Through the Ages (Exalted CK2 Style Empire Builder)

As you yourself said in Republic's Ashes, Alectai - it's Hard Modo, we do what we have to to survive.
So unless Neiya was secretly bronze faction all along, if there is a bronze faction spy in the cabinet it pretty much has to be Kaiden.
Actually no.
1. If it was Kaiden we would've been already identified as Solar. As one of main ministers he is close enough for long enough and he have all prerequisites to notice and understand. As we aren't identified as Solar whoever did report was probably mortal without relevant experience/knowledge.
2. Kaiden is relatively new and not somebody who is with us from early stage of our reign - which is ch1. Kaiden is from ch2.

That is presuming that she tells truth. But if we presume otherwise she can lie about mole too - it could've been some sort Siderial or Divine (organized by Sids) help.
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[X] Accept the woman's offer, Intrigue Actions to identify the mole will unlock, possible risk of her not being your friend.
2. Kaiden is relatively new and not somebody who is with us from early stage of our reign - which is ch1. Kaiden is from ch2.

The only people from Chapter 1 who are still around are Altren, Neiya, and Ember. If it was Ember then why hasn't she sold us out to the realm and gotten herself put in charge?
The only people from Chapter 1 who are still around are Altren, Neiya, and Ember. If it was Ember then why hasn't she sold us out to the realm and gotten herself put in charge?
You are forgetting that Realm (or for that matter anybody important) employs not just spies but often enough dynasties of spies. I think we have plenty of people that are descended from ch1 staff in our current palace staff and military command. Creation politics can be slow and with supernatural abilities sometimes infiltration requires generations of work to get in position.
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I was assuming the spy was a named character. If we're talking about people who aren't important enough to get named, then sure. There are plenty of suspects.
Also about Kaiden being spy for Wild Hunt... Weeeellll... He is god-blooded. Which means that by hardcore Immaculates he should be killed as he shouldn't exist in the first place and he is breach in natural order of things. And those Immaculates that lead Wild Hunt usually more hardcore than most.

Yes, stranger things happened, but, well...

PS. Unless he's Sid. But then again we would've been identified as Solar... and 100% would've been no ifs or buts.
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[X] Accept the woman's offer, Intrigue Actions to identify the mole will unlock, possible risk of her not being your friend.

She was helpful, and really we're not exactly offering all that much. Plus, worst case, she potentially is a useful scapegoat for us.
This is either a Gethiminian or a Sidereal trying to get an in into our organisation.

As for the mole, I would presume it's a Sidereal using a Resplendent Destiny as a minor functionary to occasionally check in on the kingdom. Remember that they are extremely busy, so it's very possible that they missed the implications if they didn't go further than surface appearances, or its a Sidereal who found having an Exalt, any Exalt, even a Solar Exalt on the border of Creation protecting it preferable to the alternative of the Realm having to plug a hole in the walls of Creation.

Or, just as possible, it's a Sidereal that doesn't follow the Bronze Faction, or atleast not as well as they say they do.
[X] Accept the woman's offer, Intrigue Actions to identify the mole will unlock, possible risk of her not being your friend.

What does that last bit mean? I assume that it means that this woman may not have benevolent intentions towards us.

Which is, well, assumed.

Now, as to the spy mentioned...

I would wager on a Sidereal who's less party line - at least to the point of preferring us to be building up the kingdom. Now that the kingdom is safe, our usefulness has waned. Or, as Hazard mentioned, it's someone who wanders through, assumes a Resplendent Destiny and checks around before leaving.

Or it's a Sidereal who only recently has become suspicious of our cover story. Or has bought the cover story but knows there's a Solar wandering around somewhere in the area due to astrological predictions and the like.

Or it's a god that's been quietly feeding information.

Or she's lying, of course. We didn't see enough to take a guess at her nature, but couldn't we ask her about where her loyalties lie - at least in a way to take a shot at learning if she's an agent of a particularly powerful Raksha, the Deathlords or the Yozi.

A Gentimian is likely safe - well, safe-er.

EDIT: So what's our current Suspicion and Strength then? The former, I think, is somewhere around 20-ish?
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[X] Refuse the offer, Status quo is maintained, no possible gains, no possible losses
The court being compromised thing sounds more like a cover story for "I want to go after the Sidereal(s) coming along on this Hunt", TBH. Which is fine. I think if there was an actual traitor in the court - Sidereal using a Resplendent Destiny or not - they'd have moved against us immediately.

[X] Accept the woman's offer, Intrigue Actions to identify the mole will unlock, possible risk of her not being your friend.
Hopefully we will get an option to look into her loyalties, and secure them for ourselves. Something like what we have with the Immaculate Piety adviser, but without the obvious danger of what might happen if we fully sway her.
Kay, seems pretty clear, I'll add her to your Hero Unit list.

No update tonight for the new turn, but I'll do so tomorrow.
[X] Accept the woman's offer, Intrigue Actions to identify the mole will unlock, possible risk of her not being your friend.
*looks over potential minion/spy, notices purplish coloring and odd Martial art skills*

Hmm she seems legit to me ! :V