-level revolts have fired off in the bureaucratic strata. Records are lost or misprocessed, staff walkout in mass protests, and the machinery of government threatens to stall.

All this over a 20% tax on all income derived from investments and a 50% inheritance tax on estates larger than 1 million dollars.

Result: Moderate wealth and inheritance tax passed in several states, severe backlash ensues.

Report from the Coordination Committee, 92+5 = 97

Even as state governments find themselves struggling with sudden shortages of experienced personnel, literate individuals find themselves recruited into local governments, serving as understudies for various administrative duties and being given more manual jobs such as repairing roads.

The programs begin to expand as rapidly as it can be managed, despite the various towns and cities beginning to go into debt, as their administrations begin assisting the overstrained remnants of the state bureaucracies.

Report from Norman Thomas, 37+10 = 47

With more substantive matters on race relations tabled by the ferocious infighting within Congress, Norman decides to take a different approach, and begin making a tour of minority-dominated areas, starting with Harlem.

There were some unfortunate gaffes in the advertising for his speech that left it rather poorly attended.

Report from the State Legislation Committee, 65+5 = 70

While the wealth taxes have increased the influx of income to the states and enabled them to push through several expanded relief bills for urban and rural workers both, actually implementing these bills has proven difficult. The Committee descended into squabbling about who was responsible for what.

Personal Attention: Support Housing Cooperatives

One of the worst parts about the cooperative fiasco was how it damaged the image you try to present and the ideals you want to champion. Images of homeless men being clubbed by Red Guards stand in stark contrast to your promises of democracy for all and economic justice.

The social contract you are trying to write has been pissed on, and so you must work to write a new one. You spend long hours crafting official promises, and then longer hours still traveling across the country to make them in person.

Choose a Focus: Propagandize the Yeomen

The middle-class American smallholder is vanishing day by day. They are driven off their lands by violence or dust or poverty, the crisis of capitalism destroying their farms by the hundred. And they do not know who to blame.

MacArthur tells them to blame themselves. Long tells them to blame you. But you must teach them the truth: it is nothing but the pitiless turning of the gears of history, the artificial workings of a cruel system grinding up those who supported it and spitting them out. You must tell them it will happen again and again, until and unless the system is broken through revolution and reformation. You must convince them to join your cause.

Result: Focus completed, +10 to the next 4 rural propaganda actions.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Jun 1, 2021 at 10:08 PM, finished with 23 posts and 19 votes.
September 1933
Samuel had been a dockworker for many years, spending long hours every day hauling crates into ships and out of ships. His back ached in the evening every day as he trudged back to the apartment he rented, his hands were torn and callused, and all for barely enough pay to cover rent and food. His roof leaked, his room stank of sewage, his boots were perpetually falling apart. Such was his lot in life. He had no choice but to accept it, and to try and do the right thing and hope he got lucky.

He stayed away from whiskey and wine. When the gangs came around, he kept his head down and stayed away from them too. He was polite to police, gave the occasional spare penny to beggars, and went to church every Sunday. He knew as long as he kept it up, he had a chance. He kept a notebook, filling it with plans for the business he would make when he saved up enough. He stayed at work late and came early. He did everything he should do.

When the Great Crash came, it didn't matter. He and a hundred other men were fired that very first day, and he found himself joining an immense crowd of listless men waiting by the docks or in the park, hoping for work. Some days he found it, sweeping streets or hauling trash or working the docks for less than ever. Some days he found nothing, and became just another beggar.

He moved into a smaller, dirtier apartment, and rented half of it out to another man. He skipped meals some days. He sold his notebook, and admitted to himself he would never be rich.

The indignity of it gnawed at him. But compared to the might of Rockefeller and Morgan and all the other titans of industry who had built their way up from nothing, he was a gnat. He voted for men who promised to fix things, and they never kept their promise. He saw friends join the gangs, shooting each other over who got to rob the corner stores, their blood staining the boots he had to wear again the next day because he had nothing else.

He saw the wrath and rage grow day by day, as the hammer-and-sickle and the grain-and-gear began to decorate walls, as red flags began to wave, as strident letters were published in newspapers and nailed to the doors of businesses. He stayed away from that nonsense.

He saw the retaliation, as police and Pinkertons came by the dozen to break up rallies and arrest "foreign subversives." He saw them falter and flail. He saw a pastor beaten for trying to protect his homeless flock, he saw nursing mothers hauled into the back of police wagons.

They weren't protectors of order and defenders of the American way anymore. He didn't know what they were.

Work kept drying up. Days went by where he did nothing but wander the streets in a hopeless daze. He stopped going to church, he started drinking when he had the money to buy booze.

People still fought, but Samuel didn't bother. More red flags went up, and he ignored them. The police kept hunting syndicalists, and he didn't care.

Soup kitchens were established, and then they were destroyed by gangs when they couldn't pay protection or found themselves overwhelmed by the swarms of the hungry. Homeless shelters formed and then the homeless were turned back onto the street. Samuel ignored it all.

People raved about what was the cause, about why things got so bad, about the politicians and the ideologies and the religions which would save them, and new gangs began to form around it. People wrapped red or blue or white around their arms and battled in the streets. Samuel didn't listen.

In 1930, he didn't bother voting. He didn't even realize there had been an election. But someone new had won, and suddenly the city was revitalizing itself. The soup kitchens and food banks started getting funding, the rare job he managed to find paid better, the gangs began to weaken as men with red armbands and billy clubs began patrolling the streets.

The syndicalists were here, and it seemed they had something worth saying.

Ben lived on the outskirts of town. "Trash" and "scum" they had called him, from the day he was born. He wore scraps of cloth his mother had sewn together, and missed school half the days every week so he could help his Pa work on the farm.

His Pa was always drunk, always in debt, and always mad about those two things. The only days he wasn't being mean to Ben were the days he went out at night and came back smelling of soot and blood. At first, Ben didn't know what his Pa was doing. Then he didn't care, so long as it kept the belt away from his back and the fist from his mother's cheek.

He was almost a man when he first heard about Huey Long. Everyone had laughed at the idea, and called him a filthy red and worse things. It was impossible, he would never amount to anything. He was a man when he heard about the Great Crash.

It didn't make sense to him. Some syndicalists had taken over another country and now it seemed like half the town's money had vanished.

His father kept going out, but now he was even meaner when he came back. The other sharecroppers began to vanish, and men and dogs were sent to bring them back.

Then people stopped being able to afford the dogs, and the farms began to die. The cotton and tobacco withered, and other people began to leave. The wind started stripping the loose soil, splattering it across the houses and streets.

Men in sound trucks started showing up, offering to help them find work, offering to help them get things back under control. The sheriff formed a posse and chased them off, but they kept coming back, and there were more of them every time.

His Pa got recruited into the posse late in '32, and then things got worse. Again, some syndies had killed people in another country and they suffered for it, and no one would do anything to help.

His Pa got meaner and meaner, and Ben stopped being able to hear out of one ear.

Then one day it was the posse that got driven off, and some trucks arrived with a doctor and some pigs to butcher and tough-looking men everyone called "sir" who said they were looking for people who wanted to be Minutemen.

The Longists were here, and it seemed they had something worth saying.

The syndicalists told Samuel that the wealth of the world was unjustly stolen from him, that he deserved a fair share of the value he created, that he should have a home and food, that his vote should matter, that his voice was important. He listened, and he wrapped a red band around his arm and joined their strikes and burned the police station to ash when the pigs tried to stop them.

The Longists told Ben that he was as good as any other man, that he deserved a fair share of the wealth, that he was important. He listened, and he put on a grey hat and went to battle against and alongside sheriffs and Klansmen both.

The syndicalists told Samuel that the world was full of reactionaries, that they would try to destroy the glorious world they were making, that they would need to fight lest they be slaughtered and enslaved. He listened, and he vowed to be ready when the day of reckoning came.

The Longists told Ben that the syndicalists would be coming to destroy the social order and the Unionists were coming to make them kneel, that both were trying to destroy the American dream, that they would need to fight lest they be slaughtered or enslaved or cast adrift in a world gone mad. He listened, and he vowed to be ready when the day of reckoning came.

Sparks are falling across America, finding dry tinder aplenty as men and women of every race and class and faith and origin find themselves growing radicalized, furious at the failures of their governments. They cry out for bread and roses, for shared wealth, for the protection of the American way, for steering a steady course. They rally to each other, seeking unity, seeking solutions, seeking shelter. They meet and march and rage and riot, attacking enemies real and perceived.

