Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

This Shield question can be answered by Gwen saying that it was ultimately the decision of Shield to give a second chance to Noir, but she did play a part by asking them to help Noir. This could open a 'can of worms' that Shield/Avengers will be now looking to 'reform' other villains to the side of good, but a simply answer of "no comment" suffices as she cannot answer for the whole group without consulting them

Hmm, thanks :) I can actually use this since Gwen is a SHIELD sanctioned hero, meaning they do believe her; especially given people like Scarlet Witch being given a second chance in the canon despite Hulk getting screwed over...

...Actually, one thing I find funny in canon is that the Avengers let criminals into their ranks without jail time, which seems like it's rewarding Supervillains >_> They can probably add Shadowcat to their roster if she wasn't so apathetic to helping others.

The Noir age question...well I assume she will not say the exact age 18 years right? Maybe she will yell "He is younger than me!" and then they will ask "how much?", she could just say a year younger than her to be on the safe side.

But if she does yell that he is 18, let's just say that things will get a bit weirder as Noir will get some sympathy, {people will assume that some terrible trauma drove him to be so violent}, but he will lose some of his cred against criminals as they will fear him less, the theory of Gwen trying to save Noir will get more support as his age will create an image of vulnerability with Gwen gaining the attribute of a mentor guiding him to the path of justice


And people will say that Gwen type is younger guys

In this hypothetical scenario Gwen does blurt out he's 18, yes. Mostly because the host keeps needling her about her taste in men all throughout the interview and she eventually gets annoyed enough and just blurts out that he's a teenager like Lana, who people see no problem being a public Superhero despite her youth.

...Though, on a scale of 1 to Noir, how pissed off would Peter be at Gwen for this? I can't imagine he'd be happy with his rep getting murked because Gwen wanted to prove that she wasn't into old men.


And yeah, she'll be accused of liking younger men. Though it works out since Noir likes older women (based on 'his' one night stand with Felicia in canon). This went overboard during some of the cut segments since in those he slept with Lily Hollister, Trish Walker...and Emily Osborn and Helen Stacy. Lana snarks that he really is a motherfucker.

How old is Gwen and Noir anyhow?

Depends. Gwen is 19 turning 20 in a couple of in-universe weeks. Noir's a harder sell, but given the chronology and his resurrection he was very likely 17 when he first revived and eventually turned 18 by the time of the Sin Eater arc.

...Meaning he was underage when he slept with Lori. Oh vey...

Not that it matters much considering that a huge chunk of the cast either have slowed or halted aging. The symbiotes give Gwen and MJ long lifespans, though thr latter sees this as a mixed blessing due to her nee drug addiction; Cap is halted due to serum; Peggy Carter has Infinity Formula; Shadowcat, Laura and Wolverine are practically immortal due to their healing factors/curse; Moon Knight, Iron Fist and Teresa have chi mastery, which slows aging massively (and being Madame Web may grant immortality as part of the package); and Noir's a zombie who barely needs to eat or sleep, so his biological processes may be slowed as well.
Chapter 103 - Bring out the Barf Bags
Alright, everyone, as the title indicates you should prepare for barfing because this chapter is probably one of the least comfortable I felt writing. I've made no secret that romance isn't my forte, so as expected an entire chapter on it is definitely not gonna be my magnum opus. I'm most comfortable adding romantic moments in-between the serious scenes.

With that in mind I'd just like to warn/relieve everyone that it's not as sappy or light as one might think. I tried to make it sweet and cringy all throughout in order to contrast it to the Weapon X parts, but me being who I am a decent chunk of the chapter is actually spent on angst and the two leads talking about their problems. Whether this makes it better or worse is up to you.

Anyway, my RL friend finished up reading to the latest chapter...and she agreed with Uncle Ben: there seems to be a definite lack of male characters on the Hero side of the story. I'll ask more on that later, but it's definitely something.

Besides that the latest Spider-Gwen continues the Gwenom plotline and I have to ask myself: What is with everyone there bringing up Gwen's powers? Castle brings it up to insult Gwen, Murdock uses Gwen's behavior as proof that she now knows what power's 'really' like and that he's not alone anymore, 65-Peter and Vulture were insanely jealous of her because of it.

Is Gwen literally the only powered person in Earth-65? Cause I coulda sworn She-Hulk and Wasp are a thing and yet these two assholes - and Vulture and 65-Peter in the earlier chapters - act like Gwen is some kind of irreplaceable anomaly. It reminds me of 616 getting a crap reputation despite literally palling around Captain America and living in a world full of gods, demon, cosmic entities and everything in-between.

In-universe Gwen really ain't anything special based on powers alone, even if Earth-65 is fledgling compared to 616 and Ultimate. Why did Matt focus on her and not, say, Captain America an She-Hulk who are far more famous and established in-universe? I highly doubt a Spider person is such a giant thing in the Marvel Universe, of all things, that these nutbars obsess over her to such a degree and use her as a target for their spite, jealousy and rage without considering anyone else.

Side Note - Before I forget again, check out Watch Me Rise by Photronique. It was supposed to be the soundtrack for the Frog-Man chapter, but I kept forgetting.

Chapter 103: Bring out the Barf Bags

Going on a date. It should've been simple enough, right?


Gwen blew a tuft of hair out of her forehead and stared at herself in the mirror, lips curled in a slight frown. It wasn't that she hadn't been on a date before - she definitely had, despite Betty's teasing - but before it was just...different. Back then Randy asked her out after a particularly successful concert and she didn't see any reason to refuse him. He was nice, stood up for her when she flaked out (read: had to fight Dr. Sharktopus during their gigs) and he was good looking. Why not enjoy herself?

And for a while she did. She wouldn't say there was ever a point where she thought 'he was the one' or that she'd put a ring on it, but she enjoyed it while it lasted. It was never too major - going for takeout at the dollar dog, listening to some old music from his dad's collection, all that stuff. They hadn't really broached the idea of meeting each other's parents or doing anything more than being close friends who happened to make out sometimes.

The sex wasn't bad either, which was a definite plus in her book.

She wouldn't admit it till later, but she always knew that it would fail. Relationships and dating were give and take, and after a while even he got tired of her constantly flaking out on dates because she decided beating up that mugger and getting cussed out by their would-be victim for being a murdering freak was more important than keeping up with her promises. He needed answers and she wasn't willing to give it to him.

It didn't end with a big bang or a dramatic breakup. At some point they'd simply stopped going out with just the two of them and they'd both decided that it wasn't working out. She didn't cry herself to sleep or eat a bucket of ice cream or anything, but it did bum her out. Her first relationship since that clusterfuck at prom and she'd screwed it up because she was so afraid of opening up and dragging someone into her fucked up life.

"Come on, Stacy..." Gwen leaned forward and slapped both cheeks lightly. She wasn't going to fuck this up, she wasn't. Her relationship with Peter was hardly ideal, and there were a few times she wanted to punch his lights out, but hell, they'd made it this far. That had to count for something, right? Who cared if She-Hulk constantly 'suggested' she break up with him because of the negative press and her rabid 'fans' frothed at the mouth of the two of them together?

She deserved to be happy, damn it. She was still human, spider powers or no.

"Why are you so fucking nervous?" she asked herself in frustration. It wasn't her first date and (not to toot her own horn) she definitely wore a dress with the best of them the (very few) times she thought to put one on.

...Granted she didn't have a dress right now, but that was besides the point. It wasn't something she had to worry about before. Randy didn't care what she wore and whenever she went clubbing with the rest of the band she just had to show enough skin without coming across as a skank, so dresses were hardly a thing on her to-do list.

It felt odd, posing in front of a mirror and worrying about what clothes she should wear. Her bed was filled with an assortment of outfits, but she still felt uncertain. Would Peter care about it? He knew her best when she wore her costume, so showing up in a jeans and a hoodie couldn't hurt, right? Or would he dress up and then suddenly she'd felt like an asshole for not taking it seriously?

She raised her right hand and concentrated, watching her fingernails turn into a shade of light blue before they quickly shifted back to a dull white. She'd gotten better at using the suit to change parts of herself, but she never really found a use for it outside of her costume. It wasn't like clothes were in short supply and she didn't see the point of make-up considering her face was covered by a mask most of the day. At this point she'd learned how to change her costume back, though she still stuck to the red and black.

It reminded her of Webster.

Her thoughts drifted back to MJ. She was still with Janet for an overnight check-up, but from what she'd heard so far things were going well; or as well as they could considering how fucked up the entire situation was. The drugs were working as intended and so far she hadn't had any more episodes.

Gwen shook her head. Was it selfish of her to go out on a date while MJ had that monster inside her? She was definitely tempted to go to the Dyne building and be the moral support, but she reined it in. MJ herself told her not to worry about her and Gwen couldn't deny that she wanted at least one day without any costumes or problems on her mind.

"Hmm..." She reached out and took a clump of hair between her fingers. The tips were still dyed blue, which she and Peter both attributed to the suit. It really didn't bother her, like she'd said, but it did make her curious. If it could change the length of her hair and make clothes then what else could it do? "I wonder..." She narrowed her eyes in concentration and let out a muted sound of surprise when the length of her hair extended up until her mid-back.


"Okay, go back." She concentrated again and breathed a sigh of relief when the blond strands returned to their usual length. Cap told her once that her shapeshifting could be a useful defense for trying to unmask her - just change her face if anyone tried to take off her mask, she'd said - though Gwen had her doubts. If anyone could get close enough to grab her mask then they were going to do a hell of a lot worse than ask for a photograph.

That should've been the end of it, but of course she just got more and more curious. Could she grow taller? Shorter? What was the limit? Webster probably could've told her... "Damn it, stop moping." She took a deep breath and put a smile on her face. Now wasn't the time to think about everything bad that happened to her.

"What else can it do?" she wondered aloud. Again her better judgement her eyes drifted to her chest. She a little more on the lean side than the rest of her friends, and she perfectly liked it that way. One thing she was always curious about was how the people who made Spider-Woman fanart expected her to swing around with balloons strapped to her chest and her hair gushing out like a waterfall. Still, she couldn't deny that she was curious if anything would happen.

10 seconds later when her cup size went up by at least 5 notches and her hair spilled clear past her butt, she realized it wasn't just cats that curiosity killed.

"Oh, shit!" She crossed her arms in front of chest and winced. One second she was her usual Spider-Womany self and the next...this, "Crap, crap, crap!" She used one hand to pull her hair up and nearly stumbled back before she stuck herself to the floor, "Uh, go back! Go back!" she screamed at her reflection. She did not want to explain to her mom and dad why she got a sudden makeover.

Of course that was the cue for the door to open and for her mom to strut in with a giant grin on her face, "Hey, sweetie, I thought you..." She stopped and stared at her daughter. The younger Stacy met her gaze and they looked at one another in complete silence for a few seconds before the older woman's eyes eventually drifted downwards, "Well...that didn't come from my side of the family, I can guarantee you that."

"W-Wait, I can explain!"

5 minutes later she told her mom all about the symbiote suit - except Webster and its death; that was a conversation for another time - and managed to make herself look normal again, "So...yeah." Gwen brought a hand through her now-short hair and gave her mom a weak smile, "I was just testing things around. It was for work, honest. Shapeshifting's really useful and...stuff."

"Work...right." Her mom's face practically screamed 'bullshit it was', but she didn't press her on it, "Well...ignoring your attempted boob job." Gwen cringed, "I heard from the grapevine that you and little Peter were going out on a date."

"The grapevine?" She gave her mom a skeptical look.

"Alright, I heard you talking to that Mary Jane girl over the phone about it earlier." She rolled her eyes and smiled, "And I thought that this would be a good chance for me to catch up on ten years of missing mom time."

"It's not like this is my first date, you know..."

"Really? How many boyfriends have you had?"

"" No, she wasn't going to mention the one night stands or the time she slept with Kate. She'd embarrassed herself enough, thanks.

Her mom's smile widened into a grin that made Gwen's cheeks redden, "Just the one? Well, I guess I can't be too surprised. I know how overprotective George gets." Her smile faded and she spoke her next words quickly, "So what are your plans?"

"Oh, there's a traveling carnival coming to town tomorrow."

"A carnival date? How sweet." Gwen's cheeks reddened again. Being talked to like she was teenager going on her first date was simultaneously embarrassing and (oddly) calming, "Well, I've got just the thing for that."

"Mom, you really don't have to-"

Before Gwen could finish her mom ran out of the room and came back carrying a white sundress with thin shoulder straps, "I wore this when your dad and I first went out. It's perfect, right?"


"Yes, sweetie?"

"I can see the price tag." Gwen pointed to the aforementioned tag sticking out of the back, her expression flat, "And you told me about your first date with dad. You guys went to a rock concert, so I'm calling bullshit on you wearing that."

" did that get there?" She quickly puled the tag away and threw it in the trash, "Anyway, like I was saying-"

"Mom, trust me, I'm good!" Gwen said quickly.

"Just let me have this, please," her mom replied, voice soft, "I missed everything with you, Gwen. Birthdays, first crushes, first and George had to deal with all that alone." Her grip on the dress became shaky, "I just...I wanna be your mom for once."

"...You never stopped being my mom." Gwen frowned. Great, now she felt like an ass, "I'm sorry, mom, I'm just..." She exhaled deeply and sat on the bed, "I'm nervous, okay? Me and Peter don't talk about it a lot with you guys but we've been through some shit."

"Define 'some shit'." She sat next to her.

"Well I punched his lip open and lied to him about my identity for two months," she said bitterly, "Oh, and after he found out about the whole lying thing he punched me in the throat and said the only reason he didn't shoot me is cause he was out of ammo." She justified it as him being hopped up on Lizard rage, but it did little to stop the memory from being supremely uncomfortable.

"That'" Her mom pulled her into a one-armed embrace, "Are you two okay?"

"For now, yeah. But with his memory issues and everything else...I'm scared we're gonna fuck this up and go back to hating each other." She closed her eyes and took a slow breath, "...Actually, you're right, I totally need some mom-daughter bonding time, so could we do that?"

"I'm glad you asked," her mom said, trying to banish the heavy atmosphere, "I'm thinking a makeover. Nothing too serious, and you can keep the blue dye, but maybe some light makeup. It's not every day you go on a date with an old friend, right?"

"I guess..."

"I always did think you two would end up going out when you got older," she continued, "I mean I didn't think it'd be like this, but still." She set the dress down beside them, "You care about him, right?"

"Yeah..." They'd had their ups and downs, but she couldn't imagine what her life would be like now if he just left.

"Then that's enough." Her mom nodded and stood, "Now, no more pouting. We're gonna go get some make-up...and maybe buy some condoms."

"W-What?" Gwen sputtered.

"I mean you are planning to use protection, right? George is a bit young to be a grandpa. Me personally I wouldn't mind getting a couple of grandkids. It'll give me someone to spoil now that you're a badass Superhero."

"Wh-What makes you think we're going to have sex?"

"...Because you're 19 and that's what kids do these days?" she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Maybe you're the exception, but from what I heard from Jessica you and Peter already crossed that line a while ago."

"What the hell is Jess telling you?!"

"That's for me to know and you to get embarrassed about later, Spider-Gwen." She cackled, "Now come on, I've got a lot of moming to catch up on and the night's young."

Gwen sighed and followed after the Stacy matriarch with a smile. She could only hope Peter was doing better than her.

This was Hell.

Peter washed the last of the ninja blood off his hands and face and let out a tired exhale. He cleaved through over a dozen of those bastards before they finally held off and even now he didn't see the point. To send a message? It wasn't like he hadn't killed Matt's pajama brigade before - the katana lying on his dinner table was a pretty decent reminder of how much he'd taken from him.

And then there was that plea...

Shaking his head, he splashed more water on his face and walked out of the bathroom, ignoring Dog's soft barks. Norah finally had enough of dogsitting and now the little pug was with him again, though he doubted that'd last long. As soon as he got bored he'd leave and there was nothing Peter could do about it.

He sat on the couch and let the (relative) peace and quiet calm him briefly before he heard footsteps. Cracking one eye open, he suppressed the urge to frown when he caught sight of Lana stepping out of his room with a large stack of his clothes on her arms. He'd mentioned planning to go on a date tomorrow as an excuse to be left alone, which she took as an invitation to stay in and help him prepare.

Again, Hell.

"Christ, Pete, what's with this shit?" she set the stack down on the table and Dog immediately pounced on the long sleeve of a black shirt, chewing and gnawing the cloth, "Why do you only have padded shirts and cargo pants? And why are they all black and brown?"

"Because that's what's useful." The only reason he'd stopped wearing gartersocks was because men apparently didn't wear them for decades in this place. Trenchcoats too, now that he thought about it, "I'm not as durable as Spider-Woman and the colors help me blend into the environment. Thought that was obvious."

"That's not what I meant." She scoffed, "Are you planning to wear this on your date tomorrow?"

"...Yeah? What's wrong with it?"

"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ." Lana laughed under her breath and pulled the sleeve out of Dog's mouth, which got her a sad whine in response, "You two are going on a date, not beating up thugs in an alley."

"So what?" What's it matter what clothes we wear?" Gwen mentioned her mom making her wear a dress earlier, but he doubted she was serious about that.

"You've...never been on a date, have you?" Lana meant it as a joke, but the silence that came from him afterwards was all too telling, "Wait, are you fucking serious? You've never been on even one date? At all?"

"I didn't exactly have a lot of time, you know." He scowled at the amused grin the younger girl gave him, "And hey, you're one to talk. What was that you said about your first kiss?" Her cheeks flushed red. He had to admit he took more satisfaction in that than he probably should've, "Least I didn't lose my first kiss to someone whose never been on a date before."

"Sh-Shut the fuck up." She blew out a frustrated breath and wiped her face quickly, "Anyway, we need to go shopping. You can't go on a date looking like you came straight out of bootcamp." She walked behind him and gently grabbed a handful of hair with her left hand, " need a haircut, too. I can do that myself, but the clothes we're gonna have to buy. I know a good place that's open till midnight."

"...Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?" Lana asked back.

"This." He gestured to the clothes on the table that Dog was currently swimming in like that cartoon duck, "I thought you didn't like Spider-Woman that much."

"I don't like or hate her. It's not like we talk a lot," she said, "But...shit, I've heard the way you talk about her. I'm not gonna lie and say it doesn't fucking sting that you're going out on a date with someone else, but I'll deal." She let go of his hair and he practically felt her smile, "Just promise me you're not gonna regret this, alright? That warning I gave about Linkin Park still applies."


"Don't mention it. This way if the date fails at least I won't feel guilty going for the rebound." That was a joke...right? Before he could ask Lana grabbed Dog and set him back down on the floor, "Now come on, we gotta buy you some clothes and make sure you don't look like an asshole tomorrow."

"Come on, Gwen, you can this."

Gwen looked up at the rising entrance of the traveling carnival and gulped. The place was bigger than she thought, something Tony Stark and his new fleet of (experimental) transport vehicles could take credit for. The economics and tech were way above her head, but apparently Stark was working in conjunction with Janet to use the Dyne particles to lower the cost of transportation of non-organic materials.

All she knew was that it meant roller coasters could fit into the back of a truck, which was just fine with her.

She pulled her phone out of the pocket of her dark jean jacket and glanced down at the '12:07' that took up the upper half of the screen. It didn't matter much considering the carnival was a midnight hour thing, but her mom insisted on a proper timeframe. Noon's a good time, she said, people always line up early at these things. It'll give you a chance to break the ice.

Gwen found Peter a short distance away from the end of the line and she paused. He was dressed in a dark, well-fitted turtleneck, a pair of light brown khakis and dark brown boots that looked far more expensive than what he was comfortable with. When he raised his head to her direction she idly noted that his hair was shorter and styled with what must have been a generous amount of hair gel.

