Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

I thought I wrote him to be a less problematic version: less angst, less unrelated side-questing and more goal oriented.

Yeah, I understand how you wrote Spider man. But Noir was focusing on getting back 'home', then came down with hero syndrome, and to me, Spider man seems the same. And I know he's doing mercenary (bounty hunter?) stuff, but still the same feeling of bogging him down with stuff, and never reaching his main goal.

I'm not too interested in following Spider man's story, is what I'm trying to say. I'd rather focus on Noir (who I'm pretty was the main protagonist at some point) , so option C for the vote.
Option C, please.

But Eratas if you do want to write the Weapon X segment why don't you include it in a Side Story segment like the Frog-Man segment.
Yeah, I understand how you wrote Spider man. But Noir was focusing on getting back 'home', then came down with hero syndrome, and to me, Spider man seems the same. And I know he's doing mercenary (bounty hunter?) stuff, but still the same feeling of bogging him down with stuff, and never reaching his main goal.

I'm not too interested in following Spider man's story, is what I'm trying to say. I'd rather focus on Noir (who I'm pretty was the main protagonist at some point) , so option C for the vote.

Hmm, I understand, though the main difference now is Spider-Man's willing to do free work because he has to do nothing but wait for Octavius and the Madripoor auction to start, meaning he's actually free to do stuff without wasting his time like Noir did.

As for the main protag, it's either him or Gwen dependent on the arc. Currently it's leaning more towards Gwen since she has more investment with MJ being infected and her mom being resurrected. Noir's just kinda playing along to try and help.

Option C, please.

But Eratas if you do want to write the Weapon X segment why don't you include it in a Side Story segment like the Frog-Man segment.

Because unlike Frog-Man it does actually tie into the plot, especially the aftermath of it. Frog-Man can be safely skipped with no problems.
Chapter 99 - Family Matters
The votes for this chapter came down to a coinflip, but tails hit and I made this instead of Weapon X. Maybe next time, Wolverine fans.

Read the latest Spider-Gwen, probably one of the best issues yet. Not only do we get development on Gwen's relationships but we finally get some backstory done on Matt that helps explain his motivation. Ultimately it's revealed that his motives are just as petty and selfish as the other villains, but it actually makes him seem more human.

...Which leads to a slight problem since we find out that his motivations for going after Gwen are very personal, which makes him switching to Peter in the fic way more odd. Granted I already have plans for their dynamic and it doesn't take that much to incorporate it into the next chapters, but comic readers might be disappointed still. Hopefully I can do it justice.

It also confirmed that Matt did in fact betray Fisk, so on that front I'm set as well.

Speaking of the next chapter, change of plans: the dinner scene will be next followed by the carnival date. I'm sorry for the change, but the chapter really pumped me up to writing Matt and Peter's last conversation. Don't worry; I changed things around so that the Jack arc doesn't start immediately after, meaning the date still happens; only difference is it happens a chapter later.

Anyway, the end AN will have a question on the hypothetical Volume 2 I hinted at before. Please read it since it determines certain story events down the line.

Chapter 99: Family Matters

"Mmgh..." Gwen groaned and scrunched her face in annoyance at the first rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains. The events of last night came came back to her half-asleep mind and she desperately kept her eyes shut to try and lull herself back to sleep. She couldn't run away from it, but she could put it off for at least a few more minutes if she really tried.

She groped blindly and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the bed's other occupant, "Peter..." She smiled and snuggled deeper into his back, right arm draping over him in a clumsy hug to pull him closer. Any other time her dad would've flipped at the thought of them sleeping in the same room, but they had more things to worry about now than some (not so) innocent cohabitation.

They still kept both their clothes on, though; she wasn't willing to risk going farther than a little nuzzling with both her parents in the house.

A few more minutes of quiet passed before Peter eventually moved and tapped her wrist, "...Footsteps downstairs. Everyone's waiting," he mumbled.

"Five more minutes..." She didn't want to deal with this yet. Her mom and Jess said they talked last night, but she knew from experience that one talk wasn't nearly enough to solve a complicated relationship.

"Can't run forever, Gwen." His voice was almost teasing, but she could've just been imagining that. Peter didn't do teasing.

Gwen sighed and (reluctantly) separated from him with a frown on her face. He was right, but she didn't have to be happy about it, "Ugh..." She sat up and brought both hands through her face. She wasn't sleepy anymore, but the thought of going down there and facing everyone again after last night's clusterfuck was definitely on the high end of her 'do not want' list.

Having to go to a talkshow with Cindy later to play celebrity still topped that, though. There was always something worse to look forward to.

She looked back and grinned slightly when she caught Peter rubbing his eyes tiredly, "Hey." He looked back at her call and she leaned forward to kiss him, morning breath be damned. The gesture was fleeting and soon enough they separated, Gwen grabbing for her flip-flops under the bed while Peter grabbed his (unloaded, she'd made sure of that) pistols from the bedside cabinet.

It was funny. Just a few months ago she'd shuddered at the thought of him being even near a glue gun, and now there was a place on her cabinet just for whatever fancy pistols he had on hand. You're being a hypocrite, the little voice at the back of her head said, but she ignored it. She was only human, and she'd made her share of compromises over the years. Compared to being a law-abiding vigilante, being forbidden from arresting the likes of Frank Castle, and having to keep S.H.I.E.L.D's involvement with the Incident secret it was easy enough to justify.

It was something she could live with, at least.

"...Spider-Man left town," he said suddenly.


"Just messaged me, said he and his partner were taking care of business and they'd be gone for the week," he replied.


As soon as they went down Gwen was assaulted with the smell of bacon, eggs and freshly toasted bread, "Something smells good." She peeked into the living and was torn between smiling and cringing when she saw her mom, dad, Jess, Aunt May and Uncle Ben sitting in a small semi-circle in and around the couch. Her dad had a strict 'no-couch' rule when it came to eating in the house, but like a lot of things over the years he'd let up on it.

"Oh, there you are." Her mom beamed at her. Gwen suddenly felt even more guilty, "We were just talking about the time Ben and George went to Mardi Gras. I missed a lot of things, apparently."

Yeah, apparently. Gwen couldn't make out any bitterness in her voice, but she doubted they'd all just forgotten about what happened last night. Her dad definitely didn't given the way he was practically pouting down at his plate.

"You should've told us you were coming, son," Uncle Ben chided playfully.

"Wasn't exactly planned." Peter said, "...Sorry."

"Ah, no harm done. Come sit next to me, I was just getting to the good part."

Breakfast was...she didn't know how to describe it. She knew what it was like to duck around a problem and pretend it didn't exist and this wasn't that, not really. She'd learned a thing or two about reading people from Peter and she definitely didn't miss the awkwardness in the air when her mom and dad spoke to one another. As best as she could see it the problem was still there and they were trying to move past it.

She could only hope they succeeded.

Gwen's gaze lingered on both Jessica and Peter. The P.I didn't say much, but there was a calmness in her that Gwen couldn't deny; a far cry from her previous fight or flight demeanor from last night. Peter was the opposite. He looked out of place, almost like he couldn't believe that he was really sitting in the room with them. She was almost tempted to sit by his side, but her dad's overbearing gaze kept her still. Even knowing how far they'd already gone didn't stop him from having reservations.

"So what's everyone's plans for the day?" Gwen asked, mostly to try and keep from saying anything stupid to ruin the mood. She had to go to that talkshow later tonight, but until then she could go on patrol and check on MJ. Hopefully Jan managed to help her out.

"Oh, me and Jessica are gonna have a Ladies day later," her mom replied.

"You...You are?" The way she said it...cheerful and carefree, but was it really? God, she was getting fucking paranoid.

"Yeah, we uh...talked last night, hashed things out, but it couldn't hurt to try and get to know each other better." She coughed awkwardly and nudged her head to where Jess was sitting, "It was actually her idea."

"Trish suggested it. Not sure it's a good idea, but there you go." Jess shrugged, "George is gonna work with Kate on the insurance fraud case, so they'll be busy with that."

"I still think I can handle it myself, Jess," her dad said.

"I know you can, but Bishop needs experience solving problems she can't just shoot arrows at." Gwen couldn't stop herself from smiling. That was definitely her go-to solution to most problems, "Besides, it'll be good practice when the tagalong starts kicking and I have go take my 'break'."

Right, the baby. In all the chaos of last night she'd almost forgotten that it was another thing they had to deal with. Her potential little brother/sister was definitely another thing they were walking eggshells around.

"So...what about you?" Gwen asked Ben and May.

"Oh, we were actually planning to go out town for a couple of days," May replied, "An old friend invited us over to a barbecue and we thought it'd be a good idea to take some time away from the city, all things considered..." Gwen winced. The attention definitely died down, but people still remembered the Lizard and his parents, "...You could come with us, Peter. Take a break."

"Love to, but I can't exactly leave the city right now." He set the plate down, the food mostly untouched, "I gotta meet with Lana, Norah and Felicia later to see what we can dig up on Murdock..."

Gwen frowned down at her food and said nothing. Despite everything he was remarkably tight-lipped on what exactly the deal was between the two of them. She still remembered when that murdering bastard had her in his crosshairs, how hopeless she felt when he rubbed it in her face just how untouchable he was because of her own beliefs and the law's corruption. The fact that Peter was fighting him worried her to no end.

Finding out he was (apparently) possessed by a literal devil just made it worse...

"Huh...hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have any guy friends?" Uncle Ben asked, "You never seem to hang out with any."

" already met Bullseye," Gwen and the Parkers frowned at that. She still had no clue why he considered that psychopath a friend when Castle and Moon Knight were, by his own admission, 'shaky allies at best', "Why do you ask?"

"Ah...I was just wondering where that Harry kid went. You two were inseparable back in the day."

Peter's mouth twitched and her said his next words in a clipped monotone, "We had our differences." Meaning they tried to kill each other. Another sore point that she really needed to talk to him about, "It's over between us."

"A shame, he seemed like such a nice boy," May said, "Well, tell Lana she's free to come by for dinner anytime she wants. Her identity being outed must have been hard."

"Yeah...thanks, I'll tell her."

"So, to change the subject," her mom suddenly cut in, "I've been reading up on the Superheroes and all the Avengers stuff, but it's hard to understand what's really true and what's not. I mean, last I checked Gwen wasn't really a supermodel heiress...right? Cause if you are then you really need to tell me these things."

"God, no." Gwen snorted. She still had no clue who thought that particular bit of fuckery up, "I mean like I said I'm a drummer in a band." Even if they hadn't had a gig in weeks... "And...I mean, it was slow going but it ended up...okay-ish." She just hoped her mom didn't ask about that night at prom. If she did Gwen would've honestly just swung away screaming 'lalalala'.

"Huh..." her mom shifted her gaze to Peter for a brief second before focusing back on her, "So tell me about one of Spider-Woman's adventures. I mean I read up on the thing with the UN embassy, but that can't be the only thing you've done."

"Well, there was that time with Mysterio..."

Recounting what happened with fishbowl head three months ago gave her an odd sense of calm. It was bizarre - back when her dad was still working in the precinct he tried to keep his work and home life separate, but now here she was giving a blow by blow. You don't need to hear about how many times I nearly got shot, he said to her one day. Considering she'd said it shortly after she got her powers she'd been almost tempted to laugh from the sheer irony.

"Wait, wait, wait! This guy actually had a fishbowl for a head and called himself Mysterio?" Her mom chortled and Gwen grinned. It was nice to hear her laugh again, "I mean, what? Who dresses up in a fishbowl and thinks 'oh yeah, this is good and menacing'?"

"You'd be surprised," Jessica said, "Nowadays any old asshole thinks he can put on a costume and he's the next big villain. I'm not complaining, though; it's way easier to track for pissed off clients when the people who attacked them have cars with their faces plastered all over it."

"You're already fighting Supervillains, Jess, so I don't get why you won't give the hero gig a try," Gwen said, "Before the you know what, I mean. You know what they say, with great power-"

"If you say 'With great power comes great responsibility', I swear I'll throw up on you." Jessica gave her a half-hearted glare and Gwen held up her hands in mock surrender. She knew for a fact that it wasn't an idle threat, "Besides, it's not my fault that people think I'm an expert at this shit. Ever since I got caught on camera people think 'some asshole in spandex robbed me, guess I better call the freak with super strength.'"

"The city's a madhouse, what do you expect?" Peter scoffed.

"So are Supervillains the in thing now? Are normal criminals just gone?" Her mom asked.

"Not gone, but even criminals follow fads," her dad replied, "The smart criminals still try to keep a low profile, but the two-bit hoods and thugs think that a costume makes them different. Better. All it really does is make it harder to keep a low profile."

"Huh, being a police officer nowadays must be weird..."

"You have no idea..." Her dad smiled bitterly. So far her mom still didn't know about the 'Captain Stacy vs Spider-Woman' hunt, which was a mixed blessing at best. They definitely needed to tell her before someone retweeted the damn thing, "I've still got some friends and rookies on the force who complain when I meet up with them. They tell me the academy didn't teach them about people bouncing around with glue guns and boomerangs."

"On the bright side comic sales are booming," Gwen chirped. Ever since the rise of the Superhero and Supervillain fad people treated the Captain America and Wasp comics like they were instruction booklets. She couldn't blame them; it wasn't like the police handbook had a section on costumed baddies, "I mean you can't complain too much, right? I'll take a boomerang and glue grenades over guns. They're definitely less threatening."

"Is that why the prisons here churn them out like it's a revolving door?" Peter asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, I read about that too. That's weird..." Her mom sipped the coffee briefly before she spoke up again, "So...what about you, Peter? Any stories from the Spider-Man?"

As soon as the words were out of her mouth a stifling silence settled over the room. Gwen licked her lips nervously and looked around the occupants in the room. Jessica was calm as always, but her dad's posture turned rigid while Ben and May went from carefree and relaxed to absolutely anxious. Her surrogate uncle frowned and brushed a hand through the side where Vulture injured him.

They didn't talk about what happened that night, not really. She and Cindy were the friendly neighborhood Spiders, but Peter? There was a reason that discussing 'work' was quickly established as one of the taboos they had. It was hard to do it before the conversation eventually drifted to one of his 'team members' or the murderer or rapist he beat into a pulp to get info on something he needed.

"...Not really. Gwen's the big Superhero, not me," Peter muttered with a frown.

"Really? I mean I read about you and your...uh, they were called Defenders, if I'm remembering right?" She shook her head, "I mean I just wanna know what the truth is from the fiction. A lot of people seem to think you're a Supervillain for some reason."

"Helen, that's-"

"Because this town is full of judgmental assholes," Peter said, cutting off Ben as he did. Gwen saw Jessica smile wryly and nod at that in seeming agreement, "You can do everything perfectly and they'll still say it's not good enough. You can ask Gwen about that."

"I'm asking you, though. Tell me about Spider-Man." There was something in her mom's words. Insistent, certainly, but another thing she couldn't make out, "I wanna hear it from you."