Newspapers from around the world describe the faltering titan as it stumbles ever onwards, bereft of direction and bloodied by scandal and slaughter. Nations around the world have begun seeking opportunities in the seeming impending collapse of the vast nation, searching for potential puppets and allies.

Rumors and News

The SPA and the Red Guards have had an undeniably successful month. The housing cooperatives are gradually turning into functional, albeit rough communities, with their own Red Guards and governing councils. The shelters are still substandard, but they have been greatly improved by widespread efforts. Perhaps more importantly from a political perspective, the efforts of the Red Guards to organize the areas they are protecting and develop class consciousness have had greater success, with small farmer's associations forming to discuss ways to advance their class interests. For the time being, the remaining Red Guards are enthusiastic about their duty, especially after several publicized incidents of attempted reactionary violence by sheriffs and paramilitaries against these new organizations.

Meanwhile, Huey Long is solidifying his hold across the South. Careful political maneuvering by him and his supporters has led to the sidelining of several opponents, while several others were forced to flee for their lives. Clashes and economic warfare continue, but the momentum is turning in the favor of Longist groups as wealthy backers begin to supply the Minutemen and Silver Legion. Even as his grip tightens, his movement becomes more fractious, as competing strains within it begin to crystallize.

He has even begun gaining support in New England, as a group in upstate New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire calling themselves the Green Mountain Boys has formed to advocate for Long.

Ground has broken on several more German factories in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida, employing many formerly destitute workers. Many of these workers are Minutemen, it seems.

The federal government has not moved to condemn these events, or the similar ones in California as several Japanese companies purchase empty land and ruined factories and begin working to revitalize them for a variety of purposes. Instead, aside from some more vicious political infighting, they have concentrated on further stabilizing the Midwest, constructing vast refugee camps. Only those willing to swear loyalty oaths are allowed to stay in them, and access is highly restricted, leading to more lurid rumors damaging the federal government's credibility, even as MacArthur receives praise from the bourgeoisie for his handling of the crisis.

Another letter has come from Canada. "We have a friend on the inside," it reads. News of further unrest and more strikes comes as well, as the liberal bloc in Parliament attempts to negotiate. Quebecois nationalists have begun agitating as well, demanding greater autonomy or even independence.

Plans from Subordinates

The Coordination Committee is looking to begin removing centers of reaction such as the leadership of reactionary militias, hostile town governments, and other such groups and figures. It will be a long and complicated process, involving many approaches and likely taking several months.

Norman Thomas is planning to continue his campaign of speeches and advocacy for black Americans and other minority groups, especially those who live in areas that lean towards the Longists.

The Legislative Committee is planning to expand the wealth tax laws and use the funds to directly subsidize farmers, as well as mines and factories run "in accordance with democratic principles."

Butler, meanwhile, is looking immediately to take charge on the matter of instilling discipline in the disorganized Red Guards and establish a more organized system of reporting, discovering, and punishing misbehavior.

You have 6 Influence and 1 Authority total. 0 Authority and 0 Influence are committed to ongoing actions. You are not currently taking any foci.

Successfully propagandize towards farmers in 1 month (from The Syndicalists). Make contact with the Syndintern in 3 months (from the Center). Begin expanding the unions in 3 months (from the Orthodox). Expand your propaganda apparatus in 3 months (from the Parliamentarians).

Party Actions

Hold a Rally: It's a classic for every political party for a reason. There's nothing quite like a grand rally with banners waving and people cheering to make you seem unstoppable and to gather more support. The demonstration of the energy and might of the working class will have the capitalists shaking in their boots. It is a message to your supporters as well, that all the power of the SPA stands behind them. Here is what it says: Let your foes try and stop you. They will be ground under your heel. Cost: 1 Resources and a risk of backlash and hostile interruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/50/85/120. Results: Variable change in support, chance of intimidating your enemies. Can synergize with other actions.

Wave the Red Banner: The Red Banner is not the only SPA-affiliated or favoring publication, but it is the only one produced by the Party itself. And it is immensely popular. New ones go out constantly, but you could write an article of your own and make a special edition. This would receive extra attention and possibly some new readership, allowing you to make your opinions heard and sway the hearts and minds of others. You could shape the narrative on something, make an argument for or against a particular course of action, attack an enemy or uplift an ally. The possibilities of the written word are limitless. Cost: 2 Resources and a risk of backlash. May be additional costs depending on the topic. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100/150. Results: Variable change in support or party factions, results depend on topic. Topic must be written in. Some examples: "The importance of unity in the socialist cause," "The corruption of the Hoover administration," "Why feminism and socialism must go together," and "Why Farmer-Labor should unify with the SPA." Can synergize with other actions.

Send Social Agitators To: Nearly every street corner in Chicago, New York City, and Seattle has a man or woman standing on a crate and telling the passerby of the virtues of the cause and encouraging them to donate. They are often beaten brutally by the bourgeois or by police (and just as often protected by their listeners), but they nevertheless persist, determined to gain recruits and funds for the cause. Some of these agitators are amateurs doing it in their spare time, but quite a few are dedicated and skilled speakers. Sending these speakers in significant numbers to an area can turn your foe's supporters against them, especially if it is followed up upon with meaningful organization. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support there. Unlock actions to follow up on the agitation.

Create Shadow Government: You have had a brilliant idea: Though you lack power at the federal level, the Socialist Party has substantial control of many mayorships, county governments. You even effectively control some states of the Steel Belt. Creating a forum to help these various governments cooperate and resolve disputes will be useful, especially if you have further requests of these governments. You have only discussed this concept briefly, but the idea of the Interstate Committee of Socialist Governments (name subject to change) has dazzled many. Especially since it will help you gain influence over their legal codes, voting laws, and National Guard armories. Cost: Significant and dangerous backlash from within and without the Party, possible legal challenges. Time: 3 months. DC: 70/140/180/240. Results: Various states and lower-level governments integrated into a coordinated body, many new possibilities available, although the body could be unwieldy.

Support Faction: The party is more than a little divided, even if everyone is determined to stick together, they still clash frequently, with each other and with you. Spending some time and effort backing a particular faction in these debates could gain you some gratitude, which is always a valuable currency. Cost: Risk of losing Influence or Authority. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Increase Relations and Strength of selected faction, chance of gaining Influence.

Make Changes To Subordinates: You do not have the time or capability to make all the decisions involved with bringing the Revolution to America, and so you have trusted subordinates to help. Occasionally, you will need to redirect their efforts, invest more in their success, or even replace them immediately. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Make any change to 1 subordinate. Can be taken multiple times.

Party Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Extremely low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/180. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.

Open Investigation: If a subordinate is unpopular or incompetent, you can begin publically looking into their performance. This can wash off some of the reflected stink, particularly if you find something, but if there is no evidence of wrongdoing or fraud that can only make the situation worse or lead to questions of your judgement. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Some chance of finding problems with chosen subordinate, options to deal with problems, chance of +1 Influence.

Support Subordinate: Expressing confidence in a subordinate, either by offering direct aid or by giving material support, can boost their performance, especially if there isn't a structural reason for their failures. Cost: Write-in. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Positive modifier to chosen subordinate, chance of them gaining positive trait.

Acquire Expertise: You are only one man, you cannot know or do everything. Having trusted subordinates who can do part of the work helps, but so too does having trusted advisors, people who can offer you advice for dealing with things you don't quite understand. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Find assistant for chosen subject who can give significant bonuses and penalties to rolls and other situations.

Push for Rural Assistance: The priority for most of the SPA are the urban areas and the mining strongholds. Between the fact that most farmers are petty producers and their famed social conservatism, there is relatively little concern for their fates beyond vague acknowledgements. Even the rural relief bills many are advocating for are primarily focused on keeping a large supply of food for the cities available. Despite the revolutionary potential of many rural groups, they are being effectively abandoned to be turned into the footsoldiers of reaction. Though it will strain the limits of your position, insisting on more effort will hopefully encourage the party to give more thought to farmers and farmworkers. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 2 months. DC: 40/80. Result: Unlock new actions focusing on supporting and recruiting among farmers,

Anarchist Organizations: Anarchists are no longer as prominent a scare-word as they once were. Socialism and syndicalism are the new words to make the bourgeoisie and their running dogs wet themselves in fear. The reduced propaganda against them makes them potentially quite useful...and you remember hearing that the Black Army was highly popular among Ukranian peasants. Perhaps approaching them to form an Anarchist Grange may help you gain support in the Bleeding Midwest. And if they fail, most of the party will be unconcerned. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: You and the CSA select a rural-focused organizer from The Anarchist faction, gain in Strength for the Anarchists.