He looked...good.

"Gwen, hey," he said as soon as soon as she was close enough, "It's...good to see you." His eyes trailed downwards by the barest amounts and she resisted the urge to turn away self-consciously. Her mom suggested (read: forced her into) the white sundress and light blue sandals, and Gwen had to fight her to even allow the jean jacket that covered up her far too bare shoulders.

...And no, she didn't miss the fact that it was the same color as her costume. 10 years did little to stifle her mom's sense of humor.

"Yeah, you too." She tugged at the skirt self-consciously. It wasn't like she was shy about showing skin, but the idea that even a single flip would expose her undies for all to see was definitely something she didn't take comfort in.

"So...should we go?" He gestured to the somewhat long line.

"Oh, yeah, sure."

The 20 minutes (thanks, mom) in line were spent in complete and utter silence. Every time she tried to open her mouth to say something the first thing that would come to mind was about 'work', and that was the last thing she wanted to talk about while she was baking in a sun surrounded by dozens of other New Yorkers who might or might not maul her if they even had a single inkling on who she was.

They walked inside, the same stifling quiet over them. Gwen clenched and unclenched her fingers and look at Peter's hands, which he'd stuffed into his pockets. Should they hold hands? It seemed like the 'proper' thing to do in a date, and they'd definitely done it (and more...) before, but now she felt a sense of unease at even thinking about it.

"...Wanna go on a ride?" he asked suddenly. Gwen blinked up at him and he pointed in the direction of the roller coaster, "Line's pretty big, but I've heard that roller coasters went through a lot of changes in the past eight decades."

"Oh, yeah..." Great, just what she needed: another reminder of how fucked up his identity was, "I mean, if you want..."

" want to go?"

"Ah..sure, I guess." She forced herself to smile. Relax, damn it, "Yeah, actually I've been looking forward to it."

She wished she could say it was heart-racing and exciting and all that jazz, but honestly it was underwhelming. She could feel the others ahead and behind them holding their excitement and fear as the car rose to its peak. A few years ago she would've done the same. Instead all she felt now was a rising sense of 'meh'. After swinging through town and freefalling from skyscrapers a roller coaster with seatbelts was enough to make her fall asleep.

The screams started as soon as they fell. Gwen leaned back on her seat and watched Peter through the side of her vision. He looked just as bored as she did, his eyes half-lidded and his hands holding onto the seatbelt so loosely he likely only did it to avoid standing out.

Before she knew it the ride was over and they both walked out feeling no different from when they got in, "That" she said.

"Yeah, I agree." He stuffed his hands back into his pockets and kicked at a loose stone, "So...wanna go on another ride?"

Not really, "Um...well-"

"Is something wrong?" he asked suddenly. Before she could reply he nudged his head to an empty bench nearby, "We can talk there and get some shade. Sun's killing me."

"Uh, sure." Gwen's felt her hands sweat up as they drew closer and closer to the seat. Did she do something wrong? She was following her mom's advice and everything. The pounding in her ears grew worse until they finally sat next to one another, "Peter, what's-"

"You're worried about something," he said.

"That's..." She looked down and bit her lip, trying to ignore the taste of lip gloss on her tongue, "...Look, I'm fucking this up."

"No, you're not." He shook his head and looked down at his lap, "Look, our you-know-whats don't work on each other, but it doesn't take a sixth sense to know that something's wrong. You've been jumpy ever since we showed up. Is it because of the dress?"

"What? No. God no. I mean I'm not gonna be jumping around on this thing, but..." She took a deep breath, considering her next words, "That's just it, isn't it? We're on date, we're both dressed up and we just a rollercoaster that made the person behind us faint, but even now I can't stop thinking"

"...Yeah, I know what you mean." He sighed, "We spend most of our days with masks on that something like this feels weird."

"I don't want it to feel weird." She pursed her lips, "I mean it's not like I don't know how to relax. I've been to gigs, I go to clubs, I go drinking...but now all of a sudden I can't help but think that I'm fucking something up somehow."

"Worried about Mary?"

"...Kinda, but that's not it." She shook her head, "It's just...I feel like us, being here, something's gonna fucking explode or something."

"If you didn't want to go to the carnival you could've told me. I'd understand."

"That's not it." She let out a frustrated breath, "I want to go to the carnival with you, I want to do all that mushy romantic crap that we never get to do because someone's trying to blow up New York or because dad's doing the overprotective papa wolf thing. I do. It's just..." She pressed her hands together, "...Did I ever tell you about Randy?"

"Your band manager?"

"Yeah, I used to go out with him. It wasn't anything serious, just some dates so I could take a break from the whole mask thing." Would she have gone out with him if she didn't need a distraction? She didn't want to know the answer.

"Everyone needs a reprieve, I get that."

"Well, I fucked it up." She smiled wryly, "I've never really been in a relationship, Peter. Randy was nice, but I never thought he was the one and we never did the L word thing. I was just riding along, and now I'm wondering..."

"If this this is gonna end the same way?" he finished. Gwen nodded, "What made you start worrying? You were just fine when we went to Mary's cabin and when Captain Stacy popped the question to Jones."

"Back at the cabin we weren't going out yet, and that time we were with dad was before She-Hulk started getting on my case about PR and that fucking talkshow..." She winced, "Look, I don't give a crap if people 'approve' or not. I busted my hump to help people for years while they called me a murderer, so they can shove their 'you're obligated to be above everything' bullshit up their asses."

"...Do you have any regrets?" he asked, so softly that she almost didn't hear him through the background noise.

Regrets? After all they'd been through to get here? She shook her head. Why was she worrying so much what her 'fans' thought about her? She was a Superhero, damn it, not their maid. They couldn't tell her who she could and couldn't be with.

She wasn't going to fuck this up.

"No..." Gwen reached out and took his right hand in hers, "I told you before that I wanna try this. Maybe we'll regret it later, maybe we won't, but I'm not going to cave just because a few assholes think they get to tell me what to do after they spent years treating me like shit."

"Yeah..." Peter squeezed her hand in return and curled his lips up in a small smile, "Is that the only problem?"

"Not really," she laughed softly, "Look, I know it's a good sign that we both dressed up and all, but this just feels like...I dunno how to describe it."

"Like we're putting on another mask?" It wasn't exactly how she would've put it, but she nodded all the same, "I get what you mean. Parker was in love with you and he hated the idea that Harry could've had this with you. Now that we're doing this, I...I don't know what to do. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm not very romantic. Hell, I wasn't even gonna dress up. Lana had to drag me kicking and screaming to go clothes shopping with her."

"Heh, same." She grinned. Somehow knowing she hadn't been the only one was comforting, "It's not the dress or your outfit, I just...I don't want to worry too much about following an instruction guide mom got from a magazine that's probably older than she is."

"Yeah..." He laughed, "Lana gave me the third degree before I left: Don't talk about the Dark Spider, make sure not to hold her hand first unless she gives you a sign, always ask her what she wants to do first. She said I had to be a gentleman on the first date; after that's when I can be, to quote her, 'your usual assholish self'. ...Oh, and she gave me a patdown to make sure I didn't bring anything with me that'd get me arrested."

"Ha!" She used her free hand to cover her mouth and stifle her laughter, "No wonder you were acting so stiff. I thought something crawled up your ass."

"Me? You're one to talk! What was that about looking forward to the roller coaster? You looked like you were watching paint dry!

"Hey, it's not my fault it was freaking boring!" she shot back, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. This was more like it; joking around without having to worry about what she 'should' do for a date because she was worried about fucking up, "Look, can we both agree that my mom and Lana are terrible wingwomen and we shouldn't have taken their advice?'

"Agreed...though, I can't say it was all bad." His eyes trailed down briefly before he quickly met her gaze again, "You look great, Gwen...I probably should've said that earlier."

"You clean up nicely yourself, Mr. Parker." She stood and tugged him up as well, a smile on her face, "Alright, so let's start over: what do you want to do?"

"Carnival games?" He pointed to the tents with his left hand, "Rides here aren't going to do much for either of us, but we can still have some fun."

The first thing they went to was the ball toss. It was simple enough: 5 milk bottles stacked up in a pyramid while she had three chances to knock them over. She didn't usually enter physical competitions anymore - it was hard not to feel scummy when she could make cartwheels in her sleep and lift cars one-handed - but here she didn't feel too guilty. She knew for a fact that carnie games were rigged and she was planning to win.

Or at least she would have, if the last bottle hadn't stubbornly refused to fall.

'Are you fucking kidding me?!' She glared at the last bottle hatefully and tried to ignore the carnival employee's canned line about how sorry he was that she lost, "These games are rigged!" she whispered to Peter, who just gave her a look of exaggerated sympathy in response, "I can fight off a bear, there's no fucking way that thing stayed put, even if I was holding back!"

"...It's just a game, Gwen." The amused smile on his face just made her cheeks redden more in frustration.

"Yeah, a game where no one ever wins because the carnival cheats." She pulled out another dollar from jacket and slammed it down on the counter, "I'm fucking winning this game now. They just made it personal."

"Do remember to hold back, darling," he teased.

Gwen almost tripped over herself at the sudden nickname. Peter didn't do sweet talk, "You worry too much, honey." She shot back, rolling her eyes as she picked up the next stack of balls.

5 minutes and 3 games later she still hadn't won. Gwen prepared another dollar before Peter grabbed her shoulder and all but dragged her away from the stand, "You're not gonna win. My guess is they glued the damn thing to the board, so if you did knock it off we're gonna have to answer a lot of uncomfortable questions."

"It would've been worth it." Gwen pouted and turned away from the vendor sarcastically asking her to try her luck again, "...Fine, let's go on another one. I need to wash the taste of defeat off my tongue."

"Always so dramatic," Peter laughed softly, "Well, alright, how about that?" He jerked his thumb to the shooting range, "Hit enough targets and you get a prize. Games haven't changed much since the 30's."

"You do it. I wanna see if you have better luck." She crossed her arms in a 'have at it' gesture.

She hated to admit it, but he did way better than she did. She didn't know if it was his powers, the fact that the game wasn't rigged, or both, but 15 bullseyes later Peter set the gun down and flashed her a smug grin, "Guess my luck isn't all bad, huh?"

"Oh, shut up and take your prize."

Said prize ended up being a large stack of tsum tsum toys, which they were only allowed to pick one of. That in and of itself wouldn't have been anything noteworthy...if not for the fact that all of the toys in question were all based on based on various Superheroes. Gwen didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw a doll of Spider-Woman lying haphazardly next to two more dolls that were definitely molded after Moon Knight and Felicia.

There was even one of Castle, which was just...disturbing.

"...Lana's gonna freak when she finds out." Peter picked up the Striker tsum tsum and took a quick picture of it with his phone before putting it back, "...You want one, Gwen? I'm not really into dolls."

"Nah, I'm..." she trailed off when she caught sight of it: a Spider-Man doll, sitting all by its lonesome on a corner like it was judging the rest of the dolls in the pile for daring to be clumped together. Peter followed her gaze and she immediately wished she had enough presence of mind to pull out her phone to catch his completely flabbergasted expression.

"...I'm getting it." Her mouth split open in a large grin.

"No, you're not." He scowled at her, though the effect was ruined by the blush he sported.

"Oh, I totally am!" She grabbed the doll before he could reach for it and held it close to her protectively, "No takebacks, dear. I want this."

"But...c'mon!" He rummaged through the pile and quickly pulled out a Ladybug doll, "What about this?" He shoved the spotted hero toy to her face, "I heard she's popular in France or something, so just put that...abomination back and-"

"Nope," she said, making sure to make the pop the 'p', before she walked away with, whistling jauntily all the while. Peter stared after after her for a bit before he eventually followed, glaring at the little tsum tsum she held in her right hand.

She refrained from telling him it made him look more cute than menacing.

They played a few more games - some of them fair, most of them rigged - before her stomach whined and they stopped at a nearby outdoors place. Gwen looked down at the menu before ordering at least one of everything from the first two pages along with a large chocolate dessert. Her mom's magazine list would've cried at how 'unladylike' she was, but screw it. She was pretty sure the Stacy matriarch didn't follow it either.

"Feeling better?" Peter asked as soon as they took their seats.

"More or less." She set the doll down on the chair next to her and leaned forward, arms propped up on the table and a soft smile on her face, "...Hey, I didn't say it before, but thanks for asking me out. I just...I needed a break, and if you didn't do this I'd be out there swinging around and running myself ragged." A part of her still wanted to, but it was steadily growing shorter.

"I think we both do." He smiled at her in turn, "...You know, it's funny. The was all he wanted. To be special, to be able to tell you how he felt...sometimes I wonder..."

"Wonder what?"

"...It's nothing." He let out a muted breath and leaned back on the chair.

"Hey, you can tell me." She reached out and tentatively held both his hands, "No more pretending, hm?"

"That night at prom," he started slowly, "Every time I remember it I just feel...disgusted. The kid nearly killed people in that auditorium and the only reason he didn't was because you were there to stop him. You took responsibility for that for three years, but..."


"If that didn't happen, would I be here now?" He shut his eyes, "If the kid didn't die then the Spider-God wouldn't have had a corpse to try and make his new puppet...and you would've never been treated like a monster-"

He never got to finish. Before he could go any farther Gwen leaned forward and took his lips in a gentle kiss. This time his hesitation lasted for only two seconds before he leaned forward and deepened the contact.

She was tempted to go deeper before she remembered they weren't exactly alone. Gwen (reluctantly) pulled back and grinned goofily at the traces of lip gloss on his mouth, "...We can't change the past, Peter. All we can do is try to fix it going forward. You were the one who told me I blamed myself too much, so maybe try taking your own advice. I know we don't agree all the time, but you helped save this city."

"Yeah, and I didn't even have to wear tights." The joke was weak. She still laughed, "...You're right, I'm done worrying. I heard there's a haunted house around here and I'm curious on what people here think is scary."

"Mmm, ghosts, goblins, zombies, all the usual stuff. Why, what do you think is scary?"

"Poverty, racism, corruption, selfishness...though I guess it's a bit hard to make the employees dress like lawyers and politicians and convince people that's scary." Thoughts of Murderdock came before she quickly shook them off, "I also heard there was a food eating contest later. You wanna join?"

"Yeah...I don't think seeing your girlfriend stuff her face is anyone's idea of romantic."

"Who's 'anyone'? Cause I don't see anything wrong with it." He shrugged, "We're not normal, Gwen, so I don't see any point in pretending flowers and walks on the beach are what make us happy."

It was only hours later that she realized he didn't contradict her when she called herself his girlfriend.

The haunted house was disappointing, though that was hardly a surprise. After Moon's mad science lab and the other assorted nasties they ran into the past year a bunch of underpaid employees in cheap masks and latex barely even registered as surprising. Gwen still played it up and clung to Peter right arm like a distress damsel, though she had a feeling he knew she was just, as her British brothers and sisters would say, taking the piss.

The all you can eat buffet was embarassingly easy. Gwen still felt kinda bad considering she had an unfair advantage, but she was pacified by the fact that it was all in good fun. There were no professional competitors and the trophy was covered in aluminium wrapping that was already chipping off by the time she finished her plate of hotdogs and won the contest, so it wasn't like she took anything major.

The look of disbelief on the announcer's face when she strolled up on stage for her (misspelled) prize was definitely something she'd remember for a while. Gwen raised the trophy in the air and grinned down at Peter. The other Spider's eyes were closed and he laughed, clapping along with the rest of the crowd. A feeling of warmth spread across her chest at the sight of him so carefree.

It was past 9 pm by the time they finally left the place. The carnival would stay open for a few more hours, but they'd both agreed they'd had their fill. Gwen popped a handful of mints into her mouth and matched Peter's pace, her left hand holding onto his in a firm grip. She had no idea where they were going, but that hardly mattered. All she knew was she didn't want the day to end just yet.

And that was when fate decided to take a literal piss on them.

She barely felt the soft tingle of her spider-sense before the first raindrop hit against her cheek. It started off slow before suddenly shifting to a veritable downpour that left her wishing her jacket had a hood.

"Shit!" She was almost tempted to have the suit cover her until she remembered that this was hardly the place for it.

"Yeah, you're telling me!" Peter tugged her hand along and pointed to a nearby building, "There's a hotel there, we can take cover inside."

The two of them stumbled past the fancy entrance and shivered as the air-conditioning hit their soaked skin. Gwen pulled her soggy hair out of her eyes and cringed at the sight of the employees looking at them distastefully. This place was way fancier than what she was used to; a couple of rain-soaked teenagers was probably the last thing they wanted to see.

"I'll pay." Peter pulled out the wallet from his khakis and grimaced at the soaked bills inside, "How much you think one night costs?"

"Fuck if I know. Honestly I'm tempted to take my chances in the rain."

"Yeah, you and me both."

"We'll split it." She took out her own set of bills from her jacket and eyed the listing above the counter. A few hundred bucks at least, though at least it came with a hot shower and a mini-fridge, "Look, let's just stay over till the rain tides over. I can swing us back when it's done."

"Sounds like a plan."

Peter threw off the shoes as soon as they were inside and quickly got to work taking off his turtleneck and pants. Gwen stared at him for a few seconds before she quickly made her way to the bathroom. He'd agreed that she would go first, though he couldn't deny it wasn't without some regrets, "Christ... He tossed the sweater and pants into a nearby hamper, leaving him in just his boxers.

Just practically naked with Gwen in the shower...

The sound of running water jolted him out of his thoughts, "Get a grip, Parker..." It wasn't like she hadn't seen it before. He grabbed the towel off the rack and wiped himself dry. The cold was nothing compared to the chill he had to deal with every time he disappeared and already he felt himself growing steadily warmer.

He threw the wet towel away and sat at the edge of the bed. The entire day went better than he thought it would, despite their rough start. After last night he had his doubts that continuing their outing would be a good idea: a Supervillain could've attacked, Matthew might've sent his ninjas out of spite, or maybe the city just decided it had enough and suddenly blew up. Knowing their luck he could see all three happening.

The water stopped. Peter looked back and did his best to keep his expression blank as Gwen walked out, a trail of steam following after her. The baggy shirt covered her decently enough, but it did little to stop his eyes from flickering to the exposed flecks of still-wet skin.

"Shower's open." Her gaze drifted down to his chest without a hint of shame, "...If you want, I mean."


He didn't get that far. As soon as Peter got close enough the temptation became too much and he pushed Gwen against the wall, lips crashing against her roughly. She didn't even show a hint of surprise at the sudden push and wrapped her arms around his neck to tug him close. Peter heard her suck in strained breaths in between their kisses and he felt a rising stiffness between his legs.

Neither of them said a word. Peter's lips trailed down to her neck to her collar before eventually stopping on her chest. He pulled her shirt up in a rush and continued kissing the skin of her breasts, rougher and more desperate than before. Gwen bit her lip and to try and stifle her moans and grabbed the back of his head with both hands, though whether she wanted to pull him away or keep him in place he had no idea.


"You don't have to be quiet." His hands traveled along the length of her body and a soft moan escaped before she stopped herself. He wanted to hear it again, "It's just the two of us, it's alright." He stopped right between her legs and bit down gently.

Gwen screamed.

Peter woke up hours later. His eyelids parted open slowly and he groaned, trying to ignore the slight soreness across his body. They'd definitely gotten better at it - and Gwen's control over the suit was getting better - but it wasn't always easy to hold back her strength in the middle of the act. He was just glad they didn't have to use webs this time; he had no idea how they'd explain it to the staff.