"From me? Well, I'm like Jones: another freak in a city full of em." He smiled sardonically, ignoring the looks of worry Ben and May threw his way, "Fine, you wanna hear something? There was this guy I ran into, Turk Barret, and two Russians goons he was working with..."

"Wait, Turk Barret?" Jessica asked, getting a muted nod in return, "Him, really? That guy's a joke. I took his wallet once cause he wasn't paying child support for one of my clients."

"Yeah? Tell that to the girls he planned to traffick." The quiet went from stifling to downright smothering at the flippant response, "Found them at the docks. Four women, all beat up and crying. He goes up to them with this...fucking smile on his face and tells them to shut up, that they were selling for a thousand dollars a head and that if they were nice he'd give them bucket to piss and shit in. And if they weren't..."

Gwen was almost tempted to pull him away then and there, "Peter, you don't have to-"

"He puts up a tazer and...laughs when they start begging more," he laughed, the sound soft and bitter, "Then he tazes one of them and says, 'Scream all you want, there's no one coming. Go ahead, scream louder, no one gives a shit down here.'" He clenched both hands, "He wasn't feeling so smug when I snapped his arm and tasered him in the throat...not that it mattered in the end. He got out of jail soon enough, like every costumed freak we put away."

It was a gruesome story, but even then she felt a rushing sense of relief that he hadn't killed anyone. She'd learned to accept killing in self-defense, even if she'd do her utter damnedest not to do it herself, but the executions his 'teammates' got up to still unnerved and angered her.

Peter looked her mom in the eyes, "That what you wanted to hear?"

"Believe it or not, yeah," her mom replied casually, "I mean the things I've read about you...shit, you'd think you were Hitler's second coming or something. When you were talking about those men I could hear how disgusted you were, so at least I know where you stand. You're a good person."

"...You got real low standards for goodness, Stacy." He gave her a small smile at that. She couldn't tell if it was meant to be fond or biting.

"I've got a question of my own," her dad cut in, "Why are you...'working' with a man like Frank Castle? The things he's done and still doing...he's insane."

"We ain't exactly friends, Captain," he replied, "Besides, I can't afford to be picky. Not when I'm fighting the devil."

"Wait, what?" her mom gave Peter a disbelieving look, "Did you just say the devil? As in Christian brimstone devil?"

"Why the shock? We both came back from the dead, it's hardly the most unbelievable thing you found out." He shrugged, "Anyway, lemme rephrase that: I'm not fighting him so much as I'm entertaining him. If he wanted to he could snap my neck and there'd be nothing I could do about it. Only reason he hasn't is because he thinks it's funny watching us squirm."

"I can still help with that..." Gwen said, though the words came out less confident than she would've liked. She'd fought a lot of things over the years, but an honest to God demon wasn't in her resume, "We something."

"Appreciate the thought, but Murdock isn't someone you can beat to submission. If he was Castle or Bullseye would've put a bullet through his skull months ago." He looked to Ben and May, "Speaking of, you might wanna extend your trip out of town. I'd feel better if you two weren't living in the same city as him and his damn ninjas."

"We're not going to abandon you, son." Despite the situation Gwen couldn't help but smile at Ben's words. Stubborn as a mule, May called him before. It was one of the things Gwen loved about him.

"Nice thought, but I'd rather the two of you were safe..."

Breakfast ended on that awkward note. After promising they'd keep in contact in case anything came up the two of them left the house and walked towards the train station. Gwen peeked at him as subtly as she could. He said he was meeting with Norah, Felicia and Lana - and yes she was still on the fence about an underage girl being involved with any of this shit - later, and she was definitely tempted to skip out on the Q and A to try and help him out, damn what Teresa said.

"...You know you can ask me for help anytime you need, right?" she said in what she hoped was a casual manner.

"Yeah, I know. Same goes for you." He held her hand and squeezed it gently, "...Hey, that carnival I talked about a week ago is coming to town tomorrow. My invitation from last week is still open...and yes, Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy, I'm asking you out on a date. What do you say?"

Gwen didn't answer, but she liked to think her smile and kiss goodbye made it clear she meant yes.

Lana slurped her Red Velvet frappucinno and listened to Danika, Gayle and Kamala rattle off to one another about something cape related that she couldn't muster enough of a shit to care about. Across from the table Chat gave her a sympathetic look and Lana smiled, shrugging in a way that said 'what can you do?' before focusing back on her drink. She usually hated going to places like Starkbucks, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

She guessed you could call this hanging out, but honestly it didn't feel like it most of the time. Kamala and Chat were her friends before this whole secret identity bullshit came up, but she was pretty damn sure the only reason Gayle was hanging around her was because she felt grateful about the whole 'missing sister' addition to the fact that she was an even bigger cape fan than Kamala was. There were definitely stars in her eyes when she asked about the one time - and she had to emphasize that it wasn't a daily thing - she teamed up with Hawkeye and Spider-Woman (and frog boy, but no one really cared about him).

As for Danika, she was still insistent on that interview. She would've thought she'd get tired of asking eventually, but so far she was still going strong. Honestly she was tempted to do it just go get her off her back.

She couldn't say it was all bad, though. It wasn't like Poey and the others were hanging out with her anymore and it beat loitering at the back of the school with no one but Sasha (and her weird fetish for burning down Disney World) for company.

"Been meaning to ask, but what's with the hood?" Kamala asked worriedly, "You hiding from something?"

"Nah, just getting in on the hoodie game. Everyone's doing it." Honestly it was the easiest way to keep a low profile. She wasn't as famous as Spider-Woman or She-Hulk (and thank fuck for that), but it was better safe than sorry. It was one reason she'd agreed to Starkbucks - its population was 90% hipsters and right now she was just 'too mainstream' for them to care about.

Except one.

She ducked and looked at the teenage girl sitting across the shop. Mexican by the looks of her, with lightly tanned skin, brown hair and an outfit that let her blend into the coffee shop's normal clientele. Lana didn't recognize her, but she pegged her being maybe year or two older than her. She wouldn't have stuck out normally, but she'd been following her since they left school. It could've been a coincidence, Lana supposed, but hanging out with Pete made it hard to see coincidences.

" Hey, you there?" Danika's voice suddenly cut in.

"Huh? What?" She blinked and looked at Danika in confusion, "What'd you say?"

"I was asking how friendly you were with the rest of the Defenders."

"I'm not." She rolled her eyes. Another cape question; why did she expect anything else? "Look, we don't hang out or anything. We worked together to try and make sure this place didn't get overrun with fucking zombies, that's it." Two psychopaths, a schizo and a klepto Hanna Montanah...yeah, no thanks, "Why, you think an interview with the Punisher's a good idea?"

"No, but Spider-Man and Black Cat? I'm sure people would be interested in that," she answered back shamelessly.

"Spider-Man's a jerk," Gayle muttered, lips curled in a light frown.

"You're just jealous he's fucking your Super crush." Lana scoffed. Granted so was she, but at least she didn't spend her time griping about how much of an asshole Spider-Woman was for those stupid blue shoes of hers. Not at all.

Seriously, though, blue fucking shoes? Was she colorblind or something?

"That's not nice, Lana." Chat admonished. She was the youngest person in the table, but good luck figuring that out with the way she acted. Sometimes she acted more like a mom than Lana's own parent.

"What? It's the truth," she shot back defensively. She liked Gayle, but she was definitely just like a teenage girl (and she knew what those were like) when it came to being herostruck, "Look, could we just stop talking about that? I don't need to be reminded of 'work' right now..."

"Speaking of work," Danika said, completely ignoring what she just said, "I'm surprised you're spending so much time at school. I thought you'd be patrolling all day like everyone other hero's doing."

"I do actually wanna get a job, you know. Same reason you didn't drop out of school to run your blog full time." She still had no idea if Captain America's deal was on the table, but she was leaning towards no. Either way she had no plans of being a circus attraction, so she needed something marketable besides 'I'd make an awesome suicide bomber.'

"I guess." She took a bite out of her croissant, "So, what do you-"

Danika was cut off by the muted vibration of Lana's phone. The Superhero (yeah, right) looked down at the phone and furrowed her brows when she saw the singular message on the screen that came from Pete: Outside. She looked out of the window the front entrance and found him sitting on his motorcyle across the street, his head covered by a dark helmet and visor that completely blocked his features.

That worked, she guessed...

The others noticed her sudden shift in gaze and followed where she was looking, "Is that...?" Danika muttered. Lana didn't have to say anything before the older girl's lips curled in an excited grin, "Oh, no fucking way! I gotta go talk to him! My Spider viewers are gonna freak!"

"Not happening, Hart." Lana grabbed her shoulder and pushed her back down on the chair. She really had to thank small fortunes that enhanced strength was part of her powerset, "Trust me, you raise your phone even once he'll smash it."


"But nothing. Just leave it." She gestured for him to go around back before she stood up, "I'll see you guys later."

She tightened her hood over herself and refused to meet her (possible) stalker's gaze. If she was right then she could end this here, and if she wasn't...well, she'd look like a paranoid asshole, but it was hardly the worst thing.

Lana went out the back, closed the door behind her and waited. She wasn't well-versed in spying 101, but she knew that every stalker couldn't wait too long or they'd lose the trail. She leaned across the wall next to the door and waited with her arms crossed.

It didn't take long, just like she thought. Her stalker was barely out of the door before Lana grabbed her by the collar and and shoved her against the wall roughly, one hand keeping her pinned while the other was raised in a glowing fist, "Who the fuck are you?" She snarled, trying to sound more threatening than usual. Another thing she picked up after hanging out with her 'group'.

"Easy, easy! I come in peace!" She held up both hands, though her expression remained calm, "I'm with Teresa. You know her, right?"

Lana's grip refused to budge. She'd heard about what happened with her and Gayle's sister, and it turned what suspicion Lana had to outright distrust. She didn't talk with her much, but anyone who did that wasn't someone she could trust.

"Look, we got off on the wrong foot. Let's just-"

"Tell her to piss off." Lana pushed her off and willed the rings of light away, "I don't care what she wants. If Spider-Man doesn't want to talk to her then I don't either."

Lana turned to leave, but the sudden firm grip on her shoulder forced her to stop, "I know Spider-Man's mad, but you guys can't fight the Hand on your own."

"...Let go."

She didn't. Lana grit her teeth and turned around to hit her. The other teen's eyes widened for a split second before she flipped over her and jumped through the air way higher than what could be considered normal. Lana just barely managed to figure out that attacking might not have been the best idea before the other Super (freak) landed and, without a second of pause, did a sweep kick that knocked her to the ground.

"Rrgh, you son of a-"

"Listen to me!" She pinned her arms to the ground and pressed a knee against her gut, "You can all be as angry as you want, but we can't fight each other! We're on the same side-"

"Let her go."

Her attacker looked up at the new voice and she froze when Pete appeared in a wisp of smoke, his gun pressed against the back of her head without so much as an inch distance. Powers or no she'd be dead before she could blink.

"...No one has to get hurt here." She held up both hands again and stood up slowly, allowing Lana to pick herself off the ground, "All I came here to do was-"

"I heard you the first time." Pete waited till she was stable again before he lowered the gun, "...You're Anya, aren't you? The apprentice she mentioned?"

"Huh, guess my reputation precedes me." 'Anya' gave them both a weak grin, "Sorry about the fight, but I did try to talk it out."

"Yeah, yeah..." Lana looked away with a scowl. Another Spider freak? This city was getting overcrowded, "Look, this doesn't change my answer: piss off."

"Yeah, I figured." She sighed and looked to Peter, "Look, I don't know all the exact details about what happened between you and Teresa, but I'm still right. You can't fight the Hand, not on your own with just that journalist and those Defenders guys. You need her and Ms. Page."

"I can tell you're a good kid, but trust me, that bridge is burned," he said, "Go tell 'sis' that she can stop sending her messengers. Unless she comes herself and stops acting like we're her damn toys I don't see any point in pretending we can work together."

Before she could respond to that Pete suddenly turned towards the back entrance and muttered something to himself. Lana almost didn't see him rush towards the ajar door and open it, "Uh...hi?" Danika looked up at him with a hesitant grin, both hands holding up her phone to record them, "...Anything you wanna say to your fans?"

Without another word he grabbed the phone from her hand and smashed it against the wall. Lana winced at the impact, though she couldn't feel too bad; she did warn her, after all.

"Hey! You have any how much-"

"Get out of here, kid, before you get the wrong kind of attention." He nudged Lana towards the end of the alley and left, ignoring Danika's shouted complaints. She and Anya shared a look before Lana sighed and followed him out.

The trip to Winters' place was short and soon enough they met up with Black Cat and the owner of the apartment herself. Lana wasn't ashamed to admit that there was no love lost between her and the pop star thief (read: she could go fuck herself), but her view on the journalist was a bit more mixed. She didn't know her that well, but so far she hadn't done anything to piss her off. All Lana knew about her was that she'd helped Pete find that bastard Carter, which definitely made it harder to distrust her.

"You're late," Black Cat said as soon as they were through the door.

"Had to deal with something." He grunted and tossed the helmet next to her on the couch, "What happened to Mary?"

"She's fine. Left the Wasp building a little after midnight and tried her hand at the vigilante gig."


"She saved some kid from getting mugged in alley," she said casually, "It's not a big deal. She got in over her head for a bit, but I managed to keep her head - not to mention everyone else's - on their shoulders. You worry too much."

"And you don't worry enough." He scoffed, "What about you, Summers? Got anything?"

"Not really." The journalist looked like a mess. Her clothes were crumpled, her hair was messy and the bags under her eyes indicated someone who hadn't had a good night's sleep, "I've tried to pull all my contacts at the Bugle and any snitches on the streets I could bribe, but no dice. It's like Matt Murdock's a freaking saint: donations at the local churches, always does things by the book...hell, not even a parking ticket. It's like trying to dig up blackmail on Mother Theresa."

"You know we wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't cut off contact with that sister of yours," Black Cat said.

"Fighting Murdock with her is just exchanging one devil for another. Only difference is she'll talk your ear off about the greater good." He looked at the stacked notes on the dinner table and frowned, "There has to be something here. Money has to be going somewhere; Page wouldn't have sent us to get that info months ago if he was putting it all on hospitals and orphanages."

"Nothing concrete," Winters replied, "I mean there are some investments on businesses and funding political campaigns, but that's nothing we can actually take to the cops or do anything with. You can't just go around assaulting people because Murdock gave them money."

"Damn it..." He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it while Winters rolled her eyes and quickly opened the window to let the smoke out, "Bullseye hasn't come up with anything either. The criminals know that he's the Kingpin, but their word doesn't mean jack and none of them know about the inner workings."

"Castle and Moon Knight haven't had much luck as well," Black Cat said, "They've tried interrogating some of his damned ninjas, but they don't answer no matter what methods they use. Most of them even killed themselves rather than betray that bastard."

"Christ..." Lana cringed. A part of her was screaming to run, that she was just a kid and that this was nothing compared to finding the son of a bitch that shot her mom, but she stood her ground. She didn't run during the Incident and she wasn't going to run now, "Maybe that Spider-Girl chick was right."

