Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

Chapter 106 - Nothing Goes Well
I've gotten comments indicating that Gwen's less interesting for certain readers because she's lacking in drama and struggle compared to Peter. I'll try to change that in the upcoming chapters, but if that's not good enough then I should probably inform everyone that V2 is more Gwen's story, as far as the overarching plot goes. That's not to say Noir's not involved or important anymore, but Hobgoblin is more her villain than Peter's. We also deal with Gwen's family and her life as a whole more in this volume.

Anyway, the amount of votes for main story v. the Lana omake was actually pretty close, which was a bit surprising. I definitely never expected Lana to appeal to the audience as much as she did when I first introduced her.

So I gave the chapter to my friend again and she made two funny comments: first she commented that Cindy's probably the most fucked up character in the story given her behavior and issues that she refuses to acknowledge. By contrast she stated that Shadowcat is one of the least fucked up by virtue of her not having angst or issues about who she is.

She also likened the story to the Isekai (taken to another world to be a badass) genre that's saturated anime nowadays. Though she did state that it was only a thin connection: Noir isn't the biggest badass (he's pretty low on the Super totem pole), he doesn't have a harem (the only ones who consider a relationship are Gwen and Lana), he doesn't win effortlessly (just check the Jack arc and his rivalry with Matt) and being 'trapped' in Earth-65 has arguably made his situation far worse (the entire story...).

Side Note - Currently watching Jessica Jones S2 and the themes of addiction and desire to be special are very appealing to me. That and showing how society reacts to the Powered living among them. While I can't do much with it now, I can definitely explore those themes in V2, especially given that the year long time skip between the volumes allows the status quo to change around a bit.

Chapter 106: Nothing Goes Well

"What the hell's going between you and Cindy?"

There were better places to be having this conversation than on the opposite sides of reinforced glass, but Peter was never one for good timing. Osborn's head snapped up at the sudden question, doing his damnedest to keep his expression unreadable.

It didn't work. He could practically see the shock across his face.

"Wh-What?" he said. Despite the inches of clear glass between them his voice carried through without any muffling. Peter was just glad they weren't put in the same cell. It was bad enough something from him was going inside Osborn, he didn't want to be in the same confined space while it was happening, "I just...that's random. What do you mean by that?"

"You know what I'm talking about." Peter's mouth twitched. The bastard was stalling, "The way you were acting around her...something's going on."

"Is this really the time for this conversation?"

"Only reason you'd hesitate is if you had something to hide." Peter scoffed, "Out with with, Osborn. I can find out from you or from Cin, and something tells me that her version's not gonna be so flattering for you."

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" Peter didn't bother to respond to that. He was well aware of how he was, thank you very much, "Why the hell are you even asking?"

"Because I don't trust you and I care about Cin." He knew she could take care of herself, but he couldn't let it go. Despite everything she trusted too much and risked her life for people who didn't deserve her help. Just like Gwen, "So give me an answer, before I stop being so polite."

"Christ, you're such an asshole." A soft, bitter laugh escaped the former soldier, "...We're sleeping together."

"I figured that out as soon as Spider-Man's kid opened her trap," he replied, "That's not it. Why'd you want her to come with us?" Anyone else would've called him paranoid, but he'd learned to trust his gut instinct; and right now it was screaming at him.

"Maybe I just don't like the idea of being stuck in the same room alone with you?" Osborn asked back sarcastically.

"Then why not call on Gwen? God knows she's the only one in that room that cares about you."

"So you love to remind me." Osborn crossed his arms and looked away, turning his back to Peter and masking his face from view. A silence settled over them briefly before Osborn finally spoke again, "...I like her."

"...Great." Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and sucked in a frustrated breath. He wasn't so naive to think that Osborn meant to add 'as a friend' to the end of that declaration, "Does she know?"

"Hell if I know." He shrugged, "I didn't exactly tell her. She kinda hates me, you know?" He tilted his head back to look at him, mouth curled up in a sardonic smile, "Just my luck, huh? The first girl I fall in love with I tried to kill and the second hates my guts and is using me to blackmail my dad for favors."

"Why do you like her?" It was a bizarre sight, talking about their fucked up 'love lives' while they were stuck in isolation cells, but considering their life it felt par for the course, "She's made it no secret she's not fond of you."

"Yeah, don't I know it?" he replied, "It's just...well, it's hard to explain. The past ten years were complete shit for her: trapped in a bunker, tortured by the Cindy Moon of this place, forced to work for name it. But despite all that she still puts on a costume and helps people, still gives a crap about strangers when she could just leave them and care only about herself."

"...She reminds you of Gwen."

"Ha, maybe, but I don't think so. At least not completely." He sighed, "Gwen...I tried to kill her because I wanted - needed - someone to blame for not speaking up when you and her fought that night at prom. If I hadn't frozen, hadn't just watched like a damn idiot, maybe you wouldn't have died. So I blamed Spider-Woman for it." He laughed, "At least that's what I told myself. Like you said, I wanted to feel important."

"The kid was dead the second he injected himself." Was he trying to comfort him or just stating a fact? Peter had no idea.

"Yeah, guess so." He frowned, "Gwen forgave me. After everything I did, everything I blamed her for, she still looks at me like I'm the same guy who she made friends with that day at lunch. It made my feelings for her worse, but a part me...I wanted her to hate me. If she did then I could make myself feel important - feel like the victim - again. Instead she never once brings it up, not even when I'm at my worst."

"How does this go back to Cindy?"

"She's not like Gwen. She reminds me of what I did and tells me that I'm a coward because I let my dad solve my problems for me." He pursed his lips, "If it was just that then maybe I'd hate her, but she...pushes me. She'll complain and tell me that she doesn't really care, but the only reason I even started trying to make real amends is because she pushed me to."

"You're using her as a crutch, Osborn..."

"Always seeing the worst in me, huh?" He clicked his tongue, "Maybe you have a point, but it's none of your business. I don't plan to hurt Cindy and I doubt I could even if I wanted to. I'm just glad she's helping me with this. She doesn't have to, and it'e be better for her if I never shaped up. More blackmail material for my dad."

"Do you honestly think she'll ever reciprocate?"

"I doubt it, but hey, look at you and Gwen." Even without seeing his face Peter could practically feel the smirk that came afterwards, "I maybe be worse than you, but we're both killers with blood on our hands and neither of us are going to be clean any time soon. Despite that Gwen refuses to give up on you and somehow the two of you are together. I figure anything's possible."

"You really are insane..." Peter laughed and pressed his back against the wall, sliding down to sit as he did. He had a point there, much as Peter hated to admit it, "Fine, keep pining after her. I know she's not stupid enough to do anything about it."

Osborn sat down opposite him and tapped the clear glass between them, "...We never liked each other, did we?"

"You and the kid? Probably not," Peter replied, "When he first saw you he thought of you as just another weirdo in a school full of em. In fact he was relieved. Another loser to take the attention of him so maybe they'd bully you instead of him." God, that kid - he - was a real piece of shit, "When Gwen suggested they make friends with you he had mixed feelings. Guy was a possessive little bastard."

"It wasn't all bad. I remember our sleepovers, playing games and devising D&D campaigns till midnight. Or did you or him or both of you just pretend to have fun then?"

"It wasn't pretend, at least not completely. He was happy that he found someone he could share all that with besides Gwen, but..." He took a deep breath, "He resented the fact that you weren't scared and withdrawn like him. You liked all the same stuff he did and he hated that you didn't try to hide it, that you didn't even pretend to be ashamed like he was. He wanted to drag you down through the mud to his level, and after you told him you liked Gwen...well, the rest is history."

"Hmm..." They were quiet for a few seconds, "Gwen wants us to be friends think we can ever give her that?"

"No." There was no hesitation in the answer, "Maybe you do want to make up, and maybe someday God or whoever else is out there will consider you redeemed, but I still remember. I remember Connors turning into a monster, I remember him gutting his wife while his kid watched. Him and everyone else this serum has touched, all those lives ruined...I can never forget that. Maybe you think I made it, but you were the one who dug it up after they buried it with me. This is your fault."

"Yeah..." His next breath was shaky. Peter didn't have to look at him to know that he was holding back tesrs, "Hah, well...guess she's going to be disappointed."

"Guess so..." A soft, self-loathing part of himself already whispered in his ear. What right did he have to judge? Him, who considered murderers and sadists his friends and defended them purely because they'd helped him? "...I'll play nice when Gwen's around, but we're not friends."

"Right..." Osborn coughed and straightened himself up, "So...why was Mary Jane there earlier? I wanted to ask, but..."

"The symbiote that Kasady bastard had. It's on her now."

"Wait, what? What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said."

"'s that possible? Gwen killed that guy, she-"

"Kasady's dead, the symbiote - or at least a part of it - survived. Considering what we've seen Gwen to be capable of it honestly doesn't surprise me." Osborn made to ask another question before Peter's spider-sense suddenly blared. Something was wrong, "Get up, Osborn. We're gonna have company."


His question was cut off when the fluorescents overhead suddenly dimmed, quickly being replaced by a dim red light that would've made it difficult for a normal man to see, "Someone cut the power." Osborn stood up in a rush and made his way to the door and opened it with far too much ease, "Cells are open too. Think this is a prison break?"

"I doubt it..."

As soon as Peter spoke the door opened with a loud crash and two goons carrying guns charged in, 'Those aren't the spooks...' Before Osborn could say anything Peter disappeared in a wisp of smoke. He didn't know if the two saw him, but either way their attention wasn't something he had to worry about it. Both of them practically rushed Osborn, shouting for him to get back in the cell.

They didn't much farther than 'hands behind your head!' before he re-appeared behind them. Peter grabbed the one on the left and slammed him into the ground with a painful crack. The one on the right tried to raise his lightshow gun to fire before a quick spray of webbing had him pinned to the clear wall of the containment cell.

His spider-sense blared again. Osborn moved first, grabbing the discarded gun and taking aim for the door. As soon the first hint of body armor appeared he fired thrice, hitting the next three goons that tried to come through the door. The smell of burning flesh was pungent, "...They're dead." Peter looked down at the still bodies and kicked at one of their sides. Whatever was in those guns packed a wallop.

"Shit..." Osborn looked down at the gun and let out a frustrated breath, "Damn it, those were S.I.L.K agents!"

"I figured that much out." He turned over one of the bodies and inspected the points of impact, "Cut clean through their armor..." Which meant he didn't want to try his luck getting hit by one of those things, gifts or no gifts, "We gotta get out of here." He picked up one of the compact guns in the shape of a pistol and stood, "We need to regroup with the others. I don't like our chances alone."

"Yeah...lead the way."

This was more familiar.

Laura jumped at one of the attackers and slashed through his right arm, letting her training guide her. Take out the hand holding the weapon first and then their mobility. The attacker barely had time to register that his arm was no longer connected to the rest of his body before she slashed his leg and forced him into the ground, cutting his throat with a quick flick of her wrist. They were trained like the machine men, but far more fragile.

"Get the weapon!" More attackers to her left. Laura snarled at the two gunmen and charged at the closest one. The space was confined, not like the forests where she used to train, but she'd been trained to adapt to her surroundings. She could survive this.

The first one fell when she stabbed both hands through his chest. Laura pulled her arms back from the fresh wounds and turned to face the remaining attacker. The masked man immediately raised his weapon and fired. She tried to jump to the side to avoid the laser, but she wasn't fast enough. The ray of heated energy cut through the left side of her stomach and the pain forced her to the ground, a growl of pain escaping her.

The attacker shifted the barrel of the weapon to her face. Before she could scramble away to recover a thin biocable attached itself to his side and pulled him back roughly, "Back off!" The hooded spider punched him in the face and webbed him to the floor. Not dead, not like the other two.