His clock told him it was a quarter past 4 in the morning. Peter looked back at Gwen and smiled softly at the sight of her sleeping calmly, her breaths soft and easy, "Ha..." He extracted himself from her loose hug and sat up slowly to avoid disturbing her. His pants were still uncomfortably moist, but he put it on along with his boxers nonetheless. Better than running around naked.

He needed some air.

The wind outside was cold, though Peter paid it no mind. He extracted the soggy box of cigarettes and took one of the few dry coffin nails before quickly lighting it. Even now, with his spider-sense completely silent, he expected something to go wrong.

An instinct that was proven all too right when his phone rang.

"...What do you want, Matt?"

"Impressive. I even made sure to call from a blocked number." He could practically see the blind bastard's smile on the other end, "I take it you had a fun day?"

"Get to the point. I'm not in the mood for games."

"Just thought you should know that your attempts to interrogate my ninja and crooked politicians about information on me are futile. By all means keep trying if you wish, but if you wish to win this war then I suggest you stop playing games with Ms. Stacy and actually take this seriously."

"Fuck off."

Peter cut the call and looked down at the street below with a scowl. Much as he hated to admit it, a part of him agreed with the son of a bitch. Was it right for him to play at the loving couple with Gwen when his continued existence placed her mother's life at risk? When he didn't know if he'd even live past the next week before Matt or Jack or any other masked psychopath killed him?

He didn't get a chance to think on it further before his phone rang again and Mary's name flashed on the screen.

"Mary? What's-"

"Tiger? Get over here now!" she whispered, obviously desperate, "Get Gwen if you can, she's not picking up her phone and-"

"Mary, slow down. What's wrong?"

A shuddering breath came and went before she said, "Captain America...she's here."

"What?" He looked back and found Gwen still sleeping on the bed, "Wait, does she-"

"I-I dunno, I just saw her talking with mom downstairs and...oh, God, what other reason could she be here for?" A few more frantic breaths passed, "Peter, I don't want to get...cut up in some fucking lab!"

"You're not! Just stay there. We're not gonna let anything happen to you." I said, not as much romance as I promised. The phonecalls with MJ and Matt at the end were something I was torn on adding, but I couldn't help adding a little cliffhanger so this chapter wouldn't end on a flaccid (hehe...sorry) note of Peter and Gwen having a fade to black with some poorly written lead up/foreplay.

Anyway, next chapter is either Gwen and Noir rushing to the Watson household to try and head off Cap or the Cindy focus chapter with the talkshow and development for both Harry and Cindy herself. Once again I'll probably just flip a coin since one's not much better than the other.


1. Following up on the above, do you guys mind the male-female ratio? I asked a similar question before with most of the guys being anti-heroes while the gals were ideal heroes - which had some weird implications according to some readers - but now I'm taking about the ratio in general. I generally don't mind myself, especially since the female slant is canon to Earth-65, but I wonder if other readers are bugged.

2. So after reading this chapter do you guys still think the pairing is viable or not? I did have the characters wonder about this aloud in the chapter itself, but once again they never really tackle it fully and just use kissing/sex to try and put-off the problem. I've already accepted writing the pair, but I wonder if it still holds up for people now that it's actually a thing.

3. Anyone want more Laura/Shadowcat/Spider-Man segments or did you guys have your fill with the last chapter? I won't be surprised if people refuse given that they feel disjointed even by this story's loose standards of continuity and plot.
1 - Like you said it is normal in the universe of Spider Gwen, I don't mind.

2- Oh yeah I like it a lot, it felt great to see Noir going all soft with Gwen and the scene of him smiling melted my heart. On another note, the scenes of Gwen mom and Lana felt great, kudos to you for not just skipping them. Also Gwen scene with the Spider Man plush was pure gold.

3 - I would love to see more of them, but not right now as it is the beginning of another Arc, put them when you feel it is better for you.

Oh yeah this chapter was worth waiting for :D
2- Oh yeah I like it a lot, it felt great to see Noir going all soft with Gwen and the scene of him smiling melted my heart. On another note, the scenes of Gwen mom and Lana felt great, kudos to you for not just skipping them. Also Gwen scene with the Spider Man plush was pure gold.

Which scene? Noir smiled a lot in this chapter. Also, you just know Noir's gonna try to trash that tsum tsum the second Gwen's not looking. It's an abomnination.
The look of disbelief on the announcer's face when she strolled up on stage for her (misspelled) prize was definitely something she'd remember for a while. Gwen raised the trophy in the air and grinned down at Peter. The other Spider's eyes were closed and he laughed, clapping along with the rest of the crowd. A feeling of warmth spread across her chest at the sight of him so carefree.
This part here it felt really rare and special for me at least.
How so? I'm genuinely curious since he's laughed and smiled with her before. And if I can replicate the 'rare and specialness' of it writing future romantic scenes would be easier.
Because when he does something like that he usually does in private places, but this time he allowed himself to relax and showed a genuine positive emotion without any hint of cynism and sarcasm.

This is the way I saw it.
Because when he does something like that he usually does in private places, but this time he allowed himself to relax and showed a genuine positive emotion without any hint of cynism and sarcasm.

This is the way I saw it.

Hmm, but he's done that before. Looking at it as a series of escalation and importance wouldn't him giving the ring to Gwen with a mock proposal and telling her he loved her count as the romantic 'peak' of their relationship? Especially the ring since Gwen wears it from that chapter on and continues to do so till the rest of the story.
No update this week due to work reasons, so here's a story question. I tried making a rough outline on the future chapters and one thing was pointed out to me: despite the story being (primarily, at least) about Spider-Gwen and Noir they don't actually work together to tackle their respective antagonists. Noir and the Defenders fight Murdock while Gwen and a few of her allies deal with 65-Cindy with very little overlap between the two. This might seem odd for some readers, especially given that Noir and Gwen are stuck together at this point and yet, apart from Paper Doll and some filler arcs, Noir probably fights more in tandem with Lana given that she's a primary character for the Hand arc while Kate gets more action pair moments with Gwen during the conflict with SILK.

Should I change this up? Thematically it makes sense given that one's full on magic and the other is comics sci-fi, but it might seem odd given that Noir and Gwen are a technical battle couple/action duo and yet somehow do nothing to significantly help the other despite the threat levels posed. I planned to justify it as the two 'wars' taking place and ending simultaneously, but I'm not sure if that's a good enough reason. The fact that Shadowcat and Spider-Man fight together for just about all their action and story segments makes this more glaring, at least according to my tentative editor.

So yeah, please give your thoughts :) It might help in cleaning up future segments.
Chapter 104 - Little Red
Late update. Work's been...not so good. Tomorrow might either provide some much needed relief or make me crash and burn harder, so let's get this update out of the way first. This might seem rusty due to lack of proofreading, but I'm really lacking the time to read through it now. Maybe next time.

This is another Mary Jane segment, so this chapter's gonna be hit or miss for some people given that Earth-65 MJ is pretty damn different from 616 MJ. That and she angsts a lot in this chapter, though that's at least sensible considering what she's been through so far.

Anyway, Volume 2's a thing now, if I haven't said before. This does mean that plot points like Hobgoblin, Donald Roxxon and the like will take place later on. It helps unclog parts of the story, at least.

On a side note, I might or might not drop the talkshow and Cindy focus segment given the events and narrative so far. We'll see.

Chapter 104: Little Red

"This can't be happening..."

Mary Jane knelt on the floor of her bedroom, hands grasping her hair tightly and her breaths coming out in panicked bursts, 'Calm down. You have to calm down.'She shut her eyes tightly and bit her tongue to keep from screaming in a panic. The last thing she wanted now was to draw attention to herself.

If wasn't so scared she might have laughed at the irony of Mary Jane Watson not wanting attention.

She'd called Peter a few minutes ago and he promised he'd arrive with Gwen as soon as he could. She had to trust them. But what if they don't get here on time, a part of her asked bitterly, what will you do then? Let yourself get captured? Caged like an animal?

Mary Jane did her utter damnedest to ignore it.

Right now everything was screaming at her to run, to jump out her window and escape, but she stayed rooted on the spot. They're expecting you to run, the rational part of her mind argued, and you can't just leave Gayle and mom here alone.

That last warning stuck out to her more than anything else. The idea of Captain freaking America hurting her mom and sister seemed silly, but from what she heard about Peter she was perfectly willing to keep the S.H.I.E.L.D's involvement with creating the monster secret for the 'greater good'. For all Mary Jane knew they'd put her in a dark hole filled with needles and file it as a 'necessary evil'.

Another minute of silence passed before eventually her heartbeat calmed down to something manageable. She stood and made her way to her desk, grasping at the wood weakly to try and keep her balance. She couldn't run, not after all this. She just had to trust that Gwen and Peter would get here on time, and until then she had to keep her cool.

"Yeah...easier said than done," she muttered bitterly.

Taking a deep breath, Mary Jane put on her flip flops and opened the door slowly. She could hide out in her room, she supposed, but somehow she doubted her ten year old lock could keep Captain America (and God only knew who else she brought with her) from kicking the door down. It was better that she face the music with her head held high. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Any feeling of optimism she had was quickly swept away when she saw the scene that awaited her in the living room. The sight of Captain America being served tea almost seemed charming, especially since she seemed content to ignore the Avengers Harem visual novel that was paused on Gayle's laptop, but the All-American superhero wasn't alone.

The woman sitting to her right on the couch was the opposite of friendly. The leather jacket she wore did a piss poor job of hiding her S.H.I.E.L.D uniform and her face was marred in a deep scowl. As soon as Mary Jane entered the room the short haired woman's gaze turned to her and she felt an immediate desire to run back to her room, hide under the blankets and pray for the monster to go away.

Captain America was calm as ever, "Thank you for the tea, Mrs. Watson." She took another sip and smiled at the older(?) woman, setting the cup down as she did. From her place tucked into the corner Gayle looked at the head of the Avengers with a wide-eyed gape, looking torn between asking for an autograph and fainting from sheer hero overload. Hard to tell with her sometimes.

"Yes, yes," the other woman started impatiently, her own cup of tea untouched, "Enough with the pleasantries, Wilson. We both know what we're here for."

"I'm no so sure, Maria," It was subtle, but Mary Jane definitely saw a quick pass of annoyance pass through the soldier's eyes before it suddenly disappeared, "I told you I wanted to do this alone."

"Given your previous track record of coddling vigilantes who aid and abet fugitives, you can understand my hesitation with that idea," 'Maria' said coolly, "You know what's at stake here, don't you?"

"Of course I do, but beating Mrs. Watson and dragging her by force isn't-"

"What's going on?" her mom interrupted, eyes steely. It was a look she'd rarely seen on the older redhead, "What do you want with my daughter?"

"Mrs. Watson, we merely wish to talk to your daughter about-"

"You here about the monster, aren't you?" Mary Jane interrupted. Before Captain America could say anything else she raised her right hand and let the barest traces of red flash up her exposed forearm.

The atmosphere in the room went from awkward to painfully tense. The S.H.I.E.L.D's agent's eyes narrowed even further and her hand not-so-subtly inched towards the pocket of her jacket. Meanwhile, Captain America's lips pursed in that barely noticeable manner she always carried herself in (which was ironic for someone dressed like a walking American flag) and clenched her hands together, eyes darting between Mary Jane and the agent.

Still, it was nothing compared to the look of hesitation and fear that she saw on her mom and little sister. They knew about her 'condition', assured her that it didn't matter and that they could work through this (and Gayle still seemed to think the hero thing was worth a shot), but this was way out of their league. When the incident hit they were safe at home in the suburbs, not in the thick of it like Gwen and Peter were.

"...Yes," Captain America said eventually, "From what we understand you're currently in possession of the symbiote that was bonded to Cletus Kasady a few weeks prior. Is this true?"

"Yeah." She didn't see the point in denying it; she doubted they'd send Captain America over for a routine check-in. Mary Jane crossed her arms stiffly and pressed her lips into a thin line in an attempt to appear calmer than she really was, "...How did you know?"

It was the agent that answered, "A report came from a Philip Watson a few days ago about being attacked by what he described as a 'red, bladed monstrosity'. S.H.I.E.L.D has disregarded most of these reports as being the result of PTSD, paranoia or a cry for attention, but not long after we received confirmation on the information from an anonymous source."

An anonymous source? Great, that was what she needed...

"Wait, was that about dad?" Gayle asked, finally speaking up.

"I...I attacked dad, Gayle." Mary Jane looked away to avoid their looks of utter shock. There was no love lost between her dad and little sister, but her mom was another issue entirely. A part of her still thought that asshole could 'redeem' himself, "I had to save Gw- Spider-Woman so I let that monster take control for a bit, and after that..." She shook her head, "I didn't kill dad," she added, more for herself than them.

"His wounds were numerous but ultimately superficial. He should make a full recovery soon enough," Captain America said, though whether she was trying to comfort her Mary Jane didn't know, "And I suppose we have you to thank for saving Spider-Woman from S.I.L.K."

"Yeah, you're welcome..." she replied bitterly.

"That still doesn't explain what you want with my daughter," her mom spoke up again, "I...from what she's told me she's already gotten help from that...Wasp teammate you have."

"Janet, yes." Captain America nodded, "She knows about the symbiote, certainly, but I'm afraid her knowledge on this one is lacking." Yeah, because she wasn't the one who fucking made it, Mary Jane thought bitterly, "S.H.I.E.L.D is better equipped to handle the situation and we came here to ask Mary Jane to come with us for testing so we can be certain that there aren't any more incidents." Mary Jane winced at the last word.

"Tests?" her mother asked worriedly, "What...What kind of tests?"

"We're not at liberty to reveal that to civilians, Mrs. Watson." The agent said, completely ignoring the muted scowl the hero gave her.

"To hell with that!" her mom suddenly screamed, making Gayle jump up in her seat, "You come into my house to take my daughter away and...and you just expect me to be satisfied with 'I'm not telling you why'?!"

"Calm down, Mrs. Watson-"

"No, I won't calm down! Not until you either explain what you're going to do to my daughter or you leave right now!"

Mary Jane didn't think it was possible, but somehow the agent's scowl worsened. She didn't say a word, but the already tense atmosphere in the room became outright chilling. Before Mary Jane could do or say anything else the door crashed open. The redhead turned to the source of the noise and felt her heart sink into her stomach when four armed S.H.I.E.L.D agents stomped in, each of them brandishing a rifle that she'd definitely never seen before.

Captain America was the first to react, "God damn it, Hill! I told you-"

"You know the consequences, Wilson! You've seen it yourself!" the agent shouted back, "We don't have time to play diplomats! The new host is coming with us or-"

She never got to finish. A white blur jumped through the front door and before they knew it two of the agents found themselves webbed to the floor while Gwen stood over them, her normally cheerful demeanor replaced by a chilling glare.

The fact that she was wearing a soggy dress did little to stop the simultaneous relief and unease Mary Jane felt.

The remaining two agents took aim at her until they suddenly found their guns yanked out of their hands. They looked down in confusion briefly before a large wisp of smoke came and Peter suddenly appeared in front of them. Neither of the two got the chance to mutter anything more than a surprised curse before the (unmasked) vigilante smacked the butt of their rifles against their guts hard enough to make them kneel, which was quickly followed up by a painful hit to each of their heads.

Again, the turtleneck and lack of a mask did little to change her feelings on seeing him again.

Mary Jane didn't get a chance to say anything before Gwen suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her behind her, "Back the fuck off," Gwen snarled, standing in front of her protectively. From the side of her vision Mary Jane saw Peter glaring daggers at the agent, who met his gaze without a hint of hesitation.


"No, not this time, Cap." Gwen interrupted, glaring up at the taller woman, "I kept S.H.I.E.L.D'S secret before, but I'm not playing along this time. Stay away from MJ."

"Do you think Dyne can help her pacify it forever?" The agent scoffed, "She doesn't have the data and the facilities that we have. What do you think will happen next when your friend eventually loses control? Are you prepared for another repeat of Kasady's massacre!"

"That's rich coming from group that made it." Peter laughed wryly, "Bet you just want to make sure no one finds out you led the project, huh?"

"I had no idea of the symbiote's existence till after the fact; I'm simply trying to salvage the best result I can of a horrible situation." Peter's eyes narrowed, "I don't care if you believe me, Mr. Parker, but I am speaking the truth. You yourself are gifted with immunity and yet how close have you come to succumbing to the serum? Ms. Watson doesn't share your antibodies and she's already left corpses in her wake."

"We're fixing it," Gwen said.

"No, Gwen, I'm afraid your not." Captain America let out a slow breath, "Janet might be an expert in her field, but without our research data and facilities she can create a stopgap solution at best. I can only assume that her current solution is using drugs to suppress the symbiote?"

Mary Jane's eyes widened, "How do you..."

"An educated guess, though I wish you told me I was wrong," she said, "Drugs may work, even for a long time, but how feasible do you think it is? Janet's not going to live forever and Ms. Watson likely needs a constant supply. You're only putting off the problem, not fixing it."

"And what do you suggest? That we just hand her over to S.H.I.E.L.D?" Gwen asked back, her glare softening by just the tiniest amount, "I...I want to trust you, Cap, but you know how this looks. I can't trust S.H.I.E.L.D, not after what they kept hidden."

"The scientists responsible - those survived, that is - have already been punished for their involvement in the symbiote's creation," the agent said, "I don't know what Wilson's intentions are, but I simply want a guarantee that there's not going to be another repeat of Cletus Kasady's rampage."

Something inside Mary Jane snapped and she let out a growl before she could stop herself, "I'm not like him!" Mary Jane yelled, startling everyone in the room, "You think I wanted this?! That I wouldn't toss this monster in a fucking fire if I could?! I can't! Wasp told me that it's permanent and now I have to live with it!"


"It's bad enough that I get a damn serial killer in my head, but now I have to deal with you assholes thinking I'm going to go nuts?!"


"You know what, fuck the both of you! You two helped make this thing and kept it a secret when it fucked up! And now I have to pay the price for it! So you can shove that 'she could be the next Kasady' argument up your fucking ass because I refuse to be treated like Goddamn monster by the people who created this monster in the first place!"

An all-encompassing silence settled over the living room, broken only by Mary Jane's panting. It felt...good to say it all out loud. A part of her knew they were right to be wary, especially after what she nearly did to her did, but she was sick of it, sick of being treated like the future Kasady 2.0 because of something she didn't ask for and she'd done her hardest to fix.

The quiet lasted for a few more tense seconds before Captain America eventually spoke up, "Alright, a compromise then. In a few days time we want Ms. Watson to get to a S.H.I.E.L.D facility for testing. You and Mr. Parker can both accompany her to ensure nothing bad happens. If the test results are fruitful then we'll give all of our data to Janet and she'll lead up any attempt at a permanent solution. Is this acceptable?"

"I..." Gwen looked back at Mary Jane and waited for her to nod before replying, "Alright...but only if we're there."

"Of course. Ms. Watson won't come to harm with us."

"Right, and how do we know you won't just inject something in her that'll let you control her?" Peter asked.

"If we had something like that then she wouldn't be our first target, Spider-Man," the agent replied, "Speaking of, you haven't kept up to your end of the bargain. We agreed that you come for testing on the serum."

"Last I checked that was voluntary."

"Yes, and we didn't have to give Agent Crest his freedom, if you recall. We've rectified that."

"...What did you do to him?" He practically snarled.

"He's in a S.H.I.E.L.D holding facility, has been for the past couple of days."

"Let him go or-"

"Or what? You'll make threats you can't follow through on? Fail to follow the terms of a deal that you voluntarily agreed to?" She scoffed, "No, Mr. Parker, you have no leverage here, and after we found him stealing suppressants I'm well within my rights to revoke any sort of deal we made. You want him freed? Then follow the terms of the arrangement and come for testing."

"Fine, I'll go..."