"Spider-Girl? Do we have another one?" Black Cat asked, voice annoyed.

"Teresa's apprentice." Pete said, "And like I said before, we can't trust her. She's shown already that she didn't care what happened to Mary. I'm not gonna trust her and hope she doesn't sacrifice one of us for the 'greater good'."

"We have no leads, Spider," Black Cat countered, "So unless you plan to convince Murdock to confess to the police I don't see what we can do."

"I do have one last thing, but I'm definitely hoping for alternatives here..."

"Well...we do have one," Winters grabbed a paper from the stack and placed it on the table, "There's a reason I asked you to get Striker. We're gonna need her help here."

"Need something blown up?"


She tapped the paper and Lana finally looked down at it, only to freeze completely when she saw the name plastered on the top, "...William Hollister?"

"Yeah, according to what I managed to dig up Murdock funded part of his campaign; before he switched to the whole 'I have a Superhero daughter' thing, that is. He might have something..."

"And all I have to do is, what, pretend to be the daddy's girl and ask him for it?" Lana shot back with a sneer. It wasn't Winters' fault, she was just doing the best she could, but she couldn't help the bubbling rise of irritation she felt. As far as she was concerned she was still Lana Baumgartner, damn what that asshole's papers said.

"Either that or we ask your sister..." Pete said.

"Not likely. Lily's into the fashion designing scene, not politics." Lana pinched the bridge of her nose and sucked in a frustrated breath, "...Look, what makes you think he'll even know anything? I don't like the guy, but I'm not sure he's actually corrupt. There's a difference between being a sleazy asshole and being a criminal."

"We won't know till we find out, right?" she asked back, "Look, what I actually need is for you to distract him. I managed to dig up his schedule and I found out that he should be in his office right now. I just need you to distract him so I can sneak in and yank some data from his computer. If you make him spill? Great. If not? We can try drudging through all his emails and invoices. Maybe we can find something."

"All you're going to find is his porno stash...but fine. Let's get this over with."

She and Winters went their separate ways with the other two and (after a change of clothes and a bath from the latter) they took a cab ride to Williiam's place. Lana had never actually been here before, but the sight of men and women in suits and the sterile insides already made her want to turn around and run. She didn't belong here anymore William would've belonged slumming it up on the streets of Hell's Kitchen.

"Yes, may I help you?" The secretary looked up at her with a picture perfect smile.

"Tell William his daughter's here to see him."

She blinked in confusion, "Um...sorry, but you're not Ms. Lily."

"Don't watch the news much, huh?" She saw Winters walking on by with a clipboard she took a deep breath. She had to act out, put all the attention on her, "I'm Lana Hollister! A superhero! And I demand to see my father now!"

" need an appointment-"

"Did you not hear me?!" The older woman recoiled back at her shout and Lana internally winced. Poor woman was just doing her job and here she was on the wrong end of her wannabe diva routine, "Do I have to use one syllable words? Show. Me. My. Dad? There, is that simple enough for you?"


"That's enough, Lana!"

Lana turned to the new voice and grinned from ear to ear when she saw her 'dad' stomp towards her, his face red and looking filled to bursting. It almost made this all worth it, "Daddy!" She spread her arms mockingly and grinned wider when his right eye twitched and the people waiting in line for an appointment started whispering to one another, "What, no hug for your new favorite daughter?"

"You are not-"

"What? Not your daughter?" she taunted, "I mean that's what you told the news, right? That's what my papers say now. It's why me stopping Supervillains is so good for your campaign-"

That was as far as she got before he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her towards somewhere more private while Winters slipped into his office. She was strong enough that she could've shaken him off, but she followed along like the rebellious daughter caught after curfew even though she doubted she could get any info considering how pissed off he was.

Still, the petty revenge was all too sweet.

As soon as they arrived at an abandoned hallway she shrugged his grip off, which definitely took him by surprise, "Well, that was dramatic." She stuffed her hands into her pockets and smiled wryly up at him. The size difference between them was noticeable, but the last thing she felt right now was intimidated.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked, barely restraining himself from screaming outright.

"What, I can't come visit my new daddy?" She probably shouldn't have provoked him so much, but she couldn't stop herself. This asshole was responsible for her identity getting outed and her mom having to leave town, so fuck being nice. Distracting him didn't mean she had to play along with his lies, "After all, you're the only parent I have left in this city!"

"Is that what this is? Petty revenge?" he scowled, "This is beneath you."

"Really? That's funny, I didn't think there was anything below...what did you call me again? Oh yeah, gutter trash." She sneered, "I'm real curious how you managed to sell that affair, by the way. Can't imagine the would-be mayor paying for sex looks very good."

"Enough," he said in a way that he probably thought was intimidating. It just made him sound like he was constipated, "What do you want? Money?"

"That's your solution to everything, isn't it?" She crossed her arms, "I don't want your fucking money, asshole. The same way I don't want to live in your gilded cage and pretend that you're the good father the press paint you as."

"Then what do you want?"

"Know anything about Matt Murdock?"

His eyes narrowed and his teeth bared open in a snarl, "How do you know that name?"

"Uh...I read the newspaper?" she asked back rhetorically, "Doesn't matter. Look, neither of us are idiots. We both know he's the Kingpin and I know for a fact that he funded your campaign."

"Emphasis on past tense. I've found other investors, due in no small part to your...endorsements," Was that actually a compliment? "You..." He hesitated, choosing his next words carefully, "Why are you asking about him? I know you're not recording me - blackmail isn't in line with your methods - but I don't understand why you'd be so curious about someone like him."

"So you do know about him."

"Regrettably. I needed better funding and a good word, and what better than the lawyer who could get anyone lawfully absolved," He pursed his lips, "Your turn, why are you searching for information on him?"

"I'm doing what you outed me for: fighting Supervillains."

"You're in above your head, child." She rolled her eyes. Yeah, like she hadn't heard that before, "If you're hoping for information then you're going to be disappointed. I only dealt with the man sparingly, nothing more."

That was a load of shit if she'd ever heard it, but she didn't press him on it. Her phone vibrated and she smiled internally; Winters was out, "Fine, if that's the story you're sticking with the new go ahead. I'll find it some other way."

She walked past him briefly before he grabbed her wrist, "Wait."

He shrugged off his grip again, "I said I'm done, asshole. Isn't that what you want?"

"You're spending time with those...criminals, aren't you?" She didn't have to say anything; they both knew the answer, "Do you have any idea what that does for your reputation, people tying you to the likes of Frank Castle and Spider-Man? You shouldn't talk to them anymore."

"Or what, you'll ground me?" She clicked her tongue, "You already took my mom, so what makes you think I'm going to listen to a single fucking thing you say?"

"You don't want to cross me, child."

"Same here. I'm doing what you say, stopping crimes with a big fucking smile on my face so you can get gullible assholes to vote for you, but that's as far as I'm willing to go. You get me expelled, put me in jail, I'm taking you down with me. You think my diva act out there or me hanging with vigilantes is bad? How bad you think your ratings will tank when I blow up a car park and tell people you told me to?"

"They wouldn't believe you." He didn't sound as firm as he liked.

"Really? They believe me when I tell them they should vote for your lying ass, you think they won't believe you'd tell me to do that? I'm a freak and you're a politician; wanna bet on who people hate more?"

"...Your mother should have taken you out when she had the chance."

There it was. Lana's sneer worsened into something ugly and she laughed, the sound echoing along the confines of the empty hall "There's the old bastard I know." Stuffed her hands into her pockets and pulled her hood up, "It was a real pleasure. See you around, 'daddy'."

She felt William's glare on her back till she left the building. Lana let out a soft breath and trudged to the cafe (not Starkbucks, thank God) that she and Winters agreed to meet up at.

Lana ordered two coffees and sat across the journalist, handing her one of the styrofoam cups as she did, "Did you get it?"

"Yup." Winters flashed the USB with a grin, "For a politician his systems have really crap security. It'll take days to get through all his emails and stuff, but hopefully we can find something about you know who inside."

"Yeah, here's hoping..." She tapped the side of her cup and frowned, "...Hey, I gotta ask: why're you involved in this?"

"Could say the same about you." Winters took a sip of her coffee and smiled, "I'm a journalist so digging up the nasty shit people try to hide is in the job description, but, no offense, but most people would think you're a bit too young to get involved in something like this."

"And you don't?"

"A few months ago? Yeah, probably, but I've learned not to judge by appearances." She shrugged, "We're all in this together and all that other cliche crap, so I'll take any help I can get."

"Yeah..." Lana smiled. It was nice not to be treated like the kid for once, "Thanks."

That's done. The segment with Lana and William Hollister changed as I wrote it: originally it was going to be less hostile and Lana's taunts have no effect, but I changed it so that Lana really gets under his skin and they get really nasty to each other. It also changes the dynamic around so that while Lana hates him she doesn't regard him as a threat or the big bad of her story.

Anyway, like I said the next chapter will be the Matt and Peter date that I know some of you shippers out there have been looking forward to :p Hopefully it lives up to the hype:


1. Volume 2 question. Alright, so the main thing keeping me from writing Volume 2 is the fact that it likely won't have a climactic ending due to the 'main quest' being finished by that point. But still, would people like to see it? Some of the better fics in this archive and others don't focus much on the overarching plot and more on the interactions between the characters.

So yeah...would that work here? Would you guys read a hypothetical Volume 2 if we no longer had an overarching goal at all and it's basically a fucked up slice of life? Some of the cut arcs such as Jackal, Spider-Island etc etc make sense with the main plot being resolved, so I could insert them back in. Just want to know your thoughts.

2. Speaking of character interactions, I wonder if you guys prefer the healthy or messed up relationships between the cast. Drama is built on the latter, but the former might keep the audience from thinking it's going nowhere. I mean Noir's relationship with Gwen or Lana is fucked up beyond belief at times and yet those seem to get the most attention, at least in comparison to Gwen with Kate/her non-insane friends or Peter with Cindy.

3. Question for a future chapter. Gwen mentioned a talkshow she's attending and I want to make it light for a bit, so does anyone have any idea what questions she'd be asked in-universe by her fans and the host? It has to be funny and/or sensible. I don't really pay attention to celeb interviews so hopefully other people will have suggestions.
Oh yeah this was a satisfying chapter.

1 - I am in for Volume 2 and I can tell you have enough plots to keep readers entertained, so it is alright with me.

2 - Complicated relationships slowly becoming less-complicated are what IMO readers like reading the most, and what I like reading the most.

3 - Questions like what is her favorite show on TV, her favorite kind of food, how was her first date with Spider-Man, etc mundane questions and trivia from her love-life could work, maybe if they pushed they could ask why did she decide to become a superheroine instead of using her powers for money and herself especially when the midia at the time was a enemy of hers
Oh yeah this was a satisfying chapter.

1 - I am in for Volume 2 and I can tell you have enough plots to keep readers entertained, so it is alright with me.

2 - Complicated relationships slowly becoming less-complicated are what IMO readers like reading the most, and what I like reading the most.

3 - Questions like what is her favorite show on TV, her favorite kind of food, how was her first date with Spider-Man, etc mundane questions and trivia from her love-life could work, maybe if they pushed they could ask why did she decide to become a superheroine instead of using her powers for money and herself especially when the midia at the time was a enemy of hers

Hmm, anything that stuck out as good or bad about the chapter itself? Always looking for content feedback :)
Hmm, anything that stuck out as good or bad about the chapter itself? Always looking for content feedback :)
Hmm, I really liked everyone interaction on the Gwen part of the chapter, especially Jessica parts on it(I would love if she appeared more alongside Peter adventures, maybe alongside the Defenders...but there is the baby so this could be difficult).

Lana part of the chapter was good, but it felt odd how Kamala just said one thing then went silent(something similar with Gwen dad just saying one thing at Gwen part) but the part about Lana being awesome against her 'daddy' felt especially cathartic

My only complaint is that with scenes with lots of characters, it is difficult to give attention to everyone, so cutting some characters from the scenes to make the interaction between them better would be good and to avoid the situation of one character only saying one thing then going silent while the characters go on with their conversations just listening and the readers forget they exist.

Edit: This is just a nitpicky you have done a wonderful job at character interactions so far!

Also hype for the 'romantic' dinner! :drevil:
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Hmm, I really liked everyone interaction on the Gwen part of the chapter, especially Jessica parts on it(I would love if she appeared more alongside Peter adventures, maybe alongside the Defenders...but there is the baby so this could be difficult).

Lana part of the chapter was good, but it felt odd how Kamala just said one thing then went silent(something similar with Gwen dad just saying one thing at Gwen part) but the part about Lana being awesome against her 'daddy' felt especially cathartic

My only complaint is that with scenes with lots of characters, it is difficult to give attention to everyone, so cutting some characters from the scenes to make the interaction between them better would be good and to avoid the situation of one character only saying one thing then going silent while the characters go on with their conversations just listening and the readers forget they exist.

Edit: This is just a nitpicky you have done a wonderful job at character interactions so far!

Also hype for the 'romantic' dinner! :drevil:

Yeah, this is definitely a problem I have and one reason I tend to focus on 1 on 1 interactions. Kamala's not the only one - Gayle's only line of dialogue was to call Noir a jerk and Chat's is an admonishment, meaning the only one who really has extended conversation with Lana is Danika. This is generally a problem for me when I have 5 or more people in a group: inevitably people are going to be Silent Bobs and there's not much I can do about it since I'm not very good at making group conversations.

4 is generally my limit for group interactions, and you can see the difference in Lana's middle point when she has to talk with Noir, Felicia and Norah - each of them get decent lines of dialogue and no one comes across as being weirdly silent unlike the previous two interactions. This is also why I generally avoid including Ben and May in too much during group settings, even if it doesn't make much sense considering they're trying to reconnect with Peter and they live right next door to the Stacy house. The two of them just plain bloat the number count to something above my comfort zone.

Anyway, it's not nitpicky. It's definitely a problem I need solved, though I still have no clue how.
Chapter 100 - Date with the Devil job is harder than I thought it'd be, so this might be my last update for a while (read: four weeks) unless I can find a way to deal with it better. Because of this I had to cut out the talkshow segment with Gwen for later usage. On the bright this allows us to focus more on Matt and Peter along with the steamy affair the two are involved in that poor Gwen doesn't know about. If she did she'd probably freak worse than the whole MJ kiss thing.

Warning, first of all: this chapter is really damn long-winded and Matt gets into some faux philosophical BS, which Peter actually calls him out on. Hopefully it's not too grating, though it is at least meant to be annoying.

Anyway, I checked out more of the Marvel Spider-Man cartoon. Pretty good later on starting from the Doc Ock arc, and they introduced Spider-Gwen finally. One problem: no, at all. And this isn't a Spider-Island thing because she didn't wear a mask before all this happened and she calls herself Spider-Gwen...yeah. For being a supposed genius Gwen seems pretty clueless on just how much this could fuck her if and when she pisses off the wrong people.