"Shit..." She knelt by Laura's side and inspected the wound, "It's...It's gonna be okay-"

"You can stop pissing yourself, girly. She's fine." Shadowcat pulled her back, "She's like me. We heal fast."

Laura groaned softly and the hooded spider watched as the burnt flesh healed itself, leaving no trace of the wound. Peter stood at her side and pulled her up into a shaky stand, "I'm fine..." She pushed him off and sheathed her claws. It was still an odd feeling, having someone who offered her a hand without expecting obedience in return.

"No need to play tough, kid. Just cause you heal fast doesn't mean it don't hurt," Peter said.

"God, stop babying her." Shadowcat rolled her eyes, "Come on, let's finish this guy up and get going."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" the hooded spider asked, the mask of her eyes narrowed.

"What do you think?" Shadowcat willed her claws into existence and walked towards the prone figure. Laura smelled the fear emanating from him, "We finish what we start. 'Sides, it'll save space when S.H.I.E.L.D does clean up."

Shadowcat raised her right hand and prepared to stab down. The hooded spider breathed hard and caught her arm with a biocable, "He's disabled, we don't need to kill him!"

"Says who?" Shadowcat scoffed, "You don't wanna see it then look away. I ain't letting him get up later to shoot us in the back." She willed the claws on her left hand and again the hooded spider snagged it with a line of biocable. Shadowcat's smile finally dissipated in favor of a a light scowl, "You're a real pain in the ass, Spider-Girly, and I'm losing my patience."

"So am I." She pulled her back, "We're leaving him. Let's go."

Shadowcat didn't say anything at first, but Laura sensed her irritation. The stalemate didn't last long before the older weapon phased her hands through the webbing and, before the hooded spider could recover, manifested a claw on her right foot and stabbed the prone attacker through his jaw, "...Oops?" She gave the hooded spider a guiltless smirk, "My foot slipped."

Laura had sensed rage before, but this was something different. Her eyes narrowed and she watched as the hooded spider's suit moved and shifted in a chaotic wave and her eyes sharpened, "You son of a bitch."

"What, you think I'm scared of you?" Shadowcat asked, "Trust me, that monster suit you have? I've dealt with worse. But if you wanna try your luck then-"

"Alright, enough!" The other female spider interrupted, "We don't have time for this! You two wanna argue? Do it later!"

"Cindy, she just-"

"I saw! But right now we have more problems to deal with!"

Four more gunmen came charging down the hall. Before Laura could so much as raise a hand the spider with the scarf unholstered a pistol and shot four times, catching three of the attackers through the head while the remaining one was shot through his left knee. Peter immediately webbed him to the ground before he could reach for his weapon and kicked him in the head, knocking him out.

"God..." The hooded spider gasped.

"Nice." Shadowcat whistled, her smirk widening, "Least one of you knows how to clean up after themselves."

"Can it." The scarfed spider ejected the magazine and counted the remaining bullets, "Look, you two don't get along, I get it. Here's a compromise: any of us kill it's in self-defense, no freaking executions." She gave Shadowcat a pointed look. The other weapon threw up her hands flippantly in response, "I mean it. We have to work together if we wanna make it outta here."

"Tch...whatever you say, Spinny."

"Play nice, Kat," Peter said. He turned to look at the hooded spider, "I know you wanna go off on your own, but that ain't a good idea."

"Yeah, why not?" the hooded spider snapped back, "MJ, Peter and Harry are out there. I need to find them."

"You wanna try getting through the damn blockades S.H.I.E.L.D set up? Go ahead. But you should probably know they made it to keep powered people in and out, so that suit of yours ain't gonna do much good. Even my phasing's gonna be slowed down if I have to take all five of you."

"She has a point, Gwen," the scarfed spider said, "With the power out the best option we have is to try and turn it back on. We can disable the barricades afterwards and find Mary Jane and the others."


The scarfed spider led the way. Laura kept her posture low and her claws unsheathed, wary of any possible attackers. Not that she had to: as soon as any new attackers showed themselves one of the others took them down. Peter always made sure that she was behind him, which both confused and irritated her. She could help, and her young age was only ever meant to deflect suspicion rather than cause hesitation among those who used her.

"Here." The scarfed spider tapped a hard to see door and pulled back a panel, "Should be able to open it up from here. Good news is we're gonna be able to move around easier once the barriers are down. Bad news is that means so can they."

"Trust me, that's more bad for them than it is for us." Shadowcat laughed. She enjoyed violence, that was something the facility didn't program into her; or at least that was what Laura assumed. She herself didn't enjoy violence, at least, "And hey, once the barriers are down Spider-Girlie can go be a big hero."

"Shut the hell up..."

It didn't take long. The four of them kept watch on the doorway while the scarfed spider used the computer. Laura split her attention between keeping guard on the perimeter and observing the others. Peter had his gun drawn and stood at the ready, the exact opposite of Shadowcat and the hooded spider. The former was leaning against the wall seemingly without a care while the latter spent more time glaring at Shadowcat than anything else.

"...I got it!"

The lights returned. Laura blocked her eyes briefly and let them adjust to the light, "Thank fuck..." the hooded the spider said, relief washing over in droves, "Alright, now we gotta find the others."

"You wanna do that? Fine. Me? I'm heading for the exit. S.H.I.E.L.D ain't paying me to be a bodyguard."

"Fine, I didn't ask for your help."

"No one's going anywhere," Peter said, "Kat, we need to make sure the others are alright. Help us."

"Why do you care so much, Petey? Getting attached to your clone?" Peter's eyes narrowed and he didn't answer. Shadowcat looked at him for a moment and threw her hands up in irritation, "Alright, fine! God, you're such a bleeding heart."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He smiled at that, albeit faintly.

They didn't get far before three more agents came to intercept them. Laura sniffed the air and narrowed her eyes, "Something is wrong..." she said softly, getting a nod from Peter in return. The agents looked different from the last ones. They didn't carry guns and their movements were rigid, like the machine men after their bodies finally began to reject their implants.

"Look out!" the scarfed spider screamed. Peter grabbed Laura with both arms and pushed her to the ground just before she saw a blast of something dark shoot overhead. They looked at one another for a fleeting moment before he pulled out his revolver and shot one of the agents through the head.

The agent stepped back slightly at the impact and remained standing, the wound at his forehead immediately closing. The hooded spider jumped to try and close the distance, managing to smack one of them to the ground before another blast of energy knocked her back, "Shit!" Her suit peeled back to expose skin before quickly reforming, "I know what this is!"

"Save it for later!" Shadowcat phased through the next attack and slashed at their legs. Again they remained standing until the scarfed spider kicked two of them into the ground, "These fuckers heal fast!"

"We have to restrain them!" the hooded spider screamed.

"Easier said than done, Stacy!" Peter shot another coming towards them and webbed him to the ground, which lasted all of two seconds before the attacker ripped away the webbing with ease. Laura jumped towards him and slashed his throat before she was knocked back by a sudden punch. Peter was at her side immediately, blocking her from the attacker's view, "This is insane..."

"Attacking them won't work!" The hooded spider jumped over a blast of energy and webbed the first agent to the wall, "We have to knock them out!" She punched him across the face, hard enough that Laura heard something crack even amidst the fighting.

"What do you think we're trying to do, Spider-Girlie?!"

Shadowcat impaled one of them through the eyes and twisted her hand around. Next to her the scarfed spider shot the third agent through his kneecaps and wrapped her arms around his neck in powerful grip to try and choke him into unconsciousness, "This...isn't working!" the agent moved back to slam her against the wall and she jumped, webbing him to the surface as she did.

"I've got an idea..."

Peter ran to the closest agent and webbed his mouth and nose shut. Laura immediately sensed his fear and she ran, impaling both of his arms into the floor. His struggles immediately worsened, though it didn't take long for him to weaken. She was too young for it, but she'd been taught the basics of suffocation already. All it took was ten seconds on average for the subjects to weaken and fall unconscious.

"They still need to breath!" Shadowcat said, "Clog their throats!"

The scarfed spider followed her advice and released four thick strings of webbing into the second agent's mouth. The hooded spider hesitated and Laura heard her heart beat faster. She was scared.

Shadowcat did it for her. The other weapon grabbed a handful of webbing from the wall and stuffed it down the struggling agent's throat before covering his mouth with both hands. He tried to attack, tried to push her back, but all of his attacks phased through her. Partial intangibility; only her hands were solid now, though Laura doubted the agent realized that in his panicking state.

Eventually his struggled ceased and he lied still, remaining upright only due to the webs keeping him pinned to the wall. Shadowcat stepped back and gave the hooded spider an unamused glare, "God, you're fucking useless, aren't you? Tell you what, next time you wanna commit suicide could you do it when there aren't people relying on you?"

"Fuck off.."

"What's done is done," the scarfed spider said, "Come on, we gotta find the others before these guys do."

"Yeah..." The hooded spider nodded, "Let's go..."

This was fucked.

They'd been lucky enough so far, only running into unaware gunmen that she managed to tackle into unconsciousness, but their luck had finally run out. Mary Jane saw one of the intruders aiming his gun at a S.H.I.E.L.D agent flat on the ground, his hands and legs cuffed together. She couldn't stop herself from crying out in shock, which immediately drew his attention.

Mary Jane ducked behind the wall and barely avoided the laser blast that soared over her head, "Fuck..." Her breaths came out in rapid gasps and her heart beat wildly, "Shit, shit, shit!" She pressed herself harder against the surface of the metal. This was too much. A few days ago she froze when she saw a fucking pistol and now she was being shot at with lasers that could melt through steel!

Not to mention her current 'partner'.

He - Bullseye, he called himself - laughed, "Is that the best you got?" He pulled out a paperclip from his pocket and threw it against the wall. Mary Jane was about to ask him what the hell he was doing before the attacker's gun suddenly clicked ineffectually, "Aww, having problems, buddy?" Another paperclip was thrown; this time through his eye, somehow. The agent fell back and screamed, clutching at his injured eye with both hands.

"How did..." Mary Jane said softly.

"Man, the standard for agents has really gone downhill." He unlocked the cuffs and pulled the S.H.I.E.L.D agent up into a shaky stand. He saved him, Mary Jane noted numbly, "Might wanna get out of here, pal. It's gonna be a splatter zone."

"I...okay." The S.H.I.E.L.D agent looked down at the bloodstained prison jumpsuit before turning away, "Thanks."

"Everybody gets one." He waved the operative away cheerily and turned his attention to the whimpering intruder, "Let's get a look at at that face of yours." He pulled the agent's mask away. His right eye was covered in a thick pool of blood and Mary Jane saw tears and mucus mixing in together with every cry of pain he gave, "What do you say, big guy? Wanna go for the other eye?"

It was disgusting, everything rational and sane inside her told her it was. He was dragging out the agent's pain and he enjoyed it. She should've been turning away in disgust. Instead her lips curled up into a smile and she moaned.

He didn't hear her, but the shame that washed over her was more than enough to jolt her out of whatever haze she was experiencing, 'Ha, now there's someone who knows to have fun!' The symbiote screeched at the back of her mind, 'I should've gone for him instead!

"Stop doing this..."

'Doing what? You mean the wetness in your meaty human parts?' It laughed, 'That's not from me, little red! That's all you!'

"No!" Bullseye snapped back to look at her with a questioning look. Mary Jane took a deep breath and stood up straight, hands clenched into tight fists at her sides, "He's down. You don't need to torture him."

"Well yeah, I don't need to, but..." He pulled out another paperclip and dangled it in the air in front of the helpless agent. He screamed again and tried to back away, "It's so much fun! You should try it!"

"No." She grabbed his arm and pulled him away, "Knock him out if you want, but not...this." She tried her utter damndest to ignore the part of her that wanted to agree with him, the part that wanted to watch the agent squirm and beg for mercy that she wasn't going to give. She wasn't going to give in to that thing.