Their 'discussion' ended on that awkward note. Gwen helped pry the webbed agents off the floor and soon enough they were off, leaving only the five of them in her gunked up living room.

Her mom was the first to react, practically collapsing on one of the vacated chairs like a deflating balloon. Mary Jane looked at her in worry and almost rushed over before Gayle's exclamation suddenly pierced the air, "Y-You're...!" She pointed a shaky finger at Gwen, mouth hanging agape in shock. Gwen actually looked confused for a few seconds before she suddenly seemed to realize how she looked, "You're Spi-"

"Hey, hey! Shh!" Gwen interrupted, throwing a frantic glance at the closed front door. She doubted anyone could hear them, though she knew from experience that Gwen could be paranoid as all hell about her (badly kept) secret identity, "None of that! I-"

"You're Spider-Woman!" Gayle screamed. It was loud enough that Gwen actually winced, "Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap! Spider-Woman! Here! You're-"

"We heard you the first time, Watson," Peter interrupted.

"And you're..." Gayle looked at his face dead-on and gulped audibly, "Wow...I guess the stuff Spider-Woman said on the interview about you being 18 was right. I thought she was just bullshitting."

"Wait...what?" He threw Gwen a sudden glare, "You told people I'm a teenager?"

" just slipped out?" She said, giving him a lopsided smile that did nothing to stifle his look of disapproval, "Look, the host kept needling me about what it was like to date a manther through the entire show and I pissed off. It wasn't intentional."

"Great, because the one thing I need right now is every criminal in this city knowing I'm not old enough to drink." He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated breath, "Thanks a lot."

"Hey, it was an accident-"

"Could we get back on track, please?" Mary Jane cut in, "Look, Gwen, I appreciate the save, but...why the hell did you two charge in here dressed like...that?" She gestured to their outfits. It shouldn't have looked out of place, but the fact of it was the last time she'd seen Gwen in a dress was years ago and Peter...well, the first thing that came to mind when he and 'dressed up' were in the same sentence was an image of knives and masks.

"We didn't have our costumes on hand, Mary," Peter replied, "...Well, Gwen does, but I doubt it was on her mind considering how panicked you were. You made it sound like they were battering down your door."

"They were when you got here-"

"Hey, I'm still freaking out over here!" Gayle said, drawing their attention back to her, "How the fu- Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman? Really?!"

"Yeah...surprise?" Gwen gave her the same lopsided smile she gave Peter.

"I mean, you were one of the people theorized, but after people figured Spider-Woman was- uh, I mean, you were in bed with Captain Stacy-"

"They thought what?!" Gwen screamed, a look of utter disgust on her face, "Ugh, what the fuck?! Why does everything on the net about who's sleeping with who?!"

"Hey, I didn't say I believed it! I figured you just convinced him you were on the side of good!" Gayle said, "But...holy shit, I can't believe this! I've been living across the street from Spider-Woman for years! This is like a weird dream or something!"

"It's not the only thing that's a fantasy," Peter muttered. Before Gayle could shoot something back he gestured to the laptop on the corner table, "That one of those 'interactive' novels I heard about?"

Gayle's attention snapped back to the screen and her face flushed scarlet. The CG of (a bustier and long haired) Spider-Woman swinging through the city with her imaginary lover seemed innocent enough, but the fact that said Superhero was in the room with them removed any sort of innocence the image could have considering the kind of game it.

That and Mary Jane knew that she was a few clicks away from a really raunchy scene, mostly because she had the misfortune of being there when Gayle triggered it. The 69 position with added wall crawling and webbing just looked...disturbing, even if Gayle kept talking her ear off on how great the descriptions were.

To her credit Gwen only seemed mildly disturbed by the fact that her friend's sister was trying to have an imaginary romance with her. Gayle immediately rushed to the laptop and slammed it shut, "Th-That was..." She hugged the laptop close to her chest and looked at Gwen defensively, "It's's a game, right? It doesn't really mean anything!"

"Y-Yeah, totally..." It was clear from Gwen's voice that she didn't believe her, "Um...right, so could I ask you and Mrs. Watson to keep our identities secret? There are risks to loved ones, Avengers policies and all that jazz. I don't have to explain, right?"

"N-No, I totally get it! Hero code! Secret's safe with me!" Gayle said in a rush.

"Considering the stuff Lana's said about you I have my doubts, but we can't exactly change things now," Peter muttered. He turned to her mom, "You alright, Mrs. Watson? You haven't said word since we showed up."

"I...I'm still just trying to process this, is all." Her mom put both hands on her face and took a deep breath, "I won't pretend I understand all this...madness, but I do know we owe you both. Thank you."

"MJ's our friend, it's no biggie." Gwen waved her hand lightly. Gayle's blush somehow worsened at that, "We'll make sure that nothing happens to her during the check-up, so don't worry about that."

"Yes. MJ's already mentioned how Spider-Woman and Spider-Man helped her before." She gave the two of them a small smile, "Haha, I never realized when she said that Spider-Woman was a friend she meant it so literally. I thought you two were just in the same band."

"Yeah, well, insanity seems to follow us." Gwen said, a slight bitterness to her tone.

"Hmm..." Her mom turned to Peter now, "You look...familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before?"

"I just have one of those faces." Peter shrugged, "Come on, Gwen, we should probably go before we give Mary's sister a heart attack."

"W-Wait!" Gayle said, practically running up to them, "C-Could I have your number?" she asked Gwen.

"Um...sure, I guess, but why?"

"Just...I mean, in case something happens to MJ and I need to call." Mary Jane resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the blatant lie. Her sister had the subtlety of a honey badger in heat, "And know, stuff."

"She's flirting with you, Gwen," Peter said bluntly. Gayle gave him a look that was a cross between anger and embarrassment, though he paid it no mind, "Just thought you needed a heads up considering how clueless you were about Hawkeye."

"God, will you let that go?" Gwen rolled her eyes, "Look, Gayle, I'll give you my number, but I want you to promise that there isn't gonna be any stupid crap or anything when you message me, alright? I get enough of that checking out the forums."

"What? Stupid crap? Me? Of course not." Yeah...Mary Jane gave her sister three days before the love letters started.

"...It's getting late, we should get some sleep," her mom said, "MJ...we need to talk about what happened with your father. Tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah...tomorrow." Damn it, that was a conversation she was really hoping to avoid, "I'll walk Tiger and Gwen out. Least I can do."

Her mom gave her the affirmative and soon enough the three of them were walking down the short length of her driveway. Mary Jane could practically feel Gayle looking at them through the window, but she did her best to ignore it. She was gonna get an earful later about keeping this secret.

Mary Jane watched the two of them silently. They were bickering about Gwen revealing his age on the talkshow, but it was clear to see there was no actual venom in it. Hell, Peter was even smiling, and she could count the amount of times she'd seen that expression on him with one hand.

They were nearly at the end of the driveway before Gwen suddenly stopped, "Wait..." She tapped the sides of her dress briefly before she frowned, "Shit, I left the tsum tsum back at the hotel!"

"Oh...gee, what a tragedy," Peter couldn't have sounded more fake if he tried, which Gwen figured given the way she scowled at him, "And after I worked so hard to get it. Oh well, we move on."

", we're getting it back."


"No buts, not unless it's yours on that bike." She jerked her thumb to the fancy sportsbike parked close by, "We gotta take it back anyway, since I'm pretty damn sure grand theft auto is still a crime, so two birds and one stone."

"...I'm never gonna get rid of that thing, am I?"

"Absolutely not." The shit-eating grin on Gwen's face was classic Stacy, "Come on, sweetie, mount up."

"See you," Mary Jane said, though she didn't know if they even heard her. The redhead stuffed her hands into the pockets of her pajama bottoms and watched the motorcycle zip past. She should've been happy for them, she knew that, but for some reason the sight of Gwen clinging to Peter's back caused an annoying stab of heat at her chest.

'Jealous, are you?'

Mary Jane's eyes widened and she groped for a syringe on instinct before she quickly remembered that she wasn't taking the suppressants anymore. The next dosage was at her room, "What...? How the fuck are you-"

'Talking? Alive? Miracle of life.' It chuckled, 'That...poison you put in yourself caged me. Your body, a fleshy, meaty prison. I can't get out. Can't control.'

"Huh, there's some good news, at least." Her lips quirked up in a nasty smile, "Why don't you kill yourself? Better than being trapped, right?"

'Baiting me? You're becoming more like my Cletus every day.' Her expression morphed into a scowl, 'Can't do anything. Feel like I'm chained. Weighed down. Can only talk.'

"Wish that drug came with a gag..."

'I don't mind. This won't last forever.'

"Oh? What makes you so damn sure?"

'You need me. Power. You can't have it while I'm chained. Best you can do is that embarrassment a few nights ago, Scarlet Spider.'

"Keep dreaming..." She made her way up to her room, ignoring her sister's questions as she passed.

'I don't have to. I can feel your anger. Your jealousy.' She could practically see it licking its tongue over its sharp teeth, 'You want them both. The murderer and her boytoy. Just like you wanted the journalist. Always obsessed with things you can't have."

"Shut up..." She slammed the door open and began searching for the medicine.

'I can see into your mind, little red, see all the nasty things you think about. And they are very disgusting. The thief wasn't enough. She was easy. You want the two of them now, at the same time-"

She grabbed the syringe and stabbed it into her right arm. All at once the monster's chatter stopped and she was left kneeling on the floor, sweat rushing down her face in rivulets. She didn't know if the drug would really gag the thing, but she had to try.

Sadly, it did little to help. Mary Jane stood and let out a soft moan at the feeling of heat that settled on her stomach, "Shit..." She locked the door in a hurry and tried to count to a 100. That thing was wrong. She had thoughts about them, so fucking what? It wasn't like it was wrong or anything. Both of them helped her out and both of them were her friends, it wasn't like she didn't have good reason to be attracted.

"God..." The heat wasn't dying down. Biting her lower lip, she laid down on the bed and pulled down her pants and underwear. She couldn't do anything in real life, but her mind was safe for her to imagine.

The S.H.I.E.L.D facility was actually somewhat disappointing, if Mary Jane had to be honest. She'd seen the news reports on the helicarrers, giant floating ships that cost enough money that Tony Stark would blush, and she had to admit that, despite the circumstances, she'd actually been looking forward to seeing it. If nothing else a few pictures of the view would've made some good souvenirs for Gayle.

The abandoned warehouse with a secret base underneath it was kinda disappointing by comparison.

Mary Jane stuffed her hands into the pockets of her yoga pants and kept her head down as they walked down the sterile blue hallways. Something about the place put her on edge, even if she was pretty sure she was as safe as could be. Ever since they'd met up Peter went on full-blown bodyguard mode while Gwen was never far from her side. Mary Jane was pretty sure Gwen would've been smothering her in a bear hug if she thought she could get away with it.

Though, the last thing Mary Jane wanted to think about right now was Gwen and her pressed together...

A few of the agents milling around gave them a few sideways glances, but for the most part they were ignored. Captain America advised the two of them to avoid going in masks to remove any unwanted attention. It's not like you'd be the first non-S.H.I.E.L.D personnel to come in, she'd said.

The 'waiting room' they arrived at was (un)surprisingly crowded. Mary Jane recognized Cindy and Harry taking up two of the seats easily enough, but the trio sitting across from them were total strangers.

The Japanese teenager was the first to look up at their arrival, her expression quickly going from an easy smile to a sour frown as soon as her eyes landed on Gwen. By contrast, the severe looking older man wearing a tattered trenchcoat sitting next to her just shared a silent look with Peter followed by a curt nod, which he responded to with a nod of his own. She definitely felt some sort of tension there.

The last occupant of the room was a little girl who looked maybe eight or nine years old. Unlike her babysitters(?) she was content to ignore the stare-offs and continue nibbling on the oversized pretzel in her hands. Mary Jane didn't even want to think about what a kid was doing in a place like this.

"...Great, princess is here," the Japanese teen said, "Why're you here, hero? Waiting for another medal for the trash pick-up?"

"None of your fucking business," Gwen spat back, surprisingly hostile.

Mary Jane gave her a worried look and made to speak up before Cindy suddenly cut in, "Guessing you three are why we were called here."

"Yeah..." Peter looked at Harry with narrowed eyes, "...What are you doing here with him?"

Harry was the one who answered, "Same reason you are, Peter. A cure for the serum. I volunteered to be a subject for the antibodies they're extracting from you."

"A cure? From you? That's like expecting an arsonist to put out a fire," Peter said, laughing wryly.

"Oh, that's rich coming from you," Harry countered, voice filled with venom, "Last I checked the serum being made at all was all your fault. Or are you going to pretend that's not you when the guy you're copying is in the same Goddamn room." Mary Jane's brows furrowed. What did he mean by that?

"You son of a-"

"Woah, alright, cool it!" Gwen said quickly, "Peter, Harry, I know you two have issues, but could we please all just try to get along?"

"Do as I say, not as I do, huh?" The Japanese teen cut in again, the frown being replaced by a slightly amused grin at Gwen's look of displeasure, "Didn't answer my question from before, Spider-Girlie. Whatcha ya'll doing here?"

"Piss o-"

"We're here to get a friend of ours treated," Peter said, cutting off Gwen's rebuttal, "What about you two? I thought you had to leave town for a bit?"

"We did and now we're back," The older man said.

"Guessing it has something with the kid?" Peter asked.

"Yup." The Japanese teen grinned openly and patted the top of the girl's head. The little girl gave her a sideways glare and pushed the hand off, "Me and Petey here went on a little honeymoon and now we've got a little bundle of joy to call our own. We figured S.H.I.E.L.D would give us a baby shower."

"Wait...what?" Gwen looked at her blankly, "You seriously expect us to believe that's your kid?"

"Yeah. My powers let me heal fast, so pregnancy takes like a day or two to get finished. Can't you see the resemblance?"


"Ah, you're just blind."

"Alright, as funny as this is, that's not actually their kid," Cindy said, "We were actually talking about that before you guys walked in. Apparently and she Spi- er, her partner went out to find some real scumbags who turn little kids into mindless assassins. The kid - Laura - was one of the test subjects."

As if to emphasize her point, the little girl picked up the next wrapped pretzel and ejected two claws from her knuckles, using them to cut through the top of the thin paper with a small growl. Gwen's eyes widened at the sight and Mary Jane would've been lying if she said the sight of it didn't freak her out. The fact that everyone else in the room seemed to find no issue with it just weirded her out even more.

"...Guess we know what you were doing now." Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "What I don't get is why you're involved, 'brother'. I thought you didn't get distracted?"

"I wasn't. I already know where Octavius is so it wasn't like I was wasting time helping Kat out with this." There was something almost condescending in the older man's tone, though Mary Jane might've just been imagining it, "I know how to get my priorities straight, Parker."

"Okay, I'm lost." Mary Jane said, finally speaking up, "Tiger, who is that? And why'd you call him 'brother'?"

As soon as the words were out of her mouth an awkward silence settled over the room. Peter, Gwen and the guy in the trenchcoat looked away with varying degrees of discomfort on their face. Even Harry and Cindy seemed put-off by the question, which only made her want to suddenly apologize, even if she didn't know exactly why.

'Kat', on the other hand, seemed to find the entire thing funny, if the grin on her face was any indication, "I'll never understand why people always get awkward around clones. Is being born in a test tube that much different from coming out of a woman's vagina while she screams her head off?"

"Ugh, there's an image..." Cindy made a gagging noise.

"Wait, clones?" Mary Jane looked to Kat questioningly, "Say what now?"

"That Spider-Man's a clone." She pointed to Peter, who still stubbornly looked away, "Not the same way me and the kid are, but he came back from the dead and he got all his memories from Petey here." She slapped the older man's back, "So original and copy are in the same room, which always ends up being fucking awkward for some reason. I really don't get it."

"Wait, wait, wait." Mary Jane took a deep breath, "What do you mean original? I thought you were..."

"He's our Peter through and through, no matter how much he wants to pretend otherwise," Harry said, "It's like Shadowcat said. He died because of the Lizard serum and then...something happened, and now he's running around pretending to be some guy from the 30's."

"Least I'm not running around pretending to be a hero, Osborn."


"It smells like sex. I need a handkerchief."

Whatever argument was about to happen was abruptly stopped in its tracks at those four words. MJ looked around briefly for the source of the comment before she quickly realized it came from the little girl. Even with everyone staring at her she seemed completely fine with continuing to eat her food and pressing the handkerchief that the other Spider-Man lent her against her nose.

The silence last for a few more tense seconds before Shadowcat finally said, "Right, probably should've said something. Laura here has a nose like a bloodhound and pretty much no brain-to-mouth filter, so don't be surprised if she says she can smell the blood on your hands or the pee that went down your leg. We're hoping Peggy can help with that so she can learn to control it like I can. "

"As if this day wasn't awkward enough," Gwen muttered, "I don't get what she means by 'smelling like sex', though..."

"Probably the same thing it was like for me when we were in that elevator," Peter said. Mary Jane raised a brow; that sounded pretty weird, "I've gotten better at it, but back then I heard every noise and practically gagged when I went down the subway. Imagine everything amplified by a magnifying glass 24/7."

"Huh, sure you're not one of the old man's bastards? Cause Petey here never had to deal with that problem."

"Look, I have enough identity issues; I don't need more." Peter rolled his eyes, "I'm just hoping she doesn't start blurting out anything else. It's bad enough that we're being all forced to wait here."

The conversation ended on that awkward note. Mary Jane sat at one of the corner seats and sighed, covering her face with both hands. It was barely noon and she already felt exhausted. She heard movement at her side and when she lowered her hands she found Gwen giving her a look of worry, 'Always worrying about someone else, huh, Gwencent?' She smiled, the gesture slightly bitter. How could someone spend so much time worrying about other people? She just didn't get it.

"You okay? I know this might seem scary, but it'll be alright. We'll be there with you all the way."

"It's not that..." She shook her head, "Well, not all of it, at least. It's..." She gestured to the others in the room, "It's just shocking, you know? I thought you and Tiger were the exception, but everyone here...I'm pretty sure the only here who's older than 25 is, other Spider-Man, I guess? I don't really know what to call him. Speaking of which, Tiger's a clone now?"

"No, he's's complicated." Gwen shook her head, "I don't know if he's Peter, Spider-Man, both or neither. We're just trying to do what we can and keep going. That's all we can do, right?"

"Yeah..." Mary Jane looked down at the nasty wound on her right wrist. Despite all the things she'd survived the ugly scar remained, as if taunting her about what happened that night.

"You're wrong about one thing, though. If the math adds up then Peter's 'brother' is 23. Cindy's actually 28, if you can believe it, so you're half-right."

"...That just makes it sadder." She laughed softly. What the hell had she gotten mixed up in? "God, I knew you and Peter and Harry back in high school. I still remember watching your D and D games and thinking about how anyone could find that fun. Hell, I thought you played along just because of Peter. What was what character you had? An elf warrior or something else stupid?

"Hey, don't diss my Elf Barbarian! Pyrrha worked really hard to get those stats!" Gwen chided playfully.

"Hah, I forgot how much of a nerd you were." Mary Jane smiled, though it was only brief, "Still, that just proves my point, doesn't it? Five years ago you guys were playing D&D and both Tiger and Harry pined after you like lovesick puppies. Now you're the Spider-Woman, the two of them are vigilantes and I'm..." A freak. A monster. An unlucky victim of circumstance. Depended on how you looked at it.

"...Yeah, I'll admit these past five years were a real roller-coaster, especially since Peter showed up again." She turned to his direction and gave him a smile, though he was too busy talking (read: arguing) with Harry about something to notice her, "Sometimes I think back on if I could change things, you know? Maybe talk to Peter before that night at prom or even just move ahead in line so I didn't get bitten."