Bright side, I was actually right in having Gwen be admired here since she's also an overnight sensation and getting crowds demanding autographs in the cartoon. Glad I got one thing 'right', at least :p

Also, checking out Shadowland: Moon Knight shows I was also right about another thing - Moon Knight (Khoshnu) is one of the few people who can look at the Beast and tell it to fuck off...and it listens. Definitely glad people picked him over Iron Fist in the voting poll all those chapters ago now that we've reached Shadowland levels.

The latest Miles Morales also has Lana in pretty dire straits with her mom blackmailing and threatening her. Poor kid. Though funnily enough this makes Lana here standing up to her dad in the previous chapter even more OOC than she already is from her 616 (not so much Ultimate, though) counterpart.

Side Note - This is my actual 100th chapter, not counting any omakes, Tangled Webs etc etc. It's fitting that it's about this story's main pairing :D Also, check out 'When You're Evil' by Voltaire. Pretty cleanly fits Matt's character.

Chapter 100: Date with the Devil

The first thing Peter did when Matthew opened the door was punch him in the face.

Or at least he tried to. The blind bastard tilted his head back to dodge the hit and grabbed Peter's wrist before he could pull it back, "Well, that's one way to say hello." Matthew looked down at him with a predatory smile and tugged him closer till their faces were inches away from one other. Peter saw a hint of the red irises through the thick shades and bared his mouth open in a snarl. He wasn't going to break, not in front of him.

The silent stare-off lasted for another moment before the son of a bitch laughed and let him go, "In the future, Peter, I'd suggest avoiding greetings that start with punches to the head. It tends to give the wrong impression, you see."

"Nothing wrong with the impression you got, Matthew."

He laughed again. Peter resisted the urge to punch the back of his head and followed him inside, feeling more and more like a sheep being led into the den of wolves. This was a stupid idea, especially considering he hadn't told anyone where he was going, but it was the lesser evil. As tempting as it would've been to have Castle a mile away with a sniper rifle or Moon Knight with a drone outside he knew it wouldn't have done anything. Somehow he doubted bullets and explosions could hurt a demon.

The apartment was...homey, despite how odd that might have sounded. It wasn't a fancy penthouse like the one Felicia stayed at, but it also didn't look like it was paid for by a shoestring budget like the places he and Gwen (who could definitely afford better) stayed at. It actually scared him somewhat, how warm and inviting the place seemed, but he knew it was only skin deep.

Like the bloody knife that led the wolf to cut its own mouth open...

Peter looked ahead and pressed his mouth in a tight line. Carrot top still looked as calm as ever, jacket and tie safely tucked away on the couch and the sleeves of his dress shirt pulled up to his elbows. If he hadn't known better then he would've assumed he was just a guy winding down down for a night of rest and relaxation.

"...Nice place you got here," Peter muttered, though he had no damn clue why.

Murdock looked back and gave him a sideways glance, "Thank you, I'm quite fond of it." His lips quirked up in a half smile and he gestured to the kitchen filled to the brim with cut up ingredients and half-prepared food, "Now, I know it's kind of rude, but would you mind terribly if I asked for help in preparing tonight's dinner? My circumstances lead me to be very picky, you see, and we can eat faster with two pairs of hands preparing."

He wanted to tell him off and leave, maybe to shoot him in-between those red eyes of his, but instead he bit his tongue and nodded. He had no idea what he was doing here. To get information? Possible, but unlikely considering what Peter knew about him. An assassination attempt? Equally unlikely. Hell, maybe he was just suicidal and wanted to see how far he could provoke a demon before it lost its patience and snapped his neck.

Or, a voice at the back of head said, did he just want answers on why they were playing this game at all?

Peter washed his hands on the sink and immediately began cutting up the chicken meat still left on the chopping board while Matthew worked behind him. The blind bastard hummed something to himself that Peter couldn't recognize and he frowned. This was wrong. They weren't friends, and they definitely weren't close enough that he should've been doing anything with the knife other than stabbing him in the neck with it.

He stopped cutting and let the knife hang in the air, his grip on the handle tightening. Teresa told him that fighting Matthew was pointless, but even now a part of him was tempted to try. Why not, he'd tell himself, it's not like you haven't already antagonized him. Breaking into his operations, killing his ninjas, gutting that fink Otomo...he'd done more than enough that making dinner should've been the last thing on their minds.

"You've stopped cutting, is something wrong?" Matthew asked.

"Just deciding on whether I should stab you in the neck with this thing." Peter didn't see any point in lying. He was like him, able to tell a lie from a truth with unnerving certainty. It was one of the few things that didn't come from the demon, or at least that's what Teresa claimed.

Matt pulled his head back and laughed. It wasn't the same as the ones before. Those were smug and self-assured, but this time he chuckled loud and open like he'd been told a particularly funny joke, "Charming as always, Peter." He mimicked wiping a tear from his eyes and and grinned, "But enough distractions. It's getting late and as amusing as this all is I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time. Wouldn't want Miss. Stacy to worry, after all."

Gwen didn't know he was here; if she did she'd probably kick the door down, sling him over her shoulder and swing away without a single warning. He couldn't stop himself from smiling slightly at the thought, stupid as it might have been.

Dinner preparations lasted for another half hour and soon enough they were sitting across one another with nothing more than a few dim lights illuminating the room. Peter picked at his sauced chicken and tried to ignore the strings of classical music that reached his ears. Normally he would've found it pleasant, especially in comparison to the music Gwen and Mary listened to, but right now all he could think of was how wrong the entire situation was.

"Is something the matter?" Matthew asked. Peter looked up and sneered at the sight of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen sipping a spoonful of pumpkin soup. Even criminals are human, or so Castle said. Granted he used it as an excuse to show how fallible they were, because God only knew he didn't do it to humanize them, "You haven't been eating, and it's making me wonder if I did something wrong with the preparation."

"Just wondering what we're supposed to be celebrating..."

"Does it have to be an occasion? I could have just invited you because I wanted to spend time together as friends." Peter reciprocated the 'friendly' smile with a flat stare, "Hm...I can tell that's not the answer you're hoping for."

"What gave you that idea?"

"Well, the glower's a good start." Matthew laughed - always laughing - and picked up the tablet, tapping something on the screen before he handed it towards him, "I think you'll be interested in this."

Peter reluctantly shifted his gaze to the screen and stiffened when he saw the headline, "Wilson Fisk murdered in prison..." He snatched the Upad from the lawyer's hands and scrolled through the article. Details were sparse since the news was still fresh, but it was easy enough to get the general gist of it: the former Kingpin of crime was stabbed in prison with a shiv and bled to death before the prison doctors could get a hold of him. Officially it was nothing more than a fight gone wrong, but it didn't take a genius to figure out it was more than that.

"...You have anything to do with this?"

"Now why would you think that, Peter?" Matthew asked back with a placating smile, "Mr. Fisk is my employer and it's my job to ensure he's as comfortable as possible-"

"Cut the shit." Peter snarled, "You invited me here so for once in your life be honest."

The blind bastard raised an eyebrow at the blunt interruption before he tapped his fork on the side of his plate, "A strong demand, especially from someone who lies constantly." He set the utensil down and pressed his hands together, "Counter proposal then: I'll be honest with you, but I expect the same honesty in turn. This relationship has to be reciprocal, after all."

"Deal." It wasn't like he had anything to lose; it seemed like he always knew about the things Peter tried to keep hidden, "So, the shivving?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, a hired job," he replied, "Mr. Fisk commanded respect, certainly, but there were also no small amount of people who held grudges against him. It didn't take long to find a suitable candidate. Lee Price, a former army ranger with a propensity for taking any job that catered to his skillset and a grudge against Mr. Fisk due to a previous incident. One bout of negotiations later and it was agreed that a fat man would fall and break his everything before the night was done."

"And where is this hired assassin now?"

"Dead, sadly. He...swallowed a cyanide pill in the struggle against the prison wardens." Peter's eyes narrowed. They agreed to be honest, but that didn't mean loopholes and exact words were off the table.

"...You paid one of the wardens to kill him."

"Yes. No loose ends, after all, and Mr. Price's profile indicated he would reveal the information to anyone who offered him a decent price," he replied, "I hope you understand I won't give out any names. Honesty doesn't mean lacking in tact and discretion, after all."

"Hmph..." Peter set the tablet back down on the table and frowned, "And here I thought you were loyal to Fisk."

"Honor among thieves, hm? Mr. Fisk got into his position via betrayal, so it only stands to reason that he'd fall victim to it himself. An empire built on lies and murder only propagates it. Mr. Fisk thought himself an intellectual, and in many ways he was, but he was also proud; too proud for his own good. He thought himself a modern day king, when in reality his position was more tenuous than he intended."

"That much I know." Spider-Man's memories on Fisk showed there was little difference here and back there. A fat parasite who thought he was entitled to everything without having to earn it, "He didn't catch on to your betrayal?"

"No. He thought I was the loyal second hand man, and perhaps he might have assumed my blindness rendered me a non-threat despite his own physical deficiencies. Hypocrisy was one of his more noticeable traits."

"So this is what we're celebrating, then? You becoming the 'official' Kingpin of crime?"

"Not particularly, but you were searching for a reason that you could believe," Matthew shrugged, "Killing Mr.'s not a grand accomplishment worth mulling over. When George Stacy arrested him and I took over the business Mr. Fisk believed he'd won in the long term, but really he just couldn't fathom the idea that he'd lost and tried to justify it any way he could. This just makes it more permanent."

"Tch..." Peter stabbed his fork into chick breast and spilled sauce onto the white tablecloth. The casualness in the way he admitted it was infuriating, the same way you'd talk about buying your groceries or doing some last minute spring cleaning. Hell, that was probably what it was to him; just another thing to clean up, "Is it true...?" He looked up and looked him in the eyes, ignoring the biting chill that ran down his spine at the brief glimpse he caught under the shades.

"Hm? I'm afraid you're going to have to be more specific."

"Are you possessed by the devil?"

The bastard's next smile was chilling, and his next word even moreso, "Yes." Peter clenched his hands under the table. He already knew, but a complete confirmation from the man (monster) himself was still unnerving, "Though it's not what you may think. I'm 'possessed' in the sense that your compatriot Moon Knight is. The Beast is part of me the same way Khoshnu is part of him; the same way the Spider is part of you. There's no line that says 'Matt Murdock ends here and the Beast begins.'"

"...What did it give you in exchange?"

"One of my parents back...cliche, I know, but sometimes you can't beat the classics," he said cheerily, "I'm not sure if you're aware, but I got into an accident when I was younger. Wasn't born blind, and Stick wasted no time in reminding me of how lucky I was for it. Mother died in the crash and blinded me when she tried to reach for my face and my father...well, his pride didn't let him lose. The Beast offered one of them back and I chose my mother; at least she didn't willingly choose to die out of pride. On the bright side I kept control of my faculties, which can't be said of yourself."

"The Spider-God doesn't control me..."

"Doesn't it?" Matthew hummed and took a sip of his wine, "I've read the reports of what happened in Midtown years ago, Peter. Your profile read like every cliche school shooter: intelligent, isolated with only a few friends, frequently bullied and, of course, angry at the world. You're a dime a dozen in every part of the world, but look at you now. Still angry, certainly, but the similarities between the past and present are superficial at best."

"What are you implying?"

"I'm 'implying' that who you are now is no more your own than Moon Knight's identity is his. Did you never question what it would be like if your patron never scavenged you from the grave you dug for yourself? If he didn't give you memories that didn't belong to you?"

"Never crossed my mind..." Peter scowled. He hated the kid, hated the idea that in some past life he would've been so angry at the world and jealous of Gwen being special that he'd turned himself into a monster.

"And here I thought we were being honest with one another. I'm disappointed." Matthew let out a soft breath and picked up his utensils again, "Well, I suppose I can't be too surprised. It's rather hard to be honest to others when you can't do so with yourself."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I think you know exactly what, Spider-Man," he replied smoothly, "Moon Knight's identity is fractured into many pieces - Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley and dozens of other disposable alternates he uses in order to play the role of the chameleon. Incidentally, were you aware that one of those identities got into a sordid love affair with the Wasp and that's where her child came from? It was an interesting tidbit to dig up-"

"Getting off track there, Matthew..." He didn't particularly care what Moon Knight got up to in his free time, and he couldn't say he was all that surprised. After Teresa it was had not to be numb to everything. Besides, you had to have at least a little crazy in your blood to think flying around at four inches tall when anyone could step on or swat you away was a good idea.

"Right, apologies. As I was saying, Moon Knight's identity is fractured as a result of his bond with Khoshnu, which he uses to his advantage. He destroyed who he was, but as a result he's all the more effective for it. The same could be said of you." He gave Peter a look that could've been misconstrued as sympathetic, "The 'Spider-God' excised any traits and flaws it didn't deem useful and in the end what's left? A pale imitation of someone who lived in another time?"

"Better than what came before..." That was the truth, at least. Regardless of the circumstances and reasons he didn't want to go back to that spiteful little shit.

"An optimistic way to look at it. We could all use a little more cheer in our lives."

"If you say so..." He looked down at his untouched and rapidly cooling meal with another frown set on his face. His identity issues were far from resolved, but the last thing he could afford right now was to see a quack and get his brain picked apart, "Answer me this: why me?"

"Again, you're going to have to be more specific." He gave him another smile and Peter sorely wished that he hadn't resisted the temptation to come with his guns.

"You know what I mean," he gritted out, "I've killed your men, disrupted your operations, gutted one of your lapdogs; any single one of those things would've been enough for you to kill me, but you still insist on playing" There was no other thing to call it. He played and toyed with him like a kid who burned ants with a magnifying glass, "You know where I live, what I do every day...why not just end it?"

"And why would I do that? Men and operations are replaceable, and as for Otomo...well, you'll be replacing him soon enough, so no loss there." He leaned back on the chair and crossed one leg over the other, "Since we're being honest with each other 'for once' I suppose I can tell you. In truth, Peter, you fascinate me, but not in the way you might think."

"Just because I have powers? I ain't the only freak in this town..." The thought of Lana falling prey to his machinations caused a bubbling sense of rage to rise in his gut. Best if he not think about it.

"No, powers in and of themselves don't draw my attention. The Hand might believe so, but I don't share their sentiments." He sounded almost wistful, "When my former master was incapacitated they took me in because of my abilities. I was blinded by the accident that took my mother away, but in losing one thing I gained another. The Hand were both intrigued and scared, much as they refused to admit it."

"Then why?"

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely, a quote from John Acton. For many it serves as a warning that too much power leads to tragic ends, but the Hand doesn't see that. Elektra and Ikari...they were the result of the Hand's attempt at their own supermen, step in evolution. And yet despite that they fear. It's always the same - we crave and fear what we don't understand."

"I didn't come here for a philosophy debate," Peter said bitterly.

"Oh? I would've thought you'd enjoy a bit of a verbal spar considering who you consider allies," Matthew replied coolly, "Regardless, you asked and I'll answer. You see, the Hand always taught me to take what I want. But when I did they became scared of me. This...young upstart, this child, who was rapidly usurping those with decades if not centuries of experience. Power corrupted me, they said, and it's why they banished me here."