Union Actions

Send Union Organizers To: While agitators can disrupt other political organizations and explain why you are better, to actually gain support of the kind that makes people spend blood and gold and sweat on your behalf requires a different approach. Establishing that takes time, but sending union organizers to an area can make for a start. In many ways, the risks these organizers take is even greater than that of the agitators, especially if there is sufficient hostility to socialism already. Some have literally been tarred and feathered...Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the organizers depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and gain temporary support there. Unlock actions for following up on the organization.

Appoint Union Representative: There are dozens of unions, many with hundreds or thousands of chapters. A rare few even have branches in Canada, with a rarer few having branches in Mexico. The Combined Syndicates serves as a forum to allow them to coordinate and cooperate, but the vagaries of time and travel mean that the larger meetings are often sparsely attended. Electing (although your influence will help make it an effective appointment) a representative to help manage the syndicates, smooth over disputes, and ensure all voices are heard would reduce the growing pains the CSA is suffering from. However, the notion is not entirely popular...Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. Result: Subvote to determine who you will support for Union Representative and how much to invest in them.

Prepare Rural Unions: Rural areas are utterly lacking in the sort of density mines or cities have that labor organizers and workers used to create their powerful unions. A new approach will need to be devised, or more likely multiple to approach the different situations you will doubtless encounter. Perhaps some of the newer unions or the Montant and Colorado miners have some insight? Cost: None. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/25/50/75/100. Result: Improved chance of success for actions in rural areas.

Establish Community Gardens: The cities of America are filled with vacant lots and crumbling buildings. Reclaiming the buildings will have to be part of a larger effort, but the lots can be used to the benefit of the people by establishing gardens. Though they will take many months, the fresh vegetables will improve the quality of the food served by the soup kitchens...and hopefully reduce expenses. Former farmers are already beginning improvised efforts at creating these gardens, and earning a great deal of praise for doing so. Cost: 4 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/20/40/60. Result: +4 Resources per turn after 3 months.

Mutual Aid Foundations: While directly expanding the soup kitchens would benefit many, a less costly alternative would be the establishment of mutual aid organizations to ensure that people are fed. Since they are less directly dependent on the SPA buying food for them, they will be cheaper for you to maintain, but still serve to provide relief to the struggling masses and help expose them to socialist ideals. The examples of such institutions being created in Chicago have helped show the way. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. Result: Improve quality of food kitchens. +0.5 Resources per month

Union Donation Drive: Your income comes from party dues and a cut from the incomes of the unions that make up the CSA. And it is proving insufficient for all the demands placed on your party. Asking for additional voluntary donations on a one-time basis would help ease the strain and buy time for you to begin finding additional sources of revenue. And doing it once shouldn't make you look too bad. As long as you make it clear you are asking. Cost: Very low chance of loss of support or Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/150. Result: One-time increase to Resources, amount is dependent on roll.

Union Charities, Donations: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the charitable endeavors of the SPA. Doing so would ease the logistical strain providing for so many causes, but not every union is entirely dedicated to socialist ideals, especially not when it comes to the outsiders who will inevitably come seeking aid. Cost: Increased risk of corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75. Result: +X Resources per month.

Union Charities, Fundraising: The unions of the CSA have their own individual strike funds and incomes, used for various events. These funds are often rather significant in size, and could be used to supplement the financial resources at your command through direct donations and holding fundraising events. It may somewhat aggravate your supporters, but as long as you are using the money for their benefit there won't be more than grumbling. Cost: A new mandate. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/120. Result: +X Resources per month.

A Union Shop: Socialized stores have become common in Chicago as workers inspired by the strike or owners compelled by it create democratically run stores. Though mocked by some on the left and some in the more syndicalist wing as "market socialism" and accused of not removing the profit motive, even their strongest critics cannot deny they serve a useful person during this transitory phase. Begin encouraging local unions to establish shops along these lines, and ask for a small cut of the proceeds perhaps? Cost: Small chance of -1 Influence, loss of relations with the Orthodox. 5 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/35/70/100. Result: Increase in income, establishment of market cooperatives in locations with a strong SPA presence. Small chance of gaining +1 Influence, increase to relations with the Syndicalists.

Social Bonds: With the credit unions established, one immediate possibility to secure desperately needed funds is a simple scheme inspired by ones begun then abandoned during the Weltkrieg. Ask people to buy Labor Bonds, which can be redeemed at a later date for an amount equal to their purchase value. The money raised in the meantime can be put to use for any number of programs or initiatives. Cost: You will have to pay them back in a year. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/10/20/30/40/50/75/100/125/150. Result: Large, one-time boost to income.

Street Brigades: Another proposal to deal with the immense number of potential scabs, reactionaries-in-waiting, and unemployed workers that are flocking to the city is to hire them for various jobs neglected by the municipal government such as fire services for poorer neighborhoods, street-cleaners, and other such tasks. While potentially costly, the work and the pay will fill their bellies and salve their pride, while giving them opportunities to be exposed to socialist rhetoric. Cost: -2 Resources per month. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/60. Result: Begin recruiting unemployed workers into labor brigades and exposing them to socialist rhetoric.

Militant Actions

Additional Weapons: The armaments of your "regular" Red Guards are highly irregular, and the "irregulars" who sometimes join in during protests or strikes are even worse off. Beginning to create armories of weapons will help equip both. The first step will be to acquire things like billy clubs and batons, both to avoid attracting unfortunate attention and because stockpiling guns in the current climate is needlessly risky...Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 2 months. DC: 15/30/45/60. Result: Create stockpiles of "non-lethal" weapons for the use of the Red Guards.

Establish Sporting Clubs: The wholesale purchase of firearms and ammunition by individuals draws attention. But sporting clubs, shooting ranges, and similar institutions doing so would not be a concern. Create a network of these companies as a means of subtly acquiring not just equipment for the Red Guards, but a way for them to train. Cost: 10 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/20/60/100. Result: Increased armaments for Red Guards, ease of training Red Guards increased, further actions to arm and equip Red Guards unlocked.

Instilling Discipline, Pt.1: Every branch of the Red Guards contains at least a few who do it more or less full-time. These are some of your most dedicated and radical supporters, and when the time comes they are the ones who will form the hard core of the Red Army. So they are the ones who need training and discipline the most. Based on what you saw of the Bolsheviks in Russia, the first thing that men who wish to be soldiers must be taught is discipline. And so that is what the training shall begin with. Regrettably, the fury in them at the moment will make it harder to convince them not every rich man is their mortal enemy. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 4 months. DC: 0/40/90. Result: Improve discipline of Red Guards.

Arm the Police: In the cities where you control the government, the attitudes of the police have shifted dramatically. They are now proud and determined supporters of their fellow workers against the ravages of capital. While they will need further restructuring to truly socialize them, that will have to wait until after the revolution. For now, you must prepare to fight it. Taking measures to increase the discipline and armaments of friendly policing departments will strengthen your control of the cities. Cost: Loss of relations with the Anarchists, Syndicalists, and Parliamentarians. Time: 2 months. DC: 0/10/40/70/100. Result: Dramatic increase in the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Go Hunting: In every city and town of America you face enemies. Hostile police forces, reactionary militias, mercenaries and Pinkertons hired by capitalists, and more. They all seek to oppress and suppress the workers. This cannot be borne. While the Red Guards continually battle in the streets, protecting protests, defending meetings, guarding agitators and organizers, they only rarely go on the offensive, and keep it strictly to retaliatory strikes on those most responsible for attacks. Asking for a more general attack would help weaken opposition, and perhaps see some justice done. Cost: Reduces support, reduces relations with the Parliamentarians, chance of it going badly. Time: 1 month. DC: 20. Results: Red Guards begin attacking class enemies, chance of gaining Resources, Support, Influence...