"Not surprised." She still had no idea how Gwen dealt with it all for five years. Five years of people calling her a murderer, a freak in a mask who killed an innocent teenager despite all the proof to the contrary, and hunted down by her own Goddamned dad for most of them.

Five years with no one to turn to.

Mary Jane only had this thing on her for a few weeks and she had all the support in the world, and even then she was just about ready to call it quits. If she hadn't called Peter and the others in time...well, she didn't want to think about how she would've ended up.

The comfortable silence lasted for only a few moments before both Harry and Peter pulled out their phones, "...Looks like we're up, Osborn." Peter sighed and turned to Gwen, "Do me a favor, make sure they don't do anything with Mary before we finish up. The tests they do on me don't last that long."

"Good luck, you two. I'll be here when you both get back," Cindy said.

"Wait, you're not coming?" Harry asked, brows furrowing worriedly.

"I wouldn't be able to do anything there. Why? You want me to hold your hand, Gobby?" Mary Jane couldn't tell if Cindy was trying to be teasing or just outright mocking.

"I...guess not," Harry mumbled. Peter looked at him through narrowed eyes and said nothing, "Right, well...guess we'll be back in about half an hour."

"Hey, you two ask em if Peggy's around. We really gotta drop this little tyke off before she chews through all of her food," Shadowcat said.

Mary Jane watched the two of them leave briefly before she turned her attention to the remaining guy in the room. Another Spider-Man, another Peter Parker, but she could barely see any resemblance between the two. Then again she didn't really know how this alternation dimension clusterfuck went.

It didn't take long for him to realize that she was watching and he raised his head to meet her gaze, expression shifting to something more somber when their eyes made contact. Mary Jane gulped and immediately looked away, trying to ignore the nervousness that settled at the pit of her stomach. Peter talked about the Mary Jane that came from 'his' dimension before. Did the other Spider-Man see her when he looked at her?

"...I'm going to the bathroom," she whispered to Gwen.

"I'll come with-"

"Nah, I just...need to be alone for a few," Mary Jane said quickly, "I'll be back in ten minutes tops, okay? Besides, I doubt they're gonna jump me here now that both you and Tiger are close."

"I guess..."

The bathroom was a far enough distance that Mary Jane felt somewhat wary, but she held it in. She looked around the space for a brief moment before she opened the faucet and let the cool water calm her. Being inside that room felt suffocating, though she had no idea why. None of them paid any attention to her except Gwen and Pete. Harry didn't even act like she existed, though that was par for the course with him. He was really only Gwen's friend, just like Peter was back then.

"Shit..." She splashed her face and sucked in a tired breath. This wasn't for her. She'd dreamed of being famous before, always wished that she could do the things no one else could like Gwen or She-Hulk or Dazzler, but this wasn't what she had in mind. Now all she wanted to do was go back to working crap gigs and arguing with Glory about the band name.

Her hands gripped the edge of the sleek sink tightly and she shuddered, tears escaping despite her best efforts. When would this end? Even if the rest of the test went as perfectly as could be could she go back to the way things were? Go back to her plans for college and singing after she'd already killed people? After she'd nearly murdered her dad and had to deal with this this thing always being in her head for the rest of her life?

Whatever her answer would have been, it was cut off by the sudden, blaring alarm that reached her ears. Mary Jane looked up and bit back a scream of panic when she heard screams and crashes coming from outside. Something told her that this wasn't a training exercise.

A gut feeling that was proven all too right when the door slammed open and a masked goon came charging in with a gun. He screamed something at her, but she couldn't even hear it. All her attention was focused on the gun aimed right at her chest and how much it reminded her of that disaster a few nights ago. She'd frozen back then. Would've gotten herself shot if it wasn't for Felicia spying on her.

She wasn't gonna make the same mistake.

Shelving back any hesitation, Mary Jane charged the guard and tackled him through the door and into the opposing wall as hard as she could. She could've sworn she heard something crack even through the loud din of alarm bells, but that could've just been her imagination.

Mary Jane stumbled back and watched the gunman's still form warily. Dead? She couldn't tell from here. A part of her was honestly tempted to check his pulse before she squashed it down. The guy just pointed a gun at her, she wasn't going to feel sorry for him.

She turned to go back to where Gwen and the others were before she heard a yell, "Hey, redhead, look out behind you!"

Mary Jane's entire body snapped back just in time to see two more masked gunman fall into into the ground face-first, pools of blood seeping from their heads. She didn't get a chance to do more than gape before the sound of more footsteps coming towards her jolted her out of her shock.

"You need to pay more attention." The bald man grinned. The red jumpsuit and broken handcuffs on his hands screamed 'escaped convict', but she didn't let that deter her now. He did just save her life, after all, "You don't look like an agent."

"Neither do you." She gestured to his (bloodstained, though it was hard to tell) get-up.

"Ah, there were already letting me go; I just rushed the process a bit," he replied nonchalantly, "Actually I was supposed to meet up with an old friend here, but the base goes on lockdown every time someone breaks in. You'd they'd figure out that it's not really doing either of them any good."

"Yeah..." Something about him creeped her out, and it wasn't just the fact that he was smiling like shark despite the situation, "Look, thanks for the help, but I gotta go. Gw- Spider-Woman and Spider-Man are here and I need to meet them?"

"Spider-Man, huh? Looks like we're going the same way," he laughed, "Name's Bullseye. You don't gotta gimme your name, but I saw the way you put the hurt on that clown earlier. Whaddya say, wanna team up?"

"...You're way too calm about this." Mary Jane winced. She'd heard that name before from both Peter and Gwen. Their opinions were mixed and contradicting at times, but there was one thing they definitely agreed on: the guy was apparently a damn psychopath. Under better circumstances she would've just ran away without a second look back.


"Fine, until we meet up with the others."

It wasn't like her hands were clean now, either...

It's been a while since we've had any actual Superheroing in this Superhero fic, huh? Granted I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna do so hot considering my lack of finesse when it comes to the dreaded fight scenes, but the group assembled here should provide interesting possibilities for team-ups and partnerships. That and we have S.I.L.K finally doing something after all this time, so that's a plus.

Anyway, we have our setup so far: Shadowcat, Laura, Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen and Silk (any and all might split off); Harry and Noir; and of course Mary Jane and Bullseye. Should to write, especially if/when all nine of them regroup after running through the maze that SHIELD's bases tend to be. One can only hope the groups/partners don't kill each other before SILK does...


1. I tried making a rough outline on the future chapters and one thing was pointed out to me: despite the story being (primarily, at least) about Spider-Gwen and Noir they don't actually work together to tackle their respective antagonists. Noir and the Defenders fight Murdock while Gwen and a few of her allies deal with 65-Cindy with very little overlap between the two.

This might seem odd for some readers, especially given that Noir and Gwen are stuck together at this point and yet, apart from Paper Doll and some filler arcs, Noir probably fights more in tandem with Lana given that she's a primary character for the Hand arc while Kate gets more action pair moments with Gwen during the conflict with SILK.

Should I change this up? Thematically it makes sense given that one's full on magic and the other is comics sci-fi, but it might seem odd given that Noir and Gwen are a technical battle couple/action duo and yet somehow do nothing to significantly help the other despite the threat levels posed. I planned to justify it as the two 'wars' taking place and ending simultaneously, but I'm not sure if that's a good enough reason.

The fact that Shadowcat and Spider-Man fight together for just about all their action and story segments makes this more glaring, at least according to my tentative editor.

2. More of a joke question, but do people mind that Gwen and/or Noir tend to get their identities found out a lot? While it does fit with Spider-Gwen canon (please don't move to 616...) and the likes of Ultimate Spider-Man, I wonder if readers mind that fans like Gayle Watson find out simply because the two are careless.
I hope everything goes well for you Eratas, I will wish you my best wishes.

1 - Hmm, I like to keep street-level capes being partners with each other to avoid the stronger cape stealing the spotlight from the other too much, but you do have Kat and Old!Noir working marvelously as partners so I can see you making it work, so by all means give it a shot with some threat to see if it feels 'right' and awesome as a test-drive.

2- All good for like you said it fits thematically with Gwen universe, and I can see some comedy hijinks with Gayle so it is a plus for me.

About the chapter itself, MJ felt very real in her inner struggle, especially with the shock of killing people and the Symbiote messing with MJ head, I can totally see it twisting her desires into more aggressive and possessive ones, and seeing Harry and Cindy made want to see an adventure of their own just to see how they handle themselves as a team(which I am getting as the bad guys are invading right now...I hope)

Especial mention of Bullseye, he appearing felt pretty good, I am excited to see what happens next.
1 - Hmm, I like to keep street-level capes being partners with each other to avoid the stronger cape stealing the spotlight from the other too much, but you do have Kat and Old!Noir working marvelously as partners so I can see you making it work, so by all means give it a shot with some threat to see if it feels 'right' and awesome as a test-drive.

But both Noir and Gwen are street level, yes? And in Gwen's case Kate keeps up with her despite being non-powered. Likewise it's not really a problem of power but rather themes. Ghost Rider and Demons are a thing for Noir later and those are massivly more powerful than Venom.

2- All good for like you said it fits thematically with Gwen universe, and I can see some comedy hijinks with Gayle so it is a plus for me.

Gwen mentions in future chapters that Gayle texts her a lot and it's both flattering and kinda creepy. Though I'm torn on whether Gwen realizes that Gayle likes her for real or she somehow ignores the death star sized hints because that's just how Spider-Gwen rolls.

About the chapter itself, MJ felt very real in her inner struggle, especially with the shock of killing people and the Symbiote messing with MJ head, I can totally see it twisting her desires into more aggressive and possessive ones, and seeing Harry and Cindy made want to see an adventure of their own just to see how they handle themselves as a team(which I am getting as the bad guys are invading right now...I hope)

Especial mention of Bullseye, he appearing felt pretty good, I am excited to see what happens next.

Actually the next chapter has Harry and Noir working together, so half in half. As for MJ, it's hard to tell whether the symbiote is numbing her or she's just become jaded due to constantly having to fight to keep herself sane. Even her sudden attraction/lust for both Gwen and Peter is odd given that, pre-symbiote, she was very aromantic and only kissed Norah after becoming really drunk.
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Extra 4 - Spider-Gwen Noir
I was browsing through old fanarts and I came upon one of a Noirized Spider-Gwen. A few months ago the concept intrigued me, but ultimately I did nothing with it. Since I had some free time I thought, 'why not'? It wasn't like the main story was ending any time soon and people are probably getting bored of it.

So yeah, Spider-Gwen raisied in the 30' was a bit hard to write since transplanting Spider-Gwen to the 30's setting with her personality intact wouldn't work given the time period's values and differences in how she was raised. So I did my best to make a compromise where she shows definite traits of being like the more well-known Spider-Gwen while also showing the effects of being raised in a, let's face it, pretty damn sexist time period.

Hopefully it's good :)

Side Note - Apparently the canon Spider-Gwen might be ending, which isn't helped by the fact that issue 32 has her exposing her identity and issue 33 has her standing trial. Hopefully it's not the end, but if it is...well, hopefully she comes back at some point with more plot focus and less dimension hopping. And yes, I know that's ironic coming from me who made LG the way it is, but hey.

Also, I'm playing through FF XV on Windows and for some reason I now imagine either the four male Defenders or any of the three partnerships (Gwen/Noir, Spider-Man/Shadowcat, Silk/Harry) fighting like a JRPG party...yeah, I'm just gonna ignore that.

Cover Page:

Extra 4: Another Strand in the Great Web

Gwen Stacy didn't believe in fate.

It might have sounded disingenuous, especially coming from someone who was born to good fortune, but it was the truth. Her dad always told her that things happened for a reason, that there were no coincidences and everything went according to some grand plan.

She never believed it.

As far as she was concerned things just happened and whether it was good or bad came down to a coinflip. No grand plan, no meticulous blueprint for where their life ended up.

That was what she told herself to explain why she, of all people, got these new gifts.

It all started that night a few months ago. The 17th of December, just a few days before Christmas two months after she'd turned 19. The snow was at a full-blown blizzard and her father was out late, working a rally that might or might not have been a powderkeg. She'd been home alone and plagued with worry. It was just a routine case, her dad said, but ever since her mom passed on Gwen never stopped worrying. They were all the other really had left.

So she went. It wasn't too far off and she had a passing familiarity with the area. Mary Jane, one of her friends from ballet, often talked about the gatherings with a certain glow in her eyes, but Gwen couldn't share her enthusiasm. She sympathized with what they wanted, but she'd heard far too many stories of rallies turning into bloody street brawls. The thought of her dad getting his head smashed into the pavement for the sake of 'equality and fairness' sickened her.

Gwen still remembered the cold chill that covered her as soon as she was out the door. She was going to go there, watch over her dad, then leave before he was any the wiser. She knew there was nothing she could do, but if anything did happen then she wanted to be there. It was better than waiting at home like a 'proper daughter' would and letting the anxiety kill her.

Her father was nowhere to be found by the time she arrived. Down the line she would find out that the now-former police chief was corrupt and sent him and the rest of his squad on a goose chase, but back then she didn't have the slightest idea. All she knew then was that her father still hadn't arrived.

So, like an idiot, she waited, mixing in with the crowds listening to the old woman who screamed from her soapbox.

She recognized the woman who stood over everyone. May Parker, wife of the late Ben Parker and a known rabblerouser (in)famous across the city. Gwen had mixed feelings on her. She couldn't deny that their protests closed down some exploitative businesses, but at the same time all her talk of the proletariat rising up sounded much more like a declaration of war to her liking.

The young man next to her was so quiet that she almost hadn't seen him. Peter Parker, she recalled vaguely; just another junior from school that she didn't know much about, though the rumors about him were varied. Apparently he had a habit of getting into brawls on the street like some common thug, though some more sympathetic schoolmates attributed it to anger at his uncle's early passing.

Everything had gone to hell not long after. Three thugs - Norman Osborn's enforcers, as she'd find out later - put a stop to May's rallying and beat Peter down when he attempted to stand up for his aunt. Gwen wasn't ashamed to say that she'd been frozen with fear. She'd heard scattered tales from her dad before, but seeing such violence up close was something else entirely. They probably would've done worse if that reporter, Ben Urich, hadn't come to their rescue.

The sight of Peter Parker staring at the thugs' retreating backs with absolute hatred was something she remembered for a while after that.

Her part that night ended when the one in the purple suit shoved her aside. It wasn't painful, but it was enough to jolt her out of whatever shock she might have had and force her back home.

Back then she didn't see the spider that jumped into the pocket of her coat. Didn't realize that was the start of it all.

Her dad still wasn't home by the time she arrived. Gwen tossed her coat aside haphazardly and collapsed atop the bed, not even bothering to change into her sleepwear. Her heartbeat finally calmed down to something resembling normal and she closed her eyes. Why hadn't her dad been there, she thought. Those thugs wouldn't have been so brave if they saw someone in a uniform.

She couldn't believe she'd ever been so naive.

It hadn't taken long for the exhaustion to finally hit and she soon fell asleep, unaware of the spider that scurried out of the coat of her pocket and made its way way to her hand. She continued to slumber peacefully until the arachnid finally bit down.

She'd been sick with fever for days after that. Her father hired a nursemaid to look out for her, much to her embarrassment, though she could understand his worry. Illness took her mother and he would've been damned if he let it take his daughter too.

Gwen didn't want to tell him that the fevers were nothing compared to the dreams. Being cocooned in a web like a fly while dozens, hundreds, thousands of spiders crawled around her, ignoring her screams of fear and protest. She remembered waking up covered in sweat quickly followed by the urge to vomit out whatever food she'd managed to force down.

The dreams always ended the same way, with the same declaration from the monster at the center of the web.

"Why do you tremble, little woman? My bite brings death only to those of evil intent. I will bestow upon you a greater torment...the curse of power."

She found out exactly what it meant the next time she awoke to herself falling off her bedroom window.

Her first instinct at the time was to scream or shout out a curse or a prayer, but it wasn't what she did. Instead her body moved on instinct, grabbing at the cold railings of the fire escape so she could slow her descent. Before her mind could even comprehend what she'd just done her body twisted again and she jumped, flipping over the open dumpster till she landed bare feet first into the snowy alleyway.

It was only then that Gwen finally screamed.

It didn't take her long to figure out that something happened, that the spider she'd killed in a panic when she woke from that bite had done something to her that night. Gwen didn't know if it was magic or some sort of miracle from on high, but the proof was there. She had abilities that only the most creative of minds could even dream of, given power that some dream monster labeled a curse.

She had no idea how accurate that was.

Months passed and winter made way for summer. Gwen stared at her reflection on the mirror and smiled faintly. Ballet was a hobby she'd gotten into only at her mom's prodding and she refused to give up on it solely out of respect for her. She never enjoyed the pain that came from trying to twist her arms and legs into unnatural positions, even if her dad found her performances amazing.

It was a different story now.

"Very good, Gwendolyne!" Anna Watson, their ballet instructor, said, clapping her hands vigorously at her latest performance. The rest of the students either clapped along with her or looked away in annoyance at the 'show-off', "You've improved a lot these past couple of months! What's your secret?"

"No secret, Ms. Watson. Just lots of exercise." Gwen smiled proudly. She'd practiced with her new gifts for weeks to gain a sense of familiarity. She was stronger now, easily capable of lifting things that grown men twice her weight would've found impossible, and far more agile besides. The dance routines that she could barely follow through before were child's play now.

She never told her dad. It wouldn't do to worry him. Still, Gwen couldn't deny that it made her feel giddy, knowing how easy certain things were now.

Classes ended soon after and Gwen found herself walking with Mary Jane back to her home. Given the state of the economy most of the women who could afford ballet lessons either had money to spare or they had connections. Mary Jane and Gwen were definitely the latter, which made it easy for them to become fast friends.

Anna Watson was Mary Jane's aunt and, as far as Gwen remembered, an old friend friend of her dad. Nowadays generosity wasn't exactly a priority, so Gwen respected the woman for making an exception, even if it was for family and friends. She knew more than a few people where blood didn't matter in the slightest.

"...Gwen, could we go somewhere else?" Mary Jane said suddenly. Gwen looked back and gave her a questioning look, "It's just a quick detour."

"I don't mind, but where?"

"The Bowery Welfare Center. I wanted to check in on May." There was something in Mary Jane's voice when she said the name. Something told Gwen that it wasn't May Parker her friend was worried about.

"...Alright, lead the way."

Gwen tried to ignore the churning feeling in her stomach when she first saw the lines of homeless at the entrance. She hadn't been here in months, though that was hardly a surprise. Her dad was relatively well-off and his recent promotion to police chief after the former one was convicted of corruption only exacerbated that fact. Her unplanned visit back then was just another secret she kept from him.

"Mary Jane, so good to see you again!" May Parker gave the redhead a warm smile and gestured for her to come closer, "Back from ballet?"

"Yes, Mrs. Parker." Mary Jane smiled in turn. Gwen couldn't help but notice the gold ring that still remained on the elderly woman's hand, "Just wanted to check in, see how you were doing."

"That's kind of you, dear, but there's nothing to worry about. Same as usual." She laughed softly and turned her gaze to Gwen, "I don't recognize your friend."

"Oh, this is Gwen. She's a friend from ballet," Mary Jane said quickly, " Peter around?"

"He's in the kitchen, burying himself in work, as always." May sighed fodnly, "I'll tell him you're here."

Peter Parker didn't look much different from when she saw him last, at least not physically. With her new gifts it was impossible for Gwen to miss the way he shuffled around, like it was an effort to even put one foot over the other, or the lines of worry on his forehead. As soon as he saw Mary Jane he immediately forced a smile on his face and waved jovially, which was more than a little unnerving.