"So what, you got unfair bosses? That it?"

"No, far from it." There was that open smile again, "Growing up with the Hand, I honestly believed them. That my power, minor as it might have been in the grand scheme of things, was what corrupted me. That it was what drove me to rise through the ranks on a sea of blood, to betray the man I was meant to serve. Bodies ahead of me and behind left as a trail. I stayed up at night both dreading the thought of everything being taken from me and yet also wishing it, just so I would have an excuse to fill the sea with more and more blood."

"...You're insane."

The next chuckle was low and deep, "Just figured that out, did you?" He shook his head, "Though I don't think you have any right to talk of sanity, Peter. Those you call allies aren't much better and you yourself...well, I already explained."

"Yeah, and you made it clear you thought your powers gave you the excuse you needed so you didn't have to admit you were just a bastard." Castle, Jack-o-Lantern and even Bullseye. None of them had any powers, but it didn't stop them from doing what they did. The same way Gwen and Cindy weren't turned into monsters just because they won the luck of the draw, "You're an asshole, least you can do is admit it."

"Oh, but I did! And I was so close to ending my life." He traced his finger through the rim of the cup, mouth raised fondly, "But then Ms. Stacy just happened to swing by at the exact moment when the tip of the blade was pressed against my stomach, and at that second I felt something. Romantics might've considered it love at first sight, but I've never been one for such pedantics. What I felt was more akin to...camaraderie. There was someone who had power, and I thought if I could turn her - break her into something ugly and grotesque like myself - then...well, it wouldn't be so bad, would it? Misery loved company."

It took all Peter had not to jump across the table and pummel the blind bastard's face until there was nothing left but bloody meat, "You..." He gripped the handles on the chair so tightly that his knuckles turned white, "You tried to ruin her life...because you wanted to prove you weren't the only monster?"

" sounds so pity when you say it like that, but that can apply to anything," he shrugged shamelessly and finished off the last of his wine, "That was when the Beast first spoke to me, believe it or not. Being so close to death, just inches away from damnation, drew its attention. All the Hand's leaders fear death, and those who follow said leaders give their lives up only in the belief that faithful service will lead to everlasting life. I welcomed death, and in that moment the Beast turned his gaze to me."

"The world would've been better off without you."

"I can think of many who'd think the same of you, but I can agree with the sentiment. Objectively speaking I've done more harm than good," he replied, "Alas Ms. Stacy...disappointed me. Despite all I did, all my offers and plans, she refused to give up her antiquated view of right and wrong. I quickly realized she was nothing more than a stubborn child, unable to see a world that didn't fit into her narrow views."

"Why her? And why me? We aren't the only ones with power." He already said it before, but the question still burned at his mind.

"Just take a look around you. People like us who were given powers against our choices; what do they do with it? Ms. Stacy fought for an antiquated sense of justice, but everyone else...they used it for their own advantage. Those 'Supervillains' who use their power for selfish gains, and so-called heroes like Ms. Walters primarily use their gifts to seek fame and adoration for themselves. Even Ms. Stacy, much as she'll deny it, enjoys the admiration the mindless crowds give her. They treat her as if she was more than human, and she loves it."

"You're lying."

"Am I? Last I checked she wasn't there to help you in that massacre at Times Square, and right now as you're sitting across the Devil she's talking with Ms. Moon's counterpart in a talkshow in front of her adoring fans. She's rather busy for someone who swears up and down that she's in it to help people as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman."

"Only because she doesn't know I'm here..." If she did then they wouldn't be having this conversation.

"Which brings us back to you," he said, "You aren't like Ms. Stacy, Peter. I don't see the world in black and white - metaphorically, of course - but rather in shades of gray. Nothing is ever so clear cut, after all, and I think you know that. You aren't afraid to get your hands dirty or to ally and make friends with the likes of psychopaths such as Bullseye and Frank Castle, and yet you still stubbornly play the part of the hero, despite your denials and the way this world has treated you. It's simultaneously fascinating and utterly infuriating watching you. It's akin to seeing someone a literal step over the edge of a cliff and yet they still refuse to slip."

"This is getting more pathetic by the minute, Matthew." Peter sneered, "You're telling me the reason for all this, for all the months we spent dancing around each other, is because it frustrates you that I haven't used my powers as an excuse like you did?"

"That and no small amount of curiosity." He hummed, "I know why Ms. Stacy does what she does. It's immature and foolish, but I know why. You, on the other hand, are an enigma. This city's treated you with nothing more than disdain at best and hatred at worst, and yet you fought for them for months. Even after you reached your breaking point because of that madman you still opted against retribution, even against the people like Jameson who've given you nothing but contempt. Why is that?"

"Not all of us are monsters, despite what you want to think."

"You're making an argument for the goodness of human nature? That's laughable." He chuckled, "I've seen humans through the decades, glimpsed what they're capable of, and I'm not ashamed to say that the things they've done would put even some of the worst demons I know to shame. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that how awful some places can be; all you'd have to do is pick up a newspaper."

Peter's eyes narrowed. He said 'I'...was he still talking to Matt Murdock or the Beast?

"There were bright spots - veritable saints and martyrs who get a paragraph in the history books - but the opposite is much more glaring and leaves a longer impact. It takes nothing to end a life, but you'd need to move heaven and earth to save on in any way that matters. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that "

"Does this have a point?"

"Humans are...petty things, aren't they?" he asked back, completely ignoring his questions, "Things like God or worship or society or even fame, they created it not because of goodness but because of that underlying desire to judge and be judged. Why do you think they care so much about you and Miss. Stacy while ignoring the beggar who asks them for help or the thousands that die every day? That need to be judge hasn't changed in thousands of years; their obsession to it borders on zealotry, doesn't it?"

Peter didn't say anything; it was obvious the blind bastard was on a tangent now.

"But let's go back to you. You spent how many months trying to play the part of the hero in Hell's Kitchen- well, you and all of your teammates barring Ms. Hardy. Last I checked it had a population of a little over 45,000 thousand residents, and yet despite all the work - all the killing - you've all been party to I don't see much in the way of a difference. And this is rather sad considering you're in a first world country in a pretty prosperous city; I'd dread to think how you'd do in a place that doesn't have as much luxuries."

"If you're trying to bait me, I'm not buying into it." Peter crossed his arms. This was getting juvenile, "I'm not saving the world, so what? I'm only human and I never thought I could. I know I can't change human nature, and maybe the people I help die when I'm not there to save them next time, but that didn't stop me from trying. The only thing I won't save people from is themselves."

...Though, Peter couldn't deny he had a point. On a decent scale New York city probably needed help the least considering it had Gwen and the Avengers watching out for it.

"Hmhm, a cynical idealist. You remind me of my old 'friend' Daimon Hellstrom. At least his sister Satana has a more realistic view of things." His next smile was almost fond, which was scarier than everything else so far, "See, that's what I'm getting at. You're an enigma, Peter, someone who's so close to tipping over to their breaking point and yet stubbornly clings to some form of idealism and hope. I can't tell if you're strong of will or just dangerously confused."

"You think I'm the only one like this?"

"Who are you thinking of? Ms. Baumgartner? Or perhaps even that fugitive you brokered a deal for?" He smirked, "Why do you think they act the way they do? Do you believe it's out of the goodness of their hearts? Oh, don't be naive. If it weren't for your aid Ms. Baumgartner would've just been another angry child with powers, raging at the world that mistreated her. And as for Bullseye...well, the less said of him the better. He clings to you as a lifeline and he controls himself in your presence, that's clear enough to see."

"You're overstimating me..." Peter muttered. He was far from being a saint like Gwen, and now he was supposed to believe he was the reason those two were acting 'better' than they were? Give him a break.

"False humility is rather unflattering, just so you know," Matthew replied, "You want another example? Then how about Ms. Watson?"


"What, did you think I wasn't aware of her?" He shook his head in amusement, "You took her back to your apartment - the apartment which, just to remind you, S.H.I.E.L.D is aware you live in. I'd toyed with the idea of hiding Ms. Watson's presence from them in exchange for a later favor, but your sister beat me to it. She's also the only reason they haven't dragged you back for more experiments, so I do suggest you put this spat behind you. Family is important, after all."

"Go to hell..."

"I think we've had that exchange already." His mouth pulled apart in a shark-like grin, "Where do you think Ms. Watson would've been if you weren't there to help keep her in control? I've seen some of the aftermaths of her handiwork and I'm curious if we would've gotten a repeat of The Incident-"

"Enough. Stop talking." Against his better judgement Peter took the glass of lukewarm wine and drank it down in one gulp. Anything to stop the temptation of overstepping his bounds, "...I'm done-"

"Ah, ah, just one more question." Peter wanted to tell him to fuck off, but the brief glimpse of red irises the slightly lowered glasses froze him to his seat, "Answer me honestly: if I gave up my life of crime right now and never bother you again, retired in some far off island in a country you never heard of, would that be acceptable to you? Or are you like everyone else on your team, unable to accept the idea that bad men can have happy endings and escape their their punishment even if it means no more future 'evil'? "

"...You don't deserve to walk, not after everything you've done." Peter glared up at him and refused to look away despite the fear clawing up his body.

"Good answer."

And then he did something he didn't expect - Matthew stood up and pulled a pistol from a nearby cabinet, "I was never really fond of firearms. The Hand taught that it made us weak, though I suspect they just didn't want to admit that it drove them closer and closer to being obsolete." He sat across from Peter again and placed the gun at the center, the barrel aimed right at the blind lawyer's chest, "You have a fondness for them, though, isn't that right?"

"...What is this?"

"Another chance." He fixed his glasses and Peter quickly regained movement, "I offered you a choice when we met those days ago and now I'm offering it again. Kill me now and you can stop me; and I won't even come back from the dead. All you have to do is give up Ms. Stacy's mom and let her die. Ms. Stacy...Gwen doesn't even have to find out. Two lives in exchange for a greater good; seems fair, doesn't it?"

Peter didn't reach for the gun. Later on he'd claim that it was just a game, that even if he shot him between the eyes, cut off his head and burned his corpse that he'd find a way to come back from that, but he would've just been lying to himself. He wouldn't be able to face Gwen once he pulled that trigger.

And besides, he doubted killing Murdock would do anything to that passenger of his.

"...I'm disappointed, I thought you'd actually do it." The chagrin in Matthew's voice was palpable. Peter looked up to meet his gaze and was stunned silent when he saw his eyes peeking through the shades. Gone were the red slits that drove him to madness, replaced instead by a pair of murky white irises that showed only a sense of lingering fatigue and desperation.

"...Help me, Peter."

"What are you-"

That was as far as he got before his spider-sense blared, almost overwhelming him entirely at the severity of it. The possessed kingpin suddenly jumped clear across the table and grabbed Peter's neck, lifting him up effortlessly. Peter punched and kicked as hard as he could, managing to only scuff his suit and knock off his glasses in the struggle.

"Should've taken the chance when you had it." He pulled Peter closer and and forced their eyes to meet. His spider-sense was deafening now, "Did you honestly believe that act? 'Help me, Spider-Man. Please save me from myself.'" He laughed under his breath. "And here I thought you were smarter than that."

Matthew threw him against the opposite wall hard enough to make it crack. Peter bit back a muted scream at the impact and pressed his hands against the floor to keep from collapsing entirely. His entire body was covered in an agonizing chill and every strained cough he forced out caused more and more blood to dribble past his lips.

"You..." Peter looked up and glared when the blind bastard pressed the end of the pistol at the center of his forehead, "...Do it. Go ahead, finish it." He wasn't going to beg, not in front of him.

Matthew grinned and pulled the trigger.


The soft sound was practically deafening. A moment of stifling silence passed before Matthew laughed and let the gun drop, "It wasn't loaded. Gun safety and all." He let the gun drop on the ground and crouched till they were once again face to face, "I already gave you a chance last week, but I was curious if you changed your mind. I admit I'm disappointed, especially with the way you dispatched Otomo. You know the reason I left that katana at your possession was because I figured you'd be using it when you started working for me?"

Peter spat a bloody wad of spit at his face.

Without so much as a noise of disapproval he wiped away the crimson fluid before he grabbed Peter's hair and tugged his gaze up, "Defiant to the end, hm? Ms. Stacy will be glad to know that, at least."

Peter looked into his eyes again, but this time there was no fear. Instead his mouth opened on its own to form words against his will, "Away, demon. This one remains mine."

For a brief, fleeting moment he saw a look of surprise and fear pass the lawyer's features before his smile returned full-force, "Ha, it looks like you still have some favors." He let go of Peter's head and stood, allowing the younger man to pull himself into a shaky stand and make for the door, "Go ahead, leave. But I'll give you fair warning: when you leave this place the next time we meet it'll be as enemies. Keep that in mind before you turn that knob."

Peter's hand lingered on the doorknob. He didn't imagine that, right? For a few seconds his eyes were normal, and his words...he shook his head. Now wasn't the time for that, "We were never friends, Matt." He forced himself out and slammed the door behind him.

He didn't know how he managed to make it downstairs and out the door without falling over himself, but he did. Peter stumbled outside and walked a short distance away before he stopped and leaned against the wall, his breaths coming out in ragged pants, "...You still there, Spider-God?"

Nothing. He wasn't surprised.

"Only there when I really need you, huh...?" He closed his eyes and let his breaths calm. All of was overwhelming; even the actual Spider-Man would've gone insane from it all. He let himself stand there for a couple more minutes before he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He looked at the screen and smiled when he saw Gwen's name, and a picture of her sporting a goofy grin and a peace sign, covering it.

"Hey, Peter, what's up?"

"Uh...nothing much." He pushed himself off the wall and coughed, "You?"

"Ah, just finished the talkshow. Pain in ass; I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."


"Yeah...I mean, we're still on for the date, right? Carnival thing? My mom's making me put on a dress and everything."

"Of course...wouldn't miss it for the world." He looked back at the apartment and found Murdock smiling down at him from the terrace, "...Hey, listen, I gotta go prepare, alright? I'll catch you tomorrow."

"Oh, cool," There was a brief pause before she said her next words, "Love you."

" you, too."

It didn't take long for Murdock's pajama brigade to show up. As soon as he ended the call and put the phone back in his pocket they were all around him, blades drawn and lacking self-preservation as always. Peter smiled bitterly and put on his mask, drawing both knives from his thigh holsters soon after. This was going to be a long night.

Well...that was long-winded :/ Apologies if the quality of this chapter was noticeably less than my usual, but I didn't have much time with the whole new job thing and I wanted to get this out of the way before I (might) have to spend the next 4 weeks unable to update. Hopefully this tides you guys over till then :)

Anyway, that steamy romance date is done and over with. Sadly Peter rejected Matt's love confession, but what can I say, given his rejection of Bullseye and relationship with Gwen I think it's fair to say he just has poor taste :p

As for Volume from the last chapter...I'm actually tempted to have Hobgoblin be dealt with there and just have it focus on 65-Cindy, Jack and Matt for this story. Fits with the character and I can expound more on his planning side. We'll see.