"Fine..." He pouted like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. It was fucking bizarre, "What do you wanna do with him? That wound's pretty nasty so knocking him out will probably kill him anyway once he bleeds out. It's why I wanted to have some fun first."

She didn't get to answer. The bleeding agent suddenly screamed, but it wasn't from pain. Mary Jane snapped her head to him and stepped back when she saw his entire body changing color, his skin going from a pale pink to blackish blue. The agent's screams died down to something soft and he stood, his eye quickly healing itself till there was no trace of the wound.

"...Shit," Bullseye said next to her.

The next moment was pure agony. Mary Jane barely had time to raise her hands before the entire hall was engulfed in a wave of dark energy. Her back smacked against the wall painfully and she fell onto the ground, whimpering in pain all the while. Through blurry eyes she caught sight of the agent walking towards the Bullseye's prone form, energy dancing across his palms.

He was going to kill him.

"No..." She reached a hand out feebly. Everything hurt and her body refused to cooperate, "Come on..." She had powers, she could...

'Do what, little red? Freeze like you did all those nights ago?' The monster chuckled, 'You're going to die here.'

"So will you..."

'There's a chance I can survive, maybe use your corpse like a suit.' Despite its words she heard the hesitation; she knew her own voice well enough to tell.

"You're...lying. You don't know for sure..." She clenched her hands, "Help me..."

'What, now you need my help? After refusing me time and again?'

"I need you..." It was painful to admit, after so long of wanting to get rid of it, "I'm begging me so we can survive." They needed each other to live through this. She wasn't strong enough to fight that thing on her own, "Please..."

It didn't answer, but the warmth that spread across her body was enough of a reply. The red flesh covered her entire body and she stood, the pain from her back fading into a dull ache. The agent turned to face her, and his look of surprise was brief before she charged. Her left arm changed into an axe and she sliced his hand clean off, "Die!" She impaled him against the wall with her other hand. It was more than enough to kill him.

Which made the next punch come as a surprise. Mary Jane stumbled back at the hit and blocked the next hit, "What the..." His hand was back. Mary Jane gaped down at the reformed limb in shock until another blast of energy forced her back. She fell on her knees and glared up at the photo-negative agent.

He only managed two steps before a makeshift shiv impaled itself at the back of his head, "Forgetting about me?" Bullseye held onto the wall with both hands, mouth raised in a strained smirk. He was flagging, "Come on, big guy. Let's finish what we started."

The agent turned away from her and she acted. Ignoring any hesitation she reformed her hand into a blade sliced his neck as hard as she could. The fleshy blade cut through half of his neck before it stopped, 'He's healing.' The monster said. Mary Jane lost feeling in her limbs and could only watch her arms move on their own. The clawed tips of her remaining hand pushed through the gaps of flesh and pulled.

Even without being in control she felt the strain. Seconds of agonized screams passed before more of the flesh ripped away and the head was finally separated from the rest of the body. Mary Jane watched her hands dangle the dismembered head almost playfully before tossing it down the length of the hallway, far away from the now-normal colored body of the agent.

"Huh...damn." Bullseye whistled, obviously impressed, "You're just full of surprises, aren't you, Red?"

Feeling returned to her body quickly and the suit slipped away till she was left with nothing but her bloodstained jacket, yoga pants and sneakers, "Yeah..." She took a shuddering breath and felt torn between the urge to cheer or vomit, "Let's...just get out of here."

Peter was an idiot.

When he first saw the agents using the same kooky 'gifts' Martin had he'd hesitated, wondered maybe if he'd somehow survived that shot to the heart and come back for revenge. A stupid thought. He watched his body fall into the dirt and he doubted that he'd get unlucky three times and find out Martin came back from the dead. Last he checked he didn't have a god trying to pull his strings.

Fighting them wasn't too difficult. Whatever gifts allowed him to hurt Martin was still there and just being near him caused their powers to weaken. Not enough to make them harmless, but enough that shooting them in the head or gut wasn't just something they could shrug off. And, much as he hated to admit it, Osborn was a damn good shot. Guess that army training went somewhere.

And then he went and messed it all up.

One of the bastards managed to get one last blast off before he finally expired and Osborn was right in the center of it. Peter didn't know what possessed him to push the bastard out of the way and take the hit, but now he had to face the consequences.

Consequences that included his eyes being seared shut and his legs getting blasted with enough force to damn near cripple him.

"Rrgh, damn it!" Peter fell on his knees and covered his eyes with both hands, a scream escaping despite his best efforts. Just barely he heard Osborn popping off two more shots before he was at his side, holding him steady.

"Peter! Fuck, are you-"

"I-I'm fine!" He pushed him off and tried to stand, but he didn't get far before his spider-sense rang and he just barely avoided colliding headfirst into the fall, "Fuck..." He couldn't open his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he tried to force his eyelids apart before the pain made them close again. Not that it mattered; in the brief glimpse he got all he saw was blackness.

He was blind.


"I know!" Peter grit his teeth. He doubted it was any more permanent than the rest of his injuries, but right now that was of little comfort. Not when they were still in the middle of a damn assault, "Shit..."

"W-We need to get you help."

"Yeah, no shit..." He stepped back and grabbed his gun in a shaky grip. It still hurt, " have to lead the way."

"Fine. Just lean on me, I can-"

"No..." He shook his head, "Spider-sense warns me...I don't need-"

"God, stop being so fucking stubborn!" Osborn grabbed his arm and wrapped his arm around his shoulders, "You can hate me when we're not being shot at, alright? For now just let me help you."

Peter didn't answer, which Osborn took as a cue to start dragging his useless hide along. All Peter could do was listen to his spider-sense and warn Osborn when someone was coming around the corner. At least he still weakened their powers, so he wasn't completely useless.

"We're almost there..." Osborn said, "Just a little more-"


"Next corner!" he shouted. Osborn turned to the left and fired the gun, only to be met with a dull click; either jammed or it finally ran out of ammo. Peter didn't even have time to curse before Osborn threw him aside, the smell of burning meat coming soon after. Osborn screamed out a string of obscenities and Peter quickly realized that he must have taken the hit for both of them. He guessed they were both idiots like that.

His spider-sense blared again and he followed, rolling to the side to avoid the next barrage of laser fire. He aimed his wrist to where he heard the muted blast, released a large net of webbing and tugged as hard as he could as soon the web made contact. Peter heard something metallic clatter to the ground and he didn't know whether to laugh or curse that he'd somehow managed to to grab the bastard's gun despite his blindness.

He didn't have time to curse his schizophrenic luck. Peter released another burst of webbing at the agent and jumped for the discarded weapon. It wasn't the most graceful of landings, but the feeling of the gun in his hands was more than worth it. Peter aimed where he heard the bastard struggling before he pulled the trigger, again and again, until whatever the damn thing had for a magazine finally ran out.

The smell of burning flesh was worse now with nothing else to distract him. Peter threw the gun aside and panted, too tired to even make his way to where Osborn lay.

Two pairs of footsteps reached his ears while his spider-sense remained silent, "Peter! Harry!" Mary's voice reached his ears. Before he could say anything back a pair of hands grabbed him by the shoulders and propped him up on the wall. Not Mary's; they were too big and rough, "Hey, be careful with him!"

"Trust me, I'm being as careful as I can!" Bullseye...Peter couldn't stop himself from smiling. It was a relief to hear his voice, as messed up as this entire situation was, "Shit, kid...this ain't exactly the reunion I was hoping for."

"Sorry to disappoint you..." Peter laughed softly. He felt Mary prop up Harry next to him, "Mary, is he alright?'

"There's a nasty burn at his side." He could practically see her scowl, "What do we do?"

"I've had worse..." Osborn said weakly... "Peter-"

"Save it till we get out of here, Osborn."

Thankfully luck seemed to finally go their way for once. More footsteps came and soon enough the rest of their little group found them. Gwen screamed out a curse as soon as she saw them and immediately cupped his face, "Peter..." Her fingertips brushed against his jaw. Next to him Cindy covered up Harry's wound with some web; or at least that's what he assumed she did gvien what he heard, "Peter, you're-"

"Let's just get out of here..." They were close to the exit already, "We can talk later, okay?"

"Alright, just...just stay close to me. I won't let anything happen to you."

Their good luck continued and soon enough they managed to find themselves in a makeshift S.H.I.E.L.D recovery camp inside another seemingly abandoned building. Peter still remembered the feeling of heated light on his skin and the screams of the agents for them to freeze and put their hands above their heads as soon as they went through the exit. Peter just wondered where the hell they were while they were fighting through that maze of a facility.

Peter listened to the doctor rattle off about proper bandaging without a care. His wounds would heal as soon as he went to sleep, anyway. After promising to take the proper amount of drugs the doctor left to talk to the others who got injured.

He wasn't alone for long. Peter smelled the dried blood in air long before he heard Bullseye's voice, "Hah, you look like hell." He scraped the chair roughly and sat in across from him.

"Speak for yourself." He smiled weakly.

"What, you don't like it? I think prison red's my color." He laughed softly, "...Hey, you alright?"

"I'm blind, Bullseye. Even if it's temporary I'm not exactly feeling my best." He leaned back on the bed and sighed, "What about you? I didn't even realize they took you in."

"Yeah, they just came into my place dragged me to a cell in my pajamas. Thank God I didn't have company that night, huh?"

"So...what are you going to do now?"

"Now? Well, gotta catch up on my schedule. You know there was a guy pimping out underaged girls I was gonna to meet? Planned to feed him his own balls and everything before my old bosses got in the way. It's gonna be a pain in the ass to track him down."

"Could you save that if arresting him isn't an option?"

"Aww, come on, don't be a spoilsport! First you and then that redhead chick!" He paused, "I gotta say, though, she knows how to put the hurt out. You shoulda seen her, kid. She ripped off one of those agent's heads with her bare hands. And I thought you were strong."

"...She did?" That was...worrying.

"Yeah, she did. She felt bad about it, though. Dunno why." He laughed, though Peter only felt a sense of relief. Guilt was good, at least for her, "So, whaddaya say we cut out of here, find a good bar?"

"Tempting, but I'd rather stay put for now." He leaned forward and squeezed his shoulder, "Make sure to call me if you need anything."

"Ditto, kid."

They said their goodbyes and Peter leaned back on the bed till his back touched the wall. They gave him a tent all to his own, but it was little relief right now. He heard them all through the flaps, heard all their footsteps and voices blending into one another into an ungodly cacophony that made him want to bash his brains out. "Shit..." He covered his ears. It was bad here, but he knew it would only be a hundred times worse out there in the open.

Footsteps came to the front of the tent before suddenly stopping. Peter waited for a few seconds before he spoke up, "...I know you're there."

"Sorry." Gwen's voice reached his ears. He could almost see her smiling sheepishly after that, "Didn't know if you were asleep."

"Can't sleep with all the racket."

"Racket? Wait, are your senses acting up again? Is there anything I can do?'

"Just stay here with me..." It was sappy and he knew it. Still, having someone distract him was better than nothing. Gwen hesitated briefly before she sat at his side, close enough for their legs to touch, "...You alright?"

"Yeah, just...pissed off at Shadowcat. You don't need to hear it." She let out a frustrated breath, "She and Spider-Man already left with that kid. Said that none of them were injured so they didn't wanna hang around."

"Huh..." And here he was hoping to talk to his 'brother'. Maybe next time, "...What about Osborn? He took a nasty hit."

"He's asleep now. Cindy's keeping an eye on him." He was suddenly reminded of their earlier conversation, "...What's wrong? You look like you swallowed a sour grape."

"Osborn likes Cindy..."

He didn't see it, but it was obvious that she was gaping, "Um...what? How do you know that?"