"Mary Jane! It's been a while!" he said.

"Yeah, it was." She hugged him and quickly separated before he could even return the gesture, "Just wanted to see how you were both doing."

"Doing fine. Same old bums looking for a free meal." He jerked his thumb to the thick line outside and smiled wryly, "Keeps me busy, at least. You?"

"Same. Ballet's having a recital soon, actually. I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

There was something so obviously hopeful in the redhead's question that Gwen almost felt guilty for having it so easy with her new gifts. Peter seemed to share her sentiments to an extent given the flash of guilt that ran across his features, "Ah...maybe. My job at the Bugle keeps me busy, you know?" he said softly. Before Mary Jane could press him on it he suddenly gestured to Gwen, "So who's your friend?"

Gwen spoke up first this time, "Gwen Stacy." She stuck her hand out for a handshake, which he took reluctantly.

"Stacy, huh?" He pulled his hand back, "Any relation to Captain Stacy?"

"He's my dad." She couldn't stop herself from sounding proud at that, and who could blame her? There were far too many cops with major or minor faults in their records that were dug up ever since the big corruption leak a few months ago. Her dad was probably one of the few people in the station that didn't have anything on him, which she took no small amount of pride in.

"Huh...well, I heard he's a good man. Let's hope he doesn't end up like his last boss."

"That's never gonna happen."

She should've kept her mouth shut.

The day started off well enough: another ballet class, an interview with Martin Li about a possible secretary position and some time spent with Mary Jane in a cafe. All in all it was just another normal day.

Until she saw her dad's 'guest'.

If there was one person she didn't expect to see sitting at her living room, it was Wilson Fisk. As far as the public was aware he was a model citizen and a businessman with a good head for leading, but Gwen knew better. If he really was what the public believed then there would've been no reason for her dad to come home drunk while ranting about how the law should've been equal and not at the convenience of those with a big enough bank account.

Fisk spoke first, "Ah, you must be George's daughter." He smiled pleasantly, though Gwen only felt a ferocious pounding at the back of her skull. It was the same feeling she got whenever she crossed the street at the wrong time or she saw Mary Jane's worthless excuse for a father.



"Gwen, uh, could you please leave for a bit? I'm discussing business with Mr. Fisk," her dad said suddenly.

She knew her dad well enough to know that there was something wrong, but she bit her lip and nodded. Gwen closed the front door behind her and let out a soft breath. As far as her dad was concerned she was still his little girl; someone he had to shield from the harsh realities of the world.

In a way he was right. The events a few months ago suddenly came back. She was nothing more than a spectator back then and yet she was so afraid that she froze on the spot, unable to even look away as those thugs beat up a defenseless old woman and her nephew. If she feared some goons so much back then what could she do against someone who even her dad walked on eggshells around?

"...It's different now," Gwen muttered. She was stronger now. She wasn't some helpless victim who could only watch, not anymore.

Gwen ran into the alley and looked up the fire-escape that led to her room. Making her way up was practically second instinct by now and soon enough she opened her window and slipped inside, throwing off her heels as she did. She had to be quiet for this.

She opened the door a crack and concentrated, letting her new gifts do the work.

"What are you asking from me, Fisk?" her dad's voice was faint but unmistakable.

"Simply that we come to an arrangement instead of conflict," Fisk's tone was cool and collected, but she didn't miss the menacing undertone in the words, "I understand that your predecessor overreached himself, and this in turn led to his exposure. I'm not like that. I simply ask that during certain events you turn a blind eye and in exchange you'll receive compensation. A fair enough deal, wouldn't you say?"

Fisk was trying to bribe her dad. Gwen grit her teeth and clenched her hands into tight fists. This wasn't fair. Her dad was a good man, and now some...leech was trying to drag him down into the mud.

"I'm not like Hardesty, Fisk. I won't be...bought like a dog." Gwen couldn't stop herself from smiling. She knew he would say that.

"If the carrot doesn't appeal to you then the stick might." Fisk's voice took on a harsher tone, "You're not an idiot, George; you know what happens to those who get in my way. And even if you're not afraid to die are you ready to leave your daughter behind?"

"Leave Gwen out of this!"

"Why should I? This concerns her as well. I heard she lost her mom at a young age. Do you really want her to lose her father on top of that?"

It took all Gwen had not to stomp down the stairs and throw the waste of skin out the front door, secrets be damned. Instead she bit her tongue to keep from crying out when her dad eventually said that they could 'talk terms' in a few days. She knew why he did it, but the absolute defeat in his words caused a painful stab in her chest. Her dad was protecting her again, just like he always did.

She had to do something.

"This is insane..."

Gwen looked at her reflection in the full body mirror. The figure that greeted her was practically a stranger. Instead of her normal coat and heels she wore a dark, padded vest and a pair of thick pants that masked her figure, along with a pair of slightly muddy boots. Underneath the vest was a leather jacket with a hood crudely sewn onto the collar. It wasn't her best work, but it was the best she could do with the time she had.

"I could turn back now..." she mumbled aloud, putting on the leather gloves as she did. Staring at her reflection one last time, she sighed deeply and put on the crude mask and goggles before pulling her hood up, leaving only a few strings of blonde hair to spill out through the gaps. Apart from the few strips of pink on the goggles and the sleeves of the jacket she was completely covered in black.

Gwen didn't even recognize herself, and with any luck no one else would either, "Right..." She patted her upper body and nodded. The entire costume suffocating, but if it meant no one could tell her gender then it was a price she was willing to pay. The less people that could connect...whatever her name would be to Gwen Stacy, the better. She was still trying to convince herself that she wasn't insane for doing this.

"Come on, you can do this. Don't let that bastard treat your dad like a fink..." She opened the attic window and looked down at the adjacent roof. It was now or never.

Gwen jumped. The rush of air was brief and soon enough she rolled atop the hard surface and continued into a run, her form barely illuminated through the cloudy night sky. She had no idea what she was doing. What was she going to do, assault Wilson Fisk and threaten him to stay away from Captain Stacy? Beating him down like a common thug wouldn't do anything.

In the end she made do with keeping watch over her dad. Gwen crouched on the edge of a nearby roof and watched him say his goodbyes to his coworkers. He almost always walked home, which made it easy for her to keep track of him. Fisk said that 'his messenger' would come soon enough, and once he did she'd...well, she'd cross that bridge when it came down to it.

What would he say, she wondered, if he realized his daughter had powers and dressed like a man to play at being his bodyguard? Would he be proud at her for taking a stand or aghast at the idea that she was putting herself in danger?

In the end nothing happened. Her dad came home without any issues and went for his customary nightcap. She told him earlier that she'd turn in early and not to disturb her, so she was safe on that front. Gwen sat at the edge of the roof and watched him through the windows with a frown. Seeing her dad look so...defeated was wrong. He put on a strong front for Gwen when her mom died and now he looked ready to pass on himself.

Gwen stayed on the roof even after her dad finally went to bed. What was she doing? She had powers, yes, but did that mean she wouldn't hesitate in a fight or freeze up at the sight of a gun? It took more than new tricks and a stuffy costume to do accomplish what she needed.

Sighing, Gwen stood and made to go back to the attic before she felt the pounding at the back of her skull again, "Agh..." She leaned against the closet wall and groaned. Not danger, at least not to her. Gwen felt herself being tugged along somewhere and she didn't resist.

She found the source of the warning soon enough. Gwen looked over the edge of the roof and gasped when she saw two men in suits beating down a stranger in the middle of an alley, "Where are the files?!" the one on the left screamed, which was quickly followed by the sound of a fist hitting flesh, "We know you have files on our boss! Where the hell are they?!"

Their victim muttered something she couldn't make out and spat on his face, which earned him another punch in the gut. Gwen cringed and held onto the low barrier tightly. This was none of her business, the rational part of her mind argued. She'd only put on a costume because she wanted to protect her dad, nothing else.

Besides, she had no idea what the situation was. For all she knew it was...

"You're pissing off the wrong people, kid!" The triggerman on the right shoved him face-first into the ground and aimed a pistol at his head. Gwen's heart beat faster at the sight of the weapon, "Who do you think you're fucking with, huh?! You think we won't feed to the fishes, you little shit?!"

Enough was enough. Whatever the situation was, it was damn clear the two guys in the suits weren't in the right. Shelving any hesitation, Gwen placed one foot over the low barrier and jumped.

The landing wasn't as graceful as she would've liked. Gwen landed on the rightmost thug's back feet first and forced him to the ground with a painful crash, almost tripping over herself as she did.

His scream of surprise and pain was brief and quickly drowned out by his partner's cry, "What the fuck?!" His partner fumbled for the gun at his holster. Gwen's body moved on instinct and she aimed her left hand at him, pulling back her middle and ring finger as she did. The feeling of draining air engulfed her wrist before a sudden net of dark webbing covered the gunman and pinned him to the wall.

Well...that was new.

Gwen ran and punched him in the face. Hard. His head snapped back at the impact and his eyes closed, his breaths coming out slowly. Taking a breath to calm herself, she looked down at the unconscious thug on the ground before spraying another net of the dark webbing. Whatever that stuff was she hoped it could hold them for a while. The last thing she wanted was a couple of ticked off triggermen chasing after her.

Her attention was quickly drawn back to the bleeding man who propped himself against the wall. Gwen knelt down and grabbed his shoulders gently to make him face her, "Hmm?" He looked up to meet her gaze and she couldn't stop herself from gasping when she saw his face in full, "...Peter?" she asked, completely forgetting to mask her voice as she did. He blinked up at her in confusion, "Uh...are you okay?" she said, dropping her voice to something rougher and less distinguishable.

"...Yeah." He wiped away some blood on the sleeve of his dress shirt and winced, " I'm kinda hurting here."

"Hm..." A sudden pulse from her sixth sense caused her to look around in a panic, "Where...?" There was no one there except the two of them and the knocked out gunmen, but she could've sworn... "Let's get out of here." She offered him a hand, which he quickly took, "Where's your place? I'll take you." This wasn't how she thought her night would go, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

Gwen waited for him to mutter the directions before she nodded and jumped to the fire escape with him in tow, unaware of the redheaded man who watched her across a distant rooftop, his mouth split into an amused grin.

Peter's place, oddly enough, wasn't even close to the Bowery Welfare center. Instead he led her to an apartment in Harlem; a part of town that she normally wouldn't have felt comfortable stepping foot in, "Here..." He fished the key out of his pocket and pressed it against her hand.

The inside of the place was uncomfortably small, and apart from a bed, a desk and a few chairs it was almost completely barren. Gwen led him to the bed and set him down as gently as she could. She only saw him get punched in the gut, but it was clear form his injuries that it was more severe than that. 'How long were they beating him?' She looked down at his injuries with a frown. It was sick.

"...Thanks for saving me." He smiled for a brief moment before his face contorted in pain again, "If you're looking for a reward, though, you're gonna be disappointed. I ain't got much, as you can see."

"I didn't do it for that." She didn't know why she did it, actually, "...You need to patch yourself up."

"Ain't exactly got bandages right now. I can get some tomorrow." He stood up shakily and used the bedframe for support, "...I'm going to the john for a bit, clean myself up."

He waved off her offer of help and stumbled into the bathroom. The door closed and soon enough the sound of running water reached her ears. Gwen looked down at her bloodstained gloves and frowned. Peter's blood, and maybe some from that thug she punched. She knew there was a possibility of it getting violent, but she'd hoped a few threats would be enough to make Fisk back off, if it ever came down to it.

Gwen released a tired breath and turned to leave before she saw the scattered papers on the desk. The gunman from earlier mentioned something about files, "Did he mean these...?" She walked towards the desk and picked up the paper before she gasped.

"Fisk..." Gwen set the paper down and looked through the rest of the papers. A list of Fisk's associates, businesses...details that would put most stalkers to shame. Names and dates were either circled or crossed out and the papers were covered in hastily written notes, likely from Peter, "Ties to drug trafficking, smuggling, murder..." How did he get all this?

The sounds of running water stopped and eventually Peter stepped out. His face was still bruised and beaten, but at least the blood was gone, "Hey-"

"Why do you have these?" She turned around and raised one of the files, again forgetting to mask her voice.

"He's a criminal," Peter said, as if it answered her question, "Why? You a fan of his?"

"Hell no," she spat, "I'm just curious why you're getting all these."

"And I'm wondering why a dame's running around in a mask saving strangers in distress." She was almost tempted to shoot back that she wasn't a woman before thinking better of it. She did a poor job of disguising herself, all things considered. He sat down on the bed and groaned, "...Those webs from your hands ain't normal. You one of Osborn's freakshows?"

"No." She frowned. Being called a freak stung, "Just someone with a few extra gifts."

"You saved my keister, so I ain't gonna disagree," he replied, "Why do you wanna know about Fisk?"

"I..." She bit her lip. Could she tell him? From what she could see he and Fisk weren't exactly friends, "He threatened someone I care about. I want to make him stop."

"Yeah, you and half the city." He snorted. Peter grabbed a packet of cigarettes from under the pillow and quickly lit one, "It's funny. You'd think that after what happened to Osborn and the rest of those goombas the scumbags would lie low, but now we got fat fucks like Fisk already trying to eat the whole pie just a few months later."

"Yeah..." She coughed and waved a hand to dispel the smoke. She'd read up on the medicinal effects of nicotine a while ago, but it did little to stop it from smelling unpleasant, "What about you? Why are you chasing Fisk?"

"Favor for a friend, I guess. Someone has to put that bastard in the slammer. " He shrugged, "Right, twenty questions is over. I gotta get some sleep and find a way to explain to my aunt why I looked like I lost a fight with a brick wall."

"Wait..." Gwen looked down and took a deep breath, "You're trying to find something on Fisk, right? You need my help."

"How'd you figure that?"

"How about the fact that I just saved your life?" she countered. He didn't reply, "It makes sense. You want Fisk in the big house and I want him off my d- friend's back. Why not work together?"

"...You got a point, but I find it a bit hard to trust people wearing masks, even if they saved my life." He took a long drag of the cigarette, "I've been burned once and I ain't looking to get played for a fool twice."

Gwen wanted to wring his stubborn neck, but she forced herself to calm, "I need this," she said, her voice growing more desperate, "Right now the person I care about the most is being threatened by that scum and I can't do anything! If I had your help I could..." She took another breath and raised her hands to pull down her hood. This was a risk, but it was better than guarding her dad every night hoping for a change.

Before Peter could say anything else she removed the mask and goggles, finally exposing her face to the cool air. Peter's eyes widened and the cigarette fell between his fingers to the hardwoof floor, "...Shit." He stamped the cigarette out quickly and winced, "Gwen Stacy. Police chief's daughter is turning vigilante, huh?"

"Hardly. I'm just not going to do nothing when someone threatens my dad." She looked down at the mask briefly, "I'll say it again: you need my help. Without me you'd be dead in that alley and without you I don't have any leads."

"You're saying we need each other." He let out a single, wry laugh, "...Fine, I can see you ain't gonna let up on it."

"So you agree?"

"For now, yeah..." He nodded, "I'm getting a lead tomorrow night from a friend. Come or don't, doesn't matter to me."

"I'm going."

"Then take my advice and leave the mask at home. Where we're meeting it's gonna get the wrong kinds of attention."

"Where are we going?" A feeling of relief rushed through her. This was hardly ideal, but at least now she had a starting point. It was better than nothing.

"Ever heard of the Black Cat?" She shook her head, which caused him to smirk, "Then you're gonna be in for a treat. I'm gonna show you where the corrupt bastards call home. Hope you can deal, Stacy."

"I think I'll be fine..." She rolled her eyes. After tonight she doubted anything would surprise her.

Yeah, this just came to me. So what do you guys think, is it worth exploring in a multi-chapter thing or is Looking Glass proper enough that we don't really need Spider-Gwen in the 30's?

This chapter was mostly setup for the partnership. Any possible future chapters would delve more into 30's stuff that's only briefly touched upon here like sexism, racism and all that other 'fun'. Gwen and Peter also have personal issues with the other since one's the socialist adopted son of a couple of rabblerousers while Gwen's the daughter of a well-to-do police chief. As expected this causes some friction due to contradictory viewpoints.

Anyway, to clarify some things: Peter has no powers in this story but the events of the first Noir miniseries still happened, albeit modified. Osborn and all his connections still got exposed and Urich still died, for example, but Osborn wasn't killed (no Spider-Man to kill him) and Vulture was shot by a non-powered Peter to save his aunt, which changes the context of the scene heavily.

Gwen's personality is also a bit of a mix. Like her 616 counterpart she's close to her dad and raised in a well-off environment, but like Spider-Gwen she has a (burgeoning) sense of justice and is very much a do first, plan later kind of person. Her character also changes on any future chapters.
I like it, and there is a charm in the 30's, but there is something missing, maybe the personal tragedy that happens to all spideys that push them toward becoming super-heroes/vigilantes, regardless it is understandable as Gwen here put the mask more because of a personal reason as it was stated in the story.
Weekend's free time before final push, so I have some time for a writing binge. Question: should I show off the talkshow/Cindy focus chapter or do we just continue on with the Breakfast Club dealing with the SILK attack while SHIELD once again writes off yet another facility? If we continue with the latter then the talkshow chapter's gonna be a bust since I can't put it in anymore, so it's essentially whether you guys want a chapter about a side-character that delves a bit deeper into SHIELD and Harry Osborn or we just continue with less distractions so we can get to future chapters like the Jack arc or Gwen's birthday faster.
I would love a Cindy/Harry chapter, I am curious how much those two annoy each other :)

Also seeing a bit of SHIELD is nice too, after all, they have been pretty antagonist lately, maybe you will shed it back into a more grey lighter area, it was supposed to be.
Chapter 105 - A Day on Silk Shoes
Cindy chapter :D I know some of you might be bummed, but I thought it was a nice break fro Noir and Gwen's angst fests and cringey romance. Speaking of the romance, in the latest Spider-Gwen issue Gwen sees a past version of 616 Gwen and Peter being a couple and outright says, "It's weird to see you two like that. I never thought about my Peter that way."

Yeah...that makes the carnival date and all their romantic moments hella awkward in hindsight, though I suppose you could argue that Noir isn't really like 'her Peter' anyway and thus it doesn't count. Still, I do like feeling vindicated in that argument I made dozens of chapters ago where I said Gwen likely wouldn't reciprocate her Peter's feelings if she knew he loved her.

Speaking of awkward, I read Trouble and guess what? Young Aunt May and Peter's mom look fucking identical to Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, respectively! Gee, this doesn't make Peter look like he has an Oedipus complex or anything, what with both his two great loves looking identical to both his birth and surrogate moms. I guess it's non-canon so it's cool, but God damn it I cannot unsee and unthink Aunt May saying 'Face it Tiger, you just hit the jackpot!'

On another bright side, turns out I was right about another thing: the future Gwen in the Amazing 8 (utopia) universe remained bonded to, and gained control of, Venom permanently, so I guess it's a good thing I didn't go with the remove the suit plotline. That and 65-Cindy is amping up here to compensate so Gwen is no longer overpowered.

Chapter 105: A Day on Silk Shoes

Cindy had no idea what she was doing here.

"Thank you, thank you! Once again we'd like to take the time to thank these two for taking time from their busy schedules to come visit us. Give these two ladies a hand!"

Okay, scratch that, she knew exactly what she was doing, she just didn't get why.

Cindy adjusted her seat on the fancy couch and did her best to keep her face neutral. Gwen didn't seem to share her anxiety, judging by the casual way she crossed her legs, "Well you know it's our pleasure, Josh," Gwen said, her voice carrying no hint of hesitation, "Me and Spinerette thought it'd be a good chance to clear the air and all. We know people have a lot of questions about the Avengers."