So yeah...I guess I'll see you guys in 4 weeks? Again, depends on whether I can make it at work or not. Wish me luck :) Oh, and because I've been getting messages to this effect here's a result of a 'civil war' of each person fighting their counterparts:

- Spider-Woman vs Noir: Straight up fight Gwen 9/10 times, especially after Venom. In a stealth battle it would depend if Noir can take advantage of the sonics and fire weakness.

- Captain America vs Punisher: Depends on placement. Melee combat? Edge towards cap. In a firefight I give it to Castle; he's trained in modern day weaponry for decades while Cap only came back in-universe 8 years ago.

- She-Hulk vs Bombshell: She-Hulk. Lana's strong, but no chance of damaging that gamma irradiated skin.

- Wasp vs Moon Knight: More or less equal, so it depends on fight circumstances. Also doubles as a parental dispute given Matt's comments in this chapter :p

- Silk vs Black Cat: Silk. Cindy lost in canon to 616 Felicia, but that was really poorly explained. Stat and combat wise Silk wins hands down.

- Hawkeye vs Bullseye: Bullseye, natch. More experienced and he can use anything as a projectile whereas she's limited to bows and other archaic weapons for the most part.


1. Obvious question; do you guys want the next chapter to be the carnival date with Gwen and Noir or leaving town to go for the Weapon X arc with Shadowcat and Spider-Man? One's going to be horrific, traumatizing and likely leave people vomiting...and the other's Weapon X. So just pick your poison and I'll get back to it when I can.

2. Not sure if I asked this before, but I'll ask again: which side of the story do you want Mary Jane to be involved in? I'm currently torn between having her be in the Hand arc on Peter's side or fighting alongside Gwen against 65-Cindy Moon. Not sure where she fits better given that she's got a sci-fi symbiote (Gwen) but also struggles with morality and violence due to it (Noir).

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The Hype for this chapter was worth, I had lots of fun.

1= The date~

2- Hmm, what makes the lives of the MCs more difficult the better/interesting to me, so each of them on their own!

Feel like a review whore for asking, but any thoughts on the chapter itself like before?
The interaction between Matt and Peter felt like it should, the two of them, both Liar detectors trying to dig deeper inside the other, with Matt being a more talented manipulator.

I am very interested how Matt will act about Gwen mother now after his declaration that after Peter left the house he would be treated as an enemy there are several ways he can be a very mean person.

And of course, the effect of Gwen on Peter was really heartwarming when he thought about her and when she called him in the end, she is healing his heart, the only way to break Peter now would be by breaking Gwen first or killing her.

Also yeah the Moon Knight info is tasty I wonder how it will fit in the fic later, I am excited.

Feel like a review whore for asking, but any thoughts on the chapter itself like before?
It's a ditto, but I had to fill in the blank spaces because the post removed them all.

I thought the chapter was excellent. I think another trap that Peter could have dodged was if the gun had been linked to an innocent person who would have been charged with the crime.
The interaction between Matt and Peter felt like it should, the two of them, both Liar detectors trying to dig deeper inside the other, with Matt being a more talented manipulator.

I am very interested how Matt will act about Gwen mother now after his declaration that after Peter left the house he would be treated as an enemy there are several ways he can be a very mean person.

And of course, the effect of Gwen on Peter was really heartwarming when he thought about her and when she called him in the end, she is healing his heart, the only way to break Peter now would be by breaking Gwen first or killing her.

Also yeah the Moon Knight info is tasty I wonder how it will fit in the fic later, I am excited.

Gwen's mom? Probably nothing unless Gwen does something first. Remeber she's meant as a deterrent, since involving Gwen risks getting the Avengers on his ass. Even if they can't kill him they can irreversibly destroy everything else he has.

Healing his heart? If you say so. One can easily argue she's compromising his methods since he's refused to kill Matt twice now for her sake. As for Moon Knight, likely won't amount to anything. It's just background fluff and Peter admits he doesn't care.

It's a ditto, but I had to fill in the blank spaces because the post removed them all.

I thought the chapter was excellent. I think another trap that Peter could have dodged was if the gun had been linked to an innocent person who would have been charged with the crime.

He's already wanted for numerous things; people hold off purely due to him being stupid hard to catch and his relationship with New York's darling. That and, much as Peter refuses to see it, he did earn some goodwill with his actions during the Carnage arc.
He's already wanted for numerous things; people hold off purely due to him being stupid hard to catch and his relationship with New York's darling. That and, much as Peter refuses to see it, he did earn some goodwill with his actions during the Carnage arc.
What I meant was that the gun could have belonged to someone who has some motive to shoot Matt and would therefore be suspected of having shot Matt.
What I meant was that the gun could have belonged to someone who has some motive to shoot Matt and would therefore be suspected of having shot Matt.

Yeah, and it wouldn't have mattered much since he's also in line for numerous other crimes like murder, theft, assault etc etc of various others. I suppose Matt would be technically 'innocent' in the eyes of the law, but reputation wise it wouldn't change Jack since, similar to Fisk, Matt being the Kingpin is the most open secret in NYC next to Kate's identity.
So on a general scale, how are the supernatural elements working for everyone on Noir's side of the story? Aside from Jack's upcoming arc many of Noir's later antics delve pretty deep into Ghost Rider levels of 'mystical bullshit' with all the chi, demons, magical artifacts, exorcisms etc etc - one of the things I'm taking cues from is the Constantine 2005 movie along with Hellblazer in general. I wonder if people are fine with this (we go back to a more balanced scale of street v. magic later) or people are already getting tired of watching a film noir wannabe having to rely on oracles and possession to keep surviving against TEH DEVIL!!!

If so I might have to adjust accordingly.
So on a general scale, how are the supernatural elements working for everyone on Noir's side of the story? Aside from Jack's upcoming arc many of Noir's later antics delve pretty deep into Ghost Rider levels of 'mystical bullshit' with all the chi, demons, magical artifacts, exorcisms etc etc - one of the things I'm taking cues from is the Constantine 2005 movie along with Hellblazer in general. I wonder if people are fine with this (we go back to a more balanced scale of street v. magic later) or people are already getting tired of watching a film noir wannabe having to rely on oracles and possession to keep surviving against TEH DEVIL!!!

If so I might have to adjust accordingly.
I am fine with it, I am curious how you will handle it in the future chapter, for now it does not feel intrusive at all.
Chapter 101 - Parker and Pryde
Surprise...kinda. I adjusted to work better in a short term and we got a three day weekend, so here's an early update. Not sure if I can keep this rate - depends on the new requirements they pile up on me - but hopefully this chapter works. Weapon X just got one more vote compared to Carnival Date, so it was actually pretty close. Oh, and Happy belated Valentines everyone!

I'll be honest: this chapter really doesn't work for me. I know Looking Glass is disjointed and unfocused at best, but this feels like I made an X-Men fic (and I don't like the X-Men franchise despite liking certain characters) and then just stapled it into this one using Original Noir's presence as an excuse to call it part of the Spidey story.

You'll notice this by the fact that OG!Noir's actually pretty passive in this chapter with all the focus going to Shadowcat. I actually wondered as I finished whether it would've been better to make her the POV character, but I relented. I can write generic anti-hero better than generic psycho so I chose the lesser of two evils.

Speaking of characters, I've been watching the vids by Terrible Writing Advice, particularly his bit on Mary Sues and Anti-Heroes. I love how cliche Noir is that he perfectly fits into many of the stereotypes :p

The main point of contention is the 'disagrees with plan but offers no alternative' clause. In my experience Ideal Heroes tend to do that more and in this fic it's Gwen who often counterpoints with no plan or reason besides 'it's wrong'. Noir and the other anti-heroes tend to have more concrete plans, mostly in the vein of 'just kill them so they don't bust out of jail again'. Simple, but definitely effective.

Side Note - Volume 2 seems more and more likely, and if it is then Hobgoblin is definitely gonna be saved for later. He's another Mastermind villain and he can definitely pick up where 65-Cindy and Matt leave off.

Oh, and listen to X-23's UMVC3 theme for the chapter. It really doesn't fit the events, but screw it ;)

Chapter 101: Parker and Pryde

First time out of New York and it was to go on a killing spree...

Spider-Man adjusted his place on the driver's seat and tried to ignore the dull ache that spread across his back. They'd been driving in shifts for at least three days now, and that was if they weren't stuck because of a flat tire, some sort of traffic accident or an outbreak of what Kat called Thor Frogs. The last one probably scared him more than anything else he'd seen so far.

Stupid lightning spewing frogs with hammers...

The clock told him it was a few minutes past 11 pm and he groaned. He needed to stop. Spider-Man rubbed a hand across his face and looked towards his partner on the passenger seat. Kat was sleeping soundly, her jacket wrapped around her like a blanket while her head pressed itself on the lumpy cushions of the rented car. How she managed to fall asleep in this junkheap he had no idea, but he wasn't complaining. Better than having her bored and snappy in a confined space.

He tapped his hands on the steering wheel and breathed a relieved sigh when he saw the sign, "Rest stop 3 miles ahead..." Thank Spider-God, he was going nuts being trapped in this thing. It wasn't hard to pick up driving from the manuals - it helped that he hadn't had much to do the past couple of weeks - but the mindnumbing boredom was something he couldn't fix. He never left New York back home and after this he didn't plan to; especially since home didn't have airconditioning in cars yet.

The would-be vigilante parked on the nearly empty lot and tapped Kat's shoulder, "Hey, get up."

She scrunched her face and batted away his hand before another tap forced her eyes open, "What?" she bit out, giving him a sideways glare through tired eyes.

"Rest stop. Figured you want to get some food or take a piss." Lord only knew he wasn't going to stop in the middle of the road again. They were lucky that patch of land was abandoned.

"You always know what to say, Petey." He refrained from telling her off for the name in favor of catching the crumpled bills she threw his away, "Get us some snacks, will ya? We shouldn't be far now and I don't want to do this on an empty stomach."

"Sure..." He stuffed the long green into his pocket and watched as she left the car, leaving her jacket behind as she did. His eyes lingered on the slender arms sticking out the tanktop and he let out a soft breath. It still amazed him somewhat how she looked considering what she got up to everyday. Anyone else in her place would've been covered in scars and muscles, but she looked the perfect picture of a 'modern day' teenage girl.

Shaking his head, Spider-Man got out of the car himself and made his way to the store. Gas station food was cheap and bad for him, but he could say that about a lot of things in this place. He counted the bills quickly and got as much as he could carry in one trip. If there was one thing he and Kat had in common it was that they both needed an insane amount of food to keep going. Price of power, he guessed, though it would make it a pain to adjust if- when he made it back home.

Kat was already there by the time he got back, "Looks like someone brought the king's feast." She smirked up at him. Spider-Man rolled his eyes and let the pile of food collapse between them, "Gas station tacos and soda, that's going to be good for our stomachs."

"I don't expect to live through the night anyway," Spider-Man replied sarcastically. He picked up one of the assorted hard breads and dug in with Kat following his lead soon after. It was...edible, but that was the nicest thing he could say about it. He couldn't wait till they could get back to Kat's place - a home cooked meal was one of the few things he had in this place...well, that and the 'arrangement' between him and his partner.

A few minutes of comfortable silence passed before Kat suddenly spoke up, "Something bugging you?" He turned to meet her gaze and found her digging into the (poorly) heated lasagnia, "You look like you've got a stick up your ass...well, more than usual."

"...Just what do you see when you look at me?" He shook his head, "Look, it's nothing, just..." A deep breath passed his parted lips and he threw the wrapper out the window, "Getting out of New York's got me thinking. What if Aunt May's dead? Hell, what if she moved on and me showing up again just gives her a damn heart attack? Not to mention the rest of my friends...I don't even know if Robbie's still alive or they put him down."

"That's your friend that got the lobotomy, right?"

"Yeah..." He looked down at the dark floor and scowled. Octavius was still alive, "...I dunno, Kat, I'm just-"

"You're overthinking it." She punched him in the shoulder lightly and gave him a lopsided smirk, "They're your family. From what you told me about em they sound like the type to hug you and have tearful reunions. And if they don't? You can stay here. I can think of worse things than being stuck in 2016 New York. Least here you don't have to worry about the Nazis rising up...well, not unless Red Skull wins, but I doubt that."

"Stay here? In the place where frogs spew lightning and mad scientists like the Slant turn innocent people into freaks? You might as well just put me into the loony bin and throw away the key." He rolled his eyes, though he smiled back in turn. He appreciated the gesture, at least, "Thanks, but no thanks. This kind of insanity might be home for you, but it ain't for me."

"Just a suggestion, Petey."

"Don't call me that."

Kat chose to turn on the radio in lieu of countering the rebuttal, which she immediately regretted as soon as the first words screeched out of the old contraption, "Thank you, thank you! Now don't forget we'll be replaying Spider-Woman and Spinerrette's interview later, so stay tuned-"

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Kat turned the old dial until the constant talks about the interviews were finally replaced by a weird mix of classical songs and rock, "God, out of New York and we can't get away from that. This is as bad as the time I went to France last year; no one would shut the fuck up about ladybugs and black cats."

"Sure you aren't jealous?" he asked lightly. He knew she wasn't, but he rarely had a chance to make fun.

"Yeah, cause I really want people to be obsessed about where I shit because they expect me to wipe their asses for them." She scoffed, "It's a joke, but for some reason everyone seems like they forgot about the punchline."

"You were fighting her when they visited last." Her and his 'brother'. The idea of Gwen Stacy, of all people, being some kind of 'Superhero' was still funny to him. He supposed it could've just been another dame who shared the name, but he couldn't deny the resemblance when he'd looked closer. Even with the short hair and lack of an overpriced coat he doubted he could forget what she looked like, not after seeing her smug face for since he was a kid.

"Yeah, cause she bought into her own hype. I'm a lot of things, partner, but I'm honest about my demons. She and a bunch of those other 'heroes' just pretend theirs don't exist."

"Just stop worrying about it. It's not like you and her have to be friends."

"Easier said than done considering I live in New York. You can't go two blocks without seeing a billboard for Spider-Woman's endorsed energy drink or one of She-Hulk's charity ads." She looked up at the ceiling briefly before her next words nearly caused him to jump, "...Hey, you wanna do it?"

"Seriously? Right now?" He gave her a flat look. It said a lot of how messed up he was now that he actually considered immediately agreeing, "We're in a car, if you remember. A car that's sitting in a parking lot out in the open."

"So?" she asked back, "You think it's first time I did it in a car? Trust me, two walls and at least some privacy; better than a lot of the things I got up to."

"...What kind of boyfriends did you have?"

"We called them johns back then, but maybe that's just me being old fashioned."

"Johns..." His eyes narrowed. He was still getting used to the slangs in this place, but it didn't take him long to get the meaning, "...You were"

"A hooker, streetwalker, prostitute, sex I have to go on?" Kat asked back. She didn't sound offended; on the contrary she seemed midly amused with his hesitation, "Yeah, I spent maybe...6 months, I think? Yeah, about 6 months turning tricks on some ass crack in New York. Guess the heroes and the police just missed us, huh? Too busy saving the squeaky clean people they can take pictures with rather than getting down in the muck."