"He told me." He had to force it out, but he told him.

"Huh...well, Cindy told me she doesn't trust him."

"He knows that. Guess he's just an idiot." He wasn't the only one. Being this close together with Gwen, it was just another reminder. How long could they keep this up? Pretend to be the happy couple when he killed people behind her back and risked her mother's life every time he resisted Murdock's pulls? Something would give eventually and he didn't like the odds on it not being him.

"I wish you two would get along..."

"It's never gonna happen, Gwen. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I guess I can't be too surprised. Guess I should just be happy that you two aren't killing each other." She might've meant it as a joke, but the bitterness in her tone was clear as day. Before he could say anything to cheer her up her phone suddenly buzzed, "'s Gayle."

"What'd she say?" Though he already had a good idea considering what she was like.

"She's asking how the testing went...and she's wondering if I'm interesting in going out to a concert."

Despite everything Peter laughed, "Looks like you've got another admirer, Gwen."

"What, her? No way." Gwen snorted.

"...Seriously? You're just in denial now."

"Not what I meant." She clicked her tongue, "It's just...with Kate she liked 'Gwen Stacy', but Gayle has a celeb crush on Spider-Woman. It's like when a tween gets a crush on Johnny Storm; they're just enamored with the fantasy." Half of this city was, from what he gathered, "She doesn't really know me and pretty soon the paint's gonna chip off. So I'm not really in the mood to humor her."

"Yeah, I don't blame you..."

They sat there in silence after that, just relishing in each other's warmth. Peter let his body relax and faced upwards, allowing himself to calm down for the first time today. They had another brush with death and survived. He could only hope their streak could keep going.

" healthy enough to leave?" Gwen asked, "Cause I wanted to get back home soon."

"What?" He looked in her direction.

"Well, I'm obviously not leaving you alone. You're blind, Peter. You're coming back with me."

"Blind, not helpless," he replied, "...Where's Mary?"

"She went back ahead of us. They checked her for injuries and didn't find anything." She held his hand and squeezed, "Is something wrong?"

"She killed someone earlier. I know it's not her first time, but..." Was it hypocritical for him to worry about it? He'd rebuffed Gwen more times than he could count at this point, and it wasn't like he had much more experience than Mary when he took his first life both here and in his memories.

"Yeah, that's worrying me, too..." He heard her lick her lips, "We'll talk with her later, okay? Right now all I know is that Janet's medicine is working so she's not going to lose control."

"I hope so..."

Gwen's breath slowed and her hand trailed up his arm. Soon enough she cupped his face and pulled him into a gentle kiss, the contact so soft that he could've pulled away at the slightest twitch. They continued like that for a few more seconds before eventually separating, "...What was that for?"

"Guess I just didn't want to end the day on a bad note." She laughed softly, "Come on, let's get outta here."

"Is something wrong, Helen?"

Helen looked up from her coffee and smiled faintly at her companion, "Nothing's wrong, Cindy," she said, though it was clear by the doubt on the other woman's face that she didn't believe her, "Really, I'm fine. It's just...a lot of things going on, you know?"

"Not really, but who am I to second-guess the woman who stumbled out of the grave?" Helen laughed at the poor joke and took a sip of her coffee. It was honestly a miracle that she'd run into Cindy the way she did that night. Anyone else would've just looked away and pretended it wasn't their problem, but she helped her to the station and even paid for her fare. Helen doubted she would've made it back home on her own.


She shook her head. It was the house she'd lived in for almost a decade, but was it still her home now? When her daughter was a woman fully grown and her husband finally moved on from the grief of burying her? Jessica urged her to stay, but she couldn't. Not when she had to be reminded of how much she'd missed and all that she could never have again.

She was supposed to be apartment hunting, though she knew it would've been futile. In the end the idea of actually leaving was too hard for her to imagine and she'd be right back home, smiling like nothing was wrong. It didn't help that Ben and May offered to house her while Gwen offered to pay any sort of rent she wanted for the next year (or ten...). They just wanted her to be happy and she didn't have the heart to tell them that it wasn't working.

Which made her run-in with Cindy a relief. She'd caught her at a cafe and the younger woman invited her in for a coffee. My treat, she said, to celebrate you finding your family.

"Wanna tell me? I'm a good listener." Cindy smiled.

"I..." Helen took a deep breath, "It's complicated."

"What isn't? We live in a complicated world." Yeah, a world where she came back from the dead and her daughter was an honest to God superhero, "Hit me."

"It's..." She licked her lips nervously, "If I told you I came back from the dead, would you believe me?"

"I'm a woman of science, Len." Helen blinked at the sudden nickname, "Logic would dictate that coming back from the dead is impossible, but look at the world we live in. A world where radiation turned a dying woman into an green skinned amazon and an altered spider lets you cling to walls and jump 50 feet into the air. So let's say I'm keeping an open mind to the claim."

"Right, well...hope your mind stays open."

So Helen told her everything, excepting a few details like Gwen's alter ego and little Peter's own brush with death. Helen knew she should've kept her mouth shut, but the ear of a sympathetic stranger was too tempting to pass up. Goerge, Gwen, Ben and May, they wanted to help her, but they were too afraid of hurting her with whatever they said. She didn't need that.

"Sounds complicated." Cindy took a small sip of her cappuccino, "You mentioned your husband finding someone else?"

"Yeah. Jessica Jones..." She pursed her lips. Helen didn't hate her - she couldn't - but she couldn't deny there was a certain resentment that bubbled. Maybe if she never got together with George Helen could've made a go of it again. She knew it was wrong, that George deserved to be happy instead of pining after the memory of a dead woman, but she couldn't help it.

"Well...I can't say I have much advice for you. I mean the only relationships I've had are casual."

"Yeah, you mentioned that Matthew guy." Apparently he was a lawyer, though Cindy didn't explain much.

"That's the one. We're usually too busy with our own thing, though." She checked her time and frowned, "Listen, I gotta go soon. Wanna meet up again in a couple of days? Same time?"

"Sure." She still had to plan for Gwen's surprise birthday party tomorrow, so at least it was something to keep her mind occupied.

Helen waved goodbye and Cindy watched her until she disappeared into the crowd, "God, she's a fucking mess." She finished off her drink and tossed the styrofoam cup into the trash before leaving the cafe altogether. Matt said she was insurance to keep Stacy away from the grudge match he and her boyfriend had going, but it was obvious he just wanted to see both Stacy and Parker squirm. Not that she blamed him for that.

She walked into an alley and flexed her gloved hands, darkforce energy thrumming across her fingers. Experimenting on the priest's body took weeks, but she finally managed some tangible results. It would make it harder for S.H.I.E.L.D to repel her agents' attack, at least, even if it was just a test and a distraction.


"Jessica Jones, huh?" She heard about her on the news. The superpowered vigilante P.I who had a reputation for being a drunken jackass. No costume either, which made people doubt she was legit. Helen tried to hide it, but there was definitely some resentment there. Cindy held off on taking her before - always something else to do - but now...

Well, anything to help a friend, right?

Yeah...that last bit is totally Helen's fault :p She really should've known better than to rant to strangers about her problems; you never know if they might be recently empowered terrorist leaders who're looking for excuses to experiment on people. So yeah, Peter's (temporarily) blind, MJ let Carnage out to save herself, Gwen's pissed off at Shadowcat, Harry's injured and Jessica's very likely to be kidnapped.

All in all a typical day.


1. So I just realized something. Despite Ben and May being Peter's surrogate parents he gets a hilariously small amount of interactions with them. Should I add more talks and whatnot between the three or do you guys think it's justified due to his awkward relationship and identity issues that they don't really talk to one another?

2. Following on the discussion above, who do you guys think is the most messed up character among he good guys' side? Conversely, who's the most stable/least fucked up? I'm just curious.

3. So where do we go next chapter? We either continue the main story (which is the beginning of the Jack arc), do that Lana omake (not 'canon' to the rest of the story) or we take a break and have more Wolverine family shenanigans (I promise not to rip off scenes from Logan this time). As always, pick your poison.
Pretty intense chapter and looks like the mooks have got an upgrade, things are going to get very interesting.

1 - Oh yeah I would love that and with his blindness there is a excuse, maybe bring Lana along, I want to see her interacting with them

2 - Stable huh? With the exception of the older Avengers, the one most stable would be Kate, and even her has some problems/drama with a certain villain the less stable would be MJ!Carnage, but Harry can get pretty close.

3 - I want to see the main story.
Extra 5 - Bombshell
So...another extra chapter, this time for Lana. I know I said this before but I gotta say it again: I legitimately didn't expect Lana to make such an impact on the readers that most of the votes went for her. Originally she was going to be a joke character like Frog-Man and Gabriel and when I transitioned her to a near-main character I was skeptical since the 'little sister heroine' trope tends to be something many readers don't like nowadays.

So yeah, I was definitely surprised when Lana seemingly became a fan favorite, especially given her rocky introduction. Hope you guys like this since I don't feel all too confident with it.

Oh, and to have the perfect soundtrack for this chapter I recommend going to youtube and searching for 'I want your Cray Cray. It's very fitting.


Extra 5: Bombshell

It all starts with an argument.

"I said fuck off! I'm not your brother, Lana! You don't have to pretend you give a shit about me! Just leave!"

Lana doesn't even know why they're yelling at each other. One second she's inviting him for hot chocolate and the next he's getting at her face and treating her like shit. Either way she's not going to sit there and take it, "Pretend?! I nearly got killed saving your fucking ass! I didn't give myself these bruises, asshole! I got them trying to save you!" She glares up at him, mouth open in a snarl. She refuses to look away first.

"I didn't ask you to! I told you to escape with your family so don't put that on me! Your mom's awake! You don't have to be here anymore so just leave me alone!"

"God, fuck- what's wrong with you?!" She steps closer and pushes a finger against his chest "You really want me to leave?! You wanna be alone in this fucking shithole of an apartment with that fucking board you obsess over every day?! Is that really what you want?!"

"I think I made that obvious! Get the hell out!"

It hurts, hearing that from him, but she doesn't let herself cry. He's just like all the rest, a voice at the back of her head says, He doesn't give a shit about you now that he can pawn you off. Lana grits her teeth and clenches her shaking hands into tight fists. She wants to punch him in the face, wants to run before he sees the tears she can't keep down any more. Anything but what she does next.

Lana grabs the sides of his face and pulls him into a rough kiss, tears crashing against his cheeks. She likes him; she's known that for a while now. A part of her is screaming, cussing her out for being so stupid and making an even bigger idiot of herself than she already has, but she ignores it. Maybe he doesn't really give a shit about her, maybe the second he gets his bearings he's gonna throw her out the door, but until he does she stands her ground.

He doesn't push her away. Eventually her grip falters and she steps back, trying to regain her breath. Her face still hurts from what that monster did to her and it makes breathing hard, "Tell me you don't give a shit about me," she says eventually, voice soft, "If you tell me that then I'll leave."

Pete doesn't say anything. They stare at each other for what feels like hours before he eventually looks away and trudges his way to the couch. She wants to join him, but her feet refuse to move. He sits and looks down at the floor with a scowl, "...My life's a fucking joke, Lana." She almost laughs at that. It's the exact same thing she hears every day from classmates whose parents ground them, "I don't know who I am."

"...What do you mean?"

He tells her everything. The fight at the warehouse, meeting the 'real' him, how they nearly killed each other...everything. Lana keeps her mouth shut and doesn't say anything, just listens. There's nothing she can say. A few months ago the worst thing she had worry about was getting caught by her mom betting on fight clubs and now she's dodging superpowered zombie bites and getting her face caved in by some deranged serial killer. If anyone has any idea on what to say to fix this shit then it's definitely not her.