Street Medics: One of the tactics used by the heroes of the Shanghai Uprising was the establishment of street medics, noncombat members of the Left-KMT who helped keep injured members in the fight and provided aid and comfort before the soldiers of the Legation Cities resorted to bloodier measures. Implementing such measures could be useful...Cost: 4 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 30. Results: Red Guards gain street medics, help reduce casualties.

Toll Fees: With your control of railways and the strength of your paramilitaries in many transportation hubs, you could easily gain substantial incomes by insisting on donations for those passing through, although you will need to make sure there are exceptions for those who already support you or who it would be dangerous to stop. Cost: Decrease in support among moderates, increase in corruption. Time: 1 month. DC: 45/90/135. Result: Increase to income.

Scab Intimidation: The scabs and reactionary militias are outnumbered, outgunned, and outclassed. This may change as refugees continue flowing into the cities and capitalists fund their running dogs, but for now you have the advantage, and you must seize it. The Red Guards will defeat and drive off these "self-defense groups" and "protectors of the American way" and "private security forces" and show them that they are as dust before the tides of history. Cost: Risk of backlash. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/?/?/?. Result: Reactionary militias and scab groups defeated and destroyed in areas you are strong.

Keep Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: Though it may displease them, their work in the Midwest is not yet complete. Left-Farmer-Labor is not yet secure, the area is not stable, there are still lurking reactionaries and dangers. Have the Red Guards stay in the areas they protect for a time longer, and discourage the trickle of desertions that has already begun. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: 0/25/50/75/100. Result: Red Guards encouraged to stay in the Midwest.

Stop Supporting Left-Farmer-Labor: The Red Guards are not happy with the reception they have received in the Midwest, and the worst of the danger has passed for the rural workers. Already, some are returning to their home cities to continue the struggle there. They have done all they have been asked to do, now it is time to encourage them to leave and carry on their struggle. Cost: ?? Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: Red Guards withdraw from the Midwest, letting any established organizations take over independently.

An Investigation Arm: With the increasing size and activity of the Red Guard, malcontents and informers are likely slipping in, taking advantage of your activities to line their pockets or using their positions to gather information. Neither can be allowed. To counter them, some have proposed the creation of an anonymous reporting system and selecting some trustworthy individuals to investigate these reports. Though generally unpopular, you can see the potential benefits. Cost: -1 Influence. Time: 3 months. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Reduction in corruption, increased chance of catching spies.

Take the Docks: In many cities, the powerful Dockworker's Unions could stop the transfer of goods at will, or smuggle goods past customs inspectors. While this is mostly used for their own benefit, it could be a potent measure to increase the party's resources and power. Unfortunately, given the suspicion being directed at the docks currently, such an action could provoke severe crackdowns that would have significant support. Cost: Severe risk of backlash, will likely increase corruption. DC: 0/40/80/120. Results: Gain income, easier smuggling, new options unlocked.

Striking Soldiers: The news that several hundred soldiers have gone on strike has been greatly celebrated in the SPA. Even if it is not truly solidarity, it is a seed that can be watered. Careful efforts on approaching the soldiers who have gone on strike can be begun, hopefully before they are broken up or thrown in prison by untrusting army officers who are desperate to protect their class privilege. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/80/120/160. Result: increase to the number and quality of the Red Guards.

Cultural Actions

Christian Socialism: Most Americans are Christians, and despite the words of the Constitution it is widely considered a Christian nation. Given that many churches are staunchly opposed to socialism while socialism is a staunchly secular ideology, this could be troublesome. Fortunately, this Gordian knot can be cut rather easily. The concept of "Christian socialism" and claiming that Christ himself would be a socialist is simple enough, with ample support for this notion coming directly from the Bible. Combining this message with a few displays of piety will help reduce criticism from the pulpit, although significant portions of organized religion will doubtless remain hostile. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Left, loss of support from Jews and other religions. Time: 2 months. DC: 15/45/90. Results: Increase in support from Christians, increased ease of recruitment.

The American Revolution, Pt.2: The first connections are drawn, the first pieces of theory are created. Now it's time to poke holes in them and see where it doesn't hold up, either to your ideals or to reality. Your ideas are published, but now it's time to see how people have torn them apart so that you can make them better. Cost: Chance of -1 Influence, chance of increased stress. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/35/70/120. Result: Refine the results of The American Revolution, Pt. 1

Organize Education: Education is a necessity for workers. Reading, writing, 'rithmetic, critical thinking and understanding history, the skills and knowledge so they can labor and explain why they labor, all these are vital. American schools are fundamentally capitalist institutions, but alternatives can be established. Cost: -3 Resources, -1 Resources per turn. Time: 6 months. DC: 0/25/50/100. Result: Create a system of cheap socialist private schools.

Organize Childcare, Pt. 2: You have designed your improvements to the ad hoc system of childcare, now it is time for the implementation to begin. All this will really involve is producing guides and perhaps some propaganda, but it will help. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/45/75. Result: Encourage the creation of more equal and better-designed childcare institutions.

Public Libraries: While libraries are a common and immensely popular institution, they can be improved in a number of ways, from increasing the resources available to them to broadening the services provided to include rentable instruments and instruction programs. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/40/70/100. Result: Improve the variety of services offered by libraries.

Songs of the Revolution: The Internationale. The Preacher and the Slave. This Land is Your Land. Solidarity Forever. Many are the songs of the socialist movement. Let everyone hear them. Establish choirs and wandering musicians and every other way to spread your message through song there is. Cost: 3 Resources, -0.5 Resources per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/30/50/70/90/ Results: Easier recruiting, increase to morale among the party.

Unity In The Melting Pot: The Socialist Party and the IWW have long used multilingual speakers to reach out to immigrants. With the end of the Weltkrieg and the defeat of the Bolsheviks, thousands from Eastern Europe have flocked to America's shores to find conditions no better, while others have come north with Central and South America. Reaching out to those groups will be essential. The multilingual program will be expanded, to begin. Cost: None.
Time: 3 months. DC: 5/45/90. Results: Easier recruiting, increased support among immigrants.

Socialist Radio Networks: Huey Long has used the radio to spread his reactionary babble to thousands of Americans. We can do the same. Through speeches and interviews, your message can be broadcast. While some may turn off the radio rather than hear the truth, the more you reach the more you can convince. The first step will be to purchase...whatever it is that produces radio waves for broadcasts. That was never something you needed to learn in school. With migrant hordes crossing the land east and west, a way to reach them grows increasingly important. Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 5/25/50/75. Results: Significantly easier recruiting, increased support.

Posters and Pamphlets: The speeches you give reach only those who hear you. Your speeches written down reach all who can read...but they are a bit too long for a poster discreetly put up or a pamphlet smuggled behind a boss's back. Beginning to create and produce snappy slogans and logos for posters and pamphlets will help you in the propaganda war, especially given the number of virulently anti-socialist publications that will smear you and your movement in any way possible. The lack of any organized system for spreading your message has led to several individuals starting up their own newspapers and similar operations to express support for socialism and syndicalism, albeit with a somewhat critical attitude to you. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 10/50/80. Result: The creation of posters and pamphlets to help spread your message, increased ease of recruiting.

Newspaper Distribution: Various socialist and syndicalist newspapers are produced by SPA members, affiliates, and allies, ranging in quality from the professional The Red Banner made using the equipment formerly belonging to The Chicago Tribune to smeared sheets being printed in basements. Not only do they allow for the expounding of your political program and views, but they perform a variety of community functions. Setting up new printing presses and newsstands can only help you spread your message. Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/15/30/45/60/100. Result: Expanded newspaper distribution, easier recruiting and organizing

Propagandize The Rural Areas: Farmers are intensely reactionary. The Southern smallholder made the greatest contribution to the Confederate armies during the War of the Slave Power, the yeomen resisted the creation of a bourgeois democracy during the War of American Independence. But with multiple crises of capital ravaging them economically, perhaps some can be persuaded to support you and join the most advanced segments of the working class. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/30/60/90. Result: Begin propagandizing farmers.

Propagandize Professionals: Doctors and lawyers and managers, all have been greatly affected by this latest crisis. More than a few have been forced into breadlines and soup kitchens alongside the workers they have once looked down on. Approaching them, convincing them to join their cause, will give you access to their skills, which are undeniably useful and valuable. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/100. Result: Begin propagandizing destitute professionals.