"...How old were you?" He didn't know why he asked; it wasn't like it would've made it any better.

"14 or 15, maybe? The Facility never really gave me a birthday." She shrugged, "It was...well, it was pretty shit, but it got a roof over my head and I learned some things; like learning how to avoid screaming when my hymen kept breaking or when I cut my wrists. Virgins and cutters were a commodity for some sickos, and even if Zebra Daddy didn't know why I kept healing he was all too willing to take advantage. Healing factor can be a bitch sometimes."

"That's why the blankets always had blood on them?"

"Yeah. Hey, don't feel bad. Like I said, I learned how to deal." She opened a bag of chips and began digging into it, "...Offer's still open, by the way."

"Something doesn't make sense to me," he said, completely ignoring her not-so-subtle solicitation, "You told me you and the old man killed your way through the facility when you were both 12."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"...Where the hell was he while you were off doing your...thing?" Being a hooker, why couldn't he just say it? She probably would've found it less offensive than him dancing around the issue.

"Hell if I know, probably off on a country wide drinking spree." She tried to hide it, but he definitely caught the slight bitterness in her tone, "...Look, I call him dad and he calls me his kid, but we ain't family. Not really. First time we met Stryker already had him in a tube and he gave me this spiel about how Logan could be so much more and that we could help each other if I just gave him this." She manifested two claws on her left hand, "He got the claws I got the healing. Even trade, hm?"

"I thought you said you were his...clone." It still felt odd to say.

"Yeah, they got some sperm from him and put it into Kimura, but that doesn't make him my dad any more than it makes that bitch my mom." She tossed the wrapper outside, "I tried to escape a few times, but they stopped me every time. And every time they did they treated me worse: more drugs, more beatings, more 'mother-daughter' bonding time with Kimura. You name it."


"I don't think God had anything to do with it," she smiled wryly, "Anyway, after my 4th escape attempt it came to me; why am I doing this alone? So I let Logan and the rest of the prisoners out of their cells. It was bloody, but all of us were willing to fight to get out of that hellhole. By the end of it the only people who didn't die ran away like cowards and it was just me and Logan left."

"You're sure no one else survived?"

"Trust me, I checked. After that...well, Logan wanted to do what he always did, being the lone traveler, but I followed him. I didn't have anyone else and the Facility didn't really didn't tell me how to do anything but kill and blend into the environment. I was just a kid then, and I thought..." She paused, "...Well, doesn't matter. Let's just say I was an idiot who thought it could work out, that we could be family or something stupid like that."

"You seem to be talking to him now."

"Yeah, but we ain't exactly dad and daughter." She took a deep breath before continuing, "He told me from the first day that it wouldn't work out, but I was a stubborn kid. He tried to leave me behind and I just clung tighter. Two years we were like that, just moving from place to place because we had no idea what do with ourselves. It was fucked up, but it was better than being with the Facility."

"And then..." Her fists clenched, "One day he was just gone. When I woke up at the motel we were staying at he was gone. His stuff was missing, clothes weren't in the closet...I thought something bad happened until I figured it out: he left me behind, just like he said he would. I dunno how he masked his scent, but he did. All I had left were the clothes on my back and a hundred bucks. I couldn't last the week."

" wonder you hate him."

"Hate him? Nah. We ain't family or nothin', but I don't hate him." His spider-sense flared. A half-lie, "He gave me fair warning, so it was my fault for thinking life worked like a fairytale. I found out later that he got into one of his episodes - apparently he has a lot of those because of how he got immortal. I don't really buy it, though; he was always looking for an excuse to leave the deadweight behind. I'd have done the same thing."

"How does this lead to you getting caught up in streetwalking?" he asked bluntly, trying not to wince at the word.

"Well like I said I didn't last the week and pretty soon I was on the streets. I still had my claws and training, but I didn't want to kill any more people; even if I was real tempted to shank some poor bastard and steal his wallet. Eventually I got hungry enough that I started looking at the places no one wants to look at for food. I met Zebra Daddy there and he took a liking to is history."

"Where's this striped horse guy now?"

"Dead. I killed him." Well...that wasn't a surprise, "It worked out for the best. I helped out a group being led by this group called Kiden and S.H.I.E.L.D found the old man soon after. Dunno what possessed him to tell em about me, but my little episode with ZD put me on their radar. Peggy gave me the pitch and I decided that I couldn't be normal, so I gave the hired killer thing a shot and stopped lying to myself. Working out pretty good so far."

"Hah, I guess." Spider-Man looked up at the dusty ceiling with a frown. It seemed like him and everyone else he knew had awful pasts. The preacher back home would've spewed something out about God testing them through trial and fire, but he didn't buy it, "...How old are you now?" She'd never actually told him despite her teasing from before.

"18, my birthday was a few days ago...more or less. Again, the Facility never really gave me a proper birthday so I decided that the day me and Logan escaped was the closest thing I could have to one."

Spider-Man rummaged through the stacks of food and containers and brought out a half-smeared cupcake. He'd bought it just in case either of the two of them needed something sugary, even if neither of them had much in the way of a sweet tooth, "Bit late, but..." He offered it to her, "...Happy Birthday."

"Aww, you shouldn't have." Kat smirked and brought a finger through the frosting. She licked the sweet from her fingertip and laughed softly, "Hey, I know I'm an asshole, but I do appreciate you coming. This babysitting gig's not as terrible as I thought it'd be."

"Yeah, too." It surprised him just how sincerely he meant it. It was...odd having someone to watch his back - he'd definitely miss the feeling once he was out of this madhouse.

"'You too'? You're such a romantic," They shared sardonic smiles, "Alright, move over. Offer's expired and I'm taking the last shift. Might wanna get some sleep, we'll be in Oregon in a few hours."


The next few hours passed by in a dreamless sleep and by the time he woke up again he found them already driving through the entrance of the town, "Mmgh...what is this place?" he asked groggily, rubbing his tired eyes as he did.

"Arcadia Bay. It's not too far off from the base." She turned off the engine before he could get a good look at the time and opened the door. Spider-Man immediately bit back a shiver at the cold night air, though Kat paid it no mind, "Base should be a small walk away, maybe 30 minutes since we know where we're looking. If we're lucky we're in and out of the place before the sun rises."

"And if we're not so lucky?" He put on his mask. There wasn't much point to it, but it was comforting nonetheless.

"Then get ready to eat a bullet, cause that's the lesser evil compared to getting caught by these guys."

"Great..." He stepped out of the car and eyed the length of the forest she pointed to, "...Why is part of it burnt?"

"Someone started a forest fire not too long ago, I'm guessing. Who cares?" she said, "Just make sure you're ready. I don't wanna run into this blind."

The two of them walked the length of the forest with no one but the other for company. Spider-Man looked around the groaning trees and stuffed his hands into his pockets, a slight frown on his face. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he was more of a city spider than anything else, though Kat seemed to be the exact opposite. From the side he saw the relaxed smile on her face and the way she seemed to calm the deeper they got in. It looked odd on her.

"You been here before?"

"Nah, I just like forests. Not as much noise and smells as the city," she replied casually, "I go out of the city every few weeks just to get away from it all sometimes, but I haven't had a chance to do it recently. Too busy making sure your ass doesn't get killed."

"I can take care of myself." He scoffed.

"Sure, that's what they all say." She grinned, "Don't worry about the big bad Facility goons, I'll protect you-"


Kat's eyes raised in the direction of the trees above them just before he tugged her out of the way. A bullet impacted where she was standing, displacing dirt through the air with a loud pop, "Damn it." He dragged his partner to cover with one hand and fired back with his revolver with the other. Even with the his enhanced senses he couldn't see the bastard.

The two of them landed behind a large tree. Spider-Man grimaced at the sound of the bullets hitting against the trunk, "Can't see this guy." He peeked his head out and immediately retracted it when a bullet landed inches from his head, "This guy invisible or something?"

"Might be." Kat sniffed the air and growled, "I can get this asshole, but you need to distract him."

"Make myself a target, you mean," he snarked back, "Fine. I can give you a few seconds, make em count."

The two of them nodded at one another before they separated, Kat charging to the left while he went to the right, firing his remaining bullets as he went. It worked, judging by the shots that came his way, 'Shit.' Spider-Man ducked under another tree and quickly reloaded. He took a deep breath before he repeated the action. His spider-sense made it easier, but he never fancied the idea of dodging bullets becoming a thing for him.

The next barrage didn't last long. Through the darkness he saw Kat jump into a branch before she seemingly wrapped her arms around thin air and stabbed her claws in front of her.

A burst of electricity lit up the forest before a blurry figure suddenly appeared in the mercenary's grip, "Nice try." Kat grinned maniacally and let the the shooter drop to the ground with a painful crash.

Spider-Man topped off the revolver and made his way to the prone figure. The poor bastard twitched and gurgled, but apart from that he was quiet. He waited till the noise quieted down before he turned him around.

"What the...?" His eyes narrowed. He'd seen some weird things since he woke up, but seeing the man stuck with bits of tech all over his body like some kind of artificial Frankenstein was definitely new. The bits of metal bolted onto his arms and legs were grotesque and out of place, so much so that he wondered how the malshapen thing could've hidden itself at all.

Kat landed next to him and looked down at the corpse distastefully, "Reavers," she spat, "Guess the Hellfire Club really is involved now."

"What are these things?"

"What's it look like? Some stupid asshole who got himself all cyborged up," she said flippantly, "Reavers are the Hellfire Club's personal PMC, though I've heard rumors that they're apparently branching off all on their own."

", anyone can get this tech? Why the hell are freaks like us or the Spider-Dame such a big deal, then?"

"Yeah, anyone can get it if they have the money, but almost no one does; and with good reason." She gestured to the hole in his chest clumsily filled with wires, "Humans aren't built for tech like this. Tissue build up kills you in a few weeks and the Reavers aren't much better. They've got some drugs to reduce the after-effects, but you're lucky if you live past the year even with all the meds. Turning invisible or having an arm-cannon isn't as cool when you only have a few months to play with it."

"This guy's kitted up..."

"There's no shortage of stupid people who don't do the research." She shrugged, "Come on, that guy's a sentry and he's probably sounded the alarm already. We need to get in there before they shut the facility down."

Kat was right about that. They only managed two more minutes of running towards the base before a literal army of teched up freaks came to greet them. Spider-Man tightened his grip on his gun and took a slight step back. Kat told him that stealth wouldn't work here - any decent Reaver had sensors that made seeing in the dark child's play. If you wanna get through them then you have to do it face to face, she'd said.

His partner charged ahead first, claws drawn and his lips raised in a gleeful smile. Spider-Man watched her cut through two of the frontline fighters briefly before he shook himself from his stupor and joined her. Tech or not they were just goons, and he dealt with trash like this every night.

Spider-Man ducked under the clawed hands attempting to slash his mask off and shot the large mook at his exposed neck, 'No kid gloves here.' He grabbed the attacker's arm before he could fall off and used it to slash at two wiry clowns charging towards him. The deep gashes on their chest and the blood that spurted afterwards caused him to grimace. He was no stranger to killing, but the screams never stopped being unnerving.

A short distance away Kat gutted one of the larger attackers from his bellybutton up to his chest, "They better be paying you guys a premium for this!" she taunted. A barrage of bullets came her way only to pass through harmlessly and hit the attackers on her other side. The shooter was frozen briefly at that, which was long enough for her to aim a clawed kick at his neck that sliced the skin open.

He took down two more of the frankensteins before his spider-sense suddenly flared. Turning his head to the source, he was met with the sight of a giant, rotund man that charged towards them clumsily. It wasn't the lack of clothes, the misshapen limbs or the groaned words that caught his attention. No, those were practically invisible compared to the giant screen stapled onto his face with a timer counting down.

"What the-"


Spider-Man didn't know who it was that screamed it, but it didn't matter. The rest of the goombas immediately tried to run, pushing and stepping over one another to try and escape. Kat's eyes widened for a split second before she immediately tackled him to the ground. He barely managed out a surprised grunt before he felt the same weightless feeling from before and his eyes and ears were assaulted with a large explosion.

He didn't feel the heat or the flames, only the familiar coldness and the feeling of Kat's arms wrapped around his back in a vice grip. They lied still for a few more seconds before they both eventually looked up at the desolated forest around them.

"What...the hell...was that thing?" he asked as son as she finally released her grip on him.

"Bombhead...think suicide bomber on steroids." Kat stood up and offered him a hand, which he took, "They're last resorts. If the Reavers die then they send a bombhead to clean up the mess." She gestured to the burnt trees and destroyed corpses, "One thing about joining the Reavers? Their health plan sucks. There's no shortage of idiots willing to take cheap experimental tech so they don't worry about volunteers."

"Guess not..." He put a hand on his neck and groaned. This was rapidly going above what he signed on for, "So...what now?"

"We continue to the lab, unless you wanna chicken out."

"Got here so far, might as well finish it..."

The lab, such as it was, ended up being barren. Spider-Man stepped through the ajar door and looked at the darkened interirior suspiciously. The place had seen better days. Broken glass and cobwebs lined the roomed and what little intact equipment was covered in a thick blanket of dust and grime. It looked worse off than the asylum Octavius was squatting, and that said a lot.

"...This isn't right," Kat mumbled next to him. She made her way to one of the tables and tried to look for something, though he didn't know what, "This doesn't make any fucking sense. Why the hell would the Reavers be here by the truckloads if there's nothing left?" She swept her hand through the table and knocked the assorted beakers and vials into the ground. The sound of breaking glass all throughout the room, "Fuck!"

"Calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" she snapped, "We wasted days coming here and we have nothing to show for it." She crossed her arms and scowled, "I can't smell anything or anyone here. Where the hell are the scientists? The experiments?"

"Like you said those frakensteins were here guarding something, we just have to find what."

"Or maybe they were sent here as a distraction in case anyone got too close. Not like the Facility ever gave a shit about manpower." She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a frustrated breath, "...Alright, sorry, it's not your fault. We just need to find something."

"You sure you don't sense anything?"

"Nah. Some of the facilities were dampened to make sure I couldn't find any nooks and crannies to escape, but those places are always stocked with the most valuable things they want to keep hidden. Anything abandoned like this would've been because there was nothing worth keeping or safeguarding." She clicked her tongue, "Then again my senses aren't the best. Logan was always better at sniffing things out more than me."

"Let me try then."

They spent the next few minutes ransacking the place for anything that seemed out place. Spider-Man looked under the desk and frowned at the burst of dust that met him when he accidentally nudged it, "Shit." He coughed and blew stepped back. What was with this place? "So these much of em do they have?"

"Fuck if I know. I didn't get a good look at their accounting book." She threw down a bookcase and grimaced at the empty wall that greeted her, "All I know is that Stryker had contacts with the Hellfire Club, so there's definitely some deep pockets that went into these places."