She still stays with him. They don't hug and tell each other it'll be alright - they've got enough respect not to lie to one another - but she likes to think her being there helps. Lana gives him the cup of hot chocolate and they keep changing channels till they finally stop seeing news about 'the Incident'. Watching mindless cartoons till reminds her of when she was younger, waiting for her mom to come back home during late nights. It helps her forget how shitty the entire day was.

He doesn't ask about the kiss and she doesn't explain. A part of her hopes he'll just forget about it and they could pretend to be normal for a little longer.


Her dad outs her identity a few days later.

Lana knows its coming, but it still hurts to see her name on the morning and evening news, "Here's the newest freak on the block..." She kicks a pebble down the sidewalk and stuffs her hands into the pockets of her capris. She's skipping school, because fuck William if he thinks she's going to parade herself around as his new peter 'Gifted'. She refuses to let that bastard call himself her dad.

She's in front of Peter's apartment building before she knows it. Lana looks up at the practically condemned shithole and lets herself smile. No one will look for her here. Every asshole in this city thought the Supers lived in mansions funded by Tony Stark or some other stupid shit. No one wants to think that the Masks they admired so much are just people who got lucky or were insane enough to start crusades.

Lana doesn't bother knocking. Peter's at the kitchen table drinking his third bottle of whiskey, "Ever heard of knocking?" He takes another swig of the booze and tosses the empty bottle into a nearby bin.

"...William told everyone who I was."

His hand pauses mid-grab for the next bottle for a second before he continues, "...Yeah, I heard." He pops the bottle open and takes a quick drink, "Want me to kill him?"

Lana laughs. She has no idea if it's a joke or a real offer, but she knows Pete well enough that he'll do it if she asks, "Nah, that wouldn't do anything. Everyone already knows who I am." Besides, she doesn't want another murder over his head. He already took the heat for her for that piece of human garbage Dave, "Just need a place to crash. No one'll think William Hollister's pet Freak is over here, right?"

"Heh, point." He gestures to the opposite chair, "Well, my house is your house."

"Such a gentleman." She sits across from him and holds her hand out for the half-empty bottle. Pete hesitates for only a moment before he passes it to her. He knows she's seen enough that a headstart on drinks can't hurt her, "...This tastes like shit." She grimaces and takes another sip before passing the bottle back. Her mom would spank her ass black and blue if she found out she was drinking, "Don't have anything better?"

"'Fraid not, Your Highness." He smirks at her and she feels her face flush hot red. Stupid crush, "Red already? Figured you weren't such a lightweight, Baumgartner."

"Shut up..." Either he can't tell she likes him or he knows and he's playing dumb. She doesn't know which pisses her off more, "Talked to Spider-Woman lately?"

Lana doesn't know why she asks. She knows the two have some kind of thing going on - the gossip rags never stop talking about it. It pisses her off every time she sees it. Just another reminder that she can't catch up to the great and wonderful Spider-Woman.

"It's been...eventful." She's been around her mom enough to know 'eventful' wasn't another word for fucking. It relieves her more than she wants to admit, "Problems as usual. Nothing you need to worry about.

"Mmm..." She takes the bottle back and sips it again. At least it makes the flush on her cheeks less annoying, "...Hey, Pete?"


"How much longer do you think I can keep coming back here?" She's not an idiot. Pretty soon she's gonna get stalked by paparazzi who have nothing better to do than take pictures of her to post on their talkshows. It won't happen for a while, not until they burn through pics of Spider-Woman or Spinerette or Hawkeye, but eventually it's gonna be her head on the chopping block.

"...I don't know." He finishes off the bottle and tosses that into the bin to join its brothers, "I never worried about anyone seeing my face. I'm a dead man walking; no one'll ever know who I am."

"Yeah..." She purses her lips, "...I wanna keep coming here."

"Then feel free." He shrugs, like it's no big deal, "I quit the heroics so it's not like anyone'll connect it, and even if they did no one'll believe that Peter Parker came back from the dead. Worst they can say is that I'm your boyfriend, and that's easy enough to disprove."

"Easy, huh...?" Lana isn't bitter about that or anything. Not at all, "But what if people think they can hurt you to get to me? My mom's already skipping town in a couple of days..." Another thing she hates William for. Was it conceited of her to worry about Pete like that? He'd been at the vigilante gig longer than her, fucked up memories or not. Anyone who tried to use him to get to her would get a bullet between the eyes.

"I'd like to see them try." He flashes her a cocky smile. It looks good on him.

They spend the rest of the day drinking whatever's left of his booze, and when she kisses him again the next morning she blames it on the hangover.


Lana's 17 when they finally kill Murdock.

How long did they spend fighting him and his damned ninjas? Castle tells her its only been a few weeks, but it feels much longer than that. It feels like a lifetime: dropping out of school, getting into motorcyle chases on the street, going from safehouse to safehouse to avoid being tracked. She hasn't talked to Lily or her mom or any of her friends ever since she went on the run with the others. The only reason she knows they're safe is because that blind 'sister' of Pete's told her they were, and even then she's spent more sleepless nights than she cares to count.

And now here they were, bloodied, bruised and beaten, but alive. Lana ignores the smell of blood from the dozens of ninja corpses that surround them and watches the demonic(?) lawyer lie on a pool of his own blood. Even with all his men dead and the gaping hole in his stomach the smug bastard still smiles up at them through his broken shades. She wants to blow his head off.

Pete beats her to the punch.

"Peter, no!" Teresa screams.

Before his 'sister' can say anything else Pete takes out his revolver and shoots the bastard right through the forehead. No final words, no promises of revenge or that this was only the beginning. The lawyer's head bursts open from the impact of the high caliber bullet and he dies before he fully hits the ground. Lana doesn't have it in her to feel disgusted at the gory sight, not anymore. Now all she feels is a sense of relief.

Peter lets the gun drop and looks at Teresa, "...It's done."

"No, it isn't." Teresa scowls. It's a first for her, "The Hand is still active, Peter; even if you think they're no longer your problem. And the Beast...we banished it, but it'll be back. It may take a hundred years, or a thousand, perhaps even more than that, but eventually it will return. We could've ended it here if only you'd been more patient, spared future generations from having to suffer under its evil."

"And what? Save the world?" He scoffs, "No, let the next bunch of saps worry about that. All I know is Murdock's dead. That's good enough for me."

"So short-sighted..." Lana can hear the bitterness in her words clear as day, "Fine. You aren't the only one who loses here, brother. I hope you can face Gwen, knowing what you've done."

There are no final goodbyes or lingering looks. The 'Defenders' don't end with a promise to reunite when the next big threat happens. They all just go their separate ways and Lana's sure that she won't see Black Cat, Punisher or Moon Knight ever again. Good riddance, she thinks. If only Bullseye was added to that list, but she knows the psycho's gonna stick around Pete for a while.

She should go back to to her family and friends, tell them it's safe now that Murdock is in a shallow grave, but instead she follows Peter back to his shitty apartment. It's the closest thing that feels like home to her. More than Lily's penthouse does, at least.

Neither of them say a word when they finally get there. Both of them just trudge themselves to the restroom to get the first aid kit. Lana has to stop when she sees her reflection in the mirror. She barely recognizes herself: her pale skin is dotted with cuts, bruises, burns and blood, most of which isn't hers. She puts a hand under the faucet and watches the blood drain down the sink. It feels like she's taking her skin off.

"That gash looks bad," Peter says behind her.

"Says the guy who got his stomach cut open," Lana shoots back. She only hesitates for a moment before she takes off her coat and most of the rest of her clothes, leaving her in only a midriff baring tanktop and a pair of bike shorts. They'd patched each other up enough times over the weeks that embarrassment was redundant. It wasn't like they hadn't already seen each other at their worst.

She waits until Peter's down to his boxers before she gets to work. They sit across one another take turns patching up each other's more serious injuries. Lana grits her teeth as Peter sews through a nasty cut at her waist and wishes that Spider-Pug was here to distract her. They need to get him back from Winters soon.

"...I'm done." Peter says. Lana inspects the work and her lips quirk up in a small smile. The stitching looks professionally done; impressive for someone never had actual training before.

It becomes a routine after that. Creams for burns here and disinfectant and bandages for some cuts there. Lana does it practically on autopilot, just watching her hands move on their own across the length of his body. Any other time she would've tried to enjoy herself, but the the thoughts of that they just did kept coming back to her. They just killed the fucking Kinpgin.

"...So what do we do now?"


"Now, after this." She wraps a bandage around his stomach tightly, "You just killed the Kingpin. We won...right?"

"Depends on what you mean." His smile is somber, "Murdock's dead, he's not gonna bother us anymore, so we won that round. Anything else? Not really. I'm sure right now someone's fixing to replace him as the new Kingpin. They can have the city; Spider-Woman and the others'll stop em, and if not them then Castle and Moon Knight aren't gonna be far behind."

"It never ends, does it?"

"Life goes on..."

Their injures are all patched up now - she could stop. Instead her hand lingers on his chest and she lets her fingers feel the warmth of his skin, "God..." She shuts her eyes and lets the tears come out. It was finally over - no more sleepless nights, no more keeping watch for hours in the dark to make sure that some ninja didn't sneak in and slit their throats. She could go back.


"Don't call me that." She shakes her head roughly, "I've been with you to help fight that asshole since the beginning. I'm not a kid."

"Yeah...I know." There's something in his tone that makes her hold onto him tighter. Regret, "...I wish I never dragged you into this."

"I wasn't dragged into anything. I chose this; all this fucked up shit." She wipes away her tears in frustration, "Stop looking at me like someone you need to protect. I deserve that much."

She doesn't let him answer the plea. Her hand moves up his chest until it rests on the uninjured side of his face. Peter just watches her, expression blank, and she closes her eyes again. It's the first time she's doing this when they don't have another problem to focus on. No more Kingpin, no more ninjas, no more identity issues. Nothing they could focus on to pretend that her kissing him didn't happen.

It was gentler this time, more uncertain. Both of them still hurt from their injuries and she knows that if they move around too much there's gonna be more blood on the floor. One thing that catches her off guard is the way Peter's hands move. Before they were still at his side, like he was afraid to even touch her. Now they grab hold of her waist in a soft grip and trail down, leaving a burning warmth at her skin.

"Pete..." His thumb traces along her thigh and she gasps, a desperate noise that has her face flushing red even more than it already is, "Pete..." She practically straddles him and hikes a leg up higher. Her heart's beating against her chest desperately and she can barely hear it over the sounds of her needy breaths. This was what she always wanted, right? What she'd hoped their relationship would come to for two years?

Their lips separate and he presses her mouth to her ear, "Run."

Lana runs. She barely manages to remember to put on her clothes before she runs and doesn't look back.


The next time they meet it's at the Punisher's funeral.

She finds out Castle's dead during breakfast with Lily. It was surreal: one minute she was talking about fashion with Lily and the next a news report comes in talking about how they found the Punisher's dead body in an some ass-crack alley of Hell's Kitchen. At first she thinks she'll feel bad, that this is be the moment where she realizes a part of her did care about him, but there's nothing. Only a numb acceptance that this was the only way his life could've ended.

Peter texts her in the afternoon, the first time in months, 'Castle's funeral is at Pine Groves in three days. Come if you want.' She looks at the message over and over again, like she's somehow expecting to find some secret meaning in the words. There's no reason for her to go, not really.

So of course she goes without telling Lily.

The funeral is a lonely thing. The clouds are overcast - but not enough to rain and pretend someone out there was crying for Frank Castle. Peter's there - looking the same except for some rough stubble - and so is Moon Knight, but Black Cat and Bullseye are no-shows. She sees an older blonde woman and two pre-teens she doesn't recognize. Castle's family; the one he abandoned to go on his vigilante crusade.