Political Actions

Minority Rights: Norman has begun championing the rights of various minorities who are abused and mistreated throughout America. In the current system, actually doing so is an impossible task. If nothing else, the AFP and Democratic Senators would filibuster any such bill to death, and many of the Republicans are little better. But making noise about it can help push the state legislatures into doing something, as well as draw attention to your cause from the oppressed. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/5/30/55/80/105. Result: Gain increased support from minorities, begin passing state-level anti-discrimination laws.

Impeachment: If President Hoover has been unable to leave the White House grounds for two months, he is clearly no longer fit for office. The two-thirds majority impeachment requires is veritably impossible to achieve, but even making noises about it could help gain you support and allies, especially if you are high-profile enough. Some in your party consider it nothing but a waste of time, others feel it is a tactical error. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Syndicalists. Time: 1 month. DC: 5/40/90/200. Results: The Socialist Party initiates an impeachment motion for Hoover, chance of gaining legislative allies or support.

Poach the Democrats: The Democrats have traditionally been a party pulled in many directions - Bourbon conservatives, progressives, Southern populists, and union members, political machines - and while a significant portion of all these factions have left, there are always remnants, such as the Roosevelt family. The party as a whole rejects you wholeheartedly, but individual members can be convinced to change their allegiance. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 60/120/180. Results: You convince some members of the Democratic Party and aspects of their political machine to switch allegiance to you.

Press the Progressives: The Progressive Party is now the second-weakest in America. Even the newly formed America First Party has surpassed them. They hold a few scattered seats in the west and Midwest and little more. This weakness is also what makes them vulnerable. They will collapse as a national party without intervention, you suspect. And you can offer this intervention. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/30/45. Results: You convince some members of the Progressive Party to switch allegiance to you.

Pro-Worker Legislation: It would ordinarily be unlikely to pass, at least on a federal level, but demanding it will make a statement in and of itself. And you will not just push this legislation on a federal level. These laws will focus on the things workers have fought for. Better wages, workplace safety, price caps for company stores...with the stroke of a pen, they can be spread across the country, and it will be the SPA that will take the lion's share of the credit. Unfortunately, the current mood in Congress is intensely hostile to you. Cost: Loss of Relations with the Syndicalists. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/15/30/45/90/100/120. Results: You pass worker-protection laws on the state and possibly federal level and can gain varying amounts of support.

Party Lawyers: Many potentially vital laws are being held up in the courts. And frankly, you have a shortage of good lawyers. There are some willing to work for free from dedication to the cause, but most lack the wealth for that or are entirely uninterested in working for you. But enough filthy lucre can solve that problem. Cost: 1 Resource, -1 Resource per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 40. Results: Hire some lawyers to help defend the laws you get passed.

Local Elections: Mayors, sheriffs, county judges. All positions of undeniable importance to the people who elect them. Beginning a campaign to get favorable individuals elected into those positions in the areas you don't completely dominate will help set favorable ground for future elections or revolutionary actions. With the chaotic situations in many Midwestern states, the potential leverage is immense. It is highly likely there will be attempts by corrupt sheriffs and mayors to disrupt any rural organizations unless that danger is countered through the creation of favorable local governments. Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/30/75. Results: Increase support on the local level.

Staff State Offices: The state bureaucracies are often intensely hostile to the efforts of the SPA, but while they are an obstacle they are one who can be defeated, or at least gone around. Beginning to hire loyal socialists and syndicalists will allow you to gradually begin purging these hostile organizations. The expertise and loyalty of these offices is a vital resource, one often denied to your supporters. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/45/90. Results: Begin gradually purging and replacing hostile burueacrats, slow enough that there should be minimal loss of institutional knowledge.

Intellectual Actions

The Legacy of John Brown: John Brown was a revolutionary martyr who fought for freedom. Abraham Lincoln sought to bring freedom to the enslaved. They would support you in your struggle to bring liberation to all. You will insist on it. You will quote them to say so. You might have to be a bit selective in doing so, but it won't matter. Cost: None... Time: 1 month. DC: 5. Result: Increased efficacy of The American Revolution actions.

Create an Educational Program: Designing a socialist education program will be just one of the many questions you have to answer after the revolution. There are important differences in content and teaching style and likely other things as well. Begin looking into who is an expert in such things and start drawing up the broad strokes of what a curriculum will cover. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/60. Result: Begin designing an education program.

A Socialist Structure, Pt. 1: How will the economy work? Will currency be abolished? How will you ensure racial equality? Though there are examples to look forward to from Britain and France, you will need to begin creating your own answers to these questions. Plans must be made, although they will be by necessity vague. But creating the most basic framework for what form American socialism will take will help ease your path forward. Cost: Probable loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence. Time: 6 months. DC: No roll. Result: Begin coming up with a more detailed roadmap for socialist America, begin unlocking actions to create small-scale imitations/programs related to this.

Who Supports Who?: If you looked out the window to see New York City, you would think nine in ten supported you. You are not fool enough to think that, of course. The Payment Army alone disproves that, let alone the bullying your daughter has experienced, the endless attempts at suppression, the thousands of letters denouncing you. Beginning to get an accurate count will be vital for effectively directing your efforts. Cost: 2 Resources. Time: 1 month. DC: 30/60/90. Result: Get a general idea of where your support is strong and weak and what people are concerned about.

Against the Socialism of Fools: Anti-Semitism is a virulent problem in this country. Father Coughlin spews anti-Semitic bile, many claim Jews are behind every problem and especially the syndicalists, even some of your party members and unionized workers mislike them. Countering these narratives may cost, but it is a worthy effort. Cost: Likely loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 10/50/100. Result: Counter anti-Semitic narratives, increase in support from Jews, small chance of +1 Influence.

Proletarian Unity: The workers of the world must be united. There are false divisions embedded deep into the American psyche. Racism is the greatest but by no means the only one. Target these divides, weld them together as best you can. Make promises of restitution and justice, publicize what you stand for. It will be difficult and potentially dangerous, but you have to start somewhere. Cost: Likely loss of relations, chance of -1 Influence, chance of losing support. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/75/125. Result: Counter racist narratives, increase support from minorities, small chance of +1 Influence.

Create a Curriculum: For a socialist school system to exist, there must be a socialist curriculum, Having students elect their teachers seems faintly ridiculous, but there can be other ways for them to be exposed to the SPA's ideals from a young age, and there should certainly be a different emphasis on what is taught. No gender divide for one. Cost: None. Time: 3 months. DC: 20/40/60/80. Result: Creation of curriculum, improved results and lowered difficulty for Organize Education.

The Legacy of the Grange: The Grange was a vaguely socialist, mixed-race organization for farmers to help them progress and grant assistance through a variety of methods, from community support to political activism. The sudden rise of Farmer-Labor and the current devastation has caused it to decline greatly. But it can rise again, better and stronger. With Farmer-Labor on your side, a remnant of the Grange is as well. Begin a program of revitalization and create a new ideology for it. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/100. Result: New, more socialist/syndicalist/anarchist/some form of leftist ideology for the Grange, new options for dealing with it unlocked.

Intrigue Actions

Siphon Party Funds: The first step in performing covert actions is to acquire funds to do so. Simply taking money directly from the party treasury strikes you as a bad idea, as the resulting vanishing will be wide open for anyone who looks. So instead you will arrange for a few dribbles of cash to vanish into an account you can use for off-the-books problem-solving. Cost: -0.1 Resources per month. Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/35/70. Result: +0.1 Resources per turn goes into a dark fund you can draw upon for covert ops.

Siphon State Funds: With nearly unfettered access to many state governments and party loyalists being installed in treasury departments across the nation, you have an opportunity to enhance the party's financial position by arranging for subtle fund transfers from the government funds. There will likely need to be some sort to hide the directness of the money transfer. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: 25/50/75/100. Result: Increase to income.

Hire an Assistant Secretary: You need someone who is good at this sort of thing. Someone trustworthy, loyal and competent. That's going to be really hard to find...but at the same time it is undeniably necessary. How would you even begin to find that? Cost: Risky...and you will have to commit an Authority to them. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/??/????. Result: Find some potential spymasters, can delegate Influence or Authority to them.

Sending Spies: Particularly given your purging of the police and the increasing difficulties the capitalists are having with oppressing the workers in areas dominated by syndicalists, there is something of a low-level exodus going on from the north, which means there is an opportunity to get eyes and ears in the lower level of the National Guards, U.S. Army, and hostile militias, to name a few possibilities. Cost: Risk of discovery, risk to the spies. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/??/???. Result: Write-in where you send the spy.