'The Avengers? Yeah, right...' She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at that. This guy didn't give a crap about the Avengers. She was never one for celebrity gossip even back in her dimension (still felt weird calling it that), but even she could tell this entire thing was a hazing. Both she and Gwen were hounded for months to give even a single interview and this was their trial by fire.

Well, Cindy's trial by fire. Apparently Gwen already went on a few impromptu interviews in her own time, both as Spider-Woman and as the drummer of the Mary Janes.

"Yeah, but don't try asking us about the membership benefits and stuff. That's still being worked out," Cindy said.

They laughed at that, though she had no clue why. It wasn't like it was really funny or anything, "Don't worry, ladies. I'm a talkshow host, not a HYDRA spy. We'll keep our questions safe for work." Cindy would've actually preferred if he was a Hydra spy; would've made it less awkward compared to sitting here playing twenty questions, "I want you to know that you can refuse to answer the questions any time you want."

Translation: answer the questions or you look bad on live television. She-Hulk gave both her and Gwen a crash course on celeb interview etiquette before they got here. It was long and complicated, but the final gist of it was that even the most pleasant host would tear them down given half a chance. Refuse a question? You look suspicious. Give the wrong answer? Reputation takes a hit. Honestly she was surprised Gwen even agree to do the damn thing.

"So we've got a bunch of questions sent in by your biggest fans. The majority of them are hoping for an identity reveal, but I get the feeling that's not what we're going for here." There was something prodding in the host's voice.

"Nope, sorry." Gwen shook her head, "I get that police officers don't hide their identity and neither do Cap, Wasp or She-Hulk, but I just don't want to put the people I love at risk like that. If it was just me I had to watch out for then it'd be good, but I have family and friends I care about. If that makes me a coward then I guess I'm a coward."

"Yeah, what she said." Cindy shrugged, ignoring the fact that their circumstances weren't at all similar. Her 'family' wasn't really hers and both her counterpart's parents didn't give a single thought about her.

Though, would they be more forgiving if they thought 'she' cut off contact because of her secret identity?

"Of course." The host's smile was tight as he adjusted his place on the couch. Probably disappointed this show wouldn't be one for the history books, "Well, we do have other questions. Let's get the big one out of the way first: how did you two get your powers?"

Cindy and Gwen looked at one another, their uncertainty clear even under their disguises. She-Hulk warned them that it was something that would come up, though Cindy thought the host would lead up to it rather than suddenly springing it like a pie to the face.

It wasn't like she didn't get why. Everyone knew how the older Avengers got their abilities and Kate made do with a bow and some fancy arrows, so her and Gwen were the only two mysteries left. Right now the theories ranged from being bitten by a mutant spider (scarily accurate) to being the two sole survivors from the planet Spidron like Superman (hahahaha- no).

Gwen started first, "Okay, first of all we'd like to inform everyone: we'll tell you how we got our powers, but I want it on record that neither me or Spinerette are encouraging you to imitate it and we're not responsible for anyone that gets hurt trying. The only reason we're telling everyone now is because people are already doing it and we want people to be informed."

"Already doing it?" the host asked.

"Yeah..." Cindy said, "Before we start I just want to clarify that I am not Spider-Woman's clone, sister, cousin or anything else people think of. We're friends and we have the same powers, that's it."

"You know, that always confused me," Gwen said, "Personally I don't see the resemblance everyone says we have."

"I know, right?"

"Ahem, ladies, back to the powers?" the host said, his smile twitching slightly.

"Oh, right." Gwen laughed under her breath, "Okay...well, you're probably not gonna believe us, but we both got bitten by a radioactive spider."

Almost immediately Cindy heard the audience whispering to one another, their voices so soft she probably wouldn't have heard them without her enhanced senses. It was close enough to the mutant spider theory, but hearing it confirmed was a shock for even the most obsessed fan. In their place she probably wouldn't have believed them. Sometimes she still didn't accept that her life got this fucked up because of one goddamn spider.

Thankfully they didn't have to worry about some obsessed fan or H.Y.D.R.A reverse engineering it. From what she got from her evil twin every attempt she made to replicate her success with Gwen ended up a colossal failure. Ezekiel told her long ago that the spider itself was 'but a vessel of Anansi's will', which essentially translated to 'you get powers only if some extradimensional giant spider wants you to'. Gwen knew about it too, which was probably the only reason she was willing to talk about it now.

"A...radioactive spider?" the host asked.

"Yup," Gwen said casually, "I know it sounds stupid and all, but I don't think there's any kind of rational explanation for this, right?" She pulled her ring and middle finger back and made a *thwip* noise, "I know there are people out there already using irradiated spiders and ended up in the hospital for it, so I'm warning you all right now that it's not safe to continue. I mean I'd appreciate more Spider heroes representing, but not if you risk getting super cancer."

"That's...very interesting." It didn't take a genius to figure out that Bernstein was disappointed. He probably wanted something more exciting than 'we got powers outside of our control like She-Hulk did', "So this spider...any idea where it is?"

"I stepped on it," Cindy said, a little too quickly for her liking "Me and Spider-Woman were bitten by the same spider and when it chomped on my ankle I panicked and started stomping. Didn't realize it gave me powers till way later." It wasn't the exact truth - especially considering the alternate dimension thing - but She-Hulk told them to mix in a few white lies in-between all the honesty. Keeps them on their toes, she said.

At least it felt less scummy than lying about S.H.I.E.L.D's involvement in the Carnage incident.

"Hmm..." The host picked at the stack of cards next to him before his smile returned, "Alright,'s another heavy question. One of our viewers is curious on why you two decided to get into the Superhero business; especially you, Spider-Woman. It's no secret that the past few years haven't been very good for you."

Yeah, that was an understatement. She hadn't witnessed it herself, but the scattered newspapers and old vlogs painted a clear enough picture. She thought the Spider-Man back in her dimension had it rough. At least back home Jameson stuck to just smearing him on the paper instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on an anti-Spidey task force to hunt him down 24/7.

Cindy tried her best not to think of the fact that Peter was taking up Gwen's slack in that department.

"I just...wanted to do good, I guess," Gwen answered slowly, "Everyone blamed me for Peter Parker's death and I didn't want to just walk away, even if it would've been so easy. I had these powers and I something, so why shouldn't I? I don't think I can save the world - no single person can, really - but I can do my part and chip in here and there."

"Even after people cussed you out and Mayor Jameson treated you like a menace?" Cindy's eyes narrowed. He was trying to make Gwen lose her cool, "Didn't you ever think that it wasn't worth it?"

"I don't do this because I want to people to like me," she shot back, "I mean I'm not complaining that people say thank you instead of eff you nowadays, but that was never the point. Everyone hated me, but there were real bas- jerks like Mysterio and Hippo and God only knew who else who needed to be stopped. People saying I was freak didn't change that."

'Wow...' Cindy blinked. It was probably the most determined she'd ever heard the other Spider sound, "More or less," She added, even if she was pretty damn sure no one cared what Spinerette thought, "I've had these powers for a while now and I never did anything with them." Though that was more Ezekiel's fault than hers, "When I helped someone for the first was like Spider-Woman said: if you can do something, why don't you?"

The interview died down to something more casual after that. What kinds of guys they liked (Cindy personally preferred older men), how old they were (Gwen lied and said she was 21 and no one believed Cindy when she said she was 28), political beliefs (didn't really care for both of them), which way did they, pun fully intended, swing (Gwen probably made a few of her fans cream themselves when she admitted to walking both streets), hobbies (she was partial to a good anime and video game herself) and so on and so forth.

All in all it was almost relaxing, even if the host kept insinuating that Gwen was into men with gray hair...up until the landmine hit.

"Alright, well, here's another question from a new viewer - 'Just what the heck is the deal with you and the Dark Spider? The dude's a Supervillain, isn't that against your code or something?" Cindy wanted to web the smile off the host's face, "You know, that is a good question. What exactly is going on between you two? A little Romoe and Juliet or Beauty and the Beast?"

The silence that came afterwards was brief, but Cindy could practically see the annoyance seeping out of Gwen in those 5 seconds of quiet. She-Hulk told them it'd come up eventually and the only advice she gave was that Gwen pass on the question. People would question and doubt, certainly, but sometimes that was unavoidable. Better to take some hits here and there than fuck it all up, or so she said.

So of course the Gwen did the exact opposite.

"My relationship with Spider-Man isn't related to this," Gwen said, obviously annoyed, "But I do want to point out that he's not in fact a Supervillain, or are we just forgetting that he helped save the city?"

So did Frank Castle and the rest of their group, though Cindy doubted that Gwen would call any of them (except maybe that Lana girl) heroes. Thankfully the host didn't seem to catch this hole in her argument and replied with something else, "Ahem, well, yes, but we can't ignore that he does have a record to him. You can't deny that he's committed some questionable acts."

"I'm not denying it." The other Spider's voice was bitter, though she did her best to hide it, "He's done some bad things, but he's also done good. I's annoying when everyone just forgets the good things that others do and focus on the bad. I believe Spider-Man can be a hero and he's proven time and again that he's capable of it. I'm willing to give him that chance."

"So you'd call what you're doing with him a mentorship of sorts?" It was obvious that the guy was skeptical, though if Gwen caught it Cindy had no idea, "Why him specifically, then? Why not Shocker or White Rabbit?"

"Because Shocker and White Rabbit never showed any signs of wanting to do the right thing," she replied, "When I first ran into those two they were robbing banks and every time they got out of prison they kept doing that. When I first met Spider-Man he was saving a teenage boy from getting beaten up in an alley and then he spent days trying to find him after he got kidnapped even though he could barely stand. I can't imagine Shocker or White Rabbit doing the same."

"So it is a mentorship program." Wow...Cindy couldn't tell if he was deaf or just ignoring her, "You know, it's kinda funny that a guy who's old enough to be your dad is the student in your relationship."

"He's not as old as you think..." Gwen's fists shook.

"So what, 49 instead of 50?" The guy probably thought he was being funny. Cindy just wanted to web his mouth shut, "Now, I'm not judging. A little May-December romance never hurt anyone, right?"

"For your information he's-"

Cindy's eyes widened, "Spider-Woman, don't-"

"He's 18!"

The absolute quiet that came after her declaration was so overpowering Cindy could've sworn she heard every blink as loud as a bomb going off. The eyes of Gwen's mask were comically wide, which was matched by the absolutely stunned look the host and most of the audience was sporting.

Cindy mostly just wanted to bang her head against the wall. Sometimes it still amazed her that the woman who spent 10 years in complete isolation had a better read on things than the non-bunkered teenagers.

The host regained his composure first, his mouth curling up in a predatory smile, "Really? That's interesting." He leaned forward on his seat, "A teenager, huh? That's definitely unexpected. I guess it explains the teacher-student dynamic."


"We need to go!" Cindy cut in, waving her (shut-off) phone in the air quickly, "Just got a message from Cap! Big emergency!"

The two of them bolted before the host could so much as thank them for taking the time. The pair of Spiders rushed past the staff milling around the backstage and swung in the air as soon as they were outside. Cindy had no idea where they were going, and neither did Gwen judging by the way she swerved in random directions without any rhyme or reason.

Eventually they both stopped in a high office building. Gwen landed first and tore off her mask in frustration, tossing the 'cloth' away without a care, "Fuck!" she screamed as soon as Cindy landed, "Fucking shit!"

"Yeah, you're telling me." Cindy lowered her scarf and grimaced, "...No offense, Gwen, but you fucked up."

"You think I don't know that?!" Gwen snapped back, "It's just...that guy pissed the hell out of me. Even from the start he was making cracks about my relationship with Peter and then and before that he practically said it was our fault Supervillains exist. I just wanted shut him up."

"We both knew he'd do that." Cindy crossed her arms, "Look, we got out of there without telling anything about our secret identities, so it's not a total loss, but something tells me we should avoid talkshows for now."

"Yeah..." She rubbed at her hair in frustration and sighed, "Hey, thanks for getting us outta there. I really messed this one up."

"Happens to the best of us." She gave the younger woman a wry smile. Peter was gonna freak when he found out, "I say we just forget this ever happened and go back to doing what we do best."

"Being heroes?"

"You know it."

"Nice interview, Moon."

Cindy sighed and punched the dummy one last time, "What do you want, Woo?" She pulled her sweat-stained hair back clumsily and turned around to meet the older agent's gaze.

Being with S.H.I.E.L.D felt like a mixed blessing most days. She had a few people who accepted her - Director Carter, Bobby, Daisy, Agent Romanoff and a few others she could count on one hand. They didn't treat her differently for the most part. Our little group will take anyone, powers be damned, Daisy said once. It felt like a backhanded compliment at the time, but she took it.

Most of the agents were wary of her, which probably had something to do with the whole 'alternate counterpart to a world-infamous terrorist thing'. It must've felt really damn awkward being told that Cindy Moon was #4 on the Most Wanted list and oh by the way here's Cindy Moon joining S.H.I.E.L.D as a new recruit. The alternate dimension story still sounded like gibberish to a lot of them.

And, much as they wouldn't admit it, there was probably some resentment in there as well. Cindy got it, really: most agents had to study and train their butts off for years to be even considered for S.H.I.E.L.D and yet here she was strolling around the base with a level 3 (tentative agent) clearance. She'd probably be pissed too if someone took her spot on the Hockey team because they got bitten by some mutant freak spider.

So yeah, Cindy got why people were wary and annoyed with her. She didn't like it, but she understood.

"Just wanted to see if you were up for a spar."

But then there were people like Agent Woo.

Agent Woo didn't like her. That was bad enough, but he had to pretend to be nice and friendly; at least Agent Hill had the decency to be honest about it. And hell, if she didn't have her spider-sense (spinerette-sense just didn't have the same ring to it) she probably would've believed him. The damn thing was so sensitive that sometimes she woke up in the middle of the night because a girl was ditched by her date a block down and started crying. Around Woo it practically screamed 'he doesn't like you!' every time he opened his damn mouth.

"You sure that's a good idea?" She pulled her hair into a loose ponytail and frowned up at him. Woo was one of the older agents in S.H.I.E.L.D - old enough to have a few gray hairs, which he took no small amount of pride in. It was a distinction he got through years of service and training, so of course he had a chip on his shoulder about the new upstart with the fancy new powers that made a lot of that training obsolete.

If the guy wasn't such an ass about it she probably would've agreed with him.

"Sure, long as you don't use any of those fancy powers of yours." His smile was practically baiting her, "Come on, Moon. Mano-e-mano, let's go."


Ten minutes later her face met the mat so many times that she was sure the two were planning marriage. Cindy grit her teeth and pulled herself up into a shaky stand, her breaths coming out in short pants. She was covered in a thick blanket of sweat and her tanktop and pants clung to her like a second skin. Woo stood on the other side of the mat, his mouth curled up in a smirk as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

'Smug prick. Oh, look at me, a normal guy taking on the Superhero. Am I awesome or what?' She resisted the urge to sneer at him. Much as she hated to admit it he was a senior agent and she was still the newbie, so mouthing off would only get her into trouble. There was a soft ban on powers inside the facility, else she would've kicked his ass. One well placed web to the face (or crotch...) and he'd be down and out.

"Come on, itsy bitsy spider, is that the best you have?" he taunted. One of the other non-sparring S.H.I.E.L.D agents laughed at that, though she couldn't tell who it was. Cindy clenched both hands and tried to keep calm. Ezekiel trained her on self-defense years ago, but every since he found out what she might have been that all stopped. She definitely had nothing on someone who had decades of experience like Woo did.

Against her best efforts her thoughts drifted back to Ezekiel. She had mixed feelings on the man, which only worsened with every year she'd spent trapped in the bunker. He told her it was her own choice, that she could stay outside if she wished, but he knew. He knew that once he brought up the possibility of her parents and little brother dying to some kind of extradimensional vampire that she'd take the lesser evil.

It was only later that she found out that the old bastard wasn't even sure. She could have been the Bride, or it could've been one of the dozens, hundreds, thousands of Cindy Moons across the Goddamned multiverse. It was better to be safe than sorry, or so he said.

And after her family died she couldn't even muster up the effort to try and guess the code out of the bunker. Sometimes she thought Ezekiel killed them to make sure there was nothing for her to come back to, but even he wasn't that big of a bastard.

"You just gotta stand there, Moon?"

Her next attempt fared no better. Before she could even attempt to grapple him his knee shot out, aiming a kick right at her mid-section. She barely managed to block the attack before he suddenly grabbed her right arm and twisted it around her back, "Super strength's not working so good, huh?" He pressed her arm up higher and she growled. It didn't hurt as much as it would for anyone else, but it still felt irritating all the same, "You need a hell of a lot more training if you want to survive out there. Rich friends like Osborn won't help you out forever, Spinerette."

'That's it!' Her other arm reached back and, just when she felt her fingertips scratch across the surface of his face, she let loose a small blast of webbing.

Woo immediately released his grip on her and scrambled back, both hands attempting to pry away the thin cover of webbing that covering the upper half of his face; she made sure to avoid clogging his nose. Woo struggled with the webbing for a few more seconds before he managed to pull it away, exposing his reddened face and bloodshot eyes for all to see.

"You bitch!" he screamed, any sense of calm gone, "You fucking freak!"

He looked ready to throttle her then and there before the other agents were suddenly on them both, pulling them apart. Cindy could've knocked the two holding onto her arms easily, but she let them drag her back to the female locker room. She was sure she'd get a call from Bobby later about her poor behavior and the last thing she needed was to make things worse.

The two female agents let go of her as soon as they were inside. Cindy glared at the door leading to the sparring room briefly and trudged her way to the shower, shucking off her clothes as she went.

The warm shower was an instant relief. Cindy brought her hands through her hair and let out a slow breath. She broke the no powers rule, but she couldn't even muster up enough shame to feel too bad about it. It wasn't her fault Woo was an asshole with a chip on his shoulder. She did her best to not let his taunting get to her, but weeks of getting hit with his passive aggressive taunts would drive anyone insane.

She changed into a light uniform and made her way to the firing range. Going out right now would only piss her off more. Thankfully the range was empty, which meant that she had some time alone. Cindy fastened both earbuds on and grabbed one of the pistols and a few spare magazines from the automated counter. ID-locked guns meant that there was pretty much no risk of friendly fire.

The targets popped out as soon as she pressed the button. Cindy took a deep breath and aimed at the heads. Bobby kept telling her to aim for center mass and not the head - it worked better compared to the video games, apparently - but she couldn't stop herself. Ten years of playing the same light gun games over and over meant it was pretty hard not to do it on instinct.

That and it wasn't a problem with her powers. As soon as the first headshot hit its mark more targets popped up, which all met the same end. Cindy reloaded the gun quickly and continued popping off her targets till she finally ran out of ammo, "Haa..." Her score was mediocre, though that was to be expected. Chest shots were worth more than trying to copy Time Crisis.

She was going to be busy for the next few weeks. First she had to take the knowledge test (how the heck was she supposed to know what to do if she got caught spying in a foreign embassy?) and after that she had to 'discreetly' observe some of the candidates for the Initiative. The electric guy in New Orleans was probably a safe bet, but the superhacker vigilante was still on the 'to be watched' list.

Oh, and of course the burgeoning paranormal division, cause apparently some crazy flaming biker was making rounds and causing all sorts of rumors. More mystical bullshit for her to deal with, cause apparently they thought her having powers meant she was some kind of expert on the occult.