None of them cry, not even his kids. Lana looks down at the lonely tombstone and grips the fabric of her black dress. Is this how they would all die, she wonders. Shot to death in some alley and then buried while a priest droned on and on about their supposed virtues? She's sure Lily, her mom and her friends would cry for her, at least. Better than what Frank Castle could get.

There aren't any final words of respect. Maria Castle leaves a single flower at his tombstone and leaves, taking her children with her. Peter stands in front of the grave and Lana joins him. Moon Knight keeps his distance, "...How'd he die?" she asks eventually.

"Took too many bullets and bled out. Killed every member of the cartel, though," Peter laughs. It sounds like he's growling instead, "...I'll admit, I thought I Castle would outlive most of us. Crazy bastard was too stubborn to die."

"Guess not." She licks her lips and says the most inappropriate thing she can think of at a funeral, "...I missed you."

She doesn't expect an answer, but Peter actually speaks up, "I missed you too..." He looks up at the gray clouds and frowns, "God, look at us. A teenage vigilante and a dead man living on borrowed time pretending to mourn a killer. I don't even know why I came."

"Yeah, me either." That's a lie; she knows exactly why she's here, "Surprised Moon Knight showed."

"There's a bunch of personalities in that head of his. I guess at least one of them got along with Castle."

They stay in silence for the next few minutes. She doesn't know what she's hoping to get by staying. They still haven't talked about what happened and she doesn't expect she can fix it with just a few words. What can she say? That even after all that she was scared? That she could blow a man's head open like a grape but the idea of losing some blood between her legs scared the crap out of her?

She doesn't say any of that.

"I love you..."

Peter doesn't look at her, doesn't even look like he heard what she just said. Lana can't blame him. Confessing in front of a fucking tombstone? Her mom had shit taste and timing and even she wasn't this horrifically bad at expressing herself. Wherever Castle is - Heaven, Hell or wherever - he's probably rolling around in his fucking grave knowing how much of an ass she was acting at his funeral.

Peter's next words surprise her even more, "I know..." She looks up at him in shock, but he's still facing ahead, "Can't imagine why, though. I ain't exactly a catch. You could do with someone who's not as fucked up."

"Maybe that's why I like you." She shrugs, feeling her confidence return, "Look at me, Pete. I've killed more than people twice my age and I don't even blink anymore seeing assholes die choking on their own blood. I can't imagine myself dating some nice guy who worries over me like a doting boyfriend and wants me to pretend that I'm not a fucked up bitch. It's not fair to them or me."

"If you say so..." He pulls out a cigarette and lights it. Lana's glad the priest is gone; even she knows it's disrespectful to do that, "What do you want to do now?"

She wants an answer besides 'I know', but she doesn't say that, "I want things to go back to the way they were."

"I do, too."

The trip back to his apartment is spent in complete silence and when she finally gets back inside and Spider-Pug greets her she allows herself a smile. She's back home.


It's a few weeks after her 18th birthday when she finally joins the Avengers.

It's not a big deal, not like the first announcement. Captain America called her up and asked her if she was still interested in joining so she said yes. One mission later where she managed to not kill herself or the rest of her teammates and suddenly she's the newest member of the Captain America liberty squad. All she knows is it comes with a paycheck and she's not passing that up.

Her old classmates probably think it's the high life after that, but it was anything but. She never really talked to the older Avengers like Cap, She-Hulk or Wasp and even the younger ones weren't exactly best friend material. Hawkeye was nice enough and so was Spinerette, but she can't talk to them. It's hard to work with people who don't get their jollies shooting kneecaps after the Defenders.

And Spider-Woman...well, less said of her the better. Lana knows there's something up with her and Pete, but she doesn't ask. The tabloids and trash are all over it: a super break-up, trouble in paradise, relationship gone wrong...she doesn't know and at this point even the most desperate of paparazzi gave up for who Johnny Storm's new girlfriend is.

All she knows is that the two of them meet for coffee once a month...and she's 90% sure it's not another word for fucking.

She asks Peter one day.

"What's up with you and Spider-Woman?"

He gives her that look, the same one he gives Bullseye when he's being a pain the ass. Lana looks back at him without caving and he eventually sighs, "It's complicated."

"Try me."

"I killed her mom."

Lana blinks, and then blinks again. A minute of nothing said passes before she finally manages to say, "What?"

"Her mom was dead, and then she came back because of Murdock. When I killed Murdock a year ago Mrs. Spider-Woman went back under." She gapes at him like a fish, "Told you it was complicated."

"Y-Yeah, you sure did..." She scratches at her head, "Does she...hate you?" She never forgave William for what he did to her mom. Was it the same for Spider-Woman?

"Hate's...not the right word." He leans forward on his seat, "She understands why it happened and she knows it's the lesser evil, but..." He shrugs, "I still killed her mom; that's something neither of us can forget. We still meet up once a month to keep in contact, but that's it. It's hard to look at your mom's murderer in the eyes and tell him you don't hate him."



Lana's 19, just a few weeks shy of 20, when Lily gets married.

She doesn't really know the guy. Some reporter who goes into warzones to talk about how kids are picking up assault rifles. It's admirable, and she's been on the other end enough to know how fucked up it can make a person, but she hates the pitying looks he gives her; like she's just another one of his problem children that people have to be aware of and feel bad for.

Still, she finds herself smiling as Lily walks down the aisle in her wedding dress. She has mixed feelings being given the bridesmaid busywork, especially since William's in the front row seat, but seeing the two of them kiss on the altar makes it all worth it. Her deserves this, deserves a good man who actually has a decent head on his shoulders instead of a chip.

Lily deserves someone good. Lana can't say the same for herself, or even that she wants it.

The afterparty's a blur. A lot of congratulations, a lot of tears and hugs and kisses for the camera crew. William Hollister's daughters, one married and the other a bonafide Avenger. The man himself can't be more proud.

Yeah, right...

Lana sits down at one of the corner tables and nurses her glass of wine. The dress is more low-cut than what she's usually comfortable with and a few of the other attendees definitely notice. She scoffs and sips her wine, ignoring their not-so-subtle looks and 'come hither' eyes. The only reason she's here is because of Lily, no one and nothing else.

A few hours later Lily asks her if there are wedding bells in her future. She doesn't bother answering that; it was pathetic enough that he still hadn't said anything in nearly 2 years.

By the time she can leave without causing a scandal she feels about ready to collapse, "Fucking shit..." She cradles the box full of expensive wine closer to her and cringes at the tight pinching at her feet. There's a reason she doesn't wear heels, "Hey, Pete, open up..." She kicks at the door with her left foot and waits impatiently for him to open. She knows for a fact that he's not sleeping yet.

Lo and behold the door opens, "...Thought you were at a wedding?" Her eyes trail down his bare chest and she swallows nervously. Still, she didn't miss the way his eyes snapped down to her own chest before quickly snapping back up. It was a first time for her and she practically grinned inside.

"I was, now I'm back." She steps inside and tosses the torture devices off her feet into a corner, "Bought some wine, the expensive kind." His expression softens at that. Even if he bought cheap swill he could still appreciate a good vintage, "Come on, I'm not drinking it by myself, Pete."

"Yeah, yeah..."


It's a day after her 21st birthday when he asks.

"Why are you still here?"

Lana looks up from her glass of cider and frowns. Normally 21st birthdays are a time for celebration - old enough to drink, old enough to buy cigarettes, old enough that no old guy can tell you what to do because he had a 'happy little accident'. Lana finds that she doesn't care so much. She's been drinking and doing more than enough things that would get her blacklisted since she was 15; why would being 'allowed' feel special to her?

"That's fucking rude," she sets her cider down, "Want me outta your hair, Pete? I already paid this month's rent."

"That's not what I meant." He sighs, "Lana, you're 21."

"Yeah, I remember my birthday, thanks."

"You know what I mean." He purses his lips. She thinks it makes him look constipated, "You're one of the experienced Avengers, you're in can do better than staying in some rathole apartment with a washed up vigilante."

"Yeah, I could probably go to William and ask for a penthouse full of male strippers; I've made him enough money that he can afford to give me one." She rolls her eyes, "I can do a lot of things, Pete, but I don't really want to." She crosses her legs, "Besides, you really want me gone? Teresa hasn't talked to you since we killed Murdock and you going from once a month to twice a month coffee meetings with Spider-Woman isn't really a big improvement. Especially not after Bullseye left."

"...What about a relationship?" he asks slowly, "You're 21 now, don't you have some guy you want to share all this with?"

"The only person I want is here, and he hasn't said anything about it in 4 years."

Lana doesn't feel nervous admitting it anymore. She understands how pathetic it is waiting years for an answer that might not come, but she doesn't care. Her mom didn't exactly teach her good romance and being nearly killed by some religious serial killer fucks someone up in more ways than one. As far as she's concerned she's in love and she knows it.

"...I was kinda hoping that you'd find someone else." He sets his glass of cider down, "...There's not much I can give you, Lana. We both know that."

"Do you see me asking for the picket fence?" She laughs, bitter, "All I ever wanted was here. You, Spider-Pug, a place to come back to where I don't have to pretend. You're the one who thought I could do better when I never asked for it."

"You're fine with this? Even when you can do better? I can't tell if you're crazy or just desperate."

Lana sets her glass aside and kisses him. She likes to think that answers the question.


It all starts a few months later when her period doesn't come. She doesn't think anything of it at first, maybe just a late cycle because she hasn't been eating as much (Avengers missions tended to do that), but when she wakes up wanting to vomit after being weeks sober she has to face facts.

"Oh, fuck..." Lana stares at the positive sign on the pregnancy test stick and sucks in a deep breath. She and Peter always used protection - the last thing they needed was to bring a kid into their fucked up lives. But now the little red plus sign is staring back at her, "God damn it..." How, she wonders. They were careful, either with protection or pills. This wasn't...

She shakes her head. It doesn't matter; there's no going back now.

Lana sits at the couch and waits for Peter to come back, Spider-Pug sleeping at her lap. He's been busy ever since he started working with that Jessica Jones chick as a P.I. Half an hour passes before the door finally opens and he steps in, "Hey, Lana." He lets out an exhausted breath only stop walking when he sees her, "...Something's wrong." She can't tell if it's his spider-sense or he just knows her that wall. She hopes it's the latter.

She doesn't say anything, just points to the stick at the table. Peter picks it up and his eyes go wide, which makes her heart beat faster. He won't abandon her, he's not like William, but she can't stop herself from being nervous.

He sits next to her without a word and she lets herself relax against him. She's scared, she's not ashamed to admit it. Still, there's one thing that crosser her mind through all the anxiety, "...I'm not terminating it." Peter just hums, "I know what it's like to be a 'happy' accident and I've seen how mom worked her ass off to provide for me. I'm not gonna do something she didn't do to me."

"I didn't say we should..." He brings a hand through her hair and she sighs in relief, "...I just wanna know if you're sure."

"Am I sure? Fuck no." She laughs, "I think we can both agree that neither of us are parent of the year material, Pete. But..." She grabs his free hand and squeezes, "We've survived everything else so far. We can survive this, too."

The first thing they do is move to a different apartment. It feels odd, leaving the place she called home for a over quarter of her life, but they both agree that they could barely fit Spider-Pug, let alone everything a kid needed. Thankfully it's not too hard to find a modest place and soon enough they have a new home that doesn't look like it's gonna collapse any second now.

Her mom's ecstatic when she tells her...though Lana wonders how much of it is because she's becoming a grandmother and how much of it is because Lana waited till she was actually legal age to get knocked up. Lily's similarly excited, already thinking up baby names and planning playdates with her and Tyler (her kid). She doesn't have the heart to tell them it's not a planned pregnancy.

She doesn't tell William and she doubts he gives a fuck.