Newspaper Analysts: With the increasing influx of information, often heavily conflicting, getting an idea of what is going on in the country grows more difficult every day. Arranging for a few party members to subscribe to dozens of newspapers and compare them so they can brief you will be child's play compared to some of the things you have organized. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: 0. Result: Improvement to Rumors and News section.

Revolutionary Guards: People have been threatening to kill you and your family and other leaders for a long time. You have developed protection against overt attacks, but perhaps it is time to begin developing a more covert sort of protection as well. Cost: - 2 Resources per month. Time: 3 months. DC: ??/??/???. Result: Create organization of plainclothes bodyguards for you, your family, and other important figures. Unlock additional counterintelligence actions.

Send Covert Organizers: Unions cannot operate openly everywhere. Particularly in the South and Midwest, efforts to organize are met with bombs, knives, and bullets. Or worse. You have vivid memories of the results of your trip to Wilmington...But people still organize, they still fight. Sending covert assistance can lead to an increase to your strength in an area, and help increase the chances of more overt intervention. Cost: Risk to the lives and health of the agitators/organizers depending on where they are sent to. Time: 1 month. DC: ??/Variable/Variable. Results: Write in an area (such as New York state, the Midwest, New Orleans, etc. The bigger it is, the more diffuse the impact) and reduce Federalist and AFP support while increasing your own support there. Unlock actions for following up on the organization/agitation.

Covert Investigation: Quietly looking into the behavior of a subordinate might allow you to remove them before they can become an embarrassment, or simply confirm their innocence without risking giving the impression they have lost your confidence. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Find any wrongdoing for chosen subordinate.

Ears in the Party: To better keep abreast of movements in the Party and the doings of your subordinate, cultivating a small network of...trusted friends to let you know what they hear could be managed. Flora will probably have to be the one managing them, but you feel she is trustworthy. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/?/??. Result: Lower difficulty of actions involving intelligence within the SPA.

Create Shell Corporations: To help with some of your more...unpleasant deeds, you can avoid scrutiny by purchasing a few false companies and helping you to conceal any unfortunate money trails. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. Result: Increase chances of avoiding discovery for embezzlement actions.

Infiltrate the Army: With the contacts Butler has given you, you now have a simple way of infiltrating the army. Selecting volunteers from the Red Guards and having them sign up will enable you to gain some low-level infiltration, while going through the men he introduced you to will enable you to hear rumors and gossip from higher-levels. MacArthur is certainly planning to use the army against you, you must find out how. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/50/?/??. Result: Make contacts within the military.

Contact with the French and British: With the ports opened to French and British ships, the possibility of contact with your fellow syndicalists has just grown dramatically easier. The providing of support for you during the Revolution is a guarantee, what is less likely is them assisting you during this lead-up due to the difficulty of it, but the Syndintern will surely be able to provide something. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. Result: Contact the Syndintern

Personal Actions

Work Overtime: Although your heart and mind ache at the thought, the cause needs you. It will be stressful, it will be upsetting to your wife and daughter, you can feel your very soul revolting at the thought of spending even more hours working...but you must. The workers of the world demand it! No matter what it costs you. Cost: Severely stressful, unhealthy, bad for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: +1 temporary Influence.

Personal Attention: If you spend a few hours working on a particular task, it will likely go smoother. It will cut into the time you would normally spend with your family or your books, but it is a sacrifice you will have to make. Cost: Stressful, not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Small dice and narrative bonus to chosen action.

Exercise: You have gotten slightly out of shape thanks to the stress of the election. Getting back in shape would be good for your health and your image...and if you ever get the chance to punch Huey Long in his fat face or strangle MacArthur, it will help then too. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, improvement to health.

Spend Time With Your Family: Your daughter Hannah misses you, as does your wife Louise. Spending some extra time with them this month will make up for all the times you missed doing it during the campaign season. Cost: None. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Major decrease in stress, good for your family.

Write: You have been working on another book about your own thoughts and beliefs about socialism and syndicalism, as well as on a few poems, memoirs, and some other odds and ends. Spending some time working on that will help order your thoughts and ease your burdens. Cost: Not great for your family. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Results: Decrease in stress, possibility of new traits.

Free Actions

Tweak a Subordinate's Priorities: While those who are working with you are scattered across the country, between the train and the telegram they are within reach. Requesting a minor change to their priorities is a simple matter. Cost: May pick only once per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: No roll. Result: May make 1 change to 1 subordinate's priorities (change order, add one, remove one).

Ask For a Favor: Party members already sacrifice their time and money and sometimes their health and their life, but you must ask for more. Though it will cost some precious goodwill, continued success will bring it back, and so you can confidently ask for favors. Cost: Variable amount of Relations, changes in Strength of factions. DC: No roll. Result: May get as many favors as Relations and Strength allows.

Choose A Focus: You are currently taking no focus.

The Union Forever! - Through the most difficult and darkest days, it was the unions that kept the revolutionary spirit alive. Let the unions stand forever. No reactionary or capitalist can defeat the people, united. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain national spirit The Union Forever (Effect: +1 Strength to the Left faction per month).

In the Cities - The cities are already where you are strongest, but there are still bourgeoise who can be convinced to turn against their class and proletariat who can be given consciousness, to say nothing of the lumpen. Time: 1 month. Effect: Modify The Struggle Carries On! (+1 Appeal in Urban Areas per month)

Political Alliances - Victories must be won not just on the battlefield, but in the halls of the rich and powerful. They must be convinced to side with you against Long's insanity and MacArthur's tyranny. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain the national spirit of Political Alliances (Effect: +1 Strength for the Right faction per month).

Seek Out the Sharecropper - In the heart of the south, millions of black men and women labor in a state little better than slavery, terrorized by the KKK and other reactionary organizations and denied fundamental rights. Not only does allowing this to go on violate your principles, but they could serve as a significant thorn in the side of your foes. Time: 1 month. Effect: Increased efficacy of actions for gaining support among sharecroppers.

Organize the Farmworkers - The migrating farmworkers are perhaps the easiest target for radicalization. Their formerly prosperous lives ripped away from them, pushed into desperate poverty, the food they work so hard to grow frequently burned in front of them as they starve...Time: 3 months. Effect: Significant increase to support among rural populations, +10 to the next 3 actions involving organizing or agitating in rural areas.

Anti-Foreclosure Teams - The most immediate threat to the remaining farmers are foreclosures. There are a variety of methods of dealing with this problem, from paying the banks to driving off their agents to buying the property at auction then returning it. Begin doing so in mass. Time: 3 months. Effect: Gain +10 to all actions involving resisting foreclosure or eviction.

A/N: two hour moratorium.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Jun 4, 2021 at 9:07 PM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Home, Home on the Grange
    -[X] Anarchist Organizations: DC: 0/Variable/Variable. 1 Influence
    -[X] Send Union Organizers To: (The Midwest areas protected by the Red Guards) DC: 0/Variable/Variable. 1 Influence
    -[X] Establish Community Gardens: Cost: 4 Resources. DC: 0/20/40/60. 1 Influence
    -[X] Socialist Radio Networks: Cost: 3 Resources. DC: 5/25/50/75. 1 Influence
    -[X] Propagandize The Rural Areas: DC: 0/30/60/90. 2 Influence
    -[X] The Legacy of the Grange: 1 Authority
    -[X] Spend Time With Your Family
    -[X] Syndicalists: Organize Mutual Aid
    -[X] Centrists: Organize Mutual Aid
    -[X] Choose A Focus: Seek Out the Sharecropper
    [X] Plan: Mutual Aid and Mandates
    [X] Appoint Union Representative: Cost: Chance of -1 Influence. Time: 1 month. DC: 0/Variable/Variable. 1 Influence
    [X] Mutual Aid Foundations: Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 1 month. DC: 20/40/80/100. 1 Influence
    [X] Socialist Radio Networks: Cost: 3 Resources. Time: 3 months. DC: 5/25/50/75. 1 Influence
    [X] Newspaper Distribution: Cost: 1 Resource. Time: 3 months. DC: 0/15/30/45/60/100. 1 Influence
    [X] Propagandize The Rural Areas: DC: 0/30/60/90. 1 Influence
    [X] Press the Progressives: 1 Influence. Cost: Unknown. Time: 1 month. DC: 15/30/45. 1 Influence
    [X] Party Lawyers: Cost: 1 Resource, -1 Resource per turn. Time: 1 month. DC: 40. 1 Authority
    [X] Contact with the French and British. Cost: Risk of discovery. Time: 1 month. DC: ?/??/??. 1 Influence
    [X] Write:
    [X] Ask For a Favor:
    [X] Choose A Focus: In the Cities