Footsteps reached her ears as soon she she took the plugs off. Turning around, Cindy was torn between smiling and cringing when she caught sight of Bobby Morse walking towards her. She still felt awkward ever since he refused her offer to go out. It wasn't her, he said, he just took the fraternization rules very seriously. He was telling the truth, but between him and Patrick she was convinced that her dating life was cursed.

"Still aiming for headshots, huh?" he asked.

"Well, you know me." She smiled softly and set the gun down, "...Guessing you're here about Agent Woo?"

"Yeah, he came into my office screaming that you tried to suffocate him with web." She opened her mouth to protest before he quickly cut her off, "Relax, I know you didn't. Security footage is a thing, you know."

"But..." she prodded.

"But you shouldn't have done that anyway." He sighed, "I get that Woo's an asshole, but we do have rules for a reason. If he doesn't stop giving you shit then talk to me or Daisy and we'll sort him out.

"Yeah, I get it." Cindy clicked her tongue, Great, just what she needed: someone else to fight her battles for her, "So, what's my punishment?"

"Punishment? Well..." He smirked, "Why don't you head home and take tomorrow off? We'll let Woo cool off a bit."

"So my penalty for breaking the rules is a day off?"

"Think of it like being suspended from classes," he clapped her shoulder, "Just make sure not to do it again, hm? I'm going to the Hope County assignment to root out that cult so I won't be here to watch out for you. "

"Yeah, sure..." Despite her words she really wasn't all that happy. Most people would've been happy at a day off from work, but she wasn't one of them. The idea of being alone at home with nothing but her thoughts reminded her far too much of the bunker. The worst part of it was she didn't have much else to do. Her family here was still debating on whether she was worth giving a second chance and she didn't exactly have many friends she could ask to hang out.

Alone at home or alone surrounded by people; either way she wasn't happy about it.

Which was why she had mixed feelings when she saw Harry sitting on her couch. Cindy let out a tired breath and closed the door behind her, "Making yourself at home, Gobby?" he twitched at the nickname. She knew it got under his skin.

"Cindy, we need to talk."

"Sounds serious." She toed of her shoes and threw her jacket on a nearby chair, "Any reason you came over instead of just calling?" She opened the fridge and grabbed for the milk. Just cause he was here didn't mean she couldn't get some eating done.

"You're spying on my dad."

If Harry expected her to be stunned or to try and deny it he was going to be disappointed, "Figured that out all on your own?" She took the milk out of the fridge and grabbed a box of chocolate crisps cereal from the top cupboard.

"That's all you have to say?"

"What, you want me to apologize?" She turned to look at him and rolled her eyes, "Agent Hill told me to do it, the same way she told me to partner up with you. You don't like it? Tough. Go find someone else willing to partner up with you and I'll tell Agent Hill that spying on Norman Osborn's a no-go, but if not then just drop it cause I don't plan on stopping long as I still have to babysit you."

"Unbelievable..." He shook his head and let out a bitter laugh, "I can't fucking believe this."

"What's so hard to believe? It's not like I ever pretended to like you."

"Yeah, but I didn't think it meant you were getting blackmail!" He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated breath, "...Why do you hate me so much, anyway? I never did anything to you."

"That's not the point. I hate Red Skull and he never did anything personal to me." She set the milk and cereal down, "I told you before, dozens of people died because you gave my evil twin the serum. You got away with it because your dad pulled some strings, but that doesn't mean I have to like it." The same way she didn't like the fact that she was privy to keeping that 'little' secret about the Carnage incident. The only comfort she had was that everyone directly involved in that either died or got imprisoned in some off-grid blacksite.

"I'm trying to make up for that!"

"No, you're not! You're playing hero instead of fixing your mistakes!" She scoffed, "Look, I'm not talking about this with you. You want a shoulder to cry on? Go talk to Gwen, cause you and I aren't friends. Now if you don't have anything else worthwhile get the hell out."

Ten minutes later Harry was railing her against the wall.

Harry grabbed onto her thighs tightly and raised her legs up higher, pressing her harder against the hard surface. He could've just left, the sane part of his mind told him, but instead he was here, fucking a woman who flat out admitted to hating him. He didn't want to run, didn't want to slink away with his tail between his legs after coming here expecting some kind of large confrontation. In the end she was right. He didn't have anyone else he could count on except Gwen; and he wasn't enough of an idiot to think that she'd pick him over Peter.

There was no soft build-up or romance between to it. They fucked fast and hard, pushing and grabbing at one another in a frenzy, "Faster..." Cindy let out a heady breath breath and held onto his shoulders with both hands. She didn't moan or cry or beg. The most he got out of her were a few frantic breaths, a few demands (not requests) to go faster or harder every time she got closer to release.

He complied, which earned him another bit lip. They never kissed, never called each other's names or hugged as they arrived at release. In fact they barely looked at one another, which was probably deliberate on her part. At this point he didn't even remember who initiated their initial exchange first - in the end it didn't really matter. They fucked, they used each other, and then they never talked about it afterwards.

At the back of his mind he knew this was wrong, but what else could he do? The person he loved (and was slowly moving on from) looked at him as just a friend and the last relationship he had failed when he called her Gwen in the middle of fucking. It was a bit hard to keep going out afterwards...

His only signal of the coming climax was when Cindy pressed her head against his shoulder and her breathing slowed. Harry grit his teeth and raised his hands to her waist to steady them both as release finally came.

They didn't talk afterwards. Cindy gestured to the couch and Harry barely managed to throw away the condom and put his pants back on before he practically collapsed on top of it.

When he woke up again he was greeted by the early morning sun and a feeling of muted shame, "Fuck..." He sat up and rubbed at his eyes to wipe away the drowsiness he felt. This...wasn't how he thought this would go. He came here hoping to convince her to stop spying on him, which he could confidently say was a colossal failure unless he counted her ultimatum.

"...Cindy?" He looked around. The living room was empty and the door to her room was slightly ajar, which allowed the sounds of low-quality music to slip through. Shaking his head, he pulled himself up with a groan and stood. He could just leave now - he doubted she'd care about him not staying for breakfast - but curiosity drew him towards the room.

He had to admit, seeing Cindy sitting on the ground in pajamas and playing a game older than she was wasn't the first thing he expected to see.

Cindy didn't look up at his entrance, content with playing through a game he recognized as Auxilaria VI on an old SNES. He used her lack of attention to look around the room more and blinked. He'd never seen the inside of her room before, and the sight of half a dozen old consoles strewn around the corner in a messy pile was a definite surprise. The walls were covered in Beast Balls and Magical Girl posters and she had a few figurines dotted around her desk.

He would've said nerd if he didn't still have that old D&D board in his apartment.

After a few seconds Cindy finally noticed his presence and paused the game, "You're still here?" She looked up at him, "If you're expecting breakfast then you're out luck."

"No, not..." He gave the room another once over, "You have a lot of old stuff."

"Really? I didn't notice." She snorted and paused the game, "You just here to talk shit about my decorations, Gobby?"

"That's not..." Harry sighed. He'd long since given up trying to convince her not to call him that, but it was still annoying, "Look, I get that you don't like me, but that doesn't mean everything I say is just to insult you, okay?"

"...I guess." She shut the console off and stood up.

"So, what's with the old consoles? With what S.H.I.E.L.D's paying you you can easily buy the latest stuff."

"Not really into it." She crossed her arms and shrugged, "Spent 10 years playing with my dad's old gaming systems and I got attached. Final Fantasy - or First Reality, as you guys call it here - kept me sane for months. Besides, all the new games are just Superhero simulators, over the top shooters and Michael Bay explosion fests. No thanks."

"Michael Bay? That guy's one of the most chill directors around here."

"Yeah, cause this place is topsy turvy. At least Uwe Boll still sucks, so some things never change," she smiled faintly, "But like I said, new games aren't very interesting. If I wanna be a Superhero and shoot people I can just go to work."

"I guess..." He looked back at the posters, " like Beast Balls?"

"You mean alternate dimension Pokemon? I guess." She shrugged again, "Still trying to get used to things around here. I thought catching all the Pokemon back home was bad, but it's ten times worse here."

"Wasn't there someone who took a pic of you swinging through the air playing Beast Balls Go?"

"I found a rare Pokemon, so sue me." Her next smile was genuine, which stunned him. The last time he saw her smile like that was when they all went to the cafe, "So is that it? You just came in here to talk shop about games?"

"No, it's..." He took a deep breath and clenched his hands tightly, "What you said before, about me not really making up for what I did. Could you explain that?"

"This again?"

"Yeah, this again." He looked her in the eye, "What did you mean by that?"

"Exactly what I said. You say you're doing this vigilante stuff because you wanna make up for what you did, but you're not: you're running away. I don't expect you to bring those dead innocents back, but you owe it to the people who're still here to make up for what you did."

"How do I do that?" he asked, voice soft.

"For starters? Apologize. Curt Connors is in prison at a S.H.I.E.L.D holding cell and at least 5 other agents are under 24 hour house arrest because they got infected by you and my evil twin. Start with them."

"...They're never gonna forgive me." He looked away and grimaced.

"That's not the point." She frowned, "Atoning for something doesn't mean you only do it because they accept the apology. If you really want to try and make up for what you did then you'll get on your hands and knees and say you're sorry even if they tell you to go fuck yourself. Do that and maybe I'll start thinking you're serious about this, but if not then let's just forget this conversation ever happened."

"...I'll do it." He looked her in the eyes again, "But...could you come with me? I don't think going alone's a good idea."

"I can't believe you just asked me that," she laughed incredulously, "...Fine, guess it beats working for that jerk Lady British."

Connors was the first stop. Harry couldn't help but feel exposed as he walked along the halls of the facility, even with Cindy at his side. A few of the agents recognized him and gave him dirty looks, though he did his best to pay them no mind. There was only so much he could take in a day.

Connors wasn't happy to see him.

"Oh, no..." The portly scientist covered his face with both hands and muttered something under his breath. The brief glimpse he had on his features made it clear the former teacher hadn't been sleeping well, "As if my stay here wasn't bad enough."

"Dr. Connors-"

"No longer a doctor, Mr. Osborn, as you well know." He set his hands down and Harry recoiled at the unbridled anger and hate in his eyes, "Did you come here to mock me? It wasn't enough that you retained your freedom after everything you did, had to rub my face in it?"

"No, I'm here to..." He looked to Cindy, who only shrugged in response. He couldn't expect any help from her, "I...came here to apologize."

There was silence, and then Connors started laughing. The laughter lasted for half a minute, long enough for Harry to be worried, before he suddenly slammed his hands on the table, "Is this some kind of joke!?" He scowled up at him, "My wife is dead, murdered by my own hands, and my son is traumatized for life! I'll likely never see the light of day again and you came her to apologize!? You, who's running around freely despite all that you've done?"

"...I'm sorry." Harry knew it wouldn't mean anything to him, but he still had to say it.

"Can you give me my wife back? Can you make it so my son doesn't look at me and see a monster?" Harry didn't answer, "No, I didn't think so. I don't accept your apology, Mr. Osborn, and frankly I want you to burn in hell. Now leave, before I decide killing you is worth exacerbating my sentence."

Harry didn't - couldn't - say anything else. He trudged out of the facility and didn't stop walking till he could no longer see the building. Cindy trailed after him silently, the only sound being the muted clacks of her boots hitting against the pavement, "...That went horriblly," he said eventually.

"What did you expect? You ruined that guy's life. You're lucky he didn't throttle you," she replied, "See? That's what trying to make up feels like. If I killed a guy I don't fix it by donating to charity."

"You heard him, he hates me!"

"So are you just going to stop because of it?" she countered, "Or are you still going to try?"

"I..." He looked down at the sidewalk, "I don't know how I can do anything."

"...I think I have an idea," she said eventually, "A couple of weeks ago Peter was being treated by Alistair to see if they could extract some antibodies from him. He stopped after the Incident, but I'm sure he'll be back eventually."

"I don't follow."

"When they finally get those antibodies they're going to need someone to test it on. Connors and those 5 agents are options, but so are you since you're still infected," she said, "I'm not saying there's no risk in it, but you're already running around playing vigilante, so why not?."

"I guess..." It still boggled him sometimes that no one considered Peter at least partially responsible for serum considering he made the damn thing. Then again, apart from the Parkers and Gwen he doubted anyone really thought he was 'Peter' anymore, least of all Cindy, "Right, I'll do it."

"Good." She clapped him on the arm, "Now come on, we have five agents for you to meet."

God, this was going to be a long day...

Cindy chapter done. I apologize for those who wanted more funny stuff from the talk show, but I couldn't write it very well. Hopefully what we have here is satisfactory. Anyway, yeah, a day in the life of Cindy Moon with a little bit of Harry Osborn thrown in. Cindy wasn't very cheerful in this chapter, but considering how her day went I don't think she has a lot to be happy about.

So yeah, Harry's trying to make up for his role in the Lizard incident to...mixed results. Whether he's sincere or not is up to you guys, though I do think that he's trying in his own way.


1. Pretty sure I asked this before, but screw it. I've gotten reviews stating that they sometimes gloss over Gwen's parts, but never really the opposite where they say they skip over Noir's segments. Is there a reason for this? Did I write her poorly or something? On the one hand I find it complimentary since I think I write anti-heroes better, but I did want both leads to be viable to the readers despite their opposing natures.

2. A story question, but do you guys consider Noir at fault for the serum and the fallout therein? It's still pretty ambiguous how much of him is which so I'm curious if you guys think he 'inherits' the sins of 65-Peter or he's essentially a new entity and can't be held responsible.

3. Next chapter's either a continuation of the main story, another chapter in the Noirized Spider-Gwen Extra or that Lana (maybe romance, maybe not) omake I talked about a few months ago. Take your pick.
Good chapter, the interview felt like how it should have been, so I am satisfied, Cindy did feel a bit filler-ish, with the S.H.I.E.L.D, but the part with Harry is awesome(the sexy part Imo could use less description as SV is sensitive for this kind of thing, maybe use a black screen/skip and focusing more on the feelings of Harry when he was doing, which you did focus, but the somewhat detailed descriptions of his actions is the problem).

Also, I really like the way you are going with Harry character, the path for being forgiven is harsh as hell, and I am rooting for him :)

1 - You are doing a wonderful job with Gwen, what makes her great is her optimism and her sense of justice, and you are nailing it, a good way to make viewership like her more would be to insert 'spider-man moments' where she does incredibly heroic stuff to save people you know the ones ;)

2 - Hmm, technically Noir is not responsible, but if you are looking for a punishment, Peter 615 has been outed as the Lizard and called a criminal could be said to be a fitting punishment and lost the control of his body to someone else, while at the same time being trapped in the mindset of the Lizard forever...Yeah pretty harsh for the guy, and ultimately the serum was supposed to only be used by him in his mind, not to be distributed(as he was selfish and wanted to be the only special person), so while there is fault for he making the serum, Harry making the Serum known to the Villains bears much more weight in guilt.

And there is the thing of Noir still feeling guilt for the actions of Peter 615, but for now, he has shown to denied those feelings as they are not his own

3 - Main Story for me, the reason being that it feels right after this chapter as it will happen inside Shield.
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Good chapter, the interview felt like how it should have been, so I am satisfied, Cindy did feel a bit filler-ish, with the S.H.I.E.L.D, but the part with Harry is awesome(the sexy part Imo could use less description as SV is sensitive for this kind of thing, maybe use a black screen/skip and focusing more on the feelings of Harry when he was doing, which you did focus, but the somewhat detailed descriptions of his actions is the problem).

Uh I thought it was pretty SFW. There are no reference to sexual organs, little description on the physicality aside from some mentions of holding and thrusting, and there's very little dialogue that indicates anything supremely risque is happening; they could've just been dry humping since he only mentions protection once. That and Harry's feelings on it are the focal point, such as him noting that Cindy hates him and that their relationship is fucked up beyond belief.

Anyway, what felt filler-ish on SHIELD? I wanted to portray what being a member of SHIELD was like for her since she's the only proper agent among the heroes/vigilantes not counting Cap.

1 - You are doing a wonderful job with Gwen, what makes her great is her optimism and her sense of justice, and you are nailing it, a good way to make viewership like her more would be to insert 'spider-man moments' where she does incredibly heroic stuff to save people you know the ones ;)

I don't think that's it. I mean Gwen already gets more Superhero moments compared to Peter and yet people still note that some of them gloss over Gwen's segments. I guess people prefer anti-heroes? I dunno. It's not like she's lacking in heroic moments and she definitely has more than Peter: remember her using herself as a wall against the bus? Or when she saved people from the Carnage thralls? Noir by contrast just tends to wail on baddies and make threats.

2 - Hmm, technically Noir is not responsible, but if you are looking for a punishment, Peter 65 has been outed as the Lizard and called a criminal could be said to be a fitting punishment and lost the control of his body to someone else, while at the same time being trapped in the mindset of the Lizard forever...Yeah pretty harsh for the guy, and ultimately the serum was supposed to only be used by him in his mind, not to be distributed(as he was selfish and wanted to be the only special person), so while there is fault for he making the serum, Harry making the Serum known to the Villains bears much more weight in guilt.

And there is the thing of Noir still feeling guilt for the actions of Peter 65, but for now, he has shown to denied those feelings as they are not his own

It's hard to tell. 'Soul-wise' he's 65-Peter, this is confirmed by another character later on, but mentally it's more difficult to determine since he very clearly considers himself a separate entity. That and Peter getting outed doesn't really feel like a punishment since Noir himself doesn't really care about it; hell, he even tells Gwen she did the right thing since she shouldn't carry the burden of 65-Peter's sins. The fact that he's 'dead' means that he's essentially off scot free if you do consider him to be 65-Peter.

3 - Main Story for me, the reason being that it feels right after this chapter as it will happen inside Shield.

3 votes for the main story so far.
Anyway, what felt filler-ish on SHIELD? I wanted to portray what being a member of SHIELD was like for her since she's the only proper agent among the heroes/vigilantes not counting Cap.
Heh then I was overreacting, must have been me rushing to see Cindy and Harry interaction.

I don't think that's it. I mean Gwen already gets more Superhero moments compared to Peter and yet people still note that some of them gloss over Gwen's segments. I guess people prefer anti-heroes? I dunno. It's not like she's lacking in heroic moments and she definitely has more than Peter: remember her using herself as a wall against the bus? Or when she saved people from the Carnage thralls? Noir by contrast just tends to wail on baddies and make threats.
Damn, I wish I could help, but I do like your Gwen, her part in the story feels right.

It's hard to tell. 'Soul-wise' he's 65-Peter, this is confirmed by another character later on, but mentally it's more difficult to determine since he very clearly considers himself a separate entity. That and Peter getting outed doesn't really feel like a punishment since Noir himself doesn't really care about it; hell, he even tells Gwen she did the right thing since she shouldn't carry the burden of 65-Peter's sins.
Well if you are feeling especially sadistic you could recreate Uncle Ben/Aunt May death re-igniting Noir desire for Vigilantism and to twist the knife, even more, make the murderer someone involved with the Serum, basically Karma striking back.
Heh then I was overreacting, must have been me rushing to see Cindy and Harry interaction.

Why exactly? They're hardly bosom buddies.

Damn, I wish I could help, but I do like your Gwen, her part in the story feels right.

Thanks, I guess. One reviewer pointed out she's lacking conflict currently and everything seems to be going her way. I'll 'fix' that later on.

Well if you are feeling especially sadistic you could recreate Uncle Ben/Aunt May death re-igniting Noir desire for Vigilantism and to twist the knife, even more, make the murderer someone involved with the Serum, basically Karma striking back.

I'm not an asshole, dude :p Besides, it again depends on whether you see Noir and 65-Peter as the same entity. Cause if so then, as another reviewer pointed out, his conflict with Matt and Jack are karmic enough on their own.