The next few months pass by in a blur. She tells the Avengers about it, who give her congratulations and talk about check-ups to make sure that the baby doesn't explode out of her stomach or something. The thought of it definitely scares her, though thankfully the tests prove the baby's gonna be normal for the first couple of years; and that's if it gets anything from either of them at all.

"Ben and May are excited," Peter says a lot of months in. Lana doesn't bother responding, mostly because she feels like a bloated walrus, "They never thought they'd ever get grandkids after what happened."

"Yeah, well, they can join the club." She sits up on the bed with a groan, "Mom's already planning for a second kid and Spinerette keeps asking me if I found a Godmother yet. Lily called dibs, by the way."

"Huh, funny, Spider-Woman asked me the same thing." He sits at the side of the bed and squeezes her hand, "Not much longer now..."

Another couple of months pass and eventually the day comes.

"Fucking son of a bitch asshole shit fucking fuck!"

Lana squeezes Peter's hand in a death grip and lets out another curse. Whoever told her about pregnancy being a beautiful thing? They were talking out of their fucking asses! She'd missed Lily's delivery because of an Avengers mission - something she still feels bad about - but her sister told her it 'wasn't so bad'.

When she gets out of here she and her sister are gonna have words!

Nearly an hour passes before it finally ends. Lana's breathing hard and covered in sweat by the time she hears the first cries, "...It's a girl." Peter's voice is soft but she hears it clear as day. The crying gets louder and she sits up slightly on the bed to get a better look.

The tiny thing swaddled up in a blue towel makes her smile despite the pain and fatigue. The doctor mutters something to the nurse before he presses her into her arms, "Hey..." She can't stop the tears that well up. So much for not crying, she thinks, smiling at both Peter and the new addition to their family. Was this how her mom felt all those years ago? She hopes so.

"We think of a name?" Peter asks.

"...Annie. We'll call her Annie."


Both of them wake up to Spider-Pug barking in a panic. Peter gets up first and Lana's not far behind him. Her first thought is an attack, that maybe someone punched through all the security systems and this would be the day they dreaded. "If anyone hurt her..." Her fists lights up and she almost rushes past Peter in her haste to Annie's room.

The scene that meets them is the exact opposite of dread.

The room is splattered with small globs of dark webbing while the lamps, bed and chairs are in disarray. At the center of it all was Annie, who looked up at her parents with a gleeful smile, "Mama, papa, look!" She pulls her fingers back clumsily and ejects a another small net of webbing in Spider-Pug's direction, which he dodges with a panicked yip, "I can do the same thing as daddy."

Lana laughs. She should've known they could never be normal. She takes her little girl in her arms and smiles at Peter, "Guess we know who she takes after." Annie cheers and Peter cracks a smile, "Looks we got our work ahead of us, Pete."

"Was there any doubt?"

"Heh...nope." She tickles her daughter's sides and gets a pleased giggle in response, "Welcome to our world, Annie."


And then the baby suddenly explodes...okay, not really, but given genetics and Noir's powers coming from magic it's really not unlikely that the kid could've gotten either only Lana's powers or both of them, in which case you've got an exploding baby that can webswing. You think raising a kid is tough now? Ooh, just wait...

Anyway, yeah, this turned really fucking sappy at the end. Originally I was going to go with either a bittersweet ending (Noir leaves Lana but she eventually moves on without him) or an outright downer one (The Beast possesses Gwen and kills Noir, Lana and their kid). Eventually I changed it to this diabetes inducing one since the next arcs in the main story are depressing enough all on their own.

Even this ending would've been slightly bittersweet since Peter would've made a comment about 'the Spider-God getting another pawn'. I went for a more idealistic 'legacy hero' feel instead ala Spider-Girl.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this. It was kind of hard to write due to experimenting with present tense, but hopefully it's alright. Oh and obviously some things have changed from the main story - Carnage!MJ is never mentioned, Murdock is killed with little fanfare, Lana doesn't leave Noir at the Carnage arc epilogue etc etc. Just think of this as an alternate universe, I guess.


1. Speaking of Lana, something I'm curious about. Do you guys mind her transition in the main story? By that I mean she starts out as someone who can barely kill Dave (pimp who sold her mom out), spares Sin Eater (shotgunned her mom) and falls for an obvious grenade trap that she has to be saved from to someone who can fight on par with the Defenders and fearlessly fights against Carnage thralls, SILK agents and Hand ninjas over the course of a few weeks.

Compare this to Eugene, who from start to finish (so far) is basically still a joke character noob. I get that she has powers and that she grew up in a rough part of town, but I wonder if people find the transition way too abrupt. This can be chalked up to the fact that she wasn't originally intended as part of the Defenders team and was a joke character like the aforementioned Eugene and Gabriel.

2. Given this omake, I wonder if you guys can see Gwen and Noir settling down with a kid. In Lana's case it kinda works since, as she acknowledges, both her and Peter are equally fucked up. Not so much those two.

3. I know it's too late to ask, but given comments I've received would you guys have preferred if I had Gwen go through the 'rip off the suit' plotline like canon rather than being permanently Gwenomed like she's (heavily implied) to be in canon? The comments on her being overpowered are frequent enough to make it something to ask, though I compensated by buffing her antagonsits as well.
1 - I like her a lot! I am happy with her transitioning to the main story

2 - I can see it happening, but yeah you do have a point of it becoming incredibly difficult to happen, yet this kind of story definitely would be entertaining to follow.

3 - I am going, to be honest, she really does feel too much overpowered with the Venom suit, if you could take it off somehow I can see her character becoming much better IMO.

About the Omake...ok thank you for making my week, this felt incredibly good to read, Lena growth through the phases of her life were subtly and well handled, and believable.

Hehe, I wonder if Teresa is able to see such possible future.
1 - I like her a lot! I am happy with her transitioning to the main story

2 - I can see it happening, but yeah you do have a point of it becoming incredibly difficult to happen, yet this kind of story definitely would be entertaining to follow.

3 - I am going, to be honest, she really does feel too much overpowered with the Venom suit, if you could take it off somehow I can see her character becoming much better IMO.

About the Omake...ok thank you for making my week, this felt incredibly good to read, Lana's growth through the phases of her life were subtly and well handled, and believable.

Hehe, I wonder if Teresa is able to see such possible future.

How does taking Venom off improve Gwen's character? I'm not trying to be difficult I'm legitimately curious. The focus of LG has always been the character interactions and Gwen's character and personality is relatively unaffected by her power levels. She never at any point lets it gettk her head or acts better than anyone else because she can bench press a tank.

And thanks for the compliment :) As for seeing futures, most likely. Teresa references alternate futures/dimensions all the time like when she mentioned a world where Carnage killed Gwen, Noir or both during the Maximum Carnage arc. If she wants to be teasing then she could mention it to Lana, though it's likely Noir will cut her off.
How does taking Venom off improve Gwen's character? I'm not trying to be difficult I'm legitimately curious. The focus of LG has always been the character interactions and Gwen's character and personality is relatively unaffected by her power levels. She never at any point lets it gettk her head or acts better than anyone else because she can bench press a tank.

And thanks for the compliment :) As for seeing futures, most likely. Teresa references alternate futures/dimensions all the time like when she mentioned a world where Carnage killed Gwen, Noir or both during the Maximum Carnage arc. If she wants to be teasing then she could mention it to Lana, though it's likely Noir will cut her off.
Hmm, let's see it is not about strength itself that is the problem, but more that the 'flavor' of spidey stories has been lost with Gwen being too much powerful.

The 'flavor' that I am talking about is the one where Spidey heroes use mostly their wits to outmaneuver their opponents, and clever tactics abusing their opponent's weakness to defeat them, I mean Vanilla!Spiderman uses the environment + trashtalking to defeat Rhino all the time as an example.
Hmm, let's see it is not about strength itself that is the problem, but more that the 'flavor' of spidey stories has been lost with Gwen being too much powerful.

The 'flavor' that I am talking about is the one where Spidey heroes use mostly their wits to outmaneuver their opponents, and clever tactics abusing their opponent's weakness to defeat them, I mean Vanilla!Spiderman uses the environment + trashtalking to defeat Rhino all the time as an example.

Yeah but that's also a mixed bag since Spidey struggles against opponents he logically should be able to beat with one finger - MCU Vulture and Shocker being good examples. Anyway, in Gwen's case her antagonists are either buffed up to meet her power level or they just flat out take advantage of her personality/morals/loved ones to avoid a beating. 65-Cindy does both, what with planning to kidnap Jessica and augmenting herself with Martin's Darkforce powers.

That and Spider-Gwen always felt weird to me. In canon why did she struggle against Castle, Vulture etc etc? These are normal humans with no powers, and the former doesn't even have a fancy suit or anything when Gwen fistfights him. This gave me the impression that Gwen's story was less about being the intelligent underdog - because she's not - and more her struggling to keep her loved ones and morals intact and dealing with the ramifications of her powers and the unhealthy attention it gets her - Matt, Punisher and Vulture go after her purely because she has powers and she's 'special' as a result, not because of anything she did to them personally.

Noir's more the opposite: his powers are extremely limited but in this fic is main antagonists care about him because of his personality and they're seemingly obsessed with pushing him to his breaking pijnt. Even his teammates ally with him mostly because of who he is, even if they hate the other members of the group. Gwen by contrast is more a follower of the older Avengers and stands on more equal footing with junior members like Kate and Cindy.
I'm writing for my other fic again and looked back on the plans for future LG arcs. I wonder, on average do you guys prefer the darker arcs/segments like Sin Eater and Muse or lighter ones like Paper Doll and the Cabin Retreat? I'm trying to decide on the tone for the next chapters and whether there should be lighter segments (ala MCU movies) or we stick to a consistently downbeat theme like the latter half of Final Fantasy XV. I'll admit I'm better at writing the latter compared to the former, but compromise and all that.
Hmm, next question then: how badly does it reflect on Noir that he's allied with psychopaths and murderers like Frank Castle and Bullseye? The other Defenders can be excused eventually but these two are just major black marks. Captain Stacy called him out on this before but that discussion got cut off. Assuming this is actually talked about I wonder if this'll cause some major friction. By the same vein, however, does it reflect badly on Gwen that she's working in a team with Captain America who's deliberately keeping Carnage's origins a secret?
Hmm, next question then: how badly does it reflect on Noir that he's allied with psychopaths and murderers like Frank Castle and Bullseye? The other Defenders can be excused eventually but these two are just major black marks. Captain Stacy called him out on this before but that discussion got cut off. Assuming this is actually talked about I wonder if this'll cause some major friction. By the same vein, however, does it reflect badly on Gwen that she's working in a team with Captain America who's deliberately keeping Carnage's origins a secret?
Reputation-wise Noir get a lot of bad rep for the general population for being allied with them, but with Gwen saying that stuff of her being his 'mentor', to get out of the life of 'villainy', could have some gossip of it being extended for those antiheroes/antivillains with Noir acting as a conductor to attract those two to work with SHIELD.

Gwen will get a bad reputation with those that hate establishments and were directly affect by the tragedy, while I can see the mainstream media trying to excuse the behavior of SHIELD in some way, Gwen reputation as a heroine would receive minimal damage as most of her time heroing as been apart from SHIELD, so I can see lots people rationalizing that she was kept in the dark.
Reputation-wise Noir get a lot of bad rep for the general population for being allied with them, but with Gwen saying that stuff of her being his 'mentor', to get out of the life of 'villainy', could have some gossip of it being extended for those antiheroes/antivillains with Noir acting as a conductor to attract those two to work with SHIELD.

Gwen will get a bad reputation with those that hate establishments and were directly affect by the tragedy, while I can see the mainstream media trying to excuse the behavior of SHIELD in some way, Gwen reputation as a heroine would receive minimal damage as most of her time heroing as been apart from SHIELD, so I can see lots people rationalizing that she was kept in the dark.