+0 Anarchist Organizations, +30 Send Union Organizers, +25 Establish Community Gardens, +0 Socialist Radio Networks, +15 Propagandize the Rural Areas, +0 Propagandize the Rural Areas

+5 Limited Local Elections x2,

+0 Giving Speeches x3

+0 Expanding Wealth Taxes, +0 Socialist Subsidies

+10 Instilling Discipline x2, +0 on A Reporting System
notbirdofprey threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Actions Total: 211
3 3 24 24 33 33 25 25 52 52 74 74
notbirdofprey threw 10 100-faced dice. Reason: Actions Total: 495
17 17 47 47 64 64 86 86 32 32 39 39 38 38 91 91 29 29 52 52
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September 1933 Results
Anarchist Organizations: DC: 0/10+/Variable. 1 Influence, 3

You sent some letters out, made a few calls, and tried to speak with some prominent anarchists, like Leonard Abbott, Emma Goldman, Abraham Isaak, Edna Millay, Sam Dolgoff, and an up-and-coming, fairly controversial fellow from Indiana who calls himself William London.

Unfortunately, they have all decided to be holding a conference on anarchism and syndicalism this month in Seattle and so are unavailable to meet with you and the CSA.

You spent about half an hour cursing when you learned that. None of them are available, not a single famous anarchist is around and you aren't silly enough to put your weight behind someone without influence of their own.

While this could be rather embarrassing for you, it's largely viewed as a sideshow, so it doesn't hurt your standing at all. It's just a frustrating waste of time.
Result: Influence cost recouped, +Stress, action can be re-attempted next month.

Send Union Organizers To: (The Midwest areas protected by the Red Guards) DC: 0/10/50. 1 Influence, 24+30 =54

You take quite a bit of care with selecting the organizers, working with the AFL and the IWW to make sure the people who will be giving the Midwest a detailed introduction to socialism and unionization are acceptable to the strongly conservative farmers but are willing and able to reveal their revolutionary potential. You also have them meet with Farmer-Labor representatives and refugees from the Dust Bowl and Bleeding Midwest who have joined your cause to try and learn more about rural life. You attend a few of those meetings yourselves, curious to hear more about a part of America you are largely unfamiliar with.

You cannot imagine living without electricity all your life.

After two weeks of preparation, they leave, traveling to dozens of small towns. From the reports you have received from various Red Guards, you think they will encounter basically stable towns with slowly forming unions and collectives.

The small village of Dozenberry had seen better days, Edward thought. He had expected the dust being everywhere and the washed-out, faded look. He had expected the place to be in disrepair, given the articles in The Vanguard and The Red Banner.

But he had not expected to see a church burnt to ashes, the smell of kerosene and something that he tried not to compare to roasting pork seemingly lingering in the air, a grain-and-gear sign drawn with charcoal on one of the few intact pieces of wood.

"What in Christ's name happened here?" he asked.
The Red Guard who had offered to escort him...Daniel, no Darrell glanced over and spat on the ground.

"Minutemen, comrade. They said some girl was attacked by one of our own and tried to whip up a mob against us. They were making torches, you see, were planning on burning us out of the homes we were staying in. Some of our brothers heard about it from the new mayor, and they came along to put a stop to it. In the confusion, well, there was a lot of kerosene and a lot of gunfire. Not a good combination."

Edward nodded. "The new mayor?" he asked.

"The old one was in the church."

"And the girl?"

"Never was one, comrade. Do you really think we would stoop to such behavior?" Darrell asked, sounding wounded.

The two of them walked through the Main Street, huge puffs of dust rising up with every step, rising up to paint Edward's knees brown. They headed towards a new building, the cleanest in town. It had the look of something freshly and hastily constructed.

"The folks interested in organizing a farming collective are in there," Darrell said, jerking his chin towards it, "and I will be waiting right outside. You need anything, just holler."

Edward nodded in return and strolled outside, glad to be getting a start on what he had come for.

There were six people in the building, sitting on benches. There were a pair of wizened couples and two young men who seemed like they had only begun shaving in the past year.

"Good day to all of you, I'm Edward. And who are all you folk?" he asked politely.

They introduced themselves and discussed what they wanted. Most of all, it seemed to be a return to normalcy. They wanted their crops to grow and their homes to be safe. They didn't seem to have greater ambitions than that, but a bit more prodding got him hints of grander ideas and greater concerns.

They seemed to have an idyllic vision of the entire town being made into one grand farm, where everyone would own an equal share of the whole thing. They wanted to pool everyone's money to buy new tractors and rebuild the damaged area. They wanted to form their own Red Guards.

And they wanted to get a new church, and a new priest.

"What happened to the old priest?" he asked after he had judged there to have been enough discussion for the day.

If nothing else, he was getting hungry, hungry enough he almost missed the answer. "Father Conten was in the church when it burned down too."

He stayed in Dozenberry for another week, helping lay the seeds for this vision, working with them to try and anticipate problems, to recruit more support from the other farmer's, to try and work the state anticipations that were supposed to be helping farmers but seemed barely functional, and then he traveled to another town. First, though, he sent a letter outlining further possible actions for assisting the development of these organizations such as providing arms, helping them acquire tools and seeds, and providing assistance in resisting foreclosures and land seizures.

Result: Small gains in support in parts of the Midwest, more information on the situation in those areas of the Midwest, further actions unlocked.

Establish Community Gardens: DC: 0/20/40/60. 1 Influence, 33+25 = 58

The sheer number of former farmers makes the concept of community gardens much more popular. Sign-up sheets go up in soup kitchens, cafeterias, and housing cooperatives across the nation. And they are rapidly filled. Unemployed workers who want to fill their time, children who are eager to avoid chores through...different chores, and enthusiastic socialists eager to take part in even the most mild of revolutionary activities all join, but the overwhelming majority of volunteers are those who have worked the soil before.

You visit one of the gardens being established in Central Park and you see grown men crying as they carefully press carrots and potatoes into the soil.

And you see an opportunity to do more as well...

You see the potential to bring people together.

Result: The gardens are a massive hit, options unlocked to further integrate rural immigrants into the city through social activities, action continues for 2 more months.

Socialist Radio Networks: DC: 5/25/50/75. 1 Influence, 25

You can operate a radio yourself just fine, no matter what Louise says. You only broke one, and that was because as soon as you turned it on a gunshot came over the airwaves. It's not your fault.

But that doesn't mean you feel remotely qualified with setting up a radio network that will reach across America. Or across a state.

So you pay someone else to do it for you.

With much celebration from within the party, the expansion of your propaganda networks kicks into high gear. The small-scale individual radio operators will hopefully be included in the new network, but now they will have more support and more reach.

Once the construction of the radio towers and broadcasting stations finish, anyway.

In the meantime, people are beginning to discuss how to handle these smaller radio networks. You think they should be made part of the greater whole, but some are advocating for letting them handle their own organization. Yet others propose leaving the details of the organization vague but creating a system of content guides and editors to improve the quality of these broadcasts. An anti-Catholic screed and an incredibly clumsy attempt at advocacy for sexual liberation make you see the sense in their proposals. All these ideas will be included in the eventual organization, in all likelihood, but what do you think is the priority.

[] Creating a single unified forum for the cooperation and organization of radio operators, hosts, and pundits. This will increase the effectiveness of their efforts, as they will have easy access to support and advice, even if most of it will come from telegrams and letters.

[] Ensuring the independence of various small operators, both to help create a diversity of viewpoints and opinions and to prevent accusations of stifling free expression.

[] Setting and enforcing standards to directly improve quality and prevent the creation of counterproductive narratives and the delivery of false information.

Result: Beginning of construction of a radio network and setting up of other infrastructure.