"...Stryker, isn't he that guy on the telly ranting about the evils of anyone with a power?" Spider-Dame and the green amazon were his favorite targets, though his clone and anyone else within insulting range was free game far as the so-called priest was concerned. Spider-Man didn't care much for him. Anyone could get up on a soapbox and rant, but it was another thing entirely to stand for what you preached. Aunt May was definitely the latter.

"Nah, different guy. That's Joseph Stryker, a religious fundamentalist who switched to people with powers after he realized skin tone just wasn't cutting it anymore. Not sure if there's actually a connection to William Stryker; couldn't exactly ask considering I'm one of the freaks he hates so much."

"Huh..." Spider-Man made his way to the other side of the room and stopped when he heard the hollow sound of his foot making contact with the tile, "...You hear that?"

"Hear what?" Kat looked at him him in confusion.

"This." He knelt and rapped the floor with his knuckles. She still looked confused, "There's something under here."

Without another word Kat materialized her claws and cut through the floor- or at least she tried to. Her claws cut through the tiles easily enough, but the ethereal blades stopped halfway, "...There's vibranium under the floor." She willed the claws away and scowled, "We can't punch through like this. My claws can't cut through the metal and not even She-Hulk can punch through this stuff."

"There has to be a way everyone else is getting in and out," he muttered, "Let's keep cutting through the floor, see what we find."

It took them a while to peel away the layers, but eventually they found something that made it all worthwhile, "Keypad." Kat said, looking down at the numbers through narrowed eyes, "Don't suppose you know how to hack?"

"No, but I think I can manage." He raised his hand to the first number on the row and pulled back when he felt the dull flare of spider-sense at the back of his skull. He'd barely felt it, though that was to be expected - his sixth sense usually worked only in the case of danger or someone lying to him. Trying to figure out a right or wrong code was tangentially related at best, but it apparently still counted.

It took him a few minutes of trial and error until the six digit code was finally accepted. A portion of the floor pulled back with a hiss to reveal a stairway and Kat was instantly alert, sniffing the air like a dog on the trail, "...Fresh blood down there, mixed with machine oil. Dead Reavers." She sniffed again, "...Whatever's down there it's not gonna be pretty. You can back out now."

"And go where? Back through that forest that's probably crawling with police now that a bomb went off?" He scoffed, "No chance, Kat. Let's finish this."

The stench of blood became more obvious as they got deeper inside. Kat was on edge, claws drawn and eyes narrowed. For his part Spider-Man held his revolver like his life depended on it and paid attention to even the smallest call from his spider-sense. All the walls were made of vibranium, meaning that if they got caught here there'd be no escape.

Memories of being caught back in Crime Master's lair and nearly being gassed to death came back. Spider-Man clenched his free hand and looked back at the entrance behind them. A part of him was tempted to turn tail and run now. This wasn't his fight, a part of him said. He could leave without feeling a single shred of guilt. Shadowcat wasn't his friend, she was his handler and warden. He had no business running through dilapitated laboratories for her sake.

He ignored it.

The inside of the room was just as gruesome as she said. The first thing Spider-Man took notice of were the piles of fresh bodies, each of them torn apart and destroyed to the point that they barely resembled human beings. It reminded him of some of Octavius' experiments, but even then the 'good doctor' had the sensibility to keep his subjects - victims - intact. These 'people' were just chunks of butchered meat.

Still, all the dead and dying paled in comparison to the little girl kneeling at the center of the room. Kat stood frozen in place, her face riddled with shock and denial. The little girl at the center ignored them, continuing to stare silently at the bloodstained metal claws that jutted out of her knuckles. Her breaths came out in ragged pants, the only proof that she was even alive.

"No way..." Kat muttered, "They made another."

The door behind them suddenly slammed shut. Before either of them could attempt to pry it open the one-way glass on the dome above them suddenly turned opaque to expose a dame in a labcoat. He had no idea who she was, but Kat did judging by the murderous glare she sported.

"Kinney..." She growled, the sound more animalistic than anything he'd heard before, "I thought the old man killed you."

"Like you did Rice? No such luck, X-22." The woman's features were severe, her eyes narrowed in disgust and her lips pursed in obvious displeasure, "I knew the Reavers wouldn't be enough to stop you, but I didn't expect you to bring an even more tenacious bloodhound." She turned his gaze to him, "I don't know who you are, but you made a mistake helping this animal."

"Shut the hell up!" Kat screamed, "What the hell did you do?!"

"The same thing we always do when an experiment fails: we start another." She looked at the little girl at the center of the room, "X-23's been more cooperative than you ever were, and though she lacks your intangibility and psionics her other abilities are more than sufficient, as you can see."

"You made a kid kill all these people...?" Spider-Man muttered.

"A weapon, not a child," she said without a care, "Speaking of, this is a good chance to kill two birds with one stone. X-23, code green."

Whatever the hell that meant he didn't know, and in the end it didn't matter. As soon as the words were out of her mouth the little girl suddenly turned to them and let out a feral roar. His spider-sense barely had time to warn him before she was on them, slashing and cutting at anything she could get like a rabid dog. Spider-Man jumped over her flailing arms and did his best to put some distance between them.

"Damn it!" Kat tried to kick her, but she ducked under the blow and cut through the older girl's thigh with the curved metal. Spider-Man aimed his gun at her and paused his finger on the trigger. She was dangerous, he didn't need his spider-sense to tell him that, but the idea of shooting a little girl through the head...

Gritting his teeth, he put the gun back into his holster and grabbed the little girl by her wrist. She managed cut through his mask before he threw her against the opposite wall.

"Kat, what do we do?" He fingered the cut on his right cheek and winced. Those claws were sharp.

"I...I dunno." Kat wiped the blood away from the already healed cut and stared at the feral child, "She's just a kid, but she's already killed the Reavers. And those claws..." She grimaced, "Adamantium, like the old man's...but something else, too. One good hit of those and you're dead, partner."

"Yeah, I figured." He lowered himself into a crouch, "...I don't wanna kill her."

"Neither do I," she said, "But we gotta take her down. And then Kinney." She took a second to glare up at the woman staring at them passively from the dome, "Adamantium can cut through the vibranium, so that the's only way we're getting out of here."

"You got a plan now?"

"Yeah, but you ain't gonna like it. When I give the signal hit her in the face as hard as you can."

Before he could ask what that meant she charged at the smaller girl and jumped above her, letting the younger of the two flail her hands through the air harmlessly, "Is that the best you got?" Kat taunted, which just caused the little girl to get madder. She charged towards her with her claws drawn forward like a lance and Kat...

Just stood there.

He didn't get a chance to yell out a warning before the claws stabbed through his partner's stomach and pinned her against the wall. Kat's expression morphed into shock before she quickly grit her teeth and grinned, even as blood dribbled out of her lips, "Hah, that's new!" She grabbed the younger girl's wrists and kept her pinned down, ignoring the way she trashed and struggled against the firm hold.

"Lass mich los!" the little girl snarled.

"Now, partner! Do it now!"

Spider-Man moved on instinct. Shelving any hesitation, he webbed the little girl's legs to the floor and smacked her at the back of the head. The little girl only stumbled slightly, and she would've turned around to slice his eyes off if it wasn't for Kat's continued hold on her.

"Harder, damn it! She can take it!"

"God damn it!" He hit her in the head again. Her nose twisted with a painful crack and her head snapped back at the impact, but again she refused to give in. Kat's grip weakened by the smallest amount and Spider-Man threw another, more powerful punch.

This one did knock her out. Another sickening crack echoed throughout the chamber and she finally went limp, held up only by the strands of web at her feet and Kat's vice grip on her arms. For a few seconds they simply stood there, panting from the exhaustion and absurdity of it all, before Kat eventually pried the claws away from her gut and let her fall to the floor.

"...Why did you let her do that?" he asked eventually.


"Stab you..." He gestured to the rapidly healing wounds underneath her bloodstained tanktop, "There were better ways to handle that."

"I didn't let her do anything. I wanted to phase through and catch her claws on the wall, but whatever she's got in these things made me solid again," Without explaining any more grabbed the girl's right hand and used it to cut a large hold through the wall behind her, "...Find some cuffs, would you? Shouldn't be too far from here. I'm going after Kinney." She looked up and smirked when the found the dome empty, "...I can smell her. She can't run."

"...Are you okay?"

"Just perfect."

She was lying.

Shaking his head, Spider-Man let Kat leave first before he webbed the girl to the floor fully and began searching for the cuffs, "God..." He looked away from the piles of dead in disgust and back towards the girl. He counted dozens of bodies easily. She did all that, he reminded himself. The little girl he hesitated to shoot, the little girl whose face he practically split open because if he hadn't she would've killed them both. She did all of it.

Biting back a curse, he fished out two pairs of handcuffs from the entrance and made his way back. She was out like a light, but at least she was still breathing. He did his best to ignore the unnatural twist of her nose and placed two fingers on her neck to check her pulse.

Slow and stable.

He ripped away the webbing on her upper body and cuffed her hands before quickly doing the same to her feet. He eyed the claws jutting out of her hands and feet warily before before covering her in another thick blanket of dark webbing. He wanted to trust her, but he knew from experience that kids could be bastards all on their own. Davis Thompson and his gang taught him that well enough.

"Come on, let's see what we can do about you." He carried the cocooned girl in his arms and made his way out of the impromptu exit Kat made earlier. He felt wary carrying her like this, but he trusted his spider-sense to warn him if she tried to attack again.

That and the fact that, despite everything, the idea of dragging her along the floor like an unwanted weight didn't really appeal to him.

Finding Kat wasn't difficult - he just had to follow the trail of dead bodies. Spider-Man eyed the freshly killed Reavers lining the length of the bloodstained hallway and instinctively held the girl closer to himself. He didn't feel sorry for them - mercenaries and hitmen knew exactly what they got into - but the sight of so much death was still enough to make him pause. He needed to do something about that if he had any hope of crippling Hitler's regime.

The sounds of flesh hitting flesh at the end of the hall made it obvious he'd finally caught up to her. Shelving any hesitation, he pushed the door open and stopped at the sight that greeted him.

It would've been one thing if Kat stabbed the scientist to death, but this was something different. The teenage mercenary mounted the woman and brought her fists down on her face, ignoring all her feeble struggles in favor of hitting whatever flesh she could reach, "You're going to die here, Kinney." Kat forced the scientist to meet her gaze, her lips raised in a manic grin, "Do you get that? You're going to die because you tried to play God and you fucked up."

Whether the scientist wanted to say anything he had no idea. When she opened her mouth all that came out was a torrent of blood, which Kat took as a sign to continue her assault.

Minutes passed and Spider-Man didn't say a word. He wasn't going to argue for mercy, not after what he'd seen. Instead he set the girl down on the wall and sat next to her, watching as Kat beat the scientist - monster - into a bloody, convulsing pulp.

He didn't look away, not even when Kat's laughter turned into tears and she was doing nothing more than beating a dead body for the sake of weeding out whatever catharsis she could.

A silence settled over the room when Kat finally threw her last punch and let herself collapse on the floor next to her freshly killed tormentor. She looked up at the ceiling and laughed, tears running down the side of her bloodstained face. Struggling between being happy and breaking down entirely - he knew what that was like. Would he be the same when he finally got his hands on Octavius, he wondered.

Ignoring the stench of blood in the air, Spider-Man stood and walked towards his partner, "Come on." She looked up at the offered hand blankly for a seconds before she eventually took it.

He pulled her into a shaky stand and they just stared at one another, neither of them willing to say a word. Spider-Man looked down at their intertwined hands briefly and pulled her into an awkward embrace. She didn't reject the gesture, but she didn't reciprocate either. She just stood there, her head pressed against his chest while her hands hung limply at her sides.

A moment of silence came and went before they eventually separated, "...Sorry."

"Nah, it's just...I'm not much of a hugger." She smirked up at him weakly.

"Yeah, neither am I..." He gave her an equally weak smile and turned back to the unconscious girl nearby, "...What do we do with her?"

"Well, if she's anything like me then knocking her out should've reset the code phrase. But I don't know how vicious she is even without it. It took months for me to get de-programmed, and even then I can't stop myself from thinking about the best way to kill people every time I enter a room."

"You suggesting we leave her here?"

"We leave her here and she stops being our problem. She'll probably turn into one of those wild children you see on the news, living in the forest and eating squirrels like an animal. That's if S.H.I.E.L.D or the Facility don't recover her." She bit her lower lip and let out a frustrated breath, "We could take her with us, but for all I know the second she wakes up she's gonna try to cut our necks open for killing her 'mommy'."

"A roll of the dice either way." He sighed.

"Yeah...but judging by the look in your eye you already know what you wanna do, so pick her up and let's go."

"You know so well, Kat." He picked up the killer - just a little girl - as gently as he could and tried to ignore the stench of blood and other fluids in the air, "...What do we do now?"

"We get a motel in town and wash all this blood off us. And then..." She looked down at her counterpart, "...Then we can try to figure this shit out."

"Well, we've survived so far." Probably not much longer if they kept going like this, though...

"By the skin of our teeth, but yeah." Her next smile was a bit more genuine, "Come on, let's get out of this shithole."

*Already dreading the shipper reviews now that these two have basically adopted Laura* }p Yeah...this chapter didn't do much for me. Which is a shame because I thought it would, but my disinterest in writing proper fight scenes bit me in the ass again so instead a quarter of the chapter's spent on Spider-Man and Shadowcat talking in a car while eating gas station takeout tacos.

Speaking of Spider-Man/Original Noir, I think I made him too nice in this chapter. Apart from some light snarking at Shadowcat he doesn't at all act that anti-heroic, especially in comparison to how Noir's been behaving in the past few chapters. I really need to fix that - thankfully the Octavius arc will give me the proper chance and explanation for him to be a bit colder compared to his 'save a child that tried to murder his ass' characterization here.

This chapter did go through some changes: the biggest one being that there was originally a segment where Shadowcat was dosed with trigger scent and Spider-Man either had to talk or beat her down to avoid getting killed. I couldn't put both that and the 'fight' with Laura in the chapter, so it was taken out. I'll use it later, I guess.


1. Obvious one: do we go to that date between Peter and Gwen or do we continue with Spider-Man and Shadowcat recovering from the assault and trying to stop Laura from going apeshit and killing everyone that looks at her funny? Either way there's a lot of talking and not a lot of action.

2. More a curiosity thing, but what drew people to Weapon X at all? Shadowcat and Spider-Man's relationship is (deliberately) shallow and neither of them go through much in the way of character development and change compared to Noir and Gwen; and this is coming from a guy who frowns on the idea of pairing the two Spiders together. So yeah, curious on why people seem to like Spider and Kat despite this deliberate shallowness in their portrayal.
1. Spider-Man and Shadowcat recovering from the assault and trying to stop Laura from going apeshit and killing everyone that looks at her funny.

2. The deliberate shallowness in their portrayal.
I've been watching the vids by Terrible Writing Advice, particularly his bit on Mary Sues
I hadn't even bothered with viewing his take on Mary-Sues having watched enough of his terrible writing advice before that, that I could say I disagree with him on about everything from what he believes is bad writing advice to his taste on what series and franchises are good and for what reasons.