I meant in a more personal note. Would George Stacy and the Parkers really just let this go? Especially the former since Peter's dating his daughter? Likewise do they have the right to get on Noir's case about it while letting Gwen's fib go?
I meant in a more personal note. Would George Stacy and the Parkers really just let this go? Especially the former since Peter's dating his daughter? Likewise do they have the right to get on Noir's case about it while letting Gwen's fib go?
Oh, I can see George trying to talk in private with Peter about it, and it would paint George view of Peter in a bad light, with him not working to somehow forcibly put Noir in jail, out of respect of his daughter wishes and because he trusts she can be more persuasive to make him stop hanging around with such crowd.
About him being biased, well I think Noir would understand George being biased in favor of his daughter, but I can see Peter pointing it out if the private conversation goes downhill.

The Parkers sadly would be more passive, but more effective if they tried to talk Peter to stop hanging around with the rest of the Defenders, but fear of pushing Peter away would hinge/slow the efforts of the old couple...but right now they are at peace, Peter is not going out being a vigilante at the moment.
Oh, I can see George trying to talk in private with Peter about it, and it would paint George view of Peter in a bad light, with him not working to somehow forcibly put Noir in jail, out of respect of his daughter wishes and because he trusts she can be more persuasive to make him stop hanging around with such crowd. About him being biased, well I think Noir would understand George being biased in favor of his daughter, but I can see Peter pointing it out if the private conversation goes downhill.

Would the conversation be private, however? It might be more effective if they talk about it while Gwen and/or the Parkers are in the room since Noir has never given much indication he's willing to listen to George on his own. Remember their conversation in Sin Eater? That and Gwen being in the room might make more sense given that the two are currently dating and she's a grown woman; sneaking around her could be seen as condescending since it seems like they don't trust her to pitch in.

The Parkers sadly would be more passive, but more effective if they tried to talk Peter to stop hanging around with the rest of the Defenders, but fear of pushing Peter away would hinge/slow the efforts of the old couple...but right now they are at peace, Peter is not going out being a vigilante at the moment.

I guess that's an issue. They're so afraid of alienating Peter that they never seem to do anything about his aberrant behavior. Still, are they at peace? They know he's fucking around with Murdock and that dude is the fucking devil. That and considering the bodycount Peter leaves behind it's pretty unlikely they haven't seen his handiwork on the new.
Would the conversation be private, however? It might be more effective if they talk about it while Gwen and/or the Parkers are in the room since Noir has never given much indication he's willing to listen to George on his own. Remember their conversation in Sin Eater? That and Gwen being in the room might make more sense given that the two are currently dating and she's a grown woman; sneaking around her could be seen as condescending since it seems like they don't trust her to pitch in.
It is to avoid involving her in the conversation, as George would predict Gwen response and reaction to him confronting Peter, basically hijacking the conversation with Peter into a fight between the two of them.

Still, are they at peace? They know he's fucking around with Murdock and that dude is the fucking devil. That and considering the bodycount Peter leaves behind it's pretty unlikely they haven't seen his handiwork on the new.
Hmm, I was thinking more about the time of him working as a vigilante and killing bad guys in the streets, so I can see them worrying more about him to stop working alone and get help from those who help Gwen.
I forgot they were aware of Peter war with the Hand/Murdock.
It is to avoid involving her in the conversation, as George would predict Gwen response and reaction to him confronting Peter, basically hijacking the conversation with Peter into a fight between the two of them.

Catch-22: Peter doesn't have much stock and care to what George thinks of him, but adding Gwen risks destabilizing the entire thing. Still, it's less Peter's own methods and more his allies. Currently George can stomach Peter's methods by itself since he generally assumes he doesn't kill needlessly or commit executions, but Bullseye and Punisher are really just major black marks. And while Noir can denounce Castle he will stick up for Bullseye, and between him and Castle Bullseye's the more deranged and obviously sadistic, so it makes Peter look like he supports his methods.

Hmm, I was thinking more about the time of him working as a vigilante and killing bad guys in the streets, so I can see them worrying more about him to stop working alone and get help from those who help Gwen. I forgot they were aware of Peter war with the Hand/Murdock.

Don't forget that Peter's currently blind and Gwen's going to drop him off at the Parker house; seeing their 'retired' vigilante kid coming back without his eyesight is bound to put a damper on whatever happy thoughts they might have. That and they do worry about Peter's future. Gwen is a SHIELD sanctioned hero and an Avenger, but Peter seems to just jump from fight to fight, racking up injuries with no long term plan for himself besides living to the next day. They'd probably freak once they realize he's exhibiting some suicidal tendencies as well...

Hmm, do you think Ben and May would put their foot down eventually? Peter's behavior is hardly healthy so holding back at the risk of losing him might not be good enough for them if they figure they'll lose him if they don't do something.
Hmm, do you think Ben and May would put their foot down eventually? Peter's behavior is hardly healthy so holding back at the risk of losing him might not be good enough for them if they figure they'll lose him if they don't do something.
Kinda, I can see Aunt May using the emotional advantage to try to reign in Peter suicidal tendencies, and to him to seek the couple more for help when it comes to what he is feeling, Uncle Ben would go for the more direct approach he would ask why he is doing what he does, trying to see Peter motives, and depending on his answer give him guidance so he can truly choose his path.
Kinda, I can see Aunt May using the emotional advantage to try to reign in Peter suicidal tendencies, and to him to seek the couple more for help when it comes to what he is feeling, Uncle Ben would go for the more direct approach he would ask why he is doing what he does, trying to see Peter motives, and depending on his answer give him guidance so he can truly choose his path.

Hmm, so what if he doesn't really have a long term motive? Gwen did the Spider-Woman thing out of guilt and because it was the right thing to do; she just lucked out that she got an Avengers invite and paycheck. From the start of the story Peter's gotten involved in crimes and vigilante antics purely due to his own desire for justice (though he would call it spite) and his conflict with Murdock is half that and half self-defense.

Big issue comes in how unhealthy it is. Gwen moved past her self-sacrifice phase when she outed Peter as the Lizard, but (apart from his fee friendships and 'retirement) Peter is still stuck in it. This becomes most blatant in the Jack arc since the conflict puts Noir through the breaking point and yet he never shows signs of halting or changing course.
Hmm, so what if he doesn't really have a long term motive?
This is the thing, Peter himself would say that he was a Vigilante on a whim, but the core of his desire to be a superhero would be to defeat evil, to stop it from hurting other people, he hates seeing villains hurt innocent people go unpunished, as he sees those same villains as those who killed and hurt those he loved in the Noir universe.

It is unhealthy like you said, after all, he is only focusing on the violence side of his goal of eliminating the bad guys, he can't see himself doing it in any other way...Uncle Ben could act as an advisor and a listening ear to Peter to not blind himself into thinking there is only one way, and make him see more possibilities.
This is the thing, Peter himself would say that he was a Vigilante on a whim, but the core of his desire to be a superhero would be to defeat evil, to stop it from hurting other people, he hates seeing villains hurt innocent people go unpunished, as he sees those same villains as those who killed and hurt those he loved in the Noir universe.

It is unhealthy like you said, after all, he is only focusing on the violence side of his goal of eliminating the bad guys, he can't see himself doing it in any other way...Uncle Ben could act as an advisor and a listening ear to Peter to not blind himself into thinking there is only one way, and make him see more possibilities.

Hmm, but could Ben and May accept how violent he is? Gwen kinda just treats it like the elephant in the living room and they don't talk about it. Could either of them really bear to talk to him about the people he's beaten down, tortured and killed, even if it's for a noble goal or the person had it coming? That's not even getting to the piling injuries he sustians.

Also, he focuses on the violence side because, unlike Gwen, Noir's villains are generally irredeemable: Sin Eater, Muse, Lord Ogre and especially Jack are pretty damn monstrous and have none of the quirks of Gwen's baddies. Same goes for the villains the Defenders fight: Raoul Bushman, Jigsaw, Elektra, Diamondback etc etc are unrepentant criminals with bodycounts in the double to triple digits. There are no other methods.
Hmm, but could Ben and May accept how violent he is? Gwen kinda just treats it like the elephant in the living room and they don't talk about it. Could either of them really bear to talk to him about the people he's beaten down, tortured and killed, even if it's for a noble goal or the person had it coming? That's not even getting to the piling injuries he sustians.

Also, he focuses on the violence side because, unlike Gwen, Noir's villains are generally irredeemable: Sin Eater, Muse, Lord Ogre and especially Jack are pretty damn monstrous and have none of the quirks of Gwen's baddies. Same goes for the villains the Defenders fight: Raoul Bushman, Jigsaw, Elektra, Diamondback etc etc are unrepentant criminals with bodycounts in the double to triple digits. There are no other methods.
Yeah they would worry about his methods, both of them would advise him to not go for killing, as they would worry about him mentally/his soul, about the people he already killed/tortured/injured...yeah I can see them trying to ignore it and failing, and a discussion of subconsciously guilty and self-view of himself would follow, to why he thinks his presence in anyone lifes are detrimental, as because of his actions he sees himself as a criminal himself.

Oh yeah, I don't expect them to try to talk Peter into becoming Batman-like with him letting go of Villain mass-murderers so they can get the help they need, those kinds of villains he would say do not deserve mercy, but I can see them pushing very hard for him to avoid killing anyway, with Peter compromising to do it only when no other method would work for the peace of mind of them.

About his injuries, yeah...this would push them into those conversations we are discussing very much sooner.
Yeah they would worry about his methods, both of them would advise him to not go for killing, as they would worry about him mentally/his soul, about the people he already killed/tortured/injured...yeah I can see them trying to ignore it and failing, and a discussion of subconsciously guilty and self-view of himself would follow, to why he thinks his presence in anyone lifes are detrimental, as because of his actions he sees himself as a criminal himself.

Oh yeah, I don't expect them to try to talk Peter into becoming Batman-like with him letting go of Villain mass-murderers so they can get the help they need, those kinds of villains he would say do not deserve mercy, but I can see them pushing very hard for him to avoid killing anyway, with Peter compromising to do it only when no other method would work for the peace of mind of them.

About his injuries, yeah...this would push them into those conversations we are discussing very much sooner.

Thanks for the discussion so far :) To get close to wrap up: If we're being cynical, the question that comes to mind is if he'd actually listen to thrm. He and Gwen spent dozens of chapters arguing with one another so why would Ben and May have better luck? He cares about Gwen as much as he does them and yet they're barely compromising.
Thanks for the discussion so far :) To get close to wrap up: If we're being cynical, the question that comes to mind is if he'd actually listen to thrm. He and Gwen spent dozens of chapters arguing with one another so why would Ben and May have better luck? He cares about Gwen as much as he does them and yet they're barely compromising.
He would, Uncle Ben and Aunt May will always be the people that Peter will always listen to when it comes to wise advice in almost all universes, the only difference would be that this Peter would hide this effect they have on him and would be more argumentative.
He would, Uncle Ben and Aunt May will always be the people that Peter will always listen to when it comes to wise advice in almost all universes, the only difference would be that this Peter would hide this effect they have on him and would be more argumentative.

That says a lot of bad things on him not listening to Gwen, then >_> Although, could you see the two ever giving up on him? His behavior is so abberant they might just consider 'their' Peter lost to them, meaning Noir isn't worth trying to rein in anymore.
That says a lot of bad things on him not listening to Gwen, then >_> Although, could you see the two ever giving up on him? His behavior is so abberant they might just consider 'their' Peter lost to them, meaning Noir isn't worth trying to rein in anymore.
Oh but he is listening to Gwen, he is compromising and slowly changing himself, not to her ideal, but something close he is comfortable with.

About the Parkers giving up on Peter...I don't think so, it is easier for them to die or lose their memories of him than to give up on Peter on their own free will.