Propagandize The Rural Areas: DC: 0/30/60/90. 2 Influence, 52+15+74 = 141
The SPA does not have the tools, the experience, or the local support to do a truly effective job of propagandizing to rural smallholders outside of a select few areas where farmers and miners mix or where the Dust Bowl has ravaged them. But the agitators and advocates that travel out to farms and ranches across the United States manage to overcome these obstacles.

"We're here to help," they say.

"We just want a fair deal," they proclaim.

"We are following in the footsteps of Lincoln and Washington," they announce.

"Are you willing to help us?" they ask.

It's not all as easy as that, of course. They are met with suspicion, with hostility, occasionally with thrown stones or worse. But more often they are met with cold questions and verbal sallies, and these can be handled much easier.

Explanations are given, falsehoods are countered, assurances are made.

And the rather public efforts of the Socialist Party on behalf of farmers do help. Especially since it's not socialists who are trying to fight the aid that's supposed to be given out.

There are a few places where hostility remains intense, such as northern New York and southern Indiana, but the various rural populations have generally shifted towards a more "wait and see" attitude towards syndicalism.

You doubt you will be getting many votes or membership dues, let alone Red Guards from these areas, at least not without investing more effort though.

And you aren't certain if you can afford that.

Result: General increase to your popularity in rural areas

The Legacy of the Grange: 1 Authority

The first meeting of the New Grange, or the "Red Grange" as the New York World and the San Francisco Examiner dub it, takes place in a rented hall in Des Moines. You couldn't make it personally, but you sent one of your friends and allies, Bob Minor to represent you and the SPA as a whole. He wrote you a letter describing the event, with a cartoon showing a bunch of farmers wandering around blindfolded, groping for the entrance to a building labeled "The Future" hastily sketched in one corner.

The crowd was mixed. Dedicated socialists and syndicalists who had never been to a farm, Farmer-Labor politicians in suits and ties, priests and preachers who had lost their churches to famine or fire, and a few uneducated farmers from the most established cooperatives, and every single group had their own idea for how the Grange would be structured, who would lead it, what the membership requirements should be, and why it should exist.

"Some people want a union, some people want a political party, and some of them want a social group, Jack. I managed to convince them that it should have some teeth. They are pooling money for weapons, and setting up letter-writing campaigns. Outside of that, I doubt they will be doing much that's useful."

He also mentioned that they seemed to like their new nickname. You suspect he is being a little pessimistic, given that and the fact that they are already sending representatives to the Combined Syndicates.

Result: The Red Grange formed.

Report from the Coordination Committee: 2 Influence on Limited Local Elections, 17+47+10 = 74

With laws in place to allow for the harassment and defeat of reactionary militias and the overwhelming strength of the Red Guards, supported by various less-formal militias, the removal of their last vestiges of official power in various syndicalist strongholds. Massive recall campaigns are organized, with the remaining judges, police commissioners, and other such individuals picketed day and night, surrounded by shouting crowds demanding they step down.

Few have the strength of will to resist the people, and those few are dealt with more directly. With their offices empty, new elections are held and dedicated socialists and syndicalists have begun to fill in these gaps.

Now they must look to areas where the workers are less organized and politically active, in various smaller cities and rural regions.

The prospect of doing so, however, has left them stretched thin. They want your support in doing so. Your collaboration and coordination will make what is likely to be a difficult endeavor significantly easier.

[] You will have my assistance. Must commit at least 1 Influence to Local Elections next month. The action will have increased efficacy.

[] I can't, I am sorry.

Report from Norman Thomas: 3 Influence on Giving Speeches, 64+86+32 = 182

Norman has left Washington for the time being, instead looking to bring attention to the SPA's advocacy for social and political justice through a highly advertised speaking store. He began every speech with a heartfelt prayer, and continued onwards in that theme, arguing for Christian kindness and mercy, accusing the KKK and other organizations of "taking a hearth fire made to warm the cold and making it a brand of torment."

Norman is not a truly great orator, he cannot whip up a crowd as you can, but he is intelligent and earnest and steadfast, and that is plenty. He meets questions and objections with peaceful and patient rebuttals, he demonstrably practices what he preaches, he does everything he can to show that he is not bearing false coin...and people respond. It's much warmer than you expected, really.

But that's only where Norman can go himself. The increasing violence inflicted by Minutemen and other dangerous organizations has left him understandably cautious of entering their heartlands. He does not go further south than Kentucky, and even there he is careful, traveling in a secured train with a small escort.

But it is in Chicago where danger strikes. At the Holy Name Cathedral, a young man approached him to shake his hand and then pulled out a knife. One of the guards intervened and clubbed the knife away, and Norman escaped uninjured.

The would-be assassin couldn't say the same. He died before he made it ten steps, mobbed by an enraged crowd.

Norman apologized to the Archdiocese for the resulting mess, both from the death and because some unruly youths apparently blamed the church.

Report from the Legislative Committee: 1 Influence on Expand Wealth Taxes, 39, 1 Influence on Socialist Subsidies, 38

You...question their priorities. Passing these laws is important, and the subsidies will be useful in a variety of ways. But the state bureaucracies are utterly gutted, and actually making these laws work is unlikely to go well.

They are passed, in the limited, watered-down form that is becoming common as various members find themselves getting cold feet or the few remaining hostile representatives manage to resist the SPA.

Report from Smedley Butler: 2 Influence on Instilling Discipline, 91+29+20 = 140, 1 Influence on A Reporting System, 52

Butler goes to meet with Red Guards, and the results are rather like what happens when someone lobs a grenade in a crowded room. He goes apoplectic, cursing the men he met for a solid hour, raging at them, calling them unfit to so much as sweep streets. He calls them disgraces, he calls them cowards and bullies and thugs, he has endless contempt for them.

But he also says that they can be made into soldiers.

The former VFW men and the experienced and organized veteran cadres form the backbone of his efforts to make that change. Standards of behavior, dress, and manner are set. Meetings are firmly scheduled twice a week, consisting of an affirmance of their commitment, drills, discussions of why and how to fight, and then personal unit business.

Butler's trusted men, the former VFW, are the ones put in charge of making sure this is followed, and that any disciplinary matters are handled appropriately. He has already begun turning up evidence of Guards behaving inappropriately and covering it, either by claiming their victims were reactionaries or pressuring their comrades into covering for them.

Butler is incensed upon finding out, you are incensed, and he begins a full investigation into the matter, no matter the vicious outcry it spawns from many factions of the CSA.

Personal Action: Spend Time With Your Family

You manage to make time for your family again this month. Hannah is thriving, learning new lessons, including how to swear, unfortunately. Louise only found out about that when Hannah asked her mother to "pass the fucking peas" in the middle of dinner.

The poor girl was sent up to her room without supper, and then you had to speak to her about appropriate times for cursing and try to pry out where exactly she learned that word.

As enjoyable as fatherhood is, it is not always relaxing.

You even managed to snatch some time for just you and Louise, the two of you spending half a Wednesday afternoon attending a concert in Central Park as a small band set up and played a dozen songs for tips. The two of you danced together, first trying the stately steps you were both taught as children, then imitating the youths when that proved too slow for the songs.

You kick up your legs and swing your arms and chuckle at how ridiculous the two of you look together, then wander back home to find you have the house to yourselves for another hour or so.

Ask a Favor: Syndicalists: Organize Mutual Aid, Centrists: Organize Mutual Aid

You are determined to see success in the first major rural organization. You have staked quite a bit on the idea that farmers and farmworkers, as they are now, have revolutionary potential. So you spend even more of your capital on it. Perhaps it is throwing good money after bad, but you are determined not to falter.

So you ask for some favors, for some people to take extra time to help set up meetings between the organizers and the refugees from the Midwest who can help prepare them. It seems to be helpful.

Choose A Focus: Seek Out the Sharecropper

In terms of direct connections to the areas populated by the oppressed sharecroppers, you have little. Geographically and demographically, they are not your base. They are isolated from you by geography, infrastructure, and repression. But you have an indirect connection. Throngs of Africans have traveled north, and have been welcomed into the IWW and other organizations. They still face discrimination and hostility, but the SPA is actively combating it, and encouraging the migrants to join in the struggle.
And these migrants have family back home. It is these people you seek out, asking them to write favorably of the SPA and let their families know you are coming.

You can only hope it will help when you send organizers and revolutionaries to them.

Result: Focus completed, ease and effectiveness of actions in sharecropper-dominated areas increased.